Publications Prof. Balaban Oded Books Interpreting Conflict

Prof. Balaban Oded
Interpreting Conflict - Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations at Camp David II and Beyond,
Peter Lang, 2005.
Plato and Protagoras: Truth and Relativism in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Lanham, ML:
Lexington Books (Rowman and Littlefield Group), 1999, 360 pp.
& Anan Erev, The Bounds of Freedom, About the Eastern and
Western Approaches to Freedom, Winner of the first prize, The Straniak Philosophy
Prize 1990 of the Hermann and Mariane Straniak Foundation, Zürich, Switzerland:
March 1993, Peter Lang Publishers, NY., 1995, 188 pp.
Politics & Ideology: a Philosophical Approach. Avebury (Ashgate Publishing Group),
Hampshire, England: 1995, 310 pp.
Subject and Consciousness -A Philosophical Inquiry into Self-Consciousness. Rowman &
Littlefield, Maryland, U.S.A., 1990, 282 pp.
Balaban, Oded & Megged, Amos (eds), (Spanish) Impunidad y Derechos Humanos en
América Latina (Impunity and Human Rights in Latin-America), ed. Al Margen, April
2003, 200 pp.
-"Bentham's 'Two Theses' Argument," Manuscrito, vol. 27 issue 2, 2004.
"Strategy on two fronts - The Security Fence and the unilateral withdrawal", (Estrategia
en dos frentes: La barrera israelí de seguridad y el retroceso unilateral") Nueva Época,
(in Spanish), 2005, (7,100 words) forthcoming.
"Democracy and the Limits of Tolerance," Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik/Annual Review
of Law and Ethics, vol. 12, 2004, (17,300 words).
"The Other Edward Said," EJOS, Electronic Journal of Oriental Studies, Utrecht
University, The Netherlands, VII, 2004.
"The other Edward Said", (in Arabic) Masharef, Quarterly of Arabic Literature, (transl.
From Hebrew by Hisham Naffa, Vol. 23, Winter 2003, pages 218–255.
"Intellectualisme et causalité chez Hegel, et les limites de la science moderne,"
Archives de Philosophie, Vol 68, Issue 1, 2005, pp. 55–75.
-"The Misunderstanding of Hume's Paradox of Causation," Giornale di Metafisica, XXIII
(2001) pp. 377–398.
"The Bidimensionality of Mind: Essence and Existence in Kant and Hegel," Archiv für
Geschichte der Philosophie, 82(3), 2000, pp. 332-348, (in the "Zur Diskussion" section of
the journal)
"Time, Understanding, and Will," Diogène, (Conseil international de la philosophie et
des sciences humaines: UNESCO), Gallimard, No. 190, 2001, 3-27 (translated into
Spanish, French and Chinese).
"The Use of Error as an Argument in the Language of Human Sciences," Semiotica, 1201/2, May 1998, pp. 139–159.
"The Sources of Wittgenstein's Negation of the Knowing Subject," Semiotica, 113-1/2,
January 1997, pp. 159–169.
"Ideology," an entry for The Philosophy of Law: An Encyclopedia, edited by Christopher
B. Gray, Garland Publications, NY, USA
"The Incongruity between Knowledge and Valuation in David Hume's Theory of
Knowledge: A Reconsideration of Hume's Skepticism," Philosophical Inquiry, XVII, No. 34, 1995, pp. 1-12.
"The Belief in Reality and the Reality of Belief," Giornale di Metafisica, Vol. XVII (1-2),
1995, pp. 71-85.
& Balaban, Asnat, "Oneiric, Archetypal and Wakeful Forms of Thought: A Critique of
Jung's Theory of Archetypes," Gestalt Theory, V. 17, No. 1, March 1995, pp. 44–56.
"The Modern Misunderstanding of Aristotle's Theory of Motion," Journal for General
Philosophy of Science, Vol. 26, 1995, pp. 1-10.
"Archetype, Dream and Substance: On the limits of Jung's Theory of Archetypes," Topía
(Spanish), No. 13, April/July, 1995, pp. 25-28.
"The Limits of Indiscriminatory Ethics," Topía (Spanish), No. 9, 1994, pp. 38-9.
"The Paradox of the Meno and Plato's Theory of Recollection," Semiotica, 98-3/4
(1994), pp. 265-275.
"The torn human activity: A response to Alfred Guy's 'The role of Aristotle's praxis
today'," The Journal of Value Inquiry, Vol. 27, 1993, pp. 231-234.
"The Constitutive Aspect of the Ontological Argument and Marx's Critique of the
Historical School of Law," Wiener Jahrbuch für Philosophie, Vol. XXII, 1991, pp. 169181.
"A Phenomenological Approach to the Unconscious," Analecta Husserliana, Vol. XXXV,
1991, pp. 459-471.
"The Human Origins of Fortuna in Machiavelli's Thought," History of Political Thought,
Vol. XI, No. 1, 1990, pp. 21-36.
"Circularity of Thought in Hegel's Logic," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. XLIV, No. 1, Issue
No. 173, September 1990, pp. 95-109.
"On Justice and Legitimation: A Critique of Jürgen Habermas' Concept of 'Historical
Reconstructivism'," Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung, Vol. 44, Number 2, 1990,
pp. 273-277.
-& Avshalom, Asnat: "The Ontological Argument Reconsidered,"Philosophy Research
Archives (now, Journal of Philosophical Research) Philosophy Documentation Center,
Bowling Green State University, Ohio, Vol. XV, 1989-90, pp. 279-310.
"Self-Consciousness and Fetishism: On the origins of the category of Society in Karl
Marx," Explorations in Knowledge: An International Journal in the Philosophy of
Science, Vol. VII, Number 1, 1990, pp. 1-11.
"Praxis and Poesis in Aristotle's Practical Philosophy," The Journal of Value Inquiry, Vol.
24, 1989, pp. 185-198.
"L'Herméneutique du Jeune Karl Marx, d'après ses écrits sur la philosophie de Démocrite
et d'Épicure, où l'on voit l'ebauche de sa méthode critique," Diogène, (Conseil
international de la philosophie et des sciences humaines: UNESCO), Gallimard,
October-Décembre 1989, No. 148, pp. 28-40. (English translation: “The Hermeneutics
of the Young Marx. According to Marx's Approach to the Philosophy of Democritus and
Epicurus,"Diogenes, (UNESCO), Number 148, Winter 1989, pp. 28-41. Spanish
translation: "La Hermenéutica del jóven Marx, de acuerdo a su interpretación de las
filosofías de Demócrito y Epicuro,", Diógenes, (UNESCO), México, Número 148, pp. 2840. (Spanish trans.) Arabic translation: National Center for UNESCO Publications, Cairo,
Egypt. Chinese translation: Paris-Beijing, 1992.
"The Positivistic Nature of the Critical Theory," Science & Society, Vol. 53, No. 4,
Winter 1989, pp. 442-458.
"The Phenomenology of Unconsciousness" (Spanish), Aporia, IX, 1987, pp. 89-110.
"Relation and Object in Plato's Approach to Knowledge," Theoria, Vol. LIII 2-3, 1987,
pp. 141- 58.
"The Myth of Protagoras and Plato's Theory of Measurement," The History of Philosophy
Quarterly, Vol. 4, No. 4, October 1987, pp. 371-384.
-& Michael Maidan, "The Problem of the Soul and the Nature of Lies in Plato's
Philosophy," Diotima, Vol. 15, 1987, pp. 182-192.
"Notes on Mysticism", (Hebrew) in Philosophy, Language, Arts, Israel Institute of
Technology, Haifa, 1986, pp. 33-38.
"Quality, Genus and Law as Forms of Thinking," Auslegung, Vol. 13, Number 1, 1986,
pp. 71-85.
"Aristotle's Theory of Praxis," Hermes, Vol. 114, 1986, pp. 163-172.
Articles or Chapters in Books
& Megged, Amos. "Introduction" to (Spanish) Impunity and Human Rights in LatinAmerica, ed. Al Margen, April 2003, pp. 9-14.
"Epoche - Essence and Existence in Husserl's Phenomenology," in the Phenomenology
World-Wide Project, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The World Institute for Advanced
Phenomenological Research, 2003, pp. 103-114.
Causes and Results of Political Assassination: On Rabin's Legacy," in Cohen-Almagor,
Raphael (ed.), Challenges to Democracy: Essays in Honour and Memory of Isaiah Berlin,
Ashgate, Aldershot, England, 2000, pp. 245-258.
The Use of Error as an Explanatory Category in Politics," in Hon, G. & Rakover, S.
(eds.), Explanation - Theoretical Approaches and Applications, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2001, pp. 277-306.
Articles in Conference Proceedings
"The Limits of Tolerance," (Spanish) in Balaban & Megged (ed.), "Violaciones de
derechos humanos en América Latina y universalización de los derechos humanos:
aspectos morales y legales". In Balaban & Megged, Amos, (Spanish) Impunity and Human
Rights in Latin-America, ed. Al Margen, April 2003, 200 pp. 15-18.
"The Tiredness of Philosophy" (Spanish), in Proceedings of the Memorial Conference to
J. Kogan (Spanish), May, 1993, Paidos, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 4 pages.
"The Exoteric-Esoteric Character of Politics," in Proceedings of the Extraordinary
International Congress of Philosophy, (Spanish) Cordoba 1987. Buenos Aires, Argentina,
1988, 5 pages.
Book Reviews
Book Review: Michalos, Alex C., "Good Taxes: The Case for Taxing Foreign Currency
Exchange and other Financial Transactions," Philosophia, 29,:1-4, 2002.
Book Review: Kapitan, Tomis (ed.). "Philosophical Perspectives on the IsraeliPalestinian Conflict," Armonk, New York & London: M. E. Sharpe, 1997, 382 pp.,
Philosophia, 1999.
Book Review: Sweet, William. "Idealism and Rights: The Social Ontology of Human
Rights in the Political Thought of Bernard Bosanquet." Lanham, New York & London:
University Press of America, 1997, 260 pp., Philosophia, 1999.
Book Review: "The Morality of Amorality," a review of Sharpshtein, Ben-Ami, Amoral
Politics: The Persistent Truth of Machiavellism, State University Press of NY, 1995,
Haaretz, Book Reviews weekly supp., Vol. 180, 7 August, 1996.
Book Review: "Turski, George W., 'Toward a Rationality of Emotion: An Essay in the
Philosophy of the Mind'," International Studies in Philosophy, Vol. XXXIX/2, 1997.
Book Review: "Richard Wollheim, The Mind and Its Depths," Harvard University Press,
Cambridge, Mass. USA, 1993, European Legacy, 1996.
Book Review: “McDowell, John. Mind and World," Harvard University Press, European
Legacy, 1996.
"Suicide? An Abominable crime," (Hebrew), Haaretz, November 19, 2002.
"To be against Nusseiba Means to Cooperate with Arafat," (Hebrew), Haaretz, July 16,
"A receipt for Regional Deterioration," (Hebrew), Haaretz, June 4, 2002
"The Alternative for Nuclear Deterrence," (Hebrew), Haaretz, July 24, 2000
"Good Things about Hordos," (Hebrew), Haaretz (Israeli newspaper), June 6, 2000
"Beautifulness of a House," (Hebrew), Haaretz, February 8, 2000
"Law adviser and Attorney General fussioned: Contradicting interests," (Hebrew),
Haaretz (Israeli newspaper), July 3, 1997.
"Judicial Activism and Democracy," (Hebrew) in Raz, T. & Nimrod, I. (eds) Information
Papers, supplement, Information Center Tevel, Ein Hahoresh, January, 1995
"They are not the representatives of Eternal Values", Haaretz (Israeli newspaper),
December 21, 1994.
"Nuclear Option vs. Golan Heights," (Hebrew) in Raz, T. & Nimrod, I. (eds) The Choice:
Golan or Dimona, Information Center Tevel, Ein Hahoresh, October, 1994, pp. 13-16.
"Saddam's French Connection," Jerusalem Post, January 9, 1991.
"There are Only Two Kinds of Politicians," (Hebrew), interview, Haaretz (Israeli
newspaper), Sabbath Supplement, December 7, 1990.
Fukuyama's "The End of History?" As The Political Manifesto of the Bush Administration,"
(Hebrew), Annals of Socialist Thought, No. 14, Tel-Aviv, 1990.
"Menem's Two Governments", (Hebrew), Al-Hamishmar, Economic Supplement,
December 31, 1989.
"The Logical Grounds of Political Consciousness: On the Esoteric Nature of Politics",
(Hebrew), Annals of Socialist Thought, No. 8. Tel-Aviv, 1985, pp. 62-70.
"Settlements and Security policy", (Hebrew), Ma'arachot, Israel Defense Force, February
"Peace Strategy and its Alternatives" (Spanish), Tiempo, Vol. 1, 62, 1979.
"Pax Atomica versus Détente" (Spanish), Tiempo, Vol. 1, 60, 1979.
"P.L.O.: A Non-Monolithic Organization", (Spanish), Tiempo, Vol. 1, 47, 1979.
"The Iron Wall Politics" (Spanish). Tiempo, Vol. 1, 52, 1979.
"The Political Conception of Moshe Dayan" (Spanish), Tiempo, V. 1, 4, 1978.
"The Political Meaning of the Neutron Bomb and the Nuclear Policy of Israel" (Hebrew),
Annals of the Oranim Circle, V. 2, 1978.
"Israel and the Arab World" (Spanish) (Ed. with an introduction), World Zionist
Organization, 1978.
"Different Evaluations on Herzl's Zionism" (Spanish) (Ed. with an introduction), World
Zionist Organization, 1978.
"Emancipation of Labor or Emancipation from Labor. About Herbert Marcuse's approach
to Marx". (Hebrew), Shedemot, V. 43, 1972.
"Albert Camus' Concept of Revolt", (Hebrew), Al-Hamishmar, literary supplement,
February 1971.