IRS Due Process

IRS Due Process
Wildstar <>
Ok.. I am sure there are those here who will correct me if I am wrong, but I decided to try to put
into simple words, that which we in this movement have come to know as truth.. To give us a
perspective as to where we are in this battle.
The right to Due process, is the right to be heard. The courts have said that the IRS has to give
us due process, however narrow that path may be.
Writting letters does not work. Refusing for cause does not work.
Replying to CP505, 515, Cp93, etc, does not work. Submitting affidavits usally does not work,
unless done properly at the proper time, and copies sent to proper people, (meaning the
secretary of treasury).
Your due process rights begin at , and if not secured at, one place and one time during the IRS’s
“letter of terror campain”: The Inital Examination interview.
With their first contact, they usally send you a notice of “We haven’t recieved your ## year tax
return, please file it now..” letter, along with a copy of IRS publication 1.
Publication 1, holds the key, but it is cleverly hidden. Using my copy of Pub 1, Rev 5-96, which is
2 pages, (1 page, both sides) I do NOT clearly see the information listed in my older copy of it,
Rev 10-90. In the rev 5-96, the KEY is there, but it is so cleaverly hidden that the common man
who is not educated in law -will- overlook it and thus be caught by the IRS skam.
In the Revision of 10-90, (which is 4 pages, 2 pages both sides), on page 2 is show a flow chart
of how their collections process, (letter campane of terror) goes. The second square on this flow
char, is “EXAMINATION or INQUIRY of TAX RETURN”. This is where YOU get your due
process. At this stage, you can present arguments, supena witnesses, cross examine witnesses,
and demand discovery. The document, 4 pages long, goes into detail that today, would cause
the IRS many headaces, because many people would start demanding this initial examination
interview, and the IRS would suffer a break down due to backlog. They simply would not have the
time nor manpower to do all the interviews, which I think is why they eventualy deleated the
diagram and extra information in the following years publications of Pub 1.
If you miss this vital step, everything else you do, will not matter because you have missed your
one and only chance to challenge anything the IRS does after that point. Silence is default. And
this is where most people get caught by this Statutory trap.
The Publication does not point out this very Important issue - the IRS is not by law, required to tell
you how important that step is. It is up to YOU to know the law, and the IRS up untill the new tax
laws that went into effet this year, was not responsible for proving liablity - YOU were.
At your interview, you need to bring up your arguments, and do not use failed arguments (see
Beacraft website for failed arguments). Using any failed argument will cause you to loose.. Its
better to use THEIR information aginst them. Demand verification. Demand they obey the law.
Turn the law aginst them.
Due process is your right to be heard, and you can only be heard in their system, at the times and
places THEY allow. Once you arrive at that time and place, IF they refuse to allow you to be
heard, You have a failure of due process case aginst them.
As My friend Web is fond of saying, “why beat your head aginst the wall, when you don’t need
to?” Why argue arguments that will automaticaly cause you to fail?
What works so you won’t hve to bank your head aginst the wall? USING their information aginst
them, at the proper place and time. USE the audit procedures. Demand an audit, or in person
meeting and knowing how to conduct the meeting, MIGHT cause your case to be deemed
uncollectable, (wich is good for us) or, better yet, have it dismissed.
At the initial conferance, (interview), you have the right to demand to see all documents,
witnesses, etc.. and you have the right to present your own. You have the right to cross examine
THEIR witnesses. The law says that all statements, returns, etc, have to be verified by a
signature (not a rubber stamp) signed under purgery. IS that w-2 form sent by your company,
verified? If not, is it a valid statement? No. Use their laws aginst them.
Use their laws aginst them.
Keep repeating that untill you get the idea drummed into your thick head.
I took me 5 years of it untill It finally sunk in. Now thats what I do.
I notify them of the demand for meeting.
I notify them (per the law) that I am bringing a tape recorder. I notify them that I depand to see
documentation (by law) which I have a right to inspect.
I notify them that I reserve the right to bring witnesses, ( and do on some occasions).
Then I use THEIR info aginst them..
Expect this first interview to be the first of many. Expect them to rule aginst you. Next step is
“request for appeals” Then when they refuse it, or rule aginst you again, Taxcourt. THEN, and
only then, can you lawfully take it to US District court, as you have USING YOUR DUE
PROCESS RIGHTS, exausted all administrative remedy.
Expect the IRS to ignore your facts, statements, arguments.
Expect the IRS to act unlawfully.
Expect the IRS to make demands that you cannot meet. Expect the IRS to threaten you, your property,
your job, and the company you work for. (auditing them, or whatever)
Expect the IRS to try to take your bank accounts without a court order. Expect the IRS to label
you a tax protester (now a non-filer = different word, same meaning, and they still treat it in the
same manner).
Demand due process.
Demand they present validated evidence = at the right time, of course.
Demand they give you the examination interview.
Demand they supena witnesses for you, (they can by law).
Demand they obey the laws they are trying to impose on you.
Demand they follow procedures.
Only by being presistant, and knowledgable, can you fight and obtain your right to due process.
It is our own ignorance, that stops us from getting and securing it.
The next big battlefield is working for a living and how to not be discriminated aginst by
companies, who refuse to hire you, let alone consider you for work, because you refuse to
particiapte in something which is not a legal requirment for you to do, in order for you to live
and/or work within the USA.
-“The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the
meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words.”
Seems to be applicable to all statutes, ordinances, codes, and all the rest doesn’t it?