MTLC SYLLABUS FOR MATH 112, 1st Term Summer, 2009 COURSE TITLE: Precalculus Algebra CREDIT: 3 semester hours INSTRUCTORS: Section01: Dr. Martyn Dixon Section03: Dr. Bruce Trace TEXT: Precalculus 3rd Edition with MyMathLab Section02: Dr. Vo Liem Section04: Nathan Winkles AUTHORS: Beecher/Penna/Bittinger PUBLISHER: Addison Wesley ACCESS CODE: An access code is required to complete all assignments and tests for this course. It allows the student to access the publisher’s website for the course, where all assignments and tests must be completed and where the entire textbook may be viewed online. Access codes can be purchased with or without a hard copy of the textbook at a bookstore or online from the publisher. If you are a repeating Math 112 student, you should already have access to the software without purchasing a new code. If you have any difficulty, see an instructor in the MTLC immediately. EMAIL: Your crimson email account is the e-mail address we will use for communication in this class. If you do not know your crimson email address, you can contact the help desk at 348-HELP. PREREQUISITE: Grade of “C-“ or better in Math 100 or a minimum of 310 on the math placement test. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a course in Precalculus mathematics. The course is computer-assisted, which means students will use the computer (along with the instructor) to complete the course. Topics include linear, quadratic, and rational equations and inequalities, the algebra of functions (including polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions), the graphs of these functions, and systems of equations. GENERAL LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR 100-200 LEVEL COURSES: Students will be able to discriminate between reliable and less reliable information in their decision-making. Students will be able to recognize and explain the scientific method, and evaluate scientific information. LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR THIS COURSE: Students will be able to perform operations on polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Students will be able to graph polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions using techniques and information gathered about the functions. Students will be able to solve linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, absolute value, and inequality equations. Students will be able to recognize and manipulate complex numbers. Students will be able to solve systems of equations in two or more variables. CALCULATOR: Only the calculator on the computer may be used in this course. COURSE GRADES: This course is under the “A, B, C, NC” policy, +/- grades will be given. The course grade is determined by points earned as follows: 3 Tests 450 points (150 points each) COURSE GRADE SCALE Final Exam 300 points Quizzes 130 points (40 points each test period) A+ 980 - 1002, A 920 – 979, A- 900 - 919 Homework 90 points (30 points each test period) B+ 880 – 899, B 820 – 879, B- 800 - 819 Attendance 40 points (2 points for each day) C+ 780 – 799, C 720 – 779, C- 700 - 719 Total 1000 points NC – Below 700 Note: The last day to drop this course is Friday, June 19, 2008. No withdrawals from this course can be made after this date. TEST DEADLINES: Tests: Wednesdays, 6/10, 6/17, and 6/24. All tests begin at your class time. No study time is allowed after testing begins. Comprehensive Final Exam: Section01: Thursday 7/2 at 2pm. Section02: Wednesday 7/1 at 8am. Section03: Thursday 7/2 at 8am. Section04: Wednesday 7/1 at 2pm. All tests except the final exam are given at your class time. You may take tests early if you finish all required work early. Early tests must begin before 2:00 pm each day. You will be given 75 minutes for each of the 3 tests. You will be given 2 ½ hours to complete your final. Do not be late for your tests. Any tardiness will cost you working time on your test. Students may complete assigned work in the MTLC during the following hours: Mon – Fri 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. Lab will be closed on Saturdays and Sundays (MTLC phone number 348-2592) ATTENDANCE: You must attend all your regular scheduled class times in the summer. Lectures will be given in the club room of the MTLC on Mondays and Thursdays. For the lecture meetings, students will report during their designated class time on Mondays and Thursdays to the MTLC club room. For days other than lectures or tests, you are required to be in the MTLC during your class time for at least 90 minutes to work on your homework and quizzes in order to get your daily attendance credit. The MTLC will open on Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm. If you need extra time outside the MTLC lab hours to finish the required work, you can go to the Gordon Palmer lab (152 GP), but the time in there will not be counted toward your attendance. The Gordon Palmer Lab will be open Monday – Thursday: 8:00am – midnight, Friday: 8:00am – 4:45pm, and Sunday: 2:00pm – midnight. DISABILITY ACCESS STATEMENT: For those students wishing to request disability accommodations, please contact the Office of Disability Services at 348-4285. After initial arrangements are made with that office, then contact your professor. Your professor will be glad to work with you to make sure your needs are properly met. QUIZZES: There will be a quiz given on each section covered. For each test period you will be allowed to drop one section quiz grade. The remaining quizzes’ grades will be averaged and converted to the 40 points you earn for each test period. Note that sections after Test 3 are included in the Test 3 calculations. HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned for each section. For each test period you will be allowed to drop one homework grade. The homework grade will be calculated by taking the average of each of the remaining grades on the homework sections assigned and converting this to the 30 points you earn for each test period. Homework can be completed more than once with the highest score kept as the grade for that section. Note that sections after Test 3 are included in the Test 3 calculations. The Math 112 software can be installed on the student’s personal computer. Internet access is required in order to reach the website where the notes, homework, and exercises are found. Tests must be taken in the MTLC. If you do graded work from home, you risk not having your grades being properly sent. If your grades are not successfully sent from home you will NOT be able to make this work up at a later date MAKE-UP POLICY: There will be NO makeup work in the summer. REPLACEMENT POLICY: Everyone will be allowed to replace his/her lowest test grade with the grade made on the final exam. However, zeros due to an unexcused absence or academic misconduct will not be replaced. Classroom Rules: 1. The MTLC is a math classroom. Please be quiet during your visit to the MTLC. 2. You must swipe in with your ID card when you enter the MTLC and swipe out when you leave even if you need a short break. You cannot swipe an ID card other than yours. Violators will be charged with academic misconduct and reported to the dean’s office. 3. Cell phones, food, drinks (including water), tobacco products, and companions are NOT allowed in the Center. A cell phone violation will cause your cell phone to be detained until you leave the MTLC. Your cell phone needs to be out of sight. 4. No work other than mathematics, such as talking, surfing the Internet, playing computer games, typing a paper, sleeping, etc. is allowed in the Center. Any violation will cause your attendance credit to be 0 for that day and you will be asked to leave the MTLC. 5. The use of a computer in the MTLC is on first-come first-serve basis; no reservation can be made for normal course work. 6. No attendance credit will be given for students who do not have their ACT cards. 7. Please do not hesitate to ask questions in the MTLC. Staff members in the MTLC are there to help you. Test Rules: 1. No early tests will be given after 2:00pm on any day. 2. The 3 regular tests will be given in the MTLC at your registered class time. The final exam will be given by the official University final exam schedule. See above for dates and times. 3. Show up on time for your test. Tests will start at the beginning of your scheduled class time. Any tardiness will cost you time for working on the test. 4. Only the calculator on the computer may be used on tests. 5. Bring your ID and pencils with you. The MTLC will provide you with scratch paper. No other paper or personal calculators are allowed. Place all belongings on the floor. Once you have entered the testing area, all review material must be put away. 6. Absolutely no cell phones allowed during testing. All cell phones must be turned off and put away out of sight. Use of cell phones during a test will result in a charge of academic misconduct. 7. NO IPODS may be used during testing. Use of IPODS during a test will result in a charge of academic misconduct. 8. The only webpage that is to be opened during a test is the MathXL testing page. If any other websites are opened during testing then it is considered grounds for academic misconduct. 9. An MTLC staff member must be present when your test is submitted for a grade. No grades will be accepted from the student gradebook. Failure to abide by these rules will result in your test score being voided and you will retake your test at that time. 10. You will be allowed to review your test before you leave the lab. However, you are not allowed to write any information pertaining to your test questions down on paper to take with you when you leave the MTLC after an exam. You are not allowed to share any test information with anyone who hasn’t taken the test. Violators will be charged with academic misconduct. WORKING FROM HOME: You may finish your homework and quizzes from any PC with an internet connection and the necessary plug-ins by going to the website However, work outside of the MTLC is at your own risk. Problems with internet or with submitting are not valid excuse for past due homework or quizzes. Note that working outside of the lab does not count toward your attendance points. Math Course Login Information: Your username: crimson email address Your password: CWID example: example: 12345678 Quizzes and Homework have expiration dates. These dates will not be extended for any reason. Section Title 1.1 Introduction to Graphing 1.2 Functions and Graphs 1.3 Linear Functions, Slope, and Applications 1.4 Equations of Lines and Modeling 1.5 More on Functions 6/4 Thursday Lecture 1.6 The Algebra of Functions 1.7 Symmetry and Transformations 2.1 Linear Equations, Functions and Models 6/8 Monday 2.2 The Complex Numbers Lecture 2.3 Quadratic Equations, Functions, and Models Linear Functions Test 1: Wednesday 6/10 begins at your class time. Test 1 Material 6/2 Tuesday Lecture Completion Date & Time Thursday 6/4 by 8am Thursday 6/4 by 8am Thursday 6/4 by 8am Monday 6/8 by 8am Monday 6/8 by 8am Monday 6/8 by 8am Monday 6/8 by 8am Wednesday 6/10 by 8am Wednesday 6/10 by 8am Wednesday 6/10 by 8am Section Title 2.4 Analyzing Graphs of Quadratic Functions 2.5 More Equation Solving 6/11 Thursday Lecture 2.6 Solving Linear Inequalities 3.1 Polynomial Functions and Models 3.2 Graphing Polynomial Functions 3.3 Polynomial Division, The Remainder and Factor Theorem 6/15 Monday Lecture 3.4 Theorems about Zeros of Polynomial Functions 3.5 Rational Functions Test 2: Wednesday 6/17 begins at your class time Completion Date & Time Monday 6/15 by 8am Monday 6/15 by 8am Monday 6/15 by 8am Monday 6/15 by 8am Wednesday 6/17 by 8am Wednesday 6/17 by 8am Wednesday 6/17 by 8am Wednesday 6/17 by 8am Section Title 3.6 Polynomial and Rational Inequalities 4.1 Inverse Functions 6/18 Thursday Lecture 4.2 Exponential Functions and Graphs 4.3 Logarithmic Functions and Graphs 4.4 Properties of Logarithmic Functions 6/22 Monday 4.5 Solving Exponential and Logarithmic Equations Lecture 4.6 Applications and Models: Growth and Decay Test 3: Wednesday 6/24 begins at your class time Completion Date & Time Monday 6/22 by 8am Monday 6/22 by 8am Monday 6/22 by 8am Monday 6/22 by 8am Wednesday 6/24 by 8am Wednesday 6/24 by 8am Wednesday 6/24 by 8am Test 2 Material Test 3 Material 6/25 Thursday Lecture 6/29 Monday Lecture Section Title 8.1 System of Equations in Two Variables 8.2 System of Equations in Three Variables 9.4 Nonlinear Systems of Equations & Review for Final Comprehensive Final Exam: Section01: Thursday 7/2 at 2pm. Section03: Thursday 7/2 at 8am. Completion Date & Time Monday 6/29 by 8am Monday 6/29 by 8am Wednesday 7/1 by 8am Section02: Wednesday 7/1 at 8am. Section04: Wednesday 7/1 at 2pm.