Lesson Code (Course - Master Objective # - Benchmark # - Lesson # - #) Biology – 5-5-2-1 food webs Title - Author Food Chains and Food Webs – Rhonda Cook Benchmark/Expectation/Concept/Process/Skill 5.2 Investigate and explain the transfer of energy in an ecosystem including food chains, food webs, and food pyramids. Relevant Goals Show-Me Process 1.6 1.8 Show-Me Science Content Missouri Science G(C)LE(s) 3 4.2.A: a 4.2.A: b. 4.2.B: a SJSD 6 National (5-8, 9-12) C Learning Path Previous Learning 4.1.A.a. Identify the biotic factors (populations of organisms) and abiotic factors (e.g., quantity of light and water, range of temperatures, soil composition) that make up an ecosystem 4.2.A.a Diagram and describe the transfer of energy in an aquatic food web and a land food web with reference to producers, consumers, decomposers, scavengers, and predator/prey relationships Possible Misconceptions Teacher Notes Targeted Learning 4.2.A: a. Illustrate and describe the flow of energy within a food web 4.2.A: b. Explain why there are generally more producers than consumers in an energy pyramid 4.2.B: a. Explain the processes involved in the recycling of nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon through an ecosystem Future Learning Engage: Engages the learner’s mind in the concept, process, or skill to be learned, and makes connections between prior experiences and the current learning goals. Ask students to write down what they had to eat for the past 2-3 meals. Once students have finished their lists, have them start naming off the various foods and list them on the board. Break down the basic elements for foods such as lasagna (tomato sauce, meat, pasta) or tacos (meat, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, sour cream, cheese, salsa, and shell). Next group the various items into like categories (meats, vegetables, dairy, etc.). Ask students where the different food items originally come from. Discuss what each of these items (animal, vegetable, grain) needs in order to grow and live. Lead this to a discussion of the energy cycle. View the presentation on the energy pyramid on the following website: http://www.vtaide.com/png/foodchains.htm Discuss the basic elements of the food chain Introduce and discuss producers, consumers and decomposers. Discuss differences between carnivore, herbivore, omnivore Discuss autotrophs, heterotrophs, predators Discuss the different types of consumers: primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary View the presentation on decomposers on the following website: http://www.vtaide.com/png/foodchains.htm Formative Assessment(s): Food Chain Worksheet Match Each Food Chain Word to its Definition Explore: Provides or creates a common experience for all learners and helps the teacher identify the prior knowledge of each learning to build on. This stage allows time for the learner to explore their ideas. This stage should be concrete and meaningful to the learner. Food Chain Quizzes http://www.countrysidefoundation.org.uk/resources/activities/Foodchain/foodchainquiz1.htm http://www.countrysidefoundation.org.uk/resources/activities/Foodchain/foodchainquiz2.htm Fun with Food Webs website: http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/food/food_menu.html Discuss the basic definition of a food web Formative Assessment(s): Food Chain Quiz #1 Food Chain Quiz #2 Use as an alternate or re-teaching tool. Food Web Worksheet Explain: Allows the learner to construct an explanation (claim evidence reasoning). The teacher provides information in common terms to increase the accuracy of the explanation. Students will create an 8 1/2 x 10 inch food chain poster containing a minimum of four organisms. Each food chain poster should include pictures of each of the plants or animals with its name written next to it. Also, show the order of the food chain (the flow of energy) by drawing a line with an arrow pointing to the next drawing in the food chain. Students will then present their individual food chains to the class and explain their reasoning and their flow of energy. Using the following website, students can organize selected species into a food web and print off a copy: http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/explorer/ecosystems/be_an_explorer/map/form_wildcats.htm# Formative Assessment(s): Food Chain poster-see above Printed copy of a Food Web – see above Elaborate: Pushes learner understanding, building on current understanding to increase the depth and breadth of understanding. Allow the learner to extend and apply the concepts, processes, or skills. Allows learner to experience new situations to apply to their learning. Discuss the difference between a food chain and a food web. Divide students into small groups and give each one a scenario of a food web. Then have some organism which is depleted or increased and have the students determine how the rest of the immediate environment will be affected. Have each of the groups report their suppositions to the class. Have students go to http://www.eduweb.com/portfolio/earthsystems/food/foodweb4.html. They can experiment by increasing or decreasing species at a pond to see the impact on the other species. They can record their findings using the “Food Web of a Pond” worksheet. Formative Assessment(s): Food Chain Scenarios discussions Food Web of a Pond worksheet Evaluate: Provides and opportunity for the learner to assess their own understanding and be able to demonstrate the depth and breadth of that understanding to others. Teacher assesses the learner’s level of understanding and mastery. Summative Assessment(s): Food Chain Trophic Levels Worksheet: Students are to write organisms for each trophic level. Could also be used as a template for each student or pair of students to create a poster-size presentation using pictures of various organisms. Go to interconnected food chains under section 2 “Most food chains have no more than four or five links” on the following website: http://www.vtaide.com/png/foodchains.htm Students can design a food web using various species. The teacher can specify the number of food chains required for the food web and the number of species needed for each food chain. Food Chain Cloze Activity Additional Resources: Text: Science Explorer: pp. 42-47 Websites: Video: Attachments: Teacher Review: Include date, course, and name of teacher.