Contents Prqace Tabk of Cases Tabk of Statutes Tabk of Statutory Instruments Tabk of European Provisions Tabk of Conventions and International Agreements Wilkinson Service Iriformation Abbreviations XXXiX Definitions Chapter ı 1.01 1.02 1.03 General "Magistrates' coıırt" The 1988 road trafik legislation Motor vehicles 1.15 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.31 1.32 1.33 . 1.34 1.35 1.37 1.40 1.41 1.45 1.46 xli CXXlll c1xxi cxcv CXCI X CCI CCll 1 1 1 1 "Motor vehicle" "Motor car" "Hovercraft" "Invalid carriage" "Motor cycle" A "Three-wheeler cars" B "Motor bicycle" C "Side-car" D "Standard motor cycle" E "Learner motor cycles" F "Moped" Other motor vehicles "Pedal cycles" ElectricaHy assisted pedal cycle s Goods vehicles "Heavy commercial vehicle" "Constructed" and change of use '~dapted" "Vehicle" "Mechanical1y propeHed" "Intended or adapted for use on roads" A Go-carts, racing cars, etc. v 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 LO II 13 13 -- Contents 1.47 1.48 1.49 1.54 1.59 1.62 1.63 B Dumper trueks, exeavators, ete. C Works' trueks Miseellaneous vehicles "Reeovery vehicle" "Breakdown vehicle" and "speeia1ised breakdown vehicle" "Disab1ed vehicle" Comparison of definitions: "breakdown vehicle", ete. 14 1 15 1 151 20 17 21 19' 1 i "Trailer" 1.69 1.71 1.72 1.75 1.79 Meaning "Semitrailer", ete. '?\rtieu1ated vehicle" Drawing of trailers Attendants on trailers 22 22 23 23 24 25 "Weight" 1.8 9 1.9 3 1.9 4 1.9 5 '?\eeident" 1.9 1.115 6 1.10 "Driver" 0 1.10 1.127 2 1.130 1.141 1.143 1.146 1.149 1.150 1.151 1.152 1.153 1.154 1.161 Meaning "Loose equipment" Removab1e eontainers Weight generally P1ated weights "Deseription of weight" Transmission and aseertaİnment of weight vi 26 27 27 28 28 30 30 32 Meaning Meaning "Driving" Continuing driving "Drives or attempts to drive" "In eharge" "Use" and "driving" Pushing and driving "Taking a eonveyanee" "Rider" Passenger Automatism Insanity "Road" 1.165 1.170 1.171 1.172 1.173 1.174 26 32 33 33 35 39 40 42 43 44 44 45 45 46 49 50 Roads and highways generally "Highway" A "Brid1eway" B "Carriageway" C "Dua1-earriageway" D "Cycle traek" 50 51 51 52 52 52 Contents le" 14 1.175 15 15 17 19 20 21 1.1 76 1.177 1.178 1.179 1.180 1.184 1.190 1.200 2 2 22 23 23 24 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 30 30 32 32 33 43 44 44 45 45 46 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 52 E "Footpath" 52 F "Footway" G "Walkway" H "Public path" i "By-way open to ali trafik" Determining the existence of a highway Public access Car parks, forecourts, "or other public place" Channel tunnel, airfield and Crown roads "To cause", "to permit", "to use" 1. 205 1.206 1.210 1.212 1.219 1.223 63 Meaning "To cause" "To permit" Meaning Cases "To use" Meaning Cases 63 64 66 66 68 72 72 75 83 ':<\griculture" 1.241 Meaning 83 ':<\iding, abetting, counselling and procuring" 1.254 1.260 1.261 ':<\tternpt 33 " 35 1.272 39 40 "Owner" 42 1.287 Generaliy Counselling Cases 85 85 87 87 90 Generaliy 90 92 92 Meaning Chapter 2 Procedure Comrnencing proceedings 2.01 Generaliy 2.02 The laying of an information The issue of a 2.04 summons 2.05 The issue of a warrant 2.09 Form of summons 2.12 Authority to prosecute jurisdiction over offenders 2.26 Youths 2.35 52 53 53 53 53 54 58 62 Attaining 18 before the conclusion of proceedings 95 95 95 96 97 98 99 102 102 105 VII Content s 2.36 2.38 2.3 9 2.40 2.44 Commonwealth and foreign servicemen Drivers from abroad Diplomatic prİvilege The Crown Enactments not specifically naming the Crown jurisdiction over offences 2.63 2.70 2.71 2.82 2.83 Venue Trying cas es together Limitation of time Computing time Contİnuİng offences 1 1 1 Advice, assistance and 2.94 representation Grant 2.97 App1ication to road trafiic offences i1] The hearing 12 2.114 General 2.115 The court 2.122 Refusa1 to hear a case 2.135 Conclusions 2.136 Proof of service; attendance of defendant 2.139 Waiving summons 2.140 Amending summonses 2.150 Duplicity 2.160 Adjournment 2.167 Preliminary points 2.168 AutrifOis acquit or convict and p1eas in bar 2.176 Categories of cas es and advance information 2.177 Advance information 2.180 Presence of defendant 2.184 Mode of trial procedure 2.197 2.202 Committa1 for trial proceedings 2.214 Summary trial: speeches and no case to answer 2.217 2.221 2.227 2.229 2.237 2.238 2.244 2.24 6 2.25 4 viii 2.25 7 Disclosure procedures under the Crimina1 Procedure and Investigations Act 1996 Plea of guilty Pleading guilty in writİng Equivoca1 p1ea and change of p1ea Hearing charges together Attempts Conviction Mitigation Defendant's previous convictions Committals for sentence Remitting to another magistrates' court for sentence 1 IIi 12 12 12 12' 13( 13~ 13~ 133 139 14~ 147 147 15] 15] 15 2 154 1 160 169 162 170 1 172 174 17 5 179 180 182 183 186 187 Contents 106 2.258 Discontinuance of proceedings 188 107 2.260 Irregu1arity 188 107 2.265 Reopening 191 108 109 Notices of intended prosecution 2.275 110 196 Requirements: Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988, s.l 196 2.277 Speeding 197 110 2.278 Offences causing death and courts-martia1 197 ıı3 2.279 Waiver 198 113 2.280 Accidents 198 118 118 ıı9 2.283 2.285 2.288 2.290 2.295 2.297 2.298 Presumption of conformity with section 1 Warning at the time Service of summons Service of notice of intended prosecution Reasonab1e diligence Errors in the notice Errors in the nature of the offence 200 201 203 203 206 207 208 121 2.299 119 120 121 121 124 130 Errors in date, time or p1ace 208 Chapter 3 Evidence 132 3.01 3.02 Generally Evidence on oath or affirmation 211 211 133 3.07 Enforcing attendance: production of documents 214 133 3.12 Sick, dead or frightened witnesses 216 139 3.18 Witnesses abroad 219 144 3.19 Spouses 220 147 3.20 Diselosure of previous convictions of prosecution witnesses 220 147 3.21 Expert evidence 220 151 3.23 Evidence by the defendant 222 151 3.26 Cross-examination as to character 223 3.29 Trial within a trial 225 154 152 3.32 Witness statements 226 i 160 3.33 Statements generally 226 162 175 3.39 3.48 3.53 3.55 3.58 3.59 3.64 Editing statements Refreshing memory Documentary evidence A Registration particulars and driving licence records B Weight tickets and timetables C Manufacturers' records and computer evidence Plans, sketches and maps 229 230 233 234 235 236 237 179 3.66 Photographs, films, tapes and video tapes 238 180 3.72 Exhibits 240 182 3.88 Inspections 241 183 3.91 Local and specialised knowledge 243 186 3.94 Admissions 244 187 3.95 Proof generally 245 i 1169 i 170 i 172 i 174 ix Contents 3.1 LO 3.111 3.115 Proof İn respect of companies, partnerships and employers Evidence generally Evidence illegally obtained Chapter 4 Drink/Driving Offences 25~ Introduction 4.01 4.04 4.05 4.07 The legislative framework Offences Abalition of the principle in Scott v. Baker Exclusion of evidence of analysis Summary of offences 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29 4.57 4.58 4.59 4.61 4.62 4.63 4.69 4.71 4.72 4.75 x 26C 261 266 268 "Drives or attempts to drive" "In charge" "Mechanically propelled vehicle" "Motor vehicle" "Road" "Or other pubtic place" Preliminary breath tests 4.55 4.56 25~ 26C Failing to supply a roadside specimen of breath (section 6(4)) 266 Driving or attempting to drive a mechanically propelled vehicle while unfit through drink or drugs (section 4(1)) In 266 charge of a mechanically propelled vehicle while unfit through drink or drugs (section 4(2)) 266 Driving or attempting to drive amotar vehicle with excess alcahal (section 5(I)(a)) 267 In charge of amotar vehicle with excess alcohal (section 5( I)(b)) 267 Failing to provide a specimen for analysis (section 7(6)) 267 Interaction of the offences 267 Definitions 4.40 4.41 4.42 4.43 4.44 4.45 25. 25! 25 Requirement to provide Breath test on suspicion of aleahalar moving trafik offence (section 6(1)(a) and (b)) A "Road or other pubtic place" B "Breath test" C "Constable in uniform" D "May require" E "Driving or attempting to drive" F "Reasonable cause to suspect" G "Trafiic offence" H "There or nearby" Random tests Breath test following an accident (section 6(2)) 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 268 269 269 269 270 270 271 271 273 274 274 275 Contents 'yers 4.76 4.79 4.82 4.86 4.87 4.90 4.91 4.92 4.93 4.94 4.96 4.97 4.1 O 1 4.103 4.106 4.112 A '~eeident" B "Reasonable eause to believe" Preliminary breath testing devices Radio interference Failing to supply a speeimen of breath (section 6(4)) The AleoImeter The Alcolmeter S-L2A The Alcolmeter SL-400 The Alcolmeter SL-400A The Alert The Alcatest 7410 The Alcatest 80 and 80A and Alcolyser Refusal to supply a specimen of breath Defence of reasonable excuse Powers of entry Powers of arresi Driving or in charge whilst unfit 4.119 Inter-relation of offences 4.121 The offence (section 4(1) and (2)) 4.122 Evidence of impairment 4.127 Drugs 4.133 Power of arrest 4.135 Powers of entry 275 276 277 279 280 281 282 282 284 284 285 286 290 291 292 295 296 296 296 296 299 301 301 302 Driving or in charge above the limit 302 The offence (section 5(1)(a) and (b)) 4.145 303 Provision of breath specimens 4.151 A Reasonable cause to believe that a specimen cannot 4.154 be provided (section 7(3)(a)) 305 B Reliable deviee not available for use (section 7(3)(b)) 307 C 4.159 Reasonable cause to believe that the device has not 4.171 produced a reliable indication of the proportion of 314 alcohol in the subjeet's breath (section 7(3)(bb)) 4.173 D Condition of person giving specimen may be due to drugs (section 7(3)(c)) 315 Defendanl's optian to provide blood or urine specimens Provisian of 315 4.174 speeimens for analysis: relationship between sections 7 (4) and 4.180 8(2) 316 Alcohal levels 330 4.200 Back calculation 331 4.202 334 Evidential breath test devices; the first generatian 4.209 334 A Approval of devices 335 B Deseription of deviees 4.211 336 C Calibration of deviees 4.213 337 D Admissibility of specimens of breath 4.217 339 Challenging the first generatian machines 4.225 339 A General servieeability Xl .... 4.228 4.232 4.234 4.238 4.239 Content s B Blow difference C Comparative specimens D Amount of alcohol consumed E Radio interference Evidential breath test devices; the second generation A Approval of devices 4.240 B Standard drinkl drugs police profirma 4.241 C Description of devices 4.243 D Calibration of devices 4.244 E Operation of devices 4.246 F Admissibility of specimens of breath 4.247 Provision of blood or urine specimens 4.249 Blood specİmens 4.252 Vrine specimens 4.256 Results of laboratory analysis 4.259 Supply of specimen of blood or urine to the defendant 4.264 Certificates of analysis and printouts, etc. 4.276 Warning of prosecution 4.278 Detention at the police station 4.286 Thea offence (section 7(6)) Failing to provide specİmen 4.290 A "Fails" 4.291 B "Refuses" 4.294 C "Reasonable excuse" Hospital patients 4.319 Introduction 4.320 '~t a hospital" 4.321 '~s a patient" 4.322 "Medical practitioner in immediate charge of his case" 4.323 Preliminary breath tests 4.326 Blood or urine specimens Post-offence consumption of alcohol or drugs r 3 3 3. 3~ 3~ 35 35 35! 35; 35 36 36 ı 3 65 3 65 367 367 369 378 378 378 379 380 380 380 383 4.342 Alcohol 4.346 Drugs Defence of duress Insanity 383 385 Non-insane automatism 386 Defences to "in charge" offences 386 4.389 Defences under section 4(2) and section 5(1 )(b) Sentencing, procedure and trial 4.404 Procedure and trial 4.405 Table of penalties xii 387 387 387 389 389 391 . Contents 341 4.406 Custodial sentenees 392 342 4.408 Fines, ete. 393 343 4.409 Community sentenees 393 345 4.410 Obligatory disqualifieation 394 345 4.412 345 4.416 Penalty points disqualifieation 396 346 4.418 Obligatory disqualifieation for at least three years 396 347 Period of obligatory disqualifieation 394 4.421 Reduction of disqualifieation 397 348 4.422 Problem drinkers 398 349 4.426 350 350 Legal position 399 Other offences involving drink or drugs 399 351 4.437 Riding a eyde whilst unfit 399 353 4.439 In charge of a earriage, horse or eatde, when drunk 400 354 t Chapter 5 355 358 364 364 365 Introduction AboIition of reekIess driving, ete. What is dangerous driving? Scope of the offence Procedure Alternative verdiets Causing death by dangerous driving 378 379 380 380 5.38 5.39 5.48 5.51 380 The offence (seetion 1) Evidenee and procedure Alternative verdicts Inquests Motor manslaughter 383 383 5.61 5.65 385 Constituents of the offence Hit-and-run drivers Dangerous, careless and ineonsiderate driving 386 386 387 391 5.01 5.13 5.14 5.21 5.23 5.28 378 389 389 Driving, ete. Dangerous driving 365 367 367 369 378 387 387 Dangerous, Careless and Ineonsiderate 5.75 5.77 5.78 401 401 401 402 407 407 408 410 410 4ii 414 415 416 416 417 418 5.79 5.83 5.84 5.86 5.87 The differenee between dangerous and careIess driving Summary of eareless and inconsiderate driving The difference between careIess and inconsiderate driving Objective standard of eare Automatism Res ipsa loquitur Falling asIeep Drink 418 419 419 420 422 422 424 424 5.92 Evidence of previous driving 426 XLLL Contents 5.93 5.95 5.96 5.97 5.100 5.104 5.105 5.106 5.107 5.108 5.109 5.115 Mechanical defects Cases on careless driving Cases on inconsiderate driving Civil cases Highway Code Visibility Use of headlights Two offenees from one incident Aiders and abettors and supervisors Public ernergencies Defence of necessity or duress Defence of reasonable force to assist in arrest of offenders ~ 4 4 Causing death by careless driving when under the influence of drink or drugs 4 5.134 The offenee (section 3A) 5.139 Scope of the offence 4, 5.140 Procedure and evidence generally 4. Related offences 5.155 5.158 5.161 5.163 Causing bodily harrn by furious driving, ete. Motor racing on highways Driving with uncorrected defectiye eyesight or refusing to subrnit to an eyesight test Driving to the cornrnon danger, ete. Dangerous, careless and inconsiderate cycling 5.173 The offences (seetions 28 and Penalties and sentencing 29) 5.189 Table of pena1ties 5.190 Mandatory life sentence for rnanslaughter 5.191 Cornpulsory driver retesting 5.192 Period of obligatory disqualification 5.193 Careless or inconsiderate driving 5.194 5.195 Alternatİve verdicts: sentencing Driving to the cornrnon danger, ete. Sentencing guidelines 5.206 5.208 5.210 5.230 5.234 5.238 XIV Drink Irnprisonrnent Motor rnanslaughter, causing death by dangerous driving, dangerous driving and causing death by eareless driving when under the influence of drink or drugs Unduly lenient sentencing; power to review Sentencing by rnagistrates for dangerous and eareless driving Disqua1ification 4' 4~ 44 44 Hi 44: 44 ~ 445 447 447 450 1 450 450 450 450 451 45 1 453 463 45 465 1 467 452 ,........--- r Contents Chapter 6 426 427 428 429 430 433 434 434 435 436 436 439 gs 439 439 441 441 442 442 444 444 445 445 445 447 447 450 450 450 450 450 Driver Offences Signs and signals 6.01 6.05 6.08 6.09 6.11 6.12 469 469 470 472 472 472 6.16 6.18 6.19 6.21 6.23 6.24 6.25 6.31 6.32 6.33 6.36 6.38 6.41 6.43 6.45 6.47 6.48 6.49 Generally Failing to comply with a sign Cyelists, other vehicles and equestrians Conformity of signs Defences Neglecting or refusing to compl,y with directions given by police or trafiic wardens "Constable" and "trafiic warden" "Engaged in the regulation of traffic" "In the execution of his duty" "Stop" Defences Horse riders Traffic lights Motorway and dual carriageway traffic 1ights Detection of offences "Stop" signs at major roads "Give Way" signs "One Way", "No Right Turn", '1\ccess Only", ete., orders "Keep Left" signs and arrows Automatic level crossings Census points Other signs White lines and doub1e white lines Double white lines 6.54 Non-conforming and damaged signs 487 Signs and signals: proceedings and penalties 473 474 474 474 476 476 477 477 479 480 480 481 481 482 483 484 484 485 485 488 6.66 Warning of intended prosecution 488 6.67 6.68 6.70 Proceedings generally Penalties Signs and signals: pena1ties 489 489 490 451 Speed limits 451 6.81 Generally 491 491 451 452 6.85 6.86 6.88 6.89 Application Exemptions Defence of necessity Driving at a dangerous speed 492 492 493 493 6.90 Evidence and corroboration 494 453 463 465 6.94 6.95 6.99 Speed check equipment Enforcement and technology Radar speed meters 495 495 498 '1-67 6.102 Radar detection devices 499 xv Contents 6.103 6.107 6.109 6.110 6.111 6.112 6.113 6.114 6.117 6.124 6.125 6.127 6.128 6.129 6.132 6.135 6.140 6.142 6.145 6.149 6.150 Hand-held radar guns Laser speed measuring equipment Vascar Police Pilot Electric trip wire equipment Warnings of speed traps: obstruction Accident investigation Evidence generally Speed limits on restricted roads Temporary speed limits Temporary maximum speed limits Temporary minimum speed limits Temporary speed restrictions for road works, etc. Speed limits applicable to particular classes of vehicle A Passenger vehicles and motor caravans B Goods vehicles C Car derived vans D Dual-purpose vehicles E Articulated vehicles and traiIers F AgricuIturaI vehicles Motorway speed Iimits Speed Iimits: proceedings and 6.154 Warning of intended prosecution penaIties 6.155 6.157 Temporary speed restrictions for road works, etc. 6.158 Proceedings generaIIy 6.159 Fixed penaIties and penalty points for speeding Motorways Speed Iimits: penaIties 6.168 Generally Motorways: penaIties 6.187 6.188 GeneraIIy Motorways: penaIties Pedestrian 6.199 crossings 6.203 6.207 6.208 6.212 6.215 6.216 6.217 6.219 6.223 XVI Generally Zebra crossings The "Iimits" of a Zebra crossing According precedence at Zebra crossings Absolute IiabiIity of driver Defence of mechanical faiIure, etc. Stopping in the Zebra controIIed area Overtaking in the Zebra controIIed area Pelican crossings Puffin crossings ı ! 5 5 1 5( 5( 5( 5( 5C 50 50 50 50 50, 50i 50! 5I 51 51 51 j 51 51 51 51. 515 1 516. 516 516 518 519 519 521 521 523 525 525 526 527 528 529 531 532 532 533 534 Contents 500 501 502 502 503 503 503 Pedestrian erossings: proeeedings and penalties i 535 6.231 Generally 535 6.233 Pedestrian erossings: penalties 537 6.234 Proeeedings for other offenees 538 School erossings and street playgrounds 538 6.245 Generally 538 504 6.246 School erossings 538 507 6.255 Street playgrounds 541 School erossings, ete.: penalties 543 504 508 508 508 509 510 6.258 Table of penalties Obstruetion, parking, ete. 543 544 6.268 Generally 544 511 6.270 Obstruetion 544 512 6.273 What amounts to obstruetion 545 513 6.284 Arrest 551 514 6.285 Parking meters 551 515 6.293 553 515 6.296 515 6.299 "No Waiting" streets Sign s Exemptions for loading, ete. 6.302 Exemptions for disabled drivers 554 555 556 515 6.309 Clearways 559 516 6.310 Parking on verges, footpaths and central reservations 560 516 6.313 516 6.315 Private wheel clamping: eriminal damage to wheel clamps 561 518 6.317 Abandoning vehicles 562 Driving on the footway and on eommon or private land 562 519 6.319 6.323 Depositing builders' skips on the highway 564 519 6.326 Negligent opening of ear doors 565 Immobilisation of vehicles illegally parked 560 6.330 Leaving vehicle in dangerous position 567 521 6.332 Parking or driving on cycle traeks 567 521 6.333 Parking at night 567 523 6.334 Depositing mud and other matter on highways 568 i Obstruetion, parking, ete.: penalties 569 525 52 5 52 6 52 7 52 8 52 9 53 1 53 2 53 2 53 3 53 4 6.346 Generally 569 6.347 Obstruetion, parking, ete.: penalties 570 6.348 Removal of illegally parked and abandoned vehicles 573 6.350 574 king attendants Chapter 7 Accidents and Furnishing Information Accidents involving injury 7.01 Produetion of eertifieates (section 170(5)) Accidents to persons, animals, vehicles or property 575 575 576 XVII Content s 7.14 7.17 7.19 7.24 7.34 Stopping and reporting: requirements of sections 170(1)-(4), (6), and 168 Knowledge of driver 5; 5; 5i 58 58 58, Meaning of "stop", "driver", "i~ury" and "accident" Furnishing information Duty to exchange names or report 7.41 Generally One offence or two? 584 7.43 Driver alleged to be guilty of a specİfied offence 7.52 58.5 59q 590 591 591 P1ace of offence 7.53 "By or on behalf of a chief officer of police" 7.54 Vehic1e driven without insurance 7.55 Other instances Proceedings and penalties 591 591 592 594 Chapter 8 Vehiele 01fences 7.64 Penalties for failure to stop and report Construction and use 7.67Generally Pena1ties for refusal to give information, etc. 8.01 7.69The Accidents and furnishing information: penalties, etc. 8.03 Construction and Use Regulations Type approval system 597 597 597 600 8.32 Vehic1es subject to type approval 8.33 The optional EC type approval scheme 8.36 The compulsory British type approval scheme 8. 41 Approval marks 8.58 8.42 Sale of vehic1es and parts without requİred certİficate 8.59 8.61 Construction and Use Regulations Specific 8.62 8.63 8.53 Agricultural trailed appliance 8.67 8.72 8.55 Length, width, height and overhang 8.73 Length 8.75 Width 8.87 Height 8.89 Overhang Rear markings xviii Speedometers Brakes Designated approval marks Pedal cyc1es Vehic1e or load in dangerous condition Quitting vehic1es, etc. Tyres 600 600 601 603 603 604 604 604 604 606 606 607 607 607 609 611 612 612 618 619 i i , ~ Contents (1)(4), 8.9 Knobbly tyres 7 Mirrors 8.9 Maseots 9 Wings 8.100 Emissions 8.101 Silencers, noise and warning instruments 8.102 Fuel tanks 8.103 Televisions and videos 8.108 Sale of unroadworthy vehicles and parts 8.109 Speeial types of vehicles 8.110 Abnormal indivisible load 8.114 Construetion and Use: 8.116 penalties 8.130 Generaııy 8.132 Endorsement 8.136 Deseription of weight offenees 8.137 Loads eausing nuisanee 8.1 Weight proseeutions 38 Defenees to weight proseeutions 8.140 Penalty points and exemptions from endorsement 8.143 Disqualifieation 8.145 Endorsement code 8.146 Brakes on pedal cycle s 8.1 Selling, ete., unroadworthy vehicles and parts 47 Construetion and use: penalties 8.148 8.149 Lighting 8.161 8.164 8.1 65 8.166 8.168 8.1 69 8.170 8.172 8.173 8.174 8.1 75 8.176 8.180 8.178 8.181 8.179 8.183 8.187 8.189 622 623 623 624 624 624 626 626 626 627 629 629 629 630 631 631 631 632 634 635 635 635 635 636 640 The Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations 640 Applieation 640 Offenees 641 Exemptions from the 1989 Regulations 641 Vehicles towing or being towed 641 Fitting of lamps, ete. 642 Projeeting trailers and projecting and overhanging loads 642 Headlamps-requirements 643 Position lamps-requirements 643 Rear registration plate lamps 643 Maintenanee 644 Exemptions-maintenanee 644 Further maintenanee offenees 644 Headlamps-keeping lit during darkness or seriously redueed visibility 644 Exemptions 645 Position lamps, ete. -keeping lit during darkness or seriously redueed visibility Exemptions for parked vehicles Seriously redueed 645 visibility Fog lamps 645 647 647 XiX Content s 8.190 Improper use of lamps, ete. Lighting: proeeedings and penalties 8.203 Generally 8.205 Lighting: penalties Test eertifieates and testing 8.216 Generally 8.217 Test eertifieates 8.223 Goods vehicles 8.229 Roadside tests 8.232 Foreign goods vehicles Test eertifieates: penalties Generally 8.247 Test eertifieates: penalties 8.249 Chapter 9 Protection of Drivers and Passengers 6\ 64 i 6 6 65 1 65 1 65 1 65 65 65 65~1 Generally 657 1 661 658 ~ 662 9.14 9.17 9.18 Wearing of seat beIts by persons of 14 and over Aiding and abetting Persons 14 and over: non-availability of seat beIts 662 662 663 9.20 Persons 14 and over: non-eomplianee seat belts exemption 663 9.01 Seat belts 9.21 9.25 9.28 9.32 9.35 9.38 9.39 9.41 9.43 9.45 9.48 9.49 9.51 9.52 9.53 \ , Persons 14 and over: general exemptions from wearing seat beIts 664 Exemption on medical grounds 665 Wearing of seat beIts, restraints, ete., by children in rear of motor vehicles 666 Children in rear: deseription of belts to be worn as required by section 15(3) 667 Children in rear: non-availability exemption 668 Children in rear of motor vehicles: vehicle exemptions 668 Children in rear of motor vehicles: other exemptions 669 Section 15(3A) offenee: driver not moving unproteeted smaIl ehild to the front-summary of requirements and exemptions 669 Wearing of seat belts by children in the front of motor vehicles 670 Children in the front: deseription of beIts to be worn as required by section 15( 1) and the regulations 671 Children in the front: deseription of vehicles 671 Children in the front: non-availability exemption 671 Children in the front: other exemptions 672 4 Differenees between the ehild seat beIt provisions and the general provisions 67 2 Speeified motor vehicles and vehicles exemptions generally 67 3 i ' i i xx Contents 647 9.54 648 648 649 650 650 650 652 655 657 657 657 658 Definitions 673 "Motor vehicle", "motor car", "relevant vehicle" 9.55 9.57 9.58 9.59 9.60 9.61 9.62 9.63 9.64 9.65 9.66 9.67 9.70 9.71 "Passenger car", "light goods vehicle", "small bus" "Large child", "sman child", "front", "rear" ':.-\dult seat belt" "Child restraint" "Seats", and various "seat belts" "Front seat" "Rear seat" "Specified passenger seat" "Coaches", "large buses" "Exposed forward facing seat" Other definitions Provision of seat belts Maintenance of seat belts Summary of the seat beIt requirements 673 673 674 674 674 674 674 675 675 - 675 675 675 675 677 678 Safety equipment for children in motor vehicles 680 Motor cycle helmets 680 661 9.99 Wearing of helmets 680 662 662 662 663 9.104 9.106 9.108 9.110 9.111 9.112 Aiding and abetting Eye protectors Sale, ete., of helmets "Third party" proceedings Sale, ete., of eye protectors Helmets, eye protectors and child safety equipment: warranty offences 681 681 682 682 682 663 664 665 666 Motor cycle passengers 9.123 683 Carrying passengers 683 Penalties and proceedings 667 668 668 669 669 670 9.133 9.134 9.135 9.136 9.137 9.1 39 683 Seat belts (sections 14 and 15) Motor cycle helmets (sections 16 and 17) Motor cycle passengers (section 23) Eye protectors (section 18) Helmets, eye protectors and child safety equipment: warranties 683 684 684 684 Protection of drivers and passengers: penalties 685 671 671 671 672 Chapter 10 10.01 683 Introduction Third party İnsurance policies 684 Insurance 687 687 672 10.1 i Generaliy 687 673 10.14 Nature of the insurance 688 XXI , 10.18 10.20 10.23 10.24 10.26 10.28 10.30 10.34 10.36 10.39 Content s The Motor Insurers' Bureau Certificates and po1icies Green Card Scheme 68 69 1 69 69: 69 ~ 69 3 694 Social and business purposes Car sharing; hire or reward Emp10yees and agents Driving 1icence condition Pub1ic authorities and other specia1 cas es Void conditions Trailers Liability of insurers 696 1 696 1 698 10.48 General conditions of liability 10.51 General conditions of liability; criminal acts 699 10.53 General conditions of liability; temporary cover on renewa1 699 700 700 701 701 702 703 704 707 707 10.55 General conditions of liability: disposal and acquisition 10.57 General conditions of liability: death of insured 10.58 Meaning of "use" generaUy 10.62 Use by passengers 10.82 10.83 10.66 Policyobtained by misrepresentation 10.85 AbsOlute liabiEty: using, causing and permitting 10.76 GeneraUy Evidence and procedure 10.93 Burden of proof 10.81 Special defence for persons using vehicles in the course of 10.94 Evidence their employment 10.95 Production of certificates A "Belonging" 10.96 ProductionBof"Incertificates-defence the course of his employment" 10.97 Production of certificates-other provisions C "Neither knew nor had reason to believe that there Proceedings and penalties was not in foree" 10.108 Limitation of time 10.109 Penalties 10.112 Specia1 reasons 10.115 Compensation and insurance Chapter i i Driving Licences 10.121 Insurance: pena1ties Provisions and offences 11.01 GeneraUy xxii 707 70 4 704 708 708 708 708 709 709 709 710 710 710 711 711 718 719 719 Contents 11.09 Renewal of licences and pending applications 11.13 Production of licences 11.19 Driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence i 1.21 Employing an unlicensed driver 1 1.23 Driving under age 11.24 Learner drivers 11.30 Supervision of learner drivers 11.33 Learner drivers and unqualified passengers 11.34 Aiding and abetting 11.35 Qualified drivers 11.37 Miscellaneous offences 11.43 Disease or disability IL. 49 Appeal 1 1.50 Electrically assisted pedal cycles 11.5 1 Drivers from abroad 11.55 Exchangeable driving licences Driving while disqualified lof 738 11.75 The offence (section 103) 11.81 Applying for a licence whilst disqualified 1 1.83 Obtaining a licence whilst disqualified 1 1.84 Disqualification quashed on appeal 1 1.85 Power of arrest 11.86 Attempts Penalties and proceedings 738 742 742 743 743 744 744 11.95 Generaloffences i 1.98 Endorsement, disqualification and penalty points 1 1.100 Driving while disqualified 1 i.l 04 Disqualification 1 1.105 Driving lieences: penalties Chapter 12 12.01 722 723 726 726 727 727 729 730 731 731 732 733 735 736 736 737 744 744 745 747 748 Excise and Trade Licences GeneraIly 753 and 753 licences Rates of duty General 12.29 12.30 Motor cycles 12.31 Buses 12.32 Speeial vehicles 12.33 "Digging machines" and "mobile eranes" 12.34 "Works truek" 12.35 Special eoneessionary vehicle 12.37 '1\gricultural"; "agricultural engine" 12.39 "Mowing maehines" 755 Vehicle excise duty 755 755 756 756 756 757 757 758 759 xxııı Content 12.40 s "E1ectricalIy propelIed 12.4 1 vehic1es" 12.4 Recovery vehic1es 2 Vehic1es used for exceptiona11oads 12.4 Haulage vehic1es 3 Showmen's 12.4 vehic1es 4 Goods vehic1es 12.4 6 Meaning of "goods vehic1e" 12.47 Trailers 12.50 Taxation of goods vehic1es 12.51 12.5 Goods vehic1es not exceeding 3,500kg laden weight 2 12.5 12.72 3 Goods vehic1es over 3,500kg laden weight 12.73 12.54 Showmen's and island goods vehic1es 12.5 Offences in respect of licences Exceptional1oad vehic1es 5 12.76 12.5 Ascertainment ofon vehic1es Using or keepingofaweight vehic1e a public road without a 6 licence Exemptions from duty 12.85 12.5 General 7 lı 7i 7 71 7~ 7 7 1 7 1 L E 76 : 76 : 7 6 76 76 4 76 769 12.88 Use in contravention ColIection of duty of the Statutory Off-Road 14 12.89 76 Vehic1e licences 772 Notification (SORN) 12.9 1 76 5 778/ Effect of failure to transfer a licence 12.98 3 76 12.100 779) Cakulation of back-duty 12.103 3 769 12.105 775 12.108 77/1 Summaryas to proceedings for payınent of back-duty, etc. 12.110 6 Examples 12.111 77 Failing to display licence 12.112 8 12.113 779 Void cheques: failure to deliver up excise licences 12.114 780 12.115 78 Trade licences Unde~paymentofduty 1 Information as to us er 782 12.121 GeneralIy 782 12.125 Immobilisation, removal and disposal of vehic1es 78 12.127 784 Limitations on Use of trade licences 3 12.128 Immobilisation, removal and disposal 785 783 Duration of licences 12.129 786 Offences relating to vouchers 784 12.130 7878 Improper use of vehic1es under a trade licence Appeals against refusal to refund 12.131 64 Exemptions A "Public road" 78 Northern Ireland Scotland 6 XXIV B "HoIder of a and trader licence" 787 C "Prescribed business purposes" 784 787 ~ Content s 7i 12.134 D "Vehides temporarily in his possession" 7:1 12.135 E "Workshops" 7J' 12.136 Display of trade plates 76 ,12.137 Offences under the regulations ;:Trade licences: proceedings and penalties :n weight 76 12.149 Generally 76 12.152 Trade !icences: penalties 76. . ." 76'ExcıseIıcences: regıstratlOn 76' 12.162 Registration 76: 12.167 Sale and transfer of registration marks 76j 12.168 Visitors from abroad 761 12.169 Rear number plate lamps 761 . 12.170 Display of registration marks . . I 761E d d I .76 8 xcıse ıcences: procee ıngs an pena tıes 769 769 ıut a 769 12.182 Fines for breach of the 1971 Regulations 12.183 Who may prosecute and authorisation to do so 12.185 Limitation of time 12.188 Evidence 12.189 Venue 12.190 Burden of proof 12.192 Written plea of guilty procedure 12.193 Mitigated penalties 12.196 Remission of fine or penalty 12.198 Vehicle excise licences: penalties 77 2 77 uty, 3 ete. 773 77 Chapter 13 Goods and Passenger Vehicles 5 776 Driver licensing: large goods vehides, heavy goods vehides, passenger 778 carrying vehicles and public service vehides 779 13.01 Generally 780 13.02 LGV and PCV drivers' licences 781 Fitness of LGV and PCV !icence applicants and holders 782 782 13.06 13.09 The LGV and PCV regulations 783 783 13.IICourt disqualification until test passed 784 784 13.12 Disqualification with revocation when LGV driver under 21 784 13.13 Duration of licence authorisation 13.14 Exemptions from the LGV and PCV licensing requirements 784 785 and from the regulations 786 Other exemptions and special provisions 13.15 786 786 LGV and PCV drivers' licences: exemptions for persons 13.16 787 787 from abroad LGV and PGV drivers' licences: proceedings and penalties 13.32 Generally 788 788 788 789 789 789 791 792 792 793 793 794 794 795 795 796 797 797 798 798 799 800 800 801 803 803 803 804 806 806 807 807 807 807 808 808 808 xxv r Content s 13.34 Large goods and passenger-carrying vehicles: driving licence penalties Goods vehicle operators' licences 13.45 13.48 13.49 13.50 13.51 13.53 13.57 13.58 13.59 13.61 13.62 13.66 13.70 13.71 13.73 13.79 Generally Types of operator's licence Standard operator's licence Restricted operator's licence Professional competence, financial standing, ete. Good repute Authorised vehicles Using a goods vehicle without an operator's licence A "Goods vehicle" B "Use" C "Hire or reward" Conditions attached to licences Operating centres Environmenta1 control Exemptions Exclusions or modifications for certain foreign and Northem Ireland vehicles 8 1 8 1 8 8 81 1 81 :81 81 81 82q 81 821 81 ! 1 821 1 82~ 82~ Goods vehicle operators' lieences: proceedings and penalties 13.94 13.95 13.98 Offences of breaches of conditions Proceedings and penalties: generally Goods vehicle operators' licences: penalties Carriage of goods, ete. 13.109 13.113 13.114 13. II 5 13.116 13.11 7 13.125 13.126 13.127 13.128 13.129 13.134 825\ 8251 8251 8271 8291 Carriage of controlled waste 829 Offences 830 Exemptions 830 Defences 830 Carriage of controlled waste: proceedings and penalties 831 Conveyance of dangerous substances generally 831 Defences and exemptions 835 Carriage of dangerous goods: training 835 Exemption from 1996 Regulations 836 International conveyance of dangerous substances 836 Conveyance of dangerous substances: carriage of explosives 836 . Carriage of explosives: vehicles carrying passengers for 837 838 hire or reward 13.136 Exemptions 13.139 Conveyance of dangerous substances: radioactive material 838 Codes of practice: use in evidence 839 13.141 Conveyance of dangerous substances: 839 13.142 840 13.143 proceedings Radioactive material: proceedings and penalties Conveyance of dangerous substances: 840 13.145 penalties XXVI Contents ng licence 810 812 812 812 813 813 13.1 46 13.1 47 International carriage International haulage authorisations/permits 840 841 13.1 56 International haulage authorisations/permits: penalties 844 13.157 International carriage of perishable foorlstuffs 845 13.161 International carriage of perishable foodstuffs: penalties 846 Public seıvice vehicles 13.165 813 Generally 814 PSVs: definition and classİfication 816 847 "Public service vehicle" 847 817 13.179 Hiring of taxis at separate fares 848 817 13.181 Local, express and contract services 848 818 13.184 Local services 849 820 13.188 821 13.189 821 822 824 13.190 Local service: traffic regulation eonditions Other definitions 850 850 A "Excursion or tour" 850 B "Stopping p1ace" 850 13.191 "Used for carrying passengers" 850 13.192 '1\dapted" 851 13.194 "More than eight passengers" 851 i 3. 195 "Hire or reward" 852 825 13.198 "Separate fares" 853 825 13.200 "In the course of a business of carrying passengers" 854 13.201 Certain PSVs not treated as such 855 13.203 Certain PSV serviees not to be regarded as 10cal 825 827 829 829 13.204 830 13.209 830 13.21 i 830 831 i 847 13.177 816 s 847 servıces 855 Registration of PSV services 856 Penalties London local service 1icences PSV licensing and fitness requirements 857 857 857 831 13.224 Transport systems including tramways 857 835 13.226 PSV operators' 1icences 858 835 13.229 Standard PSV operator's 1icence 859 836 13.230 Restricted PSV operator's lieence 859 836 836 13.237 13.239 PSV operators' lieences: conditions Special1ieences (restricted PSV operators' licences) 13.24 i Relaxations and exemptions from the PSV 837 838 13.243 requirements Examp1es 863 863 . 838 839 13.248 13.250 13.257 Fitness of PSV s Services by certaİn educational and other bodies Offences 864 865 867 839 13.259 Community bus services 868 840 13.264 '840 13.266 Offences International passenger services 861 862 870 870 XX VII -, Contents 13.271 13.273 13.274 13.276 PSVs registered in Northern Ireland PSVs registered abroad Further requirements Non-regular national passenger services to be permitted by EV Member States Penalties Offences Cases "Operator of the vehicle" "Operator of the service" Defences 13.27 7 13.27 8 13.27 9 13.28 PSV 3licensing: proceedings and penalties 13.28 13.292 Generally 5 13.296 13.28 Public service vehicles operators' licences, etc.: penalties Conduct 6 on public service vehicles and tramcars, etc. 13.307 Generally 13.309 Conduct of drivers, inspectors and conductors 13.316 Conduct of passengers 13.321 Carrying capacity 13.322 Lost property 13.323 Conduct on tramcars, etc. 13.326 Conduct on tramcars: proceedings and penalties Conduct on PSVs: proceedings and penalties 13.338 Generally 13.342 Conduct on PSVs: pena1ties Generaliy London Taxis and private hire vehicles: proceedings and penalties 13.389 Proceedings generaliy 13.392 Rights of appeal: taxis and private hire vehicles 13.395 Penalties 13.396 Taxis and private hire vehicles: penalties Chapter ı 4 Drivers' Hours and Records Introduction 14.01 14.06 14.09 14.14 14.19 XXVIII ~ ~ 8 8 1 ~~ a : 8' 8' 87 87 88 88 1 88 1 88 : 88~ 1 8861 1 Taxis and private hire vehicles 13.353 13.370 ı 88~ 88 71 88 901 81 901 88 902 904 81 905 88 81 89 01 907 Generally Application EC law: summary Applicable Community rules National and internationaljourneys 89 907 1 908 909 89 911 1 912 898 1 ... Contents Domestic journeys EC law: definitions Definitions: "carriage by road" "Carriage by road" -private use of goods and passenger vehieles Tachographs (minibuses) 14.23 14.34 14.44 14.46 14.4 7 923 924 925 Drivers' hours 14.5 5 Drivers' 913 918 922 Generally hours: goods 92 5 92 vehieles 6 14.68 National and internationaljourneys 926 14.78 Table I-Goods vehieles: hours and rest periods 929 14.79 Definitions 14.8 929 14.82 Exceptions and exemptions 3 931 93 A Exceptions 14.8 B Exemption for safety purposes (artiele 12) applicable 1 5 to both national and international journeys 93 C National territory exemptions (which mayaıso be 1 14.93 extended by agreement to other EV Member States) 932 D Exemptions for exceptional circumstances (artiele 13(2)) applicable to both national and international 934 journeys (items 12, 13 and 14 of Schedule) 14.10 937 Burden of proof of exemption 2 937 14.10 Domestic journeys Exemptions for the drivers of goods vehieles in cases of 939 3 14.1 emergency 09 939 14.1 LO Mİxed journeys Domestic journeys or work to take into account national 939 and international journeys or work 940 14.111 Goods vehieles' and passenger vehieles' drivers 940 14.112 The AETR agreement 940 Generally 940 14.113 Provisions 14.114 940 Application 14.116 941 Exemption for emergencies 14.117 941 Enforcement 942 Drivers' hours: passenger vehieles 942 14.132 Generally 14.133 14.134 14.135 14.138 14.139 14.141 14.143 National and international journeys Table 2-Passenger vehieles: hours and rest periods Exemptions Burden of proof of exemption Provisions Domestic journeys Mİxed journeys 942 942 943 944 945 945 946 XXIX . Contents Drivers' hours: proceedings 14.15 3 Offences and proceedings; driving and duty periods 14.174 Generally Drivers' records Drivers' records: tach~graphs 14.189 Goods vehicles on national and internationaljourneys Provisions 14.198 Definitions 14.200 Exceptions and exemptions 14.203 Proceedings 14.204 Defences 14.208 Liability of emp10yers for staff defaults 14.214 Tachograph records replacing handwritten records 14.217 Vo1untary use of the tachograph 14.219 Passenger vehicles 14.220 Passenger vehicles: exceptions-domestic journeys or work 14.222 Passenger vehicles: exemptions 14.226 Passenger vehicles: summary 14.227 Table 3-Passenger vehicles: tachographs and records Drivers' records: manual records 14.234 14.235 14.236 14.237 14.238 14.239 14.242 14.243 14.248 14.249 Generaliy Definitions When the manua1 records requirements apply A Domestic journeys B Where the Community rules are not applicable C Certain postal vehicles and the domestic rules Manual records: exemptions from the 1987 Regulations Mİxed driving Provisions of the regulations and cases The AETR agreement Liability of employers for staff defaults: generaliy Drivers' hours and records: proceedings and penalties 14.264 14.268 14.271 14.273 14.274 Proceedings Penalties Magistrates' Court Sentencing Guidelines Drivers' hours: penalties Drivers' records: penalties Chapter 15 Theft, Taking Conveyances, Aggravated VehicleTaking, Crlıninal Danıage and Causing Danger to Road Users 15.01 xxx Generaliy ~ 9 9 : ~~ 951 951 951 9581 95! 96~ 1 961 1 96\ 1 96 2j 963 1 96 3! 96 5 96 5 96 5 96 5 96 5 96 5 966 966 979 967 967 969 969 97\ 97\ 973 975 976 977 Obtaİnİng a pecunİary advantage 16.29 Content s GeneraII Forgery and frauduIent appIİcatİons y i 6.4 i GeneraIIy 16.42 Forgery 16.45 FaIse statements, etc. iı i I I iı 16.4 7 Issue of faIse documents i 6.48 Test certİficates 16.49 Drİvİng lİcences Proceedİngs and penaItİes 16.60 GeneraIIy 16.62 ~~ i Forgery, fraudu1ent Use and faIse statements: penaItİesChapter 17 17.01 17.04 Definitİons i i i i Fixed PenaIties Introductİon Crown roads and royal parks 17.26 "Fİxed penaIty" "Fİxed 17.27 pena1ty notİce" 17.28 17.2 "Suspended enforcement perİod" 9 "Owner" 17.3 "Notİce to owner" 0 "Statutory statement of ownershİp" 17.3 "Statutory statement of facts" Fİxed1penaIty procedure: an outIİne 17.3 17.43 Person present 2 17.50 Statİonary vehİcIe 17.5 Nil response 2 Person served requests hearİng 17.5 Person served not the owner 3 17.5 Person served not the drİver ScheduIe 4 of fixed penaIty offences 17.5 i 57.66 Descrİptİon of offences 17.69 TabIe of fixed penaIty offences Fİxed penaIty notİce 10 i O~ 102 102 102 102 1O~ 1021 102 i 02~ I02~ I02~ I02~ 1O2 ~ 102 11 102jl 102j ,I 102j l 17.80 Issue of a fixed penaIty notİce 17.84 17.85 Drİver present; offence endorsabIe 17.87 xxxii Drİver present; offence not endorsabIe Drİver absent Contents of a fixed penaIty notİce 102jl 102 6. 1029' 1029 , 102 9 1030 1 1030 1 1031 p"" Contents 101] 17.88 Notification of court and date of trial 101 Suspended enforcement period 1 101 17.99 Provisions of sections 78 and 52(3)(a) 2 101 17.101 Requests for court hearings 2 101 Driver present 2 101 17.1 02 Driver absent 4 101 17.103 Events subsequent to the suspended enforcement period 5 101 The consequences of inertia 5 17.104 Driver present 101 5 17.107 Driver absent; notice affixed to vehicle 101 6 1031 1032 1032 1032 1032 1032 1033 1033 1033 1034 Service of notice 1035 101 6 101 7 :es 1019 1020 1020 1020 1021 1021 1021 1021 1022 1022 1022 17.1 18 Procedure following service of notice to owner 17.119 Payment during the period allowed for response 1035 17.120 Nil response 1035 17.121 Person served requests a hearing 1035 Person served not the owner Person served not the driver False statements in response to notices to owner 1036 1036 1037 17.122 17.123 17.125 Rectification of mistakes 1037 17.138 Statutory declarations 17.140 Procedure where fixed penalty notice given to offender 17.142 Procedure where fixed penalty notice affixed to stationary vehicle 17.144 Protection from unauthorised actions 1038 1038 Miscellaneous provisions 1025 F10w charts 1026 1029 1037 17.1 36 Driver liab1e to penalty points disqualification 17.155 Penalty points: modification where fixed pena1ty also in 1022 question 17.156 1024 Specia1 provisions for hired vehicles 1024 1024 Operation of the fixed penalty system 1025 17.168 Conclusions and practical prob1ems 1025 1025 1035 17.180 17.181 17.182 17.183 1039 1040 1040 1040 1040 1041 1041 1042 Explanation and key "Driver present"-endorsab1e offence "Driver present"-non-endorsab1e offence "Stationary vehicle"-non-endorsable offence 1029 1029 1030 1030 Conditiona1 offer of fixed penalty 1031 Vehicle emissions: pilot scheme 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 17.194 Introduction 1046 17.196 Issue of conditional offer 1046 1047 XXXL LL ~ '\ Contents Chapter 18 Custodial and Other Penalties Introductİon LOt 18.01 18.02 18.03 Fİnes The 1egis1atİve framework Dİscount for a guilty p1ea The Magistrates' Court Senteneing Guidelines 18.13 Generally 18.14 The assessment and İmposİtİon of fines 18.18 Fİnes, costs and compensatİon İmposed on youths Imprİsonment and other custodİa1 sentences 18.28 Statutory restrİctİons on İmposİtion of custodİa1 sentences 18.31 Length of custodİa1 sentences 18.32 Young offenders and youths; custodİa1 sentences 18.34 Suspended sentences 18.36 Detentİon İn po1İce cells, ete. 18.37 Deferment of sentence Non-custodİa1 sentences 18.48 Communİty sentences 18.49 Communİty rehabilİtatİon orders 18.52 Abso1ute or condİtİona1 dİscharge 18.54 Communİty punİshment orders 18.57 Communİty punİshment and rehabİ1İtation 18.58 Curfew orders 18.59 Compensation 18.64 Forfeİture of property used for cnmİna1 purposes Costs 18.76 18.79 18.83 18.86 18.88 Generally Defendanes costs orders Award of costs agaİnst the accused Prİvate prosecutors Awards of costs İn other cİrcumstances Chapter 19 Endorseınent and Penalty Poİnts Endorsement 19.01 19.02 19.03 19.07 19.08 19.09 XXXiV Summary Tab1e of endorsab1e offences Requİrement to endorse Omİssİon to order endorsement Endorsement as evİdence Notİficatİon of endorsement 10 ~ 10 4. 10 51 105 Pe 105' 105 105 105 105 1 05~ 1 lOS' lOS 1 lOS: 10S 1051 i Pf: lOS! 10S lOS~ 1 10Sj Ri 106 ~ 106i j 106\ 106i j i 106\ 106ı ' 106 6 106 J 106 8 106 8 1071 1071 1072 1074 1075 1076 1076 1 -Contents alties 19.1 1 19.1 2 119.1 3 19.14 falty points i 19.15 . 19.18 I' 19.29 Committal for sentence Remittal for sentence Deferment of sentence Adjournment for sentence Attempts Aiders and abettors 1079 Summary 1/ 19.30 II 19.31 Endorsement Number of points to be endorsed 19.33 Disqualification L S "Wiping the slate dean" 1~ 19.34 entence i~ 19.35 s wl 19.36 Period of disqualification Crown servants 1~1 19.37 Number of points to be endorsed 1~ 19.38 Variable points l~t 19.41 Fixed penalties and penalty points 101 19.42 Fixed 101 points offences 19.44 Penalty points for obligatorily disqualifiable offences 19.46 Offences committed on the same occasion 10~rocedure on conviction ıı; 19.60 Production of driving !icence for endorsement lOJRemoval of endorsement 10~ 106 19.76 Application for removal of endorsement 106 106 Chapter 20 Disqualification 106 General principles 106! 20.0 i Summary 106ı 106i 106i 1068 20.02 Obligatory orders of disqualification 20.03 Discretionary orders of disqualification 20.04 Period and commencement of disqua!ification 20.05 Escaping disqualification by deception 20.06 Notification of disease or disability 20.07 Probationary period for newly qualified drivers 20.08 Removal of disqua!ification 1071 20.09 Scope and effect of disqualification 20. ı 3 Undertaking not to drive 1071 20.14 Period and commencement of disqualification 1072 20.21 Attempts 1074 1075 Obligatory disqualifications 1076 20.30 Obligatory disqualification 1076 20.36 1077 1077 1077 1077 1077 1078 Second conviction for drink/ driving, ete., offences 1079 1079 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1081 1081 1082 1083 1083 1084 1086 1086 1089 1089 1091 1091 1091 1092 1092 1092 1092 1093 1093 1093 1094 1094 1098 1098 1098 1100 XXXV Contents 20.38 Summary of penalty points disqualifieation 20.42 Penalty points required to be taken into aeeount 20.53 "Wiping the slate dean" 20.56 Period of disqualifieation ıı~ LLL IL~S I LLL ' LLL i II ilı Diseretionary disqualifieations 20.63 Exercise of diseretionary power 20.65 Disqualifieation where vehide used for erime 20.72 Disqualifieation for arıy offenee or for the enforeement of fines Disqualifieation pending passing a driving test 20.74 Interim disqualifieation 20.81 Disqualifieation on eommittal for sentenee Disqualifieation 20.85 from driving for non-payment of ehild support 20.90 Miseellaneous matters 20.100 Eseaping disqualifieation by deeeption 20.102 Notifieation of disease or disability 20.106 Courses for drink/ drive offenders 20.108 Probationary period for newly qualified drivers Removal of disqualifieation 20.116 Applieation for removal 20.119 Proeedure for removal Chapter 21 21.0 i Special Reasons and Mitigating Circ1UDstances Introduction Special reasons 21.15 Definition and eriteria Examples of speeial reasons Generally 21.31 21.32 Insuranee 21.36 Drink/ driving 21.38 Explanations for being unfit: eharges under section 4 21. Explanations for having exeess aleohol in the body: 40 eharges under section 5 21.49 Emergeney 21.57 Shortness of distanee driven 21.62 Miseellaneous eİreumstanees 21.68 Dangerous and eareless driving 21.70 Trafik signs, pedestrian erossings, school erossings Speed 21.72 limits 21.74 Motorways 21.75 Aeeidents XXXVi 1l2 ~ 112~ 1 1132, i 12~1 11321 11321 11341 11351 1135 11391 II 42 1145 II 48 1149 1149 1150 1151 -- Contents LJ~ 21.76 Driving whilst disqualified 1 la 21.77 Constmetion and . Regulations . S a d Ila peeı Lreasons: praetıee an dproee ure 110 21.8 ı 11 a Use 21.9 ı 1154 Penalty points disqualifieation 1155 grounds 1155 1156 1157 22.3 1129 3 22.44 22.53 High 1132 Court of senteneing Reviews 113 2 113 2 1134 1135 1135 1139 1142 1145 1148 1149 1149 1150 1151 1154 1111 Mitigating cireumstanees: excluded 111~ 21.105 Cireumstanees al1eged to make the offenee not serious 111; 2 ı .1 06 Hardship other than exeeptional hardship 1119 1118 21.110 Any eireumstanees previously taken into aeeount 112 Mitigating cireumstanees: praetiee and proeedure Chapter 22 Appeals 0 21.123 Onus of proof, ete. 1120 Introduction 112 22.01 Rights of appeal 1 22.03 Appeals general1y 112 22.08 Suspension of disqualifieation pending appeal 2 112 Crown Court 3 22.2 Seope of right and proeedure 1124 2 Offenees heard at the same time 22.3 Abandonment of appeal 1124 1129 2 1125 1129 1152 1152 Onus of proof, ete. 11 a Mitigating eireumstanees 111/ 1151 1151 Cases stated Applieation for judieial review 1158 1161 1161 1162 1164 1166 1166 1171 1171 1172 1172 1175 1180 Royal parclon 22.8 1 1158 Free pardon and remission of penalties Appendix ı 1180 1180 Drink/Driving Alcahal eoneentrations Table of metabolie losses for breath and blood analyses with time Lion Intoxİmeter 3000 Camie Breath Analyser Sample printouts Camie Datamaster Intoximeter EC/IR Lion intoxylizer 6000UK 1185 1187 1189 1190 1191 1192 1194 1197 xxxvıı Content s Appendix 2 DVLA endorsement codes Endorseınent and Sentence Codes Appendix 3 Sentencİng Guidelines Appendix 4 Driving Offences Charging Standard Driving Offences Charging Standard agreed by the police and Crown Prosecution Service Index 12 ]2