Program studiów



Studentowi zostanie przekazana rozbudowana wiedza w dziedzinie informatyki: zarówno w zakresie oprogramowania jak i sprzętu, wiedza dotycząca nowoczesnych metod sterowania, analizy i modelowania obwodów elektrycznych, przetwarzania sygnałów, pomiarów itp.

Uzyska również wiedzę w zakresie podstawowych urządzeń elektrotechnicznych i elektronicznych (maszyny i napęd elektryczny, układy energoelektroniczne), procesów technologicznych tj. procesy elektrotermiczne, procesy wytwarzania, przesyłu i rozdziału energii elektrycznej, układów sterowania itp.

Na tej podstawie absolwent specjalności CEES będzie inżynierem o dużej wiedzy w zakresie praktycznej informatyki, którą będzie umiał wykorzystać do sterowania różnych znanych mu obiektów, układów i procesów elektrotechnicznych.

SEMESTR 7 pięć przedmiotów obowiązkowych i jeden obieralny

L.p. Nazwa przedmiotu Wykład h

Laboratorium h

Konwersatorium/lab. komputerowe/projekt h

Punkty kredytowe


5 E 1 Electrical machines and micro-machines

(prof. J. Rusek)

2 Advanced circuit theory

(prof. M. Ogorzałek)

3 Power electronics

(prof. M. Tondos)

4 Measurement of electrical and nonelectrical quantities

(prof. T. Sidor )

9 Engineering programming in Visual


(prof. Jan Rusek)

10 Advanced power electronics converter


11 Signal processing algorithms

(prof. T. Zieliński)

12 Electric drives






5 Electric Power


(dr Andrzej Jackowicz-


6 Signal theory

(prof. T. Zieliński)

7 Computer-aided analysis of electronic systems

(dr Zbigniew Galias)







180 180

SEMESTR 8 cztery pr zedmioty obowiązkowe i dwa obieralne

30 30 8 Microcomputer systems in industry

(mgr P. Kwasnowski)













5 E


5 E





5 E


5 E

5 E

5 obieralny obieralny obieralny

13 Statistical methods in measurement data analysis

(prof. J. Gajda)

14 Electric power quality

(prof. Z. Hanzelka)

15 Numerical methods of electrical engineering










5 obieralny obieralny obieralny

180 150 30


Trzy przedmioty obowiązkowe i trzy obieralne

30 30


16 Control system opimization


17 Computer methods of identification

(prof. J. Gajda)

18 Automation of industrial processes

(P. Kwasnowski)

19 Numerical modeling of electrical power systems

(dr J. Furgał))

20 Computer Analysis of

Electronic Measuring


(prof. T. Sidor)

21 Electrothermy

(dr Z. Waradzyn)

22 Building automation systems

(mgr P. Kwasnowski)

23 Nonlinear systems

(prof. M. Ogorzałek)

24 Programmable industrial controllers

(mgr P. Kwasnowski)

















5 E

5 E

5 E






5 obieralny obieralny obieralny obieralny obieralny obieralny

180 180


120 30

25 Laboratorium problemowe


26 Praca dyplomowa


* 5 monotematycznych wykładów (3h) wybranych przez studentów spośród zaproponowanych przez pracowników Wydz. EAIiE (na podstawie liczby uzyskanych głosów).


1 Electrical machines and micro-machines

(prof. J. Rusek)

30 30


(Maszyny i mikromaszyny elektryczne



Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: prof. Jan Rusek


Single phase and three phase transformers: equivalent circuits, steady-state equations, phasor diagrams.

Three phase synchronous machines:

Park’s transform and equivalent circuits,

steady-state equations,

phasor diagrams,


reactive power control.

Induction machines: squirrel cage and slip ring rotor, torque-speed characteristics, starting up, speed control,

Two-phase servo induction motors.

Single-phase capacitor motors.

Commutator machines: shunt-connected DC machines, series-connected DC machines, ac-commutator machines, dc-brushless micromachines.

Stepper motors: permanent-magnet, variable-reluctance and hybrid steppers, unipolar and bipolar supply, damping of commutation overvoltages, full-step and half-step operation,

DC and AC tachometers.


Selsyns, including transformer link.

Static converters for driving systems: power electronics elements, controlled rectifiers, inverters, cycloconverters.


Calculations of transformers’ parameters and characteristics.

Calculations of torque, currents power and reactive power of synchronous machines.

Calculations of torque and currents of induction machines.

Calculations of torque and currents of dc and ac commutator machines.

1 Nie jest odpowiednikiem przedmiotu w języku polskim.

2 Advanced circuit theory

(prof. M. Ogorzałek)

30 30


Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: prof. Maciej Ogorzałek

Lectures (30 hours)

Nonlinear circuit elements. Nonlinear models.

Differences between linear and nonlinear networks.

Operating points and equilibrium points. Multistability.

Generation of periodic solutions.

Time-invariant and time-varying circuits.

Analysis of large-scale networks and neural networks - circuit theory approaches .

Nonlinear discrete-time circuit analysis.

Network functions and stability, Bode plots, Nyquist plots, open-circuit and short-circuit stability.

Parasitic nonlinear behavior.

Two-ports, multi-ports and reciprocity.

Tellegen's theorem and sensitivity, adjoint network concept.

3 Power electronics

(prof. M. Tondos)

30 30



Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: prof. Maciej Tondos

The purpose of the lecture is to introduce to problems of practical and emerging power electronic converters made feasible by new generation of power electronic devices.

Lecture consists of: describing of operation priciples of power electronic devices (non-fully and fully controlled), overview of basic topologies power electronic systems and examples of power electronic appliances.

4 Measurement of electrical and non-electrical quantities

(prof. T. Sidor )

30 30


(Pomiary wielkości elektrycznych i nie elektrycznych)

Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: prof. Tadeusz Sidor

Units and Standards. Measurement errors.

Analogue and digital measuring instruments. Ammeters, Voltmeters,

Wattmeters. Energy counters.

D.C. and A.C. bridges. Potentiometers.

Digital measurement fundamentals. Sampling and quantizing.

Sample and hold circuits. A/C converters.

Basic transducers of nonelectrical quantities. Strain gauges, capacitive and inductive transducers.

Transducer interfacing. Instrumentation amplifiers.

Amplitude and frequency modulation measuring systems.

Separation circuits.

Integrated sensors.

Students will design, build and test simple electronic measuring devices.

5 Electric Power Systems

(dr Andrzej Jackowicz-


30 30



Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: dr Andrzej Jackowicz-Korczyńśki

Types of power generation plants

 fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, natural gas),

 geothermal

 nuclear

 water

 wind

 solar (thermal or electric)

 chemical (fuel cells, batteries)

Transmission and distribution networks

 urban

 rural

 industrial


 step-up, step-down transmission

 distribution

 gas- and air-insulated

 high-voltage switching

 grounding and lightning

 fire protection

 converter (AC/DC)

Overhead lines, cables lines and transformers

 three-phase

 single, double, and multi-phase AC lines

 compact-lines

DC lines

 oil-immersed transformers

 grounding transformers

Electrical load, voltage drop

 electrical load flow

 voltage drop electrical load management

Reactive power compensation

 capacitors

 banks of capacitors

Conductors heating

 ampacity

 overloads

Symmetrical short-circuit and earth fault current

 faults

 compensation of earth fault current

 effects of single/double phase short-circuit

Steady state and transient system stability

Electrical power quality


 frequency stability


Calculations of current flow in simple networks.

Calculations of equivalent circuit model parameters of transformer.

Calculations of voltage drop in several distribution networks.

Calculations of compensating capacitance and power factor (PF).

Calculations of electric power quality factors (THD).

6 Signal theory

(prof. T. Zieliński)

30 30


Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: prof. Tomasz Zieliński

Lecture obieralny

Introduction to signal theory: signal classification, signal spaces, basis functions, fundamental definitions - statistical moments, auto and cross correlation, Fourier transform,

Fourier series, power spectral density, signal modulation. Analog signal and systems : mathematical description of analog systems (differential and integral equations), linear timeinvariant systems, impulse response, convolution, Laplace transform, transfer function, frequency response, analog filters design. Discrete signals and systems : mathematical description (difference input-output equations), signal sampling (time discretisation, value quatisation, analog signal reconstruction - sampling theorem), Z transform, transfer function, discrete Fourier transform, fast Fourier transform algorithms, orthogonal transforms examples, design of non-recursive (finite impulse response FIR) and recursive (infinite impulse response IIR) digital filters: window method, Remez algorithm, bilinear transform method, special digital filters (median filters, phase shifters, differentiators), filters structures

(including lattice filters), convolution algorithms (direct, fast and fast overlap-save/add methods), signal interpolation and decimation, frequency analysis principles of periodic

(Fourier series), stationary (Welch and Blackman-Tukey methods) and non-stationary (timefrequency analysis: short-time Fourier and Wigner transforms) signals.


1. Signal generation (harmonics, impulses, noises, modulations).

2. Signal parameters computation.

3. Design of analog filters using transfer function zeros and poles placement (Laplace transform).

4. Design of analog Butterworth and Chebyshev filters.

5. Design of digital filters using transfer function zeros and poles placement (Z transform).

6. Design of recursive Butterworth and Chebyshev digital filters using bilinear transform method.

7. Design of non-recursive digital filters using window method.

8. Discrete Fourier transform.

9. Fast Fourier transform.

10. Frequency analysis: FFT and periodogram.

11. Time-frequency analysis: short-time Fourier and Wigner transform.

11. Convolution: direct, fast (via FFT) and fast overlap-save/add methods.

12. Special filters: median filters, Hilbert transform as a phase shifter - analytic signal, differentiators.

13. Interpolation and decimation of discrete signals.

7 Computer-aided analysis of electronic systems

(dr Zbigniew Galias)

30 30


(Analiza komputerowa obwodów elektrycznych)

Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: dr. Zbigniew Galias


Computer models of electronic elements, obieralny classification of models, models of diodes, transistors, operational amplifiers;

Topology of electronic systems, computer generation of Kirchhof's equations;

Node analysis of linear and nonlinear networks, formulation of node equations for resistive networks; finding solutions of node equations for linear circuits,

Gauss elmination, LU decomposition, Cholesky decomposition;

Analysis of nonlinear circuits,

Newton algorithm;

Computer-aided formulation of state equations, numerical integration of state equations for linear and nonlinear circuits,

Sensitivity analysis,

Sparse matrices in analysis of electronic circtuits,

Tutorials - computer simulations

8 Microcomputer systems in industry

(mgr P. Kwasnowski)

30 30


(Systemy mikrokomputerowe w przemyśle



Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: mgr Paweł Kwasnowski

Industrial microcomputers. Bus standards. Compact, modular and distributed systems.

Distributed I/O and distributed processing. Field bus standards. Example of embedded system

2 Jest odpowiednikiem przedmiotu w języku polskim.

– PC104 standard. Real time operating systems. Industrial networks. Programming. Direct

Digital Control. Examples of application of multilevel industrial control systems.

9 Engineering programming in Visual C++.

(prof. Jan Rusek)

30 30


(Programowanie inżynierskie w Visual C++ 3


Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: prof. Jan Rusek


Visual C++ environment: AppWizard , AppStudio , ClassWizard . Creating applications.

Functions, strings, pointers, references, tables, function name overloading.

Memory allocation: operators new and delete .

Classes: member variables and functions. Constructor and destructor.

Loops: for , do and do-while . Condition instruction if and the switch .

Inheritance. Public , private and protected variables. Directive #include .

Logical and bit-wise “and” and “or’. Defining single-argument operators.

Creating SDI applications: classes CmyApp , CMainFrame , CmyDoc and CmyView .

Adding own classes and communication between various classes.

Function OnDraw . Drawing rectangles ellipses and inscriptions. Color adjustment.

Initializing of classes in OnInitialUpdate .

Buttons and Create function. Creating bitmap resources and covering buttons.

Use of class CPtrArray for storing data in CmyDoc .

Use of CFileDialog and CFile to read from or write to external files.

Adding and editing icons for Toolbar . Writing to title bar.

Serving COMMAND and UPDATE_COMAND_UI commands.

Massage maps. Class CArchive and serialization.

Serving keyboard and mouse. Functions Capture , ReleaseCapture and ClipCursor.

Printing and PrintPreview. Print engine. Logical and device coordinates.

Resizing, mapping and translating window’s and viewport’s origins.

Device Context , compatible DeviceContext and compatible Bitmap .

Use of functions BitBlt and StretchBlt .

Adding new menu and new menu items. Serving notification messages.

Dialog boxes, Tab controls. Selecting graphical objects .

Passing text and bitmaps to clipboard. Reading text or bitmap form clipboard.

Registering with Windows user’s clipboard format.

Storing graphics in enhanced metafile format.

Application SDI with two views in split window: drawing pane and edit pane.

Tutorials (30 hours)

Creating a Win32 Console Application program. Development of loops and i/o procedures.

Creating a SDI application. Covering a CBitmapButtonobjects with bitmaps. Using a ClassWizard to develop serving routines for Windows messages. Copying onscreen-drawn figures to a printer.

Serialization of texts and figures. Use of CArchive to import data from file. Writing to bitmap in a compatible memory device context . Using a “rubber band” to indicate a to-be-zoomed rectangle.

Serving clipboard in both the text and device independent bitmap format. Registering user’s clipboard format.

3 Jest odpowiednikiem przedmiotu w języku polskim.

10 Advanced power electronics converter


30 30


(Zaawansowane układy energoelektroniczne



Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: dr inż. Adam Penczek


Advanced topologies and control methods of power electronics converters:

single-phase and three-phase voltage and current inverters with PWM and vector control



multilevel converters, multicell converters, matrix converters,

Selected power electronics systems:

power quality improvement: active filters, STATic COMpensator (STATCOM), PFC



step-mode circuits, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) contactless electrical energy transmission system motion systems

* energy storage in a spinning mass,

* modern induction motor motion (methods DFT, DFTC)

Modern solution in practical control circuits of power electronics converters:

digital signal processors (DSP) for control

advanced programmable logic devices (FPGA, CPLD)


programmable analog devices (FPAA) advanced industrial controllers (Mooler solution)


Electronics circuit simulation software – IsSPICE


construction rules of models of power electronics systems, analyzing of selected power electronics converters with control circuits (the same circuits like in lab exercises)

DSP controllers programming tools and activiting process:

tools for digital signal processors programming (Texas Instruments) – demonstration of processors and DSP controllers dedicated for power electronics control,

tools for advanced programmable logic devices applications - FPGA, CPLD simulation and programming software

Single-phase active filter * (DSP control)

Three-phase rectifier-active filter and STATCOM compensator * (DSP control)

Contactless electrical energy transmission system

Three-phase inverter * (DSP control)

Single-phase Power Factor Correction step-mode AC to DC converter

Vector frequency inverter controlled by modern PLC (Mooeler)

Three-phase thyristor bridge with modern control with reactive power reduction * (DSP controller)

Multicell converter

* each laboratory converter has analogical simulation model

4 Nie jest odpowiednikiem przedmiotu w języku polskim.

11 Signal processing algorithms

(prof. T. Zieliński)

30 30


(Algorytmy przetwarzania sygnałów)

Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: prof. Tomasz Zieliński

Lecture (30 h)

Filters: non-linear (median), adaptive (LMS, normalised LMS, RLS), adaptive observers (weighted

RLS and Kalman). Frequency analysis: time-frequency analysis of time-varying non-stationary signals (short-time Fourier, Wigner and wavelet transforms, filter banks), high-resolution frequency estimation (Prony, Pisarenko, MUSIC and ESPRIT methods), MA, AR and ARMA parametric modelling of discrete signals. Discrete transforms: sine, cosine, Hartley, Hadamard-Walsh, Hilbert,

Mellin, Radon, Hough. Selected topics: time delay estimation, signal deconvolution, signal shape recognition, principles of image analysis and processing, 1-D and 2-D signal compression. Exemplary applications: analysis and processing of speech and ECG signals, signal detection in impulse echography (ultrasonography, defectoscopy, radiolocation), geoseismic signal deconvolution, signal modulation and demodulation in telecommunication, compression algorithms for speech, audio, images and video (ADPCM, LPC, CELP, JPEG and MPEG). DSP hardware and software: signal acquisition cards, digital signal microcontrolers and processors (fixed-point and floating-point): architectures, and programming, integrated computer environments (Matlab and Simulink, LabView and LabWINDOWS).


1. (N)LMS adaptive filters and their applications.

2. Least square estimation: direct and recursive method.

3. Time-frequency signal analysis: wavelet transform and filter banks.

4. High-resolution frequency estimation: Pisarenko and MUSIC algorithms.

5. Parametric modelling of speech signal: AR model and Durbin method.

6. Pitch estimation of speech signal: autocorrelation and AMDF functions.

7. LPC-10 speech compression algorithm.

8. Time delay estimation and echo detection. Signal cepstrum.

9. System impulse response estimation. Signal deconvolution.

10. Signal shape recognition: Mellin transform.

11. Image analysis (2-D FFT) and filtering. 2D-filter design.

12. Image compression: discrete cosine transform.

13. Digital signal processor programming.

12 Electric drives


30 30 obieralny


(Napęd elektryczny)

Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: dr. Aleksander Dziadecki


Electric drives as power convertion systems. Physical basics. Multi – disciplinary aspects.

DC- Motor Drives

DC machine. Structure. Equivalent circiut. Modes of operation.

Power processing units. Switch-mode convertes. Thyristor rectifiers.

Control systems.

AC-Machine Drives.

AC Machines. Methods of analysis.

Induction Motor Drives.

Principle of operation. Equivalent circuits. Machine parameters and tests. Softstart. Speed control. Voltage-fed and current-fed induction motor systems.

Frequency control: Power processing units, control methods, vector control.

Inverter cascade.

Synchronous Motor Drives.

Frequency-controlled systems. „Brushless DC-Motors”. Power processing units.

Control systems.

Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machine Drives.

Principle of operation. Power processing units. Control systems.

Other electric drives.

Micromotors. Step motors. Reluctance motors.

13 Statistical methods in measurement data analysis

(prof. J. Gajda)

30 30 obieralny


(Statystyczna analiza danych pomiarowych



Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: prof. Janusz Gajda

Classification of measuring signals according to their statistical properties. Definition of basic parameter and characteristics of the ergodic stochastic signals. Interpretation of the basic characteristics. Application of the point estimation and interval estimation methods in determination of estimates of those parameters and characteristics. Estimators of basic parameters and characteristics of random signals: mean value and variance, probability density function, autocorrelation and cross correlation function, power spectral density and mutual spectral density, coherency function, transmittance. Analysis of the statistical properties of those estimators. Determination of the confidence intervals of basic statistical parameters for assumed confidence level. Statistical hypothesis and their verification. Errors of the first and second order observed during the verification process.

5 Jest odpowiednikiem przedmiotu w języku polskim.

14 Electric power quality

(prof. Z. Hanzelka)

30 30 obieralny


(Jakość energii elektrycznej 6 )

Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: prof. Zbigniew Hanzelka


Basic definitions,

Electromagnetic compatibility and power quality

Classification of electromagnetic disturbances

Cost of poor power quality

Power quality monitoring

International and European standardisation

Power quality under conditions of the power market.

Continuity of supply



Sources of disturbances

Effects of disturbances

Mitigation methods

International, European and other standards and regulations

Measurement techniques and instrumentation

Methods of analysis

Contractual recommendations

Voltage unbalance


Description of the phenomenon, definitions

Causes of the unbalance

Effects of the unbalance

Compensation methods

Limit values (international standards and regulations)

Methods for calculation and measurement of unbalance factors

Coupling of asymmetrical loads. Case analysis

Contractual recommendations

Voltage and current harmonics


Basic definitions

Sources of harmonic emission

Effects of voltage and current distortion

Mitigation methods of voltage and current harmonic

International, European and other standards and regulations

Measurement techniques and instrumentation

Methods of analysis

Overview of contractual provisions

Requirements of international and selected national recommendations (IEC, EN, ANSI, EdF

(France), Italy, Germany, ….)

Contractual recommendations, analysis of legal aspects of supply quality related to voltage and current harmonics

6 Jest odpowiednikiem przedmiotu w języku polskim.

Voltage control



Sources of disturbances

Effects of disturbances

Mitigation methods

Standards and regulations

Measurement techniques and instrumentation

Voltage fluctuations



Description of the disturbance

Sources of voltage fluctuations

Effects of voltage fluctuations

Mitigation of voltage fluctuations

Standardisation of voltage fluctuations

Measurement techniques and instrumentation

Overview of international and selected national contractual provisions

Voltage dips and short interruptions



Description of the disturbance

Effects of voltage dips and short interruptions

Remedial measures

Improvement of the equipment immunity

Measurement of voltage dips and short interruptions

Methods of analysis



Reactive power compensation

Capacitor switching process

Application of power electronics to power transmission and distribution systems

Static Var Compensator (SVC)

Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC)

Static Compensator (STATCOM)

Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC)

Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC)

Other FACTS Devices

Custom Power Equipment

15 Numerical methods of electrical engineering


30 30


Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: KANiUP obieralny

Lectures concern mathematical and computer modeling and simulation of dynamical linear and nonlinear systems, described by differential equations, both continuous and discrete time:

 processes and methods for model formulation, development and validation

 analysis and stability of dynamic systems

 comparisons of methods for numerical modeling and symbolic modeling

 uncertainties in modeling

 automation of modeling and software aid for modeling

 solving stiff and non-stiff differentials equations using different numerical integration

 methods dynamic models of electrical engineering systems

All computer laboratories will be conducted with the use of MATLAB/Simulink and MAPLE V programs.

16 Control system opimization


30 30


(Optymalizacja układów sterowania)

Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: KANiUP

The subject of the lecture is optimization of finite dimensional system. Optimization of continuous and discrete time systems is discussed.

The lecture introduces the following issues:

Linear Quadratic problems,

Maximum Principle,

Parametric optimization of PID controllers,

Discretization of continuous time controllers,

Nonlinear programming,

Robus control,

Introducing to nonlinear control,

Optimization in artificial intelligence.

Additionally the problems of quantization effects in digital control systems, saturations of controllers and examples of practical realization of control laws are presented.

Laboratory experiments in MATAB-SIMULINK software are undertaken and supplied with real time control systems presentation.

17 Computer methods of identification

(prof. J. Gajda)

30 30


(Komputerowe systemy identyfikacji



Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: prof. Janusz Gajda

Basic notions, stages of identification process, identification process and measurement, structure of identification process, parametric and nonparametric identification, deterministic and stochastic identification problems.

Overview of the stochastic identification methods.

Model quality criteria, unbiased and effective estimators, covariance matrix.

Information matrix and lower variance bound of estimators in different identification problems.

Model measurability matrix, estimation and interpretation of the elements of measurability matrix.

Measurability criteria, their geometric interpretation, examples of measurability analysis.

Optimization of the identification process.

Model measurability vs. error and uncertainty of measurement.

Experiment design.

7 Jest odpowiednikiem przedmiotu w języku polskim.

18 Automation of industrial processes

(P. Kwasnowski)

30 30


(Automatyzacja procesów technologicznych



Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: mgr Paweł Kwasnowski

Position of automation system in industrial process. Connections between energy distribution systems and control systems. Standard topologies. Examples. Control modes. Control levels.

Architecture of multilevel control systems. Components of modern automation system. Signal converters and conditioners. Controllers. PLCs. Industrial computers. Software. Methodology of design, implementation, start-up and maintenance of automation systems. Real industrial example – multilevel control system of blast furnance.

8 Jest odpowiednikiem przedmiotu w języku polskim.

19 Numerical modeling of electrical power systems

(dr J. Furgał))

30 30 obieralny


(Modelowanie w elektroenergetyce)

Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutiorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: dr Jakub Furgał

Principles of numerical modelling of basic electrical power devices. Numerical models of overhead transmission lines and cable ones. Creating of models of power transformers, electrical machines, reactors, breakers, surge arresters.

Practical use of models of electric devices in selected computer programs. Modeling of electrical networks by use of the Matlab and the EMTP/ATP. Simulations of typical transient states in electric power systems.

20 Computer Analysis of

Electronic Measuring


(prof. T. Sidor)

30 30 obieralny


(Analiza komputerowa elektronicznych systemów pomiarowych)

Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: prof. Tadeusz Sidor

Matrices analysis of electrical circuits. Incidence matrix, fundamental cycle matrix.

Formulation of network equations for DC, AC and time domain analysis.

Algorithms for circuit equation solutions.

Circuits models of electronic components. Diodes, Transistors, OpAmps.

Analysis of rectifying circuits, half and full wave rectifiers.

Analysis of power A, B, AB class amplifiers. Determination of THD distortions.

Designing of low-pass, band-pass and high-pass analog filters.

Analysis of linear oscillators. Wien two-port oscillator with AGC circuit. Phase-shifter oscillator.

Voltage to frequency converters. Sigma-Delta modulators.

Frequency to voltage converters. Phase lock loops.

Students will be introduced to MICROCAP 7 “Electronic Circuits Analysis Program” and perform simulation of the circuits covered in the lectures.

21 Electrothermy

(dr Z. Waradzyn)

30 30


(Elektrotermia 9 )

Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: dr Zbigniew Waradzyn obieralny

Overview of electric heating methods:

Resistance heating

Radiator heating

Electrode heating

Arc heating

Induction heating

Capacitive heating

Microwave heating

Plasma heating

Electron impact heating

Laser heating

Ion heating

Ultrasonic heating

Induction heating

Propagation of electromagnetic wave in a conductor

Determination of current and power density distributions and total power in a heated workpiece

Mains frequency induction heating

Inverters for induction heating: series resonant inverter parrallel current-fed resonant inverter other inverter circuits

Resistance heating

Calculation of heating elements

Materials used for resistance heaters

Heat-resisting and insulating materials

Arc heating

Electric arc properties

High-current carrying system

AC and DC arc furnaces

Automatic control of electrode movement

Capacitive and microwave heating

Heating of dielectrics in high frequency electric field

Power volume density and temperature distribution

Depth of penetration of high frequency electromagnetic wave into dielectrics

Ultrasonic, laser, electrone and plasma heating

Principle of operation of heating equipment

Main characteristics and field od use

9 Nie jest odpowiednikiem przedmiotu w języku polskim.

Electrical space heating

Heat storage devices

Floor heating

22 Building automation systems

(mgr P. Kwasnowski)

30 30


(Systemy automatyki budynków



Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: mgr Paweł Kwasnowski obieralny

Building technical infrastructure systems: energy distribution, HVAC, security. Automation tasks. Application of distributed control systems. Standards in building automation systems:

BACnet, EIB, LonWorks. Examples of control tasks and system integration in LonWorks technology. Functional devices standards. Examples of commercially available building automation systems.

10 Jest odpowiednikiem przedmiotu w języku polskim.

23 Nonlinear systems

(prof. M. Ogorzałek)


Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: prof. Maciej Ogorzałek

30 obieralny

Lectures (30 hours)

Basic concepts used in nonlinear dynamics (trajectories, limit sets, atractors, homoclinic trajectories, concept of strange attractor).

Chaotic systems.

Strange attractors observed in physical systems.

Measurements in chaotic systems. Observations of chaotic trajectories. Basic properties of chaotic oscillations. Lapunov exponents and the concept of dimension.

Bifurcations. Stability of periodic orbits. Period doubling. Routes to chaos. „Devil’s staircase”.

Smale’s horeseshoe map and its propserties.

Mathematical tools for proving existence of chaos. (Li-Yorke theorem, Sharkovski theorem,

Shilnikov theorem, Melnikov method).

Spectral analysis of chaotic motion.

Chaos generator as a source of noise with prescribed properties.

Numerical methods for analysis and simulation of chaotic systems.

Fractal dimension – concept of a fractal. Basic methods for generatng fractal structures (sets).

Cantor set, Mandelbrot set, Julia sets.

Iterated Function Systems (IFS).

Synchronization of chaotic systems Control of chaos.

Applications of chaotic signals and systems in information coding and information transmission.

Fractal image compression and processing.

24 Programmable industrial controllers

(mgr P. Kwasnowski)

30 30 obieralny


(Programowalne Systemy Sterowania Przemysłowego



Total hours of lectures: 30

Total hours of tutorials: 30

Responsible lecturer: mgr Paweł Kwasnowski

Introduction to Programmable Controllers, Concept, Configurations, Processors, I/O Systems,

Programming Languages, Implementing and Programming the PLC Systems, Local Area

Networks, Guidelines for Installation, Start-up, Documentation and Maintenance, PLC

Selection Guidelines, Popular PLCs Overview.

11 Nie jest odpowiednikiem przedmiotu w języku polskim.
