Neferteri Grace P. Jumawan ITETHICS BS-IS Mr. Paul Pajo Title: Trying out One’s New Sword Author: Mary Midgley Quotes: “Isolating barriers simply cannot arise here” – Mary Midgley “What is involved in judging?” – Mary Midgley “Moral isolation would lay down a general ban on moral reasoning” “The power of moral judgement is, in fact, not a luxury, not a perverse indulgence of the self-righteousness.” – Mary Midgley “When we judge something to be good or bad, better or worse than something else, we are taking it as an example to aim at or avoid” – Mary Midgley “Without opinions of this sort, we would have no framework of comparison for our own policy, no chance of profiting by other people’s insights or mistakes.” – Mary Midgley Review: Ms. Mary Midgley, the author tackled the moral isolationism. Midgley stated that moral isolationism involves the view of anthropologists and people cannot criticized cultures because they can’t understand it. She cited an example about a Japanese culture. In this example, she explained that during the older Japanese culture, there was a part of trying out new samurai sword. Midgley had an argument about moral isolationism has its immorlaism because of the moral reasoning. She also discussed