Strategy - Lessons4u

Optional Instructional Tools
Learning-Focused Strategies
Learning Unit Planning Guide
Tracy Beach
Date: 03-17-08 BEGIN
04-08-08 END
Unit Topic: What Fossils Tell Us 8-2.1, 8-2.2, 8-2.6
Grade 8
Student Learning Map
Key Learnings:
Explain how scientist study Earth’s past environment and diverse life-forms by examining different
types of fossils.
Key Unit Essential Question:
How do scientist’s study Earth’s past environment and diverse life forms?
Major Concepts/Skills
. Concept:
What do fossils tell us?
How do permineralized
How are original
What is the difference
fossils form?
remains preserved?
in how mold and cast
fossils form?
How do trace fossils
form and what can they
tell us?
Permineralized fossils
How do Geologist’s
determine relative age
of rocks and other
How do unconformities
Original remains, trace
How do Geologist’s
determine the absolute
age of rocks and other
Carbon film, Mold fossils,
cast fossils
Explain the principle of
Explain half life and
different ways geologist
use it in dating rocks
and artifacts.
Relative age
Absolute age,
radioactive decay, half
life, radiometric decay
DECISION 3: What is the Performance/Product or Project that is the culminating activity of
this unit?
Higher order analytical and synthesis labs.
Student Assignments for the Culminating Activity:
Relative Age
PACT Questions
Answer critical thinking questions
Modeling Carbon-14 Dating
Principle of Superposition.
Essential Question of the Culminating Activity:
How many ways can scientist look at dating rocks and other objects?
Paragraph Description of the Culminating Activity:
The culminating activities require higher order thinking skills necessary to perform the labs without
notes, books or other resources. All work is completed using their thought processes and everything
they learned from knowledge and comprehension tasks prior to reaching this level.
Relative age has students see how unconformities can make dating rocks difficult, they follow a process
of disturbances and infer the ages of the layers. PACT and Critical Thinking Questions provoking higher
order thinking skills. Modeling Carbon 14 dating uses air soft pellets to model half life in a visual way
and then requires higher order thinking skills to answer questions and infer. Principle of Superposition is
a great review of the students understanding of the principle itself modeling and creating a geologic
formation. The student then analyzes their work to answer questions.
Steps or Task Analysis of the Culminating Activity:
See following page.
Relative Ages
Interpret illustrations of rock layers and other geological structures and determine the relative order
of events.
1. Analyze Figures A and B on the next page.
2. On Figure A, identify the relative age of each rock layer, igneous intrusion, fault, and unconformity.
For example, the shale layer is the oldest, so mark it with a 1. Mark the next-oldest feature with a 2,
and so on.
3. Repeat step 2 for Figure B.
Conclude and Apply
Figure A
1. Identify the type of unconformity shown. Is it possible that there were originally more layers of rock
than are shown?
2. Describe how the rocks above the fault moved in relation to rocks below the fault.
3. Hypothesize how the hill on the left side of the figure formed.
Figure B
4. Is it possible to conclude if the igneous intrusion on the left is older or younger than the unconformity
nearest the surface?
5. Describe the relative ages of the two igneous intrusions. How did you know?
6. Hypothesize which two layers of rock might have been much thicker in the past.
Modeling Carbon-14 Dating
1. Count out 80 red air soft pellets.
2. Remove half the red pellets and replace them with green air soft pellets.
3. Continue replacing half the red pellets with green pellets until only five red jelly beans remain. Count
the number of times you replace half the red pellets.
1. How did this lab model the decay of carbon-14 atoms?
2. How many half-lives of carbon-14 did you model during this lab?
3. If the atoms in a bone experienced the same number of half-lives as your pellets, how old would the
bone be?
Principle of Superposition
The principle of superposition states that beds in a series are laid down with the oldest at the bottom and
successively younger layers on top. Beds may be exposed at the surface as a result of folding and uplifting
or because of faulting. If part, or all, of a layer is removed by erosion and this surface is covered by a new
deposit, the contact is called an unconformity. In some areas, river erosion will cut deeply enough to expose
a number of layers, such as in the Grand Canyon.
You will construct a map legend.
You will construct a block diagram of an area.
You will write the geologic history of the area.
block diagram, Figure 1
glue or paste
construction paper
pencils (colored)
tape (clear)
1. Set up a legend for your diagram and select a color for each layer. Record the legend in Table 1.
2. Glue Figure 1 on the cardboard. Color the map according to your legend.
3. Cut out, fold, and tape the block diagram as instructed on Figure 1.
Data and Observations
Table 1
Layer A
Layer B
Layer C
Layer D
Questions and Conclusions
1. Which layer is oldest? Explain.
2. What kind of structure do the layers have?
3. Why is the glacial till not folded?
4. What does the presence of the peat and soil layer in the glacial till tell you?
5. Was this a mountainous area prior to glaciation? Explain.
6. How many advances of the ice occurred here?
7. Write the geologic history of the area illustrated in the block diagram.
Figure 1
DECISION 4: Student Assessments
Plan how students will indicate learning and understanding of the concepts in the unit. How will you
assess learning?
Personal Agenda, individual grading, consultation and feedback, oral defense, Key Terms Test and Unit
Test. I also ask the students to give me feedback on each unit such as, what they liked about the unit,
what they did not like about the unit, etc. See Agenda on next page:
Clues to Earth’s Past
Knowledge and Comprehension Layer: maximum 84 points. You may use your book on this Layer. No
talking unless your assignment has a partner or group. 2 and 3 must be completed before starting Layer. ~ means
you can do this work at home. All illustrations must be done on plain paper and in color to receive credit. All
partners or groups must write individual reports in their own words.
1. Parent signature for review of Agenda and internet use:______________________[5]
2.~Questions from direct instruction page 70-79 and answer 1-9. [9]
3.~Questions from direct instruction page 80-89 and answer question 10-20. [11]
4.~Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: fossils, permineralized remains,
carbon film, mold, cast, trace fossils, principle of superposition, relative age, unconformities,
absolute age, radioactive decay, half-life, radiometric dating, uniformitarianism. [7]
5. Key Terms Test. date: ________________ [10]
6. Clues to Life’s Launch Lab. Page 69 in your text book. [8]
7. What makes the best fossils? [6]
8. Mini Lab on Page 71 of your text book. [4]
9. Illustrate the three types of unconformities and explain how each form. [9]
10. Why did the Iceman die? Page 88 in your text book. [6]
11. Foldable from page 69 in your text book. [6]
12.~Go to and answer the questions
from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Geology 1. [10]
13.~Go to and answer the questions
from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Flora and Fauna 2. [10]
14.~Go to and answer the questions
from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Human Exploration & Excavation 3. [10]
15. Your choice from Orange Book. Get my approval first._________________. [ ]
16. Video Notes. Due the day after the video. Look in Orange Book for directions on how to turn
in the video notes.[10]
17. Answer Essential Questions. [5]
18. Clues to Earth’s Past Unit Test. [25] Points do not count toward this
layer. This will be a major grade. Test Date_________________
19. Oral Quiz. Must have 80 points. Quiz stops when you miss an answer. [1-4]
TOTAL POINTS up to 84 must be signed off before you move into the next Layer.
Thinking and Analysis Layer: maximum 16 points. There is no use of text books or notes. No talking to anyone on
This layer unless you are with a partner. Do not discuss your findings with other partners/groups. You can receive up
to 16 points in this Layer to achieve 100 point’s for the unit. Everything must be completed in one class period unless
otherwise noted. Each partner or group must submit individual reports in their own words.
Relative Age.[12]
PACT Questions. [4]
Answer critical thinking questions. Ask me for them. [4]
Modeling Carbon-14 Dating. [6]
Principle of Superposition. [12]
_____ TOTAL POINTS up to 100 for Geologic Time, Catastrophes and Extinction Unit.
Please write any comments or notes on the back of this sheet about the unit that you would like to
bring to my attention. Ex: What did you like most about this unit, the least, any suggestions, etc.
DECISION 5: Launch Activity
Clues to Life Launch Lab. Interactive Flipchart with Discussion.
Unit Launch
Interactive Flipchart with discussion.
DECISION 6: Acquisition Lessons and Activities- (At the end of this document)
DECISION 7: What Extending/Refining Lessons/Activities will be in the Unit?
Students receive immediate feedback on all labs and work allowing me to clarify any misconceptions
HINT: The most important essential question should have thinking skills activities.
Error Analysis
Example to Idea
Construction Support
Idea to Example
Writing Prompts
DECISION 8: Differentiating the unit
What accommodations will you make to meet the varied interests, learning styles and ability levels of all
Personal Agendas that offer multiple activities and labs in multiple learning styles to meet student’s
individual needs.
DECISION 9: Lesson/Activity Sequence and Timeline:
Personal Agenda for this unit lasts 10 school days. Unit test on the 11th school day.
DECISION 10: Review and Revise:
Students receive immediate feedback on any misconceptions throughout the unit.
DECISION 11: What Resources or Materials will be needed for this unit?
Red and Green air soft pellets, block diagram, Figure 1 glue or paste construction paper pencils
(colored) scissors tape (clear)
Learning-Focused Strategies
Lesson Planning Form
Name: Beach
Class: Science
Unit: What Fossils Tell Us
Date of lesson: 03-17-08
QUESTION: What do fossils tell us?
(with key questions if
ACTIVATING Interactive Flipchart.
(focus on content
maps and key
TEACHING Questions from direct instruction page 70-79 and answer 1-9
(graphic organizers)
(distributed guided
practice and
SUMMARIZING Answers will be checked of the following day, and gone over Wednesday.
(ex: Ticket out the
Door, 3-2-1, etc.
Answer the EQ)
Name: Beach
Class: Science
Unit: What Fossils Tell Us
Date of lesson: 03-18-08
ESSENTIAL How do permineralized fossils form?
(with key questions if
ACTIVATING Interactive flipchart.
(focus on content
maps and key
TEACHING Questions from direct instruction page 80-89 and answer question 10-20
(graphic organizers)
(distributed guided
practice and
SUMMARIZING Answers will be chaecked and gone over tomorrow. Once corrections have been
STRATEGIES: made each student will receive their personal agenda.
(ex: Ticket out the
Door, 3-2-1, etc.
Answer the EQ)
Name: Beach
Class: Science
Unit: What Fossils Tell Us
ESSENTIAL How are original remains preserved?
(with key questions
if necessary)
(focus on content
maps and key
(graphic organizers)
(distributed guided
practice and
(ex: Ticket out the
Door, 3-2-1, etc.
Answer the EQ)
Date of lesson: 03-19-08
Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: fossils, permineralized remains,
carbon film, mold, cast, trace fossils, principle of superposition, relative age, unconformities,
absolute age, radioactive decay, half-life, radiometric dating, uniformitarianism. Key Terms
Test. Clues to Life’s Launch Lab. Page 69 in your text book. What makes the best fossils?
Mini Lab on Page 71 of your text book. Illustrate the three types of unconformities and explain
how each form.Why did the Iceman die? Page 88 in your text book. Foldable from page 69 in
your text book. Go to and answer
the questions from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Geology 1. Go to and answer the questions
from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Flora and Fauna 2. Go to and answer the questions
from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Human Exploration & Excavation 3. Your
choice from Orange Book. Get my approval first. Video Notes. Due the day after the video.
Look in Orange Book for directions on how to turn in the video notes. Answer Essential
Questions. Oral Quiz.
Differentiated. Multiple options to choose from in which to learn the standard.
As students work I will be observing, answering questions, modeling, praising and
scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the board and I check their
work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct any misconceptions.
(Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they
want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive sheets/Instructional
materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of location
in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench
Essential questions are answered. Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes
longer than 1 day. In such a case the work is held for the student/s to begin the
following school day.
Unit test and Key terms test are assigned and recorded on student’s Personal
Name: Beach
Class: Science
Unit: What Fossils Tell Us
Date of lesson: 03-20-08
ESSENTIAL How do trace fossils form and what can they tell us?
(with key questions
if necessary)
ACTIVATING Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: fossils, permineralized remains,
STRATEGIES: carbon film, mold, cast, trace fossils, principle of superposition, relative age, unconformities,
ACCELERATION absolute age, radioactive decay, half-life, radiometric dating, uniformitarianism. Key Terms
STRATEGIES: Test. Clues to Life’s Launch Lab. Page 69 in your text book. What makes the best fossils?
(focus on content Mini Lab on Page 71 of your text book. Illustrate the three types of unconformities and explain
maps and key how each form.Why did the Iceman die? Page 88 in your text book. Foldable from page 69 in
vocabulary your text book. Go to and answer
the questions from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Geology 1. Go to and answer the questions
from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Flora and Fauna 2. Go to and answer the questions
from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Human Exploration & Excavation 3. Your
choice from Orange Book. Get my approval first. Video Notes. Due the day after the video.
Look in Orange Book for directions on how to turn in the video notes. Answer Essential
Questions. Oral Quiz.
TEACHING Differentiated. Multiple options to choose from in which to learn the standard.
STRATEGIES: As students work I will be observing, answering questions, modeling, praising and
(graphic organizers) scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the board and I check their
PROMPTS: work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct any misconceptions.
(distributed guided (Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they
practice and want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive sheets/Instructional
distributed materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of location
summarizing) in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench)
SUMMARIZING Essential questions are answered. Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes
STRATEGIES: longer than 1 day. In such a case the work is held for the student/s to begin the
(ex: Ticket out the following school day.
Door, 3-2-1, etc. Unit test and Key terms test are assigned and recorded on student’s Personal
Answer the EQ) Agenda.
Name: Beach
Class: Science
Unit: What Fossils Tell Us
Date of lesson: 03-31-08
ESSENTIAL What is the difference in how mold and cast fossils form?
(with key questions
if necessary)
ACTIVATING Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: fossils, permineralized remains,
STRATEGIES: carbon film, mold, cast, trace fossils, principle of superposition, relative age, unconformities,
ACCELERATION absolute age, radioactive decay, half-life, radiometric dating, uniformitarianism. Key Terms
STRATEGIES: Test. Clues to Life’s Launch Lab. Page 69 in your text book. What makes the best fossils?
(focus on content Mini Lab on Page 71 of your text book. Illustrate the three types of unconformities and explain
maps and key how each form.Why did the Iceman die? Page 88 in your text book. Foldable from page 69 in
vocabulary your text book. Go to and answer
the questions from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Geology 1. Go to and answer the questions
from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Flora and Fauna 2. Go to and answer the questions
from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Human Exploration & Excavation 3. Your
choice from Orange Book. Get my approval first. Video Notes. Due the day after the video.
Look in Orange Book for directions on how to turn in the video notes. Answer Essential
Questions. Oral Quiz.
TEACHING Differentiated. Multiple options to choose from in which to learn the standard.
STRATEGIES: As students work I will be observing, answering questions, modeling, praising and
(graphic organizers) scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the board and I check their
PROMPTS: work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct any misconceptions.
(distributed guided (Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they
practice and want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive sheets/Instructional
distributed materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of location
summarizing) in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench)
SUMMARIZING Essential questions are answered. Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes
STRATEGIES: longer than 1 day. In such a case the work is held for the student/s to begin the
(ex: Ticket out the following school day.
Door, 3-2-1, etc. Unit test and Key terms test are assigned and recorded on student’s Personal
Answer the EQ) Agenda.
Name: Beach
Class: Science
Unit: What Fossils Tell Us
Date of lesson: 04-01-08
ESSENTIAL How do Geologist’s determine relative age of rocks and other structures?
QUESTION: Key Terms Test.
(with key questions
if necessary)
ACTIVATING Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: fossils, permineralized remains,
STRATEGIES: carbon film, mold, cast, trace fossils, principle of superposition, relative age, unconformities,
ACCELERATION absolute age, radioactive decay, half-life, radiometric dating, uniformitarianism. Key Terms
STRATEGIES: Test. Clues to Life’s Launch Lab. Page 69 in your text book. What makes the best fossils?
(focus on content Mini Lab on Page 71 of your text book. Illustrate the three types of unconformities and explain
maps and key how each form.Why did the Iceman die? Page 88 in your text book. Foldable from page 69 in
vocabulary your text book. Go to and answer
the questions from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Geology 1. Go to and answer the questions
from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Flora and Fauna 2. Go to and answer the questions
from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Human Exploration & Excavation 3. Your
choice from Orange Book. Get my approval first. Video Notes. Due the day after the video.
Look in Orange Book for directions on how to turn in the video notes. Answer Essential
Questions. Oral Quiz.
TEACHING Differentiated. Multiple options to choose from in which to learn the standard.
STRATEGIES: As students work I will be observing, answering questions, modeling, praising and
(graphic organizers) scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the board and I check their
PROMPTS: work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct any misconceptions.
(distributed guided (Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they
practice and want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive sheets/Instructional
distributed materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of location
summarizing) in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench)
SUMMARIZING Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes longer than 1 day. In such a case
STRATEGIES: the work is held for the student/s to begin the following school day.
(ex: Ticket out the
Door, 3-2-1, etc.
Answer the EQ)
Name: Beach
Class: Science
Unit: What Fossils Tell Us
Date of lesson: 04-02-08
ESSENTIAL How do unconformities develop?
(with key questions
if necessary)
ACTIVATING Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: fossils, permineralized remains,
STRATEGIES: carbon film, mold, cast, trace fossils, principle of superposition, relative age, unconformities,
ACCELERATION absolute age, radioactive decay, half-life, radiometric dating, uniformitarianism. Key Terms
STRATEGIES: Test. Clues to Life’s Launch Lab. Page 69 in your text book. What makes the best fossils?
(focus on content Mini Lab on Page 71 of your text book. Illustrate the three types of unconformities and explain
maps and key how each form.Why did the Iceman die? Page 88 in your text book. Foldable from page 69 in
vocabulary your text book. Go to and answer
the questions from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Geology 1. Go to and answer the questions
from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Flora and Fauna 2. Go to and answer the questions
from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Human Exploration & Excavation 3. Your
choice from Orange Book. Get my approval first. Video Notes. Due the day after the video.
Look in Orange Book for directions on how to turn in the video notes. Answer Essential
Questions. Oral Quiz.
TEACHING Differentiated. Multiple options to choose from in which to learn the standard.
STRATEGIES: As students work I will be observing, answering questions, modeling, praising and
(graphic organizers) scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the board and I check their
PROMPTS: work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct any misconceptions.
(distributed guided (Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they want.
practice and All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive sheets/Instructional
distributed materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of location
summarizing) in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench)
SUMMARIZING Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes longer than 1 day. In such a case
STRATEGIES: the work is held for the student/s to begin the following school day.
(ex: Ticket out the
Door, 3-2-1, etc.
Answer the EQ)
Name: Beach
Class: Science
Unit: What Fossils Tell Us
Date of lesson: 04-03-08
ESSENTIAL How do Geologist’s determine the absolute age of rocks and other objects?
(with key questions if
ACTIVATING Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: fossils, permineralized
STRATEGIES: remains, carbon film, mold, cast, trace fossils, principle of superposition, relative age,
ACCELERATION unconformities, absolute age, radioactive decay, half-life, radiometric dating,
STRATEGIES: uniformitarianism. Key Terms Test. Clues to Life’s Launch Lab. Page 69 in your text book.
(focus on content What makes the best fossils? Mini Lab on Page 71 of your text book. Illustrate the three
maps and key types of unconformities and explain how each form.Why did the Iceman die? Page 88 in
vocabulary your text book. Foldable from page 69 in your text book. Go to and answer the questions from
the first page as you navigate through La Brea Geology 1. Go to and answer the questions
from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Flora and Fauna 2. Go to and answer the questions
from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Human Exploration & Excavation 3.
Your choice from Orange Book. Get my approval first. Video Notes. Due the day after the
video. Look in Orange Book for directions on how to turn in the video notes. Answer
Essential Questions. Oral Quiz.
TEACHING Differentiated. Multiple options to choose from in which to learn the standard.
STRATEGIES: As students work I will be observing, answering questions, modeling, praising
(graphic organizers) and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the board and I check
PROMPTS: their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct any
(distributed guided misconceptions.
practice and (Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they
distributed want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive
summarizing) sheets/Instructional materials and lab supplies are readily available and
students are aware of location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab
SUMMARIZING Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes longer than 1 day. In such a case
STRATEGIES: the work is held for the student/s to begin the following school day.
(ex: Ticket out the
Door, 3-2-1, etc.
Answer the EQ)
Name: Beach
Class: Science
Unit: What Fossils Tell Us
Date of lesson: 04-04-08
ESSENTIAL Explain half life and different ways geologists use it in dating rocks and artifacts.
(with key questions
if necessary)
ACTIVATING Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: fossils, permineralized remains,
STRATEGIES: carbon film, mold, cast, trace fossils, principle of superposition, relative age, unconformities,
ACCELERATION absolute age, radioactive decay, half-life, radiometric dating, uniformitarianism. Key Terms
STRATEGIES: Test. Clues to Life’s Launch Lab. Page 69 in your text book. What makes the best fossils?
(focus on content Mini Lab on Page 71 of your text book. Illustrate the three types of unconformities and explain
maps and key how each form.Why did the Iceman die? Page 88 in your text book. Foldable from page 69 in
vocabulary your text book. Go to and answer
the questions from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Geology 1. Go to and answer the questions
from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Flora and Fauna 2. Go to and answer the questions
from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Human Exploration & Excavation 3. Your
choice from Orange Book. Get my approval first. Video Notes. Due the day after the video.
Look in Orange Book for directions on how to turn in the video notes. Answer Essential
Questions. Oral Quiz.
(graphic organizers)
(distributed guided
practice and
(ex: Ticket out the
Door, 3-2-1, etc.
Answer the EQ)
Differentiated. Multiple options to choose from in which to learn the standard.
As students work I will be observing, answering questions, modeling, praising and
scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the board and I check their
work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct any misconceptions.
(Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they
want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive sheets/Instructional
materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of location
in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench)
Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes longer than 1 day. In such a case
the work is held for the student/s to begin the following school day.
Name: Beach
Class: Science
Unit: What Fossils Tell Us
Date of lesson: 04-07-08
ESSENTIAL Explain the principle of Uniformitarianism?
(with key questions if
ACTIVATING Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: fossils, permineralized
STRATEGIES: remains, carbon film, mold, cast, trace fossils, principle of superposition, relative age,
ACCELERATION unconformities, absolute age, radioactive decay, half-life, radiometric dating,
STRATEGIES: uniformitarianism. Key Terms Test. Clues to Life’s Launch Lab. Page 69 in your text book.
(focus on content What makes the best fossils? Mini Lab on Page 71 of your text book. Illustrate the three
maps and key types of unconformities and explain how each form.Why did the Iceman die? Page 88 in
vocabulary your text book. Foldable from page 69 in your text book. Go to and answer the questions from
the first page as you navigate through La Brea Geology 1. Go to and answer the questions
from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Flora and Fauna 2. Go to and answer the questions
from the first page as you navigate through La Brea Human Exploration & Excavation 3.
Your choice from Orange Book. Get my approval first. Video Notes. Due the day after the
video. Look in Orange Book for directions on how to turn in the video notes. Answer
Essential Questions. Oral Quiz.
TEACHING Differentiated. Multiple options to choose from in which to learn the standard.
STRATEGIES: As students work I will be observing, answering questions, modeling, praising
(graphic organizers) and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the board and I check
PROMPTS: their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct any
(distributed guided misconceptions.
practice and (Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they
distributed want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive
summarizing) sheets/Instructional materials and lab supplies are readily available and
students are aware of location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab
SUMMARIZING Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes longer than 1 day. In such a case
STRATEGIES: the work is held for the student/s to begin the following school day.
(ex: Ticket out the
Door, 3-2-1, etc.
Answer the EQ)
Name: Beach
Class: Science
Unit: What Fossils Tell Us
ESSENTIAL No essential question Today.
QUESTION: Unit Test.
(with key questions if
(focus on content
maps and key
(graphic organizers)
(distributed guided
practice and
(ex: Ticket out the
Door, 3-2-1, etc.
Answer the EQ)
Date of lesson: 04-08-08