Welcome to St George and St Mary’s Parish Church We are very pleased to see you today; you are most welcome to worship with us. Church Diary Tues 17th 10am Home Group @ June Strettons’ 7.30pm Home Group at Tony & Linda Parkers’ Wed 18th 11.30am Luncheon Club (CC) 7.30pm Home Group @ Chris & Steph’s 7.45pm Home Group @ Jon & Wendy’s Thurs 19th Fri 13th 7pm PCC Meeting (CC) 9-11am Drop In (CC) Vicar: Rev Mike Firbank Tel: Mob: Email: Friday Lay Pastor: Caroline Carr Tel: Email: 07814270347 carolinecarr84@gmail.com Tel: Tel: Tel: 01283 212333 01283 216144 01283 211890 Church Warden: Steve Payne Church warden: Karen Alexander Church Office 01283 208947 07814 033183 mjfirbank@hotmail.com – day off Church E-mail – office@gresleychurch.co.uk Website - www.gresleychurch.co.uk Facebook - www.facebook.com/GresleyChurchUK Twitter - www.twitter.com/GresleyChurchUK Sunday 15th March Lent 4 Mothering Sunday Many thanks to Rebecca Soanes for serving refreshments this morning. Next week it will be Emelia Rodrigues’ turn! March 15th 10am Worship All Together Reading/prayers: WAT Team 12noon Holy Baptism 6pm Holy Communion Eph 2:1-10 John 3: 14-21 Prayers: Yvonne Swarley Caroline Carr Steve Payne March 22nd 10am Holy Communion Romans 8 John 15: 1-8 Prayers: June Stretton Rebecca Soanes Sue Stubbs 6pm Evening Worship & prayer for healing Hebrews 5: 5-10 David Wenham John 3: 14-21 Steve Payne Prayers Pia Carpenter LENT 2015 – ISAIAH 1 ‘Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow” Welcome: If you are new we would love to get to know you. Please introduce yourself at the end to one us leading up front. If you've come to book at baptism or wedding please let Mike, our Vicar, know and he will get that sorted over coffee after the service. Groundshaker parents If your child would like to be part of a simple Easter Day drama, please stay for rehearsals after church on March 22nd and 29th, and there will be a short rehearsal on Saturday April 4th 4pm ready for Sunday 5th morning performance when they must arrive at 9.30 am. Many thanks. Linda Rose 07970021511 Tuesday group outings On Tues 21st April Tuesday group now plan to go for a walk locally to enjoy woodland bluebells as the woods at Yoxall will not be open this year. More details will be given soon. Thanks Joyce. Tuesday group “thank you” Many thanks to all who so generously supported our simple lunch event to raise money from our £1s. £114.60 will be given for church funds. Messy church Messy church on Saturday 28th March is based around the Easter Journey. We’ll be making cards and pictures, and also crafting some of the key symbols associated with Holy Week. The session runs from 4 till 6pm, closing with a meal. If you would like to join us, please text Wendy on 07738 428634, or email wendy@whiten.co.uk. 2B – Dates for diaries: 2B has organised various outings as well as their monthly prayer breakfast meetings. Saturday March 28th “Outrageous women 5” prayer breakfast at 8.30am in the Community Centre Saturday May 9th “Outrageous Women 6” prayer breakfast at 8.30am in the Community Centre Saturday June 6th Women’s Day of Prayer – 10am-2pm at St Augustine’s church, Derby (see Caroline Carr for more details) Saturday July 4th Trumpet call – 11am-5pm at the ICC, Birmingham (see Karen Alexander for more details) Saturday July 18th 2B Quiet Day – 10.30-4pm at The Convent of the Holy Name, Derby (limited spaces available, see Jane Clamp) It would be great to see new faces and old!! Easter donations required Lots of small little eggs required for handing out on Good Friday. Please let Caroline or Mike have them. Also Easter Eggs required for the refuge, please help us to support those less fortunate in our community. Please bring them to Church. Caroline Carr CVM conference/training day Saturday 18th April. Price £25 and there should be seats available in cars. It’s Chesterfield and there’s a Hog Roast included… a hog roast fellas!! Sign up via CVM website or see Dave Winter. School Vouchers Some of the major supermarkets, including Sainsburys, are currently offering vouchers for various school-based schemes. If you get offered vouchers and have no other outlet for them, please accept them and bring them to church. Put them into the School Vouchers box just inside the church door, and we shall make sure they get to our church school, St. Georges Primary. Many Thanks, Wendy . Giving We ask anyone who wants to commit themselves to this Church and its Vision to consider seriously giving to it please. Whilst the Church teaches tithing, giving ten percent of your income, we know that those on the lowest income may only be able to give a few percent each week; whilst others may be able to give considerably more. Please let God speak to you and your children and then speak to one of us about regular giving. Thank you. Mike