Curriculum Vita Dean R. Lillard December 2010 Department of

Curriculum Vita
Dean R. Lillard
December 2010
Department of Policy Analysis and Management
296 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-4401
FAX: 607-255-4071
Work: 607-255-9290
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. Ph.D. (Economics), 1991
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. M.A. (Economics), 1986
University of Washington, Seattle, WA., B.A. (Economics), cum laude 1983
Fellowships and Honors
Phi Beta Kappa
Omicron Delta Epsilon
Appointments Held
2000-present Senior Research Associate, Department of Policy Analysis and Management,
Cornell University, Co-Director and Project Manager - Cross-National Equivalent
1999-present Research Affiliate, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (German Institute
for Economic Research), Berlin, Germany
Research Associate III, Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell
University, Project Manager - Cross-National Equivalent File
Assistant Professor, Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell
Membership in Organizations
American Economic Association
American Society of Health Economists
Population Association of America
Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management
International Health Economics Association
Journal articles
Lillard, Dean. (forthcoming). "Keeping it in the Family? If Parents Smoke Do Children Follow?"
Journal of Applied Social Science Studies.
Christopoulou, Rebekka, Han, Jeffrey, Jaber, Ahmed, and Lillard, Dean. (2011). "Dying for a
Smoke: How Much Does Differential Mortality of Smokers Affect Estimated Life-Course
Smoking Prevalence?" Preventive Medicine. 52: 66-70 (published online at:
Lillard, Dean. (2010). "The Value of More Information: A commentary on Stewart et al." Social
Science and Medicine 71: 1910-1912 (appears online at:
Kenkel, Donald, Lillard, Dean R., and Liu, Feng. (2009). “An Analysis of Life-Course Smoking
Behavior in China.” Health Economics 18: S147-S156.
Avery, Rosemary, Kenkel, Donald, Lillard, Dean, Mathios, Alan, and Wang, Hua. 2008. “Health
Disparities and Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Pharmaceutical Products.” Advances in
Health Economics and Health Services Research vol 19: 71-94.
Frick, Joachim R., Jenkins, Stephen P., Lillard, Dean R., Lipps, Oliver and Wooden, Mark
(2007). “The Cross-National Equivalent File (CNEF) and its Member Country Household Panel
Studies.” Schmoller’s Jahrbuch (Journal of Applied Social Science Studies). 127 (4): 627-654.
Avery, Rosemary, Kenkel, Donald, Lillard, Dean, and Mathios, Alan. 2007. “Private Profits and
Public Health: Does DTC Advertising of Smoking Cessation Products Encourage Smokers to
Quit?” Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 115 (3): 447-481 (also NBER working paper 11938).
Burkhauser, Richard V. and Lillard, Dean R. 2007. “The Expanded Cross-National Equivalent
File: HILDA Joins its International Peers.” The Australian Economic Review, Vol. 40 (2): 1–8.
Lillard, Dean R., Plassman, Vandana, Kenkel, Donald, and Mathios, Alan. 2007. “Who Kicks
the Habit and How They Do It: Socioeconomic Differences across Methods.” Social Science and
Medicine. 64: 2504-2519.
Avery, Rosemary, Kenkel, Donald, Lillard, Dean, and Mathios, Alan. 2007. “Regulating
Advertisements: The Case of Smoking Cessation Products.” Journal of Regulatory Economics
Vol. 31 (2): 185-208. (also NBER working paper 12001).
Kenkel, Donald, Lillard, Dean R., and Mathios, Alan. 2006. “The Roles of High School
Completion and GED Receipt in Smoking and Obesity.” Journal of Labor Economics. Vol. 24
(3): 635-660. (also NBER working paper 11990).
Burkhauser, Richard V. and Lillard, Dean R. 2005. “The Contribution and Potential of Data
Harmonization for Cross-National Comparative Research” Journal of Comparative Policy
Analysis, Vol 7 (4): 313-330.
Lillard, Dean, and Burkhauser, Richard V. 2005. “Income Inequality and Health: A CrossCountry Analysis.” Schmollers Jahrbuch (Journal of Applied Social Science Studies) Vol.
125(1): 109-118.
Cawley, John, Grabka, Markus, and Lillard Dean R. 2005. “A Comparison of the Relationship
Between Obesity and Earnings in the U.S. and Germany.” Schmollers Jahrbuch (Journal of
Applied Social Science Studies) Vol. 125(1): 119-129.
Burkhauser, R.V., Giles, P., Lillard, D.R., and Schwarze, J. 2005. “Until Death Do Us Part: An
Analysis of the Economic Well-Being of Widows in Four Countries.” Journal of Gerontology:
Social Sciences. Vol. 60B No. 5, S238-S246.
Burkhauser, R.V., Giles, P., Lillard, D.R., and Schwarze, J. 2004. “Income Replacement Among
Widows.” Perspectives on Labour and Income. (May), Vol. 5 no. 5.
Kenkel, D., Lillard, Dean. R., and Mathios, Alan. 2004. ‘A Cross-Country Analysis of Tobacco
Control Policies and Smoking Over the Life-course,’ Journal d'Economie Medicale 22(3): 131143.
Kenkel, Donald, Lillard, Dean, and Mathios, A. 2004. ‘Accounting for Measurement Error in
Retrospective Smoking Data.’ Health Economics. Vol. 13: 1031-1044.
Burkhauser, R.V., Giles, P., Lillard, D.R., and Schwarze, J. 2003. “How Exits from the Labor
Force or Death Impact Household Income: A Four Country Comparison of Public and Private
Income Support.” Schmollers Jahrbuch (Journal of Applied Social Science Studies), Vol.
123(1): 151-162.
Kenkel, D., Lillard, D.R., and Mathios, A. 2003. “Tobacco Control Policies and Smoking
Cessation: A Cross-Country Analysis” Schmollers Jahrbuch (Journal of Applied Social Science
Studies), Vol. 123, Number 1, pp. 221-234.
Kenkel, Donald, Lillard, Dean R., and Mathios, Alan. 2003. “Smoke or Fire? Are Retrospective
Smoking Data Valid?” Addiction 98(9): 1307-1313.
Lillard, Dean R. and DeCicca, P. (2001) “Higher Standards, More Dropouts? Evidence Within
and Across Time.” Economics of Education Review, Vol.20, no.5, pp 459-473.
Lillard, D. R. and Gerner, J. (1999) “Getting to the Ivy League: How Family Composition
Affects College Choice.” Journal of Higher Education, November/December, pp 706-730.
Burkhauser, R. V., Crews, A. and Lillard, D. R. (1999) “How Older People in the United States
and Germany Fared in the Growth Years of the 1980s: A Cross-Sectional versus a Longitudinal
View.” Journal of Gerontology, September, Vol. 54B, No. 5, S279-S290.
Couch, K. A. and Lillard, D. R. (1998) >Sample Selection Rules and the Intergenerational
Correlation in Earnings.= Labour Economics 5(3) pp 313-329.
Couch, K. A. and Lillard, D. R. (1997) >Divorce, Educational Attainment and the Earnings
Mobility of Sons,= Journal of Family and Economic Issues, vol 18(3), Fall, pp 231-245.
Books, monographs, and edited volumes
Lipps, Oliver, Tillmann, Robin, Kuhn, Ursina, Lillard, Dean R. and Bergman, Manfred Max.
(eds.), 2010. "Social Science Research with Panel Data in Switzerland." Swiss Journal of
Sociology Vol. 36 (2): Swiss Sociological Association.
Holst, E., Lillard, D.R. and DiPrete, T.A. (eds.), 2001. Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung
Heft 1 (70): Duncker and Humblot, Berlin.
Book chapters
Lillard, Dean and Andew Sfekas. (2005). “Coupons and Advertising in Markets for Addictive
Goods: Do Cigarette Manufacturers React to Known Future Tax Increases?” in Advances in
Health Economics and Health Services Research, Vol. 16 – Substance Use: Individual Behavior,
Social Interactions, Markets and Politics, Björn Lindgren and Michael Grossman Editors,
Burkhauser, Richard V., Butrica, Barbara A., Daly, Mary C. and Lillard Dean R. 'The CrossNational Equivalent File: A product of cross-national research.' (2001) in Soziale Sicherung in
einer dynamischen Gesellschaft Irene Becker, Notburga Ott, Gabriele Rolf editors. Campus
Verlag: Frankfurt/New York pp 354-376.
Couch, Kenneth A. and Lillard, Dean R. >Earnings Mobility Conditional on Familial Origin: A
Cross-National Comparison of Germany and the United States= 2004, Cornell University, Ithaca,
NY (In Generational Mobility in North America and Europe Miles Corak, Editor, Cambridge
University Press).
Conference proceedings
Lillard, Dean R. >Cross-National Estimates of the Intergenerational Mobility in Earnings.=
(2001) Proceedings of the 2000 Fourth International Conference of German Socio-Economic
Panel Study Users (GSOEP 2000) Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung Heft 1 (70): pp. 5158. Duncker and Humblot, Berlin.
Burkhauser, Richard, V., Lillard, Dean R. and Paola M. Valenti ALong-Term Labor Force Exit
and Economic Well-Being: A Cross-National Comparison.@ (2001) Proceedings of the 2000
Fourth International Conference of German Socio-Economic Panel Study Users (GSOEP 2000)
Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung Heft 1 (70): pp 146-152. Duncker and Humblot,
Lipps, Oliver, Tillmann, Robin, Kuhn, Ursina, Lillard, Dean R. and Bergman, Manfred Max.
(eds.), 2010. "Editorial." Swiss Journal of Sociology Vol. 36 (2) pp 207-211: Swiss Sociological
Lillard, Dean R. 2010. "Smoking in Australia." chapter 22 in Families, Incomes and Jobs,
Volume 5: A Statistical Report on Waves 1 to 7 of the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics
in Australia Survey. Roger Wilkins, Diana Warren, Markus Hahn, and Brendan Houng editors.
Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, The University of Melbourne,
Melbourne, Australia.
Lillard, Dean R. 2008. “The promise of cross-national research.” chapter 20 in In Praise of Panel
Surveys: The achievements of the British Household Panel Survey, Plans for the UK’s new
household longitudinal survey, Understanding Society. Institute for Social and Economic
Research, University of Essex, Cochester: UK.
Kenkel, Donald S. and Lillard, Dean R. 2008. “How Advertising for Smoking-Cessation
Products Can Help Meet Public Health Goals.” Resources for the Future Weekly Policy
Commentary, January 14, 2008.
Burkhauser, Richard V. and Lillard, Dean R. 2006. “The Case for NIA Leadership in Integrating
State-of-the-Art Biomarkers into Next Generation Social-Science-Based Data.” Report prepared
for the National Institutes of Aging, Washington, DC.
Lillard, Dean R., and Burkhauser, Richard V. 2006. “Evaluation of the Cross-National
Comparability of the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe, the Health and
Retirement Study, and the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing.” Report prepared for the
National Institutes of Aging, Washington, DC.
Academic and Professional Service
Editorial Board Membership
Journal of Longitudinal and Life Course Studies
Advisory Board Membership
Danish National Institute for Social Research, Copenhagen, Denmark
Economic Inquiry, Economics and Human Biology, Economics of Education Review,
Education Next, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Education Policy Analysis
Archives, European Journal of Political Economy, Health Economics, Industrial and Labor
Relations Review, Industrial Relations Review, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of
Applied Social Science Studies (Schmollers Jahrbuch), Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis,
Journal of Consumer Affairs, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Human Capital, Journal of
Human Resources, Journal of Marriage and Family, Journal of Official Statistics, Journal of
Political Economy, Preventive Medicine, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Social Science
and Medicine, Social Forces, Southern Economic Journal, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society
(Series A)
Congressional Budget Office
Economic and Social Research Council (UK)
National Science Foundation
The Spencer Foundation
The W.T. Grant Foundation
NIH Special Emphasis Grant Review Panel (2008-2010)
NIH ARRA (Challenge Grant) Review Panel (June 2009)
Special Service Committee
Invited participant at National Science Foundation Principal Investigator meeting "Future
Investments in Large-Scale Survey Data Access & Dissemination NSF PI meeting:
ANES, GSS, and PSID" July 26-27, 2010.
Invited Panel Member to the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
Consultation Workshop for the Development of the UK Longitudinal Household Study,
October 4, 2006, London, England.
Invited Conference Speaker at the National Consumers League “Direct-to-Consumer
Advertising of Prescription Drugs: Shaping a Research Agenda.” Washington, DC June
29, 2006.
Invited Panel Member for Advisory Group “Longview” on Role of Longitudinal Panel
Data Collection for Five-Year Review by the UK Economic and Social Research Council
(ESRC), September 21-22, 2005, Oxford, England.
Advisory group member to Department of Housing and Urban Development, "Moving to
Opportunities" Housing Experiment, December, 1993.
Invited Panel Member for Advisory Group on High School Dropouts and High School
Exit Exams, Center on Education Policy, Washington, DC. March 15, 2003
Invited participant at National Science Foundation Principal Investigator meeting "Future
Investments in Large-Scale Survey Data Access & Dissemination NSF PI meeting:
ANES, GSS, and PSID" July 26-27, 2010.