6:30 PM
The Regular Meeting of the West Baton Rouge Parish Council was held on Thursday, June
26, 2008 and called to order. At this time Council Chairman Randal Mouch requested that all
electronic devices be silenced. Chairman Mouch recognized Louis Delahaye, who led
everyone in the pledge of allegiance.
Roll call was taken with the following members being present:
Mr. Jeff “Petit” Kershaw, Ms. Charlene Gordon, Messrs. Ricky Loupe, Randal “Randy”
Mouch, Gary “Sprout” Spillman, Phil Porto, Jr., Edward G. “Bob” Robertson
Mr. Keith K. “Keedy” Washington, Sr., Mrs. Alethea “Lisa” Johnson
Parish President Riley Berthelot, Jr. was also present.
At this time Chairman Mouch requested Council proceed to agenda item 10B (public hearing
on previously introduced ordinance) if there was no objection, and there were none.
Chairman Mouch announced that a Public Hearing was in order at this time and all interested
citizens were invited to appear and be heard regarding adoption of an ordinance to amend
Chapter 104 Zoning – re-zoning request of Jason Creighton, 4133 State Highway 1 S, Port
Allen, La. designated as Lot 2D, 2C & 2-A-1, West Towne and 50’ private service of passage
from commercial district to regional-scaled commercial district. Public Works Director
Kevin Durbin was recognized and provided background information regarding application,
location, and previous use proposals. Mr. Durbin reported that on June 17, 2008 the Zoning
Commission had unanimously recommended denial of this request. The Council Clerk read
excerpt of the Zoning Commission minutes into the record stating the reason for the denial
recommendation was that WBR Properties has requested re-zoning the whole tract (5 acres
and the servitude) to the least restrictive designation (C-1.3) with no specific named use.
The following were recognized, provided additional information, or stated positions on this
re-zoning request:
Perry Gaudet, President of Fairview Homeowners Association
David Ogwyn
Jason Creighton
Troy & Missy Smart
Jamie Simpson
Rose Marie Babin
Jeff Kershaw
Ricky Loupe
Phil Porto, Jr.
Gary Spillman
Cletus Langlois
Some of the topics discussed were:
Support Zoning Commission’s denial recommendation to keep property more restrictive;
C-1.3 guidelines of new zoning districts uses too unrestrictive if use not specified;
C-1.3 not good use for property;
Zoning Administrator Analysis Report stated location is better suited to C-1.1 or C-1.2 due to
close proximity to residential area;
Remain consistent in re-zonings;
Time lapse between approval and construction;
Acreage requirement for C-1.3 designation without variances;
Other businesses in surrounding area designated as C-1.1 & C-1.2 (residential smaller scaletype of development) except for junkyard grandfathered in as non-conforming use prior to
adoption of zoning ordinance;
Applicant should be required to provide building use prior to property re-zoning;
Re-zoning approval obtained first to meet criteria prior to expensive pre-planning.
No other interested citizens appeared either for or against said ordinance. No written protests
opposing the ordinance were received. The Council Chairman at this point declared the
Public Hearing concluded.
A motion was made by Mr. Jeff Kershaw, seconded by Mr. Ricky Loupe to deny the rezoning request of Jason Creighton, 4133 State Highway 1 S, Port Allen, La. designated as
Lots 2D, 2C & 2-A-1, West Towne and 50’ private servitude of passage from C-1
(Commercial District) to C-1.3 (Regional-Scaled Commercial District) as recommended by
the Zoning Commission as applicant requested least restrictive designation without specifying
use in area surrounded by C-1.1 & C-1.2 type commercial, residential, and agricultural
Roll call vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
6 (Mr. Kershaw, Ms. Gordon, Messrs. Loupe, Mouch, Porto, Robertson)
1 (Mr. Spillman)
2 (Mr. Washington, Mrs. Johnson)
As a result of the roll call vote the motion was adopted by a majority of the members present.
Mr. Kershaw left the meeting at 7:10 PM.
Anthony Summers with the Office of Homeland Security/Emergency Preparedness/911 was
recognized, reviewed and recommended acceptance of the lone bid of Facility Automation,
Inc. in the amount of $23,938.00 for the camera and access control system for the parish
Emergency Operations & Communications Center. Mr. Bourgoyne confirmed funding source
as 911 communications center grant funds.
A motion was made by Mr. Gary Spillman, seconded by Ms. Charlene Gordon accept the lone
bid of Facility Automation, Inc. for $23,938.00 received and opened 6/13/08 for Access
Control and Camera System for the Office of Homeland Security/Emergency
Preparedness/911 as recommended by said department, and authorizing the Parish President
to sign the documentation for same. (Bid tabulation sheet appears elsewhere in these minutes)
Roll call vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
6 (Ms. Gordon, Messrs. Loupe, Mouch, Spillman, Porto, Robertson)
0 (None)
3 (Messrs. Kershaw, Washington, Mrs. Johnson)
As a result of the roll call vote the motion was unanimously adopted by those members
Executive Assistant Wayne Delapasse was recognized, reviewed the lone qualified bid
received and opened 6/24/08 for one new motor grader for roads department from H & E
Equipment Services at $123,600.00 and recommended acceptance as bid met specifications
and is within budget allocation.
A motion was made by Mr. Phil Porto, Jr., seconded by Mr. Edward Robertson to accept the
lone qualified bid received and opened 6/24/08 for one new motor grader for roads
department from H & E Equipment Services at $123,600.00 as recommended by the
Administration and Roads Superintendent, and authorizing the Parish President to sign the
documentation for same.
Roll call vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
6 (Ms. Gordon, Messrs. Loupe, Mouch, Spillman, Porto, Robertson)
0 (None)
3 (Messrs. Kershaw, Washington, Mrs. Johnson)
As a result of the roll call vote the motion was unanimously adopted by those members
Kevin Gravois with Professional Engineering Consultants Corporation (PEC) was recognized
and reviewed the bids received and opened 6/5/08 for Westport Wastewater Treatment Plant
Expansion to increase the treatment plant capacity by 100,000 gallons a day. Mr. Gravois
stated the low bid had been submitted by Tullier Services, Inc. of Plaquemine for base bid of
$620,000.00, and recommended awarding bid. Mr. Bourgoyne explained budget amendment
to cover shortfall, and refunding sources. Mr. Gravois estimated the total project costs
including contingencies to be $735,000.00.
A motion was made by Mr. Phil Porto, Jr., seconded by Ms. Charlene Gordon to accept the
base bid of Tullier Services, Inc. in the amount of $620,000.00 received and opened 6/5/08 for
Westport Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion for the Utilities Department contingent
upon approval of budget amendment, as recommended by the Project Engineer and
Administration, and authorizing execution of contract. (Bid tabulation sheet appears
elsewhere in these minutes)
Roll call vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
6 (Ms. Gordon, Messrs. Loupe, Mouch, Spillman, Porto, Robertson)
0 (None)
3 (Messrs. Kershaw, Washington, Mrs. Johnson)
As a result of the roll call vote the motion was unanimously adopted by those members
Kevin Gravois with Professional Engineering Consultants Corporation (PEC) was recognized
and reviewed the bids received and opened 6/5/08 for Intracoastal Canal 16” Water Main
Crossing from South Westport Road by the elevated water tank across the intracoastal and tiein at end of North Line Road to provide water south on the intracoastal due to salt content of
existing wells. Mr. Gravois recommended accepting low bid of B & K Underground, Inc.
from Tickfaw for $355,000.00, and deductive change order no. 1 for deduction of $42,708.78
(waives any associated taxes for the project, and contactor’s 9% markup on the material, and
two 16” gate vales). Messrs. Babin and Gravois explained deletion of gate valves. Messrs.
Berthelot, Bourgoyne, and Gravois explained need to introduce another budget amendment,
total project cost of $368,000.00, and funding and refunding sources.
A motion was made by Mr. Ricky Loupe, seconded by Ms. Charlene Gordon to accept the
base bid of B & K Underground, Inc. in the amount of $355,000.00 received and opened
6/5/08 for Intracoastal Canal Water Line Crossing for the Utilities Department contingent
upon approval of budget amendment, as recommended by the Project Engineer and
Administration, and authorizing execution of contract.
elsewhere in these minutes)
(Bid tabulation sheet appears
Roll call vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
6 (Ms. Gordon, Messrs. Loupe, Mouch, Spillman, Porto, Robertson)
0 (None)
3 (Messrs. Kershaw, Washington, Mrs. Johnson)
As a result of the roll call vote the motion was unanimously adopted by those members
A motion was made by Mr. Ricky Loupe, seconded by Ms. Charlene Gordon to approve
Contract Change Order No. 1 for Intracoastal Canal Water Line Crossing (B & K
Underground, Inc.) decreasing the contract amount by $41,708.78 for Addendum No. 1 to
waive any associated taxes, contractor’s wavier of 9% markup on materials, and deletion of
two 16” gate valves on the project since South Westport Road and North Line Road have tiein valves as recommended by the Project Engineer and Administration, and authorizing the
Parish President to execute same.
Roll call vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
6 (Ms. Gordon, Messrs. Loupe, Mouch, Spillman, Porto, Robertson)
0 (None)
3 (Messrs. Kershaw, Washington, Mrs. Johnson)
As a result of the roll call vote the motion was unanimously adopted by those members
Mr. Babin stated that item 5 (Utilities Department request regarding 7/1/08 gas installation
increase to comply with federal mandated excess flow valves) would be introduced as an
ordinance under item 16.
Bernadette Settoon was recognized, distributed Project Soar Mentoring Program flyers, and
made brief presentation on grant program through the school board on behalf of the Director
Isonel Brown.
At this time Chairman Mouch requested Council proceed to agenda item 15 (resolutions)
ordinance if there was no objection, and there were none.
Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Deborah Biggs provided brief history on
Louisiana Lantern Award for outstanding businesses received January 10, 2008 by Placid
Refining Company LLC. Mr. Berthelot commended Placid Refining for numerous
contributions to the community and receipt of award. Placid Refining Company Plant
Manager Joey Hagmann was recognized and made a brief statement and received applause
from the audience. Said resolution appears elsewhere in these minutes.
The following resolution was offered by Mr. Gary Spillman, seconded by Ms. Charlene
A Resolution commending Placid Refining Company LLC upon its receipt of the top
corporate honor of the Louisiana Lantern Award in recognition as an outstanding
manufacturing business
WHEREAS, Placid was selected as the Region 2 (Capital Region Planning Commission)
Lantern Award winner out the state’s eight regional planning and development districts based
on community contribution, employee growth and facility expansion, and
WHEREAS, the Louisiana Economic Development (LED), and co-sponsor Louisiana
Industrial Development Executives Association (LIDEA) presented the Lantern Award to
Placid, who demonstrated excellence in manufacturing and community involvement as well
as sustainability by remaining in operation at least three years prior to the nomination.
WHEREAS, Placid Refining Company's operations in West Baton Rouge Parish have brought
great economic benefits to the citizens of the Parish, and have established the company as a
model corporate citizen.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Parish Council of West Baton Rouge does
hereby commend and congratulate Placid Refining Company LLC and its employees on the
company's receipt of the top corporate honor of the Louisiana Lantern Award in recognition
as an outstanding manufacturing business.
Roll call vote on the resolution was recorded as follows:
6 (Ms. Gordon, Messrs. Loupe, Mouch, Spillman, Porto, Robertson)
0 (None)
3 (Messrs. Kershaw, Washington, Mrs. Johnson)
As a result of the roll call vote the resolution was unanimously adopted by those members
I, Sharon Zito, Council Clerk of the West Baton Rouge Parish Council do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by said
body at its Regular Meeting of June 26, 2008, at which meeting a majority of the members
were present and voting.
/s/Sharon Zito
Mr. Berthelot provided brief explanation on proposed resolution supporting Nucor
Corporation in Convent, Louisiana (St. James Parish). Said resolution appears elsewhere in
these minutes.
The following resolution was offered by Mr. Gary Spillman, seconded by Mr. Ricky Loupe
A Resolution formally expressing support for the Nucor Corporation’s plans to construct a
new facility to be known as “Nucor Steel Louisiana” in Convent, Louisiana within St. James
WHEREAS, the project would be the first greenfield pig iron facility built in the United
States in more than 30 years, and
WHEREAS, Nucor would build one of the most modern iron making facilities in the world to
produce 3,000,000 tons of pig iron, employing the latest technologies to reduce emissions,
WHEREAS, the proposed project’s first and second phases would require a $3 billion dollar
investment with operation beginning in 2011 and would be a huge economic impact creating
approximately 2,600 permanent jobs through suppliers, businesses, and services that support
this type of facility.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Parish Council of West Baton Rouge,
Louisiana does hereby formally express support for Nucor Corporation’s plans to construct a
new facility to be known as “Nucor Steel Louisiana” in Convent, Louisiana within St. James
Parish and urge its legislators to do likewise.
Roll call vote on the resolution was recorded as follows:
6 (Ms. Gordon, Messrs. Loupe, Mouch, Spillman, Porto, Robertson)
0 (None)
3 (Messrs. Kershaw, Washington, Mrs. Johnson)
As a result of the roll call vote the resolution was unanimously adopted by those members
I, Sharon Zito, Council Clerk of the West Baton Rouge Parish Council do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by said
body at its Regular Meeting of June 26, 2008, at which meeting a majority of the members
were present and voting.
/s/Sharon Zito
The following resolution was offered by Mr. Gary Spillman, seconded by Ms. Charlene
West Baton Rouge Parish has hosted Veterans on Parade, every November, on the Sunday
before Veterans Day, for the past three years. The parade has honored all service veterans of
any war or conflict facing our great country.
WHEREAS, this parade has brought hundreds of veterans from all around the state together
for the soul purpose of honoring them and their service to Louisiana and this nation; and
WHEREAS, this parade unites all walks of life, the young and the old to take part in this
special memorial to our living and deceased veterans; and
WHEREAS, this parade is the only Parade honoring our veterans in south Louisiana, and was
organized by a group of community volunteers and supported by various organizations and
companies that sponsor and participate;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the West Baton Rouge Parish Council supports there
efforts and entices all its citizens to participate and encourage support of this worthwhile
Roll call vote on the resolution was recorded as follows:
6 (Ms. Gordon, Messrs. Loupe, Mouch, Spillman, Porto, Robertson)
0 (None)
3 (Messrs. Kershaw, Washington, Mrs. Johnson)
As a result of the roll call vote the resolution was unanimously adopted by those members
I, Sharon Zito, Council Clerk of the West Baton Rouge Parish Council do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by said
body at its Regular Meeting of June 26, 2008, at which meeting a majority of the members
were present and voting.
/s/Sharon Zito
Louis Bush with the Bush Levert Supply Company, and Brian Falcon were recognized and
requested adoption of resolution in support of an Office of Cultural Development application
for the creation of the Cinclare Sugar Mill Cultural District for old blacksmith shop and 2.3
acres to eventually house museum, country store, dinner, and various self-supporting shops.
Mr. Bush explained resolution was to submit state cultural district application by July 1st for
tax credit for historical restoration, followed by infrastructure. Mr. Berthelot explained if the
application is accepted an ordinance will be adopted later including map creating district. Mr.
Falcon read into the record highlights from state application, confirmed that creation of this
district was for tax credit purposes, and that tax exemptions would apply only to one-of-akind items. Said resolution appears elsewhere in these minutes.
The following resolution was offered by Mr. Phil Porto, Jr., seconded by Mr. Ricky Loupe
A Resolution (or Ordinance) in support of an application for the creation of the Cinclare
Sugar Mill Cultural District.
WHEREAS, Act 298 of the 2007 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature authorizes
Local Governing Authorities to create Cultural Districts as a mechanism for community
revitalization through the creation of hubs of cultural activity; and
WHEREAS, the Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Office of
Cultural Development is authorized to develop standard criteria for cultural districts and to
determine whether or not a proposed Cultural District meets those criteria; and
WHEREAS, the Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Office of
Cultural Development has promulgated administrative rules which set forth the procedure for
Local Governing Authorities to submit applications to designate and certify a specified
geographic area as a Cultural District; and
WHEREAS, the geographic area within the Parish of West Baton Rouge, may meet the
criteria for the creation of a Cultural District which area is generally comprised of the territory
within the following boundaries as specified in the Historic National Register listed as
Cinclare Sugar Mill Historical District.
WHEREAS, within the boundaries of a state-certified Cultural District, several tax incentives
may be available including (1) a sales tax exemption on the sale of certain original works of
art, (2) individual income tax credits for eligible expenses incurred during the rehabilitation of
certain owner-occupied residential or owner-occupied mixed use structures, and (3) income
and corporate franchise tax credits for eligible expenses incurred during the rehabilitation of
certain historic structures; and
WHEREAS, only a Local Governing Authority is authorized to submit an application for the
designation and certification of a Cultural District; and
WHEREAS, a “Local Governing Authority” is defined by LAC 25:1§ 1101 as “the governing
authority of the parish in which the Cultural District is located unless the district is located in
a municipality, in which case “Local Governing Authority” shall mean the governing
authority of the municipality. If the district is located partly in a municipality, “Local
Governing Authority” shall mean the governing authority of the parish and the governing
authority of the municipality”; and
WHEREAS, the Cinclare Sugar Mill is located completely within the Parish of West Baton
Rouge, and therefore, the West Baton Rouge Parish Council would be the proper entity to
submit an application for the certification and designation of the above described geographic
area as a Cultural District.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the West Baton Rouge Parish Council does hereby:
Support and endorse the submission of an application to the Louisiana
Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Office of Cultural
Development to designate the Cinclare Sugar Mill as a state-certified Cultural
District; and
Delegate its authority to submit said application and all supporting documents,
reports and other forms required for the creation, administration and reporting
to Cajun Historical Renovation, L.L.C., subject to the following limitations
and restrictions (if any):
Direct all city (or parish) employees to support and cooperate with efforts to
compile all necessary information and data required for the application and all
subsequent reporting necessary for the administration of the Cultural District;
Request all affected citizens and businesses to support and promote activities
consistent with the purposes of the Cultural District; and
Authorize the Mayor (or Parish President, etc.) to sign any and all documents
required for the creation and administration of the Cinclare Sugar Mill, subject
to the following limitations and restrictions (if any):
Roll call vote on the resolution was recorded as follows:
6 (Ms. Gordon, Messrs. Loupe, Mouch, Spillman, Porto, Robertson)
0 (None)
3 (Messrs. Kershaw, Washington, Mrs. Johnson)
As a result of the roll call vote the resolution was unanimously adopted by those members
(End of Resolution)
I, Sharon Zito, Council Clerk of the West Baton Rouge Parish Council do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by said
body at its Regular Meeting of June 26, 2008, at which meeting a majority of the members
were present and voting.
/s/Sharon Zito
Public comments were requested from the audience at this time and there were none.
Mr. Robertson was recognized under item 9 (communications with council members) and
discussed the following:
Meeting held with representatives from Capital Area Transit System (CATS) for bus
transportation within parish and survey to be done to determine routes;
Poor condition of Williams & Lee Park Pool/Bath House, Basketball Court, and drainage
Chairman Mouch announced that a Public Hearing was in order at this time and all interested
citizens were invited to appear and be heard regarding adoption of an ordinance to amend
Chapter 104 Zoning – re-zoning request of Ronald K. Treuil, 8813 Singleton Road, Port
Allen, La. designated as Lot 42-A-1, Burks Subdivision from Agricultural District to
Residential Minor Subdivision. Mr. Durbin stated that since no representative was present
tonight on this matter he would be happy to answer any questions, and confirmed that the
Zoning Commission recommended approval at the meeting of June 17, 2008. Mr. Spillman
confirmed only 2 lots involved, and none of neighbors had any objection.
No interested citizens appeared either for or against said ordinance. No written protests
opposing the ordinance were received. The Council Chairman at this point declared the
Public Hearing concluded. Said Ordinance No. 37of 2008 appears elsewhere in these
The following ordinance was offered by Mr. Phil Porto, Jr., seconded by Mr. Ricky Loupe
NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the West Baton Rouge Parish Council in legal
session that Chapter 104 Zoning, Sec. 104-3 Establishment of Districts, Official Zoning Map
of the Compiled Ordinances of the Parish of West Baton Rouge, Louisiana is amended and reenacted to read as follows:
Sec. 104-3. Establishment of districts, official zoning map for re-zoning request of Ronald K.
Treuil, 8813 Singleton Road, Port Allen, La. designated as Lot 42-A-1 of Burks Subdivision
from A (Agricultural District) to RM (Residential Minor Subdivision District).
THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the West Baton Rouge Parish Council, that this
ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after advertisement in the Parish Official
Journal pursuant to Section 2-12 (C) of the Home Rule Charter.
Council, that all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby
repealed in their entirety.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the Parish Council of the Parish of
West Baton Rouge, Louisiana, that if any provision or item of this ordinance or the
application thereof is held invalid, such invalidity shall not effect other provisions, items or
applications of this ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provisions, items,
or applications of this ordinance are hereby declared severable.
The foregoing ordinance having been submitted to a vote was adopted by the following yea or
nay on roll call vote:
6 (Ms. Gordon, Messrs. Loupe, Mouch, Spillman, Porto, Robertson)
0 (None)
3 (Messrs. Kershaw, Washington, Mrs. Johnson)
WHEREUPON the ordinance was declared adopted on the 26th day of June, 2008.
/s/Sharon Zito, Council Clerk
I, Sharon Zito, hereby certify that I am the duly qualified Council Clerk of the West Baton
Rouge Parish Council.
I further certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an ordinance
adopted by the West Baton Rouge Parish Council in regular session on the 26th day of June,
I further certify that the above and foregoing ordinance was submitted the Parish President at
10:00 o’clock AM on the 30th day of June, 2008.
IN FAITH WHEREOF witness my official signature and the impress of the official seal of the
West Baton Rouge Parish Council, Louisiana, on this 30th day of June, 2008.
/s/Sharon Zito, Council Clerk
I, Riley Berthelot, Jr., Parish President, West Baton Rouge Parish, State of Louisiana, hereby
approve the foregoing ordinance on the 30th day of June, 2008.
/s/Riley Berthelot, Jr., Parish President
I certify that the above and foregoing ordinance was received from the Parish President at
2:30 o’clock PM on the 30th day of June, 2008.
/s/Sharon Zito, Council Clerk
Mr. Delapasse was recognized, reviewed, and requested approval of certificate of substantial
completion for electrical work for the covered riding arena, contingent on punch list.
A motion was made by Mr. Gary Spillman, seconded by Mr. Phil Porto, Jr. to approve the
Certificate of Substantial Completion for Electrical Work for Covered Riding Arena (Pumba,
L.L.C.) as of June 13, 2008 as recommended by the administration, and authorizing the Parish
President to execute same, contingent upon contractor completing the punch list items.
Roll call vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
6 (Ms. Gordon, Messrs. Loupe, Mouch, Spillman, Porto, Robertson)
0 (None)
3 (Messrs. Kershaw, Washington, Mrs. Johnson)
As a result of the roll call vote the motion was unanimously adopted by those members
Mr. Delapasse provided status report on the riding arena project.
Mr. Delapasse explained that guaranteed quote of $99,999.00 from Prime Coat had been
obtained for the WBR Detention Center Shower Repair to dorms F, G, H, J, D, E, B, and C
(budgeted item) for ongoing problem of water seeping through block walls. Mr. Delapasse
confirmed attorney’s concurrence in accepting bid as the work would be done in phases. Mr.
Berthelot provided further explanation on electronics in dorms.
A motion was made by Mr. Edward Robertson, seconded by Mr. Ricky Loupe to accept the
guaranteed quotation of $99,999.00 from Prime Coat for WBR Detention Center Shower
Repair to dorms F, G, H, J, D, E, B, and C to elevate the ongoing problem of water seeping
through the block walls.
Roll call vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
6 (Ms. Gordon, Messrs. Loupe, Mouch, Spillman, Porto, Robertson)
0 (None)
3 (Messrs. Kershaw, Washington, Mrs. Johnson)
As a result of the roll call vote the motion was unanimously adopted by those members
Parish Architect Dean Hotard was recognized and reviewed change order no. 2 for the WBR
EOC/911 Project for 11 items including $67,385.00 for sprinkler system. Mr. Berthelot
provided additional information on funding sources, and rental agreement. Mr. Moran was
recognized and stated that the way the tax was set-up the Central Communications/EOC
Building would be self-sufficient. Mr. Hotard provided status report on the project.
A motion was made by Mr. Gary Spillman, seconded by Mr. Edward Robertson to approve
Change Order No. 2 for the West Baton Rouge Emergency Operations Center/911 Project
(Grand Construction Company, LLC) in the amount of $86.209.00 for the items listed on
change order (which appears elsewhere in these minutes), as recommended by the Parish
Architect, and authorizing the Parish President to sign same.
Roll call vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
6 (Ms. Gordon, Messrs. Loupe, Mouch, Spillman, Porto, Robertson)
0 (None)
3 (Messrs. Kershaw, Washington, Mrs. Johnson)
As a result of the roll call vote the motion was unanimously adopted by those members
Director of Finance Phillip Bourgoyne was recognized, reviewed hand-out provided, and
requested approval of Administration’s recommendation for 5% cost of living increase to all
listed parish departments based on the current 9.2% (CPI) Consumer Price Index and budget.
Discussion held on pay plan structure and steps.
A motion was made by Mr. Phil Porto, Jr., seconded by Ms. Charlene Gordon to approve a
(five percent 5%) cost of living increase for all classified full time, permanent part-time
employees, including all appointed directors, which include the following named
departments: Council Clerk, Coroner, Registrar of Voters (Parish portion), Administration,
Planning/Zoning, Building Maintenance, Emergency Management, Engineering, Animal
Control, Recreation, Roads, Health Unit, Drainage, Community Center, Community Action,
E-911, Judges, District Attorney/Legal Council, Public Utilities, Sales Tax, Detention Center,
Justice of the Peace and Constable, effective pay period starting July 5, 2008 based on the
recommendation of the Administration.
Roll call vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
6 (Ms. Gordon, Messrs. Loupe, Mouch, Spillman, Porto, Robertson)
0 (None)
3 (Messrs. Kershaw, Washington, Mrs. Johnson)
As a result of the roll call vote the motion was unanimously adopted by those members
Riley Berthelot, Jr. was recognized under Parish President's Report and discussed the
Since the initial routes would begin in immediate Port Allen area the majority of costs for bus
transportation through CATS on trial basis would be funded by the city;
Obtaining proposals on wetlands retention ponds and drainage projects to improve drainage;
Met with Federal Emergency Management Agency officials regarding possible use of
abandoned Wal-Mart store on Court Street as evacuation center/shelter;
Moving forward with “keep West Baton Rouge beautiful” logo in connection with Keep
America Beautiful program;
Working on design with Dow, Baton Rouge Green, and City of Port Allen to beautify area
beneath interstate interchange;
Red Hat/Red Eye sewer project application did not receive funding through the Louisiana
Community Development Block Grant Program;
Jail Facility tours can be arranged for members to assist in making decisions;
Will address new items discussed tonight at Williams & Lee Park Pool, but requested in
future members contact administration to discuss items prior to meeting.
At this time Randal Mouch was recognized under Council Chairman’s Report and discussed
the following:
Received letter from Library Director Beth Vandersteen thanking the Council for moving
forward on purchase of property;
Status of complaint letter received from Bueche resident regarding clean-up of area.
Chairman Mouch read by title the below listed proposed ordinances being introduced and
publicized by title, and considered for adoption following public hearings at the meeting of
Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 6:30 PM. in the Council Meeting Room of the Governmental
Building, 880 North Alexander Avenue, Port Allen, La.:
Amend Chapter 62 Personnel rules and Regulations, Article III Salary Plan, Sec. 62-56
Promoted or reclassified employee.
The Council Clerk also read by title the below listed proposed ordinances being introduced
and publicized by title, and considered for adoption following public hearings at the meeting
of Thursday, August 14, 2008 at 6:30 PM. in the Council Meeting Room of the Governmental
Building, 880 North Alexander Avenue, Port Allen, La.:
Amend Chapter 104 Zoning for the re-zoning request of BRP Investments/The Hampton Inn,
2755 Commercial Drive, Port Allen, La. designated as Lot WBR-2 from Commercial District
to Regional-Scaled Commercial District;
Amend Chapter 104 Zoning for the re-zoning request of Larry James Russo, 3661 Highway 1
S, Port Allen, La. designated as part of J H Freeman Properties, Lots A, B, C, L, M, N, O and
P from Commercial District to Community-Scaled District.
The Council Clerk also read by title the below listed proposed ordinances being introduced
and publicized by title, and considered for adoption following public hearings at the meeting
of Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 6:30 PM. in the Council Meeting Room of the Governmental
Building, 880 North Alexander Avenue, Port Allen, La.:
Amend Unified Development Code, Chapter 105 Subdivisions, Sec. 105-6 Subdivision for
transfer to immediate family members to eliminate the requirement for fire hydrants in family
2008 – 2009 Council on Aging Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the Fiscal
Year beginning July 1, 2008 and ending June 30, 2009;
Amending 2008 Budget Amendment No. 6 to Revenues and Expenses for the Parish Council
General Fund Capital Outlay Transfer, Central Communications Capital Outlay Transfer, and
the Buildings and Land Capital Outlay Funds;
Amending Chapter 86 Utilities, Article II Gas, Sec. 86-23 Service connection charge, Sec. 8624 Roadside meter installation charge, Article III Water, Sec. 86-62 Connection charges to
establish charges for gas and water installations.
At this time the Council Clerk read an excerpt of the Planning Commission minutes of June
17, 2008 recommending approval of the final plat showing re-subdivision of Lot 19-C Greater
West Baton Rouge Industrial park into Lots 19-C-1, 19-C-2, 19-C-3, 19-C-4 & 19-C-5 and
removal of 15 foot servitude for Bayou Country Sportsman, LLC contingent upon an
agreement between Scott Roe and Parish Utility Department regarding public sewer system.
Mr. Durbin explained that the road frontage of the lots was not enough to eliminate
community sewer requirement. Mr. Babin explained that the property owner would not be
able to connect to the Safford Development as said facility was at capacity. Mr. Babin
suggested that Mr. Roe either add capacity to existing treatment facility or make provisions to
provide Department of Health and Hospitals approved facility. Mr. Langlois provided status
report on sewer negotiations between Safford and Roe. Mr. Berthelot suggested once cost
determined on expansion Mr. Roe put up cash prior to signing plat. Discussion held on future
development and zoning uses.
A motion was made by Mr. Phil Porto, Jr., seconded by Mr. Gary Spillman to approve the
final map showing re-subdivision of Lot 19C Greater West Baton Rouge Industrial Park into
Lots 19-C-1, 19-C-2, 19-C-3, 19-C-4 & 19-C-5 and the removal of a 15 foot servitude for
Bayou Country Sportsman, LLC contingent upon 1) Mr. Roe funding additional cost to
upgrade Safford Development treatment facility capacity for tie-in, and 2) plat will remain
unsigned by Parish President until treatment facility upgrade funds have been received.
Roll call vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
6 (Ms. Gordon, Messrs. Loupe, Mouch, Spillman, Porto, Robertson)
0 (None)
3 (Messrs. Kershaw, Washington, Mrs. Johnson)
As a result of the roll call vote the motion was unanimously adopted by those members
A motion was made by Mr. Gary Spillman, seconded by Mr. Ricky Loupe to appoint
Charlene Gordon to the Atchafalaya Trace Commission for a 3 year term, commencing June
26, 2008.
Roll call vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
6 (Ms. Gordon, Messrs. Loupe, Mouch, Spillman, Porto, Robertson)
0 (None)
3 (Messrs. Kershaw, Washington, Mrs. Johnson)
As a result of the roll call vote the motion was unanimously adopted by those members
There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Phil Porto, Jr.,
seconded by Mr. Gary Spillman at 9:00 PM.
Roll call vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
6 (Ms. Gordon, Messrs. Loupe, Mouch, Spillman, Porto, Robertson)
0 (None)
3 (Messrs. Kershaw, Washington, Mrs. Johnson)
As a result of the roll call vote the motion was unanimously adopted by those members
/s/Randal Mouch, Council Chairman
/s/Sharon Zito, Council Clerk