
Chapter 7: Memory
Practice Test
1. To increase the duration and capacity of your STM, you
should try _____.
a. maintenance rehearsal
b. chunking
c. constructive processes
d. all but one of the above
Ans: d
Section Ref: 7.1
Page Ref: p. 249
2. According to the encoding, storage, and retrieval approach,
memory is a process that can be compared to the workings of
a. a board of executives
b. a flashbulb memory
c. redintegration
d. a computer
Ans: d
Section Ref: 7.1.A
Page Ref: pp. 249-250
3. The process of translating information into neural codes
(language) that will be retained in memory is known as _____.
a. long-term potentiation (LTP)
b. neural transformation
c. encoding
d. consolidation
Ans: c
Section Ref: 7.1.A
Page Ref: p. 250
4. Short-term memory receives information from sensory
memory and from _____.
a. long-term memory
b. working memory
c. the perceptual processing network
d. maintenance rehearsal
Ans: a
Section Ref: 7.1.C and 7.1.D
Page Ref: pp. 253-256
6. Researchers believe there are three parts to working
memory: visuospatial sketchpad, phonological rehearsal loop,
and _____.
a. reverberating circuits
b. brief sensory storage
c. a central executive
d. short-term perceptual storage
Ans: c
Section Ref: 7.1.C
Page Ref: p. 255
7. A subsystem within LTM that stores facts, information, and
personal life experiences is called _____.
a. procedural memory
b. explicit/declarative memory
c. implicit/nondeclarative memory
d. none of the above
Ans: b
Section Ref: 7.1.D
Page Ref: p. 259
8. Actively reviewing and relating new information to material
previously stored in LTM is called ____.
a. studying
b. elaborative rehearsal
c. deep processing
d. all of the above
Ans: d
Section Ref: 7.1.D
Page Ref: p. 259
9. A clue or prompt that helps stimulate recall and retrieval of
a stored piece of information from LTM is called _____.
a. reintegration
b. an encoding specificity prompt
c. priming
d. a retrieval cue
Ans: d
Section Ref: 7.1.D
Page Ref: p. 260
5. The process that allows us to store more information in
short-term memory by grouping information into units is
called _____.
a. maintenance rehearsal
b. collective organization
c. chunking
d. proximal closure
10. If you want to remember the difference between
"retroactive" and "proactive" interference, you break the word
"retroactive" into parts and note that "retro" often means "old."
Therefore, the interference is happening with the old or "retro"
information. Reminding yourself of the "old" meaning of retro
is called a _____.
a. misattribution superiority effect
b. retrieval cue
c. method of loci
d. none of the above
Ans: c
Section Ref: 7.1.C
Page Ref: p. 254
Ans: b
Section Ref: 7.1.D
Page Ref: p. 260
11. Drinking coffee while studying or before an exam may
improve your performance because of ______.
a. the drug elaboration effect
b. caffeine priming
c. consolidation
d. state-dependent retrieval
Ans: d
Section Ref: 7.1.D
Page Ref: p. 261
12. Relearning occurs when it takes _____ to regain lost
a. longer
b. less time
c. more trials
d. the same number of trials or amount of time
Ans: b
Section Ref: 7.2.B
Page Ref: p. 263
13. Forgetting that you fell off the stage during your high
school graduation is an example of _____.
a. epinephrine overexcitation
b. adrenaline synthesis
c. interference theory
d. motivated forgetting theory
Ans: d
Section Ref: 7.2.B
Page Ref: p. 264
14. The _____ effect suggests that people will recall
information presented at the beginning and end of a list better
than information from the middle of a list.
a. recency
b. serial position
c. latency
d. primacy
Ans: b
Section Ref: 7.2.B
Page Ref: pp. 265-266
15. Hearing a movie star discuss problems with global
warming and later believing you read it in your college
biology text is an example of the ______.
a. Zeigarnik effect
b. Newsweek effect
c. misinformation effect
d. sleeper effect
Ans: d
Section Ref: 7.2.B
Page Ref: p. 266
16. Memory research suggests that, in comparison to literate
cultures, preliterate cultures _____.
a. have better short-term, but worse long-term memory
b. are better at face-recognition memory tasks
c. demonstrate better recall for orally presented stories
d. are not affected by the recency effect
Ans: c
Section Ref: 7.2.B
Page Ref: p. 267
17. A vivid image of circumstances associated with surprising
or emotional events, like the bombing of the World Trade
Center, is known as _____.
a. long-term potentiation (LTP)
b. a flashbulb memory
c. redintegration
d. all of the above
Ans: b
Section Ref: 7.3.B
Page Ref: p. 270
18. Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by ____.
a. sudden memory loss
b. progressive mental deterioration with severe memory loss
c. gradual episodic memory loss and severe semantic memory
d. gradual memory loss for recent events
Ans: b
Section Ref: 7.3.C
Page Ref: p. 273
19. The method of loci, peg-word system, and substitute word
system are all _____ devices.
a. visually organized
b. verbally organized
c. mnemonic
d. moderately effective
Ans: c
Section Ref: 7.4.B
Page Ref: p. 279
20. When you want to remember a series of words or facts in
their appropriate sequence, it would be best to use the
mnemonic device called the _____.
a. peg-word system
b. method of loci
c. method of word association
d. substitute word system
Ans: b
Section Ref: 7.4.B
Page Ref: p. 279