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Diversity Scholarship Application 2015
Daytime Phone:
Evening Phone:
I am currently enrolled at the following law school:
UC Berkeley
UC Hastings
Employer(s), position(s) for Summer 2015 (if known):
Schools Attended – List all schools you have attended as an undergraduate and graduate level.
GPA (& class
rank if available)
Undergraduate & Graduate School Activities – For this and subsequent categories, feel free to use a
separate sheet if necessary.
Keker & Van Nest LLP 2015 Diversity Scholarship Application
Community Service Activities Since High School Graduation
Work Experience – List your work experience, including part-time and/or summer positions, most recent
employer first. (Please attach a current copy of your resume in addition to filling out this section.)
Position Held
Personal References – List three individuals you are not related to, who will vouch for your academic
and/or professional work performance.
Company & Title
Email & Phone
Keker & Van Nest LLP 2015 Diversity Scholarship Application
Financial Information & Income
Whether you have elected to include your most recent FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student
Aid)/Student Aid Report or the applicable 2014 IRS tax forms, please provide the information requested
below. If you are a dependent of someone other than your spouse or domestic partner*, please also
provide the information requested below for the person(s) who claims you as a dependent.
Are you submitting a FAFSA form and/or Student Aid Report?
Are you submitting the applicable 2014 IRS tax forms?
Spouse /
A. Total income for 2014 (not including financial aid)
B. Expected summer 2014 position income (including grant and fellowships)
C. Current value of stocks, bonds, mutual funds or other investment securities
D-1. If you own a home, current value of home
D-2. If you own a home, current mortgage balance
E. Total outstanding undergraduate/graduate loans (excluding law school)
Questions below pertain to the 2014-2015 academic year enter
F-1. Total loans
F-2. Total grants, fellowships, scholarships
F-3. Total financial aid (add F-1 and F-2)
G-2. Total estimated book expenses
G-3. Other estimated education-related expenses (explain):
G-4. Total estimated education expenses (add G-1 through G-3)
H-1. If tuition does not include housing, total rent or mortgage payments
H-2. Other monthly expenses (e.g. transportation, utilities, etc., but excluding
any education expenses already noted above )
H-3. Total non-education monthly expenses (add H-1 and H-2)
G-1. Total tuition expenses, includes housing
* Domestic Partners are two adults who have chosen to share one another's lives in an intimate and
committed relationship of mutual caring, who live together and who have agreed to be jointly responsible
for basic living expenses incurred during the Domestic Partnership. They must: (a) sign a Declaration of
Domestic Partnership and establish the partnership under Section 62.3 of the San Francisco
Administrative Code; or (b) establish the Domestic Partnership under any other recognized Domestic
Partner Registry.4
Keker & Van Nest LLP 2015 Diversity Scholarship Application
Application Requirements – Please attach the following documents to this completed application. Your
application will be considered incomplete if any of the following are not included.
1.) This completed application (typed)
2.) A copy of your resume
3.) A copy of your undergraduate and law school transcripts (Note: Unofficial copies may accompany
your application, but official copies must be supplied for scholarship finalists prior to interviewing)
4.) Three references (non-relatives) including all contact information possible. At least one reference
must be a law school professor or instructor. Please include letters of recommendation from any of your
three references.
5.) A personal statement, not to exceed two pages, which describes your commitment to a career in
complex civil or white-collar criminal litigation, and how you would contribute to the diversity of the
legal community, both at law school and in your career. You may also include any other circumstances
you believe the selection committee should know.
6.) Optional: If you would like your financial circumstances to be considered, a copy of your most recent
FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) or Student Aid Report, if available, or your 2014 IRS
tax form(s) and, if you are a dependent of another person or persons, such as your spouse, parent(s) or
legal guardian(s), such person(s)’ 2014 IRS tax form(s).
7.) Optional: You may also submit a statement of economic hardship (up to one page) to supplement your
financial documentation, particularly if your current financial state is not accurately reflected by the
financial information provided (e.g., extraordinary debt, recent financial catastrophe, recent bankruptcy,
numerous siblings attending private school/college/graduate school, etc.)
Submission Instructions
Applications, including questions, should be directed to Holly Saydah at with specific
notation in the subject line and/or body that your email pertains to the KVN Diversity Scholarship.
Mail applications by no later than February 20, 2015 to:
Holly Saydah
Attorney Recruiting Manager
Keker & Van Nest LLP
633 Battery Street, 4th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111-1809
I declare under the penalty of perjury that the information I have provided is true and correct to the best of
my knowledge. Additionally, I agree that Keker & Van Nest LLP may publicize my receipt of the
scholarship, including my name, photograph, basic biographical information, personal and academic
achievements through the press or by inclusion in the firm’s website or other written and electronic
How did you hear about the Keker & Van Nest diversity scholarship?:
Scholarship applications will be reviewed starting February 23, 2015 with final decisions made in March
of 2015. All applicants must be available for potential interviews at the offices of Keker & Van Nest on
Saturday March 14, 2015. Those selected for an interview will be notified by March 7, 2015.
Keker & Van Nest LLP 2015 Diversity Scholarship Application