COM 240: North Carolina State University 1 COM 240: Communication Inquiry Fall 2013 Instructor: Dr. Ryan J. Hurley Teaching Assistant: Email: Alex Hammond – Email: Office: Winston Hall 220 Kelly Long – Email: Office Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. (APPOINTMENTS PREFERRED) Classroom: Riddick 451 Course Overview Course Website: Moodle [] It is the age of information: which has made the ability to read, evaluate, critique, & produce valid data/information important to employers in all areas. In COM 240: Communication Inquiry students will study several methods that communication researchers have employed in order to understand human messages, or communication. This course is designed to teach students the language and procedures of important methods that have been employed by communication scholars, so they might leave the course better prepared to consume and produce research information regarding human communication. General Course Outcomes Students should leave the course able to do the following: Understand what separates communication inquiry apart from research regarding psychology, biology, and other academic disciplines. Distinguish between different approaches to communication research (e.g., socialscience, rhetoric, etc.). o Understand the differing goals of individual approaches to communication research. Ask and answer certain questions about communication, using communication methods. Critically read, evaluate, and conduct communication research. [While we won’t be conducting research for this course, students should be prepared to execute research projects at work and in subsequent rhetoric, critical/cultural, and/or social-science courses in the Department of Communication.] o Understand the arrangement and contents of scholarly research reports (i.e., peerreviewed journal articles) from several areas of communication inquiry. o Understand the language of communication research. o Select appropriate data analysis strategies based on the type of data. o Conduct common analyses with a given data set or artifact/text. Distance Education (DE) Sections The Department of Communication offers several courses required for the major in the online environment, Distance Education (DE). The DE section of COM 240 relies on audio/video COM 240: North Carolina State University 2 recordings from a “classroom-capture system.” In other words, the DE section (COM 240-601) will feature recordings from the classroom version of the course, which meets 3 days a week from 12:25 until 1:15 on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays. That means starting Day 1, recordings of the classroom sessions will be posted to the COM 240-601 Moodle class website following the same MWF structure (three lectures a week, except on holidays and other dates when the in-class section does not meet). The goal is to create an online course that is as similar to the classroom version as possible. The DE section will be administered entirely via Moodle (see web address above) with NO REQUIRED ON-CAMPUS VISITS. Directions regarding assignment submission, due dates, and other such work are discussed in this syllabus and will be addressed in the lecture recordings as well. REGARDING COMPUTER ISSUES: Online courses invite a host of potential computer issues. In signing up for COM 240-601 you are stating that you have access to a functional computer and you are taking the responsibility to complete the work ON TIME REGARDLESS of computer issues. With free campus and public computer access nearly everywhere, computer crashes are not valid excuses for late work…for on- or offline sections. Students MUST HAVE ACCESS to the Internet, MS Word, Adobe Reader, and one of several possible Internet browsers. Campus computers, and most public libraries and Kinkos, provide all of these necessary tools for completing the course. Your responsibility as a student is to (1) come to class (or view the lecture for DE sections), (2) complete all assignments/activities ON TIME, & (3) communicate. If you need help, cannot complete something on time, or are just plain bored…communicate with me. My students are some of my favorite people in the world. I love talking with you all and I hate to play disciplinarian. Most problems/difficulties that arise during a semester can be easily remedied through communication, and I want to talk with you anyway. So, if you just cannot finish an assignment on time, EMAIL ME IMMEDIATELY. Communication before deadlines goes along way. Course Textbook Most of the readings will come from the textbook; however, I will post a few PDF readings on Moodle throughout the semester that relate to topic at that time. Students are responsible for the content of these, and the textbook, readings on the exams. The required textbook for the course is cited below. Students are responsible for following along with the assigned readings as indicated in the course calendar. Frey, L. R., Botan, C. H., & Kreps, G. L. (2000). Investigating communication: An introduction to research methods. Allyn & Bacon: Needham Heights, MA. Assignments, Assessments, & Grading The assignments and assessments in this course are designed to measure your ability to demonstrate your understanding of the course content. Always remember that your job is to prove that you understand the material. For DE sections, all assignments and exams will be administered online. There will be no need for exam appointments. COM 240: North Carolina State University 3 Exams (3 Exams; 100pts each) (300pts): There will be three exams each of which is worth 100pts. These exams will ask you to recall, recognize, and explain communication concepts and research methods related to communication inquiry. Each exam will be comprised of multiplechoice, matching, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and/or short answer essay-type questions. Questions will directly reflect material found in the lectures AND course textbook. Students are responsible for keeping current with the assigned chapter readings. DE sections will take all exams through the Moodle interface. There will be no need for exam appointments. Exams will be open from 8:00am until 11:55pm on scheduled exam days. Like those in the classroom section, DE students will have 50 minutes to complete the exam from when they first open it. These (and more) instructions will be available on Moodle prior to each exam. Article Assignments (5 Assignments; 4 x 50pts each; 1 x 100pts) (300pts): Each of these assignments will be announced & detailed in the lectures, but essentially you will be asked to locate scholarly journal articles of a specific type (i.e., a type related to the current course material) and answer a few questions about them. Article #1 - 4 (4 x 50pts) (200pts): Find & print the front page of a PDF of an appropriate peer-reviewed journal article. Also, attach the answers to the separate handout (e.g., Article #1: Questions) behind the peer-reviewed journal article materials you are required to turn in. Make sure your name is written legibly on the front of the all of your material. Article #5 (100pts): Find & print the front page of an appropriate PDF of a peerreviewed journal article from one of the top journals in the field of communication as rated by ISI. Turn in a detailed abstract of this article, addressing the major sections of a peer-reviewed research article in turn. Make sure your name is written legibly on the front of the all of your material. ***For DE SECTIONS, ARTICLE ASSIGNMENTS will be due in Moodle by 11:55pm on their scheduled due dates. Note: There will be 1 place to upload BOTH your article in PDF form and your answers to the separate handout (i.e., the SAME drop box works for both documents you need to upload). Answer the questions to the separate handout directly in the MS Word document, but re-title the file using your last name, your first initial, & the article number (e.g., HurleyR_Q1.doc). Then upload the ENTIRE PDF file of the article into Moodle. DE Article #1 – 4 (4 x 50pts) (200pts): Find & upload the ENTIRE PDF file of an appropriate peer-reviewed journal article. Also, attach the answers to the separate handout (Article #1: Questions; e.g., HurleyR_Q1.doc) with the peer-reviewed journal article materials you are required to turn in. Please save your article file with a title that uses your last name and your first initial followed by the article number (e.g., HurleyR_Article1.pdf). Follow this format for all articles. DE Article #5 (100pts): Find & upload the ENTIRE PDF of a peer-reviewed journal article from one of the top journals in the field of communication as rated by ISI. Turn in a detailed abstract of this article, addressing the major sections of a peer-reviewed COM 240: North Carolina State University 4 research article in turn. Make sure your file names contain your real name and the article number (e.g., HurleyR_Article5.doc & HurleyR_Article5.pdf). In-class Participation Activities (10 Activities; 20pts each) (200pts): These will be short inclass activities that will be completed in small groups and relate to the current course content. There will be a total of 10 of these assignments randomly dispersed throughout the semester. These assignments CANNOT be made up (only excused with proper documentation of an approved excuse), so COME TO CLASS and earn these easy points. ***DE sections will have these “in-class” participation assignments due with attendance at the beginning of each week. This means uploaded BEFORE 11:55pm on the due date. Attendance (100pts): I consider taking attendance to be beneficial for students, and not only for the obvious reason that you need to be present to learn vital course material. I consider attendance to be the easiest way for students to attain course points. Overall attendance will be scaled to total 100pts. EVERY DAY COUNTS as points. There are no “free” absences. If a student is absent for ANY reason for MORE THAN of 3 weeks (6 days for T-TH, 9 days for MWF, and 5 days for Summer Session 2) that student will FAIL the course. Students who transfer into the course after the first day of class will have their attendance scaled accordingly. ***For DE sections, attendance will be due via Moodle every Monday (starting the first Monday of the semester) BEFORE 11:55pm. Every lecture posted will contain an attendance question of the day that is randomly placed within the lecture (i.e., it could be at the beginning, the middle, or the end of the lecture). Students will be asked to provide answers to the previous week’s general attendance questions (e.g., What is your favorite movie?) BEFORE 11:55pm the following Monday. NOTE: Because the lectures are recorded live, they cannot be posted early for DE students. Further absence information: Per University regulations, excused absences must fall into one of two categories: sanctioned anticipated situations and documented emergency situations. Anticipated situations (e.g., participation in official University functions, court attendance, religious observances, or military duty) must be submitted in writing at the beginning of the semester or one week prior to the anticipated absence. Point Distribution & Grading Scale 3 Primarily Objective Exams (100pts each) 5 Article Assignments (4 x 50pts each; 1 x 100pts) 10 Participation Activities (20pts each) Attendance TOTAL 33.3% 33.3% 22.2% 11.2% 100.0% 300pts 300pts 200pts 100pts 900pts Your grade will be determined based on the traditional scale of percentages (below). Your percentage will be calculated by dividing the number of points you have earned by the total amount of points in the course. Scores will be recorded using standard rounding to the nearest whole number (e.g., 90.49% = 90%; whereas, 90.50% = 91%). COM 240: North Carolina State University 100% - 98% 89% - 87% 79% - 77% 69% - 67% 59% - 00% = A+ = B+ = C+ = D+ =F 97% - 94% 86% - 84% 76% - 74% 66% - 64% =A =B =C =D 5 93% - 90% 83% - 80% 73% - 70% 63% - 60% = A= B= C= D- Assignment Completion You must complete all assignments (i.e., article assignments, exams, etc.) on the day the assignment is due. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. The deadline is the DEADLINE! Late = 0pts…seriously 0pts. This ALSO APPLIES TO EXAMS. See more below. Exam Make ups. In order to make up an exam that was not taken as scheduled, the STUDENT is RESPONSIBLE to notify me BEFORE the scheduled exam time. If you wake up feeling sick on the day of a scheduled exam, EMAIL ME IMMEDIATELY even if you think you will be able to take the exam. A student contacting me AFTER missing a scheduled exam certainly WILL NOT be allow to take the exam for full credit, but might not be allowed to make up the exam at all. When “excusable absences” are reported AFTER missing an exam, the student might be allowed to take the exam for UP TO 80% credit (e.g., 100% = 80%; 95% = 75%, etc.). When “inexcusable absences” result in a missed exam & are reported AFTER missing the exam, the student WILL NOT be allowed to take the exam. Inexcusable absences (e.g., car failure, vacation/travel) reported BEFORE a scheduled exam MIGHT be allowed to take the exam for UP TO 80% credit depending on the individual circumstances of the case. EMAIL notification of exam absences is preferred because it provides a permanent, time-stamped record. If you fail to take any EXAM you will FAIL the course. NO EMAIL VERSIONS (of assignments or exams) WILL BE ACCEPTED. You cannot turn in your assignment (e.g., the article assignments) via email unless you have received my permission. COM 240-001 MIGHT turn in some assignments using the course Moodle site; however, this determination will be made in class on an assignment-byassignment basis. DE/Online courses will turn in ALL assignments via the course MOODLE website. Extra Credit Up to 15 total points for ALL extra credit. There is an OPEN EXTRA CREDIT opportunity for ALL students ALL semester long (Until the date of the final). Find some video clip (e.g., TV show, film, webisode, etc.) or non-video example (e.g., a survey you took for some company) that demonstrates a concept from this course (e.g., reliability, sampling, experiments, surveys, interviews). In an email, explain which concept you chose & how the example you found helps us understand that concept. Extra credit may be turned in via email to •NOT epistemology or ontology •NOT subjectivity or objectivity Up to 15 points total (5pts for the FIRST clip/example & 10pts for the SECOND clip/example) COM 240: North Carolina State University 6 Classroom Climate Disruptive classroom behavior can interfere with the learning process and create an uncomfortable classroom environment. Please do your best to refrain from disruptive behavior, such as cell phone use, early exits and late arrivals, chatting with your neighbor, listening to music, or any other potentially disruptive behavior. Respectful classroom behavior also requires an appreciation of diversity: diversity of ideas, beliefs, and values; diversity of lifestyles; and, diversity of forms of expression. Instructors and students will be expected to be respectful and tolerant of difference and diversity in the classroom. Syllabus Changes Schedule changes will be announced in class and posted or announced on the course Moodle site. Students are responsible for keeping up with changes to the course schedule and for adhering to the policies outlined in this syllabus. Absence Policy Per University regulations, excused absences must fall into one of two categories: sanctioned anticipated situations and documented emergency situations. Anticipated situations (e.g., participation in official University functions, court attendance, religious observances, or military duty) must be submitted in writing at the beginning of the semester or one week prior to the anticipated absence. Emergency absences (e.g., student illness, injury or death of immediate family member, must be documented by the Student Organization Resource Center 515-3323) within one week following the emergency. Make-up work will be allowed only in situations where absences were excused. Please consult the following website for further information on University attendance regulations: Academic Integrity Strict standards of academic honesty will be enforced according to the University policy on academic integrity found in the code of student conduct. NC State Students are bound to an honor code, which states: “I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this test or assignment." It is my understanding and expectation that a student's signature on any test or assignment means that you have neither given nor received unauthorized aid. Please consult the following website for further details on student conduct: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available accommodations, students must register with Disability Services for Students at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 515-7653. For more information on NC State's policy on working with students with disabilities, please see COM 240: North Carolina State University 7 Incomplete Policy Students will not be given a temporary grade of IN (incomplete) unless they have attended classes regularly for most of the semester, have completed at least 60% of required work, have missed required work as a result of factors beyond their control, and have submitted satisfactory documentary evidence. An IN grade not removed by the end of the next semester in which the student is enrolled or by the end of twelve months, whichever is earlier, will automatically become an F (unless the student can present a compelling, well-documented case for the extension). For the NC State policy on grading and IN grades, see Credit Only Policy Requirements for Credit-Only: In order to receive a grade of S, students are required to take all exams and quizzes, complete all assignments, and earn a grade of C- or better. Credit-Only courses can only be included under the Free Elective category of the student’s curriculum. Conversion from letter grading to credit only (S/U) grading is subject to university deadlines. Refer to the Registration and Records calendar for deadlines related to grading. For more details refer to: Audit Policy Requirements for Auditors: Auditors must consult with the instructor. For details refer to: Anti-Discrimination Statement NC State University provides equality of opportunity in education and employment for all students and employees. Accordingly, NC State affirms its commitment to maintain a work environment for all employees and an academic environment for all students that is free from all forms of discrimination. Discrimination based on race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation is a violation of state and federal law and/or NC State University policy and will not be tolerated. Harassment of any person (either in the form of quid pro quo or creation of a hostile environment) based on race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation also is a violation of state and federal law and/or NC State University policy and will not be tolerated. Retaliation against any person who complains about discrimination is also prohibited. NC State’s policies and regulations covering discrimination, harassment, and retaliation may be accessed at Student Resources Writing and Speaking Tutorial Services: Academic Policies: University Career Center: Disability Services Office (DSO): Adverse Weather: Complete information about adverse weather policies is available at COM 240: North Carolina State University 8 Check email, news, the NCSU home page, or call 513-8888 for the latest information. CHASS Career Services CHASS Career Services are available through the Career Development Center, 2100 Pullen Hall. Your career contacts are: Jane Matthews (A-H) and Woody Catoe (I-Z). Make appointments through ePACK. Course Calendar DAY DATE DAILY TOPIC READINGS (read before class) & ASSIGNMENTS (due in class) 1 W August 21st, 2012 Introductions: Ryan & The Course 2 F 23rd Introduction to Research Culture & Research Areas in Communication 3 M 26th 4 W 28th Epistemology, Ontology & Different Approaches to Communication Studies Finding, Saving, & Printing Peer-reviewed Journals 5 F 30th Approach #1: Rhetorical Criticism *** M September 2nd ***LABOR DAY – NO CLASS/LECTURE*** 6 W 4th Doing Rhetorical Criticism 7 F 6th Rhetoric Day with Dr. Matthew May Article #1 Due 8 M 9th Approach #2: Critical/Cultural Studies Moodle Reading 9 W 11th “ 10 F 13th TBD Critical/Cultural Day Article #2 Due 11 M 16th Ch 3 12 W 18th Approach #3: Social Science Research Paper Basics (RPB) “ 13 F 20th EXAM #1 Review 14 M 23rd ***EXAM #1*** 15 W 25th Research Ethics & Politics Ch 1 pp. 3–6, 12-18 & Ch 2 pp. 27–30 Ch 1 pp. 18-26 Ch 3 pp. 48-56 Ch 9 pp. 229 – 236 Moodle Reading Ch 6 COM 240: North Carolina State University 9 16 F 27th Observing & Measuring Variables Ch 4 17 M 30th “ 18 W October 2nd Research Design: Validity & Reliability 19 F 4th Research Design: Sampling 20 M 7th 21 W 9th Methods in Communication Research (MCR): Experimental Research “ *** F 11th ***FALL BREAK – NO CLASS/LECTURE*** 22 M 14th MCR: Survey Research 23 W 16th “ 24 F 18th MCR: Textual Analysis (TA) Ch 9 25 M 21st Naturalistic Inquiry Ch 10 26 W 23rd “ 27 F 25th EXAM #2 Review 28 M 28th ***EXAM #2*** 29 W 30th Qualitative Data Analysis 30 F November 1st Qualitative Activity Day 31 M 4 Describing Quantitative Data Ch 11 32 W 6 Inferring from Data: Estimation & Significance Testing Ch 12 33 F 8 “ Article #4 Due 34 M 11 Difference between Groups Stats Ch 13 35 W 13 “ 36 F 15 Relationship between Variables Stats 37 M 18 “ 38 W 20 TBD Social-science Paper/Article #4 Presentation Ch 5 Ch 7 Ch 8 Article #3 Due Ch 14 COM 240: North Carolina State University 10 39 F 22 40 M 25 *** W 27 Walk through Math Activities & Do Activity #10 Concluding Research: Writing the Results, Discussion, & Conclusion ***THANKSGIVING – NO LECTURE*** *** F 29 ***THANKSGIVING – NO LECTURE*** 41 M December 2nd 42 W 4th Concluding Research: What happens to the final product/paper? EXAM #3 Review Article #5 Due December 9th ***FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE*** ***(EXAM #3)*** Course Meeting Time & Section # 12:25 – 1:15 PM Section: COM 240-001 Time of Exam 1:00 – 4:00pm 43 M