Office of the Provost - George Mason University

George Mason University – Graduate Council
Graduate Course Approval Form
All courses numbered 500 or above must be submitted to the Graduate Council for final approval after approval by the
sponsoring College, School or Institute.
Graduate Council requires submission of this form for a new course or any change to existing courses. For a new course,
please attach a copy of the syllabus and catalog description (with catalog credit format, e.g. 3:2:1). The designated
representative of the College, School or Institute should forward the form along with the syllabus and catalog description,
if required, as an email attachment (in one file) to the secretary of the Graduate Council. A printed copy of the form with
signatures and the attachments should be brought to the Graduate Council meeting. Please complete the Graduate Course
Coordinator Form if the proposed changes will affect other units.
Note: Colleges, Schools or Institutes are responsible for submitting new or modified catalog descriptions (35 words or
less, using catalog format) to Creative Services by deadlines outlined in the yearly Catalog production calendar.
Please indicate: New___X____
Department/Unit:____Global and Community Health Course Subject/Number:_____GCH 788 (3:3:0)
Submitted by:________Lisa Pawloski__ Ext:___34628 Email:____lpawlosk@gmu.edu_
Course Title:_Global Health Masters Thesis Seminar 1
Effective Term (New/Modified Courses only): __Fall 2007__Final Term (deleted courses only):____________
Credit Hours: (Fixed) ___3__
(Var.) ______
to __
Grade Type (check one):
_____ Regular graduate (A, B, C, etc.)
__X___ Satisfactory/No Credit only
_____ Special graduate (A, B, C, etc. + IP)
Repeat Status*(check one): ___ NR-Not repeatable ____ RD-Repeatable within degree _X___ RT-Repeatable
within term
*Note: Used only for special topics, independent study, or internships courses
Total Number of Hours Allowed: ___3____
Schedule Type Code(s): 1.__SEM__ LEC=Lecture SEM=Seminar STU=Studio INT=Internship
IND=Independent Study
2.____ LAB=Lab RCT=Recitation (second code used
only for courses with Lab or Rct component)
Prereq _X__ Coreq ___ (Check one):_____
Students must complete the core courses in the Masters of Global Health before taking this course. These
courses include:
GCH 530 (Nutrition: A Global Perspective)
GCH 543 (Global Health: Trends and Policies)
GCH 590 (International Health Organizations)
GCH 597 (Biostatistics) or approved graduate-level statistics course
GCH 680 (International Research Ethics & Methods)
GCH 712 (Introduction to Epidemiology)
Note: Modified courses - review prereq or coreq for necessary changes; Deleted courses - review other courses to correct prereqs that list the deleted course.
Description of Modification (for modified courses):____________________________________________________________________
Special Instructions (major/college/class code restrictions, if needed):__________________________________________
Department/Unit Approval Signature:_________________________________________ Date: _____________
College/School Committee Approval Signature:__________________________________ Date:_____________
Graduate Council Approval Date:____________ Provost Office Signature:_________________________________
George Mason University
Graduate Course Coordination Form
Approval from other units:
Please list those units outside of your own who may be affected by this new, modified, or deleted course. Each
of these units must approve this change prior to its being submitted to the Graduate Council for approval.
Head of Unit’s Signature:
Head of Unit’s Signature:
Head of Unit’s Signature:
Head of Unit’s Signature:
Head of Units Signature:
Graduate Council approval: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________
Graduate Council representative: __________________________________________
Date: ____________
Provost Office representative: ____________________________________________
Date: ____________
George Mason University
Department of Global and Community Health
GCH 788
Global Health Masters Thesis Seminar I
George Mason University
Department of Global and Community Health
Course Number:
GCH 788 (3:3:0)
Course Title:
Global Health Masters Thesis Seminar 1
Placement in
The thesis is one of two tracks offered in the Masters of Global Health. Only students in
the Masters of Global Health program and who are pursuing the thesis track may enroll.
This course is a pre-requisite for the Global Health Masters Thesis Seminar II.
Catalog Description: Masters Thesis Seminar I provides students with skills to develop their research proposal,
conduct their research goals, and complete their masters thesis.
Pre-or co requisite: Students must complete the core courses in the Masters of Global Health before taking
this course. These courses include:
GCH 530 (Nutrition: A Global Perspective)
GCH 543 (Global Health: Trends and Policies)
GCH 590 (International Health Organizations)
GCH 597 (Biostatistics) or approved graduate-level statistics course
GCH 680 (International Research Ethics & Methods)
GCH 712 (Introduction to Epidemiology)
Course Objectives: (The Student will)
1. Develop research questions and hypotheses related to global health.
2. Create a research proposal for masters thesis project.
3. Write a grant proposal.
4. Understand the requirements and importance of Internal Review Boards, including Human Subjects
Review and Biosafety Review.
5. Design and Initiate a feasibility study.
Teaching Strategies:
Seminar discussion, guest speakers, and student presentations.
Required Texts:
1. Chris Hart. 2005. Doing your Masters Dissertation, Sage Publications, London
Eric L. Einspruch. 2005.
2. An Introductory Guide to SPSS for Windows, Second Edition, Sage, London
Evaluation Methods:
Students will be graded on a pass/fail basis. Students are expected to attend class, participate in class
discussion, complete assigned readings, and complete their assignments on expected due dates.
1. Research Question:
a. Prepare 3 or 4 research questions for discussion in class. Consider how you can develop
hypotheses from these questions. How will you answer these questions? Do these questions
have measurable outcomes?
2. Research Proposal:
a. Prepare a two-page literature review that will provide background information for your research
questions. Remember to cite your resources and use APA or similar style guide.
b. Prepare a 2-paragraph description of your proposed setting and sample.
c. Prepare a one page outline of your study design and methodology to be used.
d. Create a draft outline of your proposed masters thesis.
e. Create final research proposal for your masters thesis.
Your research proposal should include: an abstract, an introduction, research questions and
hypotheses, a review of the literature, a description of setting and sample, a description of the
proposed study design and methodology, a description of how you will analyze the data, a
description of any instruments used, the significance of the study, and how you are qualified
to perform the study.
3. Funding Proposal
a. Search for global health funding resources and bring 3 or 4 funding opportunities to class along
with the application procedures for discussion in class.
b. Choose one funding opportunity and prepare a proposal that would be appropriate for that
funding opportunity.
4. Human Subjects Review Board Application:
a. Review the requirements and procedures to conduct research on human subjects at the following
b. Complete the CITI training at the following website:
5. Summary of Feasibility study:
a. Prepare a plan to conduct a feasibility study. The study may be a small pilot study so you may
determine what works and what does not work. You may actually collect data or determine the
best means to collect data. The study may be an exploratory study to better understand the
implications of the study or how others may receive the study. The initial plan should be
approximately 2 pages and include a brief description of the problem, methods, setting/sample,
and significance.
b. Work on feasibility study and by the end of class, prepare a two to three page summary of your
Class Topic
Course overview.
Developing a research question.
Review of scientific research process.
Development of a research proposal.
Conducting a literature review. Library
Due: Bring in 3 or 4 research
questions for discussion.
Challenges of finding a research setting and
sample in global health research.
Due: 2-page literature review
of research topic.
Challenges in developing a study design and
Due: Bring in two
paragraph description of
proposed setting and sample
for research proposal.
Human Subject Review Boards, Institutional
Review Boards
Due: Bring in outline of
proposed study design and
methodology for discussion.
Searching for funding for global health
Due: Human Subjects
Complete CITI training
Measurement issues
Due: Locate potential
funding sources and bring in
application procedures for
discussion. Choose one to
submit an application.
Importance of pilot and/or feasibility studies.
Peer review outline of masters thesis research
Due: Outline of masters
thesis research proposal
How to plan pilot and/or feasibility studies.
Peer review feasibility study plans.
Due: Plan for feasibility
Peer review funding proposals and discussion.
Due: Draft of funding
Work on feasibility study and proposals.
Work on feasibility study and proposals.
Work on feasibility study and proposals
Due: Masters thesis proposal
Presentation of proposals and Feasibility studies and summary of feasibility