For IIS Group B Officers 94 Kb

Foundation Course
Communication & Media
Indian Information Service
Senior Grade Group ‘B’ Officers
Duration: Six Months
Foundation Course in Communication & Media
for IIS Senior Grade Group ‘B’ Officers
Duration: Six Months
(9th December 2013 – 8th June 2014)
Indian Institute of Mass Communication
JNU Campus, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg
New Delhi-110 067
To orient the officer to the media-scape in India; make him/her conversant with:
Theoretical frameworks of communication and media
Acquaint him/her with the government’s role in the context of media
Familiarize with the functioning of the government sector
Update him/her with the new development in the field
At the end of the course, the probationary officer should be able to fulfil the role assigned in
the Indian Information Service, that is, to provide support as feeder cadre in a government
set- up in any Media Unit of the Ministry of Indian Information & Broadcasting.
Structure of the Course
Class room lectures and interactive sessions
Hands on experience on communication tools and media
Project work
Study tours and visits
Course Content
Paper I
Communication Concepts, Interpersonal Communication and
Feedback Strategies
Theoretical framework of Communication Process
Interpersonal Communication tools for Publicity
Role and need for Field Publicity
Group Communication
Interpersonal & Persuasive Communication
Organisation & Communication
Language, Culture and Society
Culture and Communication
Importance of Kinesics
Folk Media
Communication Research Tools and Techniques
Feedback & Reception Studies
Internet as a research tool
Suggested Readings for Paper I
The process and Effects of Mass Communication, ed. by Wilbur Schramm, 1971
Methods in Social Research by William J Good and Paul K Hatt (Macmillan), 1967
Introduction to Communication Studies, Fiske J, 1982, Methuen, London
Theories of communication: A Short Introduction – Armand Mattelart & Michele
Mattelart, Sage
Thinking through Communication, Sarah Trenho,m, Allynx, Bacon, Singapore, 1999
Communication: An introduction - Denis McQuail
Media Sociology - David Barret, Sage Publications
Introducing Communication History - Richard and Turner, Mayfield, London, 2000
How to Research - Blaxter, Hughes, Tight - Viva Books, 1999
Many Voices One World, Kac Bride et al, Kogan Page, London, 1986
Mass Communication in India, Kewal J Kumar, Jaico, 2001
Dictionary of Media and Journalism, Singh CP, IK International, Delhi-2004
The Basics of Communication Research, Baxter, Leslie A, Australia: Thomson
Wadsworth, 2004
A guide to Empirical Research in Communication: Rules for looking, Sumser, John,
Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2001
Interpersonal Communication: Everyday Encounters, Wood, Julia, , Australia:
Wadsworth Thomson Learning, 2002
Journals/Magazines –
 Communication Theory
 Communicator
 Journal of Communication
 Australian Journal of Communication
Paper II
Reporting, Writing and Editing Skills
Press Release
Report Writing (annual report, compendium, etc.)
Writing for news and current affairs
Translation techniques
Editing concepts and processes
Feature writing
Interview techniques
Handling interview
Dealing with data: making sense of it
Paper III
Print, Production process & Publishing
Techniques of book production and periodicals
Different types of printing process
Cost-estimation, pricing and marketing
Lab journal (Monthly)
Magazine (Quarterly)
Paper IV
Broadcast Media Tools and Techniques
Radio and Television News broadcasting
Writing for Radio
Writing for Television
Programme Content Creation and Production Techniques
Understanding Multichannel Communication
Facing the camera
Panel discussion
Making capsules
Running Apna Radio for a week
News based programmes and features
Suggested Readings for Paper IV
Radio : A Guide to Broadcasting Techniques by Elwyn Evans (Barrie and Jenkins)
Broadcasting and the People by Mehra Masani (National Book Trust)
Television & Social Change in Rural India – Kirk Johnson, Sage Publications
The Radio Handbook, Carole Fleming, Routledge, 2002
Broadcast Journalism, Andrew Boyal, OUP, 1999
Broadcast News Writing, Reporting and Producing, Ted White (II Edition), Focal
Press, 1996
Television News, Ivor Yorke, Focal Press, Oxford, 1995
AIR Style Book, New Delhi,1991
Before The Headlines - A Handbook of TV Journalism, CP Singh, Macmillan, 1999
Televising Your Message, Mitchell Wanda, National Textbook Company Illinois
(latest edition)
CNN International Writing Guide (latest edition)
Broadcasting News : Writing, Reporting and Producing, Ted White, New Delhi,
Broadcasting Journalism : Techniques of Radio and Television News, Andrew
Boyd,New Delhi, 2001.
Lectures on Broadcasting Journalism, P K Ravindranath, Delhi, 2004.
Digital Broadcasting Journalism, Jitendra Kumar Sharma, Delhi, 2003.
Broadcast Journalism in the 21st century, K M Shrivastava, New Delhi, 2005.
The Broadcast Journalism handbook: A Television News survival guide, Robert
Thompson, Oxford, 2004.
Broadcasting and Telecommunication: An Introduction, John R Bittner, New Jersey,
News Flash : Journalism, Infotainment, and the bottom-line business of broadcast
news, Bonnie M Anderson, San Francisco, 2004.
Broadcast News Writing stylebook, Robert A Papper, London, 1995.
Communication Media and Electronic Revolution, Aruna Zachariah, New Delhi,
Visual Journalism: A Guide for New Media Professionals, Christopher R Harris,
London, 2002.
Before the Headline: A Handbook of Television Journalism, Chandrakant P Singh,
Delhi, 1999.
Journals/Magazines –
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media
Paper V
Web-based Media
Emerging trends in information technology and their impact on communication techniques
Basic web design and Content Creation
Using social media to connect
Mobile Communication
Mobile campaign
The telecommunication sector in India: growth and prospects
Use of mobile communication for governance
Case Studies
Web content –small videos, YouTube, etc.
Suggested Readings for Paper V
A Journalist’s Guide to the Internet, Callahan, Christopher, Allyn and Bacon,
London, 1999.
Introduction to Information Technology, Turban, Rainer, Potter, John Wiley
Publications, 2001
Online Journalism, Jim Hall, Pluto, 2001
Web Production (II edition), Jason Whittaker, Routledge, 2001
Using Information Technology, Brian K Williams, New Delhi, 2003
Information Communication Technology & Education, VC Pandey, Delhi
Cyber Cops, Cyber Criminals & Internet, Deepti Chopra, New Delhi, 2002
Information and Communication Technology: Recasting Development, Delhi, 2004
Digital Sub-editing & Design, Stephen Quinn, New Delhi, 2001.
Cyber Laws E, Commerce & M-Commerce, Tabrej Ahmed, New Delhi, 2003.
Cyber Crimes and Law, VC Dideja, New Delhi, 2002
Handbook of Cyber Law, Cakul Sharma, New Delhi:
Cyber Media Journalism: Emerging Technology, Jagdish Chakravarthy, Delhi, 2003.
Journalism Online, Mike Ward, London, 2002.
Multimedia: Concepts and Practice, Stephen McGloughlin, New Jersey, 2001.
Copywriting for the Electronic Media : A Practical guide, Milan D Meeske,
Australia, 2003.
Paper VI
Development and Communication
Communication as a tool for Development
Planning an Information, Education Communication strategy
Social Marketing
Study of IEC Structure in Specified Government Departments
Understanding Campaign and its Planning
Process of Campaign Planning
Case studies of Contemporary Campaigns
Writing for Development
Suggested Readings for Paper VI
Traditional Folk Media in India - Dr Shyam Parmar, Research Press, 1995
Facts for life – A Communication Challenge UNICEF, India, 1993
Rural Development Journalism by Alan Chalkely (Press Institute of India).
A Manual of Development Journalism by Alan Chalkely (Press Institute of India)
Mass Media and National Development, Wilbur Schramm
Communication for Development in the Third World : Theory and Practice for
Empowerment – Srinivas R Melkote-H Leslie Steeves, Sage Publications
Farm Journalism in Kerala : Anikuma Vadavathoor : A book on Evolution and
Present Status of Agricultural Communication in Kerala – Ajith Books, Kochi
Knowledge Generation : Exchange and Utilization (ed) - Beal & Dissanayake, West
View Press
One World Multiple Cultures, Jan Servaes
India’s Communication Revolution, Rogers & Singhal
Vikas and Vighyan Sanchar, Sanjiv Bhanavat, Jaipur, 2003.
Communication for Development: Experience from the Urban Environment, Edited
by Catalina Gandelsonas, London, 2002.
Journalism: Changing Society Emerging Trends, Jagdish Chakravarty, Delhi, 2003.
Poverty the Global Challenge for Governments, Industry, Scientists and Civil Society,
TERI, New Delhi, 2001.
‘Empowering’ The Indian City: Scenarios and Solutions, TERI, New Delhi, 2002.
Communication Technology and Human Development- Recent Experiences in the
Indian Social Sector, By Avik Ghosh, Sage Publications, 2006.
Everybody Loves A Good Drought by P.Sainath
Mobile Communication and Society: A global perspective by Manuel Castells et al,
Political Economy of Communication in India by Pradip Thomas, Sage, 2010
Journals/Magazines –
Journal of Development Communication. Grassroots
Paper VII
Advertising & Public Relations
Advertising: concepts and principles
 Evolution, relevance and classification of advertising
 Advertising agency management (How an agency functions-various development)
 Creativity in advertising
 Campaign planning-parameters & stages
Public Relations
PR principles, tools, methods
Image management
Crisis management
Case studies in PR and Govt./corporate communication
Suggested Readings for Paper VII
Advertising, Dorothy Cohen, USA: Scott. Forsmon and co. 1988)
Advertising Management, Jaishri Jethwaney, Phoenix
Media Planning, Arnold Barban, USA NTC Business Book, 1997
Media Math: Basic Technique of Media Evaluation Robert Wall, Illinois NTS
Business Books 1995
Ogilvy on Advertising, David Ogilvy, London, Prion Books, 1997
Uncommon Sense of Advertising: Getting the Facts Right , Sanjay Tiwari, Response,
Public Relations, J Jethwaney, Sterling
The PR Style Guide, Brown Barbara Diggs, Thomson Wadsworth 2000
Media source books
Indian Newspaper society( INS)
Audit Buraeu of circulation(ABC)
National Readership Survey(NRS)
Indian Readership Survey(IRS)
India 2004
National Economic Survey
Journal of Advertising
PR Quarterly,
Journal of Public Relations,
Public Relations review
PR Strategist.
Advertising age
International Journal of advertising
Journal of current issues and Research in advertising
Advertising and Marketing
Paper VIII
Government and Media
Media units of the Government
Media Regulation
Responsibilities of public communication
Law and ethics
Study visit to different media units
Suggested Readings for Paper VIII
Annual Reports of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, DAVP, Prasar
Bharati, PIB etc
Mass Media in India, Publications Division
India 2011, Publications Division
Public Service Broadcasting in the Age of Globalisation, Indrajit Banerjee, Kalinga
Seneviratne, Asian Media Information and Communication Centre, 2006
National Media Policy, ed. V S Gupta, Rajeshwar Dayal, Asian Media Information
and Communication Centre, 1996
Pop Culture India!: media, arts and lifestyle, Asha Kasbekar, 2006
Paper IX
Rules, Regulations and Office Procedure
Understanding of office procedure
File management and Procedure
Noting and Drafting
Report writing
General Financial Rules, procedures in Govt.
Paper X
Visual Communication
Concept of design
Types of photography
Techniques of photography
Photo feature
Practical (photo essay and journalism)
Suggested Readings for Paper X
Fundamentals of Copy & Layout, Albert Book and Dennis Schiel (USA : National
Text Book Company, 1997)
Graphics for the Desktop Publishing, Brucet Paddock (New York : Management
Information Source Inc, 1993)
Essential Skills : Photographic Lighting, John Child and Mark Galer (Oxford Focal
Press, 1999)
Corporate Media Production, Roy Dizazzo, Focal Press, 2002
Basic of Video Sound, Des Iyver, Boston Focal Press, 1999
Basics of Video Production, Lyver and Swainson, Boston Focal Press, 1999)
Art and Production, N N Sarkar, New Delhi : Sagar Publication, 1995
Information Technology, Williams & Sawyer, Tata McGraw Hill 2000
Television Production Handbook, Herbert Zettl, Australia, Thompson, 2002
Visual Communication: Images with Messages by Paul Martin Lester, Thomson
Wadsworth, 2006
Visual Communication: Integrating Media, Art and Science by Rick Williams &
Julianne Newton, 2007
Better Photography
Practical Photography
Theory Examination
End-of-term exam: Papers to I TO X
Assignments/Projects/Research/Campaign Presentation
Through training
Marking Pattern
Paper I to X: 100 marks each
Total: 1000 marks.
Course Director’s Appraisal: 100 marks
Total: 1100 marks.
 Parliament visit- 3 days (Winter Session 2013-14)
 NGO attachment- 5 days (March 2014)
 District attachment for research- 2 weeks (from Jan 20th to 31 Jan 2014)
Workshop - one workshop a month
Workshop on gender sensitization- 2days
Workshop on Human Resource-3 days
Workshop on Interpersonal communication -2 days
Workshop on time management and collaboration skills -4days
Study Tour
 Visit to various constitutional commission (once a month)
 Tours of printing press visit (February)