[0m [1m __ [0m [0m [1m / //// [0m [0m [1m __ /// [0m [0m [1m \ \ /// < < <<< RomCon v1.10 >>> > > [0m [0m [1m \ \/// [0m [0m [1m \__//// [0m [1m [3m [0m [1mUSER MANUAL [0m [1m [3m [0m- Release : 15-Nov-92 Copyright ©1992 Chris P. Vandierendonck, [AmiSYS]. [0m [1m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [0m [0m [1mCopyright Notice [0m [0m [1m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [0m [0m [1mRomCon [0m is released as [0m [1mFREEWARE [0m, not excluding the copyright and all other rights, which remain with the author Chris P. Vandierendonck. Permission is granted to freely distribute this program and related files for non-commercial purposes only. When distributed, all files must be kept together, in their original unmodified form. Prior written permission from the author is required to use [0m [1mRomCon [0m in commercial releases, on coverdisks or diskmagazines. (AmigaDOS is a trademark of Commodore Amiga Inc.) [0m [1mDisclaimer [0m [0m [1m~~~~~~~~~~ [0m [0m [1mRomCon [0mis provided "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY to its quality, performance or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the author be liable or responsible to the user or any other person, for any kind of damage caused by the use of this software. Suggestions, remarks and bug reports about this program can be send to the following address : Chris Vandierendonck Koning Albertstraat 188 B-8210 VELDEGEM BELGIUM [0m [1mPreface [0m [0m [1m~~~~~~~ [0m [0m [1mRomCon [0m is a program to convert values decimal and between the the roman number system. The roman numbers consist of : I (=1), V (=5), X (=10), L (=50), C (=100), D (=500), M [0m [1mRomCon [0m supports values between 0 and 32767. (=1000). [0m [1mRomCon [0m is reentrant, so it can be made resident. [0m [1mSystem Requirements [0m [0m [1m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [0m [0m [1mRomCon [0m requires AmigaDOS v1.2 or higher. [0m [1mProgram Usage [0m(Shell/CLI only) [0m [1m~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [0m FORMAT : <value> [TO <value>] [RETURN] [ROMLIST] [VERSION] RomCon v1.10 User Manual - Page 1 [0m [1mo [0m [0m [1m [4mRomCon arguments [0m : ("?" gets the program format.) <value> [0m [1mRomCon [0m : the value to be converted. will automatically recognize the difference between a decimal and a roman number. Note that the value must be in the range [0..32767]! convert [TO <value>] : this argument the values between instructs the [0m [1mRomCon [0m to previous given value (thus the above argument) and this value. The keyword 'TO' is optional. The only restriction option is values to this that both must be given in decimal!. | | | | | | | | | | print a [RETURN] single E.g. 'Romcon 1992 to 2000' results in : Decimal: 1992 -> Roman: MCMXCII Decimal: 1993 -> Roman: MCMXCIII Decimal: 1994 -> Roman: MCMXCIV Decimal: 1995 -> Roman: MCMXCV Decimal: 1996 -> Roman: MCMXCVI Decimal: 1997 -> Roman: MCMXCVII Decimal: 1998 -> Roman: MCMXCVIII Decimal: 1999 -> Roman: MCMXCIX Decimal: 2000 -> Roman: MM : used to instruct [0m [1mRomCon [0m to only value. E.g. 'RomCon X RETURN' results in '10'. [ROMLIST] : in case you don't remember the roman numbers, this option will remind you by printing the numbers and their values. [VERSION] : print the program's copyright and version. [0m [1m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [0m [0m [1mProgram antecedents [0m [0m [1m ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [0m VERS RELEASED RC COMMENT ==== ========= == ============================================= 1.00 20-Feb-92 PU First version. 1.01 29-Mar-92 PU Minor code changes. 1.10 15-Nov-92 FW Internal code changes, resulting in a much shorter program. Added the [RETURN] option. [0m [1m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [0m [0m [1mRomCon v1.10, [0m Copyright ©1992 Chris P.Vandierendonck [AmiSYS], All Rights Reserved. RomCon v1.10 User Manual - Page 2