Welcome to Rock Creek

Rock Creek
Homeowner’s Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 1677
Stockbridge, Georgia 30281
Re: Grace Management and Subdivision Services
Dear Resident:
Grace Management and Subdivision Services are pleased to have been hired by your Board of Directors to manage Rock
Creek Homeowner’s Association. Our Management Team offers specialized management services for Homeowner’s
Associations. We work closely with your Board of Directors to ensure the highest standards for your community. We are
available to all residents to answer any questions and/or concerns and look forward to working with you.
You may have chosen to live in a community with protective covenants because of the amenities, the beautiful environment
or to enhance the value of your property. Regardless of the reason, we believe your decision was a wise one and we will
make every effort to provide you with the best service possible.
Grace Management supports the Board of Directors by providing all of the financial services of the community including
collection of assessments, payment for services and production of monthly financial statements. We also help organize annual
meetings (i.e. securing a location, mailing out required notices).
Grace Management Services may also provide assistance with vendor selection including landscape companies, insurance
agents, pool cleaning companies, etc. We are available to all residents to answer any questions regarding their account or
other association matters.
The Annual Assessment for Rock Creek HOA is $460.00. Half of the assessment ($230.00) is due in January and the
other half ($230.00) is due in May. Assessments should be mailed to:
Rock Creek Homeowner’s Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 1677
Stockbridge, GA 30281
Our contact information: Phone 770-389-6528 ♦ Fax770-506-8430
e-mail gracemanagement@charter.net
Subdivision Services, Inc. provides a service to consistently and fairly enforce the Protective Covenants established for
Rock Creek. In addition, we are responsible for overseeing the landscaping services, pool cleaning, and other maintenance
contracts as directed by your Board of Directors.
We perform a weekly drive thru reviewing properties and noting any covenant violations. We ensure all proper notification is
sent to the homeowner in violation and follow up with the Board of Directors for resolution (i.e. assess a fine and/or enter the
property and make all necessary corrections).
The goal is to help homeowners be responsible for their own property and help maintain high property values for all in the
community. We are available to all residents to answer any questions regarding the Covenants and/or common area
maintenance or to report a violation.
Community input and violation line: 770-620-0069 ♦ Fax 770-620-0069
e-mail: violation@subdivisionservices.com
Grace Management
Subdivision Services
Important Phone Numbers
Amenity Keys
Grace Management
To receive a copy of
Grace Management
Invoice/Account information
Grace Management
To report Covenant
Subdivision Services
To report Community
Maintenance issue
Subdivision Services
To report a street light
Georgia Power
Covenants at a Glance
Architectural Review
Article V Section 6
No structure shall be commenced, erected, placed, move onto or permitted to remain on any Lot nor shall existing
structure upon any Lot be altered in any which materially changes the exterior appearance of the structure or Lot, unless
plans and specifications therefore shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Architectural Control
Committee (ARC).
Please allow up to thirty (30) days for response.
P.O. Box 1677
Stockbridge, GA 30281
Design Standards
Pools and Spa Equipment
Plans for proposed swimming pools, hot tubs, surrounding decks, fencing and screening must be submitted for approval
before any clearing, grading or construction is commenced. NO above ground pools will be approved.
All mailboxes must be a black standard U.S. Postal office mailbox. Size 1 ½. All mailboxes must be mounted on the standard
post as approved by the ACC.
Basketball Backboards
Basketball backboards are acceptable subject to ACC approval of the location and colors of both sides of said backboard.
All signs are subject to Section VI Section 8 of the Declaration. (see below) The number of temporary signs (i.e. garage, lawn
sales, etc.) must be kept to a minimum and may be put up no sooner than twenty-four hours in advance of a sale. Signs must
be removed promptly after a sale has ended. No sign may be placed on the common property of the entrance areas to the
Window Treatments
All window treatments, including draperies, shades, blinds, etc. must be of a neutral or white color on the side exposed to the
exterior of the house.
Prefabricated Structures
Prefabricated or factory built structures shall not be permitted within the development, and such manufactured units shall not
be employed as elements in the construction of residential structures affixed to real property within the development except
by express written consent of the ARC
Article VI Section 5
No construction or alteration of any structure shall take place without the prior written approval by the ACC of plans and
specifications for the landscaping to accompany such construction or alteration.
Article VI Section 6
No tree having a diameter of three (3) inches or more (measured from a point two (2) feet above ground level) shall be
removed from any Lot unless such removal is in conformity with approved landscaping plans and specifications submitted
pursuant to the provisions in Section 5.
Temporary Buildings
Article VI Section 6
No temporary building, trailer, garage, or building under construction shall be used, temporarily or permanently as a
residence on any Lot.
Article VI Section 8
No signs whatsoever shall, without the ACC’s prior written approval of plans and specifications therefore, be installed,
altered or maintained on any Lot, or on any portion of a structure visible from the exterior thereof, except:
Signs required by legal proceedings
One For Sale sign with a maximum face area of four (4) square feet, installed in the front yard only. (if the
Association is making “For Sale” signs available for the use of owners, the signs made available by the
Association must be used
Directional signs for vehicular or pedestrian safety
NO For Rent signs are permitted
Article VI Section 10
 No fence or wall of any kind shall be erected, maintained or altered on any Lot without the prior written approval
of the ACC of plans and specifications for such fences and walls.
 No woven metal or chain link fences will be approved.
Clotheslines, Garbage Cans, Etc.
Article VI Section 13
 All clotheslines, equipment, garbage cans, woodpiles shall be kept screened by adequate planting or fencing so as
to conceal them from view by neighboring residences and streets, and may be maintained in the rear yard on a Lot
 All garbage must be stored and disposed of in plastic or rubberized garbage cans.
 The use of plastic bags for such storage or disposal is prohibited.
 The use of metal garbage cans or containers is prohibited.
Article VI Section 14
Each Owner shall keep and maintain each Lot and structure owned by him, as well as all landscaping located thereon, in
good condition and repair, including, but not limited to:
Repairing and painting of all structures
Seeding, watering and mowing of all lawns
Pruning and Trimming of all trees, hedges and shrubbery so that the same are not obstructive of view by motorists
or pedestrians of street traffic
Commercial and Recreational Vehicles and Trailers
Article VI Section 15
 No commercial vehicle, house trailer, mobile home, motor home, recreational vehicle, camper, truck with camper
top, boat or boat trailer or like equipment shall be permitted on any Lot on a permanent basis, but shall be allowed
on a temporary basis not to exceed forty-eight consecutive hours.
 Notwithstanding the foregoing, any such vehicles or equipment may be stored on a Lot, provided such vehicle or
equipment is kept in an enclosed garage space approved by the ACC is concealed from view of neighboring
residences and streets.
Article VI Section 18
 No agricultural animals may be kept on any Lot and no animals, including birds, insects and reptiles, may be kept
on any Lot unless kept thereon solely as household pets and not for commercial purposes.
 No animal shall be allowed to become a nuisance.
 No structure for the care, housing or confinement of any animal shall be constructed, placed or altered on any Lot
unless plans and specifications for said structure have been approved by the ACC.
Solid Waste
Article VI Section 19
No person shall dump rubbish, garbage, or any other form of solid waste on any Lot or common property.
Article VI Section 20
No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any Lot, nor shall anything be done thereof which may be or
may become any annoyance or nuisance to the community.
Subdivision Services Enforcement Process
A violation can be reported by homeowners or observed by Subdivision Services.
Once a violation is identified, Subdivision Services will go through the following process: (subject to change with
direction from the Board)
Friendly: This letter is mailed by first class mail to the homeowner. It states the violation that the home/property is in and
gives the homeowner a resolution for the violation. The time given for the homeowner to correct the violation and/or
contact Subdivision Services is seven (7) days.
This letter is sent both first class and certified mail to the homeowner. It again states the violation and advises the
homeowner that the Board has the right to impose fines, enter the property and/or suspend association privileges if the
violation is not corrected within ten (10) days from the date of the letter.
*Please refer to your set of Covenants and Restrictions for a full description.
*If you need a copy of the Covenants and Restrictions please contact Grace Management at 770-389-6528