INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATION THEORY AND BEHAVIOR, 7(4), 42-65 SPRING 2004 STRATEGIC DECISION MAKING IN THE QUASIGOVERNMENTAL SECTOR: THE ILLINOIS SOYBEAN PROGRAM OPERATING BOARD Donna K. Fisher, Steven T. Sonka and Randall E. Westgren* ABSTRACT. This paper reports on an intervention for improving the strategic decision making and strategic planning in a specific quasi-public organization: the Illinois Soybean Program Operating Board and on how decision support systems can alter perceptions of the decision making environment, which in turn affect strategic planning. The study hypothesis is that if the use of a sophisticated 3-D modeling tool, the Protein Consumption Dynamics (PCD) model, broadens perspectives to include a more global and long-term outlook, then the quality of planning should be enhanced. Before and after questionnaires are used to capture the changes in 121 soy industry decisionmakers’ perceptions of the decision making environment. The perceptions of soybean industry decision makers change to reflect more long-term thinking about the industry, indicating that the PCD model’s visualized presentation of complex information did influence strategic behavior. INTRODUCTION This paper reports on an intervention for improving decision making in a specific quasi-public organization: Soybean Program Operating Board (ISPOB).1 ISPOB -----------------------* Donna K. Fisher, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor, School the strategic the Illinois is a quasi- of Economic Development, Georgia Southern University. Her research interest is in strategic leadership, specifically in economic development organizations. Steven T. Sonka, Ph.D., is Director, National Soybean Research Lab; and the Soybean Industry Chair in Agricultural Strategy, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. His research interest is in strategic change and decision making in the food and agribusiness sector. Randall E. Westgren, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Agribusiness Management, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. His research interest is in strategic management in food industry firms and supply chains. STRATEGIC DECISION MAKING IN THE QUASI-GOVERNMENTAL SECTOR 3 Copyright © 2004 by PrAcademics Press STRATEGIC DECISION MAKING IN THE QUASI-GOVERNMENTAL SECTOR 43 governmental sector organization that invests in soybean research and market development for Illinois soybean producers. The board is part of a system in which soybean producers voluntarily tax themselves to fund efforts in domestic and international market development and research (similar to other quasi-governmental organizations). As the government research budget diminished, organizations such as the ISPOB were created. Although established through Congressional action and administered through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the state organizations such as ISPOB, and their national federations, operate with considerable autonomy. Nationally, total funding for the organizations varies between $60 and $80 million annually. ISPOB funding ranges between $12 and $14 million each year. Budget allocation decisions are the primary responsibility of an elected board of 18 soybean producers who serve without compensation.2 The ISPOB has a mixture of characteristics typical of both for-profit and nonprofit boards. Like many for-profit boards, the ISPOB is subject to long run market influences (Bowen, 1994). Changes in the global market for soybeans can vitiate ISPOB investment decisions. Similar to most nonprofit boards, the ISPOB members are constituency representatives (Ward, 2000), who serve voluntarily, for short periods of time, limited to 6 years in this case (Andringa & Engstrom, 1997). Strategic decision making is a particular challenge in this setting for several reasons. Although committed to enhancing ISPOB’s success, each board member has a unique set of operational and tactical challenges that preoccupy the bulk of their attention on a daily basis. All board members are producers and therefore have a more natural affinity for soybean production-related issues, such as funding for breeding programs and disease control. Further, short-term pressures and challenges tend to demand attention and responses from the board itself, i.e., current low soybean prices and the uncertainty about societal acceptance of biotechnology are urgent concerns. Although immediate, it is not clear that these issues should distract the board’s strategic direction over the long run. Complexity and pluralism add to the difficulty of strategic decision making for the ISPOB members. Most strategic decisions are addressed in a group setting. In these situations each member brings a different set of perspectives and understandings to the decision (Bessler, 1984). Not least among these are their roles as constituency representatives— 44 FISHER, SONKA & WESTGREN geographic, large vs. small farms, commodity vs. specialty market orientation. Currently, both the funding and the agenda setting processes for research are done in a complex decision environment. The Federal government, under the auspices of the USDA, funds public research on agronomy, new products, and markets. Private sector firms fund traditional breeding programs, crop chemical development, new product development, and other forms of research and development (R&D). The producer boards are mandated to fund research and market development using the funds from the voluntary tax for the benefit of producers (Wright, 1996). Thus, public, quasi-public, and private sector decision makers are making uncoordinated, overlapping long-term R&D decisions. This turbid environment exacerbates the problems of pluralism in the strategic decision making of ISPOB. There is no natural vehicle for articulating a shared vision of research agendas or funding priorities. This paper reports on how decision support systems can alter perceptions of the decision-making environment in a specific setting— long range R&D funding in the soybean industry. To do so, the study reports on the development of a sophisticated modeling framework that includes three-dimensional visualized presentation of information, and evaluates the effect of experience with this tool on decision makers’ perceptions of the decision environment. The research hypothesis is that if the use of this tool broadens perspectives to include a more global and long-term outlook, then the quality of decision making should be enhanced. Scientists in psychology and organizational behavior struggle with how to measure the decision-making processes both for groups and individuals (Goldstein & Hogarth, 1997). Decisions are based in part on the decision maker’s perception (cognitive map) of the decision environment. Group decision making is affected by the perceptions of the individual group members. Methods are developed and employed in this research to measure how exposure to the visualization model of information changes the cognitive maps of decision makers. Ultimately, the research analyzes the shift in strategic issues identification, and how this shift can improve decision making. The research design is founded on developing a strategic decision aid for the quasi-public ISPOB. However, to make the results more generalizable, a broader demographic group within the industry is also STRATEGIC DECISION MAKING IN THE QUASI-GOVERNMENTAL SECTOR 45 used. A total of 121 decision makers from the soy industry value chain participated in the study. Results indicate that decision makers’ perceptions changed after exposure to information presented in the visualization model. The strategic issues identified by participants before exposure to the visualization model focus on localized production issues, the European market, and new uses for soybeans. However the participants shift emphasis to more global, long-term issues, such as new markets for existing products. After a brief look at supporting literature, the remainder of the paper describes the underlying system dynamics model, the visualization model, the experimentation and results, and some summary remarks. LITERATURE REVIEW The objective of this research is to determine whether group strategic decision making processes, specifically those of the ISPOB, can be improved by using computerized decision support tools. Various literature streams are exploited in the design of this research. Among these are the literatures on strategic issue identification, scenario analysis, system dynamics modeling, and data visualization. Nonprofit Boards of Directors Nonprofit organization boards of directors share a number of similar challenges. Board members serve the community interests at large, as well as those specific to the organization (Duca, 1996). Members are volunteers, with limited terms of office (Andringa & Engstrom, 1997). Performance is difficult to measure as nonprofits focus more with service-related activities rather than on the bottom line (Bowen 1994). Therefore, it is easier for board members to concentrate on the more gratifying day-to-day activities that provide instant feedback, at the expense of developing strategies around an ambiguous future (Duca, 1996). The model in this research is designed to help ISPOB members to focus on the strategic decisions for the uncertain future. Boards of directors, whether for- or nonprofit, have a fundamental duty to establish and maintain a successful organization (Bowen 1994). However, nonprofit organizations differ from their for-profit counterparts in that they are not businesses, and tend to operate differently. There are a plethora of board structures for the many different types of nonprofit 46 FISHER, SONKA & WESTGREN organizations (Bowen, 1994; Carver, 1990). The ISPOB, while primarily representing a nonprofit organization, grapples with similar R&D funding allocation issues that are faced by for-profit organizations. The primary difference is that the end result is not an increase in profitability for the ISPOB, but increased and sustainable profits for the soybean industry as a whole. Moreover, while most nonprofits gain their revenues through formal fundraising activities (Andringa & Engstrom, 1997), the ISPOB’s funding is generated through the taxation of soybean producers. Strategic Issue Identification and Management Strategic issues are circumstances, internal or external (Ansoff, 1980), an organization must face, “that involve: (a) possible outcomes that are important to, or of possible high impact on, the organization’s overall performance; (b) controversy, in that it is likely that reasonable people may take different positions concerning the impact of the issue; and (c) strategy consequences, in that the various possible outcomes implied by the issue would prescribe that different strategies should be implemented” (King, 1982, p. 45). External issues (competitors, government, industry, customer groups) are somewhat more controversial than internal issues, and are therefore more strategic in nature (King, 1982). Strategic issue management (Dutton & Ottensmeyer, 1987) or analysis (King, 1982) decreases uncertainty through information and issue interpretation, and defines issues for ease of problem resolution. Strategic issues management can focus on output or process, and assists organizations by reducing ambiguity around key issues, (Dutton & Ottensmeyer, 1987). It comprises the following steps: issue identification, formal issue definition, preliminary issue model development, model revision, and data collection. This research focuses on issue identification of the decision makers in the US soybean value chain. System Dynamics Modeling System dynamics modeling has principles rooted in electrical engineering analogs applied as a problem solving methodology to managed systems. Forrester (1961) led the initial work in the area. In STRATEGIC DECISION MAKING IN THE QUASI-GOVERNMENTAL SECTOR 47 the early 1990s, Senge’s (1990) emphasis on system thinking as a key to learning organizations renewed academic and popular interest in system dynamics. In recent years, system dynamics models have been extensively employed to represent and examine complex management problems in a variety of business settings (Morecroft & Sterman, 1994; Roberts, et al., 1994). System dynamics modeling uses mathematical equations to describe the causal relationships between variables in the system (Nelson, 1998). Stock variables accumulate or deplete depending on flows (change rates) across time. This type of modeling moves beyond typical quantitative techniques as it can incorporate time lags, as well as the influences of both endogenous and exogenous factors. A system dynamics simulation is the core of a decision support tool for this complex, pluralistic decision environment. The tool simulates future global protein consumption scenarios. It builds on secondary data for population and income growth to examine future world food needs. Both quantitative data and qualitative intelligence from experts are incorporated to describe variables that explicitly relate to the market development and research mission of the ISPOB. Through the use of scenarios, this sophisticated modeling tool assists decision makers to focus on and better anticipate the future. The ultimate goal of the research is to improve decision makers’ confidence about where to invest research dollars so as to positively affect future success. Scenarios Models and scenarios assist decision makers to narrow the scope and therefore better comprehend the complexity of their environment. Scenario analysis differs from forecasting in that it is more descriptive, qualitative and contextual; and that it identifies plausible possible futures. “Scenarios also provide a common means for everyone … to think about the future that takes into account many uncertain factors (some of which are qualitative) in a flexible, although estimative, way,” (Mason, 1994, p. 66). Scenarios lend themselves to environments where there are only a limited number of important unpredictable variables, (Schnaars, 1987). By focusing on only a small number of potential futures, decision makers are able to more fully explore the implications of decisions they make today in relationship to these various potential futures. 48 FISHER, SONKA & WESTGREN Scenarios help get people thinking about the future (Georgantzas & Acar, 1995). The scripts behind the scenario descriptions are designed to alleviate anchoring-and-adjustment problems that decision makers have in placing themselves outside the norms of their immediate, present situation. Georgantzas and Acar (1995) also set the precedent for using script-based computerized scenarios. The computer-driven scenario allows for flexibility in exploring the breadth and depth of decision context that does not exist in text-based scenarios. Visualization “Visualization—combining computer graphics, computation, communication, and interaction—is invaluable for changing data into information, designing products and supporting complex decision making” (Brown, 1997, p. 1; also see Rheingans & Landreth, 1995). Visualization enables understanding and communicating research results to other researchers and the general public. It helps shape public policy by improving understanding regarding potential outcomes and the relationships between multiple variables (Orland et al., 1997). Computer technology in general allows system dynamics modelers to use a more visual approach for data representation (West, 1992). This combination of the power of system dynamics and visualization should aid in understanding the interrelationships of the simulation model variables (Richardson, 1996). The three-dimensional representation highlights the relationships between multiple variables simultaneously. The understanding gained from seeing the interrelationships among variables should enable soybean decision makers to more fully comprehend their environment. However, as West (1992, p. 93) points out, “despite the obvious importance of visual images in human cognitive activities, visual representation remains a second-class citizen in both the theory and practice of mathematics.” THE PROTEIN CONSUMPTION DYNAMICS MODEL In order to cope with the complexity and pluralism issues, a sophisticated decision aid is developed to provoke better understanding among volunteer ISPOB members and other stakeholders in the strategic issues that affect the future of the soy industry. A system dynamics model is developed to explore future scenarios for global protein consumption. The model projects the estimated human appetite for six STRATEGIC DECISION MAKING IN THE QUASI-GOVERNMENTAL SECTOR 49 agricultural commodities (beef, pork, poultry, fish, fats and oils, and vegetable protein), on a global basis (with the world divided into eight geographic regions), and annually for the years 2001 to 2025. The model also tracks malnutrition by region. Output from the model is presented using three-dimension dynamic information display software. System Dynamics Model Characteristics The modeling approach employed is system dynamics, a powerful tool for analyzing complex settings subject to change. The Protein Consumption Dynamics (PCD) Model is developed using PowerSim software. Figure 1 illustrates the relationships made explicit in the PCD model. The PCD relates population and income growth by cohorts to regional protein needs and malnutrition. On a region-by-region level, the model determines the per capita appetite for various commodities based upon income elasticities for consumption and cultural factors (e.g. religious proscriptions against pork consumption). The model then aggregates across income and population cohorts to obtain the total potential demand for each region: China, East Asia, Transition Economies (former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe), Latin America, Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa. These regions are consistent with those used in policy analyses by both the World Bank and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The model is based upon historic relationships, linking food consumption and malnutrition to per capita income by region as seen in Figure 1. One of the basic assumptions is that individual consumption of agricultural commodities is primarily driven by per capita income, at least at low and modest income levels. For each region, econometric relationships are estimated between the consumption of each agricultural commodity and per capita income. The model is tested against the dynamics of historic consumption, for the years 1971 through 1995. The purpose of the Historic Scenario is threefold. First, we use historical data in the modeling process to externally validate the model parameters. The average error for any commodity “backcast” for the region was 3.34%. The second use of the Historic Scenario is in presenting the model and scenario exercises to 50 FISHER, SONKA & WESTGREN decision makers. As managers in the soy industry have already lived the FIGURE 1 Relationships Underlying the Protein Consumption Dynamics Model Total Population Income Distribution Per Capita Incidence of Malnutritio n Total Appetite Per Capita Appetite Total Income Cultural Influences past, the model output allows participants to become comfortable with the model. Thirdly, the historic situation is a sharp contrast to the future opportunities, so as to be a point of departure for exploring new landscapes. The potential to enhance learning through the use of a tool such as the PCD model is not fully achieved by performing one set of computations based upon the most likely set of parameters. Indeed, a key reason for the development of this modeling capability is to explore a range of parameter values. Therefore, the capability to compare the effects of alternative assumptions on the desire and need for protein across a range of parameter values is important. To illustrate this capability, three future scenarios are defined.3 These are: STRATEGIC DECISION MAKING IN THE QUASI-GOVERNMENTAL SECTOR 51 - Base Case employs population growth projections consistent with World Bank and United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) medium-level projections and the income growth projections. - Lower Population Case incorporates population growth projections consistent with World Bank and FAO low growth projections and the same income growth projections as in the Base Case. - Lower Income Case uses the population projections of the Base Case and income growth rates that are 50 % smaller than those of the Base Case. An example of the model output for the Base Case Scenario is provided in Table 1. Globally, the appetite for animal protein has increased by 82% and vegetable protein by 38%. China, East Asia, and South Asia show large increases in the appetite for animal protein, 154%, 156%, and 506% respectively. Consumption growth in the OECD is relatively modest, 5% for animal protein and –17% for vegetable protein. This reflects that the OECD countries, in general, will not devote additional income to expenditures for food. Note however, that even though the OECD had the smallest level of change in the appetite for animal protein, the region still accounts for nearly 20% of the global total (Fisher 2000). The Visualization Tool The preceding discussion identifies a potential problem for decision makers. The capability to produce large amounts of data is both a TABLE 1 Base Case Scenario: Changes from 2001 to 2025 Base Case Region China East Asia Trans. Econ. Lat. America MENA Animal Protein Percent change 154% 156% 25% 46% 27% Vegetable Protein Percent change 57% 44% 23% 28% 58% Fats and Oils Percent change 170% 125% 19% 38% 47% 52 OECD South Asia SS Africa World FISHER, SONKA & WESTGREN 5% 506% 64% 82% -17% 43% 67% 38% 9% 109% 66% 60% strength and a weakness of the simulation approach. In the case of the PCD model, estimates are available for eight regions, for each of 25 years, for six agricultural commodities, and for two measures of malnourishment. In addition, annual regional data are generated for per capita incomes and population. Visualization provides a sophisticated means of characterizing information to enable decision makers to more easily perceive the interrelationships between the model drivers, and the resulting appetite for the various commodities. Because of recent advances in computing power, data visualization applications that were only available on supercomputers just a few years ago are now becoming available for users of workstations and personal computers. Visualization should make it easier to see and understand the interrelationships between the variables typically produced in simulation. Figure 2 is a video image of the three-dimensional visualization model. Clearly a single, static photograph cannot completely convey the impact of the dynamic visualization. However, the following brief discussion highlights a few of the features of the tool. The visualization screen shown in Figure 2 is comprised of four sections. 1. The regional population and GDP totals are positioned on the “back wall” of the visualization. These can remain visible as output values are displayed to allow the observer to continually link back to the driving forces in the simulation. 2. Each region of the world is shown on the center area of the “floor” of the visualization. Color-coding of the regions is linked to the population and GDP totals and to the comparison section of the visualization.4 3. The front-right area of the “floor” displays a list of the years from 2001 to 2025. 4. The left part of the “floor” contains comparison bar charts where the user can compare output results across time or across scenarios for the six commodities or for the malnutrition variables. STRATEGIC DECISION MAKING IN THE QUASI-GOVERNMENTAL SECTOR 53 A key feature of this visualization is animation. Each region on the world map contains a tri-colored bar which represents the potential demand for the various commodity groups. The lower segment of each bar shows the total for meat and fish; the middle segment shows fats and oils, and the top segment indicates vegetable protein. As the model animates through time, the size of the bars changes to reflect how the specific population and income growth scenario affects potential appetite on a region-by-region basis. Movement through time is shown by highlighting the list of years at the front of the world map. The presenter of the visualization controls the animation by selecting the scenario and clicking on the appropriate arrow at the front of the floor. By selecting the box between the arrows, the simulation can be stopped at any year. In Figure 2, results for the Base Case scenario are being shown and the highlighting of the year 2025 denotes that the levels of the bars indicate values for that year of the simulation. The animation can be controlled to show explicit differences among regional consumption projections across scenarios, between regions, or between pairs of years (e.g. between the beginning and end of a particular scenario. Additionally, the 3-D image can be rotated on any axis and zoomed to highlight any particular data display. This capability, 54 FISHER, SONKA & WESTGREN FIGURE 2 Base Case Protein Consumption Dynamics Model Visualization as well as the controllability of animation sequences, permits decision makers to explore cause-effect relationships and data comparisons more fully. EXPERIMENTATION AND ANALYSIS Following Doyle’s (1997) suggestion, before and after questionnaires are used to capture the changes in soy industry decision makers’ perception of the decision making environment. The questionnaires include open-ended questions as well as a budget allocation question. The responses from the 121 participants are transcribed and then coded by the senior author using NVIVO software. The evaluation uses content analysis—a technique that enables the interpretation and inferences to be made from text passages through the use of data coding schema. The coding categories emerge from the data. The data are coded two times to ensure consistent assignment to the appropriate strategic issues. The final strategic issues coding categories are the result of preliminary, STRATEGIC DECISION MAKING IN THE QUASI-GOVERNMENTAL SECTOR 55 initial and final coding efforts, and include demand, supply, other, decision motivation, market relationships, and research issues. Table 2 describes demographic information related to the subjects in this experiment. The subjects were selected as they all play a unique role in the soybean value-chain. The researchers were included as they are an integral part of the check-off board research process. The American Soybean Association (ASA) regional marketing directors work in various parts of the world to promote the use of U.S. grown soybeans and soybean products. ASA also administers the national check-off program. Agribusiness students were included for two reasons. First, many of the students are from farms where soybeans are produced. Second, many of these students will be future decision makers of the industry. The other soybean industry personnel included members of the Illinois Farm Bureau’s Young Leaders Committee, most of whom are soybean producers. The committee members are under the age of 34 and show leadership potential in Illinois agriculture. The participants from the Illinois Association of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers are a combination of farm managers who manage soybean-producing farms, and rural appraisers who work in association with banks and other organizations that provide capital and services to soybean producers. Demographic Category Gender TABLE 2 Respondent Demographics Sub-category Male Female Number of Participants 93 28 Education Age Occupation High School Vocational/Associates Some College Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree Doctoral Degree Average ISPOB & Illinois Soybean Association5 University Researchers 4 13 26 23 26 29 38.5 14 28 56 FISHER, SONKA & WESTGREN American Soybean Association Agribusiness Students Other Soy Industry Personnel Total 21 34 24 121 The gender mix is male-dominated, which is representative of the industry. However, there are no hypothesized gender effects. Most of the subjects have at least some post-secondary education, with nearly 65 percent of the respondents having at least a bachelor’s degree. The data are analyzed in terms of the five occupation groups in Table 2, and for the combination of all groups. Individual responses are aggregated to give the cognitive map of a given occupation group. Table 3 provides the response frequency (the number of respondents who identified the given strategic issue) levels for a subset of the strategic issues categories identified in the before and after questionnaire responses. The issues categories are listed in a hierarchical fashion and include demand, supply, other, market relationship and research at the top level (underlined). Issues related to the top level categories are listed under the primary categories. Three of the more significant subcategories are included in Table 3.6 The remaining issues are aggregated into the additional subcategories. Demand related strategic issues more than double between the before and after questionnaire. Specifically, decision makers focus more on global issues after being exposed to the visualization model. At the same time, the emphasis on the short run issues such as consumer resistance to biotechnology decreases, indicating that the model helps decision makers focus on more long-term global issues. TABLE 3 Frequency of Key Strategic Issues in Before and After Questionnaire Responses Strategic Issues Before Frequency After Frequency Demand Issues 233 508 Global Issues 62 172 Additional Demand Issues 171 336 232 197 Supply Issues STRATEGIC DECISION MAKING IN THE QUASI-GOVERNMENTAL SECTOR 57 Competition 67 48 Additional Supply Issues 165 149 Other Issues 62 47 Market Relationship Issues 209 311 Research Issues 185 136 Biotechnology 146 95 Additional Research Issues 39 41 The 89 strategic issues subcategories are numerically ranked according to decision maker response frequency. Table 4 includes a subset of the strategic issues identified by the ISPOB. The before and after response frequency is provided for each issue. A rank is assigned based on the frequency. The issue with the highest frequency, i.e., the highest number of respondents that identified the issue in the questionnaires, receives a rank of 1.7 The issue with the next highest frequency receives a rank of 2, and so on. For example, in Table 4 Global has a frequency of 4 (4 respondents listed global issues) in the before column and this was the 5th most frequent issue category identified. Note that Trade Policy also has a frequency of 4 and a rank of 5. Malnutrition went from being ranked 32nd in the before questionnaire TABLE 4 Subset of Numerical Ranking of Strategic Issues from ISPOB Respondents Before Strategic Issue Malnutrition Developing countries Global Income levels Marketing and promotion Regional influences Population levels Animal Feed Trade policy Substitutes for soybeans and soybean products Frequency 1 2 4 0 2 0 0 1 4 0 After Rank 32 17 5 52 17 52 52 32 5 52 Frequency 10 9 6 5 5 4 3 3 3 2 Rank 2 3 6 8 8 10 15 15 15 22 58 FISHER, SONKA & WESTGREN Before Strategic Issue Consumer education China East Asia US Distribution Changes in Demand Health benefits Brazil Frequency 1 0 0 1 1 2 3 2 Rank 32 52 52 32 32 17 11 17 After Frequency 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Rank 22 28 28 28 28 28 28 62 to 2nd in the after questionnaire. The ranking is done for both the before and after responses at the occupation group level as well as for the entire respondent pool. For detailed comparisons of issues between the ISPOB and the other groups, see Fisher (2000). A key comparison for this analysis is the change in the before and after responses to the questionnaires. This section discusses a more descriptive evaluation of the strategic issues. Table 5 lists 17 frequently mentioned strategic issues. These are the top 10 ranking strategic issues identified in either the before or after questionnaire responses. The issues are sorted into three categories: an increase in rank, stable rank, or a decrease in rank between the before and after questionnaires. TABLE 5 Significant Strategic Issues Identified in the Before and After Questionnaires Category A. Increase in Rank Rank Change in rank Percent of respondents identifying the issue After Questionnaire Frequency Rank Percent of respondents identifying the issue Frequency Strategic Issues Before Questionnaire STRATEGIC DECISION MAKING IN THE QUASI-GOVERNMENTAL SECTOR 59 Income 1 0% Population 2 2% Malnutrition 6 5% Meeting demand 8 7% Developing countries 9 7% New markets 18 15% Category B. Stable Rank Global 22 18% Marketing 28 23% New products 29 24% Soy foods 40 33% General research 22 18% Health benefits 25 21% Category C. Decrease in Rank New uses1 45 37% Biotechnology acceptance 44 36% Soybean Prices 22 18% Biotech impacts 27 22% GMO 37 31% 1 Note: The United Soybean Board nonfood, non-feed. 76 68 55 44 33 35 41 37 27% 29% 34% 31% 10 9 6 8 35 14 38 49 31% 41% 7 2 9 6 5 3 9 8 47 48 48 64 29 24 38% 40% 40% 53% 24% 20% 5 3 3 1 11 13 4 3 2 2 -2 -5 1 22 18% 18 -17 2 18 15% 21 9 13 11% 32 7 12 10% 36 4 15 12% 29 and ISPOB definition for new 66 59 49 36 28 12 -19 -21 -23 -25 uses is Category A issues (Table 5) are identified by many more respondents in the after questionnaire than in the before version. Category B issues are considered to be relatively important in both the before and after questions. Conversely, the five issues in Category C are listed by substantially fewer respondents for the after questionnaire than for the before version. The composition of Categories A and C is of particular interest. Issues that fall in Category A relate to demandenhancing factors: building demand in developing nations (not currently emphasized), and malnutrition. Conversely, issues among Category C tend to be more production-oriented. This suggests that exposure to the simulation model results and the visualization successfully raised the participants’ awareness and sensitivity to demand enhancing strategic issues. Thus, model exposure did in fact change the respondents’ cognitive maps. 60 FISHER, SONKA & WESTGREN The after questionnaire responses for the population and income categories are considerably large, probably a function of the visualized information’s emphasis on the two as drivers of consumption patterns. The strong focus on soy foods can also be attributed, in part, to the nature of the modeling exercise, i.e., the dynamics of global protein consumption. Moreover, the fact that soy foods and new products are both ranked highly reinforces the validity of the responses as they are related issues. A final set of results examines the participants’ preference as to research allocation decisions after seeing the visualization model (Table 6). In the before questionnaire, respondents focus more on new product development and developing new markets. In the after questionnaire, the group directs even more resources toward developing new markets and shifts away from new product development and genetics research. In the after questionnaire, the subjects still recognize the importance of the local issues, but this perspective expands to include more global and long-term issues. The decreases in the research budget allocation for new product development and genetics research are significant at the 99.9% level, while the increase in allocation towards new market development was significant at the 99.95% level. (A negative t statistic signifies that the budget allocation increased between the before and after questionnaires). We also look at the budget allocation question results for each of the five respondent groups. New product development and genetics research decrease between the before and after questionnaire for all groups, as was indicated in Table 6. The other categories are mixed across the groups, but indicate a shift by most groups away from the short-term issues of new product development and genetics research into more longterm issues of market development. TABLE 6 After Questionnaire responses to Question 3 on Research Budget Allocation STRATEGIC DECISION MAKING IN THE QUASI-GOVERNMENTAL SECTOR 61 Most groups increase in confidence regarding budget allocation Research Area Before Mean After Mean t-test Significant Production Research 16.01 15.92 0.133 0.895 New Product Development 21.89 19.44 2.592 0.011 Strengthen Existing Markets 17.87 18.93 -1.007 0.316 Develop New Markets 21.70 25.29 -3.671 0.000 Genetics Research 18.68 16.36 3.303 0.001 3.87 4.08 - 0.307 0.760 Other decisions. As previously stated, the ASA group works in an environment where they contend with many of the issues presented in the visualization on a daily basis. Therefore, the visualization of complex information serves to reinforce their cognitive maps (which change the least). SUMMARY ISPOB’s decision making environment is complex and pluralistic due both to the long-run nature of the decisions they make; the competing research agendas in the public, quasi-public, and private sectors; and the multiple perspectives that various board members bring to the table. This research focuses on the use of a sophisticated visualization model (PCD) designed to foster a common research vision. Strategic issues identification is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the visualization model in changing the decision makers’ perceptions of their decision making environment. The results indicate that perceptions are affected by exposure to the visualized presentation of complex information. The perceptions of soybean industry decision makers change to reflect more long-term thinking about the industry, indicating that the PCD model’s visualized presentation of complex information did influence strategic behavior. The ex post focus on more demandoriented issues such as the marketing of existing products in expanded 62 FISHER, SONKA & WESTGREN markets is indicative of some of the changes in cognitive maps held by study participants. Likewise, the use of soy products to alleviate malnutrition becomes a more important strategic issue, where human nutrition needs in the past were overshadowed by interest in animal nutrition products/markets. This change in focus represents a need for redirection of both research and market development agendas for ISPOB planning. The PCD model addresses stakeholders’ need to better understand the strategic decision making environment by allowing decision makers to explore the future without having lived it (Boehlje, 1999). Moreover, this research reinforces that people are affected by the visual representation of complex information (West, 1992). As Orland et al (1997) point out, tools such as visualization of dynamic systems improve understanding and communicate research results more easily to the other researchers and the general public. Implications for Managers The visualization of complex and voluminous information is an effective means of communicating with managers and other industry decision makers. The focus on malnutrition is of particular interest here for a number of reasons. Historically, the soybean industry has not invested heavily in serving the developing regions. The PCD was a driving force in securing funding of $1 million a year for three years to study the use of soybeans as a human protein source, with emphasis on their use in humanitarian aid. Following this impetus, in early 2000 the USDA agreed to purchase 420,000 tons of soybeans for humanitarian aid purposes. The PCD model has been instrumental in developing a shared perspective in the research budget allocation-decision setting of decisionmakers with disparate backgrounds. Recently the model was used at a meeting of representatives from state and federal government agencies, universities, corporations, and private voluntary organizations to discuss future directions of humanitarian aid in Africa. The visualized scenarios permitted the group to gain a common perspective for agenda-building. Future Research The data from this experimentation have barely just begun to be explored. The results herein only address the frequency of key issues STRATEGIC DECISION MAKING IN THE QUASI-GOVERNMENTAL SECTOR 63 mentioned, even though respondents assign priorities to the issues in the questionnaires. The inferences need to be expanded and tested further both with the existing data and through different experimental designs. For example, research to test the differences between using the 3-D model and a tabular representation of the same information is already underway. Visualization of information is an effective way to improve understanding of complex, voluminous data not only for nonprofit boards, but for participants across the value chain. We would like to continue to explore the use of this and other techniques to develop more effective ways to communicate information to decision makers and policy makers in all levels of the food industry value chain, including, but not limited to other similar boards to verify the generalizability of the results. NOTES 1. For further information on the ISPOB see its website at: 2. Antecdotal evidence indicates that the board members are generally motivated to serve voluntarily as they see the ISPOB as a means to positively influence the success of the soybean industry. 3. These scenarios are projections as defined by Ferris (1998). For our purposes, the probability of each scenario’s occurring is not important. We are more concerned with getting decision makers to consider alternative potential futures, than in predicting the future. 4. The regions are color coded as follows: China is light blue, East Asia is dark yellow, Transition Economies is light pink, Latin America is green, MENA is orange, OECD is light yellow, South Asia is dark pink, and Sub-Saharan Africa is dark blue. 5. Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) is the sister organization to ISPOB. The board structure is similar, however they are focused on legislative issues as opposed to the allocation of research funds. 6. Study participants identified a total of 89 strategic issues. However, inclusion here would take up significant space and not help to illustrate the point. See Fisher (2000) for a complete list of strategic issues identified by the study participants. 64 FISHER, SONKA & WESTGREN 7. 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