Course: Grade 6/Science - Louisiana Department of Education

Model Curriculum
Louisiana Department of Education
Cecil J. Picard
State Superintendent of Education
May 2004
© 2004, Louisiana Department of Education
Environmental Science
Table of Contents
Unit 1:
Unit 2:
Unit 3:
Unit 4:
Components of Ecosystems ..........................................................................................1
Development and Succession in Ecosystems .............................................................14
Preservation and Renewal of Resources .....................................................................21
Stewardship of the Environment ................................................................................29
Environmental Science
Unit 1: Components of Ecosystems
Time Frame: Approximately nine to ten weeks
Unit Description
This unit focuses on the atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere and how changes in
these areas might impact living organisms in the environment. In addition, the dynamics
of ecosystems and the world’s biomes and the factors that affect these systems are
addressed. Some activities in this unit provide earth science based applications for
science principles for an environmental science class. The earth sciences provide many
real world opportunities to integrate the different science disciplines.
Student Understandings
Students will develop an understanding of ecological systems, including the components
of the biosphere and the major biomes. Students should be able to explain how factors
such as sunlight, acid rain, pollutants, and other environmental pressures affect the
ecosystems involved. Students learn to interpret meaningful diagrams of energy transfer
and ecological relationships, to explain and reflect local ecosystems and biomes across
the globe. Students will be able to identify the layers of the atmosphere, describe the
importance of the ozone layer, identify the layer of the atmosphere in which weather
occurs, describe processes and theories associated with major changes in Earth’s surface,
and understand how elements and water cycle through components of an ecosystem.
Guiding Questions
1. Can students identify layers of the atmosphere and explain the importance of
selected components?
2. Can students describe the processes that alter Earth’s surface environment and
identify the impact of selected processes?
3. Can students explain how biotic and abiotic factors in the environment differ
and cite examples of each?
4. Can students list and describe the specific types of animal and plant
adaptations that are needed in the Earth’s major biomes and explain why the
adaptations are needed?
5. Can students explain how carrying capacity is affected by various
environmental stresses?
6. Can students define the limiting factors in population growth?
7. Can students explain how the cycles in an ecosystem are affected by the
introduction of pollutants?
Environmental ScienceUnit 1Components of Ecosystems
8. Can students diagram and explain how energy flows in an ecosystem?
9. Can students describe the importance of selected stages in illustrated cycles or
Unit 1 Grade-Level Expectations (GLEs)
GLE # GLE Text and Benchmarks
Science as Inquiry
Write a testable question or hypothesis when given a topic (SI-H-A1)
Describe how investigations can be observation, description, literature survey,
classification, or experimentation (SI-H-A2)
Plan and record step-by-step procedures for a valid investigation, select
equipment and materials, and identify variables and controls (SI-H-A2)
Conduct an investigation that includes multiple trials and record, organize, and
display data appropriately (SI-H-A2)
Utilize mathematics, organizational tools, and graphing skills to solve
problems (SI-H-A3)
Use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and
presentations of findings (SI-H-A3)
Choose appropriate models to explain scientific knowledge or experimental
results (e.g., objects, mathematical relationships, plans, schemes, examples,
role-playing, computer simulations) (SI-H-A4)
Give an example of how new scientific data can cause an existing scientific
explanation to be supported, revised, or rejected (SI-H-A5)
Write and defend a conclusion based on logical analysis of experimental data
(SI-H-A6) (SI-H-A2)
Given a description of an experiment, identify appropriate safety measures (SIH-A7)
Cite evidence that scientific investigations are conducted for many different
reasons (SI-H-B2)
Cite examples of scientific advances and emerging technologies and how they
affect society (e.g., MRI, DNA in forensics) (SI-H-B3)
Analyze the conclusion from an investigation by using data to determine its
validity (SI-H-B4)
Use the following rules of evidence to examine experimental results:
(a) Can an expert’s technique or theory be tested, has it been tested, or is it
simply a subjective, conclusive approach that cannot be reasonably
assessed for reliability?
(b) Has the technique or theory been subjected to peer review and
(c) What is the known or potential rate of error of the technique or theory
when applied?
(d) Were standards and controls applied and maintained?
(e) Has the technique or theory been generally accepted in the scientific
community? (SI-H-B5) (SI-H-B1) (SI-H-B4)
Environmental ScienceUnit 1Components of Ecosystems
GLE # GLE Text and Benchmarks
Science and the Environment
Describe the abiotic and biotic factors that distinguish Earth’s major ecological
systems (SE-H-A1)
Describe the characteristics of major biomes on Earth (SE-H-A1)
Use the 10% rule and data analysis to measure the flow of energy as
represented by biomass in a system (SE-H-A2)
Determine the effects of limiting factors on a population and describe the
concept of carrying capacity (SE-H-A3)
Analyze the consequences of changes in selected divisions of the biosphere
(e.g., ozone depletion, global warming, acid rain) (SE-H-A5) (SE-H-A7)
Illustrate the flow of carbon, water, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus through
an ecosystem (SE-H-A6) (LS-H-D1)
Cite and explain examples of organisms’ adaptations to environmental
pressures over time (SE-H-A8)
Evaluate selected theories based on supporting scientific evidence (SI-H-B1)
Identify scientific evidence that has caused modifications in previously
accepted theories (SI-H-B2)
Give examples and describe the effect of pollutants on selected populations
Identify the factors that cause the inequitable distribution of Earth’s resources
(e.g., politics, economics, climate) (SE-H-B3)
Earth and Space Science
Trace the flow of heat energy through the processes in the water cycle (ESS-HA1)
Explain why weather only occurs in the tropospheric layer of Earth's
atmosphere (ESS-H-A5)
Compare the structure, composition, and function of the layers of Earth’s
atmosphere (ESS-H-A6)
Relate lithospheric plate movement to the occurrences of earthquakes,
volcanoes, mid-ocean ridge systems, and off shore trenches found on Earth
Explain how stable elements and atoms are recycled during natural geologic
processes (ESS-H-B1)
Compare the conditions of mineral formation with weathering resistance at
Earth’s surface (ESS-H-B1)
Identify the sun-driven processes that move substances at or near Earth’s
surface (ESS-H-B2
Determine the chronological order of the five most recent major lobes of the
Mississippi River delta in Louisiana (ESS-H-C3)
Use fossil records to explain changes in the concentration of atmospheric
oxygen over time (ESS-H-C4)
Environmental ScienceUnit 1Components of Ecosystems
Sample Activities
Activity 1: The Biosphere (SI GLEs: 2, 4, 7; SE GLEs: 1, 6, 15; ESS GLEs: 8, 9)
As an engagement, introduce the concept of the biosphere and have students individually
sketch and label the layers (components) of the biosphere. Have students discuss how
changes in any component of the biosphere might affect organisms in the environment.
Explain to students that life on Earth is vulnerable to changes in the atmosphere and that
atmospheric changes have influenced the forms of life on Earth over time. Inform
students that they will have a poster session in which they can demonstrate their
understanding of the atmospheric layers and the conditions or functions of each. Instruct
students that they are to work in groups of two or three to research references available,
including their text, and produce a poster or model illustrating the labeled layers of the
atmosphere. Inform them that they are to describe the composition of the air they breathe,
explain why weather occurs only in the troposphere, identify the layer rich in ozone,
explain the importance of a stratospheric ozone layer, and identify temperature variations
in the layers of the atmosphere. Upon completion, the poster will be displayed in the
room and each group is to provide a brief presentation to share their information with the
Activity 2: What’s Alive? (SI GLEs: 2, 5, 15; SE GLE: 1)
Students will participate in a nature walk near the school and list various aspects of the
environment and classify them as living or nonliving. Provide students with a twocolumn data sheet and direct them to record living organisms observed in one column and
nonliving components of the environment observed in the other column. When students
return from their observation walk, lists will be discussed and compared in student groups
of three. One student in each group will then present the group’s findings. Have the
class suggest criteria for classifying a component of the environment as living, and record
the list (traits of life) on the chalkboard or a transparency. A class discussion categorizing
all the factors observed as biotic or abiotic concludes this activity. Teacher led discussion
should begin developing the general theme of “systems thinking” essential to student
understanding and appreciation of the environment—both locally and globally.
Students will discuss the importance of all living and non-living factors in the area
observed and extrapolate the effects if any of the factors were missing from the
environment for example, a variety of organisms or perhaps only one organism, such as
the monarch butterfly, that depend on a certain plant, like milkweed, for food).
Environmental ScienceUnit 1Components of Ecosystems
Students will reflect on the following questions for journal or notebook entry:
How do the abiotic factors of an environment affect the biotic factors and vice
How are the biotic and abiotic factors affected when a single factor is no
longer in the environment? (Examples of these factors include milkweed
plant for monarch butterflies, a large tree for shade, or rocks for organisms to
hide under.)
Alternatives to the nature walk are viewing a video focused on an environment, a reading
(by student or instructor) of a passage or entire selection of a classical work in
environmental science, such as A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold or The Sea
Around Us by Rachel Carson, or observing multiple illustrations of an environment or
Activity 3: Surface Changes and Life (SI GLEs: 7, 8, 11, 13; SE GLEs: 1, 6, 15; ESS
GLEs: 12, 13)
Explain to students that when we investigate ecosystems, we will be examining the land
forms (lithosphere) of Earth’s crust, climate (atmosphere), and hydrologic cycle
(hydrosphere). Provide background information on the rock cycle, mineral formation,
and fossil evidence found in layers of the crust. Have students diagram and label the rock
cycle in their journals or notebooks. Explain that in studying the history of Earth, the
lithosphere, and ecosystems, it is important to understand plate movements and the
resulting geologic changes. To assess prior knowledge, ask students what they know
about Pangaea and plate tectonics. Adapt the following activity and instruction to their
level of understanding. Provide pairs of students with a sheet of paper containing
outlines of all the continents. The continents should have arrows on them that indicate the
direction of plate movements over time. In addition, symbols to show location of
matching fossil assemblages such as the Mesosaurus (lizard) fossils of South America
and Africa and the Glossopteris (fernlike plant) found in South America, Africa, India,
and Antarctica should be illustrated. Have students cut out the continents and place them
on their desks in the approximate present-day position.
Explain the meaning of the arrows and the fossil assemblage markers, and ask students to
move the continents in the direction opposite of the arrows (reverse their drift), working
to match the landmasses and life forms. Ask students to fit the continent together in one
landmass. Follow this activity with examination of the mechanisms and formations
involved in lithospheric plate movement relating these mechanisms to topographical
changes in the environment. Mechanisms and formations to explore include mid-ocean
ridges, seafloor spreading, faults, volcanoes, continental convergence forming mountain
ridges, and offshore trenches due to subduction. To conclude, use guiding questions in a
class discussion to elicit the reasons why scientists did not originally accept the theory of
continental drift and descriptions of evidence accumulated over several decades that now
Environmental ScienceUnit 1Components of Ecosystems
support an adjusted theory of plate tectonics. Teachers should be sure to incorporate
systems thinking into the discussion.
Activity 4: Change Closer to Home (SI GLEs: 2, 3, 4, 7, 10; SE GLEs: 6, 16; ESS
GLEs: 20)
Remarkably, an area of continued surface change is coastal Louisiana, though in one way
or another, an ancestral river to the current Mississippi system has been draining the
changing continent for the past 7500-8000 years. The Mississippi has been responsible
for forming the state as it deposited the sediment it carried shaping and reshaping the land
on its way to the ocean. The river changed its path and new delta lobes formed over time.
Students may be familiar with what happens when a garden hose is left on a surface and
then turned on at full force. It will wiggle and squirt in a changing pattern first one way
and then another. Using stream tables or plastic plant trays with sand and a water source,
students should set up a river system and allow the model sufficient time for features
such as meanders, channels and deltas to form. It will be necessary to elevate the end of
the model with the water source slightly for establishing a flow pattern. This should be
considered trial one and a labeled illustration completed for later comparison. One team’s
developed change should be made to each model, such as a new position for the water
source, a change in the angle of the elevation, more sediment added to the flowing water,
an increase in the flow of the river water, or other teacher-approved acceptable
adjustments. Have students identify and record the variables, controls, step-by-step
procedure, and materials needed for their investigation. After running the second
simulation for a period of time long enough to allow for changes in the river’s features,
the water should be stopped and a second illustration recorded. One final simulation
should be run on each developing river system again with one adjustment or change to
the system. One of the student systems should be selected for class discussion, and
students from the other groups should be asked to establish a sequence or order by age for
the features they are observing. Students must defend their answers with evidence
observed while working with their own systems. Provided with an image of the recent
lobes of the Mississippi River, ask the students how they would sequence the system.
What evidence would they want to look for? What information would they need?
Conclude with an introduction to the developing Atchafalaya Delta and the attempts to
manage the Mississippi River through levees, spillways, and the old river control
Activity 5: Biogeochemical Cycles (SI GLEs: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10; SE GLE: 7; ESS
GLEs: 2, 13, 14, 15)
Students will complete two activities to demonstrate the water cycle, oxygen cycle,
carbon cycle, carbon-dioxide cycle, nitrogen cycle, and phosphorus cycle.
Environmental ScienceUnit 1Components of Ecosystems
Cycles. For oxygen, carbon, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles, have
students work in small groups to produce diagrams with visual displays, such as pictures,
models, or a multimedia presentation to represent the cycles. Each group can then
present their cycle visual and information to their classmates. Assign a different cycle to
each collaborative group of students. With large classes, assign each cycle to two groups.
Inform those assigned the carbon cycle that they are to include information on coal and
petroleum formation, those focusing on the nitrogen cycle that they are to explain the
importance of bacteria to that cycle, and those focusing on the phosphorus cycle that they
are to explain why phosphorus is important to life. Evaluation of the diagram with visuals
and the presentations can be accomplished with a teacher-made rubric. During
concluding discussions, review the processes of photosynthesis and aerobic respiration to
ensure that students understand their importance in the cycling of oxygen and carbon.
The Water Cycle. For this investigation, students should obtain several small potted
plants and water them. Each plant should then be sealed in a plastic bag or large
container to create a terrarium. Place the plants in a sunny window and leave them for
several days. Give each group one of the plants after several days and ask them which
parts of the water cycle this activity represents. Then, using overheads or a slide
presentation, clarify the stages of the water cycle with students. During the concluding
discussion, ask students to identify the points in the water cycle where energy is released
or absorbed and where polluting chemicals may be introduced, such as run off and
bonding with gas molecules to form acid rain during condensation. A complete review of
the water cycle must include the ground phase, where infiltration/percolation
accomplishes the removal of some pollutants from the surface water discharge. This is an
important function and value of the Louisiana wetlands.
Activity 6: Evidence of Atmospheric Oxygen (SI GLEs: 2, 5, 6, 12, 14; SE GLE: 6;
ESS GLE: 21)
Begin with the question, Do all forms of life on Earth require oxygen in their environment?
Guiding questions may be used to elicit desired responses. Next, ask students to identify
the organisms that produce the oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere. Inform students that due to
geologic processes and the development of life forms that could photosynthesize, the gases
in our atmosphere have changed over time. Ask them if organisms dependent on aerobic
respiration could have been the first life forms to develop on Earth. Explain that in this
activity, they are to explore the changes in the oxygen content of Earth’s atmosphere
through fossil records. Prior to beginning student research, review the meaning of isotopes
using oxygen and carbon isotopes as examples. Have students use the Internet to conduct
research into how fossils provide evidence of changes in the oxygen content of the
atmosphere and climatic changes such as temperature fluctuations. Allow students to work
in pairs. The teacher may develop a Web quest including the URLs for the Web sites and
guiding questions. If computers are unavailable, the teacher may download the articles and
provide copies to students. Include questions such as:
Environmental ScienceUnit 1Components of Ecosystems
What type of organism fossils contains evidence of changes in oxygen
What part of shellfish makes them valuable fossil evidence of oxygen content,
and why?
Which isotopes provide evidence of atmospheric changes?
Which isotopes provide evidence of temperature changes?
What technological tool is used in analyzing the isotopes present in fossils?
What is its function?
Print out one graph from your research and write an interpretation of the data
How can iron in rock layers provide evidence of atmospheric oxygen content?
What are three processes that reduce oxygen in the atmosphere?
See the reference section at the end of this unit for Web sites on this topic. After Web
quest data sheets are collected, conclude the activity by conducting a class discussion in
which students reach a consensus on the correct answers to the questions. A natural
extension of this activity would be to explore carbon-14 dating of fossils.
Activity 7: Biomes (SI GLEs: 2, 6, 7, 9; SE GLEs: 1, 2, 6, 15)
In this activity, students will research the major biomes and prepare illustrated class
presentations using a slide presentation or multimedia software. An alternative activity is
to have each group of students create a mural of their biome on butcher paper or
newsprint paper for display in the halls of the school. Have students work in small
groups to research for information and produce their illustrations. Instruct students to
include in their presentations the physical characteristics, average temperature, rainfall,
and dominant plant and animal life forms present in their biome. Examples of biomes to
be included are: (1) tropical rain forest, (2) temperate rain forest, (3) temperate deciduous
forest, (4) grassland, (5) desert, (6) tundra, (7) mountains, (8) Louisiana estuary
(wetland), and (9) Louisiana pine forest. Have students explain how the topography and
climate of these biomes affect the distribution of the Earth’s natural resources.
Students will reflect on and discuss the following questions:
Which plant and animal adaptations are necessary in each of the biomes?
How would global warming or pollution such as acid rain or water pollution
impact the biome?
How would the climate, topography, and resources of the area likely affect the
economics of humans residing there?
Environmental ScienceUnit 1Components of Ecosystems
Activity 8: Carrying Capacity (SI GLEs: 2, 4, 7, 10; SE GLE: 4)
Students will use a bag of dried beans (or beads) and a kitchen timer to understand the
effect of finite resources on the survival of a “herd.” Count out five beans per student.
The total number of beans represents the food supply, which has been fixed by the end of
the growing season. Describe the activity to students and have them identify safety
factors to be considered. Spread the beans out on a table in the middle of a large cleared
area of the room (this activity works well outside or in the gymnasium). Divide the class
into “herds” of five students each, and have them all gather on the periphery of the
cleared area. One student from each “herd” comes to the table to “eat” by attempting to
pick up one bean. The students then go back and tag the next student in their “herd,” and
so on. This process continues for a specified amount of time that is dependent on the size
of the room. Some students will not get food before the round ends. Any member of the
“herd” that goes for a specified number of rounds without getting food dies. The food
runs out before the next growing season begins, and a significant portion of the “herd”
dies. Discuss with students what could be done or happen to allow more of the “herd” to
live through the “winter.” Students generate options. Repeat the activity two more
times, incorporating two of the options that the students have generated. Have students
discuss what happens to the number of animals that survive. Ask students what would
happen if the “herd” increased in size. Students could role play this option as well, with
some taking two beans, one for themselves, and one for their offspring. Students should
summarize their most important findings, observations, or conclusions in a table, journal,
or activity report, including what options there are for increasing the carrying capacity of
the area. In a concluding discussion, use guiding questions to lead students to a definition
of carrying capacity.
Activity 9: How Many Bears Can Be in this Forest? (SI GLEs: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 15; SE
GLE: 4)
Students will determine, through this activity, the number of bears that can be supported
in specific conditions where shelter is the “limiting factor.” Prepare 150 cards, with 30
each in five different colors, with letters B, T, D, H, and F to represent bedding sites,
travel ways, dens, hiding cover, and feeding sites. Spread all of the cards over a large
area (outside field or gymnasium). Through probing questions, elicit from students the
four major components of a habitat required for a bear to survive (food, water, shelter,
space). Do not tell students what the cards represent, only that they represent a
component of a habitat. Prior to beginning, explain that they will be meeting the bears’
needs by picking up cards. Explain rules for play and ask students to identify safety
factors to be considered. Use a loud sound to indicate start and stop. Instruct students to
pick up as many cards as possible. When all the cards have been picked up, students
should return to the classroom for analysis and discussion. Students should sort their
cards into different piles by letters. Students should predict what the letters represent
prior to the teacher revealing their meaning. Have students analyze what it means when a
bear does not have all five letters, (which represents areas where bears may be located),
Environmental ScienceUnit 1Components of Ecosystems
but only four, three, two, or one. Students will reflect on the following questions for
journal entries, discussion, or a written report:
Define limiting factor. How does this concept apply to the activity just
How does limiting factor apply to one of the previously researched biomes?
How would a human community be affected by the limiting factors common
to Homo sapiens?
What is the testable question we investigated in this activity?
Activity 10: Energy Flow Efficiency in Ecosystems (SI GLEs: 2, 5, 7; SE GLE: 3)
Following interpretation and development of food webs, have students examine an
energy pyramid diagram to show the ten percent rule of energy flow from level to level
on the energy pyramid. Illustrations that show numbers of organisms at each level of the
pyramid assist students in understanding that approximately ten percent of the energy
contained in one level is transferred up to the next level. A pyramid diagram showing
producers (10,000), primary consumers (1,000), secondary consumers (100), tertiary
consumers (10), and quaternary consumers (1) clearly illustrates this concept. Examples
of organisms for use in the pyramid are phytoplankton, zooplankton, crab/shrimp,
herring, and pelican for the trophic levels or grass, insects, squirrels, hawks, and bears.
The concluding discussion/journal entries can include questions such as “What
repercussions does this information have on food sources for the human population?
Where is the bulk of the sun’s energy concentrated?” The students should create an
energy flow pyramid based on the biome they researched in Activity 7 of this unit.
Activity 11: Effects of Pollutants (SI GLEs: 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 14, 15, 16; SE GLE: 12)
Students will use eggshells to conduct an investigation to demonstrate the effects of
pesticides. For background information, visit the Internet resource Access Excellence at
This quantitative inquiry introduces the concept of toxic substances, like pesticides, and
their effects on biological systems. Explain how birds sequester calcium to make an egg.
Ask students to bring in eggshells—from different kinds of birds, if possible. Students
prepare shells for analysis and a standard working acid that is used to determine the
percent of CaCO3 in shell material or the time required to decompose the CaCO3 in the
shell. The results lead to a discussion of how a pesticide can prevent calcium carbonate
formation for building eggshell. Scientific extensions include enzymatic action, pesticide
composition, etc. Have students complete a laboratory report including calculations for
the percentage of Ca in the eggshell or the time required for shell dissolution. Have
students write a report of their laboratory activities.
Environmental ScienceUnit 1Components of Ecosystems
A class discussion of the effects of DDT on the environment, and on birds of prey in
particular, will follow the laboratory activity. Students are then encouraged to research
the issue of chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides and how they work. As they research,
have students evaluate the experimental results described on the effects of pesticides
using the rules of evidence. Students can explore the issues of banning pesticides,
pesticide usage throughout the world, and the pesticide “double standard” in this country.
Have students present research to the class and conduct a “point-counterpoint”
presentation, with half the class speaking in favor of using pesticides and half the class
speaking against using pesticides.
Activity 12: Water Quality (SI GLEs: 1, 2, 6, 7, 14, 15: SE GLEs: 12, 15)
As an engagement, either take a short field trip to a local stream or body of water and
collect water samples or have students bring in samples of water from local bodies of
water and conduct water quality tests on the samples. Calculators and calculator-based
laboratory probes may used to integrate technology for water quality tests. Following
instruction in common sources of water pollution, mechanisms of pollution, indicator
organisms, and point versus non-point pollution, have students conduct research to
identify sources of pollution in Louisiana. Provide students with directions and a rubric
for project evaluation. Instruct students to identify major sources of aquatic pollution in
Louisiana and make inferences about the potential effects of a variety of aquatic
pollutants on local wildlife and the hydrosphere. Students are to consider and predict the
long and short-term effects on the hydrosphere of one of the following forms of pollution:
thermal, fertilizer run-off, soil deposition, pathogenic organisms, carcinogenic chemicals,
and heavy metals. Students will work in small groups to prepare a display/model and
make a presentation on their pollution research.
Activity 13: What’s in the Air? (SI GLEs: 4, 5, 6; SE GLEs: 9, 12)
Have students save the pollen index and air quality reports from local papers or reports
accessible via the Internet. Have students report on their findings orally and discuss how
poor air quality affects human health. Ask students how humans adapt to pollutants in
the air and compile a class list of adaptations. Following an exploration of sources of air
pollution, divide students into small groups for the following activity. Provide groups
with two microscopic slides. Instruct them to coat a one-inch strip in the center of the
slides with petroleum jelly. Explain that they are to place one slide on an outside ledge at
the school and the other slide on an indoor surface. They are to leave the slides exposed
to air for twenty-four hours. When they retrieve the slides, examine the jelly-coated
surface with a hand lens and then with a microscope. In their written report, have them
categorize the particles found on the slide and count the number of particles on each slide
(particulate count). Common categories are soot, ash, dust, pollen, and spores. Have
students take a particulate count daily for one week and prepare a data table for that
Environmental ScienceUnit 1Components of Ecosystems
Sample Assessments
General guidelines:
Students should be monitored throughout the work on all activities via teacher
observation and journal entries.
All student-developed products should be evaluated as the unit continues.
Student investigations should be evaluated with a rubric.
When possible, students should assist in developing any rubrics that will be
For some multiple-choice items on written tests, ask students to write a
justification for their chosen response.
Techniques will include making observations, log/data collection entries, models, group
participation, and presentations (problem-solving and performance-based assessments);
group discussion, journaling, displays, and report writing, (reflective assessments); and
paper-and-pencil quizzes and tests (traditional assessments). Assessments could include
the following:
Provide students with a list that includes physical features and organic items.
Have students classify the items listed as either biotic or abiotic.
Provide illustrations or descriptions of biomes and have students identify the
biome by name.
Have students interpret a food web and describe the impact on the energy flow
if one organism were removed from the web.
When given scenarios describing changes in components of the biosphere,
have students describe probable impact on selected components of
Students extrapolate what will happen in the observed environment if a biotic
or an abiotic factor were removed.
Students will create posters labeling the layers of the atmosphere.
Students will create murals and presentations on their selected biomes.
Use a rubric to access students demonstrated proficiency in all laboratory
Students write reports detailing their laboratory experiences.
Access Excellence at the National Health Museum. Available online at
Environmental ScienceUnit 1Components of Ecosystems
Earth History. A PowerPoint presentation on major chemical cycles as they
relate to using carbon and oxygen isotopes to reconstruct Earth history is
available at
The Effects of Ozone Depletion. Available online at
Exploring the Environment. Available online at
Formation of the Mississippi Delta is available online at
Healthy Water, Healthy People. Available online at
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. TEDS, Turtles, and
Shrimpers: Sharing an Ecosystem. Available online at
Plate Tectonics. Available on the Internet at
Roopnarine, P. Silence of the Clams (1999). Bioforum. Information on
isotopes and fossil evidence is available online at
Trivedi, B. P. Arctic Redwood Fossils are Clues to Ancient Climates (2002).
National Geographic News. Available online at
Understanding Plate Motions. Available online at
Western Regional Environmental Education Council. Project Wild Aquatic
Western Regional Environmental Education Council. Project Wild
Environmental ScienceUnit 1Components of Ecosystems
Environmental Science
Unit 2: Development and Succession in Ecosystems
Time Frame: Approximately six weeks
Unit Description
This unit emphasizes the changes that occur as a region undergoes transformation of
habitat during the developmental stages of succession.
Student Understandings
Students will develop an understanding of the changes in ecosystems brought about by
ecoenrichers, succession in ecosystems, and the consequences of natural events, human
activity, and the introduction of nonnative species. Students should be able to trace the
transformation of physical habitat and designated species and populations, to predict the
outcomes in changing populations and to describe succession of plants and animals in a
number of specific types of settings (e.g., burned prairies or forested areas, dry lake beds,
zones of altered salinity, flooded lowlands, land given over to development, etc.).
Guiding Questions
1. Can students explain, in the confines of any one ecosystem, what conditions
are expected to remain constant and what conditions will undergo changes
that will perhaps upset the equilibrium in the local environment?
2. Can students describe how earthworms exemplify the essential role of
biodiversity in an ecosystem?
3. Can students describe how succession occurs and what its major stages are?
4. Can students predict what effect temperature will have on an ecosystem?
5. Can students illustrate and describe how predator and prey populations
interact in an ecosystem?
6. Can students describe the effect an invasive species has on an ecosystem?
7. Can students identify and provide a description of the general characteristics
that should be found in climax communities?
Environmental ScienceUnit 2Development and Succession in Ecosystems
Unit 2 Grade-Level Expectations (GLEs)
GLE # GLE Text and Benchmarks
Science as Inquiry
Write a testable question or hypothesis when given a topic (SI-H-A1)
Describe how investigations can be observation, description, literature survey,
classification, or experimentation (SI-H-A2)
Plan and record step-by-step procedures for a valid investigation, select
equipment and materials, and identify variables and controls (SI-H-A2)
Conduct an investigation that includes multiple trials and record, organize, and
display data appropriately (SI-H-A2)
Utilize mathematics, organizational tools, and graphing skills to solve
problems (SI-H-A3)
Use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and
presentations of findings (SI-H-A3)
Write and defend a conclusion based on logical analysis of experimental data
(SI-H-A6) (SI-H-A2)
Given a description of an experiment, identify appropriate safety measures (SIH-A7)
Evaluate selected theories based on supporting scientific evidence (SI-H-B1)
Cite evidence that scientific investigations are conducted for many different
reasons (SI-H-B2)
Science and the Environment
Examine and discuss the major stages of succession, describing the generalized
sequential order of the types of plant species (SE-H-A4)
Analyze the consequences of changes in selected divisions of the biosphere
(e.g., ozone depletion, global warming, acid rain) (SE-H-A5) (SE-H-A7)
Explain how species in an ecosystem interact and link in a complex web (SEH-A7) (SE-H-A10)
Cite and explain examples of organisms’ adaptations to environmental
pressures over time (SE-H-A8)
Analyze the effect of an invasive species on the biodiversity within ecosystems
Explain why biodiversity is essential to the survival of organisms (SE-H-A9)
Describe how accountability toward the environment affects sustainability
Environmental ScienceUnit 2Development and Succession in Ecosystems
Sample Activities
Activity 1: Ecoenrichers (SI GLEs: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12; SE GLE: 8)
In this activity, students (groups of two to three) will select a soil sample that is not
particularly rich and perform a variety of tests on their sample. Each group will observe
the soil under a microscope, count organisms in the sample, estimate the number of
organisms in all of the soil in the container, test porosity, acidity, and alkalinity, and
perform settling tests. All data will be recorded in the laboratory notebook. Prior to
testing, have students identify safety measures essential for their laboratory investigations
of soil.
After performing all tests, each lab group will place one-third of the soil sample in a
container to act as the control, place one-third in a second container and add compost
only, and place one-third in a third container and add compost and earthworms. Ask
students to hypothesize the results in the three containers after a three-week wait. For the
compost, use small-sized, quick rotting material, with the quantity of compost equal to
the soil quantity. Suggestions of the types of compost material may be provided (e.g., leaf
mulch, coffee grounds, partially decomposed fruit and vegetable peels). Information may
be needed about where and how to store the compost material.
During the three weeks, student groups should add additional compost and water lightly
at least one time per week or as needed the sample with the earthworms. Encourage
students to watch for changes. At the end of three weeks, students should perform the
battery of tests done on the original samples and compare results. What difference has
the compost made to the sample? How have the earthworms affected the sample?
Record all information in the laboratory notebook.
During the three weeks, a possible extension exploration is to have students investigate
the types of soil indicative of particular ecosystems. For succession to progress, soils
must support the appropriate plants. Soils vary according to the type of ecosystem (e.g.,
hydrophytic wetlands, sandy pine forests, etc.).
Students will reflect on the following questions/activities:
How are earthworms (and other burrowing animals) integrally linked to the
soil ecosystem?
What effect would be noticed if earthworms no longer existed?
Write a creative story based on this idea.
Environmental ScienceUnit 2Development and Succession in Ecosystems
Activity 2: Succession (SI GLEs: 2, 5, 6; SE GLE: 5)
With knowledge from previous course instruction, have students identify a variety of
ecosystems and allow each cooperative group to select one. (While the systems identified
should not be limited to Louisiana, the teacher should facilitate the discussion to ensure
that several Louisiana systems are included (e.g., the coastal marshes with salinity
differences, hardwood forests along the Mississippi River Delta, pine forests, coastal
prairie). Student groups should research one or more locations containing their chosen
ecosystem and prepare a report and presentation. The reports and presentations should
show the full cycle, from primary through secondary to climax, for the populations and
communities in that ecosystem when it is healthy and balanced. Instruct students to
provide succession sequences such as this example of the sequence in flora succession:
bacteria and lichens  mosses  ferns  legumes  grasses  bushes  trees. Have
student groups provide group presentations and conduct peer and self-evaluation of the
presentations using a class-determined rubric. Students should be prepared to provide
explanations of how the systems may be altered by outside factors such as the
introduction of nonnative species, natural events that alter habitat, etc.
An optional field trip to a pond, forest, barrier island, or sand dune, where succession can
easily be seen, is a good extension for this lesson.
Activity 3: Starting Over (SI GLEs: 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12; SE GLEs: 5, 6, 27)
In the later decades of the twentieth century, two major events caused havoc in wellknown national parks in the United States. The eruption of Mount St. Helens and
uncontrolled wildfires in Yellowstone National Park destroyed well-established
ecosystems. In the years since those events, both areas have seen the resurgence of
native life forms. Students should research the developments in these and other locations
as life forms continue to establish themselves and survive in the area.
Fire seems to be extremely disruptive to a variety of ecosystems (e.g., both the coastal
and Great Plains regions, as well as deciduous and conifer forests). Southern foresters
have long been advocates of prescribed burning. How does this human activity protect
the developed ecosystem, yet possibly prevent the progression to a climax stage?
Investigate what other actions people could take to reduce their impact on or disruption of
a natural system?
For the ecosystems selected by the student groups, the teacher should prepare
“Consequence” cards with natural events or human activity that will disrupt the systems.
These events may occur at any time in the development of the systems. Following the
group reports on each system, which should be assessed according to a rubric developed
by both teacher and students and scored by each group and the teacher, the groups should
blindly select one “consequence” card. After reading the card, each individual within the
group should prepare a short, written report on how the components of the system they
studied will immediately adjust to the disturbance.
Environmental ScienceUnit 2Development and Succession in Ecosystems
Activity 4: Birds of Prey (SI GLEs: 5, 6, 9, 11; SE GLEs: 8, 9, 11)
Students will use graphed data provided by the teacher to answer the following questions
regarding a predator-prey relationship (e.g., ground squirrel and prairie falcon
populations in an ecosystem). Use leading questions such as the following to motivate
student analysis of the graphed information: What do you notice about the prey
population in certain months? What might have happened to the prey that caused a
population decline or increase? How has the population of the prey been affected?
Ask students to speculate, offer hypotheses, and develop questions to help find the
answer to this dilemma. Have students describe the relationship between predator and
prey populations as shown by the graphed data.
Summarize the activity by reviewing the sequence of events and the role temperature
plays in triggering aestivation of ground squirrels. Ask probing questions, such as the
following: Where might the falcons go when they leave the area? What other factors
influence or limit wildlife activity? How do these types of factors influence or limit
human activity? Give examples of other predator/prey relationships where populations
and/or availability of prey might affect the predator populations.
Activity 5: Turtle Excluder Devices, Turtles, and Shrimpers (SI GLEs: 2, 6, 9, 11;
SE GLEs: 8, 9, 11, 27)
Students will read background information and a scenario on the interplay of shrimp,
turtles, and shrimpers entitled TEDS, Turtles, and Shrimpers: Sharing an Ecosystem,
from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. Students should identify
various nonliving factors that affect a food web as well as the stages in the life cycles of
both shrimp and sea turtles. A class discussion relating to the dilemma of the inadvertent
killing of sea turtles by shrimp nets will follow the reading. The Web site provides information for this activity.
Students should write their predictions of what would happen to the sea turtle population
if the shrimp population declined. Describe how the turtle population would adapt.
Activity 6: Wanted—Introduced Species (SI GLEs: 1, 11; SE GLE: 10)
Have students discuss nutria as an introduced species to Louisiana habitats and describe
the effects nutria has on the environment. Describe how the environment has contributed
to the proliferation of nutria. After class discussion, have pairs of students choose an
introduced species from a teacher-generated list to research on the Internet, in books, and
in periodicals, and use the information gained to design a “Wanted” poster. Students
should be provided with a list of criteria for their posters.
Environmental ScienceUnit 2Development and Succession in Ecosystems
Sample Assessments
General guidelines:
Students should be monitored throughout the work on all activities via teacher
observation and journal entries.
All student-developed products should be evaluated as the unit continues.
Student investigations should be evaluated with a rubric.
When possible, students should assist in developing any rubrics that will be
For some multiple-choice items on written tests, ask students to write a
justification for their chosen response.
Techniques will include making observations, log/data collection entries, models, group
participation, and presentations (problem-solving and performance-based assessments);
group discussion, journaling, displays, and report writing, (reflective assessments); and
paper-and-pencil quizzes and tests (traditional assessments). Assessments could include
the following:
Students could be asked to prepare a Concentration game, creating card pairs
of an ecosystem and an indicator plant or animal that represents healthy Type
I, Type II, or Type III development. The game could be used to teach lowerlevel students about primary or secondary succession in various systems.
Students could develop a Jeopardy game using titles of various ecosystems
and categories such as plants, animals, or abiotic conditions.
When provided with scenarios describing natural disaster, human activity, or
the introduction of a nonnative species to an ecosystem, have students
describe the succession or impact on the ecosystem.
Students could create a “wanted” poster describing a species that has been (or
could be) introduced to the environment. The poster would be accessed by a
teacher-made rubric.
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. TEDS, Turtles, and
Shrimpers: Sharing an Ecosystem.
Western Regional Environmental Education Council. Project Wild.
Environmental ScienceUnit 2Development and Succession in Ecosystems
Environmental ScienceUnit 2Development and Succession in Ecosystems
Environmental Science
Unit 3: Preservation and Renewal of Resources
Time Frame: Approximately six to eight weeks
Unit Description
This unit emphasizes use of resources and the consequences of overuse and misuse of
resources, plus cost/benefit analysis models. The concept of renewable resources, energy
resources, degradability of materials, frontier versus sustainable development, the
richness of Louisiana’s natural resources, and the importance of management techniques
are considered.
Student Understandings
During this unit, students should develop an understanding that benefits, costs, and longterm consequences should be considered when making environmental decisions. In
addition, students should identify renewable resources and understand that it is through
wise stewardship that their availability will be ensured.
Guiding Questions
1. Can students describe the difference between a renewable and a nonrenewable resource?
2. Can students construct a comparison of frontier development with the idea of
sustainable development?
3. Can students list and explain the decomposition rates of a variety of different
4. Can students describe what really happens to objects in a landfill?
5. Can students describe the main energy types used in each area of the world
and what factors affect these resources and their usage?
6. Can students find areas of Louisiana where alternative energy sources such as
wave/hydro generation and solar energy are feasible?
7. Can students describe local acts that affect the global environment?
8. Can students interpret geological maps of Louisiana and relate them to
environmental processes?
Environmental ScienceUnit 3Preservation and Renewal of Resources
Unit 3 Grade-Level Expectations (GLEs)
GLE # GLE Text and Benchmarks
Science as Inquiry
Write a testable question or hypothesis when given a topic (SI-H-A1)
Describe how investigations can be observation, description, literature survey,
classification, or experimentation (SI-H-A2)
Plan and record step-by-step procedures for a valid investigation, select
equipment and materials, and identify variables and controls (SI-H-A2)
Utilize mathematics, organizational tools, and graphing skills to solve
problems (SI-H-A3)
Use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and
presentations of findings (SI-H-A3)
Choose appropriate models to explain scientific knowledge or experimental
results (e.g., objects, mathematical relationships, plans, schemes, examples,
role-playing, computer simulations) (SI-H-A4)
Write and defend a conclusion based on logical analysis of experimental data
(SI-H-A6) (SI-H-A2)
Evaluate selected theories based on supporting scientific evidence (SI-H-B1)
Cite evidence that scientific investigations are conducted for many different
reasons (SI-H-B2)
Identify scientific evidence that has caused modifications in previously
accepted theories (SI-H-B2)
Science and the Environment
Evaluate whether a resource is renewable by analyzing its relative regeneration
time (SE-H-B1)
Identify the factors that cause the inequitable distribution of Earth’s resources
(e.g., politics, economics, climate) (SE-H-B3)
Analyze data to determine when reuse, recycling, and recovery are applicable
Identify the factors that affect sustainable development (SE-H-B6)
Analyze the effect of common social, economic, technological, and political
considerations on environmental policy (SE-H-C3)
Analyze the risk-benefit ratio for selected environmental situations (SE-H-C4)
Discuss how education and collaboration can affect the prevention and control
of a selected pollutant (SE-H-D2) (SE-H-D3)
Determine local actions that can affect the global environment (SE-H-D4)
Earth and Space Science
Interpret geological maps of Louisiana to describe the state’s geologic history
Analyze data related to a variety of natural processes to determine the time
frame of the changes involved (e.g., formation of sedimentary rock layers,
deposition of ask layers, fossilization of plant or animal species) (ESS-H-C5)
Environmental ScienceUnit 3Preservation and Renewal of Resources
Sample Activities
Activity 1: Renewable or Not? (SI GLEs: 2, 5, 7, 9; SE GLE: 13)
Students will use reference sources, 152 paper clips, and a watch with a second hand to
determine if the world’s supply of zinc will run out. After researching a variety of
industrial uses for zinc, students will make a data table with columns titled “Minutes
Elapsed,” “Zinc Reserves at the Start of Minute,” “Input from Natural Processes,”
“World Need,” and “Zinc Reserves at End of Minute.”
In groups of four, students will role-play accordingly. Each person in the group will play
a different role in this model. The zinc reserves person gets 120 of the paper clips and
places them in a pile to represent zinc that can be economically recovered from Earth.
The natural processes person gets 32 paper clips to represent metals or metal
compounds in the ground that will form new ores, adding to the zinc reserves. The world
need person will acquire paper clips throughout the model from the zinc reserves person
to represent ore that has been mined. The timekeeper, the fourth person of the group,
will announce the time every fifteen seconds throughout the model.
When the first fifteen seconds have passed, the natural processes person adds a paper clip
to the zinc reserves pile. The natural processes person will continue to do this every
fifteen seconds throughout the model. At the end of the first minute, the world need
person removes 1 paper clip from the zinc reserves. At the end of each succeeding
minute, world need doubles, so the world need person must remove twice as many paper
clips as were removed in the preceding minute. The action is over when the number of
paper clips representing the world reserve of zinc no longer meets world need.
As the action proceeds, students are to record the world status in the data table during
each minute. Each minute represents five years into the future. Each paper clip
represents two million tons of zinc. At the end of the action, students are to plot zinc
reserves and world need over the next fifty years on a graph. They are to analyze the data
and determine whether zinc is renewable or not by answering the following questions:
Can the world’s supply of zinc run out? If yes, support your answer. If not, explain why
Activity 2: Energy Sleuths (SI GLEs: 2, 5, 12; SE GLEs: 15, 17, 18)
In this activity, students will compare and contrast a variety of renewable and nonrenewable energy sources. Give students cards with energy words and have them
construct a concept map showing the contrasts among renewable and nonrenewable
Next, have students individually generate a list of their daily activities and identify those
that directly or indirectly require energy. In a whole group discussion, list activities that
Environmental ScienceUnit 3Preservation and Renewal of Resources
require energy directly and those that require indirect use of energy. Students should
identify through research, a guest speaker, a field trip, or other means the source of the
energy they use (the origin of the resource used and the means of production). As citizens
of a major consumer nation, students should reflect on the consequences of the ways they
use energy and their dependence on energy resources.
As a culmination of the activity, assign student groups a region of the world and have
them research the major energy types produced and consumed in the region. Ask student
groups to respond to the following questions:
What factors affect resource availability and usage in the area of the world
you researched?
How are the nonrenewable resources distributed?
Why is it important to investigate the availability of renewable and
nonrenewable resources?
Is that region’s energy use geared toward sustainable development? Provide
reasons for your response.
Extension: Using a world map, have student groups place flag pins indicating major
energy sources on their region of the world. Follow up with an analysis of the marked
map and a discussion about factors that affect the distribution of world resources.
Local extension: The alternative energy sources of wind/wave generation and solar
energy will be emphasized after the class finds the various areas of the world where these
possibilities exist. Students will then build models of these alternative energy sources as
a group project or develop a report to describe where in Louisiana these options would be
Activity 3: How Does Louisiana Stack Up? (SI GLEs: 2, 7, 8; SE GLEs: 1, 15; ESS
GLE 19)
The student should develop a broad understanding of the word resource. Louisiana’s
resources are varied—forests, farms, minerals, and fisheries. For Louisiana’s resources to
be well managed in the future, it is important that students understand that they are not
unlimited and develop an appreciation of Louisiana’s varied resources. Begin with a
class discussion in which students provide information on what they know about different
areas of the state. What are certain sections known for producing? How have regions of
the state changed over time? What major resource problems are Louisiana citizens
currently working to resolve? It will come as a surprise to most of the students that the
greatest wetland loss over time in the U. S., until today, has not been in the Louisiana
coastal region but the bottomland hardwood areas along the Mississippi River.
Addressing coastal land loss now is a lesson based on the earlier wetland disappearance
as agriculture claimed the hardwood zones. The students will create a GIS map sequence
in this activity. Several blackline master outline maps of the state should be distributed to
the students. Through research, a series of maps with legends should be prepared to show
Environmental ScienceUnit 3Preservation and Renewal of Resources
the state’s generalized geologic history, the ecoregions, the watersheds, the major soil
types, the areas of land cover/surface use, and other topics determined by the class
discussion. Each group should complete an overhead transparency (completed by hand or
using a computer drawing program) that will be used as one GIS layer during a class
report out on that theme.
Activity 4: This Land Is Our Land (SI GLE: 7; SE GLEs: 8, 16; ESS GLE: 19)
One of each of the six Louisiana ecoregions identified in Activity 3 should be assigned to
or selected by a student team. Working with a variety of resources, each team should be
instructed to identify the unique habitats and areas significant to their zone. Students
should be instructed to prepare an environmental lesson they could teach to younger
students on their region. The lesson content should include the historic and current
conditions of the ecosystem, the diversity of life forms in the area, and any elements of
special interest. The lesson may include, but is not limited to, maps, games, stories or
books, puzzles or songs. A display of products associated with and places of interest in
each region should be prepared as part of the student-developed lesson. This display may
include real items or pictures prepared as a collage and should be shared during the
teaching of the lesson, either with a younger group of students or with the students in the
course itself. Examples of simulations might be a fisheries management plan for
sustainability, a community development design with forest preservation, development of
catfish or crawfish farms in agricultural areas with both groups having access to water,
Activity 5: Louisiana (SI GLEs: 2, 5; SE GLEs: 1, 2, 6, 13, 15, 16, 18; ESS GLE: 22)
For some people, Louisiana is synonymous with gas and oil production. As many people
discover use of these resources is not only for fuel but as hydrocarbons, they are an
increasingly important source of raw materials to make plastics and other chemicals. The
oil and gas industry is a result of geologic processes that have left large deposits of the
natural resource across a region known as the Tuscaloosa Trend, running along the edge
of the Gulf Coast. In addition, lignite beds are found to run parallel to the modern
shoreline of the Gulf of Mexico. In teams, students should identify the principal;
locations, the geologic processes that resulted in Louisiana deposits of lignite, gas, and
oil; and the age of the formations. Reports should include maps to show location, a
history of the industry in Louisiana, uses of the resource, careers associated directly and
indirectly with the industry, estimated costs and profits for the business owner, and
production impacts on the environment. Students should ask and answer the question of
whether future generations will find rich deposits of these resources formed from the
swamps of Louisiana today.
Environmental ScienceUnit 3Preservation and Renewal of Resources
Activity 6: Degradability: Solution or False Promise? (SI GLEs: 2, 6, 11, 13; SE
GLE: 17)
Students read a selection (or handout) about degradation of materials. Suggestions for
resources include The Archaeology of Garbage and Five Major Myths about Garbage,
and Why They Are Wrong by William Rathje. Web sites with useful information include and Use the
“think—pair—share” technique for reading comprehension. Divide the students into six
groups. Following the reading and discussion, have students conduct research to find the
decomposition rates, byproducts of decomposition, and possibility of pollution for the
following materials: plastic milk jug, disposable diaper, glass jar, motor oil, aluminum
can, and newspaper. Have groups determine the feasibility of reuse, recycling, and
recovery for these materials. The six groups will then summarize their research in a slide
presentation for the class.
Activity 7: We’re in This Together (SI GLEs: 2, 5; SE GLEs: 18, 21, 26)
After class discussion and readings, students are to develop descriptions of frontier
development and sustainable development. Students are to generate a graphic organizer
(Venn diagram) contrasting frontier development with sustainable development based on
the joint needs of humans and other forms of life. After completing the activity, during
which the common needs of wildlife and humans are discovered, students discuss
assigned questions via a “jigsaw grouping approach.” Divide students into “home
groups” of three. Have students in each home group number off from one to three. All
the ones will form one “expert group”; all the twos will form another expert group; and
all the threes will form the last expert group. Students should then move to their expert
groups and answer the following questions.
Group 1
What do you think frontier development means?
What are some aspects of development on the frontier that are no longer
useful today?
Group 2
What do we now know about sustainable development?
How do you think this type of development could benefit us?
Group 3
What environmental policies may be affected by the frontier mentality?
How can making local decisions affect global outcomes?
Environmental ScienceUnit 3Preservation and Renewal of Resources
Students in the expert groups will determine what information they will share with their
home groups. Students will then move back to their home groups for expert
Sample Assessments
General guidelines:
Students should be monitored throughout the work on all activities via teacher
observation and journal entries.
All student-developed products should be evaluated as the unit continues.
Student investigations should be evaluated with a rubric.
When possible, students should assist in developing any rubrics that will be
For some multiple-choice items on written tests, ask students to write a
justification for their chosen response.
Techniques will include making observations, log/data collection entries, models, group
participation, and presentations (problem-solving and performance-based assessments);
group discussion, journaling, displays, and report writing, (reflective assessments); and
paper-and-pencil quizzes and tests (traditional assessments). Assessments could include
the following:
Students will classify resources as renewable or not based on data in
“Renewable or Not” activity.
Students will compare in writing the various regions of the world with their
use of energy and what is available.
When given the various regions of Louisiana, students will describe resources
in each specific region.
Specific ecoregions of Louisiana will be included in research done in student
Access Excellence at the National Health Museum.
American Forest Foundation. Project Learning Tree.
The Archaeology of Garbage by William Rathje.
Cameron Parish Science Curriculum Guide
Ecoregions in Southern Louisiana. Available online at
Environmental ScienceUnit 3Preservation and Renewal of Resources
Environmental Laws. Available online at
Five Major Myths about Garbage, and Why They Are Wrong by William
Generalized Geologic Map of Louisiana. Available online at
Geothermal Education Office. The Energy Scrapbook. Available online at
The Mississippi River Delta. Available online at
The Nature Conservancy. Louisiana: Places We Protect. Available online at
Science Education for Public Understanding Program, University of
Western Regional Environmental Education Council. Project Wild.
Web sites on waste management and degradability:
- Degradable
Environmental ScienceUnit 3Preservation and Renewal of Resources
Environmental Science
Unit 4: Stewardship of the Environment
Time Frame: Approximately six weeks
Unit Description
This unit focuses on people’s role in the management of resources, the wise use of the
environment, the effect of preservation versus conservation practices, and factors that
cause the inequitable distribution of Earth’s resources.
Student Understandings
Students will develop an understanding of the effects of misuse of resources and the
benefits of wise use of the environment. They will determine these effects in a laboratory
situation or as part of problem-solving and fact-finding experiences.
Guiding Questions
1. Can students describe the differences between conservation and preservation?
2. Can students determine how effective Louisiana is in natural resource
3. Can students explain how world population affects the use of resources, the
generation of waste, and planning for the future?
4. Can students list actions that need to be taken to ensure a sustainable future?
Unit 4 Grade-Level Expectations (GLEs)
GLE # GLE Text and Benchmarks
Science as Inquiry
Write a testable question or hypothesis when given a topic (SI-H-A1)
Describe how investigations can be observation, description, literature survey,
classification, or experimentation (SI-H-A2)
Plan and record step-by-step procedures for a valid investigation, select
equipment and materials, and identify variables and controls (SI-H-A2)
Utilize mathematics, organizational tools, and graphing skills to solve
problems (SI-H-A3)
Use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and
presentations of findings (SI-H-A3)
Environmental ScienceUnit 4Stewardship of the Environment
GLE Text and Benchmarks
Choose appropriate models to explain scientific knowledge or experimental
results (e.g., objects, mathematical relationships, plans, schemes, examples,
role-playing, computer simulations) (SI-H-A4)
Give an example of how new scientific data can cause an existing scientific
explanation to be supported, revised, or rejected (SI-H-A5)
Write and defend a conclusion based on logical analysis of experimental data
(SI-H-A6) (SI-H-A2)
Given a description of an experiment, identify appropriate safety measures (SIH-A7)
Cite evidence that scientific investigations are conducted for many different
reasons (SI-H-B2)
Cite examples of scientific advances and emerging technologies and how they
affect society (e.g., MRI, DNA in forensics) (SI-H-B3)
Analyze the conclusion from an investigation by using data to determine its
validity (SI-H-B4)
Use the following rules of evidence to examine experimental results:
(a) Can an expert’s technique or theory be tested, has it been tested, or is it
simply a subjective, conclusive approach that cannot be reasonably
assessed for reliability?
(b) Has the technique or theory been subjected to peer review and publication?
(c) What is the known or potential rate of error of the technique or theory
when applied?
(d) Were standards and controls applied and maintained?
(e) Has the technique or theory been generally accepted in the scientific
community? (SI-H-B5) (SI-H-B1) (SI-H-B4)
Science and the Environment
Analyze data to determine the effect of preservation practices compared to
conservation practices for a sample species (SE-H-B2)
Identify the factors that cause the inequitable distribution of Earth’s resources
(e.g., politics, economics, climate) (SE-H-B3)
Evaluate the effectiveness of natural resource management in Louisiana (SEH-B4) (SE-H-B5)
Analyze data to determine when reuse, recycling, and recovery are applicable
Identify the factors that affect sustainable development (SE-H-B6)
Determine the interrelationships of clean water, land, and air to the success of
organisms in a given population (SE-H-C1)
Relate environmental quality to quality of life (SE-H-C2)
Analyze the effect of common social, economic, technological, and political
considerations on environmental policy (SE-H-C3)
Analyze the risk-benefit ratio for selected environmental situations (SE-H-C4)
Describe the relationship between public support and the enforcement of
environmental policies (SE-H-C5)
Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using disposable items versus
reusable items (SE-H-D1)
Environmental ScienceUnit 4Stewardship of the Environment
GLE Text and Benchmarks
Discuss how education and collaboration can affect the prevention and control
of a selected pollutant (SE-H-D2) (SE-H-D3)
Determine local actions that can affect the global environment (SE-H-D4)
Describe how accountability toward the environment affects sustainability
Discuss the reduction of combustible engines needed to significantly decrease
CO2 in the troposphere (SE-H-D6)
Sample Activities
Activity 1: Gator Management (SI GLEs: 2, 6; SE GLE: 14)
Have students compare the terms preservation and conservation. What predicted effects
will preservation, as opposed to conservation, have on the American alligator?
Students will investigate the history of the alligator population in Louisiana and the
factors that have contributed to the decline and upsurge in the population. Students will
perform an Internet search or library research to find information on alligator
populations, specifically in Louisiana. The teacher should provide guiding questions and
guidelines for the research. Include directions, such as “find and record the trends in
population growth or decline, and describe management practices for Louisiana
alligators.” Have students prepare presentations of their findings. An excellent resource
for this activity is the following Web site:
Discuss the following questions:
Contrast preservation and conservation practices. When might each be used?
What factors influence the population of the American alligator? How do
human beings influence the population?
What practices have proven effective for the agency involved in resource
management in Louisiana? Can you suggest other practices?
Activity 2: Resource Management (SI GLEs: 1, 2, 8, 12, 14, 16; SE GLEs: 15, 16, 21,
Students (in groups) will generate lists of questions to be directed to the agency
responsible for natural resource management in the state of Louisiana. Questions may
include: How does the agency define natural resource management and what are its major
objectives? What major programs does the agency have in place to accomplish its
objectives? What are the most difficult challenges facing the agency at this time? After
compiling lists of questions and deciding as a class the most pertinent questions to
Environmental ScienceUnit 4Stewardship of the Environment
include in a letter, a class letter will be sent to the agency. Have separate groups
investigate and prepare presentations on the management of resources such as oil and gas,
wetlands, waterways (e.g., the Atchafalaya and Mississippi), minerals, and the coastal
Following research and investigation into resource management, have students evaluate
and analyze the evidence and information they obtained and determine the effectiveness
of natural resource management in Louisiana. Resources for this activity include
Louisiana Department of Natural Resources,,; LACoast Program,; and Louisiana
Department of Environmental Quality,
Activity 3: Population Explosion (SI GLEs: 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 15; SE GLEs: 18, 19, 20, 21)
Students will research the growth of human population via Population Connection
materials available at The teacher may access and
select materials for use or have the students access these materials. Have students
analyze a graph of world human population growth to predict populations in the future.
Discuss exponential growth and the curve displayed in the graph. Instruct students to
identify familiar human impacts on the global environment and create a class list,
including items such as waste build-up, resource depletion, pollution, food shortages,
habitat loss, less diversity in species, changes in land forms, devastation from war, etc.
Have students reflect on the information located and produce a report, presentation, or
display of their responses to a series of questions including the following:
What long-range projection do you think may be likely for world population
What impact could this have on world resources?
How does this make the need for sustainable development more imperative?
Students should prepare graphic representations of the populations of selected countries
to include a developed nation from the European community, a developing nation from
Africa or South America, and the United States. This data should be compared to note
population trends and consequences of the age distribution in the different countries.
What are the specific problems the population figures suggest for these countries? How
do they compare with each other? What major differences are expected between the
Environmental ScienceUnit 4Stewardship of the Environment
Activity 4: Air to Drive (SI GLEs: 2, 5, 9, 15; SE GLEs: 22, 25, 26, 27, 28)
Students will track car mileage for one week, noting the beginning and ending mileage
and the difference in the two numbers. They may use mileage from their own family car,
mileage from a family member or friend, or an estimated mileage of distances they have
traveled. If the teacher so chooses, mileages may be provided to students. Students will
then compute the number of pounds of carbon dioxide produced per year. Calculations
are to be computed by assuming the average car gets thirty miles per gallon and that
twenty pounds of carbon dioxide are produced per gallon. For example, if a family
travels 210 miles on average in one week, the amount of carbon dioxide produced in a
year exceeds 7,280 pounds! Students will then brainstorm with lab groups, design a
strategy to significantly reduce the family’s automobile mileage, and calculate the carbon
dioxide saved from entering the environment by employing this strategy. Students will
analyze the costs and benefits of their strategies. Ask: With this strategy in mind, how
large a reduction in automobiles would be required to reduce world carbon dioxide
production by twenty percent? Students will work in groups to determine the answer to
this question and submit a written group report.
Activity 5: A Peek at Packaging (SI GLE: 2; SE GLEs: 17, 24, 27)
Students should provide a “guesstimate” of the weight of garbage disposed of each week
by their family and identify where the garbage from their community is taken. Students
will examine a variety of products and their packaging brought in by the class. Following
the close observation of each of the packaging materials, students will be given a sample
package to observe in lab groups. Give each group a different type of packaging. The
students will describe the packaging and answer questions such as the ones below.
Is the amount of packaging influenced by the manufacturer’s need or desire to
include product information and labeling or avoid theft?
What materials make up the packaging?
How much of the packaging is paper? How much is glass? metal? other?
Is the product made of recycled materials?
Is it recyclable?
After the product is used, what part is thrown away?
Can you think of a way to package the product that will have less impact and
be more environmentally friendly?
What is source reduction, and what can each student do to implement it in
their lives?
After the questions have been answered, have students categorize the packaging and the
product it contained as single use or multiple use. Ask students how the different
products and their packaging would affect landfill volume and how accountability toward
the environment related to packaging would affect sustainability.
Environmental ScienceUnit 4Stewardship of the Environment
In a whole-class discussion, list the advantages and disadvantages of using disposable
versus reusable packaging. Finally, have students describe how disposable, recyclable,
and reusable packaging affects landfill volume and how accountability toward the
environment related to packaging affects sustainability.
Activity 6: Disposable Dilemma (SI GLEs: 2, 5, 9, 15; SE GLEs: 17, 24, 25, 26, 28)
Students will investigate the history of the development of the disposable or plastic cup
and its effect on human society. Students will research the reason for the invention of the
disposable cup and, through extrapolation, determine the volume of this single-use item
that enters landfills yearly. Students will use figures based on their own use of disposable
cups, calculate the volume, and multiply by the number of people currently on the planet.
The invention of the disposable cup is based on the true story of a train ride and a
communal cup. Finding that a little girl was attempting to drink from the same cup that
“lungers,” or persons suffering with chronic disease, were drinking from, it was vowed
that such a situation should never happen again. Though this was a worthwhile
invention, what repercussions have now resulted from the subsequent development of a
“throwaway society”? How could this information be used to reduce the material going
into landfills?
Possible questions or tasks
Calculate the volume of paper cups used yearly by the world population
(based on student data).
Analyze the costs and the benefits of the invention of a disposable cup.
How did the invention of the disposable cup and other disposable items
contribute to the solid waste problem currently facing our nation and world?
List several disposable items used by students that are not necessarily
degradable. What substitutes could be used?
How can education help change the patterns of our “throwaway society”?
Activity 7: Government and the Environment (SI GLEs: 2, 6, 8; SE GLEs 21, 23)
Students will perform an activity that communicates concerns to local officials. Each
group makes a list of four or more environmental issues (of local importance to the
students). From the list, each group selects one issue that most interests members.
Members then research the issue to produce a survey form. The group then conducts an
opinion poll outside of the class, asking at least twenty-five people of a variety of ages
their position on the issue. Members should record the number of survey respondents
that are for or against the issue, and those that are undecided. Then, as a group, students
should contact several civic and political entities within the area to inform them of the
results of the poll.
Environmental ScienceUnit 4Stewardship of the Environment
Activity 8: Maintaining a Sustainable Environment (SI GLEs: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10; SE
GLEs: 18, 27)
Have students brainstorm on the meaning of sustainability in an environment. Compile a
class list of factors that must be considered to sustain a stable environment. Students will
then set up and maintain a sustainable environment for small organisms from the animal
kingdom, such as aquatic snails, worms, or isopods. Have students work in small
collaborative groups to gather information on the selected animal and list all the needs of
the animal. All waste products of the organism must also be eliminated in the
environment or recycled. List all living and nonliving items to be placed in a two-liter
bottle to sustain the organism (snail) for one year. Gather all necessary materials and set
up the habitat. Observe weekly. If the environment should be altered to keep the
organism alive, have students use information and problem-solving skills to develop
group proposals for alteration of the environment to maintain stability. In a closing
discussion, have students make a list of the ways they can take action to make their
environment more sustainable. Have students justify each of the items placed in the twoliter bottle. Have students discuss how the created habitat compares to the human habitat
on planet Earth. Describe a sustainable and a non-sustainable method to meet the
following needs: (1) food, (2) water (3) heat. Have students write an essay answering the
question, Why do you think sustainable development has only recently been proposed as
a goal for human society? Have student pairs or groups develop a brochure for a
sustainable society.
Sample Assessments
General guidelines:
Students should be monitored throughout the work on all activities via teacher
observation and journal entries.
All student-developed products should be evaluated as the unit continues.
Student investigations should be evaluated with a rubric.
When possible, students should assist in developing any rubrics that will be
For some multiple-choice items on written tests, ask students to write a
justification for their chosen response.
Techniques will include making observations, log/data collection entries, models, group
participation, and presentations (problem-solving and performance-based assessments);
group discussion, journaling, displays, and report writing, (reflective assessments); and
paper-and-pencil quizzes and tests (traditional assessments). Assessments could include
the following:
Environmental ScienceUnit 4Stewardship of the Environment
Have students write an essay answering the question, “Why do you think
sustainable development has only recently been proposed as a goal for human
Have student pairs or groups develop a brochure for a sustainable society.
Have students describe how disposable, recyclable, and reusable packaging
affect landfill volume and how accountability toward the environment related
to packaging affects sustainability.
How large a reduction in automobiles would be required to reduce world
carbon dioxide production by twenty percent? Students will work in groups to
determine the answer to this question and submit a written group report.
Calculate the volume of paper cups used yearly by the world population
(based on student data).
Analyze the costs and the benefits of the invention of a disposable cup.
How did the invention of the disposable cup and other disposable items
contribute to the solid waste problem currently facing our nation and world?
List several disposable items used by students that are not necessarily
degradable. What substitutes could be used?
Graphic representations of populations from various countries will be
completed and compared with the class.
American Forest Foundation. Project Learning Tree.
Louisiana Department of Natural Resources.
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality.
Science Education for Public Understanding Program, University of
Western Regional Environmental Education Council. Project Wild.
World Population. (ZPG video.) 2000.
Environmental ScienceUnit 4Stewardship of the Environment