Bothwell Middle School 7th Grade *Titles in italics are suggested selections from the anthology to support the GLCE. Teachers are not limited to these selections. Other selections are available in the anthology collection or other support materials. MEANING AND COMMUNICATION Content Standard 1: All students will read and comprehend general and technical material. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 1. Use reading for multiple purposes, such as enjoyment, clarifying information and learning complex procedures. Marquette Area Public Schools Alignment GLCE Code R.CM.07.04 GLCE Description • Apply significant knowledge from what has been read in grade level appropriate science and social studies texts. Multi-genre research project Mythology Unit Homesick and Barrio Boy R.AT.07.01 • Be enthusiastic about reading and do substantial reading on their own. Silent Sustained Reading Daily S.DS.07.01 • Engage in interactive, extended discourse to socially construct meaning (e.g., book clubs, literature circles. partnerships, or other conversation protocols). Class literature discussion Marquette Area Public Schools Alignment GLCE Code R.NT.07.01 R.NT.07.02 R.NT.07.03 R.NT.07.04 GLCE Description • Identify and discuss how the tensions among characters, communities, themes, and issues in classic and contemporary literature recognized for quality and literary merit are related to their own experiences. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections • Analyze elements and style of narrative genres (e.g., mystery, poetry, memoir, drama, myths, legends). • Analyze the role of antagonists, protagonists, internal and external conflicts, and R.IT.07.01 R.IT.07.02 R.IT.07.03 abstract themes. • Analyze author’s craft (e.g., theme, antagonists, protagonists, over and understatement, exaggeration). Mystery unit Brian’s Song Mythology/Legend unit Poetry incorporated weekly Anthology selections • Analyze elements and style of informational genre (e.g., persuasive essay, research report, brochure, personal correspondence, autobiography/biography). • Analyze organizational patterns (e.g., compare/contrast, cause and effect, sequence). • Explain how authors use writer’s craft and text features to enhance the understanding of central, key, and supporting ideas (e.g., metaphors, similes, captions, diagrams, appendices). Homesick, Barrio Boy, Fish Cheeks Multi-genre magazine project samples MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade MEANING AND COMMUNICATION Content Standard 1: All students will read and comprehend general and technical material. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 2. Read with developing fluency a variety of texts, such as short stories, novels, poetry, plays, textbooks, manuals and periodicals. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Marquette Area Public Schools Alignment GLCE Code R.WS.07.02 R.WS.07.03 R.WS.07.06 GLCE Description • Use structural, syntactic, and semantic analysis to recognize unfamiliar words in context (e.g., idioms, analogies, metaphors, similes, knowledge of roots and affixes, major word chunks/rimes, syllabication). Skills to recognize unfamiliar vocabulary are taught in context of reading selections. Mythology unit includes researching word origins • Recognize frequently encountered words automatically. • Read fluently seventh grade level texts (increasingly demanding texts read with fluency as the year proceeds). MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade MEANING AND COMMUNICATION Content Standard 1: All students will read and comprehend general and technical material. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 3. Employ multiple strategies to construct meaning, such as generating questions, studying vocabulary, analyzing mood and tone, recognizing how authors use information, generalizing ideas, matching form to content and developing reference skills. Marquette Area Public Schools Alignment GLCE Code R.WS.07.05 GLCE Description • Apply strategies to construct meaning and identify unknown words. R.MT.07.01 R.MT.07.02 • Independently self-monitor comprehension when reading or listening to text by automatically using and discussing the strategies used by mature readers to increase comprehension and engage in interpretative discussions (e.g., predicting, constructing mental images representing ideas in text questioning, rereading or listening again if uncertain about meaning, inferring, summarizing). • Plan, monitor, regulate, and evaluate skills, strategies, and processes for their own reading comprehension by applying appropriate metacognitive skills (e.g., SQP3R, pattern guides). Anthology’s Reading Strategies resources The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections Marquette Area Public Schools Alignment GLCE Code R.WS.07.04 R.WS.07.07 R.CM.07.01 R.CM.07.02 R.CM.07.03 GLCE Description • Know the meaning of frequently encountered words in written and oral contexts (research to support specific words). • Use strategic and authentic content-related resources to determine the meaning of words and phrases in context (e.g., literary terms, cross-cultural words and phrases, mathematical expressions, scientific procedures). • Connect personal knowledge, experience, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in the text. • Read, retell, and summarize grade level appropriate narrative and informational texts. • State global themes, universal truths, and principles within and across texts to create a deeper understanding. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade MEANING AND COMMUNICATION Content Standard 1: All students will read and comprehend general and technical material. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 4. Employ multiple strategies to recognize words as they construct meaning, including the use of context clues, word roots and affixes and syntax. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Marquette Area Public Schools Alignment GLCE Code R.WS.07.01 R.WS.07.02 R.WS.07.05 GLCE Description • Use word structure, sentence structure, and prediction to aid in decoding and understanding the meanings of words encountered in context. ). • Use structural, syntactic, and semantic analysis to recognize unfamiliar words in context (e.g., idioms, analogies, metaphors, similes, knowledge of roots and affixes, major word chunks/rimes, syllabication). • Apply strategies to construct meaning and identify unknown words. Skills to recognize unfamiliar vocabulary are taught in context of reading selections. Mythology unit includes researching word origins MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade MEANING AND COMMUNICATION Content Standard 1: All students will read and comprehend general and technical material. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 5. Respond to a variety of oral, visual, written and electronic texts by making connections to their personal lives and the lives of others. Marquette Area Public Schools Alignment GLCE Code R.CM.07.01 S.DS.07.02 S.DS.07.04 L.RP.07.05 GLCE Description • Connect personal knowledge, experience, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in the text. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections • Discuss multiple text types in order to anticipate and answer questions, offer opinions and solutions, and to identify personally with a universal theme. Classroom literature discussion • Plan and deliver a focused, coherent informational presentation that incorporates persuasive, non-verbal techniques (e.g., modulation of voice, inflection, tempo, enunciation, eye contact), is organized by a specific text pattern (e.g., theory and evidence, persuasion, sequence), and provides supporting details, explanations, and descriptions supportive of the focus of the presentation and the backgrounds/interests of the audience. 1 formalized presentation, possibly based on multi-genre project • Respond to multiple texts when listened to or viewed by speaking, illustrating, and/or writing in order to anticipate and answer questions, to determine personal and universal themes, and to offer opinions or solutions. Anthology selections available on CD Marquette Area Public Schools Alignment GLCE Code R.NT.07.01 L.RP.07.06 GLCE Description • Identify and discuss how the tensions among characters, communities, themes, and issues in classic and contemporary literature recognized for quality and literary merit are related to their own experiences. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections • Evaluate the credibility of a speaker by determining whether the speaker’s point of view is biased or not. Peer presentations MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade MEANING AND COMMUNICATION Content Standard 2: All students will demonstrate the ability to write clear and grammatically correct sentences, paragraphs and compositions. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 1. Write fluently for multiple purposes to produce compositions, such as personal narratives, persuasive essays, lab reports and poetry. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Marquette Area Public Schools Alignment GLCE Code W.GN.07.01 W.GN.07.02 W.GN.07.03 GLCE Description • Write a cohesive narrative piece that includes appropriate conventions to the genre (e.g., memoir, drama, legend, mystery, poetry, myth) and employ literary and plot devices (e.g., internal and/or external conflicts, antagonists/protagonists, personification). Mythology unit original myth Mystery unit original mystery Personal narratives throughout the year. • Write a research report (e.g., I-search, website, traditional) for an authentic audience that includes appropriate organizational patterns (e.g., problem statement and solution, position statement and supporting evidence, compare and contrast), descriptive language, and text features. Multi-genre research report • Formulate research questions using multiple resources, perspectives, and arguments/ counterarguments to develop a thesis statement that culminates in a presented, final project. The Clay Marble Landmine Essay Multi-genre research project’s persuasive essay Marquette Area Public Schools Alignment GLCE Code W.AT.07.01 GLCE Description • Be enthusiastic about writing. L.RP.07.05 • Respond to multiple texts when listened to or viewed by speaking, illustrating, and/or writing in order to anticipate and answer questions, to determine personal and universal themes, and to offer opinions or solutions. Anthology selections available on CD MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade MEANING AND COMMUNICATION Content Standard 2: All students will demonstrate the ability to write clear and grammatically correct sentences, paragraphs and compositions. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 2. Recognize and use author’s techniques that convey meaning and build empathy with readers when composing their own texts. Examples include appeals to reason and emotion, use of figurative language and grammatical conventions which assist audience comprehension. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code W.PR.07.01 W.PR.07.04 W.PS.07.01 GLCE Description • Set a purpose, consider audience, and replicate authors’ styles and patterns when writing narrative or informational text. • Select and use titles, leads, and endings to achieve a specific purpose for specific audiences. (Revise writing to ensure that content, structure, elements of style and voice, literary devices, and textual features are consistent). • Exhibit individual style to enhance the written message (e.g., in narrative text: personification, humor, element of surprise; in informational text: emotional appeal, strong opinion, credible support). Write 2000 Anthology “Writing Workshop” Multi-genre research report Credible Alignment GLCE Code None GLCE Description MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade MEANING AND COMMUNICATION Content Standard 2 All students will demonstrate the ability to write clear and grammatically correct sentences, paragraphs and compositions. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 3. Plan and draft texts, and revise and edit their own writing, and help others revise and edit their texts in such areas as content, perspective and effect. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code W.PR.07.02 W.PR.07.03 GLCE Description • Apply a variety of pre-writing strategies for narrative (e.g., story maps that are designed to depict roles of antagonist and protagonist, internal and external conflict) and informational text (e.g., position statement and supporting evidence, problem statement and solution, compare/contrast). • Revise their writing to reflect different perspectives for multiple purposes. Write 2000 Anthology “Writing Workshop” Original myth, mystery, and other personal writings Multi-genre research report GLCE Code R.CS.07.01 GLCE Description • Analyze the appropriateness of shared, individual, and expert standards based on purpose, context, and audience in order to assess their own work and work of others. Credible Alignment MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade MEANING AND COMMUNICATION Content Standard 2 All students will demonstrate the ability to write clear and grammatically correct sentences, paragraphs and compositions. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 4. Select and use appropriate language conventions when editing text. Examples include various grammatical constructions, subject-verb agreement, punctuation and spelling. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Marquette Area Public Schools Alignment GLCE Code W.PR.07.05 W.GR.07.01 W.SP.07.01 GLCE Description • Edit their writing using proofreaders’ checklists both individually and in peer editing groups. • In the context of their writing, use style conventions (e.g., MLA) and a variety of grammatical structures in their writing including participial phrases, adverbial subordinate clauses, superlative adjectives and adverbs, present/past/future, continuous verb tenses, parentheses, singular and plural possessive forms, and indefinite pronouns. Write 2000 Anthology “Writing Workshop” Class Editing Checklist • Correctly spell the derivatives of bases and affixes in the context of their own writing. Marquette Area Public Schools Alignment GLCE Code W.HW.07.01 GLCE Description • Be legible in their compositions. MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade MEANING AND COMMUNICATION Content Standard 3: All students will focus on meaning and communications as they listen, speak, view, read and write in personal, social, occupational and civic contexts. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 1: Integrate listening, speaking, viewing, reading and writing skills for multiple purposes and in varied contexts. An example is using all the language arts to prepare and present a unit project on career exploration. Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code W.GN.07.03 GLCE Description L.RP.07.04 • Ask probing questions of speakers, focusing on claims and conclusions presented. Peer presentations • Respond to multiple texts when listened to or viewed by speaking, illustrating, and/or writing in order to anticipate and answer questions, to determine personal and universal themes, and to offer opinions or solutions. Anthology selections available on CD L.RP.07.05 • Formulate research questions using multiple resources, perspectives, and arguments/ counterarguments to develop a thesis statement that culminates in a presented, final project. The Clay Marble Landmine Essay Multi-genre research project’s persuasive essay Credible Alignment GLCE Code S.DS.07.01 S.DS.07.02 GLCE Description S.DS.07.03 • Discuss their written narratives with a variety of literary and plot devices (e.g., clearly described setting, sequenced events, complex major and minor characters, dialogue, suspense, specific narrative actions such as gestures, movements, and expressions). Peer conferencing • Plan and deliver a focused, coherent informational presentation that incorporates persuasive, non-verbal techniques (e.g., modulation of voice, inflection, tempo, enunciation, eye contact), is organized by a specific text pattern (e.g., theory and evidence, persuasion, sequence), and provides supporting details, explanations, and descriptions supportive of the focus of the presentation and the backgrounds/interests of the audience. 1 formalized presentation, possibly based on multi-genre project S.DS.07.04 • Engage in interactive, extended discourse to socially construct meaning (e.g., book clubs, literature circles. partnerships, or other conversation protocols). • Discuss multiple text types in order to anticipate and answer questions, offer opinions and solutions, and to identify personally with a universal theme. Class literature discussion MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade MEANING AND COMMUNICATION Content Standard 3: All students will focus on meaning and communications as they listen, speak, view, read and write in personal, social, occupational and civic contexts. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 2: Begin to implement strategies to regulate effects of variables of the communication process. An example is selecting a format for the message to influence the receiver’s response. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code L.CN.07.01 L.CN.07.02 L.RP.07.06 L.RP.07.07 GLCE Description • Distinguish facts from opinions and question their validity during speeches and presentations delivered by peers. • Demonstrate the appropriate social skills of audience behavior (e.g., eye contact, quiet and still, attentive, supportive) during speeches and presentations. • Evaluate the credibility of a speaker by determining whether the speaker’s point of view is biased or not. • Identify persuasive and propaganda techniques and analyze the effect on the view of images, text, and sound in the electronic media (e.g., television, movies), and they will determine if the techniques used achieved their intended effects. Presentations GLCE Code W.PR.07.01 W.PR.07.05 W.PS.07.01 W.HW.07.01 GLCE Description • Set a purpose, consider audience, and replicate authors’ styles and patterns when writing narrative or informational text. • Edit their writing using proofreaders’ checklists both individually and in peer editing groups. • Exhibit individual style to enhance the written message (e.g., in narrative text: personification, humor, element of surprise; in informational text: emotional appeal, strong opinion, credible support). • Be legible in their compositions. Write 2000 Anthology “Writing Workshop” Original myth, mystery, and other personal writings Multi-genre research report • Use specialized language related to a topic and select words carefully to achieve precise meaning when presenting. Use slang, dialect, and colloquial language suitably to create interest and drama when presenting. • Plan and deliver a focused, coherent informational presentation that incorporates persuasive, nonverbal techniques (e.g., modulation of voice, inflection, tempo, enunciation, eye contact), is organized by a specific text pattern (e.g., theory and evidence, persuasion, sequence), and provides supporting details, explanations, and descriptions supportive of the focus of the presentation and the backgrounds/interests of the audience. Presentations Credible Alignment S.CN.07.01 S.CN.07.02 S.DS.07.04 MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade MEANING AND COMMUNICATION Content Standard 3: Read and write fluently, speak confidently, listen and interact appropriately, view critically, and represent creatively. Examples include reporting formally to an audience, debating issues and interviewing members of the public. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 3: Read and write with developing fluency, speak confidently, listen and interact appropriately, view strategically and represent creatively. Examples include sharing texts in groups and using an author’s/reader’s chair. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code R.WS.07.06 W.PS.07.01 S.DS.07.01 S.DS.07.04 L.RP.07.05 GLCE Description • Read fluently seventh grade level texts (increasingly demanding texts read with fluency as the year proceeds). • Exhibit individual style to enhance the written message (e.g., in narrative text: personification, humor, element of surprise; in informational text: emotional appeal, strong opinion, credible support). Write 2000 Anthology “Writing Workshop” Original myth, mystery, and other personal writings Multi-genre research report • Engage in interactive, extended discourse to socially construct meaning (e.g., book clubs, literature circles. partnerships, or other conversation protocols). Class literature discussion • Plan and deliver a focused, coherent informational presentation that incorporates persuasive, non-verbal techniques (e.g., modulation of voice, inflection, tempo, enunciation, eye contact), is organized by a specific text pattern (e.g., theory and evidence, persuasion, sequence), and provides supporting details, explanations, and descriptions supportive of the focus of the presentation and the backgrounds/interests of the audience. 1 formalized presentation, possibly based on multi-genre project • Respond to multiple texts when listened to or viewed by speaking, illustrating, and/or writing in order to anticipate and answer questions, to determine personal and universal themes, and to offer opinions or solutions. Anthology selections available on CD Credible Alignment GLCE Code GLCE Description R.CM.07.02 S.CN.07.03 L.CN.07.01 • Read, retell, and summarize grade level appropriate narrative and informational texts. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections • Present their work in standard American English if it is their first language (students whose second language is English will present their work in their developing version of standard American English). • Distinguish facts from opinions and question their validity during speeches and presentations delivered by peers. Presentations Credible Alignment cont. GLCE Code L.RP.07.02 L.RP.07.06 L.RP.07.07 GLCE Description • Respond thoughtfully to both classic and contemporary texts recognized for quality and literary merit. Anthology selections available on CD • Evaluate the credibility of a speaker by determining whether the speaker’s point of view is biased or not. • Identify persuasive and propaganda techniques and analyze the effect on the view of images, text, and sound in the electronic media (e.g., television, movies), and they will determine if the techniques used achieved their intended effects. Presentations MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade MEANING AND COMMUNICATION Content Standard 3: All students will focus on meaning and communications as they listen, speak, view, read and write in personal, social, occupational and civic contexts. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 4: Practice verbal and nonverbal strategies that enhance understanding of spoken messages and promote effective listening behaviors. Examples include altering inflection, volume and rate, using evidence and reasoning. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code S.CN.07.01 L.CN.07.02 GLCE Description • Use specialized language related to a topic and select words carefully to achieve precise meaning when presenting. • Demonstrate the appropriate social skills of audience behavior (e.g., eye contact, quiet and still, attentive, supportive) during speeches and presentations. Presentations Credible Alignment GLCE Code L.RP.07.04 GLCE Description • Ask probing questions of speakers, focusing on claims and conclusions presented. Presentations MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade MEANING AND COMMUNICATION Content Standard 3: All students will focus on meaning and communications as they listen, speak, view, read and write in personal, social, occupational and civic contexts. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 5: Select appropriate strategies to construct meaning while reading, listening to, viewing or creating texts. Examples include generating relevant questions, studying vocabulary, analyzing mood and tone, recognizing how authors and speakers use information and matching form to content. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code R.WS.07.05 GLCE Description R.WS.07.07 • Use strategies and authentic content-related resources to determine the meaning of words and phrases in context (e.g., literary terms, cross-cultural words and phrases, mathematical expressions, scientific procedures). • Connect personal knowledge, experience, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in the text. • State global themes, universal truths, and principles within and across texts to create a deeper understanding. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections • Independently self-monitor comprehension when reading or listening to text by automatically using and discussing the strategies used by mature readers to increase comprehension and engage in interpretative discussions (e.g., predicting, constructing mental images representing ideas in text questioning, rereading or listening again if uncertain about meaning, inferring, summarizing). • Plan, monitor, regulate, and evaluate skills, strategies, and processes for their own reading comprehension by applying appropriate metacognitive skills (e.g., SQP3R, pattern guides). Anthology’s Reading Strategies resources The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends R.CM.07.01 R.CM.07.03 R.MT.07.01 R.MT.07.02 • Apply strategies to construct meaning and identify unknown words. Skills to recognize unfamiliar vocabulary are taught in context of reading selections. S.DS.07.01 Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections • Engage in interactive, extended discourse to socially construct meaning (e.g., book clubs, literature circles. Partnerships, or other conversation protocols). Class literature discussion Credible Alignment GLCE Code R.WS.07.02 L.RP.07.01 L.RP.07.05 GLCE Description • Use structural, syntactic, and semantic analysis to recognize unfamiliar words in context (e.g., idioms, analogies, metaphors, similes, knowledge of roots and affixes, major word chunks/rimes, syllabication). Skills to recognize unfamiliar vocabulary are taught in context of reading selections. Mythology unit includes researching word origins • Identify, state, and react to a speaker’s point of view and bias. Presentations • Respond to multiple texts when listened to or viewed by speaking, illustrating, and/or writing in order to anticipate and answer questions, to determine personal and universal themes, and to offer opinions or solutions. Anthology selections available on CD MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade MEANING AND COMMUNICATION Content Standard 3: All students will focus on meaning and communications as they listen, speak, view, read and write in personal, social, occupational and civic contexts. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 6: Determine the meaning of unfamiliar words and concepts in oral, visual, and written texts by using a variety of resources such as semantic and structural features, prior knowledge, reference materials, and electronic sources. Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code R.WS.07.05 R.WS.07.07 GLCE Description • Apply strategies to construct meaning and identify unknown words. Skills to recognize unfamiliar vocabulary are taught in context of reading selections. Mythology unit includes researching word origins • Use strategies and authentic content-related resources to determine the meaning of words and phrases in context (e.g., literary terms, cross-cultural words and phrases, mathematical expressions, scientific procedures). Credible Alignment GLCE Code R.WS.07.01 GLCE Description R.WS.07.02 • Use structural, syntactic, and semantic analysis to recognize unfamiliar words in context (e.g., idioms, analogies, metaphors, similes, knowledge of roots and affixes, major word chunks/rimes, syllabication). Skills to recognize unfamiliar vocabulary are taught in context of reading selections. Mythology unit includes researching word origins • Connect personal knowledge, experience, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in the text. • Read, retell, and summarize grade level appropriate narrative and informational texts. • State global themes, universal truths, and principles within and across texts to create a deeper understanding. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections R.CM.07.01 R.CM.07.02 R.CM.07.03 • Use word structure, sentence structure, and prediction to aid in decoding and understanding the meanings of words encountered in context. Skills to recognize unfamiliar vocabulary are taught in context of reading selections. W.GN.07.03 • Formulate research questions using multiple resources, perspectives, and arguments/ counterarguments to develop a thesis statement that culminates in a presented, final project. The Clay Marble Landmine Essay Multi-genre research project’s persuasive essay S.DS.07.01 S.DS.07.02 • Engage in interactive, extended discourse to socially construct meaning (e.g., book clubs, literature circles. partnerships, or other conversation protocols). • Discuss multiple text types in order to anticipate and answer questions, offer opinions and solutions, and to identify personally with a universal theme. Class literature discussion L.RP.07.05 • Respond to multiple texts when listened to or viewed by speaking, illustrating, and/or writing in order to anticipate and answer questions, to determine personal and universal themes, and to offer opinions or solutions. Anthology selections available on CD MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade MEANING AND COMMUNICATION Content Standard 3: All students will focus on meaning and communications as they listen, speak, view, read and write in personal, social, occupational and civic contexts. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 7: Recognize and use varied techniques to construct text, convey meaning, and express feelings to influence an audience. Examples include identification with characters and multiple points of view. Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code R.NT.07.03 W.PR.07.01 W.PR.07.02 W.PS.07.01 GLCE Description • Analyze the role of antagonists, protagonists, internal and external conflicts, and abstract themes. Mystery unit Brian’s Song Mythology/Legend unit Poetry incorporated weekly Anthology selections • Set a purpose, consider audience, and replicate authors’ styles and patterns when writing narrative or informational text. • Apply a variety of pre-writing strategies for narrative (e.g., story maps that are designed to depict roles of antagonist and protagonist, internal and external conflict) and informational text (e.g., position statement and supporting evidence, problem statement and solution, compare/contrast). Exhibit individual style to enhance the written message (e.g., in narrative text: personification, humor, element of surprise; in informational text: emotional appeal, strong opinion, credible support). Write 2000 Anthology “Writing Workshop” Original myth, mystery, and other personal writings Multi-genre research report Credible Alignment GLCE Code R.NT.07.04 GLCE Description • Analyze author’s craft (e.g., theme, antagonists, protagonists, over and understatement, exaggeration). Mystery unit Brian’s Song Mythology/Legend unit Anthology selections R.IT.07.03 • Explain how authors use writer’s craft and text features to enhance the understanding of central, key, and supporting ideas (e.g., metaphors, similes, captions, diagrams, appendices). Homesick, Barrio Boy, Fish Cheeks Multi-genre magazine project samples W.PR.07.03 W.PR.07.04 • Revise their writing to reflect different perspectives for multiple purposes. Select and use titles, leads, and endings to achieve a specific purpose for specific audiences (revise writing to ensure that content, structure, elements of style and voice, literary devices, and textual features are consistent). Write 2000 Anthology “Writing Workshop” Original myth, mystery, and other personal writings Multi-genre research report MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade MEANING AND COMMUNICATION Content Standard 3: All students will focus on meaning and communications as they listen, speak, view, read and write in personal, social, occupational and civic contexts. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 8: Express their responses and make connections between oral, visual, written and electronic texts and their own lives. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code R.CM.07.01 S.DS.07.02 L.RP.07.02 L.RP.07.05 GLCE Description • Connect personal knowledge, experience, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in the text. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections • Discuss multiple text types in order to anticipate and answer questions, offer opinions and solutions, and to identify personally with a universal theme. Class literature discussion • Respond thoughtfully to both classic and contemporary texts recognized for quality and literary merit. • Respond to multiple texts when listened to or viewed by speaking, illustrating, and/or writing in order to anticipate and answer questions, to determine personal and universal themes, and to offer opinions or solutions. Anthology selections available on CD Credible Alignment GLCE Code R.CM.07.03 GLCE Description • State global themes, universal truths, and principles within and across texts to create a deeper understanding. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections R.CS.07.01 R.AT.07.01 • Analyze the appropriateness of shared, individual, and expert standards based on purpose, context, and audience in order to assess their own work and work of others. • Be enthusiastic about reading and do substantial reading on their own. Silent Sustained Reading Daily S.DS.07.01 • Engage in interactive, extended discourse to socially construct meaning (e.g., book clubs, literature circles. partnerships, or other conversation protocols). Class literature discussion L.CN.07.01 • Distinguish facts from opinions and question their validity during speeches and presentations delivered by peers. Presentations MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade LANGUAGE Content Standard 4: All students will use the English language effectively. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 1: Compare and contrast spoken, written and visual language patterns used in their communication contexts, such as community activities, discussions, mathematics and science classes and the workplace. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code R.WS.07.07 GLCE Description • Use strategies and authentic content-related resources to determine the meaning of words and phrases in context (e.g., literary terms, cross-cultural words and phrases, mathematical expressions, scientific procedures). Credible Alignment GLCE Code None GLCE Description MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade LANGUAGE Content Standard 4: All students will use the English language effectively. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 2: Investigate the origins of language patterns and vocabularies and their impact on meaning in formal and informal situations. An example is comparing language in a business letter to language in a friendly letter. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code GLCE Description None Credible Alignment GLCE Code S.CN.07.02 GLCE Description • Use slang, dialect, and colloquial language suitably to create interest and drama when presenting. MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade LANGUAGE Content Standard 4: All students will use the English language effectively. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 3: Investigate idiomatic phrases and word origins and how they have contributed to contemporary meaning. Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code R.WS.07.02 GLCE Description • Use structural, syntactic, and semantic analysis to recognize unfamiliar words in context (e.g., idioms, analogies, metaphors, similes, knowledge of roots and affixes, major word chunks/rimes, syllabication). Skills to recognize unfamiliar vocabulary are taught in context of reading selections. Mythology unit includes researching word origins Credible Alignment GLCE Code R.WS.07.05 GLCE Description • Apply strategies to construct meaning and identify unknown words. MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade LANGUAGE Content Standard 4: All students will use the English language effectively. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 4: Demonstrate how communication is affected by connotation and denotation and why one particular word is more effective or appropriate than others in a given context. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code S.CN.07.01 S.CN.07.02 GLCE Description • Use specialized language related to a topic and select words carefully to achieve precise meaning when presenting. Formal presentation • Use slang, dialect, and colloquial language suitably to create interest and drama when presenting. Formal presentation Credible Alignment GLCE Code W.PR.07.03 GLCE Description • Revise their writing to reflect different perspectives for multiple purposes. Multi-genre research report MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade LANGUAGE Content Standard 4: All students will use the English language effectively. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 5: Recognize and use levels of discourse appropriate for varied contexts, purposes and audiences, including terminology specific to a particular field. Examples include community building, an explanation of a biological concept, comparison of computer programs, commentary on an artistic work, analysis of a fitness program and classroom debates on political issues. Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code W.PR.07.01 S.DS.07.04 L.RP.07.07 GLCE Description • Set a purpose, consider audience, and replicate authors’ styles and patterns when writing narrative or informational text. Write 2000 Anthology “Writing Workshop” Original myth, mystery, and other personal writings Multi-genre research report • Plan and deliver a focused, coherent informational presentation that incorporates persuasive, non-verbal techniques (e.g., modulation of voice, inflection, tempo, enunciation, eye contact), is organized by a specific text pattern (e.g., theory and evidence, persuasion, sequence), and provides supporting details, explanations, and descriptions supportive of the focus of the presentation and the backgrounds/interests of the audience. 1 formalized presentation, possibly based on multi-genre project • Identify persuasive and propaganda techniques and analyze the effect on the view of images, text, and sound in the electronic media (e.g., television, movies), and they will determine if the techniques used achieved their intended effects. Multi-genre research report Credible Alignment GLCE Code W.GN.07.02 W.PR.07.04 W.PS.07.01 GLCE Description • Write a research report (e.g., I-search, website, traditional) for an authentic audience that includes appropriate organizational patterns (e.g., problem statement and solution, position statement and supporting evidence, compare and contrast), descriptive language, and text features. Multi-genre research report • Select and use titles, leads, and endings to achieve a specific purpose for specific audiences (revise writing to ensure that content, structure, elements of style and voice, literary devices, and textual features are consistent). • Exhibit individual style to enhance the written message (e.g., in narrative text: personification, humor, element of surprise; in informational text: emotional appeal, strong opinion, credible support). Write 2000 Anthology “Writing Workshop” Original myth, mystery, and other personal writings Multi-genre research report L.CN.07.01 L.RP.07.01 L.RP.07.04 L.RP.07.06 • Distinguish facts from opinions and question their validity during speeches and presentations delivered by peers. • Identify, state, and react to a speaker’s point of view and bias. • Ask probing questions of speakers, focusing on claims and conclusions presented • Evaluate the credibility of a speaker by determining whether the speaker’s point of view is biased or not. Presentations MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade LITERATURE Content Standard 5: All students will read and analyze a wide variety of classic and contemporary literature and other texts to seek information, ideas, enjoyment and understanding of their individuality, our common heritage and common humanity and the rich diversity of our society. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 1: Select, read, listen to, view and respond thoughtfully to both classic and contemporary texts recognized for quality and literary merit. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment R.NT.07.01 R.NT.07.02 R.NT.07.03 R.NT.07.04 L.RP.07.02 • Identify and discuss how the tensions among characters, communities, themes, and issues in classic and contemporary literature recognized for quality and literary merit are related to their own experiences. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections • Analyze elements and style of narrative genres (e.g., mystery, poetry, memoir, drama, myths, legends). • Analyze the role of antagonists, protagonists, internal and external conflicts, and abstract themes. • Analyze author’s craft (e.g., theme, antagonists, protagonists, over and understatement, exaggeration). Mystery unit Brian’s Song Mythology/Legend unit Poetry incorporated weekly Anthology selections • Respond thoughtfully to both classic and contemporary texts recognized for quality and literary merit. Anthology selections available on CD Credible Alignment R.CM.07.02 R.CM.07.04 W.GN.07.02 S.DS.07.01 S.DS.07.02 L.RP.07.05 • Read, retell, and summarize grade level appropriate narrative and informational texts. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections • Apply significant knowledge from what has been read in grade level appropriate science and social studies texts. • Write a research report (e.g., I-search, website, traditional) for an authentic audience that includes appropriate organization patterns (e.g., problem statement and solution, position statement and supporting evidence, compare and contrast), descriptive language, and text features. Multi-genre research report • Engage in interactive extended discourse to socially construct meaning (e.g., book clubs, or literature circles, partnerships, or other conversation protocols). • Discuss multiple text types in order to anticipate and answer questions, offer opinions and solutions and to identify personally with a universal theme. Class literature discussion • Respond to multiple texts when listened to or viewed by speaking, illustrating, and/or writing in order to anticipate and answer questions, to determine personal and universal themes, and to offer opinions or solutions. Anthology selections available on CD MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade LITERATURE Content Standard 5: All students will read and analyze a wide variety of classic and contemporary literature and other texts to seek information, ideas, enjoyment and understanding of their individuality, our common heritage and common humanity and the rich diversity of our society. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 2: Describe and discuss shared issues in the human experience that appear in literature and other texts from around the world. Examples include quests for happiness and service to others. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment R.CM.07.01 R.CM.07.03 S.DS.07.01 • Connect personal knowledge, experience, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in the text. • State global themes, universal truths, and principles within and across texts to create a deeper understanding. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections • Engage in interactive extended discourse to socially construct meaning (e.g., book clubs, or literature circles, partnerships, or other conversation protocols). Class literature discussion Credible Alignment R.CM.07.04 • Apply significant knowledge from what has been read in grade level appropriate science and social studies texts. Multi-genre research project Mythology Unit Homesick and Barrio Boy W.GN.07.01 • Write a cohesive narrative piece that includes appropriate conventions to the genre (e.g., memoir, drama, legend, mystery, poetry, myth) and employ literary and plot devices (e.g., internal and/or external conflicts, antagonists/protagonists, personification). Mythology unit original myth Mystery unit original mystery Personal narratives throughout the year. W.GN.07.02 S.DS.07.02 L.RP.07.05 • Write a research report (e.g., I-search, website, traditional) for an authentic audience that includes appropriate organization patterns (e.g., problem statement and solution, position statement and supporting evidence, compare and contrast), descriptive language, and text features. Multi-genre research report • Discuss multiple text types in order to anticipate and answer questions, offer opinions and solutions and to identify personally with a universal theme. Class literature discussion • Respond to multiple texts when listened to or viewed by speaking, illustrating, and/or writing in order to anticipate and answer questions, to determine personal and universal themes, and to offer opinions or solutions. Anthology selections available on CD MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade LITERATURE Content Standard 5: All students will read and analyze a wide variety of classic and contemporary literature and other texts to seek information, ideas, enjoyment and understanding of their individuality, our common heritage and common humanity and the rich diversity of our society. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 3: Identify and discuss how the tensions among characters, communities, themes and issues in literature and other texts are related to one’s own experience. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment R.NT.07.01 R.NT.07.03 R.CM.07.01 R.CM.07.03 • Identify and discuss how the tensions among characters, communities, themes, and issues in classic and contemporary literature recognized for quality and literary merit are related to their own experiences. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections • Analyze the role of antagonists, protagonists, internal and external conflicts, and abstract themes. Mystery unit Brian’s Song Mythology/Legend unit Poetry incorporated weekly Anthology selections • Connect personal knowledge, experience, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in the text. • State global themes, universal truths, and principles within and across texts to create a deeper understanding. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections Credible Alignment R.CM.07.02 R.CM.07.04 W.GN.07.02 S.DS.07.01 S.DS.07.02 L.RP.07.05 • Read, retell, and summarize grade level appropriate narrative and informational texts. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections • Apply significant knowledge from what has been read in grade level appropriate science and social studies texts. Multi-genre research project Mythology Unit Homesick and Barrio Boy • Write a research report (e.g., I-search, website, traditional) for an authentic audience that includes appropriate organization patterns (e.g., problem statement and solution, position statement and supporting evidence, compare and contrast), descriptive language, and text features. Multi-genre research report • Engage in interactive extended discourse to socially construct meaning (e.g., book clubs, or literature circles, partnerships, or other conversation protocols). • Discuss multiple text types in order to anticipate and answer questions, offer opinions and solutions and to identify personally with a universal theme. Class literature discussion • Respond to multiple texts when listened to or viewed by speaking, illustrating, and/or writing in order to anticipate and answer questions, to determine personal and universal themes, and to offer opinions or solutions. Anthology selections available on CD MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade LITERATURE Content Standard 5: All students will read and analyze a wide variety of classic and contemporary literature and other texts to seek information, ideas, enjoyment and understanding of their individuality, our common heritage and common humanity and the rich diversity of our society. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 4: Investigate and demonstrate understanding of the cultural and historical contexts of the themes, issues and our common heritage as depicted in literature and other texts. Exemplary Alignment R.NT.07.01 R.NT.07.03 R.CM.07.01 R.CM.07.03 S.DS.07.02 • Identify and discuss how the tensions among characters, communities, themes, and issues in classic and contemporary literature recognized for quality and literary merit are related to their own experiences. • Analyze the role of antagonists, protagonists, internal and external conflicts, and abstract themes The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections • Connect personal knowledge, experience, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in the text. • State global themes, universal truths, and principles within and across texts to create a deeper understanding. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections • Discuss multiple text types in order to anticipate and answer questions, offer opinions and solutions and to identify personally with a universal theme. Class literature discussion Credible Alignment R.CM.07.04 • Apply significant knowledge from what has been read in grade level appropriate science and social studies texts. Multi-genre research project Mythology Unit Homesick and Barrio Boy W.GN.07.02 S.DS.07.01 L.RP.07.05 • Write a research report (e.g., I-search, website, traditional) for an authentic audience that includes appropriate organization patterns (e.g., problem statement and solution, position statement and supporting evidence, compare and contrast), descriptive language, and text features. Multi-genre research report • Engage in interactive extended discourse to socially construct meaning (e.g., book clubs, or literature circles, partnerships, or other conversation protocols). Class literature discussion • Respond to multiple texts when listened to or viewed by speaking, illustrating, and/or writing in order to anticipate and answer questions, to determine personal and universal themes, and to offer opinions or solutions. Anthology selections available on CD MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade LITERATURE Content Standard 5: All students will read and analyze a wide variety of classic and contemporary literature and other texts to seek information, ideas, enjoyment and understanding of their individuality, our common heritage and common humanity and the rich diversity of our society. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 5: Investigate through literature and other texts various examples of distortion and stereotypes. Examples include those associated with gender, race, culture, age, class, religion and handicapping conditions. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment R.NT.07.01 R.NT.07.03 R.CM.07.01 R.CM.07.03 W.GN.07.02 L.RP.07.01 L.RP.07.03 L.RP.07.06 • Identify and discuss how the tensions among characters, communities, themes, and issues in classic and contemporary literature recognized for quality and literary merit are related to their own experiences. • Analyze the role of antagonists, protagonists, internal and external conflicts, and abstract themes. Connect personal knowledge, experience, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in the text. • State global themes, universal truths, and principles within and across texts to create a deeper understanding. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections • Write a research report (e.g., I-search, website, traditional) for an authentic audience that includes appropriate organization patterns (e.g., problem statement and solution, position statement and supporting evidence, compare and contrast), descriptive language, and text features. Multi-genre research report • Identify, state, and react to a speaker’s point of view and bias. • Identify a speaker’s attitude toward a subject. • Evaluate the credibility of a speaker by determining whether the speaker’s point of view is biased or not. Presentations Credible Alignment S.DS.07.02 R.CM.07.04 L.RP.07.05 L.RP.07.07 • Discuss multiple text types in order to anticipate and answer questions, offer opinions and solutions and to identify personally with a universal theme. Class literature discussion • Apply significant knowledge from what has been read in grade level appropriate science and social studies texts. Multi-genre research project Mythology Unit Homesick and Barrio Boy • Respond to multiple texts when listened to or viewed by speaking, illustrating, and/or writing in order to anticipate and answer questions, to determine personal and universal themes, and to offer opinions or solutions. Anthology selections available on CD • Identify persuasive and propaganda techniques and analyze the effect on the view of images, text, and sound in the electronic media (e.g., television, movies), and they will determine if the techniques used achieved their intended effects. Presentations MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade VOICE Content Standard 6: All students will learn to communicate information accurately and effectively and demonstrate their expressive abilities by creating oral, written and visual texts that enlighten and engage an audience. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 1: Analyze their use of elements of effective communication that impact their relationships in their schools, families and communities. Examples include use of pauses, suspense and elaboration. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code S.CN.07.01 S.CN.07.02 S.CN.07.03 GLCE Description • Use specialized language related to a topic and select words carefully to achieve precise meaning when presenting. • Use slang, dialect, and colloquial language suitably to create interest and drama when presenting. • Present their work in standard American English if it is their first language (students whose second language is English will present their work in their developing version of standard American English). Presentations MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade VOICE Content Standard 6: All students will learn to communicate information accurately and effectively and demonstrate their expressive abilities by creating oral, written and visual texts that enlighten and engage an audience. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 2: Demonstrate their ability to use different voices in oral and written communication to persuade, inform, entertain and inspire their audiences. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code W.PS.07.01 GLCE Description • Exhibit individual style to enhance the written message (e.g., in narrative text: personification, humor, element of surprise; in informational text: emotional appeal, strong opinion, credible support). Write 2000 Anthology “Writing Workshop” Original myth, mystery, and other personal writings Multi-genre research report S.DS.07.04 • Plan and deliver a focused, coherent informational presentation that incorporates persuasive, non-verbal techniques (e.g., modulation of voice, inflection, tempo, enunciation, eye contact), is organized by a specific text pattern (e.g., theory and evidence, persuasion, sequence), and provides supporting details, explanations, and descriptions supportive of the focus of the presentation and the backgrounds/interests of the audience. 1 formalized presentation, possibly based on multi-genre project MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade VOICE Content Standard 6: All students will learn to communicate information accurately and effectively and demonstrate their expressive abilities by creating oral, written and visual texts that enlighten and engage an audience. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 3: Compare and contrast the style and characteristics of individual authors, speakers and illustrators and how they shape text and influence their audiences’ expectations. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code R.NT.07.04 R.IT.07.03 L.RP.07.03 L.RP.07.06 GLCE Description • Analyze author’s craft (e.g., theme, antagonists, protagonists, over and understatement, exaggeration). The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections • Explain how authors use writer’s craft and text features to enhance the understanding of central, key, and supporting ideas (e.g., metaphors, similes, captions, diagrams, appendices). Homesick, Barrio Boy, Fish Cheeks Multi-genre magazine project samples • Identify a speaker’s attitude toward a subject. Evaluate the credibility of a speaker by determining whether the speaker’s point of view is biased or not. Presentations Credible Alignment GLCE Code L.RP.07.07 GLCE Description • Identify persuasive and propaganda techniques and analyze the effect on the view of images, text, and sound in the electronic media (e.g., television, movies), and they will determine if the techniques used achieved their intended effects. Presentations MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade VOICE Content Standard 6: All students will learn to communicate information accurately and effectively and demonstrate their expressive abilities by creating oral, written and visual texts that enlighten and engage an audience. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 4: Document and enhance a developing voice through multiple media. Examples include reflections for their portfolios, audio and videotapes and submissions for publications. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code R.CS.07.01 S.DS.07.01 GLCE Description • Analyze the appropriateness of shared, individual, and expert standards based on purpose, context, and audience in order to assess their own work and work of others. • Engage in interactive, extended discourse to socially construct meaning (e.g., book clubs, literature circles. partnerships, or other conversation protocols). Class literature discussion Credible Alignment GLCE Code S.DS.07.04 GLCE Description • Plan and deliver a focused, coherent informational presentation that incorporates persuasive, non-verbal techniques (e.g., modulation of voice, inflection, tempo, enunciation, eye contact), is organized by a specific text pattern (e.g., theory and evidence, persuasion, sequence), and provides supporting details, explanations, and descriptions supportive of the focus of the presentation and the backgrounds/interests of the audience. 1 formalized presentation, possibly based on multi-genre project MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade SKILLS AND PROCESSES Content Standard 7: All students will demonstrate, analyze and reflect upon the skills and processes used to communicate through listening, speaking, viewing, reading and writing. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 1: Use a combination of strategies when encountering unfamiliar texts while constructing meaning. Examples include generating questions, studying vocabulary, analyzing mood and tone, recognizing how creators of text use and represent information and matching form to content. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code R.WS.07.01 R.WS.07.02 R.WS.07.07 R.CM.07.02 GLCE Description • Use word structure, sentence structure, and prediction to aid in decoding and understanding the meanings of words encountered in context. Use structural, syntactic, and semantic analysis to recognize unfamiliar words in context (e.g., idioms, analogies, metaphors, similes, knowledge of roots and affixes, major word chunks/rimes, syllabication). Skills to recognize unfamiliar vocabulary are taught in context of reading selections. Mythology unit includes researching word origins • Use strategies and authentic content-related resources to determine the meaning of words and phrases in context (e.g., literary terms, cross-cultural words and phrases, mathematical expressions, scientific procedures). • Read, retell, and summarize grade level appropriate narrative and informational texts. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections Credible Alignment GLCE Code None GLCE Description MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade SKILLS AND PROCESSES Content Standard 7: All students will demonstrate, analyze and reflect upon the skills and processes used to communicate through listening, speaking, viewing, reading and writing. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 2: Monitor their progress while using a variety of strategies to overcome difficulties when constructing and conveying meaning and develop strategies to deal with new communication needs. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code R.WS.07.05 R.MT.07.01 R.MT.07.02 GLCE Description • Apply strategies to construct meaning and identify unknown words. Skills to recognize unfamiliar vocabulary are taught in context of reading selections. Mythology unit includes researching word origins • Independently self-monitor comprehension when reading or listening to text by automatically using and discussing the strategies used by mature readers to increase comprehension and engage in interpretative discussions (e.g., predicting, constructing mental images representing ideas in text questioning, rereading or listening again if uncertain about meaning, inferring, summarizing). • Plan, monitor, regulate, and evaluate skills, strategies, and processes for their own reading comprehension by applying appropriate metacognitive skills (e.g., SQP3R, pattern guides). Anthology’s Reading Strategies resources The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections Credible Alignment GLCE Code None GLCE Description MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade SKILLS AND PROCESSES Content Standard 7: All students will demonstrate, analyze and reflect upon the skills and processes used to communicate through listening, speaking, viewing, reading and writing. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 3: Reflect on their own developing literacy, set learning goals, and evaluate their progress. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code R.CS.07.01 GLCE Description • Analyze the appropriateness of shared, individual, and expert standards based on purpose, context, and audience in order to assess their own work and work of others. Credible Alignment GLCE Code None GLCE Description MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade SKILLS AND PROCESSES Content Standard 7: All students will demonstrate, analyze and reflect upon the skills and processes used to communicate through listening, speaking, viewing, reading and writing. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 4: Demonstrate a variety of strategies for planning, drafting, revising and editing several different forms of texts for specific purposes. Examples include persuading a particular audience to take action and capturing feelings through poetry. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code W.PR.07.01 W.PR.07.02 W.PR.07.03 W.PR.07.04 W.PR.07.05 GLCE Description • Set a purpose, consider audience, and replicate authors’ styles and patterns when writing narrative or informational text. Apply a variety of pre-writing strategies for narrative (e.g., story maps that are designed to depict roles of antagonist and protagonist, internal and external conflict) and informational text (e.g., position statement and supporting evidence, problem statement and solution, compare/contrast). Revise their writing to reflect different perspectives for multiple purposes. • Select and use titles, leads, and endings to achieve a specific purpose for specific audiences. (Revise writing to ensure that content, structure, elements of style and voice, literary devices, and textual features are consistent.) • Edit their writing using proofreaders’ checklists both individually and in peer editing groups. Write 2000 Anthology “Writing Workshop” Original myth, mystery, and other personal writings Multi-genre research report Credible Alignment GLCE Code W.GN.07.01 W.GN.07.02 GLCE Description • Write a cohesive narrative piece that includes appropriate conventions to the genre (e.g., memoir, drama, legend, mystery, poetry, myth) and employ literary and plot devices (e.g., internal and/or external conflicts, antagonists/protagonists, personification). Mythology unit original myth Mystery unit original mystery Personal narratives throughout the year. • Write a research report (e.g., I-search, website, traditional) for an authentic audience that includes appropriate organizational patterns (e.g., problem statement and solution, position statement and supporting evidence, compare and contrast), descriptive language, and text features. Multi-genre research report W.GN.07.03 • Formulate research questions using multiple resources, perspectives, and arguments/ counter-arguments to develop a thesis statement that culminates in a presented, final project. The Clay Marble Landmine Essay Multi-genre research project’s persuasive essay MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade GENRE AND CRAFT OF LANGUAGE Content Standard 8: All students will explore and use the characteristics of different types of texts, language, spelling, punctuation and grammar to construct and convey meaning. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 1: Select and use mechanics that enhance and clarify understanding. Examples include paragraphing, organizational patterns, variety in sentence structure, appropriate punctuation, grammatical construction, conventional spelling and the use of connective devices, such as previews and reviews. Grade: Seventh Grade (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code W.GR.07.01 GLCE Description • In the context of their writing, use style conventions (e.g., MLA) and a variety of grammatical structures in their writing including participial phrases, adverbial subordinate clauses, superlative adjectives and adverbs, present/past/future, continuous verb tenses, parentheses, singular and plural possessive forms, and indefinite pronouns. Write 2000 Anthology “Writing Workshop” Original myth, mystery, and other personal writings Multi-genre research report W.SP.07.01 • Correctly spell the derivatives of bases and affixes in the context of their own writing. Credible Alignment GLCE Code W.PR.07.04 GLCE Description • Select and use titles, leads, and endings to achieve a specific purpose for specific audiences. (Revise writing to ensure that content, structure, elements of style and voice, literary devices, and textual features are consistent.) Write 2000 Anthology “Writing Workshop” Original myth, mystery, and other personal writings Multi-genre research report MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade GENRE AND CRAFT OF LANGUAGE Content Standard 8: All students will explore and use the characteristics of different types of texts, language, spelling, punctuation and grammar to construct and convey meaning. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 2: Describe and use characteristics of various narrative genre and elements of narrative technique to convey ideas and perspectives. Examples include foreshadowing and flashback in poetry, science fiction, short stories and novels. Grade: Seventh Grade (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code R.NT.07.02 R.NT.07.03 W.GN.07.01 GLCE Description • Analyze elements and style of narrative genres (e.g., mystery, poetry, memoir, drama, myths, legends). • Analyze the role of antagonists, protagonists, internal and external conflicts, and abstract themes. Mystery unit Brian’s Song Mythology/Legend unit Poetry incorporated weekly Anthology selections • Write a cohesive narrative piece that includes appropriate conventions to the genre (e.g., memoir, drama, legend, mystery, poetry, myth) and employ literary and plot devices (e.g., internal and/or external conflicts, antagonists/protagonists, personification). Mythology unit original myth Mystery unit original mystery Personal narratives throughout the year. Credible Alignment GLCE Code R.NT.07.04 GLCE Description • Analyze author’s craft (e.g., theme, antagonists, protagonists, over and understatement, exaggeration). The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Anthology selections MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade GENRE AND CRAFT OF LANGUAGE Content Standard 8: All students will explore and use the characteristics of different types of texts, language, spelling, punctuation and grammar to construct and convey meaning. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 3: Describe and use characteristics of various informational genre (e.g., biographies, newspapers, brochures and persuasive arguments and essays) and elements of expository texts structure (e.g., multiple patterns of organization, relational links and central purposes) to convey ideas. Grade: Seventh Grade (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code R.IT.07.01 R.IT.07.02 GLCE Description • Analyze elements and style of informational genre (e.g., persuasive essay, research report, brochure, personal correspondence, autobiography/biography). • Analyze organizational patterns (e.g., compare/contrast, cause and effect, sequence). Homesick, Barrio Boy, Fish Cheeks Multi-genre magazine project samples W.GN.07.02 • Write a research report (e.g., I-search, website, traditional) for an authentic audience that includes appropriate organizational patterns (e.g., problem statement and solution, position statement and supporting evidence, compare and contrast), descriptive language, and text features. Multi-genre research report Credible Alignment GLCE Code R.IT.07.03 GLCE Description • Explain how authors use writer’s craft and text features to enhance the understanding of central, key, and supporting ideas (e.g., metaphors, similes, captions, diagrams, appendices). Homesick, Barrio Boy, Fish Cheeks Multi-genre magazine project samples R.CM.07.04 • Apply significant knowledge from what has been read in grade level appropriate science and social studies texts. Multi-genre research project Mythology Unit Homesick and Barrio Boy W.PR.07.02 W.PS.07.01 S.DS.07.04 L.RP.07.07 • Apply a variety of pre-writing strategies for narrative (e.g., story maps that are designed to depict roles of antagonist and protagonist, internal and external conflict) and informational text (e.g., position statement and supporting evidence, problem statement and solution, compare/contrast). • Exhibit individual style to enhance the written message (e.g., in narrative text: personification, humor, element of surprise; in informational text: emotional appeal, strong opinion, credible support). Write 2000 Anthology “Writing Workshop” Original myth, mystery, and other personal writings Multi-genre research report • Plan and deliver a focused, coherent informational presentation that incorporates persuasive, non-verbal techniques (e.g., modulation of voice, inflection, tempo, enunciation, eye contact), is organized by a specific text pattern (e.g., theory and evidence, persuasion, sequence), and provides supporting details, explanations, and descriptions supportive of the focus of the presentation and the backgrounds/interests of the audience. 1 formalized presentation, possibly based on multi-genre project • Identify persuasive and propaganda techniques and analyze the effect on the view of images, text, and sound in the electronic media (e.g., television, movies), and they will determine if the techniques used achieved their intended effects. Presentations MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade GENRE AND CRAFT OF LANGUAGE Content Standard 8: All students will explore and use the characteristics of different types of texts, language, spelling, punctuation and grammar to construct and convey meaning. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 4: Identify and use aspects of the craft of the speaker, writer and illustrator to formulate and express their ideas artistically. Examples include color and composition, flashback, multidimensional characters, pacing, appropriate use of details, strong verbs, language that inspires and effective leads. Grade: Seventh Grade (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code R.NT.07.04 R.IT.07.03 W.PR.07.01 GLCE Description • Analyze author’s craft (e.g., theme, antagonists, protagonists, over and understatement, exaggeration). The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Anthology selections • Explain how authors use writer’s craft and text features to enhance the understanding of central, key, and supporting ideas (e.g., metaphors, similes, captions, diagrams, appendices). Homesick, Barrio Boy, Fish Cheeks Multi-genre magazine project samples • Set a purpose, consider audience, and replicate authors’ styles and patterns when writing narrative or informational text. Write 2000 Anthology “Writing Workshop” Original myth, mystery, and other personal writings Multi-genre research report Credible Alignment GLCE Code W.GN.07.01 GLCE Description • Write a cohesive narrative piece that includes appropriate conventions to the genre (e.g., memoir, drama, legend, mystery, poetry, myth) and employ literary and plot devices (e.g., internal and/or external conflicts, antagonists/protagonists, personification). Mythology unit original myth Mystery unit original mystery Personal narratives throughout the year. W.PR.07.04 W.PS.07.01 S.CN.07.01 S.CN.07.02 S.DS.07.03 • Select and use titles, leads, and endings to achieve a specific purpose for specific audiences. (Revise writing to ensure that content, structure, elements of style and voice, literary devices, and textual features are consistent.) • Exhibit individual style to enhance the written message (e.g., in narrative text: personification, humor, element of surprise; in informational text: emotional appeal, strong opinion, credible support). Write 2000 Anthology “Writing Workshop” Original myth, mystery, and other personal writings Multi-genre research report • Use specialized language related to a topic and select words carefully to achieve precise meaning when presenting. • Use slang, dialect, and colloquial language suitably to create interest and drama when presenting. • Discuss their written narratives with a variety of literary and plot devices (e.g., clearly described setting, sequenced events, complex major and minor characters, dialogue,suspense, specific narrative actions such as gestures, movements, and expressions). Presentation MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade GENRE AND CRAFT OF LANGUAGE Content Standard 8: All students will explore and use the characteristics of different types of texts, language, spelling, punctuation and grammar to construct and convey meaning. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 5: Explain how the characteristics of various oral, visual and written texts (e.g., videos, hypertext, glossaries, textbooks and speeches) and the textual aids they employ (e.g., subheadings/titles, charts and indexes) are used to convey meaning. Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code R.IT.07.03 GLCE Description • Explain how authors use writer’s craft and text features to enhance the understanding of central, key, and supporting ideas (e.g., metaphors, similes, captions, diagrams, appendices). Homesick, Barrio Boy, Fish Cheeks Multi-genre magazine project samples W.GN.07.02 • Write a research report (e.g., I-search, website, traditional) for an authentic audience that includes appropriate organizational patterns (e.g., problem statement and solution, position statement and supporting evidence, compare and contrast), descriptive language, and text features. Multi-genre research report Credible Alignment GLCE Code None GLCE Description MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade DEPTH OF UNDERSTANDING Content Standard 9: All students will demonstrate understanding of the complexity of enduring issues and recurring problems by making connections and generating theme within and across texts. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 1: Explore and reflect on universal themes and substantive issues from oral, visual and written texts. Examples include coming of age, rights and responsibilities, group and individual roles, conflict and cooperation, creativity and resourcefulness. Grade: Seventh Grade (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code R.CM.07.03 S.DS.07.02 L.RP.07.05 GLCE Description • State global themes, universal truths, and principles within and across texts to create a deeper understanding. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections • Discuss multiple text types in order to anticipate and answer questions, offer opinions and solutions, and to identify personally with a universal theme. Class literature discussion • Respond to multiple texts when listened to or viewed by speaking, illustrating, and/or writing in order to anticipate and answer questions, to determine personal and universal themes, and to offer opinions or solutions. Anthology selections available on CD Credible Alignment GLCE Code R.CM.07.01 S.DS.07.01 GLCE Description • Connect personal knowledge, experience, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in the text. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections • Engage in interactive, extended discourse to socially construct meaning (e.g., book clubs, literature circles. partnerships, or other conversation protocols). Class literature discussion L.RP.07.06 L.RP.07.07 • Evaluate the credibility of a speaker by determining whether the speaker’s point of view is biased or not. • Identify persuasive and propaganda techniques and analyze the effect on the view of images, text, and sound in the electronic media (e.g., television, movies), and they will determine if the techniques used achieved their intended effects. Presentations MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade DEPTH OF UNDERSTANDING Content Standard 9: All students will demonstrate understanding of the complexity of enduring issues and recurring problems by making connections and generating theme within and across texts. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 2: Synthesize content from multiple texts representing varied perspectives in order to formulate principles and generalizations. Grade: Seventh Grade (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code R.CM.07.03 S.DS.07.02 L.RP.07.05 L.RP.07.07 GLCE Description • State global themes, universal truths, and principles within and across texts to create a deeper understanding. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections • Discuss multiple text types in order to anticipate and answer questions, offer opinions and solutions, and to identify personally with a universal theme. Class literature discussion • Respond to multiple texts when listened to or viewed by speaking, illustrating, and/or writing in order to anticipate and answer questions, to determine personal and universal themes, and to offer opinions or solutions. Anthology selections available on CD • Identify persuasive and propaganda techniques and analyze the effect on the view of images, text, and sound in the electronic media (e.g., television, movies), and they will determine if the techniques used achieved their intended effects. Presentations Credible Alignment GLCE Code R.NT.07.01 R.NT.07.02 R.NT.07.03 R.NT.07.04 R.IT.07.01 R.IT.07.02 R.IT.07.03 GLCE Description • Identify and discuss how the tensions among characters, communities, themes, and issues in classic and contemporary literature recognized for quality and literary merit are related to their own experiences. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections • Analyze elements and style of narrative genres (e.g., mystery, poetry, memoir, drama, myths, legends). • Analyze the role of antagonists, protagonists, internal and external conflicts, and abstract themes. • Analyze author’s craft (e.g., theme, antagonists, protagonists, over and understatement, exaggeration). Mystery unit Brian’s Song Mythology/Legend unit Poetry incorporated weekly Anthology selections • Analyze elements and style of informational genre (e.g., persuasive essay, research report, brochure, personal correspondence, autobiography/biography). • Analyze organizational patterns (e.g., compare/contrast, cause and effect, sequence). Explain how authors use writer’s craft and text features to enhance the understanding of central, key, and supporting ideas (e.g., metaphors, similes, captions, diagrams, appendices). Homesick, Barrio Boy, Fish Cheeks Multi-genre magazine project samples Credible Alignment cont. GLCE Code R.CM.07.01 GLCE Description • Connect personal knowledge, experience, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in the text. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections R.MT.07.01 W.GN.07.01 W.GN.07.02 W.PR.07.01 S.DS.07.04 L.RP.07.06 • Independently self-monitor comprehension when reading or listening to text by automatically using and discussing the strategies used by mature readers to increase comprehension and engage in interpretative discussions (e.g., predicting, constructing mental images representing ideas in text questioning, rereading or listening again if uncertain about meaning, inferring, summarizing). Anthology’s Reading Strategies resources The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections • Write a cohesive narrative piece that includes appropriate conventions to the genre (e.g., memoir, drama, legend, mystery, poetry, myth) and employ literary and plot devices (e.g., internal and/or external conflicts, antagonists/protagonists, personification). Mythology unit original myth Mystery unit original mystery Personal narratives throughout the year. • Write a research report (e.g., I-search, website, traditional) for an authentic audience that includes appropriate organizational patterns (e.g., problem statement and solution, position statement and supporting evidence, compare and contrast), descriptive language, and text features. Multi-genre research report • Set a purpose, consider audience, and replicate authors’ styles and patterns when writing narrative or informational text. Write 2000 Anthology “Writing Workshop” Original myth, mystery, and other personal writings Multi-genre research report • Plan and deliver a focused, coherent informational presentation that incorporates persuasive, non-verbal techniques (e.g., modulation of voice, inflection, tempo, enunciation, eye contact), is organized by a specific text pattern (e.g., theory and evidence, persuasion, sequence), and provides supporting details, explanations, and descriptions supportive of the focus of the presentation and the backgrounds/interests of the audience. 1 formalized presentation, possibly based on multi-genre project • Evaluate the credibility of a speaker by determining whether the speaker’s point of view is biased or not. Presentations MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade DEPTH OF UNDERSTANDING Content Standard 9: All students will demonstrate understanding of the complexity of enduring issues and recurring problems by making connections and generating theme within and across texts. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 3: Develop a thesis using key concepts, supporting evidence and logical argument. Grade: Seventh Grade (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code W.GN.07.02 S.DS.07.02 L.RP.07.05 L.RP.07.07 GLCE Description • Write a research report (e.g., I-search, website, traditional) for an authentic audience that includes appropriate organizational patterns (e.g., problem statement and solution, position statement and supporting evidence, compare and contrast), descriptive language, and text features. Multi-genre research report • Discuss multiple text types in order to anticipate and answer questions, offer opinions and solutions, and to identify personally with a universal theme. Class literature discussion • Respond to multiple texts when listened to or viewed by speaking, illustrating, and/or writing in order to anticipate and answer questions, to determine personal and universal themes, and to offer opinions or solutions. Anthology selections available on CD • Identify persuasive and propaganda techniques and analyze the effect on the view of images, text, and sound in the electronic media (e.g., television, movies), and they will determine if the techniques used achieved their intended effects. Presentations Credible Alignment GLCE Code S.DS.07.01 GLCE Description • Engage in interactive, extended discourse to socially construct meaning (e.g., book clubs, literature circles. partnerships, or other conversation protocols). Class literature discussion S.DS.07.04 • Plan and deliver a focused, coherent informational presentation that incorporates persuasive, non-verbal techniques (e.g., modulation of voice, inflection, tempo, enunciation, eye contact), is organized by a specific text pattern (e.g., theory and evidence, persuasion, sequence), and provides supporting details, explanations, and descriptions supportive of the focus of the presentation and the backgrounds/interests of the audience. 1 formalized presentation, possibly based on multi-genre project • Identify, state, and react to a speaker’s point of view and bias. • Ask probing questions of speakers, focusing on claims and conclusions presented. • Evaluate the credibility of a speaker by determining whether the speaker’s point of view is biased or not. Presentations L.RP.07.01 L.RP.07.04 L.RP.07.06 MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade IDEAS IN ACTION Content Standard 10: All students will apply knowledge, ideas and issues drawn from texts to their lives and the lives of others. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 1: Analyze themes and central ideas in literature and other texts in relation to issues in their own lives. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code R.NT.07.01 R.CM.07.01 S.DS.07.02 L.RP.07.05 GLCE Description • Identify and discuss how the tensions among characters, communities, themes, and issues in classic and contemporary literature recognized for quality and literary merit are related to their own experiences. • Connect personal knowledge, experience, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in the text. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Poetry Anthology selections • Discuss multiple text types in order to anticipate and answer questions, offer opinions and solutions, and to identify personally with a universal theme. Class literature discussion • Respond to multiple texts when listened to or viewed by speaking, illustrating, and/or writing in order to anticipate and answer questions, to determine personal and universal themes, and to offer opinions or solutions. Anthology selections available on CD Credible Alignment GLCE Code R.NT.07.03 R.CM.07.03 GLCE Description • Analyze the role of antagonists, protagonists, internal and external conflicts, and abstract themes. • State global themes, universal truths, and principles within and across texts to create a deeper understanding. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Anthology selections MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade IDEAS IN ACTION Content Standard 10: All students will apply knowledge, ideas and issues drawn from texts to their lives and the lives of others. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 2: Perform the daily functions of a literate individual. Examples include acquiring information from multiple sources and then evaluating, organizing and communicating it in various contexts. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code R.IT.07.01 GLCE Description • Analyze elements and style of informational genre (e.g., persuasive essay, research report, brochure, personal correspondence, autobiography/biography). Homesick, Barrio Boy, Fish Cheeks Multi-genre magazine project samples R.CM.07.02 • Read, retell, and summarize grade level appropriate narrative and informational texts. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Anthology selections • Apply significant knowledge from what has been read in grade level appropriate science and social studies texts. Multi-genre research project Mythology Unit Homesick and Barrio Boy R.CM.07.04 L.RP.07.01 L.RP.07.06 • Identify, state, and react to a speaker’s point of view and bias. • Evaluate the credibility of a speaker by determining whether the speaker’s point of view is biased or not. Presentations Credible Alignment GLCE Code W.GN.07.03 GLCE Description • Formulate research questions using multiple resources, perspectives, and arguments/ counterarguments to develop a thesis statement that culminates in a presented, final project. The Clay Marble Landmine Essay Multi-genre research project’s persuasive essay S.DS.07.04 • Plan and deliver a focused, coherent informational presentation that incorporates persuasive, non-verbal techniques (e.g., modulation of voice, inflection, tempo, enunciation, eye contact), is organized by a specific text pattern (e.g., theory and evidence, persuasion, sequence), and provides supporting details, explanations, and descriptions supportive of the focus of the presentation and the backgrounds/interests of the audience. 1 formalized presentation, possibly based on multi-genre project MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade IDEAS IN ACTION Content Standard 10: All students will apply knowledge, ideas and issues drawn from texts to their lives and the lives of others. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 3: Use oral, written and visual texts to identify and research issues of importance that confront adolescents, their community, their nation and the world. Examples include using research findings to organize and create texts to persuade others to take a particular position or to alter their course of action with regard to a particular school/community issue or problem. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code W.GN.07.02 W.GN.07.03 S.DS.07.04 L.RP.07.05 L.RP.07.06 L.RP.07.07 GLCE Description • Write a research project (e.g., I-search, website, traditional) for an authentic audience that includes appropriate organizational patterns (e.g., problem statement and solution, position statement and supporting evidence, compare and contrast) descriptive language, and text features. Multi-genre research report • Formulate research questions using multiple resources, perspectives, and arguments/counterarguments to develop a thesis statement that culminates in a presented, final project. The Clay Marble Landmine Essay Multi-genre research project’s persuasive essay • Plan and deliver a focused, coherent informational presentation that incorporates persuasive, non-verbal techniques (e.g., modulation of voice, inflection, tempo, enunciation, eye contact), is organized by a specific text pattern (e.g., theory and evidence, persuasion, sequence) and provides supporting details, explanations, and descriptions supportive of the focus of the presentation and the backgrounds/interests of the audience. 1 formalized presentation, possibly based on multi-genre project • Respond to multiple texts when listened to or viewed by speaking, illustrating, and/or writing in order to anticipate and answer questions, to determine personal and universal themes, and to offer opinions or solutions. Anthology selections available on CD • Evaluate the credibility of a speaker by determining whether the speaker’s point of view is biased or not. • Identify persuasive and propaganda techniques and analyze the effect on the view of images, text, and sound in the electronic media (e.g., television, movies), and they will determine if the techniques used achieved their intended effects. Presentations Credible Alignment GLCE Code R.CM.07.01 R.CM.07.02 R.CM.07.04 W.PS.07.01 S.DS.07.02 L.RP.07.01 L.RP.07.03 GLCE Description • Connect personal knowledge, experience, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in the text. • Read, retell, and summarize grade level appropriate narrative and informational texts. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Anthology selections • Apply significant knowledge from what has been read in grade level appropriate science and social studies texts. Multi-genre research project Mythology Unit Homesick and Barrio Boy • Exhibit individual style to enhance the written message (e.g., in narrative text; personification, humor, element of surprise; in informational text; emotional appeal, strong opinion, credible support). Write 2000 Anthology “Writing Workshop” Original myth, mystery, and other personal writings Multi-genre research report • Discuss multiple text types in order to anticipate and answer questions, offer opinions and solutions, and to identify personally with a universal theme. Class literature discussion • Identify, state, and react to a speaker’s point of view and bias. • Identify a speaker’s attitude toward a subject. Presentations MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade INQUIRY AND RESEARCH Content Standard 11: All students will define and investigate important issues and problems using a variety of resources, including technology, to explore and create texts. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 1: Generate questions about important issues that affect them or topics which they are curious; narrow the questions to a clear focus; and create a thesis or a hypothesis. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code W.GN.07.03 GLCE Description • Formulate research questions using multiple resources, perspectives, and arguments/ counterarguments to develop a thesis statement that culminates in a presented, final project. The Clay Marble Landmine Essay Multi-genre research project’s persuasive essay Credible Alignment GLCE Code None GLCE Description MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade INQUIRY AND RESEARCH Content Standard 11: All students will define and investigate important issues and problems using a variety of resources, including technology, to explore and create texts. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 2: Explain and use resources that are most appropriate and readily available for investigating a particular question or topic. Examples include knowledgeable people, field trips, tables of contents, indexes, glossaries, icons/headings, hyper-text, storage addresses, CD-ROM/laser disks, electronic mail and library catalogue databases. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code W.GN.07.03 GLCE Description • Formulate research questions using multiple resources, perspectives, and arguments/ counterarguments to develop a thesis statement that culminates in a presented, final project. The Clay Marble Landmine Essay Multi-genre research project’s persuasive essay Credible Alignment GLCE Code W.PR.07.05 GLCE Description • Edit their writing using proofreaders’ checklists both individually and in peer editing groups. Write 2000 Anthology “Writing Workshop” Original myth, mystery, and other personal writings Multi-genre research report MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade INQUIRY AND RESEARCH Content Standard 11: All students will define and investigate important issues and problems using a variety of resources, including technology, to explore and create texts. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 3: Organize, analyze and synthesize information to draw conclusions and implications based on their investigation of an issue or problem. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code W.GN.07.03 GLCE Description • Formulate research questions using multiple resources, perspectives, and arguments/ counterarguments to develop a thesis statement that culminates in a presented, final project. The Clay Marble Landmine Essay Multi-genre research project’s persuasive essay Credible Alignment GLCE Code R.CM.07.04 GLCE Description • Apply significant knowledge from what has been read in grade level appropriate science and social studies texts. Multi-genre research project Mythology Unit Homesick and Barrio Boy MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade INQUIRY AND RESEARCH Content Standard 11: All students will define and investigate important issues and problems using a variety of resources, including technology, to explore and create texts. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 4: Use different means of developing and presenting conclusions based on the investigation of an issue or problem to an identified audience. Examples include election ballots, hypertext and magazines and booklets including graphics. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code W.GN.07.03 GLCE Description • Formulate research questions using multiple resources, perspectives, and arguments/ counterarguments to develop a thesis statement that culminates in a presented, final project. The Clay Marble Landmine Essay Multi-genre research project’s persuasive essay Credible Alignment GLCE Code S.CN.07.01 S.CN.07.03 S.DS.07.04 GLCE Description • Use specialized language related to a topic and select words carefully to achieve precise meaning when presenting. • Present their work in standard American English if it is their first language (students whose first language is not English will present their work in their developing version of standard American English). • Plan and deliver a focused, coherent informational presentation that incorporates persuasive, non-verbal techniques (e.g., modulation of voice, inflection, tempo, enunciation, eye contact), is organized by a specific text pattern (e.g., theory and evidence, persuasion, sequence), and provides supporting details, explanations, and descriptions supportive of the focus of the presentation and the backgrounds/interests of the audience. 1 formalized presentation, possibly based on multi-genre project MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade CRITICAL STANDARDS Content Standard 12: All students will develop and apply personal, shared and academic criteria for the enjoyment, appreciation and evaluation of their own and others’ oral, written and visual texts. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 1: Differentiate sets of standards for individual use according to the purpose of the communication context. An example is maintaining different sets of individual standards when creating texts for formal and informal situations. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code R.CS.07.01 W.PR.07.01 W.PR.07.03 W.PR.07.04 GLCE Description • Analyze the appropriateness of shared, individual, and expert standards based on purpose, context, and audience in order to assess their own work and work of others. • Set a purpose, consider audience, and replicate authors’ styles and patterns when writing narrative or informational text. • Revise their writing to reflect different perspectives for multiple purposes. • Select and use titles, leads, and endings to achieve a specific purpose for specific audiences. (Revise writing to ensure that content, structure, elements of style and voice, literary devices, and textual features are consistent.) Write 2000 Anthology “Writing Workshop” Original myth, mystery, and other personal writings Multi-genre research report Credible Alignment GLCE Code W.PR.07.03 W.PR.07.05 W.PS.07.01 S.CN.07.01 S.CN.07.02 L.CN.07.02 GLCE Description • Revise their writing to reflect different perspectives for multiple purposes. • Edit their writing using proofreaders’ checklists both individually and in peer editing groups. • Exhibit individual style to enhance the written message (e.g., in narrative text: personification, humor, element of surprise; in informational text: emotional appeal, strong opinion, credible support). Write 2000 Anthology “Writing Workshop” Original myth, mystery, and other personal writings Multi-genre research report • Use specialized language related to a topic and select words carefully to achieve precise meaning when presenting. • Use slang, dialect, and colloquial language suitably to create interest and drama when presenting. Presentation • Demonstrate the appropriate social skills of audience behavior (e.g., eye contact, quiet and still, attentive, supportive) during speeches and presentations. Peer presentations MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade CRITICAL STANDARDS Content Standard 12: All students will develop and apply personal, shared and academic criteria for the enjoyment, appreciation and evaluation of their own and others’ oral, written and visual texts. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 2: Demonstrate understanding of individual, shared and academic standards used for different purposes and contexts. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code R.CS.07.01 GLCE Description • Analyze the appropriateness of shared, individual, and expert standards based on purpose, context, and audience in order to assess their own work and work of others. Credible Alignment GLCE Code W.PR.07.03 W.PR.07.05 L.CN.07.02 GLCE Description • Revise their writing to reflect different perspectives for multiple purposes. • Edit their writing using proofreaders’ checklists both individually and in peer editing groups. Write 2000 Anthology “Writing Workshop” Original myth, mystery, and other personal writings Multi-genre research report • Demonstrate the appropriate social skills of audience behavior (e.g., eye contact, quiet and still, attentive, supportive) during speeches and presentations. Peer presentations MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade CRITICAL STANDARDS Content Standard 12: All students will develop and apply personal, shared and academic criteria for the enjoyment, appreciation and evaluation of their own and others’ oral, written and visual texts. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 3: Develop critical standards based on aesthetic qualities, and use them to explain choices in reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing and representing. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code None GLCE Description Credible Alignment GLCE Code R.CS.07.01 S.DS.07.01 S.DS.07.02 L.CN.07.01 L.RP.07.01 L.RP.07.02 L.RP.07.05 GLCE Description • Analyze the appropriateness of shared, individual, and expert standards based on purpose, context, and audience in order to assess their own work and work of others. • Engage in interactive, extended discourse to socially construct meaning (e.g., book clubs, literature circles. partnerships, or other conversation protocols). • Discuss multiple text types in order to anticipate and answer questions, offer opinions and solutions, and to identify personally with a universal theme. Class literature discussion • Distinguish facts from opinions and question their validity during speeches and presentations delivered by peers. Identify, state and react to a speaker’s point of view and bias Presentations • Respond thoughtfully to both classic and contemporary texts recognized for quality and literary merit. Respond to multiple texts when listened to or viewed by speaking, illustrating, and/or writing in order to anticipate and answer questions, to determine personal and universal themes, and to offer opinions or solutions. Anthology selections available on CD MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade CRITICAL STANDARDS Content Standard 12: All students will develop and apply personal, shared and academic criteria for the enjoyment, appreciation and evaluation of their own and others’ oral, written and visual texts. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 4: Create a collection of personal work based on individual, shared and academic standards, reflecting on the merit of each selection. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code None GLCE Description Credible Alignment GLCE Code None GLCE Description MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh Grade CRITICAL STANDARDS Content Standard 12: All students will develop and apply personal, shared and academic criteria for the enjoyment, appreciation and evaluation of their own and others’ oral, written and visual texts. Middle School (6-8) Benchmark 5: Refine their own standards to evaluate personal and public communications within a responsible and ethical system for the expression of ideas. Grade: Seventh (07) Grade Exemplary Alignment GLCE Code None GLCE Description Credible Alignment GLCE Code R.CM.07.01 R.CM.07.02 R.CM.07.03 GLCE Description • Connect personal knowledge, experience, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in the text. Read, retell, and summarize grade level appropriate narrative and informational texts. State global themes, universal truths, and principles within and across texts to create a deeper understanding. The Clay Marble Mythology and Legends Mystery Unit Brian’s Song Anthology selections R.CM.07.04 • Apply significant knowledge from what has been read in grade level appropriate science and social studies texts. Multi-genre research project Mythology Unit Homesick and Barrio Boy R.CS.07.01 • Analyze the appropriateness of shared, individual, and expert standards based on purpose, context, and audience in order to assess their own work and work of others. • Engage in interactive, extended discourse to socially construct meaning (e.g., book clubs, literature circles. partnerships, or other conversation protocols). Class literature discussion S.DS.07.01 L.RP.07.05 • Respond to multiple texts when listened to or viewed by speaking, illustrating, and/or writing in order to anticipate and answer questions, to determine personal and universal themes, and to offer opinions or solutions. Anthology selections available on CD