Wong Poh Kam - NUS Business School

CURRICULUM VITAE of POH KAM WONG (updated as of 31 Dec 2008)
Present Appointments:
Director, NUS Entrepreneurship Centre;
Professor, Dept. of Business Policy, Business School &
LKY School of Public Policy;
National University of Singapore
Singaporean (previously Malaysian), married with two
Contact Info. :
Email: PohKam@nus.edu.sg
Office tel.: 6516-6323; fax. no.: 6773-2269
Office address:
NUS Entrepreneurship Centre
E3A 6th fl., 10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119260
Academic Qualifications
SB(Physics), SB(EE) (1974), SM(CS&EE)(1975), E.Eng.(1976), PhD(Regional
Planning)(1979), MIT, USA
Job History
Joint Professorship appointment at Business School and LKY School of Public Policy,
National University of Singapore (Jan 2008-)
Joint Associate Professorship appointment at Business School and LKY School of Public
Policy, National University of Singapore (July 2006-Dec 2007)
Visiting Scholar at the ICT University, Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (KTH),
Kista, Sweden (Apr-May, 2005)
Visiting Scholar at Management Science & Engineering Dept., Stanford University (JanApr, 2005)
Visiting Scholar at Asia-Pacific Research Centre, Stanford University (Aug-Dec, 2001)
Associate Professor, Business School, National University of Singapore (1997-2006)
Senior Lecturer, Business School, National University of Singapore (1988-97)
Managing Director, SERES Sdn. Bhd. (1985-88)
Fulbright Visiting Scholar, University of California, Berkeley (1984-85)
Lecturer, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia (1979-84)
Areas of Research Interests
Economics and Management of Technological Innovation
National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy of East Asia economies
East Asian Industrial Development and Competitiveness Policies
Technology Entrepreneurship
Awards and Honours
Singapore Government Public Administration Medal (Bronze), 2005
Oshikawa Fellowship by Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo, 1989-90
Fulbright Visiting Scholar Fellowship (1984-85) (at UC Berkeley)
Best Dissertation Award by Regional Science Association (USA), 1979
MIT Scholarships/Research Fellowships 1971-78
Research Grants Received
Principal Investigator for 9 research grants from National University of Singapore, 19902006, with total value exceeding S$700,000. Collaborator for another 5 research grants
from NUS, 1991-2006.
Recipient of research grants from numerous international institutions and invited
researcher in numerous international cross-country research projects funded by external
funding agencies, including the following: Nomura Research Institute(Japan), Asian
Productivity Organization (Japan), Institute for Post and Telecommunications
Policy(Japan), Foundation for Advanced Studies in International Development(Japan),
Sasakawa Peace Foundation(Japan), Institute of Developing Economies(IDE)/Japan
External Trade Organization (JETRO) (Japan), Japan Institute for International Affairs,
Institute for South East Asian Studies (ISEAS) (Singapore), IP Academy (Singapore),
Savantas Policy Institute (Hong Kong), Canadian International Development
Agency(Canada), Science and Technology Policy Institute(Korea), World Bank, Social
Science Research Council (USA), AT&T Global Foundation (USA), Sloan
Foundation(USA), ILO/INTERMAN (Philippines), European S&T Observatory (ESTO),
British Council(UK), UNU-INTECH (The Netherlands), UN-WIDER (Finland), ECLAC
(Chile), TEKES (Finland) and National Science Foundation (USA). Total value of grant
received exceeds S$2.0 million.
Academic Administrative Experience
Director, NUS Entrepreneurship Centre, NUS Enterprise (Oct., 2001- )
Director, Centre for Management of Innovation and Technopreneurship (CMIT),
NUS (Nov., 1998-Oct, 2001)
Deputy Director of the Graduate School of Business and Founding Program
Director, MSc(Management of Technology) Program, NUS, 1992-1999
Founding director of the Centre for Management of Technology (CMT) at NUS
Business School, 1991-98
Entrepreneurial/Management Experience
Company Directorship (current, NUS-related)
Chairman, Board of Directors, KR Consulting (2008-)
Member, Board of Directors, NUS Technology Holdings (2006-)
Member, Board of Directors, NUS Ventures Pte Ltd (2007-)
Company Directorship (current, Non-NUS-related)
Chairman, Board of Directors, RigelSoft Pte Ltd (2008-)
Member, Board of Directors, Anacle Systems Pte Ltd ( 2007-)
Chairman, Board of Directors, BAF Spectrum Pte Ltd (2006-)
Member, Board of Directors, Invantest Singapore Pte Ltd (2003-7); Chairman
Member, Board of Directors, GlobalRoam (2005-)
Founding Chairman, Business Angel Network (South East Asia) Ltd (2001-)
Member, Board of Directors, iWow Technology Pte Ltd (2001-)
Company Directorship (Past)
Chairman, Board of Directors, Fatte Telecommunications (2005-6)
Founding Director, Monte Jade S&T Association Singapore Ltd (2002-4)
Member, Board of Directors, International Angel Investors Institute (2001-4)
Member, Board of Directors, Malaysian Rubber Research Development Board,
Malaysia (1988)
Entrepreneurial Founding
Founder and Co-Chairman of Steering Committee of the Annual
StartUp@Singapore National Business Plan Competition for Singapore (1999-)
Founder/Managing director of SERES Sdn. Bhd (Malaysia) (1984-88)
Co-founder, MicroNorth Sdn Bhd (Malaysia) (1983)
Co-founder, Micromatics Sdn Bhd (Malaysia) (1982)
Investment Advisory
Member, SPRING Technology Commercialization Scheme (TECS) Evaluation
Panel (2008-)
Member, NUS Enterprise Investment Committee (2007-)
Member of The Enterprise Challenge (TEC) Panel for Awarding grants from a
S$50 Million Fund established by the Prime Minister’s Dept, Singapore
Government (2003-)
Chairman, NUS Venture Support Fund Investment Committee (2002-04)
Member, International Advisory Board, Korea Enterprise Development (KED)
Member, Advisory Board, GTVentures, Korea (2001)
Educational Program Development & Management Experience
Designed and initiated the Innovative Local Enterprise Achiever Development
(iLEAD) Program for NUS undergraduate students (2008-); director of the
program from 2008
Designed the academic curriculum for the NUS Overseas College Program, and
served as advisor to the program (2001-)
Designed and initiated the Technopreneurship Minor Program for NUS
Undergraduates in 1998; director of the program from 1998-2006
Designed and initiated the MSc Program in Management of Technology (MOT) in
NUS Business School in 1992, the first such postgraduate program in South East
Asia; director of the program from 1992 to 1999.
Academic Teaching Experience
Designed and taught the Science, Technology & Innovation Policy course for the
MPA/MPP program at the LKY School of Public Policy, NUS (2009)
Designed and taught the New Venture Creation module for the Korea University
Business School EMBA Program (2008)
Designed and taught the StartUp Business Case Writing module for the NUS
Overseas College Program in Silicon Valley (2006-) and Philadelphia (2007-)
Designed and taught the Inaugural Universitas21 (U21) Intensive Summer School
on Technology Commercialization for 90 undergraduate students from 12 member
universities of Universitas21 (2004)
Designed and taught the Managing Technology and Innovation module for the
Asia-Pacific Executive MBA program at the Business School of NUS (19972004, 2007, 2008)
Taught graduate courses in Management of Technology (1992-2000), Managerial
Economics (1988-1990), Industry and Competitive Analysis(1989-1995), National
Information Infrastructure Policy and Market Analysis (1992),
Technopreneurship (2000-) and Consulting Practicum (2000-01) in the
MSc(MOT) and MBA programmes at the Business School of NUS
Taught Industrial and Managerial Economics (1989) and Industry and
Competitive Analysis (1990, 1997) to undergraduate students in the BBA program
at the Business School of NUS
Taught Regional Economics and Regional Planning to graduate students in the
School of Housing, Building and Planning at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM),
1980-83; head of the School’s Planning Division, 1981-82.
Executive Teaching for Senior Managers/Policy Makers
Developed, directed and taught several Executive Education Programs/Workshops for
entrepreneurs and senior technical professionals/ managers under the auspices of the
NUS Entrepreneurship Centre, NUS Extension Office or NUS Business School,
2-day workshop on “Crossing Market Chasm” for high tech managers (2008)
2-day workshop on “Management of Technology” for R&D staff of Panasonic
Singapore & Malaysia (2008)
3-day workshop on “Crossing Market Chasm” for senior managers of ICT firms
in Singapore (2006). (co-organized with the Singapore IT Federation (SITF))
1-day workshop on “StartUp-to-Growth Mentoring Workshop” for CEOs of high
tech start-ups (2006)
1-week intensive workshop on “University Technology Commercialization” for
58 professors & lecturers from science faculties of 16 universities from Thailand
3-day New Venture Creation Workshops for technical professionals (2003, 2004,
1-week Innovators@Work! Technopreneurship Program (jointly with the
Singapore Technologies Group) (2001)
Developed, directed and taught numerous executive programs for senior managers in
Asia under the auspices of CMIT, NUS, including:
1-week Joint NUS-Berkeley Managing E-Commerce in Asia Program (2000)
1-week Managing Technological Innovation in Asia Program (1997)
1-week Strategic Technology Management Program for senior Indian executives
3-day Evaluation of R&D Program (1995)
1-week Technology Management Program for the Singapore Ministry of Defence
Developed, directed and taught several Executive Development Programs for senior
government policy makers, including:
1-week Joint Singapore-WIPO Program on Intellectual Property Management
1-week “Knowledge for Development” Workshop for Senior ASEAN policy
makers (jointly with the World Bank Institute) (1999)
1-week S&T Policy Program for Senior Vietnamese Government S&T Planners
(commissioned by Hans Seidel Foundation) (1998)
1-week Industrial Technology Development Policy program for senior policy
makers from Southeast Asia (for World Bank/EDI) (1994)
1-week Industrial Development Policy program for senior Tanzanian policy
makers (for World Bank/EDI) (1992)
Lectured in numerous Executive Development Programs for senior managers and policy
makers, including:
- NUS Extension Executive Program for Libyan government officials – “Industrial
Cluster and Technological Capability Development Policy – Lessons from Singapore”
- NUS LKYSPP Executive Program for Kazakhstan government officials –
“Technological Capability Development: Experience of Singapore” (2008)
- NUS Business School – General Management Program (2008)
- NUS-ADB Public Policy Training Programme (PPTP) for Vietnam government
officials (2007)
- NUS Economic Policy Program for senior officials from Ministry of Finance, Korea
- NUS-Columbia University Senior Management Programme in Leadership &
Governance (2006)
- Maritime Industry Executive Program (BI, Norway) (2006)
- Management of Technology Program (ST College) (2005)
- Venture Capital & Private Equity Investment Executive Program (SMU-SVCA) (2002)
- NUS Business School - Managing E-Commerce Program (2001)
- Senior Management Program (DHL) (2000)
- IT Management Program (DBS Land) (2000)
- NUS Business School - Strategic Management Program (1996-98)
Membership in International Scientific Committees/External Referees for Grants
Committee member, Research Committee, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM)
Project (2004 - 07)
External Reviewer to the Hong Kong Government -- University Grants Council (UGC)
(2000-01, 2006)
External Reviewer for the National Science Foundation (NSF), USA (2000)
Academic Advisory Board/Council
Member of International Scientific Panel for the Centre for Knowledge, Innovation,
Technology and Enterprise (KITE), Newcastle University, UK (2007-)
Member of University Council, Wawasan Open University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
(July 2005-)
Member of Academic Advisory Board for the MSc Program in Innovation and
Entrepreneurship, University of Oslo, Norway (2005)
Academic Supervision/Examination
Supervisor of more than 10 BBA Academic Exercises, more than 20 MBA/MOT MSc
Advanced Study Projects (ASP) more than 10 M.Sc. and 5 PhD Dissertations in the NUS
Business School.
Examiner of more than 12 BBA Academic Exercises, more than 10 MBA/MOT MSc
Advanced Study Projects (ASP) and more than 10 M.Sc./PhD dissertations in the NUS
Business School.
External examiner for PhD dissertation (Univ. of South Australia (2005-08), MacQuarie
Univ. (2008)), Ph.D. and M.Phil. dissertation, Universiti Malaya (1989-93), and MSc
dissertation, NTU (1996)
Editorial Board/Reviewer
Member of editorial/advisory board of the following international refereed journals:
Industry and Innovation Journal (formerly Journal of Industry Studies) (1997-)
Journal of Information Technology and Management (1997-)
Journal of Euro-Asian Management (1996- 2000)
International Journal of Business Performance Management (1997-)
Perspective on Global Development and Technology(2001-)
International Journal of Virtual and Networked Organizations (2002-6)
International Journal of Information Technology and Management (2002-)
Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice (2003-)
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (2004-)
International Journal of Technopreneurship (2005-)
International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship (2007-) (Regional Editor, Asia)
Reviewer for numerous international refereed journals, including:
Academy of Management Journal
Research Policy
Information Systems Research
R&D Management
Journal of Business Venturing
Industry and Innovation
Information Society
Asia-Pacific Journal of Management
Journal of Asian Business
Information Economics and Policy
International Journal of Technology Management
Environment & Planning A
World Development
Small Business Economics
Guest editor of special issue of the Industry and Innovation Journal (1997), the Asia
Pacific Journal of Management Journal (2000), International Journal of Technology
Management (2004)
Guest editor of Innovation Magazine Special Issue on Entrepreneurship (August, 2006)
Member, Board of Advisors, Asian Entrepreneur magazine (2000-01)
Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Innovation Magazine (2000-04)
NUS Promotion and Tenure/Recruitment
Chairman, Recruitment Committee, Division of Engineering & Technology
Management, NUS Engineering School (2008-09)
Member of NUS Business School’s Faculty Promotion & Tenure Committee (FPTC)
Member of NUS Business Policy Department Promotion and Tenure Review Committee
for 3 cases (application for promotion (with tenure) to Associate Professor); chair of
committee for one of the cases (2001-2005)
Other NUS Academic Committee Experiences
Member, Executive Committee, Business Policy Department (2009)
Member, Research & PhD Committee, LKY School of Public Policy (2008-09)
Member, Advisory Committee, NUS Extension (2008-09)
Member, NUS T21 Task Force (2001-02)
Advisor, NUS Overseas Colleges (2001-)
Chairman, NUS Technopreneurship Task Force (1998)
External Promotion and Tenure Reviewer
External Referee for Candidate applying for Associate Professorship at the Fletcher
School, Tufts University, US (2008)
External Referee for Candidate applying for promotion to “Docent” at the Lund Institute
of Technology, Lund University, Sweden (2005)
External Referee for Candidate applying for Associate Professorship position at the
Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden (2005)
External Reviewer for Promotion to Professorship, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
(UKM), Malaysia (1993, 1996)
Academic Conference Organization/Advisory Committee
- Organizing Chairman, 6th Biennual International Triple-Helix Conference on
University-Industry-Government Links, NUS Entrepreneurship Centre, Singapore May
16-18 2007
- Organizing Chairman, The Inaugural Roundtable on Entrepreneurship Education (REE)
Asia 2004, jointly organized by NUS Entrepreneurship Centre, Stanford Technology
Venture Program and Lester Center for Entrepreneurship, U.C. Berkeley, Singapore,
July 29-30th, 2004
- Organizing Chairman, Universitas 21 Symposium on Commercialization of University
Technology, NUS, Singapore, July 13-14th 2004
- Organizing Chairman, International Conference on Technology Entrepreneurship in
Emerging Regions, CMIT, NUS, Singapore, August 2001
- Organizing Chairman, International Conference on Measurement of E-Commerce,
Singapore, CMT, NUS and Singapore Department of Statistics, 1999
- Organizing Chairman, International Conference on Knowledge Creation Management
in Asia, CMT, NUS, Singapore, 1998
- Organizing Chairman, JISTEC 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on R&D Management
Singapore, CMT, NUS, Singapore, 1997
- Organizing Chairman, International Conference on Automation and the Workforce,
CMT, NUS, Singapore, 1993
Member of Advisory Committee
- Member of Advisory Committee for the 7th Biennual International Triple-Helix
Conference on University-Industry-Government Relationships, University of
Strathclyde, Scotland, 2009
- Member of Advisory Committee for the Conference on Managing Emerging
Technologies in Asia, Singapore, Nov. 2-3, 2003
- Member of International Advisory Panel for the 4th and 5th International Conference on
Managing Innovative Manufacturing (MiM2000, MiM2002)
- Track Chair (National Innovation System and Technology Transfer) for the
International Association of Management of Technology (IAMOT) Conference 2000 and
Other Organizational Leadership Role
Organizing Co-Chair, Global Entrepreneurship Week – Singapore, organized by NUS
Enterprise and the Action Community on Entrepreneurship (ACE), Nov 18-23, 2008
Organizing Chair, Global Security Challenge 2008 – Asian Semi-Final, organized by
NUS Entrepreneurship Centre, Sept. 26, 2008
Organizing Chair, Global Security Challenge 2007 – Asian Semi-Final, organized by
NUS Entrepreneurship Centre, Sept. 12, 2007
Organizing Co-chair, NUS Global Entrepreneurship Summit, organized by NUS
Enterprise, Jan. 16-17, 2006
Organizing Chair, 3rd Global Wireless Venturing Forum, organized by NUS
Entrepreneurship Centre, Oct. 30-31st, 2006
Organizing Chair, 2nd Global Wireless Venturing Forum, organized by NUS
Entrepreneurship Centre, Oct. 14-15, 2004
Organizing Chair, 1st Global Wireless Venturing Forum, organized by NUS
Entrepreneurship Centre, Oct. 31st, 2003
Co-Chair, Organizing Committee, 2nd Global StartUp@Singapore Business Plan
Competition, jointly organized by NUS Entrepreneurship Centre and INSEAD, Oct. 1112, 2004
Co-Chair, Organizing Committee, 1st Global StartUp@Singapore Business Plan
Competition, jointly organized by NUS Entrepreneurship Centre and INSEAD, Oct. 2728, 2003
Co-Organizer, 7th Europe Asia Young Leaders Forum, with BMW Foundation and China
Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Seoul, Korea, 4-6th Sept, 2007
Co-Organizer, 6th Europe Asia Young Leaders Forum, with BMW Foundation and China
Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Prague, The Czech Republic, 5-7th July,
Co-Organizer, 5th Europe Asia Young Leaders Forum, with BMW Foundation and China
Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Hanoi, Vietnam, 27-29th April, 2006
Co-Organizer, 4th Europe Asia Young Leaders Forum, with BMW Foundation and China
Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Nice, France, June 2-4, 2005
Co-Organizer, 3rd Europe Asia Young Leaders Forum, with BMW Foundation and China
Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Beijing, China, Sept. 9-11, 2004
Co-Organizer, 2nd Europe Asia Young Leaders Forum, with BMW Foundation and
China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Munich, Germany, Sept. 2003
Co-Organizer, German Asian Young Entrepreneurial Leaders’ Forum, jointly organized
by NUS Centre for Entrepreneurship and the Herbert Quandt Foundation, Singapore May
9-11, 2002
Co-Chair, Organizing Committee, Second Stanford Global Entrepreneurs Challenge
2002 jointly organized by NUS Centre for Entrepreneurship and Stanford University
BASES, Singapore, July 8-11, 2002
Co-Chair, Organizing Committee, Global Start-Up Workshop jointly organized by NUS
CMIT and MIT $50K Competition, Jan. 1999
Advisory Role for Student Organizations
Advisor, NUS Entrepreneurship Society (2005-)
Advisor, ASEANpreneur Student Network (2008-)
Advisor, EnergyCarta (2008-)
Other Relevant Professional Experience
Member, IDA National Infocomm Award (NIA) Steering Committee (2008)
Member, NRF Task Force on Academic Entrepreneurship (2007-8)
Member, Subcommittee on Infocomm Infrastructure, Services and Technology
Development (IISTD), Intelligent Nation 2015 (iN2015) Masterplan, IDA (2005-06)
Member of the Advisory Panel for Deal Flow Connection, ad hoc working group for
ACE (2003)
Member, Singapore advisory team, ASEAN Competitiveness Study (2002-)
Member, IPS Forum on Economic Restructuring (IFER) Working Group on Promoting
Singapore’s International Professional Services (2002)
Member, Advisory Committee, Penang State Government’s Strategic Development Plan,
Malaysia (2000-01)
Member, Advisory Board, Socio-Economic Research Institute (SERI), Penang, Malaysia
Member, Institution of Engineers Singapore (IES) Professional Development Committee
Vice-president, MIT Alumni Club of Singapore (1995-96)
Member, NUS Industry and Technology Relations Office (INTRO) Advisory Committee
Member, National IT R&D Sub-Committee, NSTB (1994)
Advisor, National R&D Survey, NSTB (1993-95)
Advisor, Technology-Market Research Committees, NSTB (1993-94)
Representative of Singapore committee (SINCPEC) to the PECC Science & Technology
Task Force advisory group (1991-94)
Member, National Automation-Workforce Committee, EDB (1991-92)
Member, National Economic Consultative Committee, Malaysia (1988-89)
Consulting Experience
Consultant to numerous international organizations including the World Bank, Asian
Development Bank (ADB), APEC, UNDP, ILO, UNESCAP, ASEAN Secretariat, Asian
Productivity Organization (APO), Asia Pacific Foundation (Canada), UNIDO (Vietnam
Office) and Hans Seidel Foundation (Germany); also consultant to various companies in
other parts of Asia, including Visa International, Transtech (Hong Kong), and CDC
(Philippines). Major consulting assignments include:
Study of Innovation Policy of Hong Kong – IP Policy (commissioned by
Savantas Policy Institute) (2008-09)
Development of Global Talent Index – The Singapore case (commissioned by
the Levin Graduate Institute, New York State University(2007-08)
Study of innovation & cluster development in Singapore (commissioned by
JETRO/IDE) (2007-8)
ICT Cluster Development: Lessons from Singapore (commissioned by
European S&T Observatory (ESTO)) (2006)
Entrepreneurship Education Program Development for Ciputra University,
Surabaya, Indonesia (2005-06)
ICT Usage by SMEs: The Case of Singapore (commissioned by IDE/ECLAC)
The Singaporean model for information society development (commissioned
by TEKES, Finland) (2004)
Innovative Cities in East Asia: The case of Singapore (commissioned by the
World Bank) (2003-4)
Skills Development for Knowledge Economy in the Asia-Pacific region
(commissioned by Economic Planning Unit, Malaysia for APEC) (2002-03)
Technology Policy for Thailand: Lessons from Singapore (commissioned by
World Bank for the National Socio-Economic Development Board of
Thailand) (2002)
Development of Korea’s Knowledge Economy: SME and new venture policy
(commissioned by the World Bank Institute for the Ministry of Finance,
Korea) (2001-02);
Japan-Singapore Cooperation in ODA Program (commissioned by the Japan
Institute of International Affairs) (2001);
Technology transfer by MNCs in Singapore (commissioned by Asian
Development Bank (ADB) (1997-98);
Market Research on Secure E-Commerce Transactions in Singapore
(commissioned by Visa International) (1997-98)
Consultant to numerous government agencies including: National Research Foundation
(NRF), InfoCom Development Authority (IDA) (formerly National Computer Board
(NCB)), National Science and Technology Board (NSTB), Economic Development
Board (EDB), Trade Development Board (TDB), Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI),
IP Academy, Maritime Port Authority (MPA) and Port of Singapore Authority (PSA).
Major consulting assignments include:
National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore -- Benchmarking of Singapore’s
R&D system and performance (2006)
Maritime Port Authority (MPA)
Singapore Maritime Cluster (SMC) Performance Indicators (2006-07)
Competitiveness of Singapore’s Bunkering Industry (2006-07)
Singapore’s Competitiveness as an International Maritime Centre(2004-05)
IP Academy of Singapore
Asia-Pacific IP ScoreCard (2006-07)
Creation & Use of IP in Singapore (2004-05)
Ministry of Law -- Trend and Economic Impact of patenting in Singapore (2002-03)
A*STAR (formerly NSTB)
Assessment of the Impact of GET-UP Program (2005, 2008-9);
Study of the economic impact of R&D in Singapore (1999-2000);
Study of entrepreneurial interest and attitudes of students of institutions of higher
learning (IHLs) in Singapore (2000);
Study of R&D manpower in Singapore (1997);
Development of benchmarking indicators for S&T performance of Singapore (1996);
Methodology for Review of National Technology Plan (1994-5);
National R&D survey methodological framework (1993-95)
IDA (formerly NCB)
B2B E-Commerce in Singapore (1999);
Digital economy of Singapore: structure and performance 1986-97 (1999-2000);
Singatouch Market Research (1997);
Analysis and projection of IT industry in Singapore, 1993-97 (annually 1994-1998);
Analysis and projection of IT manpower (1995, 1997);
First national innovation survey of Singapore(1999-2000);
National automation-worker study(1991);
Electronics Industry: Overseas redistribution study (1990)
SPRING Singapore -- Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Project: Singapore
Country Study (2000-2006)
TDB -- Singapore Land-based Logistics industry Study: Competitiveness Assessment
and Projection of Land Demand (1997-8)
Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) -- Strategic Economic Plan (SEP):
Impediments to technological development of SMEs (1989-90)
Consultant to numerous companies including: Singapore Telecoms, IDC Singapore, HP
Singapore, Bousteadco, Eutech Cybernetics, TransLink, National Computer Systems, and
ST Engineering. Major consulting assignments include:
Technology planning and roadmapping methodology for NCS (2000-01)
Market Research on Video-on-demand services for Singapore Telecom (1997-8)
IT Strategy for Logistics Company Translink (1996-7)
Market research and forecasting of Teleview usage in Singapore for Singapore
Telecom (1995)
Industrial Controls: Technology and Market assessment for Eutech-Cybernetics
Technology and Business Strategy for Bousteadco Group (1989-90)
Market research on technical workstation market in Singapore for Hewlett Packard
Consultant to numerous government agencies including: Ministry of Trade and Industry;
Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment; Economic Planning Unit; State
Governments of Penang, Johor, Kedah, Trengganu and Selangor; Kuala Lumpur City
Hall, Penang Development Corporation, and Port Kelang Authority.
Consultant to numerous private organizations including: Southern Steel, Motorola
Malaysia, International Footwear and Malaysian Institute of Management.
Major consulting assignments (1980-89) include:
Malaysian Industrial Technology Development Plan (commissioned by Ministry of
Science, Technology and Environment)
Selangor State Industrial Development Plan (commissioned by Selangor State
Malaysian Industrial Masterplan (commissioned by EPU/MIDA)
Technology transfer by foreign MNCs in Malaysia (commissioned by EPU)
Penang State Development Plan (commissioned by Penang State Government)
Port Management Information System Masterplan (commissioned by Port Kelang
Malaysian Retail Industry Development Masterplan (commissioned by KLCCCI)
Management Development and Training Needs in Malaysia (commissioned by
Malaysian Institute of Management)
Management Information System for Steel Manufacturing (commissioned by
Southern Steel)
Publication Citations
As of 31 Dec 2008, there are 309 citations of my publications by journals covered by the
Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Science Citation Index (SCI) (excluding
self-citations), and 1274 citations in Google Scholar (accessed using Harzing’s PoP
search program).
Refereed International Journal Articles
Zhang, J. and P.K. Wong, “Networks vs. Market Methods for Venture
fundraising: The impact of institutional environment”, Entrepreneurship and
Regional Development, 20(5): 409-430, 2008
Zhang, J., V. Souitaris, P.H. Soh and P. K. Wong, “A contingent model of
network utilization in early financing of technology ventures”, Entrepreneurship
Theory and Practice Vol. 32 No. 4 (July 2008)
Wong, P.K., “Commercializing Biomedical Science in a Rapidly Changing
“Triple-Helix” Nexus: The experience of the National University of Singapore”,
J. of Technology Transfer 32: 367-395 (2007)
Wong, P.K., L. Lee and M.D. Foo, “Occupational choice: The influence of
product vs. process innovation”, Small Business Economics Vol. 30 No. 3 (March
2008): 267-281
Ho, Y.P. and P.K. Wong, “Financing, Regulatory Business Costs, and
Entrepreneurial Propensity”, Small Business Economics, Vol. 28, No.2/3 (March
2007): 187-2004
Wong, P.K., Y.P. Ho and A. Singh, “Towards an Entrepreneurial University
Model to Support Knowledge-Based Economic Development: The Case of the
National University of Singapore”, World Development Vol. 35 No. 6 (June
2007): 941-958
Wong, P.K., Y.P. Ho and C. Chan, “Internationalization and Evolution of
Application Areas of an Emerging Technology: The Case of Nanotechnology”,
Scientometrics, vol. 70, no. 3 (2007): 715-737
Wong, P.K. and Y.P. Ho, “Knowledge Sources of Innovation in a Small Open
Economy: The case of Singapore”, Scientometrics Vol. 70, No. 2, Feb. 2007, p.
He, Z.L., K.H. Lim and P.K. Wong, “Entry and Competitive Dynamics in the
Mobile Telecommunications Market”, Research Policy Vol. 35 No. 8, Oct. 2006:
Wong, P.K. and Y.P. Ho, “Characteristics and Determinants of Informal
Investment in Singapore”, Venture Capital, Vol. 9 No.1, Jan. 2007, p. 43-70
Wong, P.K., “Towards an Ecosystem for Innovation in a Newly Industrialized
Economy: Singapore and the Life Sciences”, Industry and Higher Education, vol.
20 no. 4, Aug. 2006, p. 231-236
Leung, A., J. Zhang, P.K. Wong and M.D. Foo, “The use of networks in human
resource acquisition for entrepreneurial firms: Multiple “fit” considerations”,
Journal of Business Venturing 21(5): 664-686, 2006
Zhao, H., X. Tong, P.K. Wong and J. Zhu, “Type of technology sourcing and
innovative capability: an explorative study of Singapore manufacturing firms”, J.
of High Technology Management Research, 16(2), Dec. 2005: 209-224
Teo, Thompson S.H. and P.K. Wong, “Implementing Electronic Filing of Tax
Returns: Insights from the Singapore Experience”, J of IT Cases and
Applications, vol.7 no.2, 2005
Wong, P.K., Y.P. Ho and E. Autio, “Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic
Growth: Evidence from GEM Data”, Small Business Economics 24: 335-350,
Koh, W. and P.K. Wong, “Competing at the frontier: The Changing Role of
Technology Policy in Singapore’s Economic Strategy”, Technology Forecasting
and Social Change, 72(3): 255-285, March 2005
Lee, S.H., P.K. Wong and C.L. Chong, “Human and social capital explanations
for knowledge development outcomes”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering
Management Vol. 52 No. 1, Feb 2005, p.59-68
Foo, M.D., P.K. Wong and A. Ong, “Do others think you have a viable business
idea? Team diversity and judges’ evaluation of ideas in a business plan
competition”, Journal of Business Venturing Vol 20 (2005): 385-402
Wong, P.K. and Z.L. He, “A comparative study of innovation behaviour in
Singapore’s KIBS and Manufacturing Firms”, Service Industries Journal, Vol.
25, No. 1, Jan. 2005, p. 21-42
Wong, P.K. and J.A. Mathews, “Competitive Strategies of Asian High Tech
Firms: The Challenge of Late Industrialization”, International Journal of
Technology Management, Vol 29, No. 1/2, 2005, p. 1-5
Finegold, D., P.K. Wong and T.C. Cheah, “Adapting a foreign direct investment
strategy to the knowledge economy: The case of Singapore’s emerging
biotechnology cluster”, European Planning Studies Vol. 12, No. 7, Oct 2004, p.
He, Z.L. and P.K. Wong, “Exploration vs. Exploitation: An empirical test of the
ambidexterity hypothesis”, Organization Science Vol. 15 No. 4 (Jul-Aug 2004):
Wang, C. and P.K. Wong, “Entrepreneurial interests of university students in
Singapore”, Technovation, Vol. 24, No.2, pp. 163-172, 2004
Lee, L. and P.K. Wong, “Attitude towards Entrepreneurship Education and New
Venture Creation”, Journal of Enterprising Culture 11(4), Dec. 2003, p. 339-357
Lee, S.H. and P.K. Wong, “An exploratory study of technopreneurial intention: A
career anchor perspective”, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 19, No. 1: 7-28,
Ganley, D., K. Kraemer and P.K. Wong, “Spillover Effects of Production of IT on
Use of IT”, Electronic Markets Vol. 13 No. 4, 12/2003
Wong, P.K. and Z.L. He, “The impact of public R&D support on firm’s
innovation performance: The moderating effect of firm’s innovation climate”,
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, vol.3,
no. 5/6: 525-545, 2003
Wong, P.K., “Global and National Factors Influencing E-Commerce
Development in Singapore”, The Information Society, 19(1): 19-32, 2003
Phan, P., P.K. Wong and C. Wang, “Antecedents to Entrepreneurship among
university students in Singapore: Beliefs, Attitudes and Background”, Journal of
Enterprising Culture, 10(2): 151-174 June (2002)
Wong, P.K., “ICT Production and Diffusion in Asia: Digital Dividends or Digital
Divide?”, Information Economics and Policy, 14 (2): 167-187 June (2002)
Wong, P.K., “Globalization of American, European and Japanese Production
Networks and The Growth of Singapore’s Electronics Industry”, International
Journal of Technology Management Vol. 24 No. 7/8: 843-869 (2002)
Wong, P.K., “Leveraging Multinational Corporations, Fostering
Technopreneurship: The Changing Role of S&T Policy in Singapore”,
International Journal of Technology Management, Vol.22, No. 5/6 (2001): 539567
Wong, P.K., “Knowledge Creation Management: Issues and Challenges”, Asia
Pacific Journal of Management, vol.12, no.2 (2000): 193-200
Teo, S.H., P.K. Wong and E.H. Chia, “Information Technology investment and
firm’s role of IT: An empirical study”, International Journal of Information
Management 20 (2000): 269-286
Wong, P.K., “University-Industry Technological Collaboration in Singapore:
Emerging Patterns and Industry Concerns”, International Journal of Technology
Management, Vol.17, No.3/4 (1999): 270-284
Teo, S.H., P.K. Wong and E.H. Chia, “Metrics for Assessing information
technology performance in the services sector”, J. of Business Performance
Management, Vol.1 No.3(1999): 327-337
Wong, P.K., “Generic Technological Innovation Strategies Among High-Tech
Firms in Singapore”, Hitotsubashi Business Review, Vol.46, No.3, 1999 (Feb.):
Wong, P.K., “Leveraging the Global Information Revolution for Economic
Development: Singapore’s Evolving Information Industry Strategy”, Information
Systems Research, 9(4),1998: 323-341
Wong, P.K. and J.A. Mathews, “Competing in the Global Flat Panel Display
Industry”, Industry and Innovation, Vol.5 No.1, 1998, p.1-10
Teo, T.S.H. and P.K. Wong, “An empirical study of the performance impact of
computerization in the retail industry”, Omega 26(5)(1998): 611-621
Wong, P.K., “Creation of a Regional Hub for Flexible Production: The Case of
Hard Disk Drive Industry in Singapore”, Industry and Innovation , Vol.4, No.2.
(Dec., 1997): 183-205
Wong, P.K. and P. Ngin, “Impact of Automation on Organizational Performance
in Singapore’s Electronics Manufacturing Firms”, International Journal of
Production Economics, Vol.52, No.3 (1997): 257-268
Wong, P.K., “Assessment of Electronic Commerce Development in Singapore”,
Electronic Markets, Vo.7 No.3 (1997): 43-48
Tong, X.S., H.X. Zhao and P.K. Wong, “Technological development strategies
and international patenting: Cases of South Korea and Taiwan”, Technology
Management, Vol.3 No.3 (1997): 261-275
Ngin, P. and P.K.Wong, "Workers’ Perception of Automated Production Work in
Singapore’s Electronics Industry", Asia-Pacific Journal of Management , Vol.14
No.1 (April,1997): 67-87
Wong, P. K., "From NIE to Developed Economy: Singapore's Industrial Policy to
the year 2000", Journal of Asian Business, Vol.12, No.3(1996): 65-85
Kraemer, K.,J. Dedrick, K.H. Jeong, J.L. King, T. Vedel, J. West and P.K. Wong,
“National Information Infrastructure:A Cross-Country Comparison”, Information
Infrastructure and Policy, Vol.5 No.2 (1996): 81-93
Wong, P. K., "Implementing the National Information Infrastructure Vision:
Singapore's Experience and Future Challenges", Information Infrastructure and
Policy, Vol.5 No.2 (1996): 95-117
Wong, P. K., "Competing in the Global Electronics Industry: A comparative study
of the different innovation networks of Singapore and Taiwan", Journal of
Industry Studies, Vol.2 No.2, Dec. 1995, p.35-61
Wong, P.K., "Technological development through subcontracting linkages:
Evidence from Singapore", International Business Review, 1992, Vol.1 No.3,
Wong, P. K. and M Athans, “Closed-loop structural stability for linear quadratic
optimal system”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, AC-22 (February
1977): 94-99
Hang, C.C., M. Ang, P.K. Wong and A. Poornami, “MOT Educational Initiatives
in National University of Singapore: A Review”, accepted by Academy of
Management Learning
Zhang, J., P.K. Wong and P.H. Soh, “Entrepreneurial Resource Acquisition
through indirect tires: The compensatory effect of Prior Knowledge”, accepted by
Journal of Management
Wong, P.K. and Z.L. He, “Local embeddedness, global networking, and
innovation performance”, Int J of Technology Management
Ho, Y.P., P.K. Wong and M.H. Toh, “The impact of R&D on the Singapore
economy”, Singapore Economic Review
Under Review
Ho, Y.P., Wong, P.K. and Singh, A.A. (2008), “Firm characteristics influencing
propensity to collaborate with universities: Evidence from innovating firms in
Singapore”, submitted to Journal of Engineering and Technology Management
Wong, P.K. and A. Singh, “Patenting by Leading Universities of the World: Link
to Quantity and Quality of Scientific Publications”, submitted to Scientometrics
Lee, L., P.K. Wong, M.D. Foo and A. Leung, “Entrepreneurship by
Circumstances and Abilities: The mediating role of job dissatisfaction and
moderating role of self-efficacy”, submitted to Journal of Business Venturing
Lee, L. and P.K. Wong, “Individual Antecedents for Nascent Entrepreneurship:
Evidence from Singapore”, submitted to Journal of Small Business Management
Lee, L., P.K. Wong and M.D. Foo, “How does an individual’s ability influence
the propensities to exploit novel opportunities: The moderating role of personality
and environment”, submitted to British J. of Management
Zhang, J. and P.K. Wong, “The pitfalls of using social capital in entrepreneurial
resource acquisition”, submitted to International Small Business Journal
Refereed Local/Regional Journal Papers
Wong, P.K. and A. Singh, “The pattern of innovation in the Knowledge Intensive
Business Services Sector of Singapore”, Singapore Management Review, Vol. 26
No. 1: 21-44 (2004)
Wong, P.K., M. Kiese, A. Singh and F. Wong, “Pattern of innovation in the
Manufacturing Sector of Singapore”, Singapore Management Review, vol. 25, no.
1: 1-34 (2003)
Wirtz, J. and P.K. Wong, “An empirical study on Internet-based Business-toBusiness E-Commerce in Singapore”, Singapore Management Review, Vol. 22,
No.3 (2001): 87-112
Yap, C.M., S.W. Foo, P.K. Wong and M. Singh, “The impact of organizational
characteristics on the outcome of new product development projects in Singaporebased firms”, Singapore Management Review, Vol.20, No.1 (1998): 25-42
Wong, P.K., “Pattern of technology acquisition by manufacturing firms in
Singapore”, Singapore Management Review, Vol. 20, No. 1 (1998): 43-64
Wong, P.K. and C.Y. Ng, "Singapore: Coping with a maturing economy",
Southeast Asian Affairs 1993: 313-324
Ramani, K.V. and P.K. Wong, “IT achievements in Asian NIEs and ASEAN
countries: A kaleidoscopic view”, CSI Communications, Vol. 1 (January 1993):
Wong, P.K. and C.Y. Ng, "Singapore's Internationalization Strategies in the
1990s", Southeast Asian Affairs 1991: 267-276
Wong, P.K., "Critical skills for industrial development", Jurnal Ekonomi
Malaysia, No.21/22(1990): 221-237
Kam, S.P. and P.K. Wong, “Geographic information system in resource
assessment and planning”, Tropical Coastal Area Management, Vol. 4, No.2
(1989): 1-5
Wong, P. K., “Housing for industrial workers: Problems and issues”, Jurnal
Ekonomi Malaysia, No.12 (1985): 85-100
Wong, P.K., “Income elasticity of housing demand in Peninsular Malaysia:
Empirical evidence and policy implications”, Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, No.8
(1983): 19-30
Non-Refereed Journal Articles
Wong, P.K. and Y.P. Ho, “University Research as Sources of Commercially
Viable Inventions: Evidence from Patents Data”, in Singapore Venture Capital &
Private Equity Directory 2008/09, Singapore: SVCA, 2008
Wong, P.K. and L. Lee, “High Growth and High Technology Entrepreneurial
Activity in Singapore”, in Singapore Venture Capital & Private Equity Directory
2007/08, Singapore: SVCA, 2007
Wong, P.K. and L. Lee, “Survival and Projected Growth Performance of EarlyStage Entrepreneurial Ventures in Singapore”, in Singapore Venture Capital &
Private Equity Directory 2006/07, Singapore: SVCA, 2006
Wong, P.K., “Cultivating the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs”, Innovation, vol.
6 No. 3, 2006: p.18-20
Wong, P.K. and Y.P. Ho, “University Technology Commercialisation and
Venture Creation in Singapore: The Role of the National University of Singapore
(NUS)”, in Singapore Venture Capital & Private Equity Directory 2005/06,
Singapore: SVCA, 2005, p. 11-17
Lee, L. and P.K. Wong, “Venture Capital in Singapore”, in Singapore Venture
Capital & Private Equity Directory 2004/05, Singapore: SVCA, 2005
Wong, P.K. and Y.P. Ho, “Business Angels in Singapore”, in Singapore Venture
Capital & Private Equity Directory 2003/04, Singapore: SVCA, 2004, p.36-42
Wong, P.K. and C.Y. Ng, “The changing world economy and its implications
for Singapore's competitive strategies in the 1990s”, Asia Club Papers, No. 1
(1990): 139-160. (Japan)
Wong, P.K. and C.Y. Ng, “The growth triangle: A market driven response?”, Asia
Club Papers, No.2 (1991): 123-152. (Japan)
Wong, P.K., “Urban transport and appropriate urban form”, Development Forum,
vol. 11, no.2 (1982): 23-39 (Malaysia)
Editor of Books
Wong, P.K. and C.Y. Ng(eds.), Industrial Policy, Innovation and Economic
Growth: The Experience of Japan and the East Asian NIEs, Singapore: Singapore
University Press, 2001
Teo, T., P.K. Wong and V. Lim(eds.), Issues and Challenges in E-Commerce: A
Casebook, Singapore: McGraw-Hill, 2000
Teo, T., P.K. Wong and V. Lim(eds.), Issues and Challenges in E-Commerce: A
Casebook (Teaching Notes), Singapore: McGraw-Hill, 2000
Hing, A.Y., P.K. Wong and G. Schmidt(eds.), Cross Cultural Perspectives of
Automation: The Impact on Organizational and Workforce Management
Practices, Berlin, Germany: Edition Sigma, 1995
Minden, K. and P.K. Wong (eds.), Developing Technology Managers in the
Pacific Rim, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1995
Wong, P.K. and C.Y. Ng (eds.), Human Resource Development and Utilization in
the Asia-Pacific: A Social Absorption Capacity Approach, Singapore: ISEAS,
1992. 91 pp.
Wong, P. K., K. Minden and D. Alam (eds.), Integrating Technology and
Management: A Tripartite Approach, Proceedings for PECC S&T Task Force
Workshop in Jakarta, Indonesia, 1992, Singapore: Pacific Economic Consultative
Council (PECC), March, 1993, 260 pp.
Chou, L. M., Chua, T.E., Khoo, H.W., Lim, P.E., Paw, J.N., Silvestre, G.T.,
Valencia, M.J., White, A.T. and Wong, P. K. (eds.). 1991. Towards an integrated
management of tropical coastal resources. Proceedings of the ASEAN-US
Technical Workshop on Integrated Tropical Coastal Zone Management, October
28-31, 1988. Temasek Hall, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
ICLARM Conf. Proc. No. 22. Manila, Philippines, International Centre for Living
Aquatic Resources Management. 455 p.
Refereed Book Chapters
Wong, P.K., “Coping with Globalization of Production Networks and Digital
Convergence: The Challenge of ICT Cluster Development in Singapore”, chap. 4
in S. Yusuf and K. Nabeshima (eds.), Growing Industrial Clusters in Asia:
Serendipity and Science, World Bank, 2008, p. 91-145
Wong, P.K. and A. Singh, “From Technology Adopter to Innovator: The
Dynamics of Change in the National System of Innovation in Singapore”, chap. 3
in C. Edquist and L. Hommen (eds.), Small Economy Innovation Systems:
Comparing Globalization, Change and Policy in Asia and Europe, Elgar, 2008, p.
Wong, P.K., “The role of global MNCs vs. indigenous firms in the rapid growth
of Asian innovation: Evidence from US patent data”, in Rowen, H.S., M.G.
Hancock and W.F. Miller(eds), Greater China’s Quest for Innovation, Brookings
Institute, 2008, p. 281-308
Wong, P.K., “The Re-making of Singapore’s High Tech Enterprise Ecosystem”,
in Rowen, H., W. Miller and M. Hancock (eds), chap.5 in Making IT: The Rise of
Asia in High Tech, Stanford University Press, 2006, pp. 123-174
Lee, L. and Wong, P.K. “Entrepreneurship Education – A compendium of related
issues”, in Parker, S.C. (Ed), The Life Cycle of Entrepreneurial Ventures,
International Handbook Series on Entrepreneurship Volume 3, Springer, 2006, p.
Wong, P.K., “From Using to Creating Technology: The Evolution of Singapore’s
National Innovation System and the Changing Role of Public Policy”, in S. Lall
and S.Urata(eds.), Competitiveness, FDI and Technological Activity in East Asia,
Elgar, 2003, p.191-238
Wang, C., P.K. Wong and Q. Lu , “Tertiary Education and Entrepreneurial
Intentions”, in P. Phan(ed.), Technological Entrepreneurship, part of Research in
Entrepreneurship and Management, Connecticut: IAP Press, 2002, p. 55-82
Wong, P.K., “Globalization of Electronics Production Networks and the
Emerging Roles and Strategies of Singapore Contract Manufacturers”, in H.
Horaguchi and K. Shimokawa (eds.), Japanese Direct Foreign Investment and the
East Asian Industrial System, Tokyo: Springer Verlag, 2002, p.119-142
Wong, P.K., “Flexible Production, High-Tech Commodities, and Public Policies:
The Hard Disk Drive Industry in Singapore”, in F.C.Deyo, R.F.Doner and
E.Hershberg(eds.), Economic Governance and the Challenge of Flexibility in
Asia, Boulder, Colorado: Rowman & Littlefield, 2001, p.191-216
Wong, P.K. and C.Y. Ng, “The Role of the State in East Asian Development”,
chapter 1 in Wong, P.K. and C.Y. Ng(eds.), Industrial Policy, Innovation and
Economic Growth: The Experience of Japan and the East Asian NIEs, Singapore:
Singapore University Press, 2001
Wong, P.K., “The Role of the State in Singapore’s Economic Development”,
chapter 12 in Wong, P.K. and C.Y. Ng(eds.), Industrial Policy, Innovation and
Economic Growth: The Experience of Japan and the East Asian NIEs, Singapore:
Singapore University Press, 2001
Wong, P.K., “The Development of the Electronics and Shipbuilding/Repair
Industry in Singapore”, chapter 13 in Wong, P.K. and C.Y. Ng(eds.), Industrial
Policy, Innovation and Economic Growth: The Experience of Japan and the East
Asian NIEs, Singapore: Singapore University Press, 2001
Wong, P.K., “Riding the Waves: Technological change, competing US-Japan
production networks and the growth of Singapore’s electronics industry”, in M.
Borrus, S. Haggard and D. Ernst(eds.), International Production Networks in
Asia: Rivalry or Riches?, London: Routledge, 2000, p.176-197
Wong, P.K., D. McKendrick et.al., “Singapore”, in D.G. McKendrick, R.F. Doner
and S. Haggard, From Silicon Valley to Singapore: Location and Competitive
Advantage in the Hard Disk Drive Industry, Palo Alto: Stanford University Press,
2000, p.155-183
Wong, P.K., “The contribution of IT to the rapid economic development of
Singapore”, Chapter 10 in M. Pohjola(ed.), Information technology, Productivity,
and Economic Growth: International Evidence, London: Oxford Univ. Press,
2000, p.221-241
Wong, P.K. and A.A. Singh, “The Role of Foreign MNCs in the Technological
Development of Singaporean Industries”, in J. Legewie and H. Meyer-Ohle(eds.),
Corporate Strategies for Southeast Asia after the Crisis, London: Palgrave, 2000,
Wong, P.K., “Implementing the NII Vision: Singapore’s experience and future
challenges”, in B. Kahin and E.J. Wilson III(eds.), National Information
Infrastructure Initiatives: Vision and Policy Design, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT
Press, 1996, p.24-60
Wong, P.K., "Small, newly industrializing economies facing technology
globalization: A Singaporean perspective", in L.A. Lefebvre and E.
Lefebvre(eds.), Management of Technology and Regional Development in a
Global Environment: An International Perspective, 1995, London: Paul
Chapman, pp.63-75
Wong, P.K. (2008). Industrial Cluster Development and Innovation in Singapore.
Accepted for publication in K. Akifumi(ed.), Industrial Cluster Development and
Innovation, Palgrave
Wong, P.K., and Lee, L. (2008), “The Dynamism of Singapore’s Science and
Technology (S&T) Policy”, accepted by Mian, S.A. (ed), Science and Technology
Based Regional Entrepreneurship: Global Experience in Policy and Program
Development, Edward Elgar
Wong, P.K., “Towards a “Global Knowledge Enterprise: The Entrepreneurial
University Model of National University of Singapore”, in O’Shea, R. and T.J.
Allen (eds), Building Technology Transfer within Research Universities: An
Entrepreneurial Approach, Cambridge University Press 2008
Invited Book Chapters
Tay, K.F., P.K. Wong and T.Kosnik, “World Indigo : Deciding the right Strategy
to Enter Global Markets”, in R.C. Dorf and T. H. Byers, Technology Ventures:
From Idea to Enterprise (2nd edition), McGraw-Hill 2006, p. 538-564
Wong, P.K., “Approaches to University-Industry Links: The case of the National
University of Singapore”, chapter 12 in S. Yusuf and K. Nabeshima (eds.), How
Universities Promote Economic Growth, Washington D.C.: The World Bank,
2007, p. 199-208
Ong, S.W., T. Kosnik and P.K. Wong, “Danger, Inc.: Powering the Next
Generation of Mobile Technology”, in R.C. Dorf and T. H. Byers, Technology
Ventures: From Idea to Enterprise, McGraw-Hill 2005, p. 523-561
Wong, P.K., “The Information Society and the Developmental State: The
Singaporean Model”, in P. Himenen (ed.), The Global Information Society:
Development Paths from Silicon Valley to Singapore (in Finnish), Helsinki:
Tekes, 2004
Wong, P.K. and A.A. Singh, “ICT Industry Development and Diffusion in
Southeast Asia”, in Chia, S.Y. and J.J. Lim(eds.), Information Technology in
Asia: New Development Paradigms, Singapore: ISEAS 2002, p. 48-67
Wong, P.K., “Manpower development in the digital economy: The case of
Singapore”, chap.3 in M. Makishima(ed.), Human Resource Development in the
Information age: The case of Singapore and Malaysia, Tokyo: IDE/JETRO,
2002, p.79-122
Wong, P.K., “Singapore’s strategy to become a knowledge-based economy”, in
C.Y. Ng and C. Griffy-Brown(eds.), Trends and Issues in East Asia 2001, Tokyo:
FASID, 2001, p.200-213
Wong, P.K., “From Leveraging Multinational Corporations to Fostering
Technopreneurship”, in L. Low and D. Johnston(eds.), Singapore's Options in
Public Policy, Singapore: Times Publishing, 2001, p.35-84
Wong, P.K., “From building a first-class economy to building a first-class home:
The Social Challenge of Sustaining Economic Growth in Singapore”, chapter 13
in C.Y. Ng and C. Griffy-Brown(eds.), Political and Social Trends in East Asia,
Tokyo: FASID, 2000, p. 272-281
Teo, T. and P.K. Wong, “Charis Natural Lab: Beauty Products Online”, in Teo,
T., P.K. Wong and V. Lim(eds.), Issues and Challenges in E-Commerce: A
Casebook, Singapore: McGraw-Hill, 2000
Wong, P.K. and T. Teo, “iHive.com: Building the next eBay for Professional
Services?”, in Teo, T., P.K. Wong and V. Lim(eds.), Issues and Challenges in ECommerce: A Casebook, Singapore: McGraw-Hill, 2000
Wong, P.K., S.Y. Phang, J.S. Yong and M.K. Chng, “Government policy in
Singapore’s Manufacturing Development”, in Jomo K. S. (ed.) Southeast Asia’s
Ersatz Industrialization, Palgrave (Macmillan), 2000
Wong, P.K., “Singapore’s strategic positioning for a stronger regional hub role
after the regional economic recovery”, in C.Y. Ng and C. Griffy-Brown(eds.),
Trends and Issues in East Asia 1999, Tokyo: FASID, 1999: p. 147-159
Wong, P.K., “Upgrading Singapore’s Manufacturing Industry”, in M.H. Toh and
K.Y. Tan (eds.), Competitiveness of the Singapore Economy, Singapore:
Singapore University Press/World Scientific Publishing, 1998, p.115-142
Wong, P.K., “Technological Capability Development by Firms from East Asian
NIEs: Possible Lessons for Malaysia”, in K.S. Jomo and G. Felker(eds.),
Technology, Competitiveness and the State, London : Routledge, 1999, p.53-64
Wong, P.K., S.Y. Phang, J.S. Yong and M.K. Chng, “Development of
Internationally Competitive Indigenous Firms in Singapore”, in T. Kazuo(ed.),
Asia’s Development Experiences: How Internationally Competitive National
Manufacturing Firms Have Developed in Asia, Tokyo: FASID, 1998, p.372-453
Wong, P.K., “The proliferation of technology-based international strategic
alliances: Contrasting perspectives”, in D.F. Simon(ed.), Techno-Security in an
Age of Globalization: Perspectives from the Pacific Rim, New York:
M.E.Sharpe, 1997, p. 165-185
Wong, P.K. and C.Y. Ng, “Singapore’s Industrial Policy”, in S. Masuyama, D.
Vandenbrink and S.E. Chia(eds.), Industrial Policies in East Asia, Tokyo:
Nomura Research Institute and Singapore: ISEAS, 1997, p.121-141
Wong, P.K., "Technology Transfer and Development Inducement by Foreign
MNCs: the Experience of Singapore", in K.Y. Jeong and M.S. Kwack(eds.),
Industrial Strategy for Global Competitiveness of Korean Industries, Seoul:
Korea Economic Research Institute, 1996
Minden, K. and P.K. Wong, "Introduction: The Technology Management
Challenge", in K. Minden and P.K. Wong (eds.), Developing Technology
Managers in the Pacific Rim, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1995, p.3-14
Wong, P. K., "Developing Technology Managers in Singapore: Issues and
Challenges", in K. Minden and P.K. Wong (eds.), Developing Technology
Managers in the Pacific Rim, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1995, pp.62-92
Wong, P.K. and K. Minden, "A Comparative View of Pacific Rim MOT
Approaches: Implications for Policy", in K. Minden and P.K. Wong (eds.),
Developing Technology Managers in the Pacific Rim, New York: M.E. Sharpe,
1995, p.230-242
Hing, A.Y. and P.K. Wong, "Impact of Industrial Automation on the Workforce
in Singapore", in Hing, A.Y., P.K. Wong and G. Schmidt(eds.), Cross Cultural
Perspectives of Automation: The Impact on Organizational and Workforce
Management Practices, Berlin, Germany: Edition Sigma, 1995, p.285-318
Chang, Z.Y. and P.K. Wong, "Technology transfer and development: The
experience of Singapore", in Technology Transfer and Development: Experience
of ASEAN countries, Tokyo: The United Nations University Press, 1995, p.87-113
Wong, P.K., "The role of strategic alliance in the internationalization and
technology acquisition of NIE firms: The case of Singapore", in I. Sakong & J.
Lee(eds.), Asia-Pacific Cooperation under the WTO System, Seoul, Korea:
Institute of East and West Studies, Yonsei University, 1995
Wong, P.K., M.H. Toh and L. Low, "Case Study of Singapore Science Park:
Methodology Aspect and Management Strategy", in K. Wang(ed.), Science and
Technology Parks: Selected successful Experience in Asia Pacific Region, Taipei:
Chinese Taipei PECC, 1994, p.103-125
Wong, P.K., "Singapore's Technology Strategy", in D.F. Simon(ed.), Emerging
Technological Trajectory in the Pacific Rim, New York: M.E.Sharpe, 1994
Wong, P. K., "Technology transfer in the export processing zones and science
parks in Singapore", in ESCAP/UNCTAD, Transnational Corporations and
Technology Transfer in Export Processing Zones and Science Parks, New York:
United Nations, 1994, p.136-156
Wong, P.K., “Economic cooperation in the Southern Triangle: A long-term
perspective”, in M.H. Toh and L. Low (eds.), Regional Cooperation and Growth
Triangles in ASEAN, pp.119-133. Singapore: Times Academic Press, 1993.
A. Ali and P.K. Wong, "Direct Foreign Investment in the Malaysian Industrial
Sector", in K.S. Jomo(ed.), Industrialising Malaysia: Policy, performance,
prospects, London: Routledge, 1993, p.77-117
Wong, P.K., "Technological development through subcontracting linkages:
Lessons from Singapore", in Ismail Muhd Salleh & Latifah Ibrahim(eds.),
Enhancing Intra-Industry Linkages: The role of small and medium scale
industries, Kuala Lumpur: ISIS/Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 1992, p.49-59
Wong, P.K. and C.Y. Ng, “Human resource development and utilization in the
Asia Pacific: A social absorption capacity approach”, in P.K. Wong and C.Y. Ng
(eds.), Human Resource Development and Utilization in the Asia-Pacific: A
Social Absorption Capacity Approach, pp.1-6. Singapore: Institute of South-East
Asian Studies, 1992.
Wong, P.K. and C.Y. Ng, “Summary and conclusions”, in P.K. Wong and C.Y.
Ng (eds.), Human Resource Development and Utilization in the Asia-Pacific: A
Social Absorption Capacity Approach, pp.83-93. Singapore: Institute of SouthEast Asian Studies, 1992.
Wong P.K., "The EC Internal Market and the ASEAN Electronics Industry",
Chapter 6 in N. Wagner(ed.), ASEAN and the EC: The Impact of 1992,
Singapore: ISEAS, 1991, p.153-189
Top-Tier Refereed International Conference Proceedings
Zhang, J., P.K. Wong and P.H. Soh, “Network ties, prior knowledge, and resource
acquisition in high tech entrepreneurship”, Best Papers Proceedings of the 2003
Academy of Management Meeting, Seattle, August 2003
Wong, P.K., "Productivity impact of IT investment in Singapore", in J.I. Degross,
S.L. Huff and M.C. Munro (eds.), Proceedings of the Fifteenth International
Conference on Information Systems, 14-17th Dec.1994, Vancouver, Canada.
Wong, P.K., G. Stein and M. Athans, “Structural reliability and robustness
properties of optimal linear-quadratic multivariable regulators”, in A. Niemi, B.
Wahlstrom and J. Virkkunen, A Link Between Science and Applications of
Automatic Control: Proceedings of The 7th Triennial World Congress of the
IFAC, 12-16 June 1978, Helsinki, Finland, edited by, pp. 1797-1805. Oxford:
Pergamon Press, 1979.
Other Refereed International Conference Paper Presentations
Ruan, Y. and P.K. Wong (2008), “Publish or Profit: An Investigation of
University Technology Commercialization in Singapore”, paper presented at the
Academy of Management 2008 Meeting, Aug 8-13, 2008 Anaheim, Calif.
Zhuang, W.Y. and P.K. Wong (2008), “Exploring knowledge across
organizational and national boundaries”, paper presented at the Academy of
Management 2008 Meeting, Aug 8-13, 2008 Anaheim, Calif.
Wong, P.K. and Y.P. Ho, “Dynamics of S&T Catch-up by East Asian Economies: A
Composite Analysis Combining Scientific Publications and Patenting Data”, paper
presented at the Atlanta Conference on Science, Technology, and Innovation
Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology, October 19-20, 2007
Ho, Y.P., P.K. Wong and A. Singh, “Firm characteristics influencing propensity
to collaborate with universities: Evidence from innovating firms in Singapore”,
presented at the 6th Biennial Triple Helix Conference on University-IndustryGovernment Links, Singapore 16-18 May, 2007
Lee, L. and P.K. Wong, “How effective is government innovation support for
firms’ innovative performance? A resource based view”, presented at the 6th
Biennial Triple Helix Conference on University-Industry-Government Links,
Singapore 16-18 May, 2007
Singh, A., Y.P. Ho and P.K. Wong, “Understanding academic inventors: The case
of National University of Singapore”, presented at the 6th Biennial Triple Helix
Conference on University-Industry-Government Links, Singapore 16-18 May,
Yi, R. and P.K. Wong, “Publication productivity, patenting involvement, and
entrepreneurial propensity: Preliminary evidence from a Singaporean university”,
presented at the 6th Biennial Triple Helix Conference on University-IndustryGovernment Links, Singapore 16-18 May, 2007
Liu, Q., P.K. Wong and P.J. Hwang, “Venture capital firms’ learning in emerging
markets: A knowledge theory approach”, Academy of Management Meeting,
Atlanta, Georgia August 11-18, 2006
Wong, P.K. and L.S. Lee, “Individual attitudes, organizational reward system, and
patenting performance of R&D scientists and engineers”, paper presented at
Academy of Management Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia August 11-18 2006
Lim, K.H, W.Y. Zhuang, and P.K. Wong, “Do high-impact innovations diffuse
faster and more widely than low-impact innovations? Evidence from magnetic
recording technology patents”, paper presented at Academy of Management
Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia August 11-18 2006
Wong, P.K. Lee, L.S. and A. Leong, "Entrepreneurship by Circumstances and
Abilities: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction and Moderating Role of SelfEfficacy", in Zacharakis, et. al. (eds), Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research
2006, Wellesley, Ma.: Babson College, 2006, p. 133-147
Wong, P.K., A. Leong and L.S. Lee, “Effects of ownership structure on new
venture team recruitment and team characteristics”, paper presented at the Babson
Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Bloomington, Indiana, June 8-10, 2006
Wong, P.K. and Lee, L.S., “Innovation Activities in Organizations and Propensity
of Individuals Starting New Businesses”, Paper presented at Academy of
Management (AOM) 2005, August 5-10th 2005, Hawaii.
Koh, W. and P.K. Wong, “Developing The Venture Capital Industry In
Singapore: A Comparative Study With Taiwan And Israel”, paper presented at the
EDGE Entrepreneurship Conference, Singapore 11-12 July 2005
Lee, L. and P.K. Wong, “Antecedents For Entrepreneurial Propensity In
Singapore”, paper presented at the EDGE Entrepreneurship Conference,
Singapore 11-12 July 2005
Ho, Y.P. and P.K. Wong, “Informal Investment in Singapore”, paper presented at
the EDGE Entrepreneurship Conference, Singapore 11-12 July 2005
Wong, P.K. and A. Singh, “Technological Specialization and Convergence of
Late-Industrializing Small Economies: The case of East Asian NIEs”, paper
presented at the 10th DRUID Conference, Copenhagen, June 27-29 2005
Wong, P.K. and Y.P. Ho, “Knowledge Sources of Innovation in a Small Open
Economy: The case of Singapore”, paper presented at the 10th DRUID
Conference, Copenhagen, June 27-29, 2005
Ho, Y.P. and P.K. Wong, "Impact of financing sources and business costs on
national entrepreneurial propensity", paper presented at the 2nd GEM Research
Conference on Entrepreneurship, Economic Growth and Public Policy, Budapest,
Hungary, 26-27 May 2005
Wong, P.K. and Y.P. Ho, “Determinants of angel investing propensity: Empirical
evidence from the 17-country Global Entrepreneurship Monitor dataset”, paper
presented at the Darden-Lally-Fisher Entrepreneurship Conference, April 8-9,
2005, Columbus, Ohio, USA
Foo, M.D., P.K. Wong and A. Ong, “Do others think you have a viable business
idea? Team diversity and judges’ evaluation of ideas in a business plan
competition”, paper presented at the 4th Asian Academy of Management
Conference, 16-18 Dec., 2004, Shanghai, China
He, Z.L., K. H. Lim and P.K. Wong, “Snakes and Ladders: A Patent Analysis of
Ericsson, Motorola and Nokia in the Wireless Communications Industry, 19802000”, paper presented at the IEEE International Engineering Management
Conference (IEMC) 2004, 18-21 Oct 2004, Singapore
Lee, L. and Wong, P.K. (2004). “Attitudes, Reward System, and Patenting
Propensity among R&D Personnel”, Paper presented at the 2004 AIB Annual
Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2004.
Lee, L. and P.K. Wong, “Cognitive Divergence among Entrepreneurship National
Experts: Analysis of GEM Data 2000-2003”, in Zahra et. al. (eds), Frontiers of
Entrepreneurship Research 2004, Wellesley, Ma.: Babson College 2004, p.620634
Ho, Y.P. and P.K. Wong, “Determinants of angel investing propensity: Empirical
evidence from the 29-country GEM dataset”, Zahra et. al. (eds), Frontiers of
Entrepreneurship Research 2004, Wellesley, Ma.: Babson College 2004, p.48-62
Leung, A., J. Zhang and P.K. Wong, “The use of networks in the recruitment of
top management teams in entrepreneurial firms: An evolutionary perspective”,
paper presented at the 24rd Babson-Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research
Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, June 3-5, 2004
Wong, P.K., Y.P. Ho and E. Autio, “Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic
Growth: Evidence from GEM 2001 Data”, paper presented at the Global
Entrepreneurship Monitor 2004 Conference, Berlin, Germany, 1-3 April 2004
Wong, P.K., L. Lee and Y.P. Ho, “Self-efficacy, Fear of Failure, and
Entrepreneurial Propensity: Findings from GEM 2001 Data”, paper presented at
the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2004 Conference, Berlin, Germany, 1-3
April 2004
Koh, W. and P.K. Wong, “Transitioning to innovation-based economic growth:
The role of science and technology policy and Singapore’s experience”, paper
presented at the Managing Emerging Technologies in Asia Conference, Nov 2-3,
2003, Singapore
He,Z.L. and P.K. Wong, “Local embeddedness vs. global networking: The impact
of innovation networks on the innovation performance of firms”, paper accepted
for presentation at the 2003 Academy of Management Meeting, Seattle, August
Lee, L. and Wong, P.K. "New Venture Creation: A Case of Entrepreneurial
Education Attitude." 2003 International Entrepreneurship and New Venture
Creation Conference Durham, UK. September 2003
Zhang, J., P.H. Soh and P.K. Wong, “Approaching initial resources for new high
tech ventures: Social Networks or Market Means?”, paper presented at the AIB
Conference, Monterey, California, July 2003
He Z.L. and P.K. Wong, “Host country environment and foreign subsidiary
innovation: Evidence from Singapore and Thailand”, paper presented at the AIB
Conference, Monterey, California, July 2003
Allen, K. and P.K. Wong, “Technology spin-offs from Pacific Rim Universities:
Entrepreneurial context and economic impact”, paper presented at the 23rd
Babson-Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference, June 3-5, 2003
Zhang, J., P.H. Soh and P. K. Wong, “Human capital, competition intensity, and
entrepreneur’s propensity to exploit social networks to acquire resources”, in
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2003, p. 233-245
Ganley, D., K. Kraemer and P.K. Wong, “Spillover Effects between Production of
IT and Use of IT”, paper presented at the 36th Hawaii International Conference
on Systems Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, 2003
He, Z.L. and P.K.Wong, “Determinants of KIBS Innovation: The Impacts of
Client Linkages and Strategic Orientations”, paper presented at the International
Conference on the New Economy and Development, organized by UN/WIDER,
Helsinki, Finland, May 10-11, 2002
Wong, P.K. and Z.L. He, “Exploration vs. Exploitation: An empirical test of the
impact of innovation strategy on firm performance”, paper presented at the
Academy of Management Meeting, Boulder, Colorado, August 2002, USA
Zhang, J., P.K. Wong and P.H. Soh, “The role of social networks in acquiring
resources during the high tech firm creation process”, paper presented at the
Technology Entrepreneurship Research Policy Conference, University of
Maryland, USA, 14-15 December 2001
Lee, S.H. and P.K. Wong, “An exploratory study of technopreneurial intention: A
career anchor perspective”, Proceedings of the International Conference on
Technological Entrepreneurship in Emerging Regions of the New Millenium, 2930 June 2001, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Wang, C., P.K. Wong and Q. Lu, “Entrepreneurial Intention and Tertiary
Education”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Technological
Entrepreneurship in Emerging Regions of the New Millenium, 29-30 June 2001,
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Wong, P.K. and Z.L. He, “The impact of public R&D support on firm’s
innovation performance: The moderating effect of firm’s innovation climate”,
Proceedings of the DRUID Conference on National Innovation Systems,
Industrial Dynamics and Innovation Policy, June, 2001, Aalborg, Denmark
Lee, S.H., C.L. Chong and P.K. Wong, “Human and Social Capital Explanations
for Knowledge Development Outcomes”, paper presented at the Academy of
Management Meetings, Toronto, August, 2000.
Wirtz, J. and P.K. Wong, “Adoption of Business to Business E-Commerce in
Singapore: An empirical study”, paper presented at the International Conference
on Measurement of Electronic Commerce, Singapore, Dec. 6-8, 1999
Wong, P.K., “Measuring the Information Economy: Towards a E-Business Value
Chain Model”, paper presented at the International Conference on Measurement
of Electronic Commerce, Singapore, Dec. 6-8, 1999
Phan, P.H., C.L. Chong, C.K. Wang and P.K. Wong, “Antecedents to
Entrepreneurship: Education, Beliefs, Attitudes and Background”, Babson
Entrepreneurship Conference, May, 1999
Wong, P.K., “Managing Technology in Overseas Subsidiaries: Contrasting
strategies of American, European and Japanese high tech MNCs in Singapore”,
Proceedings of the International Forum on Management of Technology, 4-6th
Oct., 1999, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
Wong, P.K., “National innovation system for rapid technological catch-up: An
analytical framework and a comparative analysis of Korea, Taiwan and
Singapore”, Proceedings of the DRUID Conference on National Innovation
Systems, Industrial Dynamics and Innovation Policy, 9-12 June, 1999, Rebild,
Chong, C.L., P. Ngin, P.K. Wong and L. Loh, “Creation and circulation: The flow
of knowledge in R&D”, paper presented at the International Conference on
Knowledge Creation Management in Asia, Singapore, 6-7 March, 1998
Chng, M.K., S.Y. Phang, P.K. Wong and J.S. Yong, “The development
experience of Singapore”, paper presented at the International Conference on the
Economic Development and Transformation of the East Asian Economies, July
27-28, 1997, Hong Kong
Wong, P.K., “Development regional competitive advantage in internet publishing
: a Singapore perspective”, Paper presented at the Conference on the Economics
of Digital Information and Intellectual Property, 23-25 January 1997, Harvard
University, Cambridge, Mass.
Lim, G.E., S.H. Ng and P.K. Wong, “Creative Technology Limited”, in
Compendium of the Conference on Case Method and Research of Asian Business
Management, 17-19 August 1995, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong,
Hong Kong, pp. 611-624. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong, 1995.
Chang, Y.M. and P.K. Wong, "Strategic Traps in New Technology Adoption: The
case of PCB Assembly Industry", Proceedings of the AIB Conference, Brisbane,
Australia, June 1992, p.255-259
Wong, P.K., "Managing Innovation Across National Borders: The Role of Local
Champions and Gatekeepers in Overseas Subsidiaries", paper presented at the
Conference on Managing R&D Internationally, Manchester, UK, July 6-7, 1992
Wong, P.K, “Technological development of local firms in developing countries
through subcontracting linkage with multinational corporations: Evidence from
Singapore”, paper presented at 7th Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (I.M.P.)
Conference, 6-8 September 1991, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Wong, P.K. and R. Lenton, “Towards an integrated control theoretic framework
for the determination of real-time flood control policies”, paper presented at
American Geophysical Union 1975 Annual Conference, June 1975, Washington
D.C., United States
Invited Keynote Addresses
Wong, P.K., “Social Entrepreneurship: Innovating for the Masses, Profitably”, invited
keynote address at the Young Entrepreneurs Congress (YEC), Singapore, Dec. 3rd 2003
Wong, P.K., “The role of Japanese, European & US MNCs in the technological
development of Southeast Asia”, Keynote Paper presented at the International
Conference on Economic Crisis & Transformation in Southeast Asia : Strategic
Responses by Japanese & European Firms, 17-18 June 1999, German Institute of
Japanese Studies, Tokyo, Japan
Invited International Conference/Symposium/Research Workshop Presentations
59. Wong, P.K. (2009), “Innovation Trends in Asia: Evidence from patenting data”,
accepted for presentation at the R&D Conference 2009, organized by Asia Business
Forum, Singapore, Jan. 21-22 2009
58. Wong, P.K. (2009), “Improving Hong Kong’s innovation system: Is there a role for
IP policy?”, accepted for presentation at the Hong Kong Innovation Project
Conference, organized by Savantas Policy Institute, Hong Kong SAR, Jan. 9-11,
57. Wong, P.K. (2008), “The Role of the State in Knowledge-Based Cluster
Development: Three case studies in Singapore”, Workshop on International
Practices of Promoting Industrial Clusters, organized by Department of Industrial
Technology, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taipei, Taiwan 13 Nov. 2008
56. Wong, P.K., Y.P. Ho and A. Singh (2008), “The use of patent data to evaluate
national competitiveness in high tech fields: The case of nanotechnology and water
treatment technology”, Conference on International Licensing Practice, Organized
by Graduate Institute of Intellectual Property, National Chengchi University,
Taipei, Taiwan 14-15 Nov 2008
55. Wong, P.K., Y.P. Ho and A. Singh (2008), “University as driver for open
innovation & international R&D collaboration: The Enterprise Strategy of NUS”,
2008 International Conference on Industrial Technology Innovation, Taiwan
Institute of Economic Research, Taipei, 21-22 August, 2008
54. Wong, P.K. and K.K. Ng (2008), “Trends in ASEAN Competitiveness”,
presentation at the 2nd Asia Competitiveness Forum organized by Asia
Competitiveness Institute, LKY School of Public Policy, NUS, Singapore, May 2223, 2008
53. Wong, P.K., Ho, Y.P. and Singh, A. (2008). “Towards a Global Knowledge
Enterprise: The Entrepreneurial University Model of the National University of
Singapore”. Draft paper presented at the 2nd Research Workshop on the Role of
Asian Universities in National Innovation Systems, Bangkok 22-23 Feb. 2008
Wong, P.K. (2008). “Economic dynamism and Enterprise Ecosystem Vibrancy:
Conceptual Framework and Indicators”, presentation at the SPRIE Workshop on A
Global Perspective on Regional Innovation & Entrepreneurship Indicators,
Stanford University, Jan 18, 2008
Wong, P.K., Y.P. Ho and A. Singh, “Industrial Cluster Development & Innovation
in Singapore”, paper presented at the IDE/JETRO Workshop on Industrial Cluster
Development & Innovation, Tokyo, Jan. 15 2008
Wong, P.K., “Enhancing University-Industry-Government Links to Support
Knowledge-Based Economic Development: The Experience of the National
University of Singapore”, The 1st International Forum on Yangpu Development:
Regional Development in the Era of Knowledge Economy, organized by Shanghai
Academy of Social Science, Shanghai, China, 15-16th Sept. 2007
Wong, P.K., “Development of industrial clusters: The experience of Singapore”,
International Forum on Venture Capital & High Tech Enterprise Growth,
organized by Tianjin Science & Technology Council, Tianjin, China, 13-14th
Sept., 2007
Wong, P.K., “Developing Maritime Services, Interactive Digital Media and
Biomedical Clusters: The experience of Singapore”, presentation at the 2007 Asia
Industrial Cluster Forum, organized by Industrial Technology Research Institute
(ITRI) and SPRIE, Taipei, Taiwan, 10th Sept., 2007
Wong, P.K., “The Role of University in Fostering International Cooperation in
S&T Human Resources: The Experience of National University of Singapore”,
presentation at the Global Innovation Ecosystem 2007 Workshop, organized by
Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, Nippon Keidanren, Science Council of
Japan and the Japan Science and Technology Agency, Tokyo, Japan, June 30,
Wong, P.K., “Injecting an entrepreneurial dimension to Science and Engineering
Education: The Experience of National University of Singapore”, presentation at
the International Conference on S&T for Sustainability: Global Innovation
Ecosystem, organized by Science Council of Japan and the National Institute of
Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP), Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 8-9, 2006
Wong, P.K. and Y.P. Ho, “Asia-Pacific IP Scorecard: Benchmarking IP Creation
among Asia-Pacific economies”, paper presented at the Global IP Forum 2006
organized by the IP Academy of Singapore, August 21-22 2006, Singapore
Wong, P.K., “High Tech Venture Globalization Strategies”, presented at the APO
Workshop on Creative Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation, Taipei,
Taiwan 11-14th July, 2006
Wong, P.K., “Towards an Entrepreneurial University Model: The approach of
National University of Singapore”, presented at the AC21 International Forum Global Education: Universities in the 21st Century, U. of Warwick, UK 4-6th July
Wong, P.K. and Y.P. Ho, “The role of global MNCs vs. indigenous firms in the
rapid growth of Asian innovation: Evidence from US patent data”, presented at
the SPRIE Workshop on Globalization of R&D, Beijing, China, 20-21 May 2006
Wong, P.K., “Commercializing R&D: Lessons from the National University of
Singapore”, invited presentation at the BSA Regional Innovation Forum,
Bangkok, Thailand, May 18, 2006
Wong, P.K., “Approaches to University-Industry Linkages: The case of National
University of Singapore”, paper presented at the Symposium on UniversityIndustry Linkages organized by the Graduate School of Government, The
American University of Paris, The World Bank Institute and the Social Science
Research Council, Paris, 27th March 2006
Wong, P.K. and Y.P. Ho, “Measuring National Technological Development using
Patent Data: Quantity and Quality Indicators”, paper presented at the Conference
on IPR: Compulsory Patenting, and Patent Quality, organized by Graduate
Institute of IP Management and Policy, Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan
March 20-21, 2006
Wong, P.K. and A. Singh, “Coping with Digital Convergence and Production
Network Globalization: The Challenge of ICT cluster development in Singapore”,
paper presented at the Conference on ICT Clusters in East Asia, organized by
ICSEAD, Kitakyushu, Japan, Dec. 12-14, 2005
Wong, P.K., “From Technology Adopter to Innovator: The Role of the State in
the Evolution of Singapore’s National Innovation System”, paper presented at the
Conference on Moving towards a Knowledge Economy: Does Estonia have a
chance, Tallinn, Estonia, Nov. 3-4, 2005
Wong, P.K., “An integrated Research, Innovation and Enterprise (RIE)
framework for measuring S&T performance in Singapore”, paper presented at the
ANSTEP Research Workshop organized by NISTEP/GRIPS, Tokyo, Japan Oct. 4,
Wong, P.K., “Towards an “Entrepreneurial University” Model to support
Knowledge-based Economic Development: The case of National University of
Singapore”, paper presented at the InnovAsia Summit , organized by the Thailand
Innovation Agency, Bangkok, Sept 21-22 2005
Wong, P.K. and Y.P. Ho, “Innovation and Economic Growth in Singapore”, paper
presented at the Workshop on Innovation, Industrial Performance, and Economic
Growth, Taipei, Taiwan, 16-17 June 2005
Wong, P.K., Y.P. Ho and A. Singh, “Towards an Entrepreneurial University
Model to Support Knowledge-Based Economic Development: The Case of the
National University of Singapore”, paper presented at the World Bank/SSRC
Conference on University-Industry Linkages in the Metropolitan Areas of Asia,
Singapore 24-25 May 2005
Wong, P.K., “Venture capital funding of Asian Entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley: A
longitudinal analysis”, paper presented at the Conference on Greater China
Capital Market for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Taipei, Taiwan, 16-17 May
Wong, P.K., “Commercialization of University Biomedical Science in a Rapidly
Changing Triple-Helix Nexus: The case of National University of Singapore”,
paper presented at the Bringing Science to Life: Symposium on University
Technology Commercialization, Univ. of Toronto, April 29-May 1, 2005
Wong, P.K. and Y.P. Ho, “Determinants of angel investment propensity:
Empirical evidence from a 17-country GEM dataset”, paper presented at the
Darden-Lally-Fisher Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Ohio State
University, April 9-10, 2005
Wong, P.K., “Emerging Links between Silicon Valley-based Asian Entrepreneurs
and Asia: A New Form of Cross-Border Innovation Collaboration?”, invited
presentation at the 10th Asia-Pacific S&T Management Seminar organized by
Japan S&T Agency (JST) and National Science Council, Chinese Taipei, Taipei,
14-15th Dec. 2004
Wong, P.K., “Technology Entrepreneurship and MOT in Singapore”, invited
presentation at the GATIC Conference organized by Japan Advanced Institute of
Science & Technology (JAIST), Tokyo, Japan, 7-8 Dec. 2004
Wong, P.K. and Singh, A.A., “IT Usage by SMEs in Singapore”, paper presented
at the IDE-ECLAC International Conference on Information Technology for
Development of Small-and-Medium sized Exporters in East Asia and Latin
America, in Santiago, Chile, 23-24 November 2004.
Wong, P.K. and A. Singh, “The National Innovation System of Singapore”, paper
presented at the 3rd Workshop on National Innovation Systems in a Globalizing
Knowledge-based Economy: Comparative study of ten Small Countries in Europe
and Asia, Lund, Sweden, 13-15th Sept. 2004
Wong, P.K., “Singapore as an Innovative City in East Asia: An Explorative Study
of the Perspectives of Innovative Industries”, paper presented at the World Bank
Workshop on Creative Industries in East Asia, Bangkok, Feb. 22-23, 2004
Wong, P.K. and A. Singh, “ICT diffusion indicators”, paper presented at the 2nd
Workshop on National Innovation Systems in a Globalizing Knowledge-based
Economy: A Comparative study of ten small countries in Europe and Asia, Taipei,
Taiwan 26-28, Nov. 2003
Wong, P.K., "The Re-making of Singapore's High Tech Enterprise
Ecosystem", paper presented at the SPRIE Workshop on Asia's High Tech
Regions, Stanford University, Oct. 27-28, 2003
Wong, P.K., “HRD for Knowledge Economy: Singapore’s experience in HRD for
Venture Capital and Intellectual Property industries”, presentation at the APEC
Workshop on Preparing Human Resources for the Knowledge Economy, Kuala
Lumpur, June 30 – July 1, 2003
Wong, P.K., “Entrepreneurship: The missing link in Public ICT Diffusion Policy
in Developing Countries”, invited presentation at the ASEM-IKED Conference on
Globalization and ICT, Malmo, Sweden, 10-12 March, 2003
Wong, P.K., “R&D Investment by Foreign MNCs in Singapore: Trends and
Influencing Factors”, Proceedings of the International Conference on the
Dynamics of Industrial Technology and its Comparative Advantages among AsiaPacific Economies, Taipei, Taiwan, 15-16th Aug., 2002, p.14/1-18.
Wong, P.K., “The role of entrepreneurship and venture capital in technology
commercialisation”, keynote presentation at the International Symposium on
Economic Development through Commercialization of Science and Technology,
March 19-22, 2002, Hong Kong
Wong, P.K., “Pattern of Innovation in Singapore Manufacturing Sector”, paper
presented at the National Conference on Innovation organized by NSTDA of
Thailand, Bangkok, July 2001
Wong,P.K., “From Using to Creating Technology: The evolution of Singapore’s
national innovation system and the role of public policy”, paper presented at the
World Bank Institute Workshop on Technological Development in East Asia, Bali,
Indonesia, 14-15 Dec., 2000
Wong, P.K., “ICT Industry Development and Diffusion in South East Asia”,
paper presented at the ASEAN Roundtable 2000 on New Development Paradigms
in Southeast Asia: The Challenge of IT, ISEAS, Singapore, Oct. 12-13, 2000
Wong, P.K., “The contribution of IT in the rapid economic growth of Singapore”,
paper presented at the Workshop on IT and Economic Development, Helsinki,
UN-WIDER, June 11-12, 1998
Wong,P.K., “Globalization of US-Japan Production Networks and the Growth of
Singapore’s Electronics Industry”, in IDE and JETRO(eds.), Can Asia Recover
Its Vitality? Globalization and the Role of Japanese and U.S. Corporations,
Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo, Japan, March, 1998, p.89-105
Wong, P.K., “Technology fusion strategies: Lessons from innovative Singaporean
firms”, APO Symposium on Technology Fusion in Small Industries, Taipei,
Taiwan 15-18th Sept., 1998
Wong,P.K., “Technology Acquisition Pattern of Manufacturing Firms in
Singapore”, paper presented at the Second APEC Technomart Conference, Taipei,
Taiwan, Jan. 21-22, 1998
Wong, P.K. and C.M. Yap, “University-Industry Technological Collaboration in
Singapore: Emerging Patterns and Policy Concerns”, Proceedings of the 2nd
Asia-Pacific Seminar on R&D Management, Jan. 16-17, 1997, Singapore
Wong, P.K., “Supply Infrastructure for Flexible Production: The Case of Hard
Disk Drive Industry in Singapore”, paper presented at the International
Conference on Economic Governance and Flexible Production in East Asia,
Hsinchu, Taiwan, Oct. 4-6, 1996
Wong, P.K., "Key R&D Management Challenges in the Transition towards an
Innovation-driven Economy: The case of Singapore", Proceedings of the Seminar
on R&D Management for Sustainable Industry Development in the Asia-Pacific
Region, Jan. 17-19, 1996, Bangkok
Wong, P.K., “Technological Capability Development Strategies in Asian NIEs:
Possible Lessons for Penang”, in P.L. Tan(ed.), Proceedings of the First Penang
Economic Seminar, May 4, 1996, Penang, pp.26-38
Wong, P.K., “Competing in the global electronics industry: A comparative
analysis of the strategy of Taiwan and Singapore”, paper presented at the
Conference on Research in industrial development: The experience of Taiwan, 19
May 1995, National Central University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Wong, P.K., "Changing Consumer Electronics Production Trends in the Pacific
and Implications for Local Companies", paper presented at the 10th International
General Meeting of the Pacific Economic Consultative Council (PECC), Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia 22-24 March, 1994
Wong, P.K., "Critical policy issues related to the proliferation of technologybased international strategic alliances", paper presented at the Conference on
Strategic Alliances and Techno-security: New Thrusts in the Global Management
of Technology, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 26-28, 1993
Wong, P.K., "Economic growth and information-telecommunications
infrastructures in Singapore", Proceedings of the 4th International conference on
Economic Growth and Importance of Information-Telecommunications
Infrastructures in Asia, March 18-19, 1993, IPTP, Tokyo, Japan. Tokyo: Institute
for Posts and Telecommunications Policy (IPTP), Ministry of Post and
Telecommunications (MPT), Dec. 1993.
Wong, P.K., "Development of Technological Capabilities in Singapore: Past
Strategies, Future Management Challenges", in Proceedings of the PECC
Workshop on Integrating Technology and Management: A Tripartite Approach,
Jakarta, Indonesia, Nov. 9-10, 1992, p.17-29
Low, L., M.H. Toh and P.K. Wong, Science & technology industrial park: Case
study of Singapore science park. In Science & Technology Industrial Parks:
Proceedings of the PECC Shanghai Workshop, edited by C.N. Liu, Shanghai:
Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers, March 1992, pp. 64-73
Wong, P.K, "Technology acquisition mechanisms and strategies: Lessons from
successful SMEs in Singapore", Proceedings of the National Science &
Technology Conference, Singapore, 10-11 Sept. 1991, pp. 76-83
Invited Lectures and Seminars
Invited lecture on “Technological Innovation in East Asia” at the Summer Workshop on
Building a Better Asia: Future Leaders’ Dialogue organized by the Nippon Foundation,
Peking University, Beijing, Sept. 6, 2006
Invited lecture for doctoral workshop on “The Use of Patent Citation Data in Innovation
Research”, CIRCLE, Lund University, June 1st 2005
Invited lecture on “From manufacturing to knowledge-based industries: Development
strategies for East Asian NIEs in the next decade”, Asian Voices: Promoting Dialogue
between the U.S. and Asia, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington
D.C., Nov.,2001
Invited Visiting Professor to teach a 1-week intensive summer course on “East Asian
Industrial Development Strategies”, Institute of Economic Geography, Hannover Univ.,
June, 1999
Invited lecturer at Salzburg Seminar on “Industrializng East Asia: Lessons for
Development”, Salzburg, Austria, May, 1999
Invited lecturer on “Defence Technology Policy” at the Institute for Defence and
Strategic Studies (IDSS), Singapore (1999, 2000)
Numerous invited research seminar presentations at various universities/research
institutes, including the following:
School of Public Policy, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (2008)
Tanaka Business School, Imperial College, London, UK (2007)
Stanford University-Singapore Seminar, Singapore (2006)
Ciputra University, Surabaya, Indonesia (2005)
CIRCLE, Lund University, Lund, Sweden (2005)
Network Society Research Centre, KTH IT University, Sweden (2005)
Industrial Economics and Management Department, Swedish Royal Institute of
Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (2005)
Management Science and Engineering Department, Stanford University (2005)
Entrepreneurship & Small Business Research Institute (ESBRI), Stockholm,
Sweden (2004)
Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship (SSE), Stockholm, Sweden (2004)
Norwegian School of Entrepreneurship (NSE), Oslo, Norway (2004)
Monetary Authority of Singapore Seminar on Structural Economics Issues &
Analysis, Singapore (2003)
NTNU Japan-Seminar, Trondheim, Norway (2003)
Institute of Economic Research, Lund University, Sweden (2003)
Centre for Research on Information Technology & Organization(CRITO),
University of California, Irvine (2002)
Darden Business School, University of Virginia (2001)
Management Science and Engineering Department, Stanford University (2001)
Asia-Pacific Research Centre, Stanford University (2001, 2002)
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong (2001)
Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo (2000)
Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo (2000)
Berkeley Roundtable on International Economy, U.C. Berkeley (2000)
Foundation for Advanced Studies in International Development, Tokyo (1999)
Institute for Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University, Tokyo (1999)
Institute for Developing Economies, Tokyo (1997)
Institute of Economic Research, Lund University, Lund, Sweden (1991, 1999)
Invited speaker/panel member on various Policy Conferences/Business Forums,
Symposium on University Technology Commercialization, Taipei, Taiwan (2008)
China Business Angel Network (CBAN) Inaugural Forum, Beijing, China (2008)
European Business Angel Network (EBAN) Congress, Arnhem, The Netherlands
3rd Annual Private Equity IQ Southeast Asia, Singapore (2008)
DFJ-Vina Capital Forum on Celebrating Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship in
Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (2007)
Business Angel Investment Forum, Singapore (2006)
ASES Global Entrepreneurship Summit, Singapore (2005)
Distinguished Technopreneur Forum, Singapore(2004)
Social Entrepreneurship Conference, Singapore (2004)
Global Female Invent & Innovate Conference & Awards, Singapore (2004)
Asian Business Forum, Copenhagen (2003)
Borland Executive Forum, Singapore (2003)
CIO Forum, Singapore, Business Week (2002)
Angel Investment Conference, International Angel Investor Institute (2001)
Asian Business Forum, Nomura Research Institute (NRI) (2001)
CIO Forum, Singapore, Business Week (2000)
E-Commerce Policy Forum, Brookings Institution (2000)
Published & Commissioned (Non-Public) Technical Reports (selected)
Wong, P.K. and K.K. Ng, The Competitiveness of ASEAN after the 1997 Asian Financial
Crisis, Singapore: LKY School of Public Policy Asia Competitiveness Institute (ACI)
Monograph, 71 p., Sept. 2008
Wong, P.K., Y.P. Ho and A. Singh, Global Talent Index (GTI) Project: Report on
Singapore, Report submitted to Levin Graduate Institute, New York State University,
March 2008
Wong, P.K., Y.P. Ho and A. Singh, Industrial Cluster Development & Innovation in
Singapore, Report submitted to IDE/JETRO, Feb. 2008
Wong, P.K., Y.P. Ho, A. Singh and A. Yeo, Performance Indicators for Singapore’s
International Maritime Cluster, Report submitted to Maritime & Port Authority of
Singapore, Sept. 2007
Wong, P.K. and Y.P. Ho, Asia-Pacific IP ScoreCard Report, Singapore: NUS
Entrepreneurship Centre, August 2007
Wong, P.K., L. Lee and Y.P. Ho, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2006 – Singapore
Report, Singapore: NUS Entrepreneurship Centre, March 2007
Wong, P.K., Coping with Globalization of Production Networks and Digital
Convergence: The Challenge of ICT Cluster Development in Singapore, University of
Sussex, U.K.: ESTO Research Project Report, Sept 2006, 55 pp.
Ho, Y.P., P.K. Wong and A. Singh, Survey of Innovation, Intellectual Property Creation
and Usage among Singaporean firms, Singapore: IP Academy Report, Feb. 2006, 75 pp.
Wong, P.K., L. Lee and Y.P. Ho, Early-Stage Start-Up Survival and Performance in
Singapore: Findings from a pilot panel survey of GEM respondent, Singapore: NUS
Entrepreneurship Centre, August, 2006
Wong, P.K., L. Lee and Y.P. Ho, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2005 – Singapore
Report, Singapore: NUS Entrepreneurship Centre, Jan. 2006
Wong, P.K., Y.P. Ho and A. Singh, “IP creation and usage among Singaporean firms”,
NUS Entrepreneurship Centre Research Report submitted to Intellectual Property
Academy (IPA) of Singapore, Sept. 2005
Wong, P.K., Y.P. Ho and A. Singh, “Singapore as an innovative city in East Asia: An
exploratory study of the perspectives of innovative industries”, World Bank Policy
Research Working Paper No. 3568, April 2005
Wong, P.K., L. Lee and Y.P. Ho, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2004 – Singapore
Report, NUS Entrepreneurship Centre, April, 2005
Wong,P.K., Y.P. Ho and K.K. Ng, Competitiveness of Singapore’s Maritime Cluster,
Phase II & III Project Final Report submitted to the Maritime Port Authority (MPA), Jan
Singh, A. and P.K. Wong, IT Usage in SMEs in Singapore, research report submitted to
IDE/ECLAC, Oct. 2004
Wong,P.K., Y.P. Ho and K.K. Ng, Competitiveness of Singapore’s Maritime Cluster,
Phase I Project Report submitted to the Maritime Port Authority (MPA), August, 2004
Allen, K. and P.K. Wong, Technology Spin-Offs from Pacific Rim Universities:
Entrepreneurial Context and Economic Impact, Singapore: APRU, 2004
Wong, P.K., L. Lee et. al., Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2003 – Singapore Report,
NUS Entrepreneurship Centre, April, 2004
Wong, P.K. and Y.P. Ho, “E-Commerce in Singapore: Impetus and Impacts of
Globalization”, Globalization and E-Commerce Project Research Report, CRITO,
University of California Irvine, March, 2003
Wong, P.K., F. Wong et.al., Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2002 – Singapore Report,
NUS Entrepreneurship Centre, April, 2003
Wong, P.K. and Y.P. Ho, “IP Creation Pattern and Economic Impact in Singapore”,
Research Report commissioned by Ministry of Law, Singapore, April, 2003
Wong, P.K., M.D. Foo and F. Wong, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2000: Singapore
Report, Singapore: Centre for Management of Innovation and Technopreneurship, NUS,
August 2001.
Wong, P.K., F. Wong and A. Singh, National Innovation Survey of Singapore's
Manufacturing Industry, Singapore: Centre for Management of Innovation and
Technopreneurship, NUS, December 2000.
Wong, P.K., A. Singh and C.K. Wang, Technology Transfer by MNCs in Singapore,
Singapore: Centre for Management of Innovation and Technopreneurship, NUS, March
2000. 94 pp. (Research report commissioned by the Asia Development Bank)
Wong, P.K., W.L. Loh and F. Wong, The Digital Economy of Singapore, 1986-97,
Singapore: Centre for Management of Innovation and Technopreneurship, NUS, January
2000. 96 pp. (Research Report commissioned by IDA)
Wong, P.K, The Dynamics of HDD Industry Development in Singapore. San Diego,
California: Information Storage Industry Center (ISIC), University of California, San
Diego, July 1999, 66 pp.
Loh, L. and P.K. Wong, IT Productivity in Singapore: Management Perspectives,
Singapore: National Computer Board, 1996, 47pp.
Wong, P.K, Promotion of Technology Flows of Asian NIEs To and From Other
Economies in the Region, Singapore: Centre for Management of Technology, NUS,
December 1996. 64 pp. (Research Report commissioned by UNESCAP, Bangkok)
Wong, P.K., National Innovation System: The Case of Singapore, Seoul, Korea: Science
and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI), 1995, 49pp.
Wong, P.K., L. Loh and E.B. Roberts, Strategic Management of Technology: Singapore
Benchmarking Study, Singapore: NSTB, Sept. 1994, 110pp.
Wong,P.K., Developing Information and Communications Infrastructure in Developing
Countries : Policy Issues and the Experience of Malaysia, Washington D C: World
Bank/EDI Working Paper Series, No. 310/056, 1992. 26 pp.
Wong, P.K., Technological Development Through Subcontracting Linkages, Tokyo:
Asian Productivity Organization (APO), 1991. 78 pp.
Wong, P.K., A Survey of the Malaysian Managerial Community and Their Development
and Training Needs (Vol. 1 & 2), Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Institute of Management
(MIM), August 1991. (Vol.1:84 pp, Vol.2: 134 pp.)
Wong, P.K., Foreign Investment: Problems and Opportunities for South-South
Cooperation, Kuala Lumpur: ISIS Occasional Paper, 1986. 35 pp.
Wong, P.K., Economic Development and Labour Market Changes in Peninsular
Malaysia, Canberra: Australian National University, Joint ASEAN Australian Labor
Market Study Project Working Paper, no.12. 1985
Wong, P K, On the Interaction Structure of Linear Multi-input Feedback Control
Systems, Cambridge, Mass: MIT Electronic Systems Laboratory, Technical Report ESLR625, September 1975. 123 pp.
Unpublished Technical/Consultancy Reports
Author of over 70 unpublished/proprietary technical/consultancy reports commissioned
by various organizations
Published Teaching Cases
Tay, K.F., P.K. Wong and T. Kosnik, “Mozat”, Stanford Technology Venture Program
Case No. STVP 2005-, Mar 2005
Tay, K.F., P.K. Wong and T. Kosnik, “Mobile2Win”, Stanford Technology Venture
Program Case No. STVP 2005-, Mar 2005
Aren, Clarence, T. Kosnik and P.K. Wong, “The Global WiFi Industry”, Stanford
Technology Venture Program Case No. STVP 2005-, Feb 2005
Tay, K.F. and P.K. Wong, “China’s Mobile Communications Market”, Stanford
Technology Venture Program Case No. STVP 2005-, Jan 2005
Tay, K.F. and P.K. Wong, “World Indigo”, Stanford Technology Venture Program Case
No. STVP 2005-, Jan 2005
Tay, K.F. and P.K. Wong, “E-Grabber”, Stanford Technology Venture Program Case No.
STVP 2005-, Jan 2005
Kosnik, T., P.K. Wong and S.W. Ong, “Airify Communications: The wireless router
company”, Stanford Technology Venture Program Case No. STVP 2002-002, June 2002
Wong, P.K., T. Kosnik and S.W. Ong, “Wireless Industry in 2002: What’s Happening
with wireless? ”, Stanford Technology Venture Program Case No. STVP 2002-004, June
Wong, P.K., T. Kosnik and S.W. Ong, “OrangeGum: A pan-Asian wireless content
company?”, Stanford Technology Venture Program Case No. STVP 2002-006, Sept. 2002
Kosnik,T., P.K. Wong and S.W. Ong, “Tropos Networks, Inc.: Enabling the Next
Generation of Wireless Networks”, Stanford Technology Venture Program Case No.
STVP 2003-001, May 2003
Ong, S.W., T. Kosnik and P.K. Wong, “Danger, Inc.: Powering the Next Generation of
Mobile Technology”, Stanford Technology Venture Program Case No. STVP 2003-002,
June 2003
Interviews by Mass Media
Frequent interviews by the mass media, including quotations/appearances in:
KTSF (TV), San Francisco, USA
Channel 5 (TV), Singapore
Channel News Asia (TV), Singapore (multiple times)
CNBC (TV), Singapore (multiple times)
The Nation (TV), Thailand
Estonian Channel 2 (TV), Tallinn, Estonia
NewsRadio FM93.8 (Radio), Singapore (multiple times)
Zhao-Bao, Singapore (multiple times)
Straits Times, Singapore (multiple times)
Business Times, Singapore (multiple times)
Today, Singapore (multiple times)
The Edge (Weekly), Singapore (multiple times)
Asian Wall St Journal, USA
International Business Week (Asian edition) (multiple times)
Red Herring, USA
Australian Nation, Australia
Commonwealth Magazine, Taiwan
Asian Venture Capital Journal, Hong Kong
Management of IP Magazine, London
Commercial Tines, Taiwan