Chicago Open 2008: The End Comes…Beyond the Omega Point

Chicago Open 2008: The End Comes…Beyond the Omega Point
(Ryan Westbrook, Matt Keller, Steven Canning)
One reaction co-named for this scientist uses N-chloro-succinimide, dimethyl sulfide, and tri-ethyl-amine to oxidize
alcohols to aldehydes or ketones. He names that reaction along with Kim, and he names a particular reaction in
which a Gilman reagent reacts with an alkyl halide to form a new alkane along with House, Whitesides, and Posner.
This guy and Winter name a type of olefin synthesis, and he used a namesake lactone in his total syntheses of
various prostaglandins. Along with Bakshi and Shibata, he developed a reaction that uses the namesake catalyst to
reduce ketones into alcohols, and is known as the CBS reduction. FTP, name this Nobel-winning Harvard chemist
who also discovered a reaction that converts aldehydes into alkynes, which is named for him and Philip Fuchs.
ANSWER: Elias James Corey [accept a ridiculous early buzz on Choung un Kim before his name read]
We learn that the main character of this novel was described at birth by a priest as having "a weak streak that would
give him a tendency towards slothfulness and deceit." He recalls his old bumbling colleague who was nicknamed
"the Tortoise," and expresses sadness that his grandson is obsessed with playing cowboys and indians and dreams of
being Popeye the Sailor Man. That protagonist used to be a member of the Committee of Unpatriotic Activities, in
which capacity he turned Kuroda into the authorities. As the book opens, he is concerned with repairing his bombdamaged home and arranging the second marriage attempt of his younger daughter Noriko. That protagonist, Masuji
Ono, attempts to reconnect with his past including his first teacher who had burned his idealistic paintings. FTP,
name this second novel by Kazuo Ishiguro with a title that invokes traditional Japanese painting.
ANSWER: An Artist of the Floating World
This composer’s lesser work includes the choral piece “Christ Nacht” and an intermezzo for string quartet in E flat
major, along with a popular string quartet in D minor. In the midst of his secret love affair with Melanie Kochert, the
wife of his benefactor, he completed his symphonic poem Penthesilea. His most popular work includes his Italian
Serenade, a string quartet in G major which spawned a later orchestral version arranged by Max Reger. Though he
nearly finished the opera Manuel Venegas before being admitted to an insane asylum late in life, his only finished
opera was, much like the work of Manuel da Falla, based on Alarcon’s Three-Cornered Hat – that opera is Der
Corregidor. FTP, name this 19th century Austrian composer who turned the works of writers like Eichendorff,
Morike, and Goethe into books featuring hundreds and hundreds of songs, which often leads him to be dubbed the
greatest composer of lieder.
ANSWER: Hugo Wolf
This military leader saw his death leading insurgents during the revolt of the Basmachi in Bukhara. He met Karl
Radek after fleeing into exile in the wake of the Armistice of Mudros. He put himself in charge of the Third Army
which was crushed at the Battle of Sarikamish, after first coming to power by joining the “Army of Deliverance”
commanded by General Sevket. He then led the coup of January 23 organized by the Committee of Union and
Progress, after which he become Minister of War as part of a triumvirate with Talaat and Djemal. It was during this
time that he created the “Army of Islam” commanded by his half-brother Nuri. Dubbed the “hero of the revolution,”
he was famous for capturing Adrianople during the Balkan Wars and for leading the Young Turks, but he was
eventually rebuffed by Kemal Ataturk. FTP, name this military general, or pasha, of Turkey for much of World War
ANSWER: Enver Pasha (or Ismail Enver or Enver Bey)
Each of the six chapters of this book except the first one are divided into a regular chapter which gives a general
treatment of the subject and a chapter marked with a star, which shows the formal mathematical proofs. The author
argues that “acyclicity” is a necessary and sufficient condition, or that one can use the slightly stronger condition of
“quasi-transitivity,” but that “simple general principles of pure systems” do not have a superior moral claim. The
most important chapter attempts to destroy a common assumption by positing systems with partial interpersonal
comparison of utility and partial cardinality, and was developed into the author’s essay “The Impossibility of a
Paretian Liberal” published the same year. This work sees the author put forth his “liberal paradox,” an extension of
Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem. FTP, name this influential economic treatise of 1970, which made a name for
Amartya Sen.
ANSWER: Collective Choice and Social Welfare
At one point, this figure pretends to be dead by allowing ants to carry off bits of his hair, and he claims that he
played ball with the large mountains like Chigag and Pecul, which he made in a single night. He declares “I am he
who made the earth!,” while his brother Cabrakan makes the earth shake. He cleverly digs a secret passage in the
ground so as to avoid a log being tossed down upon him, and then later he explodes from the earth to send his
would-be killers up to the Pleiades. He is finally undone by a crab made out of wood, which he ventured into a
ravine in search of, allowing a mountain to be hurled upon him. A son of Chimalmat and Vucub Caquix the Great
Macaw, he is defeated by the forces of Xbalanque and Hunahpu, commonly known as the Hero Twins. FTP, name
this boastful giant in the Popol Vuh.
ANSWER: Zipacna
The measure for the finite union of compact convex sets that is homogenous degree zero is this property according
to Hadwiger’s theorem. As a corollary of the Poincare Duality theorem it can be shown that for a connected
manifold that is the boundary of a compact manifold, this property is even. More generally, it can be defined as the
alternating sum of the nth Betti number where n represents the rank of the homology group. This times 2pi equals
the integral curvature of the surface that it defines. The only closed compact surfaces that have a zero value for this
property are the torus and the Klein bottle. For 10 points, name this topological invariant classically defined for
polyhedra as the number of vertices minus the sum of edges and faces named after a Swiss mathematician and
usually denoted with the Greek letter chi.
ANSWER: Euler characteristic [accept Euler number]
The protagonist befriends an apothecary Alonzo Gieshiibler, who keeps an African servant, and is awe-struck upon
entering a house which has a stuffed crocodile and shark and a model ship suspended from the ceiling. Residents of
that house include a woman who talks with a black hen that sits in her lap, and the dog Rollo, as well as the friendly
country girl Roswitha. The author claimed that the “pivot” of this entire book was its recurring story involving the
daughter of Captain Thomsen, who had previously inhabited the house – she is hinted to have carried on an illicit
affair with the Captain’s servant, a Chinaman, who soon died and was buried in the dunes. The protagonist moves
from an idyllic life in Hohen-Cremen to the busy port town of Kessin, where she later begins an affair with Major
Crampas. This comes in the wake of her displeasure with her marriage to the cold Baron Innstetten. FTP, name this
novel made into a movie by Rainer Werner Fassbinder, the most famous work by Theodor Fontane.
ANSWR: Effi Briest (or Effie Briest)
A story about this man says that late in life he went insane and was put in the stocks guarded by a slave, but he got
that slave to give him a knife and freed himself, only to commit suicide by slicing himself to pieces from the feet up.
Another story says that he led a force which was opposed by the female poet Telesilla, who armed women, children,
and invalids to oppose this man after he had slayed thousands at the Battle of Sepeia. His daughter Gorgo reportedly
warned him against trusting the foreigner Aristagoras, who was seeking his aid for a revolt. The marriage situation
of his father Anaxandrides created a rivalry between him and his half-brother Dorieus, and he was also opposed by
Demaratus, a ruler of the Eurypontid line. He defied him by attempting to set up the tyrant Isagoras, after he had
chased Hippias from power by leading an invasion of Attica. Succeeded by his half-brother Leonidas, FTP, name
this man who ruled from 520 to 490 BC as a king of Sparta.
ANSWER: King Cleomenes I
At the beginning of this opera, two main characters give orders for French food to Nicholas, the Major-Domo, and
one offers to read to the other, picking up a book of Oedipus, but she is told to put it away with the line “You do not
know how to read. You have never known what love is!” At the end, a recurring theme is repeated when Nicholas is
told to cover the mirrors in the room once again. The setting, an unnamed “Northern country,” was inspired by the
Seven Gothic Tales of Isak Dinesen. The main character sings “Must the Winter Come So Soon?” before the arrival
of Anatol, who is immediately recognized as an impostor by Erika. The central role was written for Maria Callas but
taken by Eleanor Steber, who had previously commissioned its composer to do Knoxville: Summer of 1915. Written
in four acts by librettist Gian Carlo Menotti and later reduced to three, FTP, name this 1957 opera by Samuel Barber
in which the title woman waits for her lover.
ANSWER: Vanessa
At one point in this work, the author uses the example of a rotating disk of copper to illustrate what he means by
“guiding principles.” Near the beginning, that author praises Roger Bacon for seeing the reasoning of his fellow
scholars as an obstacle to truth, and then praises “the more celebrated Bacon” for the first book of his Novum
Organum. The author tells a story of someone who once tried to encourage him to read a newspaper which argued
against free trade, but he stubbornly refused, in order to demonstrate what he calls the “method of tenacity.” That
method, along with the “method of authority” and the “a priori method” are dismissed in this work, because they do
not succeed at answering the inquiries which men naturally raise when they have doubts. It was published as part of
a series which included “The Doctrine of Chances” and “The Order of Nature” in Popular Science Monthly, where it
was followed by “How to Make Our Ideas Clear.” FTP, name this article which advocates the scientific method to
accomplish the title phenomenon, written by C.S. Peirce.
ANSWER: “The Fixation of Belief”
Some people who played this position in the pre-modern era include George Trafton, who was later the coach of the
Winnipeg Blue Bombers, and Mel Hein, who later coached at USC. Bear Bryant remarked that the best one he had
ever coached was Dwight Stevenson, who went on to play for the Dolphins in the 80s. The NFC Pro Bowl selections
in 1997 at this position were Tony Mayberry, from the Buccaneers, and Kevin Glover, from the Lions, while an
earlier example is Mark Stepnoski of the Cowboys. A more recent player at this position suddenly disappeared for
nearly 24 hours leading up to Super Bowl 37, leading his team, the Oakland Raiders, to remove him from their
starting lineup. It was occupied during the Steelers dynasty of the late 70s and 80s by “Iron” Mike Webster, while
some current examples include the Harvard-educated Matt Birk and Olin Kreutz. FTP, name this football position
which snaps the ball to the quarterback.
ANSWER: centers
One poem by this author ends “Maybe your color irradiates my words, if they hurt the light of the coming time, I
won’t call ancestral love the love I’m crying for, the impetuous breaking off with the incomparable earth.” Another
poem, consisting of three lines, declares “Everyone stands alone on the heart of the earth / Transfixed by a sun-ray: /
And it is suddenly night,” and is in this author’s first collection Waters and Lands. He delivered a lecture on “The
Poet and the Politician,” later published as an essay, which argues that those two personas have fashioned opposite
notions of freedom. His earlier volumes include Scent of Eucalyptus and Sunken Oboe, but with volumes like the
critically praised Day After Day, published in the wake of World War II, he began to turn his verse toward engaging
social problems. He’d earlier been a leader of the Hermeticist movement, along with other writers like Ungaretti and
Montale. FTP, name this 20th century Italian poet with a rather amusing name.
ANSWER: Salvatore Quasimodo
The founder of this ancient city allegedly built a palace on its hilltop encircled by concentric walls of different
colors, the last two being silver and gold. It was briefly ruled by the rebel Phraortes, who made it his capital, but he
was soon forced to flee, as we’re told by the Behistun Inscription. It was the site of death for Hephaestion, the close
cohort of Alexander the Great, which allegedly caused a grieving Alexander to raze the temple to Asclepius here,
and perhaps he erected its great stone lion statue. Herodotus claims it was founded by Deioces as his capital and
given a name meaning “meeting place;” it was later ruled by his successors Cyaxares and Astyages, under whom it
was seized by Cyrus the Great. It then became a summer home of the Achaemenid kings of Persia. Corresponding to
modern-day Hamadan, FTP, name this capital of the ancient empire of the Medes.
ANSWER: Ecbatana or Ekbatana or Hagmatana (or accept Hamadan before it’s mentioned)
The classic translation of this work is edited by Geoffrey Bromiley and Thomas Forsyth Torrance of Edinburgh
University. One part defines evil as “the Nothingness,” comparing it to a hole in a bucket, and then goes on a few
excurses about Mozart, whom the author admires for playing music “in a state of emergency;” the author allegedly
played Mozart on his gramophone every day before writing this work. It was written in four volumes, though each
contains “part-volumes,” such that it often appears collected in 14 total volumes, counting the “Index” at the end.
The author spent over 35 years working on it, leaving one part-volume unfinished at his death, and planned a neverwritten fifth volume “The Doctrine of Redemption.” In between, that author worked on the Barmen declaration and
wrote Epistle to the Romans, both actions which led him to be a founding father of the Confessing Church. FTP,
name this magnum opus by theologian Karl Barth.
ANSWER: Church Dogmatics
This event was investigated by the attorney general George Anderson on behalf of Governor Francis Cockburn. He
had agreed to intervene on the demand of John Bacon, who was revealed to have cooked up a failed plot during this
incident with Zephaniah Gifford. Four years after its occurrence, a series of six insurance cases were brought before
Judge Henry Adams Bullard, the most famous one on behalf of Thomas McCargo. An essay on this event entitled
“The Duty of the Free States” was composed by William Ellery Channing, while a fictionalized account of it
featured a heroic image of Madison Washington and was written by William Wells Brown. The most famous
response to it was by Ohio representative Joshua Reed Giddings, who introduced nine resolutions contending that
Virginia law was inapplicable to this case. FTP, name this incident in 1841 in which slaves en route to New Orleans
mutinied and demanded that the namesake brig be taken to the Bahamas.
ANSWER: Creole affair/case
This thinker collaborated with John Lilly to write about The Dolphin in History, while Edward Darling was his coauthor on The Prevalence of Nonsense, a discussion of “the Cheerful and Sometimes Ghastly Beliefs by Which We
Live.” He proposed that the first nine months of an infant’s life be referred to as “extero-gestation,” in writing about
the importance of tactile sensation to fetuses in Touching: The Human Significance of the Skin. After publishing his
dissertation Being Among the Australian Aborigines, a study of procreative beliefs, he began a study which posited
an interval between menarche and biological maturity to account for adolescent sterility. He’s most famous for a
work serialized in the Saturday Evening Post, The Natural Superiority of Women, and a work which attacked the
ideas of Carleton Coon. FTP, name this first student of Malinowski, a British anthropologist who wrote the seminal
work Man’s Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race.
ANSWER: Ashley Montagu (or his birth-name Israel Ehrenburg)
A mutation in the A form of this protein can cause Brunner syndrome, characterized by slight mental retardation and
aggressiveness, while a shorter variant of the A form gene found especially in Maori people has been dubbed the
"Warrior gene." The genes for the A and B forms are found next to each other on the X chromosome, and both use
FAD as a co-factor, but differ in their affinities for the substances on which they act. Substances that antagonize
these enzymes, including clorgiline and moclobemide, can lead to the so-called cheese syndrome, which is a
hypertensive crisis caused by eating tyramine, or to serotonin syndrome. FTP identify this enzyme that forms an
aldehyde in place of the namesake lone NH2 group to deactivate several neurotransmitters, inhibitors of which can
be used to treat depression and are contra-indicated for use with many other types of drugs.
ANSWER: MAO(s) [or monoamine oxidases]
This man is depicted having a laurel handed to him by his wife in a painting by Daniel Mytens the Elder, who also
depicted him alone as an elongated figure in red wearing a medallion around his neck. A painting of his “three
children” was done by Peter Lely, who also did a more famous double portrait of this man with his second son.
William Dobson painted this man’s wife at his tomb in one work and painted him bust-length wearing full armor in
another. A more famous depiction shows this man “in Three Positions” or “from Three Angles” in a work known as
the “Triple Portrait” and, like Dobson, the artist of that work portrayed him with Endymion Porter. He also painted
him leaning on a walking stick in a black hat to the left of his white horse in one work, and painted an equestrian
portrait of him wearing a black suit in another, while several artists like Rubens have depicted him as the Prince of
Wales. FTP, name this man depicted “in Hunting Dress” by his court painter Anthony Van Dyck.
ANSWER: King Charles I of England (prompt on just “Charles”)
This author wrote a pornographic poem about the Garden of Eden entitled “The Origin of Evil, an Elegy,” while he
borrowed from Don Quixote for his satire The Island of Barrataria. That work was collected in his volume of Four
Plays edited by Peach and Newbourgh, which also contains his sacred dramas like The Origin of the Feast of Purim.
In addition to writing The Georgia Spec, or Land in the Moon and some essays under his pen name “Spondee,” he
wrote a novel which describes the adventures of Dr. Updike Underhill, who nearly becomes a Mohammedan when
he’s sold into slavery in Africa. His most famous work contrasts the virtuous Henry Manly with the English dandy
Billy Dimple, who is engaged to Maria Van Rough, but freely sleeps around. This author, who became the Chief
Judge on the Supreme Court of Vermont, is best known for that play, which was notably performed at the John
Street Theatre and entitled The Contrast. FTP, name this man who nearly married John Adams’ daughter Abigail,
and who is widely regarded as the founder of American drama.
ANSWER: Royall Tyler
Tiebreak Question
Name these hit songs by the official band of ACF, Skid Row, FTPE.
[10] This is the tragic tale of Ricky, a young boy who had a heart of stone, lived 9 to 5 and worked his fingers to the
bone. After he fires his six-shot to the wind that blew a child away, he gets told “your crime is time” – not quite sure
what that means, but I’m pretty sure he’s getting the title sentence.
ANSWER: “18 and Life”
[10] In this definitive power ballad, Sebastian painfully screams that “We’ve had our share of hard times, but that’s
the price we paid, And through it all we kept the promise that we made, I swear you’ll never be lonely.”
ANSWER: “I Remember You”
[10] This song off Slave to the Grind asks the age-old question “Are we ashamed of our own fate, Or play the fool
for our own sake” and demands “Tell me who’s behind the rain.” To the title figure, Sebastian declares “I need
you,” “I believe you,” “I’m so far away without you.”
ANSWER: “Quicksand Jesus”
The narrative of this work breaks off as an evil tyrant, the Caballero, is about to shoot the title character’s son.
[10] Name this experimental novel in which a whole generation of babies refuse to be born until the world is free
from repression. One relays a message to his Grandfather, the old title character, who is able to join the babies in
their revolt through his power of nostalgia.
ANSWER: The Last Song of Manuel Sendero (or La ultima cancion de Manuel Sendero)
[10] The Last Song of Manuel Sendero is an attack on the government of Pinochet by this writer from Chile, who
also wrote How to Read Donald Duck and a play in which Paulina is tortured to some music by Schubert.
ANSWER: Ariel Dorfman
[10] Dorfman once remarked that this novel was the best he’d ever read, or could ever read. The most famous work
of Jose Eustasio Rivera, this 1924 novel details the adventures of a man-of-letters Arturo Cova who elopes with
Alicia from Bogota into the tropical jungles of Colombia, where all sorts of bad things happen.
ANSWER: La Voragine or The Vortex
Answer the following about trouble in Algeria, FTPE.
[10] These agreements signed in March of 1962 represented the consummation of negotiation between De Gaulle
and the FLN, proclaiming a cease-fire and initiating the flight of European settlers from Algeria.
ANSWER: Evian Accords/Agreements
[10] After the Evian Accords, there occurred a predictable series of massacres against these peoples, Algerian
Muslims who had served as auxiliaries in the French armed forces or simply collaborated with French presence.
Zinedine Zidane famously denied that his father was one of these.
ANSWER: harkis
[10] This militant organization launched bombings in the wake of the Evian Accords. Founded by generals like
Lagaillarde and Salan to oppose Algerian independence, it sponsored several assassination attempts against De
Gaulle, including that by Bastien-Thiry.
ANSWER: OAS (Organisation de l’armee secrete or “Organization of the Secret Army”)
Trained under Piero della Francesca, this artist’s work includes the Sant’Onofrio altarpiece in Perugia and frescoes
for the sacristy of the Loreto Sanctuary. FTPE:
[10] Name this early Renaissance painter from Cortona who also painted the Testament and Death of Moses for the
Sistine Chapel and a Flagellation of Christ in Urbino.
ANSWER: Luca Signorelli
[10] Signorelli is most famous for his frescoes on the Last Judgment in the San Brizio chapel of this cathedral,
where he was called to complete the decoration of Benozzo Gozzoli. Borrowed from by Michelangelo, these
frescoes include The End of the World and Damned Cast into Hell.
ANSWER: Orvieto Cathedral
[10] Gozzoli was the pupil of this artist who painted three triangular scenes in the Cappella Nuova ceiling of
Orvieto. He also painted an altarpiece with the beheading of Saints Cosmas and Damian in Florence and an
altarpiece for the convent of San Domenico in Fiesole, a city with which he was intimately associated.
ANSWER: Fra Angelico
One is also known as Natural Black 1, while the other can be known as acid red 87 and comes in nearly identical B
and Y varieties. FTPE:
[10] Name these two dyes that comprise the most common histo-pathological staining procedure, one which stains
nuclei dark bluish-purple and the other that stains collagen and cytoplasm pink.
ANSWER: haematoxylin and eosin [both required; prompt on "H & E"]
[10] A prominent example of eosinophilic structures stained pink in an H & E stain are these clumps of protein,
primarily alpha synuclein, that can form in neurons and are associated with Parkinson's Disease and a type of
namesake dementia featuring them.
ANSWER: Lewy bodies
[10] In this alternative to an H & E stain, Weigert's iron haematoxylin is first used, followed by a series of three dye
solutions that result in red keratin and muscle, blue or green collagen, pink cytoplasm, and dark brown nuclei. A
similar combination is named for Lillie.
ANSWER: Masson's trichrome
This work inspired an opera of the same name by Vladimir Kashperov as well as Leos Janacek’s late three-act opera
Kat’a Kabanova. FTPE:
[10] Name this play featuring the heroine Katerina Kabanova, who lives in a town on the Volga married to the
merchant Tichon. She loves Boris Grigoryevich, who follows the demands of his repressive uncle Dikoi, leading
Katerina to commit suicide.
ANSWER: The Storm (accept The Thunderstorm or Groza)
[10] The Storm is the masterpiece of this 19th century Russian playwright, who also wrote The Snow Maiden, which
inspired the work by Rimsky-Korsakov, and the play Poverty is No Crime.
ANSWER: Alexander Ostrovsky
[10] Ostrovsky was a good friend of Turgenev who released this slightly similar play around the same time as The
Storm. It tells of Natalia Petrovna, the bored wife of the landowner Arkady Islayev, who competes with her ward
Vera over the love of her son’s tutor Beliaev.
ANSWER: A Month in the Country (Mesyats v Derevne)
Answer the following about the taxing diplomatic life of Cordell Hull, FTPE.
[10] In 1936, prompted by the nagging government of Harmodio Arias, Cordell negotiated the Hull-Alfaro
revisions, which abrogated this 1903 treaty by removing the protectorate status of Panama and its corresponding
intervention rights.
ANSWER: Hay-Banau-Varilla Treaty
[10] Hull was often accompanied by this Assistant Secretary of State and expert in Latin American affairs, a key
foreign policy advisor for FDR. He was hated by Hull, who may have leaked the story of his gay seduction of some
black sleeping-car porters, which caused this man to resign in 1943.
ANSWER: Sumner Welles
[10] In 1937, Hull had to deal with this incident in which some Japanese naval aircraft opened fire on the namesake
U.S. Navy gunboat in the Yangtze River as Americans attempted to evacuate Nanking, leading to the death of three
ANSWER: Panay Incident
Name these thinkers who wrote about the intersection of humans and machines, FTPE.
[10] This Berkeley-based philosopher started out working on a theory of speech acts, but is most famous for his
stance against strong artificial intelligence demonstrated by his Chinese Room argument.
ANSWER: John Searle
[10] This French Enlightenment figure, who was eulogized by Frederick the Great after fleeing to his court, built on
the work of Descartes to argue for a materialist dependence of the states of the soul on those of the body in his 1748
treatise Man a Machine.
ANSWER: Julien Offray de La Mettrie
[10] This feminist philosopher is probably most famous for her essay A Cyborg Manifesto which was included in her
1991 book Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature, where she argues for the metaphor of a machine as an
escape from the natural and organic stereotype of women.
ANSWER: Donna Haraway
He authored a fictionalized account of the Pueblo tribe entitled The Delight Makers. FTPE:
[10] Name this Swiss-born archaeologist and anthropologist who did work in southwest America and northern
Mexico, resulting in nonfiction like Indians of the Rio Grande Valley and The Romantic School of American
ANSWER: Adolph Bandelier
[10] Bandelier’s work was frequently cited by this American anthropologist who spent much of his life among the
Cherokee Indians and wrote a text on the myths of the Cherokees. He also wrote a key study on the Ghost Dance
and the “Messiah Religion” of the Kiowa Indians.
ANSWER: James Mooney
[10] Both Mooney and Bandelier were associated with this American explorer, the subject of Wallace Stegner’s
Beyond the Hundredth Meridian, who lost an arm at Shiloh and led a famous expedition in 1869 through the
Colorado River.
ANSWER: John Wesley Powell
It represents a sonata da chiesa expanded from its usual four movements, and the third movement features ruffled
sixteenth note oscillation from the violins. FTPE:
[10] Name this six movement piece which transitions from G minor to G major for its last movement, a largo in 12/8
time dubbed “Pastorale ad Libitum.”
ANSWER: Christmas Concerto or Concerto Grosso No. 8 in G Minor
[10] The Christmas Concerto is the most famous concerto grosso by this man, who also composed some variations
on “La Folia.”
ANSWER: Arcangelo Corelli
[10] This composer was commissioned to complete a Fantasia Concertante on a Theme of Corelli, and used the
Christmas Concerto, borrowing music from the Dawn Chorus of the opera he just completed, The Midsummer
ANSWER: Michael Tippett
It was developed based on four criteria, including being accurate near the critical point and being able to express
everything in terms of the acentric factor and the critical properties. FTPE:
[10] Name this equation of state that equates pressure to RT over the quantity molar volume minus b, all minus the
product of a and alpha over the quantity molar volume squared minus 2b molar volume minus b squared. Alpha is
defined in terms of the acentric factor and critical temperature.
ANSWER: Peng-Robinson equation of state
[10] The Peng-Robinson equation is similar to this modified version of the Redlich-Kwong equation. Its namesake
changed a square root of temperature term into a term based on the acentric factor and critical temperature.
ANSWER: Soave modification
[10] This more recent equation of state was developed to fix a problem with the van der Waals repulsive term in the
Peng-Robinson equation. It includes a shape factor for molecules and was developed through computer simulations.
ANSWER: Elliot-Suresh-Donohue equation
Name these Francophone writers, FTPE.
[10] This recent novelist from Cameroon wrote about the Reverend Father Superior Drumont in his The Poor Christ
of Bomba, while his later work includes Perpetua and the Habit of Unhappiness and his tale of the orphaned MorZamba entitled Remember Ruben.
ANSWER: Mongo “Black” Beti (or Alexandre Biyidi)
[10] Born in French Guyana in 1912, he was one of the “three fathers” of Negritude along with Senghor and Cesaire
and the first to publish, with his poetry volume Pigments: Graffiti. He also wrote an essay protesting the assimilation
of the Bosh peoples of Guyana.
ANSWER: Leon-Gontran Damas
[10] This writer from Senegal is remembered for his folklore-inspired stories of the Wolof peoples, using the stories
of Amadou Koumba in his major collection. In a few stories, he tells of combat between the cunning rabbit Leuk
and a dolt of a hyena, Bouki.
ANSWER: Birago Ishmael Diop
Name these utterly and completely unrelated conflicts, FTPE.
[10] This South African war from 1880 to 1881, also known as the Basuto war, resulted when the Cape Colony
attempted to extend its authority over the previously semi-independent Basutholand with measures like the Peace
Protection Act, which was not successful.
[10] This conflict between the United States and Britain in 1859 revolved around ownership of the San Juan Islands,
but draws its name from an amusing incident involving Lyman Cutlar and Charles Griffin.
[10] These confrontations between Iceland and Great Britain in 1958, 1973, and 1975 were eventually mediated by
Joseph Luns to allow 24 British vessels into the disputed zone monitored by the Icelandic Coast Guard.
ANSWER: Cod War(s)
This social psychologist created a typology of crowds, classifying them as heterogenous or homogenous, and
organized or unorganized. FTPE:
[10] Name this French dilettante who argued that people undergo intellectual degradation when thrust into groups in
his 1896 work, The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind.
ANSWER: Gustave Le Bon
[10] Elias Canetti claims that a fire can unify a theatre much better than a play can in this prime 1960 study of the
psychology of mass movements.
ANSWER: Crowds and Power (or Masse und Macht)
[10] A similar theory on crowds to that of Le Bon was put forth by this British surgeon, who wrote about the
“degeneracy of gregariousness” in his classic work Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War.
ANSWER: Wilfred Trotter
He was captured after the Battle of Frankenhausen and the massacre which ended the Peasants War, during which he
had taught the coming of the great crisis of mankind and exhorted the people to turn to the sword. FTPE:
[10] Name this man who had previously drawn up the Prague Manifesto in 1521 and been a preacher at Allstedt, an
Anabaptist leader who fancied himself a prophet.
ANSWER: Thomas Muntzer
[10] On July 13, 1524, Muntzer delivered this famous speech in Allstedt, in which he provided an “Exposition on
the Prophet Daniel” and proclaimed that the time was near for “a full and final reformation.”
ANSWER: “Sermon to the Princes” or “Princes’ Sermon” (accept any mention of Princes and Sermon)
[10] This man claimed that Muntzer was responsible for converting Hubmaier in his travels. The successor to
Zwingli in Zurich, he drew up the Second Helvetic Confession and collaborated with Calvin on the Consensus
ANSWER: Heinrich Bullinger
The son of a swineherd, the condottiere Francesco Bussone, is captured at the end of this author’s poetical tragedy
The Count of Carmagnola. FTPE:
[10] Name this author who also wrote a work which features a criminal known as the Unnamed, who holds one of
the protagonists captive in his castle.
ANSWER: Alessandro Manzoni
[10] In this other tragedy by Manzoni, the title character is compelled to declare war as personal revenge for the
repudiation of his sister, the Princess Ermengarda. Set in the eighth century, this play describes Charlemagne's
conquests of the Lombard kingdoms.
ANSWER: Adelchi (or Adelchis)
[10] In 1851, Manzoni released this important essay in which he argues that the title literary genre should be
considered dead in the wake of The Betrothed, as it represents a forever-unsatisfactory hybrid between fiction and
ANSWER: “On the Historical Novel” (or Del romanzo storico)
Often appearing as a son of Aeolus and Enarete, he reigned in Thessaly before founding a colony east of Elis. FTPE:
[10] Name this man who drove his chariot down the streets of his city dragging cauldrons to simulate Zeus’ thunder
and hurling torches to simulate lightning, until he was punished by Zeus with some real lightning.
ANSWER: Salmoneus
[10] By way of Alcidice, Salmoneus gave birth to this daughter who was mistreated by her stepmother Sidero and
fell in love with the river god Enipeus. Her mistreatment was later avenged by her son Pelias.
[10] Salmoneus was the brother of this king of Orchomenos, who had the twins Phrixus and Helle during his
marriage to his first wife Nephele.
ANSWER: Athamas
Guest writer Dan Passner wants you to answer the following about being a Jew, FTPE.
[10] This is the name for ritual fringes that Jews are biblically commanded to wear during daytime hours on four
cornered garments. They are kissed three times during the third passage of the Shema.
ANSWER: tzitzit (also accept tallit)
[10] Prior to the destruction of the second temple, one string of each tzitzit had to be treated with this blue dye, the
product of the Chillazon. It is now used again by people who believe the chilazon to be a Hexaplex Trunculus.
ANSWER: Techelet (or Tekhelet)
[10] This is the headscarf worn by Orthodox women to follow the concept of "Tzneiut." It is worn over the glorified
hair net known as a shpitzel.
ANSWER: Tichel
This man’s funeral was painted by Fragonard, and he was depicted “addressing his legions” by Rubens. He shares
his name with his son and grandson, who also attainted fame. FTPE:
[10] Name this co-consul with Manlius Torquatus who, according to the account of Livy, committed a heroic act of
self-sacrifice when he rode his horse into the enemy in 340 B.C. to help the Romans win the Latin War.
ANSWER: Publius Decius Mus (prompt Decius)
[10] Alongside Fabius Maximus Rullianus, the son of Decius Mus was a commander at the Battle of Sentinum a
decisive battle in these wars which also included the Battle of Caudine Forks.
ANSWER: Samnite Wars
[10] The son of that man was killed at this battle in 279 BC as the commander of the Romans against King Pyrrhus
of Epirus and his coalition. It occurred a year after the Battle of Heraclea and is often cited as the classic Pyrrhic
ANSWER: Battle of Asculum (or Ausculum)
This poet’s last volume The Disconsolate Chimera was published in 1962, while he uses a youthful child Albanio as
protagonist of his prose poems Ocnos. FTPE:
[10] Name this Spanish poet and lit critic who wrote about his homosexuality in works like Forbidden Pleasures,
and whose works were compiled in Reality and Desire.
ANSWER: Luis Cernuda y Bidon
[10] Along with Garcia Lorca and Rafael Alberti, Luis Cernuda was a member of this group of writers who met on
the 300th anniversary of Luis de Gongora’s death.
ANSWER: Generación del 27 (or Generation of 1927)
[10] Born from Swiss and Italian parents, this poetess moved to Argentina early in her life and later associated with
the Generation of 27. She criticized masculinity in poems like “You Want Me White,” and authored volumes like
World of Seven Wells and Mask and Clover before drowning herself by walking into the sea.
ANSWER: Alfonsina Storni
This movement originated with namesake bandits in the impoverished region of Huai-pei under the leadership of
Chang Lo-hsing, and many of the family-less young men who participated in it were known as “bare sticks.” FTPE:
[10] Name this rebellion in northern China from 1853 to 1868 which is often conflated with the Taiping Rebellion,
and sought to overthrow the Ching Dynasty.
ANSWER: Nien Rebellion
[10] Like the Taiping rebellion, the Nien uprising was beaten back by Li Hong-chang and this force initially
commanded by Frederick Townsend Ward.
ANSWER: Ever Victorious Army
[10] Another resistance movement against the Ching was organized by these peoples of southwestern China, who
led a namesake rebellion from 1855 to 1872 in Guizhou. After defeat, large numbers of them fled to Vietnam and
ANSWER: Miao (or Mong or Hmong)
In this author’s novel Mr. Fortune’s Maggot, Timothy leaves his job to become a missionary on the remote island of
Fanua, but only makes one convert. FTPE:
[10] Name this writer who carried on a lesbian relationship with poet Valentine Ackland and wrote about a woman
who absconds to Great Mop and makes a pact to become a witch in the 1926 novel Lolly Willowes. She also wrote
The Flint Anchor and After the Death of Don Juan.
ANSWER: Sylvia Townsend Warner
[10] Perhaps the most famous novel by Warner, this work revolves around the life of a group of nuns in Oby, a
Benedictine house in medieval East Anglia patronized by St. Leonard.
ANSWER: The Corner That Held Them
[10] Warner and Ackland wrote a number of letters about their appreciation for this author of In a German Pension,
who wrote about Bertha Young in the short story “Bliss.”
ANSWER: Katherine Mansfield