公告 - 國立臺灣大學動物科學技術學系

校區(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,以下簡稱 UIUC)農業消費環
境科學學院(College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Science)及美國
普渡大學(Purdue University)農學院(College of Agriculture)就讀 2011 年春季班(1
月中旬至 5 月中旬)一學期。
UIUC: 生物資源暨農學院大三以上學生(含研究所碩士班一年級)
業成績平均達 GPA 3.0 以上(4.0 為 A;換算臺灣大學評分標準為 80 分以上),
TOEFL 紙筆測驗 550 分以上或電腦測驗 213 分以上或網路化測驗 79 分以上或同
Purdue: 生物資源暨農學院學生,年級不限。未要求具體的測驗證明,但須具備
錄取名額:經生物資源暨農學院審核後錄取 4 名
(2 名前往 UIUC 就讀; 2 名前往 Purdue 就讀)
申請截止日期:99 年 8 月 1 日前送件至生農學院國際農業教育與學術交流中心
1. 申請資料確認表。【附件一】
2. 申請書。【附件二】
3. 大學英文成績單。
4. 英文能力測驗成績單,或系(所)英語能力評鑑證明。
5. 擬選修課程列表及系(所)學分承認說明(請參考附註說明)。【附件三】
6. 財力證明:家長銀行存款英文證明,家長申明負責在美國生活費用保證書。
錄取學生可獲 UIUC 及 Perdue 學費(tuition)全免、註冊費(fee)部分減免
(UIUC 是部分減免;Purdue 則是全免),其他需自行負擔費用包含住宿與餐
7. 系(所)審查意見。【附件五】
8. 選校意願及順位調查表【附件六】
UIUC 交換學生注意事項
一、 UIUC 註冊費(fee)部分減免與必須自行負擔分項說明:
Fees that are waived for exchange students:
- Service Fee
- General Fee
- Library and Technology
- Cultural Programming Fee
- Cleaner Energy Technologies Fee
- Sustainable Campus Environment Fee
- Legacy Scholarship
Fees that will be charged, but students can get them refunded:
- Health Insurance Fee (this can be waived if they show equivalent or better
alternative coverage) (Spring 08 US$180)
- SORF (Spring 08 US$14)
- Krannert Fee (Spring 08 US$15)
Fees that will be charged:
- Health Service Fee (Spring 08 US$207)
- MTD Bus Fee (Spring 08 US$38)
- ISSS New Student Fee (Spring 08 US $50)
二、 UIUC 選修課程原則:
1. 學生可自由選讀 4 字頭課程(例如 ANSC 400)
,而 5 字頭課程(例如 ACE 501)
需授課教師同意方能選修。一學期至少選修 12 學分,至多 18 學分。
2. 可選讀與自己目前就讀學系相同之領域內課程,以折抵臺灣大學畢業所需必
3. 可選讀領域與課程,以下列為優先:
Food Animal Production
ANSC 400 - Daily Herd Management
ANSC 401 - Beef Production
ANSC 402 - Sheep Production
ANSC 403 - Pork Production
ANSC 404 - Poultry Science
ANSC 405 - Advanced Daily Management
ANSC 409 - Meat Science
ANSC 420 - Ruminant Nutrition
ANSC 423 - Advanced Daily Nutrition
ANSC 431 - Advanced Reproductive Biology
ANSC 435 - Milk Quality and Udder Health
ANSC 437 - Advanced Reproductive Management
ANSC 438 - Lactation Biology
CPSC 440 - Applied Statistical Methods I
ANSC 444 - Applied Animal Genetics
ANSC 446 - Population Genetics
ANSC 447 - Quantitative Genetics
ANSC 448 - Math Modeling in Life Sciences
GEOG 468 - Biological Modeling
ANSC 451 - Microbes and the Animal Industry
ANSC 452 - Animal Growth and Development
HORT 465 - Ethics in Biotechnology
ANSC 467 - Applied Animal Ecology
ACE 500 - Applied Economic Theory
ACE 501 - Risk and Info: Theory and App
ACE 502 - Demand/Supply/Firms/Households
ACE 503 - Equilibrium and Welfare Econ
ANSC 509 - Muscle Biology
ANSC 510 - Science of Animal Well-Being
ANSC 520 - Protein and Energy Nutrition
ANSC 521 - Regulation of Metabolism
ANSC 522 - Advanced Ruminant Nutrition
ANSC 523 - Techniques in Animal Nutrition
ANSC 524 - Nonruminant Nutrition Concepts
ANSC 525 - Topics in Nutrition Research
ANSC 530 - Advanced Endocrinology
ANSC 531 - Adv Reproductive Endocrinology
ANSC 532 - Adv Reproductive Physiology
ANSC 533 - Repro Physiology Lab Methods
ANSC 541 - Regression Analysis
ANSC 561 - Animal Stress Physiology
FSHN 510 - Topics in Nutrition Research
PATH 524 - Biostatistics
Crop Production
CPSC 407 - Diseases of Field Crops
HORT 436 - Perennial Grass Ecosystems
CPSC 418 - Crop Growth and Management
CPSC 426 - Weed Mgt in Agronomic Crops
CPSC 431 - Plants and Global Change
NRES 438 - Soil Nutrient Cycling
NRES 439 - Environmental and Sustainable Development
CPSC 440 - Applied Statistical Methods I
CPSC 453 - Principles of Plant Breeding
CPSC 454 - Plant Breeding Methods
IE 472 - Plant Molecular Biology
HORT 465 - Ethics in Biotechnology
IE 483 - Insect Pathology
IE 484 - Biological Control
IE 482 - Insect Pest Management
HORT 482 - Plant Tissue Culture
IE 420 - Plant Physiology
CPSC 518 - Crop Growth and Development
PLPA 405 - Plant Disease Diagnosis
HORT 447 - Horticultural Plant Breeding
CPSC 518 - Crop Growth and Development
CPSC 526 - Herbicide Action in Plants
CPSC 538 - Environmental Plant Physiology
CPSC 540 - Applied Statistical Methods II
CPSC 541 - Regression Analysis
Food Science and Human Nutrition
* Nutrition Emphasis
FSHN 220/595 - Nutrition for Food Scientists
FSHN 420 - Nutritional Aspects of Disease
FSHN 421 - Pediatric Clinical Nutrition
FSHN 426 - Biochemical Nutrition I
FSHN 427 - Biochemical Nutrition II
FSHN 428 - Community Nutrition
FSHN 429 - Nutritional Assessment & Therapy
FSHN 480 - Basic Toxicology
* Food Processing and Engineering Emphasis
FSHN 465 - Principles of Food Technology
FSHN 461 and 462 - Food Processing I and II
FSHN 512 - Physical Chemistry of Foods
FSHN 595 - Advanced Food Processing
* Food Chemistry Emphasis
FSHN 414 - Food Chemistry
FSHN 416 - Food Chemistry Laboratory
FSHN 512 - Physical Chemistry of Foods
FSHN 517 - Fermentation and Distilled Beverages
FSHN 518 - Chemistry of Lipids in Foods
FSHN 595 - Water Relations in Foods
FSHN 595 - Food Proteins and Enzymes
FSHN 595 - Flavor Chemistry & Analysis
* Food Microbiology Emphasis
FSHN 471 - Food and Industrial Microbiology
FSHN 573 - Advanced Food Microbiology
FSHN 575 - Issues in Food Safety
* Electives
FSHN 425 - Food Marketing
FSHN 466 - Food Product Development
FSHN 510 - Topics in Nutrition Research
FHSN 520 - Advanced Clinical Nutrition
FSHN 595 - Advanced Topics in Sensory Science
Sustainable Production Systems
NRES 401 - Watershed Hydrology
NRES 403 - Watersheds and Water Quality
NRES 419 - Environmental and Plant Ecosystems
NRES 420 - Restoration Ecology
NRES 421 - Quantitative Methods in NRES
NRES 429 - Aquatic Ecosystem Conservation
CPSC 431 - Plants and Global Change
NRES 438 - Soil Nutrient Cycling
NRES 439 - Environmental and Sustainable Dev
CPSC 440 - Applied Statistical Methods I
IE 453 - Community Ecology
NRES 454 - GIS in Natural Resource Management
NRES 455 - Adv GIS for Natural Resource Planning
NRES 456 - Integrative Ecosystem Management
GEOG 460 - Analysis & Interp Aerial Photo
NRES 474 - Soil and Water Conservation
NRES 488 - Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
NRES 508 - Community and Natural Resources
NRES 510 - Adv Natural Resources Economics
NRES 515 - Fundamentals of Geostatistics
NRES 516 - Ecosystem Biogeochemistry
NRES 540 - Public Involvement in Resource Management
NRES 590 - Professionalism and Ethics
* Plant, Soils and Feedstocks
CPSC/PLPA 407 Diseases of Field Crops
CPSC 414 Forage Crops and Grassland Ecology
CPSC 416 Perennial Grass Ecosystems
CPSC 418 Crop Growth and Management
CPSC 431 Plants and Global Change
CPSC 437 Principles of Agroecology
CPSC 438 Soil Nutrient Cycling
CPSC 453 Principles of Plant Breeding
CPSC 484 Plant Physiology
CPSC 488 Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
CPSC 489 Photosynthesis
CPSC 499 Soil and Water Conservation
CPSC 499 Transcriptomics, Proteomics, and Metabolomics
CPSC 518 Crop Growth and Development
CPSC 538 Environmental Plant Physiology
CPSC 558 Quantitative Plant Breeding
CPSC 566 Plant Gene Regulation
NRES 416 Forest Biology
NRES 475 Soil Microbiology
NRES 487 Soil Chemistry
NRES 488 Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
NRES 572 Chemistry of Soil Fertility
NRES 586 Soil Organic Matter
PLPA 509 Molecular Biol. of Microbe-Plant Interactions
* Production, Processing and Use
ABE 436 Renewable Energy Systems
ABE 488 Bioprocessing Grains for Fuels
ABE 489 Process Design for Corn Milling
FSHN 460 Food Processing Engineering
FSHN 460/461/62 Food Processing I+II, Engineering
FSHN 471 Food & Industrial Microbiology
MSE 498 Material Science and Engineering for Sustainability
NPRE 498 Fuel Cell Science and Technology
TSM 484 Grain Bioprocessing Coproducts
* Environment, Economics and Policy and Law
ABE 456 Land and Water Resources Engineering
ACE 403 Agricultural Law
ACE 406 Environmental Law
ACE 411 Environment and Development
ACE 451 Agriculture in International Development
ACE 455 International Trade in Food and Agriculture
ACE 492 Topics in Agribusiness Decision Making
ACE 510 Advanced Natural Resource Economics
ACE 542 Advanced Agricultural Finance
ACE 592 Spatial Econometrics
ACE 592 Regional and Rural Development Policy
ATMS 421 Earth Systems Modeling
CEE 434 Environmental Systems, I
CEE 442 Environmental Engineering Principles, Physical.
CEE 444 Environmental Engineering Principles, Biological
CEE 449 Environmental Engineering Lab
CEE 491 Decision and Risk Analysis
CEE 535 Environmental Systems, II
CPSC 429 Environment and Sustainable Development
CPSC 449 Spatial Ecosystem Modeling
CPSC/HORT 465 Ethics in Biotechnology
ECON 515 Advanced Natural Resource Economics
GEOG 466 Environmental Policy
GEOL 497 The Challenge of A Sustainable Earth System
GEOG 570 Advanced Spatial Analysis
HORT 441 Greenhouse Management and Crop Production
IB 452 Ecosystem Ecology
LAW 616 Environmental Law and Policy I
LAW 618 Natural Resources
ME 400 Energy Conversion Systems
NRES 419 Environment & Plant Ecosystems
NRES 454 GIS in Natural Resource Management
NRES 456 Integrative Ecosystem Management
NRES 516 Ecosystem Biogeochemistry
RLST 494 The Science and Ethics of Sustainability
UP 494 International Environmental Policy and Practice
UP 546 Land Use Policy and Planning
* Tools and Methods
BIOE 505 Computation in Systems Biology
BIOE 506 Molecular and Cellular Engineering
ChBE 471 Biochemical Engineering
CHEM 470 Computational Chemical Biology
CHEM 574 Genomics, Proteomics, and Bioinformation
CPSC 440 Applied Statistical Methods I
CPSC 454 Plant Breeding Methods
CPSC 563 Molecular Cytogenetics
CPSC 567 Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
CPSC 568 Recombinant DNA Technology Laboratory
CPSC 569 Applied Bioinformatics
CPSC 585 Plant Biochemical Genetics
CPSC 588 Plant Biochemistry
MCB 424 Microbial Biochemistry
MCB 501 Advanced Biochemistry
MCB 502 Advanced Molecular Genetics
Purdue 交換學生注意事項
一、 Purdue 註冊費(fee)全部減免而必須自行負擔分項說明如下:
Living Expenses (approximate $5,550/ semester)
Books (approximate $550/semester)
二、 Purdue 選修課程原則:
學生可自由選讀 numbered 100-500 的課程(例如 BCHM 100),而 numbered 600
的課程則不開放給大學部學生選修。一學期至少選修 12 學分,至多 18 學分。
若同學欲了解更多 UIUC 及 Perdue 大學交換學生的申請、費用減免等相關
UIUC Information for Exchange Students: