Detail overview of available outlook indicators for South Eastern Europe (SEE) and Eastern European, Caucasus and Central Asian countries (EECCA) Overview* presents detailed information about available outlook indicators for SEE and EECCA countries. The table contains the following information about indicators: name of an indicator, units, form of presentation in the source, time frame, geographical coverage, model and/or scenario, scale of calculation, source and a page number. Web available references contain hyperlinks to enable a user to access sources directly from this file. Annex 1 contains the list of references. Table of content: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Energy .................................................................................................. 3 Transport .............................................................................................. 6 Climate change ..................................................................................... 7 Air ....................................................................................................... 10 Agriculture in relation to climate change ............................................. 13 Water .................................................................................................. 16 Waste.................................................................................................. 20 Terrestrial ............................................................................................ 20 Biodiversity ......................................................................................... 21 Annex 1. List of references ................................................................. 22 Annex 2. Additional Sources screened with comments on the relevance to the aim of this literature review ........ Error! Bookmark not defined. * Overview is the result of the EEA project undertaken by UNEP GRID Arendal and NERI Denmark in 2006/2007. 3 07/03/2016 Indicator 1. Energy 1.1 Energy prices1 1.1.1 Real Average Electricity and Natural Gas Prices, USD (graph) 1.2. Energy demand and consumption – total and by fuel type Total Final Consumption by fues and industry, Mtoe, Shares % (tables) Sectors: Industry, Transport, Electricity generation, Other Sectors2 Total Final Consumption by fues and sector 4 1.2.1. 1.2.2. 1.2.3. Primary energy consumption per capita by region, toe per capita (map) Time frame Geographical coverage Model Scale of calculation 20002005 Russia IEA’s World Energy Model Calculated for one country Russia 19712030 EU – 25, OECD Europe including Turkey, Russia, Transition economies3 IEA’s World energy model Calculated by region 2000 2020 Some EECCA and Balkarns5 2030 World map, OECD Europe, Russia and other transition economies Notes 1. IEA, World energy outlook 2004, p. 293 Regional data is well presented, Russia is a separate item Calculated by country IEA’s World Energy Model Calculated by region Source and its number according to the list of reference See footnote1 for regions’ definition 1. IEA, World energy outlook 2004, Annex A, pp. 470 – 473 (for transition economies), pp. 474 – 477 (for Russia) 23. IPCC. National Communications in Compliance with the Obligations under the UNFCCC. (see special report. Deliverable 6 and Deliverable 7). 1. IEA, World energy outlook 2004. p. 67 1 In the World Energy Outlook 2004 it is possible to find assumptions for energy prices for the time period 2003-2030. They can be found at IEA (2004) p. 47, p.48 and p.50. These are however can not be interpreted as forecast. 2 Total final Energy consumption (1990 – 2020) aggregated by OECD regions: Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe, non-OECD, are in ref. 17. OECD (2001), p. 173 3 In the World Energy Outlook – 2004 the regions are divided as following: OECD Europe: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, the Slovak republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom. 4 National Communications of some countries are more comprehensive than others. For more details see a special report on screening of the National communications (Deliverable 6 and Deliverable 7). 5 Selected EECCA - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tadzjikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. Selected Balkans – Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania, Turkey (not available yet). For some regions the data are presented in form of graphs for some the numbers are presented in text description. 3 07/03/2016 7 27. UN SPECA, Diagnostic report on energy resources in Central Asia. UN Special Programme for Economies in Central Asia. Section 5.4 gy/documents/ere.doc 1. IEA, World energy outlook 2004, p. 295 See footnote1 for regions’ definition All former soviet Union excluding Baltic States See footnote1 for regions’ definition 1. IEA, World energy outlook 2004, p. 69 Calculated by country All former soviet Union excluding Baltic States 3. UNECE (2001), Energy efficiency and Energy Security in the Commonwealth of Independent States (2001), p. 26 Calculated by region See footnote1 for regions’ definition 1. IEA, World energy outlook 2004, p. 63 Primary energy consumption per capita (one figure, 2.76 tce per capita – 2020 and 2.69 tce per capita - 2000) 2000, 2020 Central Asia6 Business as usual Calculated by region 1.2.5. Primary energy demand per capita, Mtoe (table) 1990 – 2030 Russia IEA’s World Energy Model 1.2.6. Energy consumption in residential sector per capita by fuel, toe per capita, (bar cahrt) Primary energy resources for domestic needs, Mlt (table) 2030 OECD, Transition Economies IEA’s World Energy Model Calculated for one country – Russia Calculated by region 1997 2010 CIS7 Forecast, UNECE Calculated by country 1.2.8. Growth rate primary energy demand (one figure) – 1,4% per year 20022020 Transition economies, excluding Russia IEA’s World Energy Model Calculated by region 1.2.9. Electricity consumption, bln kWh (table) 1997 2010 CIS2 Forecast, UNECE 1.3. Energy intensity 1.3.1. Primary energy intensity per capita, toe per 1000$ of GDP (graph) 1970 – 2030 OECD, Transition Economies IEA’s World Energy Model 1.2.7. 6 The results text form with some figures for the whole region. 1.2.4. 3. UNECE (2001), Energy efficiency and Energy Security in the Commonwealth of Independent States (2001) p. 22 1. IEA, World energy outlook 2004, p. 281 Central Asia - Kazakhstan, Kyryzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan CIS – Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine 4 07/03/2016 2000, 2020 Central Asia Business as usual Calculated by region The results in the text form with some figures for the whole region. 27. UN SPECA, Diagnostic report on energy resources in Central Asia. UN Special Programme for Economies in Central Asia. Section 5.4 gy/documents/ere.doc Primary energy suppy, total, by fuel, by types of generation, Mtoe (tables) 19712050 IEA’s World Energy Model Calculated by region Energy production by fuel (oil Mlt, coal Mlt, gas, Bem) 1997 – 2010 Forecast UNECE Calculated by country 1.4.3 Total oil production, Ml barrel/day 19902025 Reference Case By regions + Russia 1.4.4 Total Electricity production, Gwh (table) 19952025, 2050, 2075, 2100 Western Europe, Eastern Europe European CIS8 Western Europe, Transition Economies: FSU (Russia, Caspian and other FSU), Eastern Europe Water Gap, Baseline – A See footnote1 for regions’ definition All former soviet Union excluding Baltic States Definitions of the regions are not found 1. IEA, World energy outlook 2004, p. 470 1.4.2 Transition Economies, Russia, European OECD CIS Coarse level of aggregation, for regions in column 3 Turkey is not included 1.4.5 Electric power generation and installed capacity, TWh, GWh 19972010 CIS Forecast UNECE Calculated by country All former soviet Union excluding 12. CESR, University of Kassel (2001). Euro Wasser: Model-based assessment of European Water Resources wws/kwws.5.en.htm p. 4-7 3. UNECE (2001), Energy efficiency and Energy Security in the Commonwealth of Independent States (2001), p. 26 1.3.2. Primary energy intensity per capita, toe per 1000$ of GDP (text) 1.4. Energy production 1.4.1 3. UNECE (2001), Energy efficiency and Energy Security in the Commonwealth of Independent States (2001) p. 22, 23, 25 26. USEIA (2005), International Energy Outlook 2005, US Energy Information Administration, f/ieooil.pdf Western Europe – Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom; European CIS - Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, European Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania; Eastern Europe – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Rep, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Yugoslavia. 8 5 07/03/2016 Baltic States 1.5. Renewable energy consumption 1.5.1. Change in developed hydropower potential, % (table) 2 Transport 2.1. Total Passenger Travel (includes LDV, all Air, Pass Rail, 2-3 wheelers, buses and mini-buses), pass-km travelled, pkm (table), Total Freight Travel (includes heavy trucks, freight rail - no tonne-km data available for water), tonne-km travelled (table). Passenger Travel by mode (includes LDV, all Air, Pass Rail, 2-3 wheelers, buses and mini-buses), pass-km travelled, pkm (table) Freight Travel by mode (includes heavy trucks, freight rail - no tonne-km data available for water), tonne-km travelled (table). 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 9 12. CESR, University of Kassel (2001). Euro Wasser: Model-based assessment of European Water Resources wws/kwws.5.en.htm p. 8-15 2020, 2070 EU-25, European EECCA, Balkans and Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania9 Water Gap, Baseline – A Calculated by country, Balkans aggregated 20002050 OECD-Europe, eastern Europe, Former Soviet Union Calculated by regions All EECCA, Balkans and Turkey are included 2. WBCSD (2004), Mobility 2030. spread sheets at: tions/mobility/smp-modelspreadsheet.xls 20002050 OECD-Europe, eastern Europe, Former Soviet Union Calculated by regions All EECCA, Balkans and Turkey are included 2. WBCSD (2004), Mobility 2030. spread sheets at: tions/mobility/smp-modelspreadsheet.xls 20002050 OECD-Europe, eastern Europe, Former Soviet Union Calculated by regions All EECCA, Balkans and Turkey are included 2. WBCSD (2004), Mobility 2030. spread sheets at: tions/mobility/smp-modelspreadsheet.xls 20002050 OECD-Europe, eastern Europe, Former Soviet Union IEA/ETP model, WBC for SD, reference scenario IEA/ETP model, WBC for SD, reference scenario IEA/ETP model, WBC for SD, reference scenario IEA/ETP model, WBC for SD, reference scenario Calculated by regions All EECCA, Balkans and Turkey are included 2. WBCSD (2004), Mobility 2030. spread sheets at: tions/mobility/smp-modelspreadsheet.xls European EECCA – Belarus, European Russia, Moldova; Balkans – Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Bosnia,-Herzogovina 6 07/03/2016 Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe, Non- OECD Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe, Non- OECD OECD reference scenario Calculated by region EECCA is aggregated in non-OECD 17. OECD environmental outlook (2001), p. 171 /e-book/9701011e.pdf OECD reference scenario Calculated by region EECCA is aggregated in non-OECD 17. OECD environmental outlook (2001), p. 172 /e-book/9701011e.pdf OECD Europe including Turkey, Russia, other transition economies EU-25, Selected EECCA and Balkans IEA’s World energy model Calculated by region See footnote1 for regions’ definition 1. IEA, World energy outlook 2004. Annex A, pp. 470 – 473 (for transition economies), pp. 474 – 477 (for Russia) IPCC models Calculated by country Selected EECCA and Balkans10 23. IPCC. National Communications in Compliance with the Obligations under the UNFCCC. (see special report) 20002050 OECD-Europe, eastern Europe, Former Soviet Union Calculated by regions All EECCA, Balkans and Turkey are included. 2. WBCSD (2004), Mobility 2030. spread sheets at: tions/mobility/smp-modelspreadsheet.xls 19882020 Belarus, Bulgaria, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine IEA/ETP model, WBC for SD, reference scenario Mitigation scenario By country No other ccountries 4. (also ref. 5, 6, 7, 8) UNECE (2005) - Experience of International Organizations in Promoting Energy Efficiency, N 23, 24, 25, 26 2.5. Motor vehcle kilometers traveled (VKT) total and by mode, (Bar chart) 19952020 2.6. Global passenger air travel, pkm (graph) 19952020 3. Climate change 3.1. GHG emissions. 3.1.1 CO2 Emissions, total, by fuel and by sector, Mlt 1971 – 2030 3.1.2. CO2, CH4, N2O emissions, total and by sectors: energy, agriculture, waste, industrial processes, total CO2 equivalent Tg (tables and graphs) CO2 emissions by transport modal split, Mlt11 1990 – 2020 Total GHG emissions in CO2 equivalent, Mlt (CO2, CH4 and N2O) 3.1.3. 3.1.4. Some EECCA - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tadzjikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. Selected Balkans – Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania, Turkey (not available yet). For some regions the data are presented in form of graphs for some the numbers are presented throughout the text. 11 Global emissions from motor vehicles(1990 – 2020) by following regions: Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe, non-OECD, are in ref. 17. OECD (2001), p. 173 10 7 07/03/2016 3.1.5. CO2, CH4, N2O, PFCs, HFCs, SFs emissions 19902020 EU-23, EU-15, non- EU 23 RAINS, base line By country Regional may be similar as in 2.8. Have to check with Marcus Amann +43 22 36 8070 3.2 3.2.1. Impacts (see additional impacts on water resources indicators 6.6 and impact on biodiversity indicators 8.1, 8.2, 8.7, 8.8) Change in temperature 3.2.2. Change in temperature 1990 – 2070 3.2.3. Change in precipitation 1990 – 2100 1990 – 2100 Global and may be by region to be checked. The regions in the model include: OECD- Europe, Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Union EU-25, Selected EECCA and Balkans IMAGE Global and may be by region to be checked. The regions in the model include: OECD- Europe, IMAGE 20. IIASA (2004) The Extension of the RAINS Model to Greenhouse Gases. s/ir-04-015.pdf Calculated by regions The disk has been ordered 21. IMAGE 2.2 implementation of the SRES scenarios A comprehensive analysis of emissions, climate change and impacts in the 21st century. Online available: roducts/ should be checked a CD has been ordered and has not arrived yet. Presneted by countries, calculated? Some selected EECCA and some selected Balkans (see details separate doc)12 The disk has been ordered 23. IPCC. National Communications in Compliance with the Obligations under the UNFCCC. (see special report) Calculated by regions 21. IMAGE 2.2 implementation of the SRES scenarios A comprehensive analysis of emissions, climate change and impacts in the 21st century. Online available: roducts/ should be checked a CD has been ordered and has not 12 selected EECCA - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tadzjikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. Selected Balkans – Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania (Not all of the reports contain these data. The projections years are different. See deliverable 6 and Deliverable 7 for more details). 8 07/03/2016 3.2.4. Change in precipitation 1990 2080 3.2.5. Ecosystem composition (species lost/gained compared to 1990) due to climate change 1990 – 2100 3.2.6. Change in biodiversity due to the climate change mitigation option and spatial distribution of biodiversity in the baseline development (map) 2000 – 2050 3.2.7. Change in land use and forest ecosystems composition due to climate change 2080 arrived yet. Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Union Global and by country Calculated globally and by country Global and may be by region to be checked. The regions in the model include: OECD- Europe, Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Union Europe, Russia and North Asia IMAGE Calculated by regions Globio/IMAG E, Base line scenario Calculated by region IPCC countries, EU-25, Some Balkans, Some FSU GAP model Calculated by country Some selected EECCA and some selected Balkans (see details separate doc) Might be found in the Euromove model (CD has been ordered) 23. IPCC. National Communications in Compliance with the Obligations under the UNFCCC. (see special report) 21. RIVM (2005) should be checked 10. The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (2006). Cross-roads of Planet Earth’s Life Exploring means to meet the 2010 biodiversity Target d-gbo2-global-scenarios.pdf Figure 23: p. 82 (Russia) figure 26, p 85 (Europe) Screened the Bulgaria report and assume that these data is available in other national communicatio ns 23. IPCC. National Communications in Compliance with the Obligations under the UNFCCC. (see special report) 9 07/03/2016 3.2.8. Soil Errosion as a result of climate change 3.2.9. Critical regions (i) a decrease in the return period of the current 100-year drought to 50 years or less and (ii) a decrease in the return period of the current 100-year flood to 50 years or less. (map) 2070 Western Europe, Eastern Europe European CIS Water Gap, Baseline – A scenario Coarse level of aggregation, for regions in column 3 Under two CC models: HadCM3. Central Asia is not included. 4. Air 4.1. Emissions acidifying pollutants- 4.1.1. SO2 emissions total and by sectors (power plants, industry, domestic, road transport, off-road mobile sources, other) kilotons – tables13 SO2 emissions, Gg per year, total (tables) 19902030 Western Europe, Eastern Europe, NIS14 RAINS, currents legislation Calculated by country and aggregated by regions Spread sheets are available. Good data set. 1980 – 2020 43 countries in Europe15 EMEP, Base line scenario Calculated and presented by country Good Data sets! Nox emissions total and by sector (power plants, 19902030 Western Europe, Eastern Europe, RAINS, currents Calculated by country Spread sheets are 4.1.2. 4.1.3. 23. IPCC. National Communications in Compliance with the Obligations under the UNFCCC. (see special report) 12. CESR, University of Kassel (2001). Euro Wasser: Model-based assessment of European Water Resources p. 9-16 wws/kwws.5.en.htm 19. IIASA (2005) Scenarios of World Anthropogenic Emissions of Air Pollutants and Methane up to 2030. _emiss/global_emiss.html 25. EMEP (2004), Transboundary Acidification and Eutrophication and Ground Level Ozone in Europe. _publications.html Annex 1. Table 1. 19. IIASA (2005) Scenarios of World Anthropogenic Emissions of Air Pollutants and Methane up 13 Ambient air quality to be requested from the authors. RAINS model. Western Europe - Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom; Eastern Europe -, Hungary, Poland, the Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Yugoslavia; NIS – Armenia, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Other FSU Asia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia; Other FSU Asia – Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan 15 Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Moldova, Macedonia, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and the United Kingdom. 14 10 07/03/2016 industry, domestic, road transport, off-road mobile sources, other) kilotons – tables NO2 emissions, Gg per year, total (table) NIS legislation and aggregated by regions available. Good data set. 1980 – 2020 43 countries in Europe EMEP, Base line scenario Calculated and presented by country Good Data sets! 4.1.7. Ammonia emissions, total, Gg of NH3 per year (table) 1980 – 2020 43 countries in Europe EMEP, Base line scenario Calculated and presented by country Good Data sets! 4.1.8. Ammonia emissions by livestock projections, Gg of NH3 per year (table) 1997 – 2030 Industrialised countries, transition economies4 FAO Food model Calculated by countries, presented by regions 4.1.9. Non-methane VOC emissions, total, Gg of NMVOC per year (table) 1980 – 2020 43 countries in Europe EMEP, Base line scenario Calculated and presented by country Very big region aggregated. If possible to find the calculation tables – good set of indicators Good Data sets! 4.2. Emissions of ozone precursors 4.2.1. CO emissions total and by sector (power plants, industry, domestic, road transport, off-road mobile sources, other), kilotons 19902030 Western Europe, Eastern Europe, NIS RAINS, currents legislation Calculated by country and aggregated by regions 4.1.4. Spread sheets are available. Good data set. to 2030. _emiss/global_emiss.html 25. EMEP (2004), Transboundary Acidification and Eutrophication and Ground Level Ozone in Europe. _publications.html Annex 1. Table 2. 25. EMEP (2004), Transboundary Acidification and Eutrophication and Ground Level Ozone in Europe. _publications.html Annex 1. Table 3. 14. FAO (2003), World agriculture: towards 2015/2030 FAO, w_cdr.asp?url_file=/docrep/004/y 3557e/y3557e00.htm P. 338, Chapter 12. 25. EMEP (2004), Transboundary Acidification and Eutrophication and Ground Level Ozone in Europe. _publications.html , Annex 1. Table 4. 19. IIASA (2005) Scenarios of World Anthropogenic Emissions of Air Pollutants and Methane up to 2030. _emiss/global_emiss.html 11 07/03/2016 (table) 4.2.2. CO emissions total, Gg of CO per year, (table) 1980 – 2020 43 countries in Europe EMEP, Base line scenario Calculated and presented by country Good Data sets! 4.2.3. Nox emissions total and by sector (power plants, industry, domestic, road transport, off-road mobile sources, other) kilotons (table) NO2 emissions, Gg per year, total (table) 19902030 Western Europe, Eastern Europe, NIS RAINS, currents legislation Calculated by country and aggregated by regions Spread sheets are available. Good data set. 1980 – 2020 43 countries in Europe EMEP, Base line scenario Calculated and presented by country Good Data sets! 4.2.4. 4.3. Emissions of primary particulates 4.3.1. PM 2,5 emissions, total, Gg of PM 2,5 per year, (table) 1980 – 2020 43 countries in Europe EMEP, Base line scenario Calculated and presented by country Good Data sets! 4.3.2. PM 10 emissions, total, Gg of PM 10 per year (table) 1980 – 2020 43 countries in Europe EMEP, Base line scenario Calculated and presented by country Good Data sets! 4.4. Exceedences of air quality limit values in urban areas 25. EMEP (2004), Transboundary Acidification and Eutrophication and Ground Level Ozone in Europe. _publications.html Annex 1. Table 5. 19. IIASA (2005) Scenarios of World Anthropogenic Emissions of Air Pollutants and Methane up to 2030. _emiss/global_emiss.html 25. EMEP (2004), Transboundary Acidification and Eutrophication and Ground Level Ozone in Europe. _publications.html Annex 1. Table 2. 25. EMEP (2004), Transboundary Acidification and Eutrophication and Ground Level Ozone in Europe. _publications.html Annex 1. Table 6. 25. EMEP (2004), Transboundary Acidification and Eutrophication and Ground Level Ozone in Europe. _publications.html Annex 1. Table 7. 12 07/03/2016 4.4.1. Exceedence of critical levels for ozone (bar chart) 1990 – 2010 Central and Eastern Europe, Western Europe OECD reference scenario Calculated by region EECCA is aggregated in non-OECD 4.4.2. Exceedence of critical ozone loads for sensitive ecosystems (bar chart) 1995 – 2010 Central and Eastern Europe, Western Europe OECD reference scenario Calculated by region EECCA is aggregated in non-OECD 5. Agriculture in relation to climate change 5.1. Livestock patterns 5.1.1. Meat production, number of cattle and pig (table) 2004 – 2014 EU-15, EU-new Ukraine, Russia, Other CIS FAPRI model Calculated by countries and accumulated in regions and countries Central Asia – in other CIS, Balkans – other Eastern Europe, Turkey -? Very big region aggregated. If possible to find the calculation tables – good 5.1.2 Meat production, number of animals (cattle and buffaloes, sheep and goats, pig, poultry) (table) 1969 – 2030 Industrialised countries, transition economies16 FAO Food model Calculated by countries, presented by regions 17. OECD environmental outlook (2001), p 241 /e-book/9701011e.pdf p. 189 EEA (1999) Europe’s Environment the Second Assessments 17. OECD environmental outlook (2001), p 241 /e-book/9701011e.pdf p. 189 EEA (1999) Europe’s Environment the Second Assessments 13. U.S. AND WORLD AGRICULTURAL OUTLOOK (2005), ok2005/text/FAPRI_OutlookPub2 005.pdf p. 328, 333, 335, 336, 341. 14. FAO (2003), World agriculture: towards 2015/2030 FAO, w_cdr.asp?url_file=/docrep/004/y 3557e/y3557e00.htm, 165, Chapter 5. 16 Industrial countries - European Union: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom; Other western Europe: Iceland, Malta, Norway, Switzerland; North America: Canada, United States; Oceania: Australia, New Zealand; Other developed countries: Israel, Japan, South Africa. (In the analysis the European Union was treated as one country group (EU-15)). Transition countries - Eastern Europe and the former Yugoslavia SFR: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, The Former Yugoslav Republic, of Macedonia, Yugoslavia; Commonwealth of Independent States: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova Republic, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan; Baltic states: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania 13 07/03/2016 set of indicators 5.2. Cropping patterns 5.2.1. Cereal balances: demand, production, net trade, per capita, kg and total: food/all uses MlnT, growth rates % (table) 19642030 Industrialised countries, transition economies4 FAO Food model Calculated by countries, presented by regions 5.2.2. Aggregate consumption of cereals by category of use: food, feed, other uses and waste, total Mlt, per capite, kg (table) 19742030 Industrialised countries, transition economies4 FAO Food model Calculated by countries, presented by regions 5.2.3. Net trade balances of wheat, coarse grains and rice, Mlt (table) 19742030 Industrialised countries, transition economies4 FAO Food model Calculated by countries, presented by regions 5.2.4. Oil crops, vegetables oils and products, production and demand, Mlt (table) 1997 – 2030 Industrialised countries, transition economies4 FAO Food model Calculated by countries, presented by regions Very big region aggregated. If possible to find the calculation tables – good set of indicators Very big region aggregated. If possible to find the calculation tables – good set of indicators Very big region aggregated. If possible to find the calculation tables – good set of indicators Very big region aggregated. If possible to find the calculation 14. FAO (2003), World agriculture: towards 2015/2030 FAO, w_cdr.asp?url_file=/docrep/004/y 3557e/y3557e00.htm Chapter 3, p. 65 14. FAO (2003), World agriculture: towards 2015/2030 FAO, w_cdr.asp?url_file=/docrep/004/y 3557e/y3557e00.htm 14. FAO (2003), World agriculture: towards 2015/2030 FAO, w_cdr.asp?url_file=/docrep/004/y 3557e/y3557e00.htm, Chapter 3, p. 78 14. FAO (2003), World agriculture: towards 2015/2030 FAO, w_cdr.asp?url_file=/docrep/004/y 3557e/y3557e00.htm, Chapter 3, p. 99 14 07/03/2016 5.2.5. Vegetable oils, oilseeds and products, food use: past and projected, Mlt (table) 1997 – 2030 Industrialised countries, transition economies4 FAO Food model Calculated by countries, presented by regions 5.2.6 19952020 Wester Europe, Central and Enstern Europe, Non- OECD OECD reference scenario Calculated by region 5.3. Agricultural Production, change in regional shares by commodity: beef, other meat, milk, wheat &grains, rice, other crops), % (graph) Use of fertilizers 5.3.1 Fertiliser consumption 1961 – 2030 Industrialised countries, transition economies4 FAO Food Model Calculated by countries. Presented by regions: Industrial countries and transition economies 5.4. Environmental Impact of Agriculture 5.4.1 Ammonia emissions implied by the livestock projections, kilot per year and % (graph) 1997 – 2030 Industrialised countries, transition economies4 FAO Food Model Calculated by countries tables – good set of indicators Very big region aggregated. If possible to find the calculation tables – good set of indicators EECCA is aggregated in non-OECD Very big region aggregated. If possible to find the calculation tables – good set of indicators 14. FAO (2003), World agriculture: towards 2015/2030 FAO, w_cdr.asp?url_file=/docrep/004/y 3557e/y3557e00.htm Chapter 3, p. 102 17. OECD environmental outlook (2001), p 87 /e-book/9701011e.pdf 14. FAO (2003), World agriculture: towards 2015/2030 FAO, w_cdr.asp?url_file=/docrep/004/y 3557e/y3557e00.htm p. 149, Chapter 4. 14. FAO (2003), World agriculture: towards 2015/2030 FAO, w_cdr.asp?url_file=/docrep/004/y 3557e/y3557e00.htm p. 338, Chapter 12. 15 07/03/2016 5.4.2. Estimated gross carbon sequestration per year by cropland soils 19972030 Industrialised countries, transition economies4 FAO Food model Calculated by countries, presented by regions 5.4.3. Ammonia emissions total and by sector (Livestock farming, rice cultivation, waste (solid waste and wastewater), production and distribution of fuels in the coal, gas and oil sectors) kilotons – tables 19902030 Western Europe, Eastern Europe, NIS17 RAINS, currents legislation Calculated by country and aggregated by regions 6. Water 6.1. Water availability and withdrawals 6.1.1. Percentage change in average annual water availability for European rivers basins as compared to today’s levels (map) 2001, 2020, 2070 European Rivers, Countries of Western Europe, Eastern Europe European CIS Water Gap, Baseline – A scenario Rivers and country 6.1.2. Percentage change in annual total water withdrawals for European river basins (map) 2020, 2070 Western Europe, Eastern Europe European CIS Water Gap, Baseline – A scenario Coarse level of aggregation, Very big region aggregated. If possible to find the calculation tables – good set of indicators Very good data sets! 14. FAO (2003), World agriculture: towards 2015/2030 FAO, w_cdr.asp?url_file=/docrep/004/y 3557e/y3557e00.htm Chapter 3, p. 102 Two General Circulation Models (ECHAM4 and HadCM3) Central Asia is not included Central Asia is not included 12. CESR, University of Kassel (2001). Euro Wasser: Model-based assessment of European Water Resources, etc.p. 5-4 wws/kwws.5.en.htm 19. IIASA (2005) Scenarios of World Anthropogenic Emissions of Air Pollutants and Methane up to 2030. _emiss/global_emiss.html 12. CESR, University of Kassel (2001). Euro Wasser: Model-based assessment of European Water 17 NIS – Armenia, Belarus, Estonia, Former USSR Asia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine. Eastern Europe –Czech Rep, Hungary, Poland, Slovak Republic, Turkey (OECD members), Romania, Bulgaria; Western Europe – Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK. 16 07/03/2016 Resources .p. 5-6 wws/kwws.5.en.htm for regions in column 3 6.1.3. Water withdrawals (km3/yr) sector (table) 2070 Western Europe, Eastern Europe European CIS Water Gap, Baseline – A scenario Coarse level of aggregation, for regions in column 3 Central Asia is not included 12. CESR, University of Kassel (2001). Euro Wasser: Model-based assessment of European Water Resources p. 5-7 wws/kwws.5.en.htm 6.1.4. Water withdrawals total and by sector, km3 (table) 1995, 2025 Presented by regions: Western Europe Eastern Europe, CIS, Aral Sea Basin Water GAP (BAU) Calculated by country 29. CESR, University of Kassel, Kassel (2000). World water in 2025. Alcamo J., p. 48 wws/kwws.2.pdf 6.1.5. Relative change in water withdrawals (map) 2025 Western Europe Eastern Europe, CIS, Aral Sea Basin Water GAP (BAU) Calculated by country Balcans included to Eastern Europe together with the 10 EU new Balcans included to Eastern Europe together with the 10 EU new 6.2. Water use 6.2.1. Water use total, km3 (table) 1995 – 2025 Western Europe Eastern Europe, CIS, Aral Sea Basin Water GAP (BAU) Calculated by country 30. CESR, University of Kassel, Kassel (2000). Global estimates of water withdrawals and availability… Alcamo (2003), p. 343 6.2.2. Water demand total and by sector, km3/year (table) 2005, 2010, 2025 Aral Sea Basin SPECA methodology and SABAS model By country Balcans included to Eastern Europe together with the 10 EU new No other countries are included 30. CESR, University of Kassel, Kassel (2000). Global estimates of water withdrawals and availability… Alcamo (2003), p. 344 31. UN SPECA (2002) Diagnostic report on water resources in Central Asia, tables 15, 16 gy/documents/wre.doc 17 07/03/2016 6.3. Water stress 6.3.1. Water stress (withdrawals to availability ratio) (map) 2070 Western Europe, Eastern Europe European CIS Water Gap, Baseline – A scenario Coarse level of aggregation, for regions in column 3 Central Asia not included 12. CESR, University of Kassel (2001). Euro Wasser: Model-based assessment of European Water Resources p. 5-918 wws/kwws.5.en.htm 6.3.2. Percentage change in water stress 2070 Western Europe, Eastern Europe European CIS Water Gap, Baseline – A scenario Coarse level of aggregation, for regions in column 3 Central Asia not included 12. CESR, University of Kassel (2001). Euro Wasser: Model-based assessment of European Water Resources p. 5-8 wws/kwws.5.en.htm 6.3.2.a Percentage change in water stress (maps)19 1995 – 2025 Results presented in the global level Water GAP, BAU Calculated by countries Central Asia, Balkans Included 29. CESR, University of Kassel, Kassel (2000). World water in 2025. Alcamo J., p. 30-32 wws/kwws.2.pdf 6.3.3. Area of regions and world (1000 km3) with severe water stress (i.e. CR less then 4). % of total area. (table) 2025 Water GAP, BAU Calculated by countries 6.3.4. Population leaving in areas with severe water stress. (i.e. CR less then 4). % total population (table) 2025 Results presented in the regional basis: Eastern Europe, CIS, Aral Sea Basin Results presented in the regional basis: Eastern Europe, CIS, Aral Sea Water GAP, BAU Calculated by countries 29. CESR, University of Kassel, Kassel (2000). World water in 2025. Alcamo J., p. 29 wws/kwws.2.pdf Balkans included in Eastern Europe together with 29. CESR, University of Kassel, Kassel (2000). World water in 2025. Alcamo J., p. 29 wws/kwws.2.pdf Similar indicators can be found in World Water Vision – WWV (2000), World Water Vision: Making water everybody’s business. Earthscan, London. The assumptions for the scenarios are similar as in Water GAP and done for the following regions: OECD, Low income and medium income. 19 Map 11. Areas under severe water stress 1995 , New areas under stress, Areas which dropped from the stress . Map 12. Areas under severe water stress with high industrial water withdrawals 2025 under BAU scenario. Map 13. International river basins under severe water stress 2025 under BAU scenario 18 18 07/03/2016 Basin 6.4. Access to safe drinking water and sanitation 6.4.1. Population with access to safe drinking water (no data presented in tables and graphs, just some figures in the text) 6.4.2. Percentage of population without access to improved sanitation and the 2015 MDG target (graph) 6.5. Floods and draughts 6.5.1. 6.5.2. Base line 1995 Western Europe, Eastern Europe European CIS new EU 10. Water Gap, Baseline – A scenario Coarse level of aggregation, for regions in column 3 Turkey Central Asia are not included. 12. CESR, University of Kassel (2001). Euro Wasser: Model-based assessment of European Water Resources p. 2-4. wws/kwws.5.en.htm Source: World Bank, 1996. world development report; WRI, (1998). World resourses 33. OECD (2005), Meeting the Millennium Development Goal Drinking Water and Sanitation Target in the EECCA region: a goal within reach ? p.17 8/35372500.pdf 2015 Europe and Central Asia Estimations Change in occurrence of 100 year floods. (map) 19611990, 2020, 2070 Western Europe, Eastern Europe European CIS Water Gap, Baseline – A scenario Coarse level of aggregation, for regions in column 3 Under two CC models: ECHAM4 and HadCM3. Central Asia is not included 12. CESR, University of Kassel (2001). Euro Wasser: Model-based assessment of European Water Resources p. 6-12 wws/kwws.5.en.htm Change in occurrence of 100 year droughts. (map) Compa rative 19611990 and 2020, 2070 Western Europe, Eastern Europe European CIS Water Gap, Baseline – A scenario Coarse level of aggregation, for regions in column 3 Under two CC models: ECHAM4 and HadCM3. Central Asia is not included. 12. CESR, University of Kassel (2001). Euro Wasser: Model-based assessment of European Water Resources p. 7-14 wws/kwws.5.en.htm 19 07/03/2016 7. Waste 7.1. Municipal solid waste generation, mlt 19962020 EU-25, Some Balkans, Some FSU IPCC models Calculated by country 7.2. Municipal solid waste generation, mlt, % (graph) 19952020 OECD reference scenario Calculated by region 7.3. Municipal waste managenet (bar chart) 19952020 Western Europe, Central and Enstern Europe, Non- OECD21 Wester Europe, Central and Enstern Europe, Non- OECD OECD reference scenario 8. Terrestrial 8.1. Land-use changes (map) Gloab map with the regions of Europe and Russia and North Asia22 Globio/IMAG E, Base line scenario 17002050 Not all EECCA and Balkans reports are available yet20 EECCA is aggregated in non-OECD 23. IPCC. National Communications in Compliance with the Obligations under the UNFCCC. (see special report) Calculated by region EECCA is aggregated in non-OECD 17. OECD environmental outlook (2001), p 241 /e-book/9701011e.pdf Calculated by region Good illustration 10. The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (2006). Cross-roads of Planet Earth’s Life Exploring means to meet the 2010 biodiversityTarget d-gbo2-global-scenarios.pdf 17. OECD environmental outlook (2001), p 237 /e-book/9701011e.pdf 20 Selected EECCA - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tadzjikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. Selected Balkans – Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania, Turkey (not available yet). For some regions the data are presented in form of graphs for some the numbers are presented in text description. 21 FSU – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. In this and the next indicator FSU is included in non-OECD countries together with Latin, America, China, South East Asia, Africa; Central and Eastern Europe –Czech Rep, Hungary, Poland, Slovak Republic, Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria; Western Europe – Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK. 22 Europe – EU 25 and Balkans, Russia and North Asia – 15 countries of Former Soviet Union 20 07/03/2016 (Klein Goldewijk, 2001; IMAGEteam, 2001). p. 33 Figure 5 8.2. Land cover distribution % (bar chart) 2000 – 2050 Europe, Russia and North Asia Globio/IMAG E, Base line scenario Calculated by region Good indicator 10. The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (2006). Cross-roads of Planet Earth’s Life Exploring means to meet the 2010 biodiversity Target d-gbo2-global-scenarios.pdf p. 46 (Russia), p. 53 Europe 9. Biodiversity23 9.1. Mean species abundance development in the baseline scenario, with shares in decline per pressure. (graph, bar chart) 2000 – 2050 Europe, Russia and North Asia Globio/IMAG E, Base line scenario Calculated by region 9.2. Spatial distribution of biodiversity in the baseline development (map) 2000 – 2050 Europe, Russia and North Asia Globio/IMAG E, Base line scenario Calculated by region 23 10. The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (2006). Cross-roads of Planet Earth’s Life Exploring means to meet the 2010 biodiversity Target d-gbo2-global-scenarios.pdf p. 46 (Russia), p. 53 Europe 10. The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (2006). Cross-roads of Planet Earth’s Life Exploring means to meet the 2010 biodiversity Target d-gbo2-global-scenarios.pdf Figure 23: p. 82 (Russia) figure 26, p 85 (Europe) See some indicators at the global level in the list of the additional indicators at the annex 2. Section Biodiversity. 21 07/03/2016 Annex 1. List of references CESR (2000) Alcamo J., Henrichs T., Rocsh T (2000): World water in 2025 – Global modelling and scenario analysis for the World Commission on Water for the 21st Century. Reports A 0002, Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany. Online available: CESR (2001) B. Lehner. T. Henrichs, P. Doll, J. Alcamo (2001): Euro Wasser - Model-based assessment of European Water Resources and hydrology in the face of global change. Kassel World Water Series 5, Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel. Online available in pdf: CESR (2003b) Alcamo,J., P. Doll, T.Henrichs, F. Kaspar, B. Lehner, T.Rosch and S. Siebert (2003), Global estimation of water withdrawals and availability under current and ‘business as usual’ conditions. 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Interim 24 Recognises 11 sub-regions clustered in 4 world regions. (Western Europe is in OEAC – 90, SEE and EECCA are in the REF region, which also include Sub-Sahara Africa) 22 07/03/2016 Report IR-04-015. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. Laxemburg, Austria. Online available: MNP (2006) The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (2006). Cross-roads of Planet Earth’s Life Exploring means to meet the 2010 biodiversity Target OECD (2001), OECD Environmental Outlook. OECD, Paris. Online available: OECD (2005), Meeting the Millennium Development Goal Drinking Water and Sanitation Target in the EECCA region: a goal within reach ? Paris. France Online available in pdf: RIVM (2001) Hootsmans, Bouwman A., Leemans R., Kreileman G. Modelling land degradation in Image 2. (2001) Netherlands Environment Assessment Agency. Online available. 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