Examples from “The Adventures of Odysseus”

Odyssey Part I Assignment
Review Prepositional phrases, pp. 547 Writer’s Inc.
Read, “The Adventures of Odysseus” pages 983-985
Answer the following questions:
 How is Odysseus an epic hero? (Definition is page 979)
 Quote the first five words and the last five words of the invocation using
quotation marks, ellipses (...) and the page number in parenthesis.
 Explain how The Odyssey begins in medias res (beginning in the middle of the
story and flashing back to the beginning.)
Assignment for The Odyssey, Part I, pages 986-1017 “The Cyclops,” “The Land of the Dead,”
“The Sirens,” “Scylla and Charybdis,” and “The Cattle of the Sun God,”
In a journal form, identify and record twenty prepositional phrases, five total epic
epithet/appositive phrases, and five total epic similes or other forms of figurative language.
Record the line numbers from the phrases and figurative language. It must be written legibly or
it will not count.
Examples from “The Adventures of Odysseus”
Epic epithets/appositives (nouns directly follow other nouns, and rename them)
line 18: Laertes son, Odysseus
line 32: Circe of Aeaea, the enchantress
line 70: Zeus the lord of cloud
line 97: the honeyed plant, the lotus
Remember, appositives are NOUNS describing other nouns. An appositive phrase must have a
noun that renames the noun next to it, although it is modified by other words.
Noun question: Can I have (a/an) __________________.
 “They came with dawn over that terrain like the leaves and blades of spring.”
Epic similes are longer and contain the words ’ just so’
line 22: Mount Neions’s wind-blown robe of
line 79: Dawn came with ringlets shining