Summary Week Report Project ColdWatch Responsible Luka Postružin Week 48 Date 05.12.2011. Executive Summary Timeliness General Project Status Fulfillment of Next Milestone Slightly behind schedule On track Results This Week Activity Owner(s) All team members All team members Work load 4 Fore cast 4 Making week reports, and MoM, as well as progress reports Documentation reviewing 4 4 25 25 Angie Angarita Usman Alam Validation forms Code integration 5 4 5 3 Usman Alam Report generating library 4 4 Usman Alam Graphical view improvement 10 10 Vallu Sreehari Disapproval of GSN request 3 3 Luka Postružin Periodical execution of scripts 3 3 Ante, Luka Aggregated tables configuration ETl scripts modification 2 2 6 6 Documentation process 2 2 Angie, Luka Vallu, Ante Ivanković Ante Ivanković Activity Communication for ETL Result / Comment Basic communication regarding our workload and next steps All team members had to participate in making some official and unofficial reports As per instructions of our supervisor we needed to change things in our documentation. We have made changes on almost all documents from those comments, and will provide new documents in the following week. New forms have been introduced for validation of the data. Helping other members of our team in code integration process since before alpha prototype was closing on us and time was limited. Library that supports pdf printing has been found, and will be incorporated in our project. This will be tested in the following week, and we will see if it possible to add our graphs in the report generating. Graphical view has been improved now, and is uploaded on the server as well. Admin can now disapprove request from the user for privilege on the GSN. This can be used in cases when user tries to request privilege on a GSN server he should not be able to see. Cron job will be used on our server to execute php scripts for filling data. Minor problems occurred, but will be fixed in the following week. Tables have been introduced and approved that will be used in report generating for faster analysis of the data. Scripts are now generated and tested for automatic sensor adding from GSN server and to gather data from GSN servers as well. ETL scripts have been documented as a manual on how to use them. This will be used on further documentations. 1 Matija Renić Internet source researching and data acquisition developing 12 12 Angie, Luka Coordinating activities 4 4 Matija, Kristijan, Luka Error reporting 5 5 We now have couple of available sources for getting real information on which we can test our system. Virtual sensor for gathering that data is in development process, and will be over in the following week. Activities and priorities have been assigned to all of the tasks we need to finish in due time. Also, tasks have been divided after consulting Usman as web interface coordinator. Errors have been reported and written to our failure matrix document. These errors are structured and easy to monitor. Activities Planned for Next Period Activity Owner(s) Luka Postružin Data acquisition automatization. Work load 4 Usman, Kristijan, Vallu Web interface development 40 Matija Renić Getting data from internet source 18 Ante Ivanković Aggregated tables generating 18 Angie Angarita Further design improvement 12 Angie, Luka Coordination of activities 4 Angie, Luka Documentation reviewing 10 Vallu, Activity Result / Comment Cron job testing and deployment needs to be up and running for further testing before beta presentation. General report generating should be available with previous agreement between Usman, as web interface coordinator, and Luka, our project leader. As well, all errors we have collected need to be fixed. Data gathered from internet source must be deployed and working. This will be used for real testing, and will be presented as the boundary for GSN development scope. Tables with aggregated data for reporting purposes need to be developed, mostly for the report generating task. Design should be improved, as well as welcome and help screen basic development, which will be done before beta presentation. Activities coordination needs to be precise so we do not waste time as a team on handling assignments problems. Further reviewing of the documents needs to be done, which will result with closing of this activities. Action List Task Internet data gathering Responsible Matija Renić Cron job Luka Postružin Report generating Usman, Luka Aggregated tables development Ante Ivanković Comment Getting data from a sensor that is located on FER should be provided for real life testing. Chronological job running our php script should be up and running Since we now know the general idea for the report, we need to try and develop first level report so that we have all of the functional requirements (basic) working. We need to deploy aggregated tables with data for testing. This depends mostly on cron job task, since that will get us the data we need. Comments / Experiences / Problems Generating reports in odt format failed. The main reason is incompatibility with our interface libraries. We have decided to turn on the pdf report development, since pdf is accepted worldwide. Cron job running our php scripts failed for some reason. We still do not know why that is, but we believe it will be delivered by the beginning of this week. Exams are closing on the Swedish side now, as well as beta presentation, so we need to increase our workload in the following week 2 Metrics Milestones Milestone Description Id M-001 M-002 M-003 M-004 M-005 M-006 M-007 M-008 M-009 M-010 41 41 42 42 Finished week Forecast Week +/41 41 42 42 41 41 42 42 42 42 43 42 42 43 42 42 43 43 43 43 47 50 47 50 47 Responsible Dept./Initials Project vision LP, MR, AA Project vision presentation LP, AA Project requirements LP Project requirements All presentation Project plan All Project plan presentation AI, UA Design Description AA, VS, KŠ document Requirements Definition and VS, MR System Architecture Alpha prototype All Beta prototype All Plan Actual Metr Rem Working Hours Member Angie Angarita Usman Alam Vallu Sreehari Ante Ivanković Matija Renić Kristijan Šimunić Luka Postružin Total W41 8 19 16 13 15 9 22 102 W42 11 13.5 15.5 14 19 9 16 107 W43 15 15 12 8 20 10 17 97 W44 17 18 14 22 20 8 20 119 3 W45 20 17.5 11 15 19 7 15 109 W46 12 26 12 8 14 11 16 99 W47 16 19 14.5 9 12 8 12 95 W48 16 18 15 10 14 6 15 94 Total 115 155 119 99 133 68 134 823