SUBJECT ENGLISH CLASS 8 month April (22) June (14) Unit/chapter Lesson-1,she lived for me Poem-mother to son Grammar-determiners,verbs(pre Sent,past,future) Lesson-2,The dabbawalas of Mumbai Poem-my comfort zone Grammar-verbs-models, conditionals, Non finite forms Content Sacrifice of a mother Mode of assessment Write a paragraph about your mother a. Efficient delivery system of dabbawalas a. Activity-collect more information on dabbwalas from internet b. Courage to come out of the comfort zone b. Worksheet on grammar a.Life journey of A.R.Rehmam An ordinary a. Collect information and pictures of great musicians Novel-chapter 1 New neighbours July (26) Lesson-3 music maestro A.R.Rehman Poem-the solitary reaper Grammar-verbs-active and passive voice, comparisons, adverb, prepositions ,conjunctions ,,August (26) Novel-chapter-2 Lesson-4 the missile man of india: Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam of a girl who lived in mountain region Life story of A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Poem-where the mind is without fear b. Paragraph writing in passive voice c. worksheet Class acivity-make a chart of great leaders Write a paragraph by using phrases Grammar-phrases and clauses,relative ,clauses,sentence(simple compound,and complex)transformation of sentences Novel-chapter-3 Septmber (23) Lesson-5,swami wants to be beaten Story from Malgudi days Activity-story writing Poem-the owl and the pussycat Grammar-direct and indirect speech, punctuation and capital letters, words often confused October (24) Novel-chapter-4 Lesson-6 kidnapped by Aliens, Poem-abandoned farmhouse, Grammar-words followed by appropriate prepositions,synonyms and antonyms Poem with comical effects Worksheet a) Story about a journey with the aliens in the spaceship b) Story of a abandoned If you are kidnapped by aliens Crossword puzzle November (23) Novel-chapter-4 Lesson-7 Ga-Ga over gadgets Poem-cheap spell checker Grammar-idiomatic expressions, improving December( (24) Novel-chapter-5 Lesson 8-gems of literature Poem-inchcape rock farmhouse a) Information on different gadgets b)Understand and interpret the lines of poem a)Lesson is about the great writers and their writing Grammar -spelling, comprehension, paragraph writing, writing messages, writing notices January (23) February (22) March (23) Novel-chapter-6 Letter writing,writing reports Novel-chapter-7, Essay writing Novel-chapter-8 Revision Make a list of gadgets and their uses at your home Grammar worksheet Collect information on any one writer of your state/country Activity : spelling bee b)Personal letters,business and formal letters,social letters Revision SA II oral/practicals begin SAII written begins ASIA PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SESSION- 2015-16 CLASS VIII SUBJECT- SCIENCE SYLLABUS SPLIT MONTH AND NO. OF DAYS NAME OF THE CHAPTER CH-1 : CROP PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMEN T (BIO.) APRIL 19 DAYS CH-3 : SYNTHETIC FIBRES AND PLASTICS (CHEM) CH-11 : FORCE AND PRESSURE (PHY.) JUNE 14 DAYS JULY 26 DAYS CONTENT/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES ACTIVITIES FOR FA TERM -DIVISION Agriculture , Preparing herbarium specimens of some crop Methods of plants, Collection of seeds, Charts on different Agriculture, crops irrigation practices in India. and cropping patterns, Testing various materials for action of water, increasing crop heat, tensile strength etc. yield, Animal husbandry. Synthetic fibres, Natural fibres, Polymers, Uses of synthetic fibres, Kinds of plastics and their uses and impact on environment - Force, Effects of force, Types of force, Pressuredefinition and explanation, Liquid pressure and Atmospheric pressure CH2 : .)MICRORG Microorganisms ANISMS and their types, (BIO.) useful microbes, harmful microbes, nitrogen fixation, nitrogen cycle, food preservation Physical and CH-4 : METALS AND chemical properties of NONmetals and nonMETALS metals, difference (CHEM.) between them and their uses, alloys, corrosion of metals CH-12 : FRICTION Friction, Factors (PHY.) affecting friction, Observing and analyzing the relation between force and motion in daily life activities, measuring the weight of an object as a force or pull by the earth using a spring balance Observation of slides of curd, drop of water, bread mould etc. under the microscope. Fermentation of dough using yeast. To study various physical properties of metals FA-1CH-1&2BIO and non metals, study effect of copper CH-CH-3CHEM sulphate solution on iron nails . CH-11PHY To study that the force of friction depends upon the nature of two surfaces in contact. Discussion on the topic- Conservation of black gold – petroleum 1. PEN PAPER TEST 2. WORKSHEETS, OTBA 3.DEBATE N SYNTHETIC FIBRE AND NATURAL FIBRE CH-5 : COAL AND PETROLEUM (CHEM.) CH-7: CONSERVATI ON OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS (BIO.) CH-13 : SOUND (PHY.) AUGUS T 24 DAYS CH-15 : SOME NATURAL PHENOMENA (PHY.) Static, Sliding and Rolling friction, advantages and disadvantages, Friction in daily life Natural resources and their importance, renewable and non-renewable resource, Fossil fuels and their conservation, technological advancement and energy crisis. Biodiversity and threats to biodiversity, Deforestation- its effects on environment, Conservation of forests and wildlife, migration Sound, Characteristics of vibration and sound, How sound travels, Distinguish musical sound and noise, Noise pollution, structure and working of human ear Distinguish between current and static electricity, Origin and types of charges, Principle of electroscope, Atmospheric electricity, Lightning, earthquakes 4. OBSERVATION OF SLIDES Find out about organizations and movements aimed at conservation of natural resources. Make a list of Biosphere reserves, National parks and Wild life sanctuaries in India Oral ppt on ultra sonic sound and its uses. To study principles of an electroscope and charging by conduction and induction FA-2CH-4&5CHEM CH-12PHY 1. PEN PAPER TEST 2. WORKSHEETS, OTBA 3.MCQs ON METALS AND NON METALS 4. ORAL PPT ON FOSSIL FUELS/FRACTION AL DISTILLATION OF PETROLEUM CH-15 : (CONTD.) SEPTEM BER REVISION FOR SA-1 23 DAYS RECAPITULATI ON AND REVISION FOR SA-1 CH-8 : CELL (BIO.) CH-6 : COMBUSTI ON AND FLAME (CHEM.) OCTOBER 24 DAYS Cell theory, Parts and functions of a microsco pe, Unicellul ar and Multicell ular organism s, Cell shape and size and functions of organelle , Differenc e between plant cell and animal cell Conditio ns necessar y for combusti on, parts of a flame, REVISION To study permanent slides of plant tissue and TS of plant stem. To study the various parts of a candle fame, change of state and release of carbon di oxide. SA-1 WRITTEN CH- 1,2&7BIO WORKSHEETS CH-3,4,5CHEM CH11,12,13&15 PHY types of combusti on, fuels CH-9 : REPRODUC TION IN ANIMALS (BIO.) CH-16 : LIGHT (PHY.) NOVEMBER 23 DAYS Modes of reproduc tion, Sexual repro. in animals/ humans, male and female reproduc tive system, Viviparo us and Oviparou s animals, Metamor phosis, Asexual reproduc tion Reflectio n, Laws of reflection , relation between angle of incidence and angle of reflection , regular and irregular reflection , multiple reflection , nature of image formed in plane mirrors, Make a presentation on TWINS, based on your research project, observe the life cycle of a butterfly. Study image formation in plane mirrors. Experimental project periscope kaleidoscope experimental project on formation of spectrum. FA-3 CH-8 BIO CH- 6 CHEM 1. PEN PAPER TEST 2. WORKSHEETS, OTBA 3. ORAL PPT ON ZONES OF A CANDLE/ FUELS 4. MCQs ON CELL Dispersio n of white light through a prism, parts of human eye and defects of the eye CH-14 : CHEMICAL EFFECTS OF CURRENT (CHEM.) CH-10 : ADOLESCE NCE (BIO.) DECEMBER 24 DAYS CH-18 : POLLUTIO N OF AIR AND WATER (CHEM.) Conducti on of electricit y through liquids, define conducto rs and insulator s, electrolys is and chemical effects of current, applicati ons of electrolys is To study the flow of charges, chemical effect of current and electroplating. life skill – find out about the causes of ACNE and remedial measures to be taken to prevent it. Data collection and deduction on – height and weight of children of The different age Endocrin groups e system, Puberty and Adolesce nce, Organize a Reproduc campaign tive against the use phase/ad of polythene olescent bags in your health, school. Make Sex attractive determin posters on the ation in topics humans Save Water, Save Energy, Recycling Materials. life skills- clean your campus Constitue drive nts of air, causes of air and water pollution, preventio n and personal goals to reduce pollution FA-3 CHCH-18 CH-17 : STAR AND THE SOLAR SYSTEM (PHY.) (OTBA) JANUARY 23 DAYS RECAPITULA TION AND REVISION FOR SA-2 SA 2 FEBRUARY WRITTEN EXAMS 22 DAYS Moon and its phases, solar system, celestial objects in the solar system, stars and their movemen ts RECAPI TULATI ON AND REVISI ON FOR SA-2 SA 2 WRITTE N EXAMS Make a PowerPoint presentation on the topic – Solar System / Constellations CH-9 16&17 1. PEN PAPER TEST 2. WORKSHEETS,OTBA 3.ORAL PPT REFRACTION/DISPERSION OF LIGHT 4. MCQs ON REPRODUCTION - REVISION WORKSHEETS SA 2 WRITTEN EXAMS BIO PHY CHEM SA-2 WRITTEN CH-8,9&10BIO CH- 16,17&18PHY CH-6,14&CHEM ASIA PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SYLLABUS SPLIT-UP FOR CLASS-VIII (2015-16) SUBJECT- SOCIAL SCIENCE MONTHS CHAPTER NO. CONTENT ACTIVITY APRIL 1. Resource s(geo) i. Natural resources based on their availability. List five products you use and state the primary resource from which each is produced. ( ex. Paper is got from trees ) (19 days) ii. Natural or manmade resources ii. Human resources i. Features of Modern Age 1. Whe n wher e and how? (HIS) ii. Sources of information of Modern Indian History Group discussion : Industrialization is a bane, not a boon ?” Make a chart presentation on the topic- “dowry system in India” Laws in everyday life and why we need laws, role of constitution in determining the authority of the law, laws and dissent 1. The rule of law and social justice(ci vics) JUNE (14 days) 2. The establish ment of Company Power (His) Trade wars of European powers in India, the Portuguese, the Dutch, the East India Company, the French East India Company, the Battle of Plassey, battle of Buxar, Land resource, land use, problems and conservations soil resources, water On the political map of the Indian subcontinent, locate the new traded route from Europe to India discovered by Vasco da Gama Make an attractive pamphlet for saving water and distribute its resources, water conservation copies in your locality Largest written constitution, the Preamble, Federal structure of the government, Parliamentary type, universal adult franchise, Independent judiciary, fundamental rights, fundamental duties. Debate- on merits and demerits of the judicial organization in India under the British 2. Land, Soil and Water resource s(geo) JULY (26 days) 2. Vision set forth in the Indian Constitut ion(civics ) 3.Expansi on and consolida tion of the British rule in India(his) Anglo-mysore wars, Anglo-Maratha Wars, subsidiary Alliance, the Doctrine of Lapse, Civil Services, Judicial Organization Group discussion- agriculture is the backbone of our country Colonial Agrarian Policies, permanent settlement in Bengal, impoverishment of peasantry, Mahalwari and Ryotwari system of revenue collection, Peasant revolts, champaran. 4. Rural life and society ( his) AUGUST (24 days) 5. Colonizat ion and Tribal Society Colonisation and the Tribal people and the revolt of Chhota Nagpur and North East Make a power point presentation on the life and livelihoods of the various tribes in the modern times ( His) 3. Natural Vegetati on and Wild life ( Geo) 3. The Union Governm ent Poster making- “let us save forest” Tropical evergreen forest, tropical deciduous forest, temperate evergreen forest, temperate deciduous forest, desert vegetation, tundra vegetation, evergreen forest, deciduous forest, coniferous forest, tidal forest, conservation of forest Government of India- Executive, Legislature, Judiciary, role and the election of the president, functions of the President. of India(Civics) 6. Crafts and Industrie s ( His) The Industrial development India and also the rise of Modern Industry. Factors leading to industrial development, brief reference to growth (project) Election in the class SEPTEMB ER (23 DAYS) 4.Mineral Types of minerals, extraction of minerals, and distribution of minerals, uses of minerals, Power energy resources Worksheet resource s ( Geo) Meaning, composition of parliament, role of parliament, bills in the house, money bill, consideration of bill, approval of bill Find out the hierarchy in administrative service 4. The Union Legislatur SA-1 (Revision+examinations) e: the Parliame nt(CIVICS ) TERM-I TERM-II MONTHS CHAPTER NO. CONTENT ACTIVITY OCTOBER 7. the Revolt of 1857(his) The spread of the revolt, military and immediate causes, factors leading to the revolt, failure of the revolt, causes in the colonial rule WORKSHEETS (24 DAYS) Collect pictures of machines used in agriculture and some information 5. Agriculture(geo) 5. the Indian Judicial system 8. education and British rule(his) Factors affecting agriculture, types of agricuture, major crops, agricultural development THE JUDICIARY-Supreme court, State judiciary, subordinate courts, Lok Adalat, public interest litigation THE Indigenous system, Make a collage of the pictures of various high courts. Explain weather the traditional system is still being followed education for commerce, the Enlightened Indians, growth of nation education, Rabindranath Tagore’s concept of education NOVEMBER 6. Industries(geo) (23 DAYS) 9. Socio-religious reforms(his) 6. criminal justice(civics) Classification of industries, factors affecting location of industries, industrial region, major industries, case study Uplift of women, caste system in Indian society, reform movements in the 19th and 20th centuries, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Dayanand Saraswati, Prarthana Samaj, Sri Narayana Guru, Mahatama Gandhi, B.R. Ambedhkar Test on case study Make a poster on reformers who fought for women empowerment 12. the National movement(his) Process of criminal trial, investigation,FIR, the District police, the Prosecution, the public prosecutor, the defence lawyer Growth fo Indian nationalism, formation of Indian national congress, early or moderate, radical phase in the congress, partition of Bengal, split in the congress, formation of muslim league, the First world war, rise of revolutionary movement, Rowlatt act December (24 DAYS) 10. Colonial and urban changes(HIS) Port cities and administrative centres, civil lines, hill stations, development of town planning, the city culture, municipalities and public works Collect details about your favorite hill stations in India as it was under the British Text book matter 7. Human resources(geo) 11. Changes in the art(his) 8. Disaster(geo) Demographic characteristics, distribution of population, factors affecting density of population, growth of population, population composition, population as a resource Art and painting, company style, art school, Raja Ravi Varma, the Bengal school, new architecture Prepare a chart on the natural hazards of your region Hazards and disasters, natural disaster, volcanoes, landslide, droughts, floods,tsunamis, human-made disaster, nuclear disaster. JANUARY (23 DAYS) 7. social justice and the marginalized Meaning of marginalization, factors leading to marginalization, Dalits, new forms of untouchability, minorities and marginalisied, reservation 13. The struggle of independence 8. Role of government(civics) 14. India after independence(his) Worksheet Map work Mahatma Gandhi and the beginning of the Mass movement, Anti-Rowlatt Satyagrah, Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre, Simmon Commision, formation of the Swaraj party, new revolutionary trend, Gandhi iswin pact, second round table, the government of India, muslim league Lahore, individual satyagraha, quit India moment Map work worksheet Planning commission, five year plan, main features of 11th five year plan, public facilities, challenges of government Immediate challenges and tasks, integration of princely states, the policy of non-alignment, India’s relation with neighboring countries, SAARC, challenges before the Indian government February (22 days) FA-4 and revision of SA-2 March (23 days) SA-2 EXAM ASIA PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SPLITUP SYLLABUS (2015-16) CLASS: - VIII SUBJECT: - Mathematics TERM – I (April to September) MONTH April CHAPTERS Rational numbers Exponents June Linear equation CONTENT The no. of the form a/b, positive and negative rational numbers, basic properties (closure property, commutative law of addition, associative law of addition, identity element, multiplicative identity), large no between two rational no, property of division, Existence of multiplicative inverse. • Exponents only natural numbers. • Laws of exponents (through observing patterns to arrive at generalisation.) (i) am an am+n (ii) (am)n =amn (iii) am/an = am-n, where m - n ∈ Ν An equation is a statement of equality which contains one or more unknown qualities. MODE OF ASSESSMENT Worksheet CW/HW assessment Crossword Without changing the equality, we may 1) Add the same quantity 2) Subtract the same quantity 3) Multiply both sides of equation. 4) Divide both sides of equation Three dimensional figures • Drawing 3-D figures in 2-D showing hidden faces. • Identification and counting of vertices, edges, faces, nets (for cubes cuboids, and cylinders, cones). • Matching pictures with objects (Identifying names) • Mapping the space around approximately Lab activity through visual estimation. July Volume and surface area of solids Definition of solids, Definition of volume, Standard unit of volume, volume of cuboids, total surface area of cuboids, lateral surface area of cuboids, diagonal of the cuboids, volume, total surface area, diagonal of cube, volume of cylinder. Quadrilaterals Worksheet Worksheet Prove that sum of angles of a quadrilateral is 3600, line segments, types of quadrilaterals. August Squares and square roots Cubes and cube roots September Revision for SA-1 What is square, n is perfect square if n=m2 for same natural number, a no. ending in 2, 3, 7, 0r 8 is never a perfect square, Square roots of fraction, square roots of numbers in decimal form, square roots of perfect square by long division method. Number raised to the power 3, n is perfect square if n=m3 for same natural number, cube of even natural no. is even and cube of odd natural no. is odd, cube root of rational number. CW/HW assessment Quiz TERM – II (October to March) October Operations on Algebraic Expression Addition and subtraction of Algebraic Expressions, multiplication of two monomials, multiplication of two binomials, multiplication of two polynomials, division of monomials , some simple identities and their applications. Direct and inverse proportions Introduction, Variation, Direct proportion (when x and y are in direct proportion, x1/y1=x2/y2=x3/y3) Quiz Worksheet Inverse proportion (when x and y are in inverse proportion, x1Xy1=x2Xy2=x3Xy3) Time and work November General rules: work done by A in 1 day=1/n, time taken by A to finish the whole work=n days. Inlet, Outlet. Problems on pipes and cistern. Area of trapezium and a polygon Profit and loss Pie charts Crossword A trapezium is a quadrilateral having one pair of parallel opposite sides. Some basics as base, height, altitude, isosceles trapezium. Area of polygon (area of quadrilateral, area of irregular polygon, area of regular polygon). worksheet Area of trap=1/2X sum of parallel sides X distance between them. General terms like cost price, selling price, loss, loss%, gain, gain% etc. Central angle for a component= value of all component X3600 Sum of Project values of comp. Calculation of central angles, construction and central angles, construction of pie chart. December Compound interest Basic terms as principal, amount, Interest. The additional money given by borrower for using another person’s money is called interest. Cw/hw assessment SI=PXRXT/100, P=100XSI/RXT, R=100XSI/PXT, T=100XSI/PXR. Project Playing with numbers Graphs Two digit numbers, three digit numbers, test of divisibility by 2, test of divisibility by 3, test of divisibility by 5, test of divisibility by 9, replacing alphabets by suitable numerals, Fibonacci numbers. Lab activity Line which are coordinate axis, X axis, Y axis, Cartesian plane, coordinates of a point, abscissa, ordinate, Quadrants, Graphs of multiples of different numbers, reading off from graph, Graph of perimeter versus length of the side of square, Graph of area versus side of square. January Factorization Factors, Factorization when a common monomial factor occurs in each term, Worksheet Factorization when a common binomial, Factorization when given expression is different of two squares, Factorization when given expression is a perfect square, Factorization of quadratic trinomials. Probability Data handling Some terms related to probability as Experiment, random experiment, trial etc. No of outcomes, total no of trials. Some definitions as data, raw data, array, Crossword Presentation tabulation of data, observation, frequency of observation, statistics, mean of grouped data, mean of tabulated data, median of ungrouped data, median of discrete series. February Constructing and interpreting bar graphs Graph is a pictorial representation of numerical data in the form of rectangles of equal width and varying heights, how to draw a bar graph. Revision Complete revision for SA-2 Lab activity SYLLABUS SPLIT-UP SUBJECT : FRENCH SESSION 2015-2016 CLASS : 8 MONTH APRIL MONTH JUNE MONTH JULY MONTH AUGUST MONTH SEPTEMBER DAYS TUE THU TUE THU TUE DATE 7 9 14 16 21 REMARKS 30 DATE 2 7 9 14 16 21 23 28 30 SYLLABUS Revision(Basic) Lesson 1 HOLIDAY Quell heure est-il Grammar Pronominal verbes ‘’ Les Repas Lesson 2 Reading and Oral SYLLABUS Vocabulary FA1Work sheet1 Vocabulary of utensils L’imperatif SYLLABUS Revision Work sheet2 Revision Work sheet3 Lesson 3 Reading and oral Grammar “ “ THU TUE THU TUE DAYS THU TUE THU 23 28 30 TUE DAYS THU TUE THU TUE THU TUE THU TUE THU DAYS TUE THU TUE THU TUE THU TUE THU DATE 4 6 11 13 18 20 25 27 SYLLABUS Body Parts “ Introduction lesson 4 Reading Grammar Work sheet1 Revision Work sheet2 REMARKS DAYS TUE THU TUE THU TUE DATE 1 3 8 10 15 SYLLABUS Work sheet3 Lesson 4 Grammar Reading Revision REMARKS DATE 18 23 25 Mahavir Jayanti REMARKS REMARKS MONTH OCTOBER MONTH NOVEMBER MONTH DECEMBER MONTH JANUARY THU 17 HOLIDAY TUE THU TUE 22 24 29 Revision HOLIDAY Exams SA1 DAYS THU TUE THU TUE THU TUE THU TUE DATE 1 6 8 13 15 20 22 27 SYLLABUS Exams SA1 ExamsSA1 “ “ Lesson 5 Text Grammar HOLIDAY THU 29 Oral DAYS TUE THU TUE THU TUE THU TUE THU DAYS TUE THU TUE THU TUE THU TUE THU TUE THU DAYS TUE THU TUE THU TUE THU TUE THU TUE DATE 3 5 10 12 17 19 24 26 DATE 1 3 8 10 15 17 22 24 29 31 DATE 5 7 12 14 19 21 26 28 SYLLABUS Revision Lesson 5 Worksheet 1 Revision HOLIDAY HOLIDAY Worksheet2 Revision SYLLABUS REMARKS HOLIDAY Worksheet 3 Lesson 6 Grammar Oral Text HOLIDAY Extra exercises Lesson 7 SYLLABUS Text Worksheet 1 Lesson 8 Worksheet2 Oral Worksheet 3 Text GAS TRAGEDY FEBRUARY : ORAL Exam and revision GANESH CHATURTHI EID-UL-JUHA REMARKS VALMIKI JAYANTI DIWALI DIWALI REMARKS X-MAS REMARKS ASIA PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL CLASS:- VIII SPLITUP SYLLABUS SESSION 2015-16 SUBJECT:COMPUTERS S.NO MONTH NO OF WOKING DAYS CONTENT CHAPTER THEORY/PRACTICAL 1 APRIL 22 1 Introduction,Computer network,Creating a computer network,network benefits,hardware. 2 JUNE 14 2 Learn to use Ms Access 3 4 JULY AUGUST 26 24 5 SEPTEMBER 23 8 OCTOBER 24 9 3 4 5 NOVEMBER 6 23 F.A ACTIVITY Oral Questions and quiz Queries Forms and Reports in Ms Access 2007 FA-I CH.1, 2 1. Pen Papers Test 2.Worksheet 3.Practical 4.PPT HTML FA-II CH.3,4 1. Pen Papers Test 2.Worksheet 3.Practical 4.PPT Revision SA-I,Written Test CH 1,2,3,4 Creating Web Page Using HTML Learn To UseAdobe CS3 FA-III CH.5,6 1.PEN PAPER TEST 2.Worksheet 3.Practical 4.PPT 10 DECEMBER 24 12 JANUARY 23 14 Feb 22 7 8 More on Internet/Computer Ethics ,Crime andSecurity Revision Exams FA-IV CH. 7,8 1.Pen Paper Test 2.Worksheet 3.Practical 4.PPT SA-II,Written Test CH 5,6,7,8 एशिया पेशिफिक इंटरनेिनल स्कूल okf"kZd ikB~;Øe 2015 - 2016 d{kk& vkBoha fo"k;& fgUnh क्रम ांक ekg / fnu ikB dk uke fo"k; foLrkj दिन १. FA रचनात्मक गतिविधि 22 1& /ofu dfo ds eu की भ वन एां vizSy (22) बसांत क महत्त्व 2& yk[k dh pwfM+;ka व्य करणसांज्ञ व सववन म ग्र मीण जीवन पर प्रक श xkaoksa ds 'kgjhdj.k dk nq"izHkko की पररभ ष (दोहर न ) fo’ks"k.k fdz;k &fo’ks"k.k १.समह ू में बैठकर ददए गए ववषय पर कववत रचन करन (कक्ष में) २.olar ij ककसी अन्य dfork dk ladyuA ३. कववत प ठ ४. yk[k ls cuus okyh oLrqvksa ds fo"k; esa lfp= tkudkjh izkIr djuk ,oa चचत्र चचपक कर उनके ब रे में लिखन ववननमय पद्धनत ५. वकवशीट पररभ ष ववशेषण के प्रक र ववशेषण के A उद हरण twu 14 2 (14) 3& cl dh ;k=k य त य त के ६. ;k=k ननयमो की ys[kuA व्य करण ज नक री | ७.ifjppkZ & thou iqu#Dr &’kCn okD; fuekZ.k य त्र ओां क महत्त्व esa eLrh dc gkfudkjd gks ldrh gSA laKk izR;; ;krk;kत dh laLej.k nqO;ZoLFkk ij O;aX; | ८.वकवशीट-(सांज्ञ के प्रक र) ९.वकवशीट (प ठ्यपस् ु तक) 3 tqykbZ (26) 26 FA- 1 पन ु र ववृ ि FA- 1 परीक्ष 4& nhokuksa 4& gj ifjfLFkfr esa izlUu jgus dh lh[k ११.ifjppkZ & thou esa eLrh dc gkfudkjd gks ldrh gSA dh gLrh 5- पत्र क महत्व 5-जीवन में ड ककये 5& fpfV~B;ksa dh vuwBh nqfu;k की भलू मक १२.i{kh vkSj ckny dks Mkfd, dh Hkk¡fr ekudj viuh dYiuk ls ,d ys[k fyf[k,A 5& laokn ek/;eksa dh fodkl ;k=k dk fooj.k व्य करण vusdkFkhZ 'kCn izR;; 'kCn ifjokj vifBr x?kka’k vuqPNsn 6& Hkxoku ds Mkfd, 7& D;k fujk'k gqvk tk;s 6& izd`fr dh fofo/krk esa laoknh varlZca/k 7& fofHkUu nqO;ZLFkkvksa vkSj pkfjf=d ewY;ksa dh fxjkoV ds chp ldkjkRed rF;ksa dk js[kkadu& १३.पक्षी और ब दि की ति ु न इन्टरनेट से करते हुए िेख १४.jpukRed ys[ku & vkids liuksa dk Hkkjr dSlk gksuk pkfg,A jpukRed ys[kuA FA-2 4 vxLr 24 FA-2 वकवशीट पन ु र ववृ ि परीक्ष (24) 8& ;g lcls dfBu le; ugha 8& dfork क ewy १५.dFkk िेखन A Hkko १६.(अन्य कवव के)nksgk ikB 9& dchj dh lkf[k;ka 10& dkepksj व्याकरण 9& lkf[k;ksa ds ek/;e ls thouksi;ksxh f'k{kk 10& Å/ke epkus okys cPpksa ls gksus okyh ijs'kkuh rFkk lqO;ofLFkr ifjokj dh ekax Ik= ys[ku milxZ प्रत्यय 5 flrEcj 23 SA-I ifj{kk व्य करण दोहर न १७.क मचोर कह नी क ukVdhdj.kA १८.वकवशीट (23) Ikqujko`fRr (व्य करण व प ठ्यपस् ु तक) 24 6 vDVwcj (24) ikB& 11 tc flusek us cksyuk lh[kk ikB& 12 lqnkek pfjr ikB& 13 tgka ifg;k gS O;kdj.k dkjd foHkkfDr }a} lekl FA-3 पन ु र ववृ ि 11&ewd flusek ds lokd flusek esa fodkl dh dgkuh 12&lqnkek dh nhun'kk ns[kdj Jhd`".k dh euksn'kk dk o.kZu १९.vk’kqHkk"k.k २०.fe=rk laca/kh 13&lkbfdy vkanksyu ls iqMqdksV~VbZ dh efgykvksa ds thou esa cnyko nksgksa dk ladyuA ns’k HkfDr २१. वकवशीट 7 uoEcj (23) 23 FA- 3 परीक्ष २२.वकवशीट 14-व्यांग्य क अर्व २३.dgkuh ys[ku 14&ykyk >kÅyky ij vk/kkfjr gkL; vdcjh yksVk O;aX;kRed dFkk ikB& 14 २४.lwj ds पदों क 15&d`".k dh cky yhyk ikB& 15 lwj ds in 16-प नी की हर एक बूँद ू क महत्त्व ikB& 16 ikuh dh dgkuh व्य करण lLojxk;u okRlY; Hkko ds n'kZu 16&vksl dh cawn }kjk lEiw.kZ ty pØ dk o.kZu २५.vkRedFkk dh jpuk २६.जि की ववलभन्न अवस्र् ओ क प्रदशवन करन | ’kCn ;qXe ]f oykse ,oa i;kZ;okph ‘’kCn 24 8 fnlEcj ikB& 17 ckt vkSj lkai पय वयव ची ) २८.वकवशीट 17-मख व क फि ू त २९.izsjd dgkuh lquuk 17&ckt ds lkgl ,oa lkai dh dk;jrk ,oa vKkurk dk o.kZu (24) ikB& 18 Vksih r;kWaA र ववृ ि २७.वकवशीट ( वविोम, व्य करण- 18&lRrk ls turk ds laca/kksa dh leh{kk ३०.ukVdhdj.k uUgha xkSjS;k ds ३१.dgkuh jpuk n`<+ fu'p; vkSj iz;kl क वणवन मह ु वरे ,िोको क्ततय ूँ एवां सक्ू ततय ूँ ३२.वकवशीट 9* जनवरी 23 (23) 10 Qjojh FA-4 पन ु र FA-4 22 ववृ ि ३३.वकवशीट परीक्ष ३४.वकवशीट iqujko`fRr SA-2 11 ekp Z SA-2 Ikjh{kk ३५.वकवशीट ,f’k;k isflfQd baVjus’kuy Ldwy okf"kZd ikB~;dze ¼2014&2015½ d{kk & vkBoha fo"k; & laLd`r Ekkg fnu ikB dk uke fo"k; foLrkj vizSy 22 ns’k HkfDr dh Hkkouk dk o.kZu twu 14 ikB 1 & vktkn pUnz’ks[kj% O;kdj.k & /kkrq:Ik yV` o y`Vdkj 'kCn:Ik & vdkjkar iq- L=hfyax o uiqldfyax ikB 2 & _rq olUr % ikB 3 & 'yksdk% O;kdj.k & o.kZ foU;kl] o.kZ la;ksxk ,Q , &1 iqujko`fRr tqykbZ 26 ikB 4& HkkstL; mnkjrk ikB 5& x.kara=fnol% ikB 6& xhrk;k% mins’k% ikB 7& laNs 'kfDr ;qxs ;qxs O;kdj.k & laf/k] lekl Ik;kZ;k% ] foi;Z;k% vxLr 24 ikB 8& Jh tokgjyky usg: ikB 9& mLekad _rqvksa dk egRo _rqvksa ds izdkj 'yksdksa ls f’k{kk ,Q , jpukRed xfrfof/k ,oa ifj;kstuk dk;Z ns’k ds dzkafrdkfj;ksa ds fp= muds uke lfgr fy[kukA odZ’khV Mnkjrk dk o.kZu Ikjksidkj dk egRo x.kra= dk vFkZ mins’kksa ds ek/;e ls deZ dk egRo ,drk esa gh cy ,drk }kjk dk;Z Cky izse] ns’k ds izfr leiZ.k Olar _rq dk fp= cukdj mds ckjs esa ikap okD; fy[kukA odZ’khV x.kra= fnol ls lacaf/k ikap laLd`r 'kCnksa dk fp= lfgr okD;ksa esa iz;ksx xhrk ds ikap vU; 'yksdksa dk ladyu odZ’khV Lkjy O;fDrRo o cky izse dk o.kZu ns’k izse dh Hkkoukvksa dk 'yksdksa dk lLoj okpu dq’kyrk ds fy, ekrk dks i= flrEcj 23 vDVqcj 24 ns’ka% ikB 10 & i=a firjs izfr ikB 11 & lqHkkf"krkfu O;kdj.k & le;% ] la[;k] fp=o.kZu fodklA firk ds izfr i=A uSfrd f’k{kk dk KkuA ikB 12 & 'kBs 'kkB~;a lekpjsr~ ,l , &1 iqujko`fRr ,l , &1 ijh{kk ikB 13& egkjkKh y{eh% ikB 14& fl)kFkZL; fojafDr O;kdj.k & okrkZyki : ] i=ys[kue~ /kksdsckt ds izfr Dgkuh dk /kksdsckth ds fgUnh esa O;ogkj dk o.kZuA lkjka’k fy[kuk odZ’khV ns’k HkfDr rFkk fdUgh ikap LokfHkeku dh Lora=rk Hkkouk dk lsukfu;ksa dk o.kZuA fp= lfgr o.kZuA ckS) dh f’k{kk,¡ odZ’khV fy[kuk odZ’khV ,f’k;k isflfQd baVjus’kuy Ldwy Okf"kZd ikB~;dze ¼2014 - 2015½ d{kk & vkBoha fo"k; & laLd`r uoEcj 21 ,Q , & iqujko`fRr ,Q , & ijh{kk ikB 15& fo|k efgek ikB 16 & i=ky;% ikB 17& laLd`rHkk"kk;k% egRroe~ O;kdj.k & fefJr vH;kl fnlEcj 19 ikB 18& fo|k efgek ikB 19 & iqujko`fRr ikB 20& laLd`rHkk"kk;k% egRroe~ iqujko`fRr Kku dk egRo Kku dh lkFkZdrk Ik=ky; dh Hkwfedk Lkapkj lk/kuksa dk egRo Hkk"kk dk egRo laLd`r okrkZyki }kjk ikB dk vfHku; lafo/kku dh fofHkuu Hkk"kkvksa d ladyu fofHkUu Mkd dks ,df=r dj dkWih esa fpidkuk odZ’khV Xk¡k/kh th Ikzeq[k dh f’k{kk rhZFkZ rhFkksaZ dh LFkyksa ds efgek fp= uke lfgr nku dk egRo fprdkuk