____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING Updated up to MAR 2015 Regional Training Centre (ER) EM Block, Sector-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091 ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 1 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ INDEX Subject Page No. CHAPTER-I Labour Accounting 3 - 56 CHAPTER-II Material Accounting 57 - 96 CHAPTER-III Cost Accounting 97 - 158 ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 2 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ CHAPTER-1 INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYEES IN ORDNANCE & ORDNANCE EQUIPMENT FACTORY: PAYMENT & ACCOUNTING Introduction Classification of workers The employees in Ordnance and Ordnance Equipment Factories who are employed for production and maintenance jobs are called Industrial Workers and are classified as:Semi-Skilled Skilled Highly Skilled – Grade II Highly Skilled – Grade I Master Craftsman Semi-Skilled workers in Ordnance/Ordnance Equipment Factories are of two type’s viz. Semi-Skilled Tradesmen and Semi-Skilled Labours. The tradesmen who are having adequate trade training are recruited in the semi skilled grade on probation against the available vacancies in skilled grade and after successful completion of probation period and passing of the requisite trade test they are placed as skilled workers. Such placement in the skilled grade after putting in the specific length of service in the Semi-Skilled grade should not be treated as promotion/upgradation for the purpose of their future financial up-gradations. ([Auth:- MOD ID, 11(5)/99-D (Civ-I) dt 30-10-2001] The semi skilled labours are basically unskilled and do not have any trade training. Such semi-skilled labours must pass necessary trade test for the Semi-skilled grade to be entitled for appearing the trade test of the skilled grade and further advancement in the hierarchy of the artisan cadre. These Semiskilled labours are mainly the erstwhile Group "D" unskilled labours and NIEs transferred / redesignated as IEs. As per Government of India, Ministry of Defence No. 11(5)/2009 D (Civ-I) dated:14/06/2010 (Annexure– I), the artisan cadre of the ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 3 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ industrial workers have been classified w.e.f. 01-01-2006 into four grades viz, Skilled, Highly Skilled Grade II, Highly Skilled grade I and Master Craftsman. With the issue of the above order of the Ministry of Defence the post of Master Craftsman which was previously within the strength of Highly Skilled grade, has become part of the hierarchy of the artisan cadre w.e.f. 01-01-2006 and the movement of Highly Skilled Grade I to the grade of Master Craftsman has become a promotional movement. The composition of Industrial employees in each Ordnance & Ordnance Equipment Factory has been framed out keeping in view the pattern of production or the jobs to be performed for production of particular types of items, assigned to the particular factory. These jobs have been grouped trade-wise as Black smith, carpenters, Electrician etc. and the percentage of workers under each grade viz. skilled, highly skilled etc. are notified under Govt. Orders issued from time to time. As per Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter dated 14/06/2010, 45% of the sanctioned post in artisan cadre may be granted the grade of Skilled workers, 25% of the remaining 55% may be granted the grade of Master Craftsman and the remaining posts may be divided in the ratio of 50:50 as Highly Skilled worker grade – II and Highly Skilled worker grade -I. Under the Factories Act 1948, no adult worker is required to work in a Factory for more than 48 hours in any week. The total normal working hours in a week in the Ordnance and Ordnance Equipment Factories have, however, been fixed at 44 3/4 hours excluding intervals for recess. The difference of 3 1/4 hours i.e. complement of 48 hours is known as Saturday bonus, as dealt with later. The General Managers have full discretion in respect of fixing the working hours for week days and Saturdays and in prescribing the opening and closing hours and time for recess. In Ordnance Factories, wages payments are compiled under various elements as determined based on two system of labour remuneration, viz. (1) based on time i.e. attendance and (2) based on quantity produced. While the former is known as Day Work System, the latter is Piece Work System. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 4 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Procedure of mustering daily attendance The Wage cycle (calendar month) begins with recording of attendance on daily basis which is known as mustering. At present two types of attendance recording system are in vogue in the Ord. & Ord. Equipment Factories viz. (1) Manual Recording System (2) EARS (Electronic Attendance Recording System). (1) Manual Recording system The gate of the factory is opened about half an hour before the time fixed for commencement of work in the factory and is closed at the fixed time. During this interval the workmen get in, remove their tickets from the ticket boards placed near the gate and deposit them in their respective shops. Soon after the factory gate is closed, the gate office or labour bureau prepares separately for each shop a list (for purpose of mustering) showing the ticket nos. that have not been removed from the ticket boards. At the same time, after shops have commenced work, the shops examine the tickets deposited by the workmen and also take attendance by personal counting ensuring that the persons not present/absent as shown in the report are actually absent. Thereafter the shops prepare a 'Casualty Memo' or 'Presentee Memo' whichever is convenient. The report is signed by the JWM or by the Head of Shop and sent direct to the Accounts Office. The late comers are allowed inside the factory after 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 1 hour from opening time. The late comers are required to deposit their tickets in the respective boxes at the gate specifically provided for the purpose to record the particular hour at which a late comer is admitted or their numbers are noted on this account by a representative of the gate office (or the labour bureau) who is deputed at the gate specially for this purpose. The Labour Bureau or the gate office prepares the memo for these men and one copy of the memo is supplied to the Accounts Office. The main attendance record of the worker is maintained by the Factory Labour Bureau and is known as 'Muster Roll'. The Muster Roll is maintained in a separate monthly volume for each shop in the factory. The 'Column' for the day against IEs who are absent according to the tickets not removed or list ('Casualty Memo') prepared ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 5 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ there-from are marked 'A' or ‘LP’ in the Muster Roll (A stands for ‘Absent’ and LP stand for ‘Leave with pay' i.e. sanctioned leave). A normal working day excluding Saturday comprises of 8 (eight) hours. The working hour is divided into four equal parts. Hence eight hours work in a day represent 4 X 8 = 32 quarters for every quarter hour the numerator is one. Thus the attendance of the late comers will be marked short to the extent they are late i.e. 31/32, 30/32, 29/32, 28/32 accordingly as they are late by 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 1 hour respectively, others being marked '1'. IEs who take short leave are granted 'Leave passes'. Leave passes granted to IEs on the previous day, overtime memos, copies of order granting leave with or without pay are collected and 'the previous day’s attendance marked up in accordance with them. Part leave is generally granted in terms of quarter of an hour, absence for which is normally booked as absence for 1/32 of a day. Deduction for absence during part of a day including Saturdays shall, in the case of Industrial employees to whom the payment of Wages Act 1936 is applicable, be calculated at the rate of 1/32 of a normal days pay, for each quarter hour’s absence from the normal period of that day. If an IE is absent for the whole Saturday he is not entitled for the benefit of Saturday bonus but if he is present for part of a day his attendance will be marked as under:Present on Saturday For hours >0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Booking of attendance /32 + No. of Qtr. (Max. 3) 17/32 21/32 25/32 29/32 1- 1/32 1-5/32 The extra hours i.e. 13/32 hours is called 'Saturday Bonus'. The effect of grant of Saturday bonus is to increase the period of normal attendance by 3 1/4 hours per week. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 6 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ In the case of shift workers having 7 1/2 hours effective working on week days and 7 ¼ hours on Saturday marking should be made as follows :- Present for hours >0 ½ 1-1/2 2-1/2 3-1/2 4-1/2 5-1/2 6-1/2 7-1/2 Booking on weekdays 2/32 4/32 8/32 12/32 16/32 20/32 24/32 28/32 1 Booking on Saturdays 3/32 5/32 9/32 13/32 17/32 21/32 25/32 29/32 1-1/32 The late attendance of workers due to late running/cancellation of local/shuttle trains may be condoned up to a maximum limit of three hours by the GM of the factory if he is satisfied that the late Attendance is solely due to late running of trains. When the late attendance is condoned, the workers will not be penalised in the matter of wages for un-worked time. Marking of the attendance in muster rolls will, however, be done with reference to the actual time of attendance of the workers. The condo nation of late attendance will be notified through Factory Orders. If any overtime is worked by the affected personnel on the date of late attendance, the overtime wages will be reduced by the proportionate wages calculated on single time rate in respect of late attendance condoned, if any, on that particular date. For this purpose a certificate will be furnished by the GM in all claims of overtime. Suitable symbols will be used for noting different kinds of leave, idle time due to various causes and periods of absence in the muster. The symbols will be adopted by the factory in consultation with the Accounts Office. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 7 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Overtime attendance is marked on the basis of 1/32 of a day for each quarter hour of overtime irrespective of whether it is on week day, Saturday or Holiday. Overtime memos are prepared in the case of casual overtime when the shop or section is not working systematic overtime as a whole. After the close of each week, the progressive total of each man's attendance for the month is also shown by the Labour Bureau in the muster roll. On the day following the close of the month, the muster roll will be sent to the Accounts Office by the Labour Bureau after entering therein the total monthly attendance in respect of each worker for the completion of the same as regards wages payable to each workman. Note - As a general rule, the industrial employees will not be allowed to go out of the factory for lunch along with their section tickets. In respect of certain factories e.g. A.F. Kirkee, H.E.Fy., Kirkee and Cordite Factory, Aruvankadu in a very limited number of deserving cases industrial employees may, however, be permitted by the G.M. to leave the factory premises for lunch. In such cases, late attendance after lunch shall not be permitted beyond 15 minutes. An I.E. coming late in excess of 15 minutes will not be admitted in the factory for the rest of the day and he will be treated as on unauthorized absence from the place of work, for which disciplinary action may be taken on the merits of each case at the discretion of the G.M. in addition to the normal deduction of wages. Casualty report in respect of late attendance and non-attendance of I.Es after lunch period will be furnished to the Accounts Office in the same manner as in the case of late attendance at the opening hour on the same day. Attendance IEs working in the detachments Marking of attendance in respect of industrial employees working in the detachments mentioned below, where the procedure prescribed above cannot be strictly adhered to, being located at a considerable distance from the factory proper is to be regulated in the manner indicated below:(i) Kataya Chat Pumping Station, Filter plant and similar places of work under OF Katni (a) Registers should be maintained at the workshops with direction to the I.Es to sign or affix thumb impression as the case may be on these ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 8 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ registers in the presence of incharge shift as and when they attend duty shifts. (b) These registers should be sent daily to the Section for preparation of casualty reports. (c) The casualty report will be forwarded by the Section to the Gate Section. (ii) Power Station, Kateri and catchment area at Cordite Factory, Aruvankadu Attendance of I.Es who report directly at Power Station, Kateri should be supervised by a NGO who is permanently stationed at the site. Daily mustering should be completed with reference to absentee numbers indicated over phone and casualty reports prepared daily should be submitted to Accounts Officer once in three days. Note-1- As regards men detailed at catchment area their casualty should be ascertained over phone at the opening hour of the factory, provision for an attendance register at the work spot should also be made. The attendance register should be sent once in three days to the factory for checking the casualty already ascertained over phone and reporting discrepancy, if any, to the Accounts Officer. (2) Electronic Attendance Recording System Apart from manual attendance, Ordnance Factories have introduced Electronic Attendance recording System. At the gate office machines have been installed where Access Control Cards are used by the IEs to record their timing of entry and exit from factory. This information along with other relevant information is used to generate the daily attendance of an IE. Under this system late/ short attendance is recorded in minutes. Personal Information of IEs The Labour Bureau will furnish the Accounts Office with daily Statement showing: (i) Entertainment and discharge of workers. (ii) Alteration of rates of pay and any other facts connected with worker which may affect their earnings such as promotion, suspension, transfer etc. A formal change statement (supported by relevant Factory Orders where necessary) confirming the daily reports from the Labour Bureau, ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 9 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ should reach the Accounts Office not later than the first working day of the month following that to which it relates. The Labour Bureau maintains service records for workman. The Accounts Office maintains attendance record showing, names, ticket numbers, trades, grades and rates of pay of industrial employees. Separate records should be prepared for the various shops or sections showing ticket numbers serially like muster rolls for day workers, individual piece workers and various piece worker gangs separately. On receipt of the muster rolls from the Labour Bureau, the entries for the day will be checked with reference to presentee statement or casualty memos received from the Gate Office. The previous day's attendance will be checked with reference to leave passes, overtime memos etc. received from shops/sections. Any discrepancy noticed will be reported to the Labour Bureau through discrepancy reports and alterations in the muster rolls will be made and attested by the Factory authority. Wage Payment In Ordnance Factories, wages payments are compiled under various elements as determined based on two system of labour remuneration, viz. (1) based on time i.e. attendance and (2) based on quantity produced. While the former is known as Day Work System, the latter is Piece Work System. Those who work under Day Work System are known as Day Worker and those under Piece Work System are known as Piece Worker. The Piece workers are further subdivided in two categories viz. Individual Piece worker and Gang Piece worker who work in a gang. Different element of Wages entitled to Industrial Employees Wages payable to Industrial employees for any wage period will include (I) Duty pay at basic monthly rate (for day workers) based on attendance or Duty pay at basic monthly rate and an element of profit (for piece workers) calculated on the basis of output (Piece Work Card) and input hours. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 10 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ The IEs are placed in a running Pay Band and Grade Pay according to their Grades i.e. Skilled, Semi Skilled etc. which constitutes their basic monthly rate of Pay. The IEs are entitled to yearly increment on basic pay. Apart from Duty Pay, Personal Pay and Special Pay (e.g. for Promoting Small family norms) will be admissible as notified in Govt. orders and Guarantee Pay to Piece Workers where admissible. (II) Allowances like Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Transport allowance, Hill Area Allowance, Scheduled/ Tribal Allowance, Deputation (Duty) Allowan ce, Children Education Allowance, Remote Locality Allowance, Project Allowance, Night Shift Allowance, at the prescribed rates as laid down by the Govt. under different rules. (III) Incentive Bonus (for Maintenance workers only), Overtime Bonus, Night Shift Bonus, (IV) Idle Time Pay, Leave Pay, Holiday Pay, Injury Pay and Segregation Pay Calculation of elements of Wage (I) Duty Pay (a) Duty pay at basic monthly rate is also called Time Wages in respect of DAY WORKERS. This is because the day workers are paid on time basis without regard to output. The pay for a day should be assumed at Basic monthly pay (BP+GP) /N-(S+H) (where 'N' represents the number of days in a month, 'S' represents number of Sundays in a month and 'H' represents number of closed paid holidays in that month). No separate payment for any closed holiday is made. For the purpose of calculating duty pay of a month, this formula should be ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 11 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ multiplied by the number of days actually attended i.e. excluding Sundays and paid holiday. Thus Duty Pay for a month will be: (Band Pay + Grade Pay) x Number of Days present N-(S+H) (b) The pay for a day for PIECE WORKERS is assumed at Basic monthly pay (BP+GP)/(N-S) . They are eligible for payment of paid holidays separately in addition to Duty Pay and Piece Work profit. Thus Duty Pay for a month will be: (i) (Band Pay + Grade Pay) x Number of Days present (N-S) & Holiday Pay will be: (ii) (Band Pay + Grade Pay) x Number of Paid Holidays falling in that month (N-S) IEs who work partly as piece workers and partly as day workers during a wage period, will be paid proportionate Duty Pay and PW Profit for the period they are put on piece work and time wages calculated at the rate of (BP + GP) /(N-S) for the period he works as a day worker. In addition, payment for closed paid holiday, if any falling within the wage period will be made to him separately as in the case of a piece worker. Note- The period of strike/token strike resorted to by industrial employees is to be regarded as 'Dies-non'. It neither counts as service nor as break in service. Unless otherwise stated no pay and allowances will be admissible to workers for the period they are on strike/token strike etc. Deduction of wages on account of periods of strike for a part of a day will be made as under: ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 12 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ For Day Workers: BP+DA+ Other Allowance x N-(S+H) For Piece Workers: Period of Strike (Dies non Period) in hour Normal working hours per day BP++DA+ Other Allowance x Period of Strike (Dies non Period) in hour N-S Normal working hours per day Day Work Cards Day Workers, who are paid by attendance, the Shops prepare Day Work Cards showing the ticket number of the worker, the Work Order and Warrant Number and the time spent on the job. Normally one card is prepared for each week showing the various jobs and job times for a worker. Piece Work Card: As the remuneration of Piece Workers is based on quantity produced, the output of a piece worker is recorded on a document known as Piece Work Card. These piece work cards contain the Ticket No., the shop to which the IPW or GPW belongs, details of the work completed like Work Order, Warrant etc., Number of articles produced and accepted, the operations and the hours authorised against each operation. Separate PW Cards are maintained for IPW and GPW in document no. 18 and 19 respectively. The information contained in priced PW and DW Cards are used for Cost Accounting purpose. Piece Work Earnings: Piece work cards are received in the Accounts Office from the factory in batches as and when work is completed. The piece work cards are then priced by the LAO by multiplying the hours authorised against each operation/unit by the operation/units completed and accepted after carrying out due Audit Checks. Total output hours is worked out by adding the hours of all priced PW Cards pertaining to the month separately for each IPW and Gang. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 13 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ In case of Piece Worker (both IPW and GPW) the input hour is calculated as No. of days present in month (excluding Saturday & Sunday) x 8 + (No. of Saturdays present x 4 ¾) + (OT Hours Worked – Late Hours if any) Profit % is worked out as under: Output (PW Card) Hours – Input Hours x 100 Input Hours In case of gang piece worker the total input hours of the gang is arrived at by adding the input hour of each individual worker of gang and the output hour is calculated as the total hours on the basis of the PW Card. The profit % of the gang is calculated as (1.25 x Gang Output Hours (PW Card Hours) – Gang Input Hours X 100 Gang Input Hours Note: Piece work rate will be correlated to the minimum of the pay band- 1 + Grade Pay Rs 1900 i.e. Rs 5200 +Rs 1900 = Rs7100 for all category/grades of workers deployed on piece work system. The difference between the actual basic pay of a worker and Rs 7100 shall be paid to him as a separate element as "Incremental Pay". The manufacture warrants will be issued in terms of time as against in terms of rate per unit under the previous system (excluding 25% built in incentive). However for preparation of wage roll of piece workers and labour costing output hours will be reckoned as Standard Man Hours (SMH) + 25% built in incentive. Hence, for computation of Piece Work Profit, output hours will be (1.25 x SMH or Card Hours). Authority Govt. of India Min of Def, Dept. of Def Prod No. 46(2)/2013- D (estt/NG) Dated 4th March 2014. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 14 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Thus notional time wage of an individual is worked out as under 7100 x Number of Days Present (N – S) + 7100 x Total OT Hours worked 200 Amount of profit is calculated as under Notional time wage X Percentage of Profit 100 (subject to a maximum of 75) Thus Piece Work earning = Notional Time Wages + Profit If a worker works partly as day worker and partly as piece worker during a wage period, he will be considered as piece worker for the entire wage period and will be entitled to holiday pay for the holiday(s) falling within the wage period; irrespective of whether the holidays is in the part when he is a day worker or piece worker. In Ordnance Parachute Factory, Kanpur the workmen employed on the manufacture/repair of man dropping parachutes on day work basis are entitled to a bonus at the rate of 25 per cent of their pay with effect from 1-4-1965 for the actual number of hours engaged on the manufacture/repair of parachutes. The bonus will be booked to the same outturn work order to which the pay is booked and will also be included as an element of direct labour cost in the relevant estimate. Special Pay Small Family Allowance IEs, who, have undergone necessary medical treatment to maintain small family and have followed the conditions stipulated under rules, are entitled to small family allowance when so ordered by the General Manager. Small Family Allowance is an allowance admitted at the rate as stipulated in the Govt. Order. It ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 15 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ being a type of allowance no other allowance is admissible on the amount. Guarantee pay Guarantee pay is admissible to industrial employees of unskilled, semiskilled and skilled grade when their piece work earnings during the period of their duty falls below the actual basic time wages applicable for that period. Note- (II) Allowances like DA, HRA etc. Dearness Allowance The rates and conditions etc. for the grant of dearness allowance are contained in Govt. orders issued from time to time. The rates of dearness allowance will be determined with reference to the pay of the individual concerned. Pay means the basic monthly rate of pay (Band Pay + Grade Pay) and not the actual piece work or day work earnings. Dearness allowance during leave will be based on the rate of pay on which leave salary has actually been drawn. Therefore, when leave on medical certificate on half pay is drawn, pay for determining the rate of dearness allowance will mean half of the basic monthly rate of pay drawn for the leave period. Dearness allowance is admissible for the number of days an industrial employee is on duty or on leave with pay or paid holiday in the case of piece workers. Leave with pay includes injury etc. for which pay is drawn. Dearness allowance will be admitted for complete days irrespective of attendance for part of a day. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 16 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ No dearness allowance is admissible for leave without pay and unpaid holidays. It is not also admissible when paid holidays fall within a period of leave without pay. Calculation of dearness allowance for broken periods of a month will be made exactly in the same manner as calculation of pay for a broken period of a month. Formula for calculation of DA: Rate for the Month = (BP + GP) x DA% DA for Day Workers =Rate for the Month x Attendance + LP Days N – (S+H) DA for Piece Workers = Rate for the Month x (Attendance + LP Days+HP Days) N –S Where 'N' stands for the number of days in a month, 'S' for Sundays and HP stands for Paid Holidays. LP stands for Leave with Pay and HP stands for Paid Holiday. A worker is, therefore, eligible for full dearness allowance if he remains present during all the working days in a month. But if he is employed for any days more in addition to the normal working days of the month, he will not be eligible for any extra dearness allowance for these days. Note: - In case of Half Pay leave, pay for determining the DA amount will mean half of (BP+GP). House Rent Allowance The rates and conditions etc. for the grant of House Rent Allowance are contained in the Govt. orders issued from time to time. Payment of House Rent Allowance involves. (a) Determination of the eligibility to draw these allowances. (b) Determination of the rate of allowance. (c) Determination of the number of the days for which the allowance are payable (d) Calculation of the amount of allowance due. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 17 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ The rates of house rent allowance will be determined with reference to Band Pay plus Grade Pay where applicable. Those in occupation of Govt. quarters as well as those debarred from drawing the allowance are not eligible for the House Rent Allowance. List of Industrial employees eligible for the allowance is indicated monthly in the muster roll along with other certificates under the signature of the officer competent to sign such certificates. House Rent Allowance is admissible for the number of days an industrial employee is on duty or on leave or paid holidays. The allowance during leave period including leave without pay may be granted for a period of 40 days at the same rate at which the individuals were in receipt of before proceeding on leave. The limit of 40 days shall be extended to 180 days in the case of employees suffering from T.B/Cancer/other ailments during leave taken on medical certificates. Sanction of the Ministry of Defence is necessary for payment of these allowances beyond the period of 180 days. Calculation of House rent allowances for broken periods of a month will be made exactly in the same manner as calculation of pay or dearness allowance for broken periods of a month. Formula for calculation of HRA Rate for the month = (BP+GP) x HRA % HRA for Day Workers = Rate for the month x N-(S+H) {attendance + (LP days+half pay Leave days +EOL days)} HRA for Piece Workers = Rate for the month x { attendance +(LP days Half pay Leave days +EOL days+ N-S paid holiday days)} Note: LP days, Half Pay Leave days, EOL days sanctioned for the month only to be taken for calculation. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 18 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Transport Allowance Industrial Employees like other Central Govt. employees are entitled to Transport Allowance at the rates laid down in Govt. Orders. DA will be admissible on TA at the prevailing rate. Transport Allowance will not be admissible if an employee is absent from duty for full calendar month(s) due to leave, training, tour etc. (w.e.f. 22.2.2002). If the absence does not cover any calendar month in full, the allowance will be drawn in full for the month. While on training, allowance will be drawn if no transport facility/TA/DA is available for the training. For tours during training and for training abroad covering the whole calendar month, no allowance will be admissible. For field duty, if one gets road mileage, DA, or free transport for the whole month, he will not be entitled for Transport Allowance for that month. For vacational period covering a whole month, allowance will not be drawn. For a tour covering the whole calendar month, no allowance will be given for the month. Special dispensation allowed in case of HRA w.r.t. classification of cities is not allowed for this allowance The allowance will not be admissible to employees under suspension. Where suspension period covers a calendar month partially, Transport Allowance for that month shall be proportionately reduced. W.e.f. 1.9.2008, blind and orthopedically handicapped employees (including employees suffering from spinal deformity generally known as hunchback disability') shall receive this allowance at double the normal rate, but not less than Rs. 1000+DA per month. Child Care Allowance Women with disabilities shall be paid a special allowance for child care. The allowance shall be payable from the time of the child’s birth till the child is two years old. It shall be payable fo r a maximum of two children. Disability means a person having a minimum disability of 40% as elaborated in Ministry of Welfare’s notification No. 16-18/97-NI.I dated 01.06.2001. The rate of Child Care Allowance is Rs.1000 per month. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 19 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Note: The rate of allowance will automatically increase by 25% every time the DA in the revised pay structure goes up by 50%. Hill Area /Bad Climate Allowance IEs posted in stations situated at a height of 1000 meters or more above the sea level are eligible to Special Compensatory (Hill Area) Allowance at the rates specified by Govt. Orders. Scheduled/Tribal Area Allowance Scheduled/Tribal Area Allowance is granted to IEs posted in the notified Tribal Areas. Deputation(Duty) Allowance Deputation (Duty) Allowance is admissible to IEs while on deputation. Children Educational Allowance Consequent upon the decisions taken by the Government on the recommendations made by the sixth central pay commission and in supersession of all earlier orders on the subject of Children Educational Allowances & hostel subsidy, Industrial Employees are entitled for Children Education Allowance reimbursement or hostel subsidy for maximum of two children in terms of DOPT OM No. 12011/03/2008Estt. (Allowance) dt 02-09-2008 (Annexure – ‘M’) subject to fulfillment of conditions stipulated therein and as amended from time to time. Insurance Scheme The Group Insurance scheme, 1980 as contained in Annexure to Ministry of Finance OM. No. F.15(3)/78-WIP dated 31-10-1980 and as amended from time to time, is equally applicable to Industrial employees and recovery of monthly subscription will be made from the wages of the Industrial employees as per the provisions of the said scheme. Remote Locality Allowance Special Compensatory (Remote Locality) Allowance is granted to IEs in specified remote localities. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 20 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Project Allowance Project Allowance is granted to compensate the employees for the lack of amenities such as school, markets, housing and dispensaries at the places of construction of major projects. Employees of those Departments whose offices have been located in the project area not specifically for the project work shall be allowed Project Allowance at 50% of the prescribed rates. No project allowance is available if the project is located at a place where CCA and/or HRA (whether under general or special orders) or any other special compensatory allowances are admissible. Since HRA is now admissible for unclassified places also, project allowance will be paid to the employees in such places, if the rate of project allowance is more than the rate of HRA. However, they will not be entitled to any CCA and/or HRA or any other special compensatory allowance .' Night Duty Allowance (NDA)/ Night Shift Allowance (NSA) Industrial employees working on night shifts are eligible for Night Duty allowance on the basis of weight age of 10 minutes for every hour of night duty performed between 22.00 hours and 6.00 hours at the rates specified in the Government orders issued from time to time. For calculation of weight age, duty for less than half an hour shall be ignored and duty for half an hour and more but less than 1 hour shall be reckoned as one full hour. The rounding off of fractions of an hour shall be made with reference to the actual hours of night duty performed in a month (i.e. wage period and not on daily basis). Night duty allowance will not be admissible during overtime hours if any falling within the night duty hours. The allowance will not be treated as 'Pay' for purpose of piece work earnings or for other allowances admissible to the employees. Note - In the muster rolls, the period of night shift indicating the time of commencement and closing of such a shift in respect of workers on night duty should be specifically indicated by the factory. The net hour of work between 22.00 hrs. and 6.00 hrs. performed by the workers daily during the normal hours of night shift duty ( i.e. after excluding the period of recess, shift leave, overtime etc. during that period) which hours qualify for night duty allowance should be shown separately in muster roll and progressive weekly and monthly total carried over as done in the case of normal booking of attendance. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 21 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Formula for calculation of NDA/NSA P+DA+(CCA or HCA or TRB)/1170 x NDA/NSA hrs where P stands for Notional Basic pay as per 4 CPC (as on 31.08.08) + DA @ 148% on P + (CCA or HCA or TRB) as per 4 CPC rate (as on 31.12.95) Where CCA = Compensatory (City) Allowance, HCA = Hill Compensatory Allowance and TRB = Tribal Allowance (III) Incentive Bonus, Overtime Bonus & Night Shift Bonus Incentive Bonus Incentive Bonus to the Day Workers of the Ordnance and Ordnance Equipment Factories, who are employed on maintenance work, will be paid at the rates and subject to the conditions enumerated below:(i) Incentive bonus will be paid to all maintenance workers other than unskilled workers employed on maintenance work within the factory premises. (ii) Workers attached to production sections will be paid bonus at 50 per cent of piece work profit % earned by the piece workers of the relevant production sections. Workers not attached to production sections will be paid incentive bonus at 50 per cent of the average piece work profit % earned by the piece workers in the whole factory (iii) Maintenance workers in Production Section where P.W. does not exist are also eligible to incentive bonus @ 50 per cent of average P.W. profits % of the Factory as a whole. The following categories of workers other than unskilled workers who are partly employed on maintenance work will also be entitled to payment of incentive bonus at 50 per cent of average piece work profit % earned by the piece workers in the whole factory. (a) Workers employed in gas plants, steam generating plants, compressed air supply plants and plants supplying industrial water. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 22 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ (b) Workers employed in maintenance of electrical power supply including power line maintenance. (c) If any of the above plants catering to industrial requirements are installed outside the factory premises for any technical reasons the workmen employed therein will be deemed to be employed within the factory premises for the purpose of payment of incentive bonus. (d) Battery/Lister truck drivers and mobile crane drivers, tractor drivers, loco drivers and driver’s crane (electric overhead) who are employed on internal transport system of factories. (e) Workers employed in Sewage Treatment Plant. (f) Points man attached to Mechanical Transport handling equipment sections on Internal Transport System of the Factories. The General Manager will select a team of workers to be employed on maintenance work attached to the production section or nonproductive/service sections. The names of such maintenance workers other than un-skilled workers indicating the section in which they are to be employed/ actually employed and the periods for which they are actually employed on maintenance work will be notified in factory order every month. For the purpose of calculation of Incentive Bonus to Maintenance Workers following formula is to be applied: Total Time Wages x ½ of PW profit percentage where Total Time Wages= 7100 N – (S+H) x No of days Present + 7100 x Total OT Hours 200 ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 23 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Overtime Bonus. Overtime Any work done under proper orders outside the normal working hours or on a Sunday or a paid holiday will be treated as overtime. Orders for working overtime are required to be issued strictly in conformity with the provisions under Sections 51 to 56 of the Factories Act as modified by exempting rules. If on a Sunday for which a compensatory off is arranged within three days immediately before or after that Sunday it will be treated as work done on a normal working day and not as a overtime work. If the compensatory off is granted within three days immediately before the Sunday, it will for the purpose of calculating weekly hours of work be included in the preceding week. In cases where work done on Sunday is not treated as work done on a normal day, work done on Sunday should be treated as overtime and taken into account in computing the total hours for overtime irrespective of whether compensatory off is given or not. Payment of overtime under departmental rules will arise when a workman works beyond the normal working hours of Ordnance/Ordnance Equipment Factories which has been fixed at 44-3/4 hours per week i.e. 8 hours on all week days and 4-3/4 hours on Saturdays. Payment under section 59 of the Factories Act, 1948 arises for work done beyond 9 hours a day or 48 hours in a week. The total of the overtime worked in a week should be divided into overtime hours under Factories Act and departmental overtime. In all cases where overtime is admissible to a worker both under the provisions of the Factories Act and under departmental rules, the overtime will be calculated as under:(i) For work in excess of normal working hours and up to 9 hours on any working day or 48 hours in a week, overtime will be paid at the rates prescribed in the Departmental Rules. For calculating overtime pay under this item, basic pay, dearness-allowance, special pay, personal pay, pension (to the extent taken into account for the fixation of pay in the case of re-employed pensioners) will be taken into account. (ii) For work in excess of 9 hours on any day or 48 hours in a week overtime will be paid at the rates prescribed in the Factories Act. For ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 24 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ calculating overtime under this item, the expression basic wages entitled to be used in Section 59(3) of the Factories Act includes basic wages and dearness allowance. Note – CEA, Bonus, wages for O.T. work etc. are not to be included. Both for computing actual work performed and the normal working hours for purpose of Departmental rules, lunch break and periods of rest will be excluded. Similarly, for purpose of calculation under 'Factories Act' periods of lunch break and rest will be excluded for computing actual work performed. The number of hours for which Saturday bonus is paid without actual work being performed will not reckon for the purpose of computing normal working hours. The split up between hours of overtime under departmental overtime and Factories Act may be done by ascertaining the ‘hours of overtime under Factories Act’ in the first instance. The difference between the total hours of overtime and overtime under Factories Act will be overtime under Departmental Rules. Thus if a worker works for 54 hours in a week: Overtime under Factories Act is 54 - 48=06 hours Total overtime hours is 54 - 44 3/4=9 ¼. Overtime under Departmental Rules is 9 1/4 - 6=3 ¼ i.e. the difference between 48 and 44 3/4 hours. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 25 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Calculation of Over Time Under Departmental Rules for Day Workers ( For overtime work between 8 hrs and 9 hours on any day or between 443/4 hrs and 48 hrs in a week)) OT PAY = P +DA 200 for every hour of overtime work between 8 hours and 9 hours on any day or between 44¾ hours and 48 hours in a week. Under Fys. Act for Day Workers O T Pay 2(P+DA) for Hours of work beyond 9 hours a day or 48 Hours a 200 week Under Fys. Act for Piece Workers O T Pay P/200 x (Total OT Hrs. – OTB Hrs.) + P x Hours of work beyond 9 hours a day or 48 Hours a week 200 O T Bonus P + 1/4P + 2D x Hours of work beyond 9 hours a day or 48 Hours a 200 week For calculation of PW Profits, OT Pay for the entire OT period irrespective of Deptt. Rules and under Factories Act is taken into account for calculation of Notional Time wages (refer Piece Work Earnings above). Note: Here P stands for correlated pay as per 6th CPC , P stands for Rs 7100 ( i.e. 5400+1900) D stands for DA on P at applicable rate . ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 26 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Note For Cost Accounting purposes, overtime allowance is spilt up into overtime pay (Pay element based on basic pay for the OT period) and overtime bonus, extra payment over and above the OT Pay Calculation of OT hours will be done on weekly basis or daily basis whichever is beneficial to the workers. Therefore if a worker is absent on Saturday and the number of hours is 10 hours per day on week days then the hours worked is 50 in a week. Calculation of overtime hours has to be done on daily basis being more beneficial i.e. beyond 8 hours and upto 9 hours i.e. 1 hour under Departmental Rules and beyond 9 hours under Factories Act. Departmental overtime @ 1 hour per day = 5 hrs. for 5 days. Overtime hours under Factories Act @ 1 = 5 hrs. hour per day for 5 days Total OT hour @ 2 hours per day for 5 days = 10hrs. Note - Piece workers who are put on day work for part of a wage period are to be paid O.T.A. under departmental rules also, as admissible to the day workers for the period he is on day work. Night Shift Bonus (NSB) A night shift represents the hours worked between the termination of the day shift and the normal opening hours of the next day. The piece workers who perform overtime work under Departmental Rules in the night shift will be paid an extra half hour pay termed as 'Night shift bonus' calculated at the hourly rate of 1/200 of the monthly basic pay plus dearness allowance, special pay, personal pay, pension (to the extent taken into account for fixation of pay in the case of reemployment pensioners) and City Compensatory Allowance for every hour of systematic overtime under Departmental Rules worked on the Night shift in addition to their piece work earnings. This element is not admissible to day workers. Formula for calculation of NSB (BANDPAY+GRADEPAY+DA)/200 x ½ of OT Hrs under Dept. Rules during Night Shift ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 27 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ (IV) Idle Time Pay, Leave Pay, Holiday Pay, Injury Pay etc. Idle Time Pay Idle time payment may be made under certain specified condition to the workmen temporarily rendered surplus for reasons of such nature as specified below and who cannot be provided with a suitable alternative employment in the normal manner. 1. High Atmospheric humidity hindering certain operations in explosive factories or unfavourable weather conditions hindering specialized optical work depending on sun light. 2. Plants furnace and transport break-downs, inspection & repairs. 3. Temporary shortage of material. 4. Failure of power supply. 5. Temporary shortage of work in highly specialised section such as instrument repair and optical sections. Such Idle time may be ordered by the General Manager of the factory for the first six working days in respect of any workman. The arrangement will, if necessary, be continued beyond six days under the authority of the Ordnances Factory Board. Idle time payment for causes other than those enumerated above should be covered by separate Govt. sanction. The Idle time payment will not be admissible on the occasion when it is due to wrongful action or misconduct of the employees making it impracticable to employ certain classes of workmen. A workman failing to report at the time directed will be liable to be deprived on his idle time pay from the time of last reporting to the time of next reporting unless his failure to report at the due time is excused by the General Manager. In excusing such cases, the GM will follow the same principles as are used while granting leave retrospectively when it is not applied for before commencement. Payment for idle time is intended to cover instance where work is interrupted for an appreciable period. It is not intended to cover short ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 28 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ periods of one or less hour of stoppage of work which may be considered incidental to the manufacturing process. The actual expenditure on account of idle time should be worked out by the Accounts Officer based on the data furnished by the management. When sanction of the DGOF or Govt. of India is necessary application for the covering sanction should be sent by the General Manager to the DGOF through the usual accounts channel as soon as possible after the close of the month in which it is incurred but not later than the end of the next month. Whenever there is any idle time beyond the first six working days, in respect of any workmen the Accounts Office should look for the approval of DGOF for such continuation of idle time payment. Regarding the attendance of those workmen who will be permitted to stay out for any day/days, the General Manager should furnish a list of such personnel giving inter-alia the date/dates fixed for their report at factory to the Accounts Office. They should be marked as I.T in the acquittance roll since they are neither present nor absent. The date/dates or reporting should be carefully watched by the accounts Office with reference to the list received from the management. Leave Pay Earned Leave Industrial Employees are entitled to Earned Leave with wages either under Factories Act or Departmental Rules viz. Civilian in Defence Services (Industrial Employee) Leave Rules whichever is beneficial. An IE is, therefore, required to exercise option under which rule he desires to be guided as per MoD OM No.20(2)/82/D(Civ-II) dt 03.06.1983 and No. 11(1)/2001 /D(CivII) dt 05.08.2005. CDS (IE) leave rules (Departmental Rules) Under Departmental Rules, after the issue of DOPT OM dated 20 07-1998 enhancing the entitlement of leave from slab system, an IE is entitled to 30 days EL for each completed year of service During this period he is entitled to Leave Pay where "Pay" or "Full Pay" means (a) monthly rate of pay for Day Workers and (b) ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 29 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ assigned monthly rate of pay for piece-worker which shall not include piece work profit. Leave under Factories Act Under section 79 of Factories Act, an IE is entitled to leave @ 1 (one) day for every 20 days of work done on minimum of 240 days of work during the previous calendar year and as per Sec-80 of Fys Act an IE is entitled to Leave Wages at the rate equal to the daily average of his total full time earnings for the days on which the worker actually worked during the month immediately preceding his leave, exclusive of any overtime and bonus but inclusive of dearness allowance and cash equivalent of other advantages. For computation of 240 days, all kinds of leave with full pay and (a) days of lay-off, (b) Maternity leave in the case of female workers (c) E.L. availed in the previous year are to be treated as period of duty No leave shall be earned for the period of idle time under section 79 of the Factories Act. When an I.E is granted leave under Factories Act he is entitled for profit on EL. This will be calculated as follows: PW profit of last month X No. of days of EL (this month) Total working days of last month (Duty & OT days) [AUTHORITY: PCA(Fys), Kolkata Circular No. Pay/Tech-II/04 dated 13.11.03] Note:1. The G.M. will publish Factory Orders notifying all kinds of leave granted to IES every month and furnish a copy of each Factory Order to the Accounts Office. The Factory Order should specify whether the leave is granted under Factories Act or under CDS (IE) leave rules 1954 2. The G.M. should ensure that the leave applied for and received by the Management by the 24th of a month is sanctioned according to rules and factory Orders issued so that payment for leave period is made along with the wages for that month. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 30 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ 3. While for the purpose of leave under Factories Act, the provision of grant of leave for not more than 3 spells will apply for leave under the Departmental Rules contained in CDS (IE) Leave Rules 1954, there will be no such limit regarding number of spells. 4. No leave shall be earned for the period of idle time, under Sec. 79 of the Factories Act, but idle time for portion of a day will be treated as work for the entire day for purpose of earning leave under the Act. 5. Leave entitlement of an industrial employee who is superannuated or dies or discharged on medical grounds during the course of a calendar year will be calculated proportionately for the period of service rendered during the year subject to the overall limit of 120 days. The employee or his heirs will be entitled to the wages in lieu of this leave. 6. All kinds of leave granted to IEs should be notified in Factory Orders. Leave accounts should be maintained in the form prescribed. 7. The total service referred to in Rule 4(A) of the CDS(IE) Leave Rules 1954 refers only to industrial service and will not include service in non-industrial posts. 8. The under mentioned periods will count as duty for earning leave under section 79 of the Factories Act. (i) Period spent for reservists training with Armed Forces. (ii) Period spent on training in U.K. at Govt. expense. (iii) Period spent on duty with Territorial Army/Home Guard. 9. An absence without leave of an industrial employee cannot be left unregularised if he is permitted to resume duties after his absence. If the person concerned was permitted to resume duty but the G.M. of the Factory concerned is not satisfied with the explanation for absence, he may take suitable disciplinary action against him but the period of absence if not exceeding three months, will have to be covered by grant of E.L. without pay. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 31 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ 10.When an Industrial Employee on appointment/transfer/promotion etc. is appointed as a Non Industrial Employee. He may be allowed to carry forward the balance of leave which includes both EL and HPL at his credit on the date of such appointment/ transfer/promotion etc. The leave so carried forward shall first be exhausted before the leave earned for service in NIE Estt. is availed of. Leave salary for the period of leave carried forward shall be as would have been admissible had he taken the leave on the industrial estt. A separate account of leave so carried forward shall be maintained in a subsidiary leave account. Encashment of leave Industrial employees shall also be entitled to encashment of leave and shall now get maximum accumulation of full pay leave/annual leave with wages up to a period of 300 days. Leave entitlement of an industrial Employee who is superannuated or dies or is discharged on medical ground during the course of a calendar year will be calculated proportionately for the period of service rendered during the year subject to the overall limit of 300 days. The employee or his heirs will be entitled to the wages in lieu of this leave. The period falling short of 300 days is to be covered by encashment of HPL {authority: DOPT OM No.12012/3/2009-Estt(L) dated 28/12/2012} Industrial employees governed under Departmental Rules are entitled for encashment of leave under the same circumstances as for industrial employees under Factories Act, 1948. Leave Encashment at the time of availing LTC Leave encashment for 10 days earned leave can be availed at the time of LTC, subject to following conditions the total leave so encashed during the entire career shall not exceed 60 days in the aggregate; Note Leave encashment on LTC shall be allowed without any linkage to the number of days and the nature of leave availed. A balance of at least 30 days of EL is still available to his credit, after availing leave and leave encashment. The period of leave en-cashed shall not be deducted from the quantum of leave that can be en-cashed at the time of superannuation. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 32 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Casual Leave Casual leave on full pay may be granted up to 8 days in a calendar year and the unutilized leave will lapse at the end of the calendar year. Sundays and holidays falling in between the periods of leave will not be taken into account for calculating the period of Casual Leave availed of. Casual leave cannot be combined with any other leave. Note 1-- An IE joining service in the middle of a year may be granted the full period of 8 days' casual leave or any portion thereof by the authority, competent to sanction such leave at his discretion taking into account the circumstances of the case. Inoculation leave Leave on full pay for inoculation owing to prevalence of plague may be granted up to 2 days on any one occasion, when they are inoculated under the orders of competent authority. Terminal Leave Full pay leave admissible under Rule 6 of CDS (IEs) Leave Rules 1954 may be granted at the discretion of the sanctioning authority on the termination of service on account of retrenchment or abolition of the posts or in the case of resignation due to ill-health or other compelling circumstances beyond an individual's control subject to the condition that the leave does not extend beyond the date of superannuation. In all cases, however, where any notice of termination of service is necessary, the leave should be so granted as to cover the notice period as far as possible. It is necessary to extend the temporary post to cover the period of leave granted to a Govt. servant at the end of the temporary employment. The above provision is not applicable to apprentices and person in non-continuous employment. Terminal leave will not be admissible in the following instances:(i) Where the employee concerned has been dismissed or removed from service (This rule will not apply to persons whose services may have to be dispensed with as a matter of administrative convenience, an alternative to the initiation of disciplinary proceedings against them) or (ii) Where the employee concerned resigns his post of his own volition. In case of resignation which is not due to reason of ill health or other reasons beyond the individual's control, sanctioning authority may at his ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 33 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ discretion allow half the amount of full pay leave which the individual can avail of at a time. Hospital Leave/Injury pay Hospital leave may be granted to industrial employees whose duties involve the handling of dangerous machinery, explosives materials, poisonous drug and the like, or the performance of hazardous tasks while under medical treatment in a hospital or otherwise for illness or injury, if such illness or injury is directly due to risks incurred in the course of duties. Hospital leave shall be granted on the production of medical certificate from an authorised medical attendant. Hospital leave may be granted for such period as the authority granting it, may consider necessary and leave Salary for Hospital leave shall be calculated as :(i) Equal to leave salary while on earned leave, for the first 120 days on any period of such leave and (ii) Equal to leave salary during half pay leave for the remaining period of any such leave. Hospital leave shall not be debited against the leave account and may be combined with any other kind of leave admissible except casual leave, provided the total period after such combination does not exceed 28 months. The period of leave will be such as may be certified by the authorised medical attendant to be necessary. The certificate of a superior officer not below the rank of a gazetted officer that the injury was directly due to risks incurred in the course of duties may be accepted for the purpose. But the amount of leave will be restricted to that recommended by the authorised medical attendant. The Hospital leave will commence from the date of the accident. Duty pay allowed for the number of hours actually worked on the day of the accident will be deducted from the leave salary for the day of the accident. Payment to an industrial employee on account of personal injury caused by accident arising out of and in the course of his employment will be made in accordance with the provisions in the Workmen's Compensation Act 1923. The injury leave allowance payable should not be deducted from the compensation under Workmen's Compensation Act 1923. However, it is permissible to deduct from the leave allowance under the said article ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 34 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ the amount of any compensation only under sec.4(i)(d) of the Act and not any lump sum compensation that may be payable under clause(a) to (c) of Section 4(i) of the said Act. Payment of Hospital leave will be made for the number of working days including paid holidays but excluding Sundays in the case of piece workers and working days excluding paid holidays and Sundays in the case of day workers. A Register for payment of injury pay will be maintained in Accounts office to record all payments made to industrial employees. Court Attendance Rules Industrial employees who are granted leave for attending court as witness on behalf of Govt. or as juries and where under local rule cannot claim remuneration from the State authorities concerned are entitled to normal wages which they would get had they not been precluded by order of the court from attending their normal duties. In admitting leave (which with allowance due will be equal to normal wages exclusive of profits) the certificate from the court regarding attendance of the individual concerned will be looked for in audit. The G.M. is allowed discretionary powers to grant short leave without pay on two occasions for not more than 2 hours in a month, in recognised genuine cases. In very exceptional and emergent cases only short /petty leave without pay for more than two occasions or for more than 2 hours on any one occasion may be granted at the discretion of the G.M. Special Casual Leave Special Casual Leave on full pay up to the maximum of 14 days may be granted to industrial employees for attending the course of instruction, training etc, in the Territorial Army. Special casual leave on full pay on other occasions mentioned below may be granted to the extent and subject to the conditions mentioned in the Govt. Orders issued from time to time. (a) Participation in the sporting events and tournaments of National or International importance. (b) Participation in the Inter-Ministerial or Inter-Departmental tournaments. (c) Participation in cultural activities. (d)Representatives of Unions/ Federations/ Associations to attend meetings/ conference. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 35 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ (e) Undergoing I.U.C.D. insertions. (f) Undergoing non-puerperal Tubectomy operation. (g) Under going sterilisation operation. (h) For the period spent by ex-servicemen boarded out of service and reemployed as civilians for appearing before medical survey Board. Special Leave with wages for obtaining medical treatment during working hours The time spent by workers for receiving medical treatment during working hours will be treated as under:(i) In case of injuries/sickness arising out of work. (a) The time spent in dispensary/Ambulance room within the factory premises will be treated as duty. (b) The time spent in dispensary/hospital outside the factory premises will be treated as special leave with wages. (ii) In case of injuries/sickness not arising out of work. The time spent up to a limit of 2 hours at a time will be treated as special leave with wages. The concession will be limited to two occasions in a month. The period of absence will be from the time the workers leave work spot till he returns to duty at work spot. Workers who do not join duty prior to their proceeding to receive medical attendance and workers who are not in a position to return to duty within the stipulated time limit of 2 hours as well as those who do not return duty before the closing of working hours will not be entitled to receive the benefit of the concession given above. The question whether the injury/sickness arose out of work or otherwise will be decided on the basis of the report of the Medical Officers on duty at the dispensary etc. where the worker receives the treatment. Maternity Leave Absence from duty in connection with motherhood may be granted on full pay for a maximum period of 180 days in all cases to the female Industrial employees (including apprentice) with less than two surviving children. Maternity Leave is not debited to the leave account and may be combined with any other kind of leave except Casual Leave. Maternity leave may be granted in case of miscarriage including abortion (abortion induced under the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 should also be considered as a case of abortion). In such case Leave should not exceed 45 days and should be supported by a medical certificate from an authorised Medical Attendant or a Registered Medical Practitioner. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 36 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Paternity Leave Absence from duty may be granted on full pay (based on last pay drawn) for a period of 15 days during wife's confinement. Male Govt. servant with less than two surviving children and Apprentices are eligible for such kind of leave. It cannot be debited to the leave account and may be combined with any other kind of leave except casual leave. Child Care Leave Women employees having minor children may be granted Child Care Leave by an authority competent to grant leave, for a maximum period of two years (i.e. 730 days) during their entire service for taking care of up to two eldest surviving children whether for rearing or to look after any of their needs like examination, sickness, etc. Child Care Leave shall not be admissible if the child is eighteen years of age or older. During the period of such leave, the women employees shall be paid leave salary equal to the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave. It may be availed of in more than one spell. Child Care Leave shall not be debited against the leave account. Child Care Leave may also be allowed for the third year as leave not due (without production of medical certificate). It may be combined with leave of the kind due and admissible. The leave cannot be demanded as a matter of right.' Employee cannot proceed on CCL without prior approval by leave sanctioning authority. Holiday(s) in between CCL will be coun ted as CCL.CCL can be availed only if the employee has no Earned Leave.' Child Adoption Leave If a female employee with less than two surviving children adopts a child of less than 1 year she will be entitled to 180 days Child Adoption Leave. For the Child Adoption Leave period, salary drawn immediately before proceeding on leave shall be paid. In continuation of child adoption leave she may avail leave of any kind due and admissible, for a period upto one year or till the child is one year old, whichever is earlier. Even leave not due and commuted leave upto 60 days without production of M.C. is admissible. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 37 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Calculation of leave pay Calculation of leave pay will be made in the same way as is done in respect of duty pay viz. under the formula P/N-(S+H) in the case of day workers and P/(N-S) in the case of piece workers when the leave is granted under departmental Rules. Sundays and holidays falling within the spell of leave will form part of the leave but for purpose of payment of leave allowance Sundays and holidays will be excluded in the case of day workers. And Sundays only in the case of PWs. Pay for the purpose of leave allowance under the departmental Rules both in respect of day workers and piece workers should be taken as pay on the date preceding that on which leave commences. Calculation of leave under Factories Act should be made with reference to Section 80 of the Factories Act. According to this, a worker granted leave under Section 79 of the Factories Act shall be paid at a rate equal to the daily average of his total full time earnings of immediate preceding month for the day in which he worked. Leave on half pay Half pay leave will be granted as follows: (a) At the rate of 20 days per year on completion of each years service. (b) Half pay leave can be accumulated at the rate of 20 days per year without limit. (c) Half pay leave may be commuted without any ceiling subject to production of medical certificate. In that case twice the amount of such leave shall be debited against the half pay leave due. (d) Half pay leave may be availed without restriction. During the leave on half pay, an employee will be paid leave salary at half the rate of pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave. Advance Credit of HPL is admissible in two installments and 10 days each on the first day of January and July of every calendar year. [Authy: M of D Corr. No.11 (2)/86/D (Civ-II) dt.10-6-88]. Extra-ordinary Leave Except in case of an employee in permanent employment the duration of EOL on any one occasion shall not exceed the following limit: (a) Three months. (b) Six months in cases where a Govt. servant has completed one year continuous service on the expiry of the leave of the kind due and ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 38 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ admissible, and the request for the leave is supported by a Medical Certificate. (c) Twenty four months where the leave is required for the purpose of prosecuting studies certified to be in public interest, provided the Govt. servant has completed three years continuous service on the date of expiry of leave of the kind due and admissible under rule. (d) No IE, other than permanent shall be granted leave of any kind for a continuous period exceeding five years. (i) The authority empowered to grant leave may commute retrospectively:(a) Period of absence without leave into extraordinary leave. (b) Extra-ordinary leave granted into leave of a different kind, if the latter type of leave was admissible at the time extra-ordinary leave was granted. All leave except extra-ordinary leave taken otherwise than on medical certificate shall count for increments in the post in which he was working at the time of proceeding on such leave provided it is certified that he would have continued to hold the post but for going on leave. Holiday Pay The industrial employees are entitled to Holiday pay for Holidays declared as paid holiday every year by the establishments themselves on the basis of the guidelines issued by the Govt. from time to time. Holiday pay for piece workers is to be calculated based on the formula (P/N - S) X no of paid holidays where P represents basic monthly rate of pay (Band Pay + Grade Pay) where 'N' represents the number of days in a month and 'S' represents the number of Sundays in the month. Holiday pay is paid separately. Holiday pay is not, however, admissible to them when the paid holidays fall within the period of leave without pay. It is not also admissible separately as an element of wages to the piece workers when the paid holidays fall within a spell of leave with pay/half pay in which case the entire period will be treated as leave with pay/half pay as the case may be and paid accordingly. Holiday pay is however, admissible for any paid holiday which may be suffixed or prefixed to leave. In the case of day workers, when paid holidays fall within a spell of leave with pay/half pay, while the entire period will be treated as leave, no payment of leave salary will be made for the paid holidays within the period of such leave. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 39 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Injury pay IEs are entitled to injury pay for the period spent in hospital when authorised by the General Manager for any accident while on duty. This amount is calculated on the basis of basic rate of monthly wage, depending on whether he is a DW or PW. This amount however will be deducted from the compensation, if any, paid under workmen compensation Act. All allowance like DA, HRA and TA are also admissible on the pay. Subsistence Allowance (while under suspension) In the matter of grant of subsistence allowance and grant of pay and allowance on reinstatement, industrial employees are treated on par with non-industrial Employees with effect from 10-6-63. Subsistence allowance will therefore be granted to the IEs under the provisions of Article 193 Civil Service regulations. The elements of pay described so far constitute the gross entitlement in respect of the Industrial Employees. However, certain Govt. and Non Govt. deductions are effected from the gross earnings to arrive at the net pay admissible. Govt. Deductions under Various Heads General Provided Fund (GPF) GPF deduction is compulsory for all pension-able industrial employees appointed prior to 1.1.2004. An account is maintained in the name of each subscriber, which is credited by his subscriptions, interest thereon and recoveries of advances, and debited by advances and withdrawals. The IES shall contribute a part of his salary every month to the fund. Minimum - 6% of the emoluments rounded off to the next higher rupee and Maximum - equal to his total emoluments. `Emoluments' for this purpose means, pay, leave salary, or subsistence grant, if any (but does not include dearness allowance) as on 31st March of the preceding year or on the date the employee joins the fund. The employee should intimate the amount of his monthly subscription for each year, which shall be deducted from his salary every month. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 40 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ New Pension Scheme (NPS) IEs joining service on or after 01.01.2004 are covered under the New Pension Scheme. In their case, no deduction on account of contribution towards GPF is made nor are they covered by the existing pension rules. Deduction is made @10% of Basic pay (Band pay + grade pay) plus DA thereon every month towards contribution to NPS. The Government makes equal contribution every month. The amount is invested in Various Funds by a Nodal Agency (National Securities Depository Ltd. (NSDL). For the purpose of accounting, a unique identification number (PRAN) is allotted to the employees. It is the responsibility of the employer to deduct contribution from the employees and deposit the amount with the Nodal Agency along with Govt. contribution. Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme CGEGIS) The scheme is compulsory and applicable to all Industrial Employees. Deduction on this account is made as per rates applicable to different categories of employees. Hospital stoppages In cases where hospital stoppages are recoverable, hospital stoppage rolls will be prepared and sent by the Medical Authorities to the Audit Officer (Disbursing Officer in the case of Industrial Employees) for effecting recovery from the pay bill of the individuals concerned. The recovery in respect of industrial employees will be effected through their acquittance rolls and the credit there-for accounted for in the relevant disbursement certificates. While verifying the details of the disbursement certificates, the recovery for hospital stoppages should be checked by the Accounts Office with the relevant hospital stoppage rolls. In cases where no pecuniary benefit accrued to an IE being on leave without pay, no recovery for hospital stoppage is to be made. Recovery of Loans & Advances In addition to the deductions mentioned above, recoveries are also made from the wages of IEs in installments on account of certain Loans and Advances made to them e.g. Advance from GPF, House Building Advance, Motor Cycle Advance , Festival Advance etc. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 41 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Recovery of Excess/Over Payments Excess/Over Payments of certain elements like TA/LTC advance, Pay & Allowances etc. are recovered from the wages of IEs. Apart for the deductions/recoveries mentioned above, certain non Govt. deductions like Cooperative deduction, Union Subscription etc. are also made from the net wages. Supplementary Payments Apart from regular wages, payments are also made to the IEs through supplementary bills. Such payments include any belated payment (i.e. unpaid amount due to under calculation of elements of wages for the previous months) and payments on account of regularization of leave, arrears on account of fixation of pay on promotion, DA etc. Productivity Linked Bonus(PLB) IEs working in Ordnance & Ordnance Equipment Factories are eligible for PLB. The bonus is announced every year by the Government in terms of number of days. Bonus should not exceed the bonus payable on emoluments of Rs.3500 (Emoluments for this purpose, means Basic Pay (BP + GP) + Personal Pay + Special Pay + Special Allowance + Deputation (Duty) Allowance + Training Allowance + Dearness Allowance). The amount of bonus shall be calculated on the basis of average emoluments or Rs.3500, whichever is lower. Formula for calculation of PLB Average Emoluments (Maximum Rs.3500) x No. of Days 30 Last Pay Certificates In the event of transfer of industrial employees from one factory to another or to some other establishment, no formal last pay certificates are required to be issued. A statement showing the rate of pay, the date up to which the individual is paid, outstanding demands, if any, and monthly piecework/daily work earnings for the three complete calendar months preceding the month of transfer should be prepared by the management and submitted to the local Accounts Officer for ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 42 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ verification and countersignature. One copy thereof, after countersignature, is forwarded by the Accounts Officer of the transferring formation to the other Accounts Officer. Agreement Form of Labour The Accounts Office will make out an agreement form of labour in prescribed format in duplicate in which the total amount passed for payment will be entered section-wise. This will be forwarded to the General Manager of the Factory, who will return one copy duly completed to show the amount actually paid, un-disbursed wages, fines, licence fee etc. recovered, income tax, provident fund recoveries and other deductions. All supporting schedules and documents will also be forwarded along with the agreement form of labour so as to reach the Accounts Office by 10th of the second month following that to which the transaction pertains. Financial Accounting of Labour Charges The Pay Head of Industrial Employees is 01/805/03. To have detailed idea of expenditure, unit controls have been allotted for overtime pay, Educational assistance etc. This pay head will be charged with the entire amount while paying any advance or adjusting any debit/credit accounted for in the disbursement certificate. Similarly, the pay heads will be credited (as minus charge) with the entire amount while adjusting any treasury receipts for amounts deposited against the advance drawn. It is evident, therefore, (with reference to the entries in the disbursement certificate) that the amount of unclaimed `wages is not charged to the pay head in the financial accounts although the same is fully charged in the Cost Accounts. The difference between the cost and financial accounts thus represented by the unclaimed wages is treated as 'Outstanding Liability'. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 43 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ SUBJECT: Labour costing in Ordnance Factories: Levy of DOPpercentage, Esc-percentage and DA-percentage on Labour Cost. Ref: PCA (Fys) important circular no. PR/VI/502/PW Corr/VIII dated 12.06.2007 and subsequent amendment vide even no. dated 20.07.2007 Consequent on implementation of 6th CPC following guidelines on the above subject, in super cession of this office circular no. cited above are issued: Card Value: PW cards would be priced on the basis of average of minimum of the Vth CPC pay of the 1st April. This will be the ‘card value’ (say ‘A’) Difference of Pay (DOP) percentage: There will be a difference between actual amount paid to the individual based on the minimum of scale of pay and 50% DP thereon as per Vth CPC i.e. (PW time wage + OT pay + PW profit). The difference between the actual amount thus paid and the value of the card (‘+’ or ‘-‘) may be worked out (say ‘B’). Section wise percentage of ‘B’ over ‘A’ would be worked out corrected up to fourth place after decimal. This becomes the Difference of Pay percentage (say ‘P’). Escalation Pay Percentage: Total amount paid on the basis of actual basic pay i.e. (Band pay + Grade Pay) as per VIth CPCof each worker of the section less amount of time wage calculated on the basis of minimum of scale of pay including DP @ 50% as per Vth CPC may be called escalation of wage (say ‘C’). A percentage of ‘C’ may be calculated on the basis of the formula as under: (i) Escalation Pay ( C ) = Actual basic pay i.e. (Band pay + Grade pay) as per VIth CPC – Time wage as per minimum of scale of pay based on Vth CPC + 50% DP. (ii) Percentage of Escalation Pay (say ‘E’) = C X 100/ A X (1+P/100) DA Percentage: DA percentage may be worked out every month for each section of the factory based on the actual amount paid on that account i.e. DA, HRA, Transport Allowance (TA), Hill Compensatory Allowance (HCA), Tribal Allowances etc as per wage bill and levied concurrently like DOP % and Escalation Pay %. Thus, DA percentage would be worked by the formula as under: ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 44 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ % of DA = Amt. Of DA, HRA, TA, HCA & Tribal Allowance etc including arrears on these which pertain to the year of accounts, if any, paid during month. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------AX (1 + P/100) (1 + E/100) +LP+HP (for PW) +TW&OT pay + LP (for DW) The percentage thus worked out will be intimated to the concerned section every month similar to DOP % & ESC % to levy while preparation of the monthly labour abstract for all work order and warrants excepting those which are exempted from lavy of DA. The estimate however will be priced on the basis of DOP, ESC and DA as above of immediately preceding month in which it is priced. Where estimate is priced in half yearly basis average of above factors for last six months need to be taken for pricing. C of A (Fys) has seen. ----Sd----Asstt. Controller of Accounts ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 45 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ SUMMARY 1. Daily working hours of an Ordnance Factory are 8 hours without recesses & lunch break. 2. The factory gate will open half an hour before the time fixed for commencement of work and will be closed just at the time of commencement. 3. The procedure of attendance for the latecomers will be made indicating late by 15 minutes; 30 minutes; 45 minutes and 1 hour 4. Since the Ordnance Factories is working 44 3/4 hours weekly instead of 48 hours, booking of attendance of the Industrial Employees on Saturday will be made as under: Present on Saturday for hours Booking of attendance 0 1 2 3 4 4 3/4 (Full present) 13/32 17/32 21/32 25/32 29/32 I 5. On receipt from Labour Bureau, the Muster Roll will be audited/checked with reference to Presently Memo/ Late Memo/ Casualty Memo/ Leave Passes/ Overtime Memo etc by Accounts Office daily. 6. Calculation of element of wages: For Day Workers Sl 1 2 3 4 5 Elements Time Wages Formula [(Basic Rate of Pay)/ (N - (S + H)}] X No of days present [(Basic Rate of Pay)/ (N - (S + H)}] X No of days on Leave Pay sanctioned leave Overtime Pay [Basic Rate of Pay/200] X No of hours on Overtime work [(Basic Rate of Pay + 2 (DA+HRA+CCA+TA+SFA))/200] Overtime Bonus X No of OT Bonus hours admissible On the basis of weightage of 10 minutes for night duty Night Duty performed between 22.00 hours to 6.00 hrs excluding the Allowance hours of overtime and recess is falling between the time at ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 46 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ a prescribed rate. 6 DA/HRA/CCA As per Govt. orders on the subject 50% of profit earned by the Production Section or 50% of 7 Incentive Bonus average profit earned by all Production Sections of the Factory, as the case may be. For Piece Workers Sl Formula [ (Minimum of scale of Pay)/ {N - S )] X No of days Time Wages present [Minimum of scale of Pay/200] X No of hours on Overtime Overtime Pay work The above two elements are not being paid separately but required for arriving out Piece Work Earning only Piece Work [Time Wages + Overtime Pay] + Profit%(subject to 1 Earnings maximum 75%) on [Time Wages + Overtime Pay] Profit% = [(Output Hours on basis of PW Cards) / (Input Hours)] X 100 [(Actual monthly basic rate of pay - Minimum scale of 2 Incremental Pay pay)/ (N-S)] X Number of days present during the month [ (Basic Rate of Pay)/ {N - S}] X No of days on sanctioned 3 Leave Pay leave [ (Basic Rate of Pay)/ {N - S)] X No of Holidays days 4 Holiday Pay during a month [{Basic Rate of Pay +'/4 of Basic Rate of Pay + 2 5 Overtime Bonus (DA+HRA+CCA+TA+ SFA)}/200] X No of OT Bonus hours admissible On the basis of weightage of 10 minutes for night duty Night Duty performed between 22.00 hours to 6.00 hrs excluding the 6 Allowance hours of overtime and recess falling between the times at a prescribed rate. DA/HRA/CCA As per Govt. orders on the subject 7 7. 8. Elements The accuracy of the preparation of Wage Roll is to be ensured before release of payment. The Agreement Form of Labour, in duplicate, will show the section wise total payment passed through Master Roll will be sent to Factory management by Accounts Office. One copy indicating amount of various recoveries made along with un disbursed wages would be returned back from Factory management to Accounts Office by 10th of the 2hhd month following to which transaction pertains. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 47 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ 9. 10. Monthly Disbursement Certificate showing amount both in Payment and Receipt will be prepared by the Factory management for audit in Accounts Office for facilitating of preparation of financial Punching Medium - Class II against the amount of requisition drawn during the moth by Factory management. Financial accounting would be reflected through month's 0002 against Pay Head of Industrial Employees and the amount would be reconciled through Cost Accounting Tabulation through Labour Abstract for the month prepared on the basis of PW/DW Cards, Allocation Sheets, Cost Punching Media etc. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 48 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 49 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ SELF-ASSESSMENT QUIZ There are 15 Questions carrying equal mark. One mark will also be deducted for each wrong answer Total 30 Marks [Tick the appropriate Box, you have selected as a correct answer. Once ticking need not to be scored out or any new answer is not permissible, as a fresh ticking for seems to be right answer] Q1. Working hours of an Ordnance Factory in a day is: A 7 '/z hrs Q2. Q3. B 8 hrs including recess & Lunch break C 9 hrs D 8 hrs with lunch break E 8 hrs excluding Recess & Lunch break Attendance of a latecomer Industrial Employee by 45 minutes will be marked: A B C D E 31/32 29/32 A 28/32 30/32 Audit of Muster Roll is being conducted in Accounts Office: A B C D E Fortnightly Monthly Daily Weekly End of the month Q4. Q5. Weekly working hours in an Ordnance Factory is: A B C D 44 hrs 50 hrs 48 hrs 46 hrs E 44 3/4 hrs Booking of attendance for present on Saturday for one hour is marked: A 29/32 B 21/32 C 25/32 D 17/32 E I ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 50 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Q6. Day Workers are those: A Who work in the Day time only Q7. B Who are being paid with reference to output B Maximum of the scale of pay D [(P+2d)/200] X No of OT Bonus hours admissible C Average of scale of pay D Minimum of the scale of pay Maximum profit% admissible to a Piece Worker during a wage period is: A 80 Q10. C [Basic Rate of Pay/200] X No of OT hours worked What Pay is to be determining for calculation of the amount of Overtime allowance admissible to a Piece Worker? A Own basic pay Q9. D Answer given in A, B & C are not correct Which one of the answer is not found correct for calculation of amount for (1) Time Wages, (2) Overtime Pay & (3) Overtime Bonus admissible to a Day Worker? A B [(Basic Rate of [(Basic Rate of Pay)/ (N-S)] X No Pay)/ {Nof days present (S+H)}] X No of days present Q8. C Who are being paid with reference to their attendance B 70 C 75 D None of A, B & C Which classes of Day Workers are not entitled to Incentive Bonus? A Highly Skilled B Un skilled C Skilled D Semi Skilled E Master craft man ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 51 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Q11. Incentive Bonus payable to a maintenance worker deployed in the Estate area will calculate on the basis of: A 50% of profit earned in the Estate Q12. B 45% of profit earned by Maintenance section C 50% of profit earned by the Production section D 50% of average profit earned by the sections E No answer given in A, B, C & D is correct Agreement Form of Labour duly completed would be forwarded by the General Manager to the Accounts Office by A Last day of the respective month B 10th of the 1st month following C D First week of Last week of the 2nd the1st month month E 10th of the 2nd month following Q13. Which answer is correct? The Receipt side of Disbursement Certificate shows A Amount received on ECR B Net payment payable C Actual payment Disbursed D Deduction made Q. 14. Which item does not reflect in the Payment side of Disbursement Certificate? A Deduction made B Total amount passed in Master Roll C D Any receipt for Net payment payable un -disbursed wages remitted by money Order Q15. Which is not the primary document for Cost Accounting of Labour? A PW Cards B DW Cards C Financial Punching Medium D Allocation Sheets E Cost Punching Medium Now Turn Over Sheet ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 52 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ ANSWERS TO QUIZ QUESTION NO 1 ANSWER E QUESTION NO 9 ANSWER C 2 B 10 B 3 C 11 D 4 E 12 E 5 D 13 A 6 C 14 C 7 A 15 C 8 D ASSESS YOURSELF Store less than 15 marks: Need to revisit chapter again Score between 15 to 20 marks: Well done! Score 20 Plus (+): Wow! You are genius. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 53 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL CONTROLLER OF ACCOUNTS (FACTORIES) 10-A, SHAHEED KHUDIRAM BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA-700001 PART-I OFFICE ORDER NO-AT/05 DATED: 08-05-2008 SUBJECT: - Inclusion of Transport Allowance (TA) for the purpose of calculating Overtime Allowance under the Factories Act. 1948--- Clarificationregarding. --------------------------O------------------------- A copy of Ministry of Defence /D (Civ-II) letter no F.No-14/1/2000-D (Civ-II) dated 26-03-2008 on the above subject received under CGDA, New Delhi letter no-AT/II/2010/OTA/V dtd. 23-04-2008 is reproduced below for information, guidance and necessary action. Ministry of Defence OM of even no dated the 12th July 2000 mentioned in the Ministry’s letter dt.26-03-2008 was circulated vide this office part-I Office Order No. AT/18 dt. 27-09-2000. Asst. Controller of Accounts (Fys) No. Pay/Tech-II/73/Genl. Dated 08-05-2008 ------------------------------------------------------Distribution as per standard list ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 54 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ F.No. 14/1/2000-D (Civ-II) Government of India Ministry of Defence ……….. Sena Bhawan, New Delhi The 26th March 2008 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: - Inclusion of Transport Allowance (TA) for the purpose of calculating Overtime Allowance under the Factories Act, 1948-clarification regarding The matter regarding inclusion of Transport Allowance (TA) for the purpose of calculating Overtime Allowance under Factories Act, 1948 has been considered in consultation with the Ministry of Labour and Employment. It has now been decided by the Ministry of Labour and Employment vide their O.M.No. Z-16025/81/2007-ISH.II dated the 19th November 2007 that wages are remuneration for work. While the transport allowance are compensatory allowance which is reimbursed and hence may not be taken into account for' calculating OTA under the Factories Act, 1948. 2. This issues in Supersession of decision of Ministry of Labour, circulated vide Ministry of Defence O.M of even number dated the 12 th July 2000. However, as advised by Ministry of Law and Justice vide their diary No.0159/08/LA dated 12.2.08 no recovers shall be made on account of Overtime Allowance already paid in terms of O.M of even number dated the 12th July 2000. This issues with the concurrence of Defence (Fin/AG/PB) vide their I.D.No.86/AG/PB dated 14.3.2008. (M.S. Sharma) Under Secretary AG/Org.4 (Civ)(a) NHQ/CP Dte. Air HQrs./PC- DGNCC D (B&C) OFB, Kolkata D(R&D) CGHQrs. D (Fy.II) 5 ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 55 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ D (Mov) Copy to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. D (QA) D (Civ-I) Defence (Fin/AG/PB) CGDA General Secretary, All India Defence Employees Federation, 70 Market Road, Kirkee, Pune-411003. General Secretary, All India Defence Employees Workers Federation, 25/19, No.6, 6th Street, Vaishnavi Nagar, RCC Post, Chennai 600109. General Secretary, Bharatiya Pratiraksha Mazdoor Sangh (BPMS), 2 Navin Market, Kanpur-208001. General Secretary, Confederation of Defence Recognized Associations, 96 Defence Apartments, G-17, Paschim Vihar, Rohtak Road, Delhi-87. Copy also to: All Staff Side Members JCM ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 56 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ CHAPTER-II MATERIAL ACCOUNTING OBJECTIVE A thorough reading of this Chapter you will come to know: ï‚· Material Planning Sheets (MP Sheets). ï‚· Store Holder Inability Sheets (SHIS). ï‚· Different types of Tenders. ï‚· Tender Purchase Committee. ï‚· Post Audit of Supply Order. ï‚· Delegation of Financial powers to General Managers. ï‚· Types of Receipts & Issues of Stores & their accounting. ï‚· How payment made is linked with material received. ï‚· Priced Store Account & Priced Store Ledger. ï‚· Procedure for IFD transactions & Stores in Transit. ï‚· Sale Accounting Procedure. ï‚· Reserve Stock Pile Item. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 57 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION Material Costs constitute the most controllable costs in the Ordnance Factories set up. Labour Costs are relatively fixed, as the labour force is permanent and on scales determined centrally by the Government. It does not normally vary, though in times of heavy workload, overtime can increase its cost somewhat. But this impact is compensated by increase in value of production, thereby resulting in the per unit cost being relatively stable, even lower at times. But material cost can directly impact on the overall cost per unit. Material management consists of (1) Purchase at the optimum prices. This involves purchases at the ï‚· Right Time, i.e. when the prices are just right. This is especially true of commodities like Steel, Copper etc. which are cyclical in nature as far as prices are concerned also, it must be ensured that the purchases do not result is an abnormally large idle inventory. ï‚· Right Sizes: Today, CNC machines optimize cutting sections from a large sheet. Thus, in making garments, for example, they layout the patterns so that minimum wastage is there. Buying the cloth in right width can maximize economy. Similar considerations hold for purchase of Steel or Copper sheets. ï‚· Right Quality: Specifications must be just appropriate; neither too poor nor too rich (why?). ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 58 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ ï‚· Right Prices: This comes about by ensuring that adequate competition is there among reliable suppliers. This is the main role of the Finance Reps. In the factors above are not important for them; it is only that responsibility for those is shared by the executive authorities equally. (2) Timing the purchase. Inventory of materials held in store represent non-value adding costs. Ideally, no inventory should be held. But in the real world, this results in situations where some material goes out of stock, resulting in entire production grinding to a stop, even though salaries, fixed expenses etc. are being incurred. Hence, some inventory is necessary to be held. Scientific formulae are there which give the maximum, minimum and reorder levels of inventory. For critical stores, "insurance" stockpiles also should be there. (3) Developing the right vendors and sources. Since the size of the minimum idle inventory depends upon the lead time (i.e. time taken for supplies to come), having capable and reliable suppliers is very important. In an open tender, though very low rates are sometimes realized, the reliability of vendors is open to question. In an effort to secure orders, vendors sometimes over extend themselves and cannot fulfill the orders. It is important to realize that seemingly lower price can have disastrous consequences for production if the vendor is not reliable. Vendor development is thus a very important aspect of the procurement process. Vendor development can be achieved by aggressive registration, pre-qualification, encouraging new vendors through trial orders, progressively increasing in size etc. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 59 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Once the materials are purchased, the role of maintaining proper accounts begins. It is the job of the Accounts Office to ensure that: 1) All materials paid for are actually received and accounted for in the Factories. Anomalies in this show up as “Outstanding Assets” and “Outstanding Liabilities”, which must be constantly monitored and linked, to bring them to zero. Only then would this objective be realized. This process would also ensure that pricing errors are rectified in time. 2) All issues from the store are accounted for properly and in time. Priced Store Account (PSA) is a macro account generated by the computer, which gives the overall amounts for a month. Priced Store Ledger (PSL) is a detailed, item wise account. Both these accounts will not give the right picture if all Demand Notes, Return Notes floated in a month are accounted for. 3) All issues are charged to appropriate manufacturing warrants. Costs will be distorted if there is a mistake and these are charged to the wrong warrants or to the wrong code heads. Material Abstracts must, therefore, be comprehensive (i.e. cover all issues etc.) and correctly posted so that Cost Cards reflect the reality. Wrong depiction in Cost Cards would obviously lead to wrong interpretation and wrong managerial actions. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 60 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ AUDIT OF MATERIAL PLANNING SHEET AND SHIS Material Planning Sheet i) Prior to Computerization of Factories – This is a report generated by the DPS and OFB on the basis of input data received from Factories concerned regarding opening balance of Stock, Estimates for materials requirement, punched cards containing information relating to primary documents related to Stores- Receipt Voucher, issue Vouchers, Demand Notes, Return Notes, Adjustments Vouchers. Based on these inputs and 4 yearly production programme computerized Material Planning sheets were prepared by OFB and sent to each factories at the beginning of the 4 years for subsequent action of provisioning. Objective: - Objective of this report is that it can become an essential tool for preparation of material budget at the Boards level as also it can be used as a control mechanism for verifying the necessity for procurement of any item. Essentials: – (i) Standardization of product code (10 digits). First two-digit vocabulary section, next three-digit factory unit code and last five digits serial number of folios. (ii) Standardization of item code for all materials in the Factory level. (iii) Preparation of standard estimates for articles produced in the Factory. (iv) Work out output- consumption ratio of the raw materials to the ultimate furnished product. (v) Opening balance, drawal, purchase information. Methodology for establishing Output- consumption ratio – Let us consider a Factory is producing a final product A by assembly of three components A1, A2, A3. Each of this has two-sub component represented by A11, A12, A21, A22, A31, and A32. Each of subcomponent for its manufacture needs three raw material represented by A111, A112,A113,A121,A122,A123,A211,A212,A213,A221,A222,A223,A311,A312,A313, A321, A322, A323.. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 61 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Thus it is identified that for production of Store A18, different raw materials are necessary. Let for production of item of A, the number of component needed for A1, A2, A3.ie.2, 3, 2 respectively. For production 1 article of A1, say number of A11 & A12 required after 3 & 4; same also for A2 & A3. Then the number of articles of subcomponents required for production of 1 number of A is A11  6, A12  8, A21  9, A22  12, A31  6, A32  8. If the raw materials requirement for production of each sub-component if in the ratio of1: 2:3 then the raw material requirement for production of 1 number of A will be A111 6 A 321  8 A11212 A121  8 A 211  9 A221  12 A 311  6 A122 16 A212 18 A222 24 A312 A322 16 A11318 A123 24 A213  A223  36 18 A322 24 12 A313 This cascade diagram is as follows Actual requirement of raw material for the next year production is worked as A111 A121 A 211 A112 A312 A 123 A122 A221 A 311 A 321 (Qty of Production Planned) x A113 A322 A212 A222 A322 A213 A313 A313 The same Principal is followed for each item of final product say B, C … Now the total requirement of raw material A111 is calculated as. A111 required for item A + A111 required for item B + A111 required for item C. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 62 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ ii) After computerization of Factories: - The vocabulary number is allotted by OFB and 1 year in advance production plans are intimated to GMs. GMs with the same principal workout material requirement on both direct &indirect material and arrive at the value of material requirement. This becomes the basis for projection of budget estimate to OFB. After clearance of budget by OFB at the time of procurement of an article of raw material a MP Sheet for that article is enclosed for audit of requirement. These sheets contain the following information. (i) Item Code (ii) Item Description (iii) MP Sheet No. & Date (iv) Required For production of items (OFB Vocabulary code) (v) Production Plan for the item (vi) Estimate number (vii) Output –consumption ratio (viii) Total Qty required (ix) Qty required for next six months (x) Qty on stock (xi) Qty for which order has already been placed (dues) (xii) Net quantity required. Audit of MP Sheet- At the time of taking action against any proposal for procurement the MP Sheet is to be audited to justify the need. While doing that it is to be ensured that there is a control mechanism for detecting the progress of MP Sheet once prepared through the system.  M P Sheet should be numbered.  There should not be any blank number without the knowledge of Audit.  M P Sheet prepared on any article must be reflected with the status in  Subsequent M P Sheet on the same article.  There should be proper control mechanism to ensure that M P Sheet is not, Prepared for original raw material at the same item for the alternative item.  Balance in hand is shown correctly.  Dues bin are shown correctly. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 63 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Advantage of System It has more relation to the coming year’s production plan than on the previous year’s history. Any change in the estimates affected by revision in estimate can be promptly reflected in the provisioning action. Disadvantage of System Audit never feels comfortable, as the Output- consumption ratio worked out by computers is not visible. If suitable checks are not in built into the system may lead to overprovisioning. Ordnance Factories do not have specific production plan, it goes on changing. SHIS – The full form is Store Holder Inability Sheet. The name itself specifies that in same is prepared by the store holder while proposing for any procurement. This can be merely termed as Store Holder’s proposed justification for procurement. It contains stock in hand, dues, average consumption, liabilities in sight and hence requirement to meet this liabilities. SHIS for cases valuing less than Rs. 1, 00,000 may not be vetted by LAO. The requirement for next six month is calculated on the basis of the formula. 6 x Total consumption during the last 24 months 24 Audit of SHIS SHIS when received in Accounts Office is to be verified by the section to establish. The SHIS is not duplicated. Qty of stock in hand is shown correctly in the inability sheet. Average monthly consumption noted on the SHIS is correct. Figures of dues shown in the SHIS are correct ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 64 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Comparison between MP Sheet & SHIS M P Sheet SHIS 1) Prepared on the basis of future 1) Prepared on the basis past plan experience consumption. 2) Can take care of any change in the tune of production associated with revision of estimate. 3) The figure Output–consumption rate shown cannot be audited. 4) Pro-active action on provisioning can be taken 2) No scope for estimating such changes. 3) All the figures appearing are auditable. 4) Only action can be taken when the stock goes beyond ordinary level. 5) Faster process but need more 5) Slow process but completely control on the system. structured. 6) No audit % has been fixed yet. 6) % of audit is laid down in manual. Post Audit of Supply Order with particular reference to TPCs. After receipt of SHIS duly vetted by LAO, PV Section of Factory initiates procurement action. The system of tendering resorted to are (i) Open Tender, (ii) Limited Tender and (iii) Single Tender. Open Tender – Open or Advertised Tender is resorted to where the value is large, sufficient time is available for finalization of tender and where competition is considered necessary. Limited Tender – This method is used where the demand is very urgent, likely sources are known and advertisement is not expected to widen competition. Issue of TE is restricted to the registered, established and successful suppliers of past repute on the approval of the Chairman of the appropriate TPC and Finance Member. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 65 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Single Tender – Issued for items of propriety nature where it is definitely known that there is only source of supply. Tenders received in response to TEs are opened on due dates of opening in the presence of the tenderers or their authorized representatives. Then the Comparative Statement of Tenders (CST) is prepared. Based on the price quoted, level of TPC is decided below. **Please see Annexure attached (in pdf file) Tender Purchase Committee: Prior to formation of OF Board, Tender Purchase Committee was introduced in DGOF Organization including Ordnance Factories vide Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence (Deptt of Supplies) O.M. No.F.7 (67)/73-DS dated 20/2/1978. In the said O.M. amongst others it was stated that for tender enquiries, opening of tender etc. DGOF should follow DGS&D procedure. In Ordnance Factories organization Competent Financial Authority is the Chairman of the TPC and is a part of the TPC (OFB Order No.2/BS dated 19/23-5-1979 & OF Board Secretariat Note No.18/FIN/BS dt. 18/4/2002. In the Board Order bearing No.472/BS dated 8/8/2013 delegating higher power to various authorities it has been stipulated that the powers of TPC are concurrent with the delegated powers of the Chairman of the TPC. After setting up of the Ordnance Factory Board, four tier TPC was structured for the first time vide OF Board, Fin. Divn. No.246/II/79/OFB dt. 27/2/1980 this has been amended time to time. These are the Factory level TPC. T here are separate levels of TPC in Ordnance Factory Board level. TPC recommends the placement of order on the basis of deliberations made and duly considering the following factors: ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 66 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ (i) Whether the Ordnance Factories have got the capacity to manufacture the item and if so, the justification for purchase from outside. (ii) The most economic price consistent with quality and conforming to specification. (iii) Last purchase price and the justification for higher rate, if any. (iv) Delivery schedule vis–a-vis rate of consumption. (v) Reliability of the Firm based on past performance. (vi) Whether the competition is adequate in case of LTE. (vii) Unusual Terms and Conditions, if any, made by the tenderer. In addition to above, the role of Finance Member is to bring in financial expertise in the decision making Finance Member brings out financial implications and repercussions of exercise of any financial power and availability of alternatives if any. When the decision is arrived at, a minute of TPC is made and gets signed by all the Members of TPC. Based on the recommendation of the TPC, Provision (PV) Section places the Supply Order in the prescribed standard Forms on the Firm recommended by the TPC. Thereafter, the Supply Order along with Tenders, CST and all other concerned documents are received in the Accounts Office for post audit. Following points are seen during audit of Supply Order: (i) That the purchase is authorized. (ii) Quantity ordered and specification conforms to the requirement as shown in the SHIS and as recommended by the TPC. (iii) Utmost publicity is given. (iv) Adequacy or otherwise of competition, whether all the past successful suppliers have been included in TE. (v) Whether the lowest offer has been accepted and if not, whether the justification for accepting the offer other than lowest is noted on the CST. (vi) Rates accepted compare favourably with LPR. (vii) Rates, taxes and duties have been clearly and separately indicated. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 67 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ (viii) Terms and date of delivery have been clearly specified and are in conformity with rate of consumption. (ix) In case of Single Tender, PAC is enclosed. (x) Successful tenderer is in the approved list and has not been black listed. (xi) Preference as to price, if any, is covered under existing orders. (xii) Debitable Head of Account is clearly indicated. (xiii) Amount of Security Deposit is clearly indicated and if waived, the orders of CFA. (xiv) Whether the Firm has asked for advance payment. (xv) Standard Forms are used with adequate risk purchase and arbitration clauses. GOVT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF DEFENCE 10-A, S. K. BOSE ROAD KOLKATA –700001 Order No. 400/ BS Dated: 06 September 2000. Subject: - Delegation of Financial powers to General Managers and other officers of the Ordnance Factories In accordance with the “Note” in Annexure to GOI, Ministry of Defence, Dept.of Defence Production and Supplies, New Delhi letter No.PC-1 to 2(2)/96/D (Fy-1)/99/D (Prod) dated 30/11/99 issued with the concurrence of Integrated Finance (MOD), the Chairman and DGOF, in consultation with Member (Finance) has been authorized to decide the extent of delegation of powers to General Managers and other functionaries based on functional requirement. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 68 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Pursuant to the above, Ordnance Factory Board has approved the delegation of enhanced financial powers to General Managers and others as indicated in Annexure –1 to this letter with immediate effect subject to the guidelines listed in Annexure – II. These orders will supersede all previous orders on the subject in respect of the items mentioned in the Annexure-1. The areas not covered in this letter would be regulated in accordance to Board Secretariat No.353/ BS dated 12-07-88. Whether the existing powers of the GMs are higher, the same higher powers will continue. The extant orders on procurement as laid down in Material Management, Financial regulations and the CVC guidelines issued from time to time are to be strictly followed. Special care may be taken to ensure that the high value investments conform generally to the guidelines issued by the MOD (Enclosed at Annexure –III for ready reference). All powers will be exercised by the Competent Authority in consultation with local Finance and Accounts and will be strictly subject to availability of funds. This issue with the concurrence vides Financial Division UO. No 1133/FNM –II dated 25/08/2000 Enclo: 09 Sd/(AnilKumar) Secretary Ordnance Factory Board All General Managers Ordnance Factorie ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 69 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ DIFFERENT TYPES OF RECEIPTS & ISSUES: HOW ACCOUNTED FOR This write up is meant to apprise the trainees the system/ procedure followed and documents used in Stores Accounting in the Ordnance Factories. The accounting of Stores must be given considerable importance as more than two-third of the cost of production in Ordnance Factories is accounted for by the cost of material. Materials in Ordnance Factories are classified under two Major Heads:(i) Materials on Store Charge. (ii) Materials on Production Charge. TYPE OF RECEIPTS Raw materials are obtained by the Factories by one of the following means: (i) Foreign Purchase. (ii) Central Purchase through a Central Authority. (iii) Local Purchase by the General Manager of Factories. (iv) Supplies from other factories. (v) Supplies from other branches of Defence Department (vi) Supplies from departments other than Defence. Apart from the above the following internal transactions of the Factories are also accounted for as receipt. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Receipt from the production of own Factory. Receipts from the returns to the Store Section of surplus materials, waste etc Receipts from surpluses found at Stock taking in the Factories. Receipt on account of transfers from Capital assets Miscellaneous receipts from sources other than above as estate produce etc. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 70 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ TYPE OF ISSUES Material is issued by the Store Section of the Factory for the following purposes: (i) Issues to manufacturing Shops. (ii) Issues to other Factories. (iii) Issues on payment to other Govt. Departments etc. (iv) Issues to other branches of Defence Department. (v) Issues on account of Sale by auction. Beside the above the following transactions of the factory are also accounted for as issues. (i) Loss of Stores-in-Transit. (ii) Loss of Stores on Charge. (iii) Loss of Stores due to causes other than above. (iv) Transfers to Capital. (v) Miscellaneous. ACCOUNTING OF RECEIPTS & ISSUES OF STORES M.I.S. is prepared for almost all receipts in the Factory. The MIS is converted in to a receipt voucher by allotting a No. of the respective Series to which the Store pertains. Issues from the factory godown or Stores to Shops/ Sections are done through Demand Notes. Any returns of such stores to godown are done through return notes. Issues to any other concern are done through Issue Vouchers. All the primary documents i.e. Receipts Vouchers Issue Vouchers, Demand Note, Return Note etc. are sent to Accounts Office through EDP duly allotted Sl. Nos. On receipt of these primary documents in the Accounts Office these are entered in to Schedules for different classes of documents (viz. Schedule of Receipt Voucher, Schedule of Issue Voucher etc.) These documents are then priced in the Accounts Office as follows: (i) MIS/ CRV (Local Purchase)  Price quoted on Supply order (ii) Department other than Defence  Price quoted on the Issue Receipt from other Ord. Fys. Vr. of the supplying deptt. (iii) Other branches of Defence  Stock Book or priced vocabulary rates (iv) Own Fy. Manufacture  At actual cost of production. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 71 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ PRICING OF ISSUE DOCUMENTS (i) D/ Notes and R/ Notes  Monthly Average Ledger Rate. (ii) Sale Voucher  At Sale rate. (iii) Loss Statement (Other than transit  Average Ledger Rate (iv) Loss of Sores- in – transit  Rate at Which connected receipt Voucher is priced (v) Payment Issue  (i) Average Ledger Rate (ii) Plus 5% Addl. Charges plus 5% addl. On (i) + (ii) The receipt and issue vouchers after pricing are entered in to the monthly Priced Store Account (PSA) under different Codes for different sources of receipts and issues. Similarly, the value of Demand and Return Notes is entered in the PSA to arrive at the net receipt and net issue. Thereafter, these are added with the closing balance of the previous month to arrive at the total raw – material inventory at the end of the month. Receipt and Issue Vouchers are thereafter sent to Material Ledger Section for posting in the Priced Store Ledger (PSL) maintained and operated jointly by the Provision Section of the Factory and Material Ledger Section of the Accounts Office Demand and Return Notes are received by Material Ledger Section directly from Factory and after pricing on the basis of Average Ledger Rate are posted in the PSL. The Receipt Vouchers are required to be posted in the PSL first and then the Demand and Return Notes. Every month control total of the PSL (Volume wise) is required to be reconciled with the closing balance of the PSA. At the end of the financial year, the extracted balance of each item of the PSL must agree with the closing balance of the consolidated PSA for the year. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 72 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ HOW THE PAYMENT MADE IS LINKED WITH MATERIAL RECEIVED. In the case of all Stores for which payments are made/ book debits are received / priced copies of issue vouchers are furnished, hundred percent linking has to be done. Linking consists of two parts. : (i) Linking payments with receipt vouchers. Unlinked items represent payments made for which receipt vouchers are awaited. These are called ‘Outstanding Assets. (ii) Linking of Receipt Vouchers with “Payment made”. Where the unlinked vouchers represent” Stores received “for which payments are to be made. These are called “Outstanding Liabilities.” Through the medium of linking registers maintained in the Material Section of Accounts Office for each category of receipt–FP, CP, LP, IFD etc. it is ensured that all stores invoiced to the factory and all Stores for which payment has been made have been received and accounted for. This is done by posting the details of bills/ invoices and receipt / issue vouchers in the linking registers. WHAT IS PSA-PSL A priced Store Account detailing the receipt and Issue transactions from stock in each month under the various heads specified in Forms IAF (FAC) –15 for Receipt and IAF (FAC)- 16 for issues is prepared by Material Section every month after generation of Computerised PSA report for the concerned month and submitted to the Costing Section by 15th of the month following for the purpose of posting in Principal Ledger. PSL generated every month from Computer details item code wise (concerned for the material dealt with) transactions of all receipts and issues showing UOQ (Unit of Quantity), Opening Balance, details of Receipt Voucher, Return Note or Adjustment Receipt Vouchers for receipt transactions and Demand Notes, Issue Voucher or Adjustment issue Voucher for issue transactions, m.a.rate, closing balance etc. Work order No., Warrant Nos. is given for the materials drawn on DN or returned on RN are shown against the concerned transaction. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 73 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ At the end of the year a Consolidated PSA and PSL are also generated through Computer containing all transactions pertaining to the year. HOW PSA –PSL IS PREPARED For preparation and maintenance of PSA/ PSL one itemmast.dbf file be is maintained in Computer showing stock position of every material indexed item codewise, value of stock etc. The file has 50 fields like Record Code, Factory Code, UOQ, Bin Qty., PSL Qty., Moving Average (MA) Rate, Value of Stock, Description, PSA Code etc. For the purpose of pricing of receipt vouchers other than I.F.D.a Supply order Master or SOMASTER. dbf file is also maintained having 51 fields like Record Code, Fy Code, SONO, SODT, item code, UOQ, Ord Qty., Due date, Bas rate, SOVAal, TPCC dt (TPC Clearing date), PR Rate (Pricing Rate), EDPer, CDPer, Disper (Discount Per), LD etc. For pricing of Receipt Vouchers pertaining to IFD a file called IFDRATE. Dbf is maintained keeping rates of different items of material from OFB list or Issue Vrs. Received from Consignor factory, a file called IFDLINK.dbf is also maintained having details of Issue Vouchers received from Consignor. Besides these files IFDMaster, Vendor master, Security Deposit Master (SDMASTER) are also maintained in Inventory Package. RECEIPT VOUCHER & ISSUE VOUCHER Receipt Vouchers (IAFZ- 2096) is prepared by Factory for stores to be brought in charge of Factory Stock. For Stores received from outside Factory, a material inward slip is prepared to show full particulars of stores and the result of their examination by the Inspection section. Accordingly no separate receipt voucher is prepared for the same where MIS is prepared. Receipt Voucher No. is given on the MIS. Receipt Voucher or MIS is received in M Sec. Of AO and watched through Priced Store Schedule for continuity. At the end of the month after checking all Receipt Vouchers are received in AO as per skeleton list same are handed over to EDP Section for Data entry. Similarly IFD receipt vouchers are also sent to EDP section for same purpose. Likewise, Issue Vouchers received from the factory are also entered in the schedule of vouchers to watch continuity and sent to EDP section at ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 74 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ the end of the month. Receipt Adjustment Vrs, (If any) is also forwarded to EDP Section. DEMAND NOTES & RETURN NOTES Demand and Return Notes received from Factory are entered in serial nos. in the register of schedule of demand and return notes [IAF (Fac37)] to watch the receipt of all Demand and Return Notes issued by the factory. All DN/RN received by M section thus scheduled are dispatched to EDP section by 5th of the following month. DATA ENTRY All the data pertaining to Receipt Voucher, Issue Voucher DN/RN are entered in the respective file and a checklist is generated to examine that there is no error in the entry or duplication or Missing of voucher is there. Special attention is paid to see that the UDQ, PSACD entered is correct. In some factories data are captured from factory source. PRICING OF RECEIPT VOUCHERS For pricing of Rt. Vrs. Other than IFD Rt. Pricing (SO) bar of Update menu is selected. In case of any error, re-pricing may also be done in the system after revising the necessary entry. Similarly for IFD Rt.Vrs. We select interactive receipt voucher Pricing (IFD) option of Update menu pad of main menu. Before pricing of Rt. Vrs. New folios for new items of materials are to be appended in item master file. Pricing of Demand & Return Note and Issue Vouchers are made through system w.r.t. Average Ledger Rate (ALR i.e. V1+V2/Q1+Q2) For any Rt.Vr.Adjustment data entry is made in a file called RTAJ file giving previous value, Original Value, Difference of Value, previous voucher No. etc. After running a programme PSL check the system automatically creates a file for Issue Adjustment of concerned DN/RN. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 75 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ VALIDATION OF DOCUMENT CHECK PSL ENTRY AND validation checks option in ‘Transaction Menu’ pad of Main Menu is selected for Validation Check. On selection of the same ‘File Type’ option is chosen and appropriate file type out of Receipt Issue, Adjustment & Skeleton is checked for validation. Output report ERRREP, TXT is generated for taking corrective action. PSL - CHECK PSL entry and Validation Checks option in Transaction menu pad of Main menu is selected. On selection of this option File Type, PSL Check & exit option is activated. PSL check is selected and Invsys asks for concerned Receipt Transaction, DN/RN/Issue Transaction file and Adjustment file name (ISSADJFL) and year month of PSL. Entering the same PSL is checked. Rejected Transactions are found out through a report ERRFLTXT. The reasons for rejection of such documents are scrutinized and corrective action is taken. BPLN CHECK The system verifies the sequence of documents with reference to the Bin Page Line Number. The BPLN maintained in the Master is taken as the 1st number after which transaction sequence is checked. A message comes while checking PSL “Document Missing” is indicative of a sequence no. that is not available in the transaction file. The document that is missing can be traced out from Bin Card w.r.t. the BPLN. PSL- UPDATE PSD Update menu of Update Menu pad of main menu is selected for the same, Invsys then asks for year &month of PSL and whether Binder wise Ledger Report necessary. On entering the same Opening Balance of PSL for the month is shown on the screen. This OB should be checked with CB of earlier month. Then an option comes in the screen whether to allow Unorthodox Balance. If ‘NO’ is selected rejected issue transactions in PSL check is separately kept in a temporary file. If ‘YES’ are selected system prices all transaction with ALR. Unorthodox Balance is looked into later by user. A report called Moving Average Rate Variation Report of PSL module of Report menu is generated to see whether MA Rate in respect of any ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 76 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ item varies more than +/- 10%. This is indicative of possible errors in pricing of Rt. Vr. And merit checking before further processing. All PSL Update is completed the output report PSLREP.TXT is generated. PSA GENERATION For generation of PSA M-Section of AO examines a report on Priced Issue Voucher generated by Computer and prepares “Adjustment for PSA only which will have no effect on the closing balances computed in the PSL process but require a change while exhibiting the figures code wise in the PSA. Such adjustment may arise because PSA code used earlier for transaction was erroneous and needs correction or where Profit/ Loss on sale requires shown separately IN CASE OF LOSS ON SALE Difference between book value and sale value  Plus to Loss Code (Issue) Loss occurring in transaction  Minus to Sale Code (Issue) IN CASE OF PROFIT ON SALE Difference between Sale value and Book value  Plus to Sale Code (Issue) Profit occurring in transaction  Plus to Profit Code (Rt) Necessary data entry for adjustment for PSA only is made in PSAADJ file then PSA option of PSL submenu of Report menu is selected for PSA generation. Invsys asks certain information like month and year of last PSL month and year of PSL, Receipts upto the end of last month and whether we wish to add adjustment for PSA only etc. on entering this information last CB of PSA comes in the screen. After verification of the same with last months report ‘Entry’ key is pressed for PSA creation. Output report PSAREP, TXT is generated. IFD Transaction in Ord. Fys The full form of IFD is Inter Factory Demand. There are various sources of receipt of material in the Factory which are : (i) Trade sources.(ii) Receipt from other Factories,(iii) Receipt from non military Department or from other Defence establishments etc. So IFD transaction is one of the sources of procurement of material in Ordnance Factories. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 77 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Procedure On planning of yearly Production of a Factory, the Factory will prepare requirement of material for the planned production activities. Then they will try to ascertain the source from where the material to be procured. As per the existing rule they should first try to get the material from sister Factories and then from trade source to maintain the quality of Production .So on ascertainment of material, which can be procured from sister Factory. They will float demand to other Factories. The document prepared for placing demand is IFD –Inter Factory Demand. Two copies of the IFD will be received in Accounts Office of the Intending Factory. Who after post audit will pass on one copy to, Indentee Factory Accounts Office for record & watch the supply. So, IFD is a type of extract or may be called as authority for undertaking production in the supplying factory. Types of IFD transactions There are two types of IFD supply: (1) supply from Production, (2) Supply from stock. So Issue Voucher serial will accordingly vary with series of “P” or “S” as the case may be. Placing of IFD Receipt Vouchers Receipt vouchers related to trade supply are priced with reference to supply orders. But in case of IFD transactions the only source of evaluated document are Issue Vouchers received from Accounts Office of supplying factory. So receipt vouchers are priced with reference to price Issue vouchers of the supplying Factory. Factory management of recipient is quoting issue voucher no, date & supplying factory concerned to link the issue value and price the Receipt vouchers correctly. Linking of IFD transaction On receipt of Issue vouchers from supplying factory are noted in a Register Factory wise with Issue Voucher no., Date, Quantities, & Value. So according the quoting of factory & issue Vouchers No. on Receipt Vouchers the receipt transaction can be linked easily and clear the out-standings at Receipt sources. The issuing factory is also sending an ID list monthly & then yearly from which the correctness of posting can easily be ascertained & corrected. The unlinked items will be considered as SIT- (Stores in Transit). ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 78 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ STORES IN TRANSIT (SIT) A yearly statement of IFD transaction is prepared by the Accounts office of recipant Factory in the following Format: ADD Stores in transit on 1st April Stores received from other Fys during the year as per ID list LESS Stores for which Receipt Vouchers Prepared Stores in transit on 31st March Stock Prod Stock Prod Stock Prod Stock Prod (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Various types of errors and increase of SIT As per instruction or rule Receipt Vouchers on IFD transactions are required to be prepared but following types of problems are normally seen. i) Non receipt of Issue voucher at management end. ii) Back loaded material returned on regular voucher. iii) Discrepancies in quantities and delay in settlement. iv) Delayed action for keeping stock holding at lower side. v) Wrong documentation by supplying factory & delay in settlement. Asset / Liabilities on IFD transaction As per system outlined in linking inter factory transactions there much not be unlinked items but in actual the picture is quite different. The major reasons for arising of such situation are stated in previous Para. So the unlinked items are supposed to be asset at the end of a year, i.e. material issued but not yet Accounted for and no liabilities should arise. In exceptional cases liabilities also arises when Issue vouchers are not received at Accounts Offices but on the basis of copy of issue voucher with the Railway Receipt the factory management prepares Receipt vouchers In SIT however only net asset is being shown. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 79 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Store Accounts SNo Dr. side Amt Cr. Side 1 To store in hand as on 1st April 1 2 To cost of stores taken on Charge during the year. To stores received from Def. Department 2 4 (a) To transfer for capital A/C (b) To transfer for stock pile 4 5 5 6 7 By issue on payment By misc. issues 8 To stores received from own Fy manufacture To IFD stores To profit on scale of stores (a) Normal (b) Abnormal To surplus at stock taking By stores issued to 1. Army 2. Navy 3. AF 4. Other Def. Department a) By stores transferred to capital A/C. b) By stores transferred to stock pile By stores issued to other Fys 8 9 To other adjustments 9 By actual Losses a) Loss of scale of stores (i) Normal, (ii) Abnormal b) Loss of stores on charge i) Theft/Fraud or neglect ii) Deficiency in actual balance not due to theft/fraud etc. iii) Other causes By other adjustment 10 To Misc Receipt 10 By closing Balances as on 3lst March. 3 6 7 3 (a) By stores issued to shop less return (b) By issue to NMD for Prod. Of army By sale of stores. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 80 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ The store A/C is actually the exhibition of position of stock holding of a Fy. On beginning 7 closing of a year with exhibition of various receipts sources & issues to various parties including sales. The best way of compiling of stores A/C is compilations of PSA (Rt & Issue) first and from therefore compiles the store A/c. AUDIT OF SALE AND ACCOUNTING OF SALE PROCEEDS In the Ordnance Factories surplus stores and waste stores are sold through auction. The entire mechanism of sales is controlled by the Factory management as well as Accounts authorities jointly. Such stores, which are sold to external agencies, are categorized under following broad head 1) Waste product 2) Scrap 3) Surplus Stores 4) Obsolete Stores WASTE PRODUCT: The stores which are beyond economical repair and which cannot be utilized in any alternate way are categorized as waste product viz. Coal dust, ashes, metal residues etc. SCRAP: The item scrap means stores beyond economical repair unserviceable waste stores, which have been utilized and have served their purpose and have been condemned under proper authority to be of no use except as scrap. SURPLUS STORES: This are stores which can not be utilized against present for anticipated requirement over a period to be determine on the merit of each case or which are liable to deteriorate by the time they could be used in the normal course of events. OBSOLETE STORES: These are the stores, which have been declared surplus due to obsolescence. Such store usually arises due to sudden cancellation of orders by the indentor for specific job order, which is unique and cannot be utilized otherwise. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 81 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ STEPS OF DISPOSAL Having determined the surpluses they will be disposed of by transfer to other factories, defence services, priority indentors and/or by sell to private parties. A reserve/guiding price for such stores will be fixed which are usually at book value plus the packing and incidental charges incurred plus 5% of the sale value. In case of transfer of surplus stores and waste products to any priority indentors free of charge 2% of the book value of the stores should be levied for the incidental charges to cover packing, loading, cartage charges etc. Such incidental charges will not be recovered if arrangements are made by the priority indentors. Reserve prices are fix by the factory management with the concurrence of LAO. If there is any disagreement meeting factory management and LAO the case should be referred to DGOF for decision. Reserve price should be fixed not more than 2 days before the auction. The above price should made known to the auction supervisor of the date of auction itself, half an hour before the auction. All concerned officers including Accounting Officers connected with the fixation of reserve price and the auction supervisor must treat such price as strictly confidential. The Accounts representative deputed to attain the auction should note description of store, quantity, rates of highest bidder in accounts copy of the auction list and should sign the factory copy for surplus with supporting document. He should intimate the details to the concerned CDA. Similar action will be taken on receipt of auctioneer's commission bill. A sale register and a sale account is operated and is audited with supporting details. The sell account receipt the CDA concern for stores sold in auction by DGS&D and sale release order receipt from factory management will be checked in respect of quantity, value, purchases etc. The -correctness of amount booked in the CCO-2 will be verified for sale value, sales tax, excise duty with reference to the register and adjustment should be carried out immediately. On receipt of approval full details are noted in the Sales Register, MRO received for Security Deposit is adjusted and noted in the Security Deposit Register, MRO received for sale value is adjusted for sale value, ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 82 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ sales tax etc. after verification of monthly statement. The MROs are forwarded to Accounts Section of the Office of the PCA (Fys) in the normal manner. Action to pay dues on account of sales tax/excise duty to the relevant authorities should be taken on receipt of contingent bill from the factory. All the sale proceeds will be reflected in the Cash Compilation Statement viz. Deduct head under "Revenue Expenditure" for realization on account of "Sale of Scrap" and revenue head for receipts for realization on account of sale of surplus stores. In the case of stores disposed by DGS&D, credit for sale proceeds are passed on by the PAO concerned to the CDA concerned depending on the location of auction. The credits are compiled to the final factory head of account and the sale accounts are forwarded to Store Section, who allocated the amount to the respective factories and forward the sales account to the concerned Accounts Officer for linking. On receipt, the sale accounts are linked by the A.O. RESERVE STOCK PILE ITEM Strategic items of stores while are very difficult to procure in case of failure of normal supplies are classified as Stork Pile Items. A reserve of such stores is built up separately from working stock in order to meet the demands of future production in case of failure of normal supplies. ACCOUNTING OF STOCK PILE ITEMS All expenditure for stockpile items will be meet from major head 130A Defence Capital Outlay. This is a capital head and though stockpile items are purchased from capital head, they differ from capital assets, as they are stores items intended for future production. The following accounting procedure is followed: The factory will maintain a separate Bin Card for each of these items. A separate Store Ledger known as Capital Store Ledger should be maintained by the ledger group of Accounts Office. This ledger like the Priced Store Ledger will also be located in the Provision Section in order to afford facilities of quick reference to the management. A separate series of vouchers under R series will be operated upon in each and every transaction. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 83 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ The value of Stock Pile Items should be reconciled with the figures of CCO-2 through a linking register. Separate Schedule for R series Receipt and Issue vouchers will be maintained. No depreciation will be charged, no Priced Store Account need be prepared monthly a subsidiary Account to Capital Asset Account viz. Capital Asset Account - Stock Pile should be maintained in the Principal Ledger. UTILISATION OF STOCK PILE ITEM No Stock-Pile items should be used by factories without prior approval of the OFB/DGOF. As and when reserve material are required to be used in production, they are to be first transferred to stock ledger and then issued on demand notes as usual. The transfer of materials from and to the reserve stock and working stock should be made only on transfer voucher (IAFZ-2096). The turnover of reserve items, if and when ordered from time to time by the OFB/DGOF should like – wise be made on transfer voucher. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 84 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ SUMMARY 1) MP Sheet is a computerized report generated on the basis of input data received from Factories regarding opening balance of stock, estimates for material requirement, punched cards containing information relating to primary documents of stores viz. Receipt Vouchers, Issue Vouchers, Demand Notes, Return Notes, Adjustment Vouchers. This is an essential tool for preparation of material budget and can be used as a control for verifying the necessity for procurement of any item. 2) Store Holder Inability Sheet is prepared by the Store Holder while proposing for justification of any procurement. It contains Stock in Hand, Dues, Average Consumption, Liabilities in sight and requirement to meet the liabilities. The requirement for next 6 months is calculated as under: (Total consumption during last 12 months / 12) X 6 3) After receipt of SHIS, duly vetted by LAO, Factory management will initiate procurement action through tendering viz. Open Tender, Limited Tender and Single Tender as the case may be. Open Tender (Advertised Tender) is resorted to where the value is large, sufficient time is available for finalization of tender and where competition (a) Tenders received in response to Tender Enquiries (TEs) are opened on due date of opening in the presence of the tenderers or their authorized representatives and a Comparative Statement of Tenders (CST) is prepared. Based on the price quoted, level of Tender Purchase Committee (TPC) is decided Level-I GM Chairman AGM/Jt. GM in Charge of Procurement Member ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 85 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Other concerned Officers including QC Member CF&A (Fys)/JCF&A (Fys) Member (b) Level-II AGM/Jt. GM in Charge of Procurement Chairman Other concerned Officers including QC Member JCF&A (Fys)/DCF&A (Fys)/ACF&A (Fys) Member (c) Level-III Dy. GM in Charge of Procurement Chairman Other concerned Officers including QC Member DCF&A (Fys)/ACF&A (Fys)/AO (Fys) Member (d) Level-IV Works Manager in Charge of Procurement Chairman Other concerned Officers including QC Member Accounts Officer (Fys) Member 5. Raw materials are obtained from the following sources a) Foreign Purchase (FP) b) Central Purchase (CP) c) Local Purchase (LP) d) Supplies from other sister Factories (IFD) e) Supplies from other branch of Defence Department (OMD) f) Supplies from departments other than Defence (NMD) g) Receipt from production of own Factory h) Receipts from the returns to the Store Section of surplus materials, waste etc. (through Return Notes) ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 86 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ i) Receipt from surplus found at Stock Taking in the Factories (through CRVs) j) Receipt on account of transfer from Capital Assets k) Miscellaneous receipts from sources other than above. 6. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Issues of material by the Store Section are as under Issues to Shops of the Factory (through Demand Note) Issues to other sister Factories (through Issue Vouchers) Issues on payment to other Issues to other branches of Defence Department (through Issue Vouchers) Issue on account of Sale by auction (through Issue Vouchers) Loss of Store-in-Transit (through Expenses Vouchers) Loss of Stores on Charge (through CIVs) Loss of stores due to causes other than above Transfer to Capital (Issue Vouchers) Miscellaneous issues 7. Methods of pricing of Receipt & Issue Vouchers RECEIPT VOUCHERS: For Local Purchase of Stores As per Supply Order Rate For Central Purchase of Stores As per AT Rate For Foreign Purchase of Stores As per Invoice Rate and Bill of Entry Department other than Defence Priced quoted on Issue Vouchers Receipt from Other Ord. Factories Priced quoted on Issue Vouchers Receipt from other Def. Department Stock Book or Priced Vocabulary Rate Receipt from own Fy. Manufacture Actual Cost of Production ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 87 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ ISSUE VOUCHERS Demand/Return Notes Average Ledger Rate Issue Vouchers Average Ledger Rate Sale Vouchers Sale Rate Loss Statement Average Ledger Rate (other than Transit) Loss of Store in Transit Rate at which connected Receipt Voucher was priced Payment Issues (i) Average Ledger Rate Plus (ii) 5% Addl. Charges plus 5% of addl. Charges on (i) & (ii) 8. Linking payments with Receipt Vouchers. Unlinked items represent payments made for which Receipt Vouchers are awaited. These are called “Outstanding Assets”. Linking of Receipt Vouchers with “Payment Made”. Where the unlinked vouchers represent "Store Received" for which payments are to be made. These are called “Outstanding Liabilities”. Outstanding Assets & Liabilities will be controlled through a Linking Registers maintained under each headings viz., LP, CP, FP, IFD, OMD, and NMD etc. 9. PSA - A Priced Store Account detailing the all transactions made from stock in each month under the various heads for Receipt and Issue is prepared by Material Section and submitted to Costing Section by 15th of the month following to which it relates for the purpose of posting in Principal Ledger. The PSL under each ledger folio shows Opening Balance of store, details of store receipt during a month through Receipt Vouchers, Return Notes or Adjustment Receipt Vouchers; details of Issues made from ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 88 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ stock through Issue Vouchers, Demand Notes, Adjustment Issue Vouchers and Closing balance of the store at the end of the month. 10.IFD Transaction: On planning of yearly Production of a Ordnance Factory, the Factory Management will prepare requirement of material for the planned production activities and they would first try to get the material from sister Factories and then from trade sources to maintain the quality of production. Accordingly, they will float demand for the material to other sister Factories. If the sister Factory is capable to supply the material it is known as IFD Transaction. 11. On receipt of Issue Vouchers from supplying Factory are noted in a Register Factory wise with Issue Voucher No. & date, Quantity & Value. The issuing factory will also send a monthly ID List for all stores issued by them to Indenting Factory. The unlinked items will be considered as Stores - in - Transit (SIT). 12. Surplus and waste stores are sold through auction. The stores are categorized as ï‚· Waste product ï‚· Scrap ï‚· Surplus stores ï‚· Obsolete stores Having determined the surpluses the Factory Management will disposed off the same by transfer to other Factories, Defence Services, priority Indentors and/or by sell to private parties through auction. A Reserve Guiding Price for all the above stores will be fixed before auctioning with the concurrence with the LAO. 13. Reserve Stock Pile Item: Strategic items of stores, which are very difficult to procure in case of failure of normal supplies, are classified as Stock Pile Items. A reserve of such stores is built up separately from working stock to meet the demands of future production in case of ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 89 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ failure of normal supplies. The stock Pile items are procured from Capital Head and a separate Bin Card is being maintained for these types of stores. A separate Store Ledger known as Capital Store Ledger is also being maintained for these kind of stores. Receipt & Issues of Reserve Stock Pile Items are being carried out through “R” series of vouchers. Although the stores are being procured under Capital Head of Accounts but no depreciation will be charged against these stores. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 90 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ SELFASSESSMENT QUIZ There are 15 Questions carrying equal mark. One mark will also be deducted for each wrong answer. Total 30 Marks [Tick the appropriate Box, you have selected as a correct answer. Once ticking need not to be scored out or any new answer is not permissible, as a fresh ticking for seems to be right answer] Q1. Auditing requirement of a MP Sheets which information does not match to be reflected in the MP Sheet? A B C Output Qty required Warrant consumption for next six Number ratio months Q2. E MP Sheet Estimate Number & Number date Which item does not contain in a Store Holder Inability Sheet: A Dues Q3. D B Stock in Hand C Average consumption D Liabilities E Quantity of Store drawn for production D Where the demand is very urgent and likely sources are known E When it is a non proprietary nature of item but only one When the Open Tender will be floated A Where the demand is very urgent and likely sources are not known B Where the value is large& sufficient time is available C When it is proprietary nature of item and there is only source of ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 91 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ supply exists Q4. A CST was prepared for a stores valuing Rs. 30,000/- and placed to TPC for approval. Which level of TPC is required in this case? A Level-IV Q5. B Level-II C Level-III D No TPC B C From estate From Trade produce D From UK E From COD Which item does not pertain a Issue from Stock A B C To other Ord. To Production To Loan Factory Section Q7. E Level-I Which items unmatched as a receipt of stores in a Factory A From Loan Q6. source of supply exists D To Capital Choose the correct answer as given below at A, B, C, D, E, F, G and filled in the boxes Methods of Pricing of stores received from the following sources A. Average Ledger Rate B. AT Rate C. Rate quoted in the SO D. Invoice Rate E. Vocabulary Rate F. Priced quoted on the Issue Voucher G. Actual Cost of Production ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 92 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Sl.No. Stores Received in an Ordnance Facto from the Answer following sources 1 Received from COD, Delhi Cantt. E 2 Received from M/s Auto Parts of India Limited, C Gurgaon, Hariyana 3 G 4 Received from Production under `41' series of Work Order Received from DGS&D 5 Received from M/s. XXXX of France D 6 Received from Vehicle Factory, Jabalpur F Q8. Against the pricing of Issue documents from store certain answer has given in the box "X". If you don't agree the answer given in the box "X", please give the correct answer under the box "Y" quoting only A or B or C or D PRICING OF BOX "X" Payment Issue (A) At Sale Rate BOX "Y" D Return Note (B) Rate at which Receipt Voucher is priced Sale Voucher (C) Monthly average Ledger Rate Loss of Stores- (D) (Average Ledger Rate + 5% in-Transit Addl.Charges) + 5% on (Average Ledger Rate + 5% Addl. Charges) Q9. B C A B Which item(s) would not be taken in to account while preparing Priced Store Account (for both Receipt & Issue transactions) A Receipt Voucher B Red Demand C Demand Note D Issue Voucher E Material Inward Slip ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 93 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ "S" Series Note "S" Series (MIS) Q10. Which is not correct as a Chairman of TPC in a Ordnance Factory A TPC LEVELIII Jt. GM in Charge B TPC LEVELI GM C D TPC LEVEL TPC LEVEL – IV II Works Manager AGM/ Jt. GM in in Charge Charge Q11. Which series of Voucher is required to be prepare for issue of Reserve Stock Pile Stores A "N" Series B "S" Series C "R" Series D "P" Series E "M" Series Q12. Which is/are not the Primary Store document for preparation of Material Abstract? A Demand Note B Red Return Note C Issue Voucher D Return Note Q13. Which section of the Factory Management will open a ledger folio number of any store? A R&E B MCO C WO D PV Q14. Which does not indicate a unorthodox balances in Store cum Provision Ledger A Plus Qty & Minus Value B Minus Qty& Nil Value C Nil Qty & Plus Value D E Plus Qty Plus Qty & Nil & Plus Value Value F Minus Qty& Plus Value G Minus Qty& Minus Value ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 94 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Q15. Requirement of store for next 6 months will be calculated by the Store holder in Store Holder Inability Sheet as: A Monthly consumption X6 B C D (Total (Last quarterly Qty required for each consumption consumption) item of manufacture during last 12 X 2 X No of article months /12) X required to be 6 manufactured for coming 6 months Now Turn Over Sheet ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 95 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ ANSWERS TO QUIZ Question No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Correct Answer C E B D A C Sl. No. 1 – E S1. No. 2 - C Sl. No. 3 - G Sl. No. 4 - B Sl. No. 5 - D Sl. No. 6 – F 8 Payment Issue D Return Note - C Sale Voucher - A Loss of SIT - B Question No 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Correct Answer E A C B&C D E B ASSESS YOURSELF Score less than 15 marks: Need to revisit Chapter again Score between 15 to 20 marks: Well done! Score 20 Plus (+): Wow! You are genius ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 96 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ CHAPTER-III COST ACCOUNTING OBJECTIVE After completing this Chapter you will be able to understand: ï‚· Types of Extracts. ï‚· What is a Warrant? ï‚· Work Orders & its purpose. ï‚· Standard Estimates - their pricing & re-pricing system. ï‚· Cost Card - What does it contain? ï‚· Posting of actual figures from various tabulations in the Cost Card. ï‚· Semi - Concept, Necessity, Pricing & final treatment in Cost Accounting. ï‚· Working out of abnormal rejection cost ï‚· Arriving out Cost of Production and analysis of variances. ï‚· Overheads Accounting - Definition, Classification, Collection, War Insurance Charge ï‚· Allocation and apportionment of Overheads: Step Ladder System. ï‚· Fixation of Budgeted Overheads; Central Budget Committee & Shop Budget Committee. ï‚· Reconciliation between Financial Accounts & Cost Accounts: Principal Ledger - Purpose. ï‚· Capital Assets EXTRACTS An Extract is the authority for the manufacture of an article in a Factory. It is issued by OFB to enable the Factory to undertake manufacture in respect of all out turn Work Orders and certain Indirect Service Work Orders. One Extract is placed for one Work Order. Copies of all Extracts as well as amendments relating thereto will be received in the Accounts ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 97 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Office direct from OFB or through the Finance Division, OFB, if they relate to Army, Navy, Air Force, MES or Stock Orders. CLASSES OF EXTRACTS Extracts are divided into the following classes: Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V For Army Orders and miscellaneous services like repairs for Navy and Air Force For Payment Services For Inter Factory Demands For Stock For Capital Services Open Extracts Before the commencement of each financial year, open extracts for various services pertaining to all classes of extracts are issued to the Factories by the OFB. An open Extract is a general authority for Factories to carry out miscellaneous and petty services falling under Classes I, IV and V for which specific sanction of the OFB is not required in each individual case. An Open Extracts allotted for Class II, the General Manager can carry out work of Payment Services in each case up to the limit of his financial power without asking separate Extracts to the OFB. Similarly, a Class III Open Extract is sufficient authority for a Factory to undertake manufacture, repair or other work for sister Ordnance Factories on receipt of an Inter Factory Demand (IFD) received from other Ordnance Factories without further reference to the OFB. WARRANT It is an authority for undertaking manufacture of an article by the Productive Shop/Section. It is issued by the General Manager of the Factory. Work Office of the Factory issued Warrant to the respective Manufacturing Sections to undertake the job. It contains Material to be used and operation wise Trade/Grade of labour to be employed to ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 98 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ complete the article to be manufactured. A Warrant Number is of five digits, e.g. 0000/0, where the fifth digit denotes as under: 0 for Main Warrant Number 1 for Extra Labour demployed as per NRR 2 for Extra Material drawn as per NRM 3 for Replacement Warrant for excess rejection 4 for Additional number of the existing warrant Duration of Warrants Normal duration of Warrants for work other than Capital Works (New or Repair) is Six months only. Approval for further extension may be obtained from DGOF Action Taken by Accounts Office on receipt of Warrant A warrant is received by Costing Section of Accounts Office & issued by Works Office of the Ordnance Factory. A warrant contains two parts:  Manufacturing Warrant  Material Warrant Manufacturing Warrant contains the following:  Original Authority for doing the work i.e. Extract Number  A Relevant Estimate Number  Description of the Work  SWO Number  Quantity of work to be done  Operation to be performed  Trade & Grade of Labourer to be employed  Time required for operation  Hourly Rate of the operator  Total amount of Basic labour required Material Warrant contains the following:  Nomenclature of the materials required for the product to be manufactured  Ledger Folio Number of the material  Unit of the material e.g. Kg, Litre, Meter etc. in codified number ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 99 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________  Quantity of material required  Remarks Costing Section, on receipt the Warrant, will enter in the Warrant Register and open Cost Card as well as Production Ledger Card of the item to be manufactured. The manufacturing part of the warrant will be then forwarded to Labour Section for checking and payment of Piece Work / Day Work Cards & posting of primary documents on it. Similarly, Material Warrant will be sent to Material Section [Ledger Group) for checking the admissibility of the material drawn/return as per given in the Warrant & finally posting of Primary documents i.e. Demand Notes & Return Notes etc. on it. Costing Section will also watch the completion of the Warrant through Warrant Register. No Cost Card as well as Production Ledger Card will be open for Indirect Series of Work Orders. On completion of a Warrant, Costing Section will call back Accounts Copy of the Warrant from Material and Labour Section respectively and pair with the completed Shop copy. These will be attached with the relevant Cost Card for scrutiny of variances and arrive out the Cost of Production as well as actual Unit Cost of the Product. Work Orders A Work Order is a codified list consisting of nine digits and represents for which service is to be rendered by its first two digits, nomenclature of the subject store to be manufactured by next five digits and last two digits will indicate the code number, of the shop/section who will undertake the manufacture. Where a operations is passed through various shop/section for completion of the manufacture the last two digits in the case will be 00. Work Order Serial 01 For Fixed Charges 02 For Variable Charges 03 For Process Material 04 For Capital Services 05 For Repairs & Conversion 06 For Cost of Packing ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 100 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ 08 10 11 12 13 40 41 50 51 60 70 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 96 For Conversion of Timber For Manufacture for Stock of article other than Standard Packages and Component of Out turn Orders For Manufacture of articles for Stock for eventual utilization in issue to Trade For Manufacture for Stock of Standard Packages For Manufacture for Stock of Components of another Orders including Ammunition For Manufacture of Components for Except Orders For Manufacture of PPL Items For Educational Orders For Expenditure for NCC Organization For Development Orders For Issues/Services to Inter Factory Demand For Payment Services to private Civil Inventors For Payment Services to members of permanent Establishment For Payment Services to all Central Govt. departments except MHA For Payment Services to State Govt. and Union Territories (other than State Police) For Services to Foreign Governments For Services to Air Force For Services to Navy For Services to R&D Organisation For Services to Inspection Organization For Services to MES For Services to Army For Services for presentation purposes to MOD For Services to other Defence Departments For Services to MHA For Services to PSU & Autonomous Bodies For Services to State Police/ State Police of Union Territory In the above Series of Work Orders, the "01" and "02" Series are known as Indirect Series of Work Orders. Rest of the Work Orders represents Direct Series of Work Orders. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 101 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ PRICING OF ESTIMATES.COST ABSTRACT AND SEMI-PRICING Pricing of Estimates In Branch Accounts Offices it is the primary duty of the Accounts Office to ascertain the cost of the materials/items produced in the Factory. This job is being dealt with in the costing system of the Branch Accounts Offices. To ascertain the expected requirement of labour and material operation for a particular item of production is called Estimation. Therefore from the central point of view in utilization of material and labour, Estimates are playing a vital role. In Ordnance Factories for each item of product an estimate of the item is prepared by the Management wherein how much material is to be processed for production of 1 or 100 items is shown with scraps to be recovered and how much will be loss in process. In labour side they will exhibit labour operation details in each section through which the material will pass to convert it to a finished good. It will show the item required for each operation and total rate for the operation and total rate for the operation (total time X hourly rate) On receipt of these estimates in the Local Branch Accounts Office for pricing and post audit the ‘Labour Section’ will verify the labour operations and rates with reference to the original sheets of piece work rates viz. data cards, operations sheets, rate forms etc., as the case may be. The Labour and Material estimates will thereafter be sent to the costing section for entering on the costing package maintained in the computer system for pricing and posting in the cost card for warrant quantity as and when opened with reference to warrant released by the respective Ordnance Factory Management. Similarly, the material portion will also be verified by with the ‘Material Section’ and sent to costing section for pricing through package and posting in the cost card for warrant quantity. Labour estimate print out should be given to the Labour section and material estimate print out handed over to Material section for record. Variable and Fixed rates at annual budgeted rate are ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 102 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ levied by the system at the time of pricing. The Priced Estimate Report containing summary of the value under labour and materials, variable and fixed overheads, showing the minimum and maximum rate of estimate with reference to rejection will then be forwarded to the respective Ordnance Factory as required, retaining a copy for use in the account office (601D) When a new item is proposed to be produced in a Factory Provisional Estimate is prepared. On standardization of the item the Estimate also standardized after minor modification as per actual requirement. On standardization of Estimate, the Estimate plays an important role in controlling the expenditure as on the basis of these Estimates provision of labour and material operation is made in Warrants (Material Warrant & Manufacturing Warrants respectively) which is the limitation of the labour employment or drawal of material for the Batch Production. The priced estimates forwarded by the BAOs is treated as financial vetting of estimates by the BAO. Any amendment to these vetted estimates by the factory should again be submitted to the BAO for audit and re-vetting before the amended hours are used in production / material is authorized for drawl through demand notes. BAO before vetting the revised estimates should verify, with reference to data available with them, whether the increase / decrease is at par with the actuals of the pattern of utilization in the earlier warrants. Any change in estimate by the factory IED section can be done only with preconcurrence by costing section of LAO. The concordance list shall be prepared viz-a-vis previous estimates by the IED and when agreed by costing section based on sound justification will be frozen and no changes thereafter are permitted unilaterally by the IED section. (601E) POINTS TO BE NOTED Whenever the PW profit % exceeds 50% the BAO should forward the list of related labour estimates to the factory to review the authorization with a request to downwardly revise the SMH requirement for the connected operations of the estimates. A monthly list of profit % exceeding 50% may be generated from the wage roll package and sent to costing section in soft and hard copy. Thereafter the costing section may ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 103 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ take up the same with IED Section for remedial action. Periodical reminders and follow up action through ULMC etc may be done. (601e) COST CARDS Each Warrant against a certain Work Order is a authority for undertaking production of a batch. Against each Warrant a Cost Card is opened in Accounts Office to watch production of a batch. Information available in the Cost Cards (1) Authority for Production i.e. Extract No. or IFD No. (2) Work Order No and Warrant No. (3) Quantity Ordered. (4) Estimate No(s). Source of Postings (1) Labour Abstract: All piece work cards, day work cards, allocation sheets and the labour punching media pertaining to a month are sent to the E.D.P. Section of the Accounts Office for the preparation of labour abstract through Costing Package. While forwarding these documents, the Labour Section also intimates control totals of each kind of document pertaining to each section. The Labour Abstract is prepared section-wise showing each work order and warrant the amount of labour booked. Charges shown in the labour abstract are inclusive of all elements of pay as mentioned in Para 200A and 200B above. A top sheet is also prepared for each section showing the total charges booked against each work order series (01, 02, 70, 90, etc. series) and also the grand total for the section. (229) . Material Abstract is prepared / printed from the primary documents called Demand Notes and Return Notes. Transfer voucher, Allocation Abstract, Component Abstracts. Component Abstracts are prepared through costing package from Red demand note and Return Notes. (624) When a Cost Card is opened the monthly expenditure against the warrant from Labour and Material Abstract is posted Section-wise. On ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 104 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ taking the labour payment for full quantity ordered against a Warrant. On such declaration the Accounts Office will undertake closing of the said Cost Card. They will prepare Estimated Cost of the Warrant with reference to the Estimate and review the drawal of material and labour operation taken to identify the variation, if any, with reasons. They should also scrutinize whether any extra material is drawn or any extra operation is taken. This scrutiny is to be exercised with reference to provision of Warrant. The staffs concerned then record the reasons for variation in the Cost Card and sent it to Factory Management for their information. Semi Concept In the process of Production it is not expected that all the items placed on pipeline will be completed within the running financial year i.e. within 31st . March of a year. So the question of ascertainment of cost of the item in pipelines i.e. incomplete articles and No. Since completed against the Warrants not declared closed by the Management within the financial year arise. On 31st March the Management will take the stock taking at each Shop floor to identify the items still on pipeline and will record in a Statement called Semi Statement and forwarded the same to the Accounts Office for evaluation. Accounts Office will verify the correctness of the record and will get it modified by them if any wrong is detected. Then the Accounts Office will evaluate the Semis well before the closing of the accounts of the year, with reference to drawal position and labour payment taken and will segregate thus arrived at cost of the incomplete items to be shown as Unfinished semi. An example is shown below: W.O Wt No.0011010 Section 01 02 Total Value of Completed Articles Value of Unfinished semi Quantity ordered Quantity accepted Labour 100 100 Material 5000 VOH 300 200 FOH 200 100 Total 5600 400 200 150 5000 3000 500 300 300 150 6000 3600 50 2000 200 150 2400 ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 105 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Cost Abstract: Cost Abstract is the codified printout of primary documents. It is printed monthly showing the Work Order, Warrant No nature of document etc. Nature of Cost Tabulation: It is printed from PW Cards, DW Cards, Allocation Sheet, Labour Punching Medium I, II, and III. It also shows Sections in which cost occurs. Material Abstracts: It is printed from Demand Notes and Return Notes, Adjustment vouchers. Against each entry document no nature of document are also shown. Return Notes are exhibited as minus. T V Abstracts: When the cost is transferred from one Work Order to another Work Order, the same is exhibited in this abstract Subsidiary Abstract: SVC-Sectional Variable Charges, It is printed from collection of figures from Labour, Material Abstracts and also from Overhead Allocation against 02 Series of Work Orders. SFC-Sectional Fixed Charges, It is equally printed in respect of 01 Series of Work Orders. Master Cost Cards (MCC) It is a Work Order summary of tabulation printed quarterly from above three main Abstracts. PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING COST ACCOUNTING: OVERHEADS Definition: Overhead Charges constitute a Class of Cost, which cannot be directly charged to the Product. To arrive at a true Cost of the Product it is essential that a proper system of accounting of charges incurred by the Service Sections or by the Production Section itself in the shape of supervision, security, welfare, power, steam water are collected and distributed to the Products) of the Shop. Service Charges of the above nature, which are common to all the Production Sections but cannot be ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 106 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ charged directly to the output of that Section/Shop, are called Indirect Charges or Overheads. Classification of Overhead Expenses: Under the existing system, Overhead Charges arising in Ordnance and Ordnance Equipment Factories are classified into Variable and Fixed categories, the former being recovered in full against Production and the latter at predetermined percentages after deduction of the War Insurance Charges and certain expenditure which are kept out of Production Cost. In Cost Accounting, Overhead expenses, which are in sympathy with the load of the Factory, are classified as `Variable' and these expenses, the magnitude of which would depend upon policy decision and generally remain constant irrespective of the load/volume of Production are classified as ‘Fixed’ Charges. Item of expenditure classified as Fixed and Variable are detailed in ‘01’ & ‘02’ Series of the Syllabus of Work Orders respectively. At present there are 55 Work Orders under ‘01’ Series and 26 Work Orders under `02' Series. The fixed overhead expenses comprise of items of expenditure relating to the pay and allowances of staff and officers of the factory other than those treated as Variable, cost of various training schemes, repairs and maintenance of buildings, roads, railway sidings and electrical installations, depreciation of buildings, machinery and assets other than machinery, social overheads such as estate dispensary, conservancy, road lighting, factory school, Labour Welfare Fund, Central Administration of both factory and Accounts, pay and allowances of Accounts Office etc. The expenses pertaining to fixed overheads are booked to ‘01’ series of work order. (530) Collection of Overhead Expenses: The first step in the accounting and allocation of Overheads is their Departmentalization. The Overhead expenses (whether Variable or Fixed) pertaining to each Manufacturing Centre (Cost Centre) are collected together so that the Overhead Charges for each Shop may be charged to the output of that particular Shop or Cost Centre. The Overhead expenses incurred for a Shop may be incurred either by that Shop or by other Shops on its behalf as service rendered with a view to collecting together both these types of expenditure, last two digits of `01' & `02' Series of Work Order numbers ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 107 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ are used to indicate the Manufacturing Centre/Shop for which expenditure is incurred. The shop or centre in a factory may be ‘productive’, ‘service’ (non-productive) or both. The total variable overhead expenditure for the factory plus such proportion of the fixed expenditure as is chargeable to the output, has to be charged to the outturn of the factory. To this end, and with a view to obtain correct allocation of costs, the overhead expenditure pertaining to any productive shop/cost centre in any cost period is to be charged to the production of that shop during the period. It is at the same time necessary that the overhead expenditure for the same period pertaining to the service sections should also be charged to the cost of outturn of the factory. For this purpose, the overhead expenses of the ‘Service Sections’ are allocated to the “Production Sections” in proportion to the service rendered by the former to the latter (or any other suitable basis) and added to the overhead expenses of the latter in accordance with the instructions issued by the Principal Controller of Accounts (Factories) from time to time. (540) Estimation and Fixation of Overhead Percentages: The Variable and Fixed charges are levied as rate per SMH on direct labour hour. These overhead rate per SMH vary from shop to shop. The overhead rate per SMH to be levied are to be pre-determined for each financial year based on the assessment of direct labour hours, variable charges, fixed charges for the different shops/cost centres of the factory. Before the commencement of the financial year, the anticipated expenditure for the ensuing financial year against the various indirect work orders under ‘01’ and ‘02’ series should be worked out, based on the past actuals, taking into consideration the anticipated changes on account of production programme for the ensuing year. Similarly a realistic estimate of the production of principal items expected from various production shop/cost centres should be drawn up on the basis of orders existing as well as other known factors. The anticipated output from the different sections should preferably be drawn on the monthly basis. Having worked the anticipated output for different sections, steps should be taken to find out the direct labour hours requirement for each quarter of different sections/ cost centres from standard estimates, manufacturing warrants S.W.O.Ds etc. The direct labour hours so ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 108 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ arrived at will be used as reference point for working out variable/fixed overhead rate per SMH. The anticipated variable/fixed overhead for the purpose of charging to the Cost of Individual jobs in an equitable manner, a rate is worked out, separately for each production section/Cost Centre using the formula given below: Total Variable/Fixed Charges (including share of service section) of the Production Section -------------------------------------------------------------------------Total Production Man Hour or Standard Man Hour (SMH) = Variable/Fixed Overhead Rate (per SMH) A suitable percentage should be added for Ad-hoc orders based on past performance of shop/ cost centre and anticipated feeding of such orders, to the section during the quarter. A suitable adjustment should be made for factors such as unexpected hold up, delay in procurement of materials etc. The entire forecast should be on realistic basis taking into account the capacity of these sections, process involved and other similar factors having a bearing on the output of the factory/section/cost centre. To the direct labour hours so arrived at, suitable percentage should be added for taking into account the latest actual and possible future trends. The formula for assessment of man-hours required for Production (i) Standard man-hours for the production of Principal Items of manufacture during the year as per standard Estimates. (ii) Add Standard man-hours required for non Principal Items by applying ratio, which the direct labour content of the principal items bear to that of non-principal item. (iii) Add/Deduct Standard man-hours employed on increase in/decrease in semi-manufacture. (iv) Total man-hour for Direct Labour will be total of (i), (ii) and (iii). (v) Add estimated man-hours required for indirect labour to be assessed either on the basis of the ratio of number of men on indirect labour as furnished against item 1 (b) and 1(a) of the Financial Activities Report/or on the basis of rates of Basic Direct Labour minus the Piece Work Profit to Basic Indirect Labour. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 109 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ (vi) Add 15 per cent of the total of (iv) and (v) to cater for estimated absenteeism. (vii)Total man-hours required for Direct and Indirect-Labour (iv) + (v) + (vi). Levy of Overhead Charges: The accounting of Variable Overhead Expenses involves: (i) The collection of actual variable expenditure for each shop or cost centre monthly for each costing period. (ii) The charging to each job executed during the period i.e. a month, its proportion of variable overhead charges by levying the appropriate rate per SMH fixed by the Central Budget Committee on Direct Labour hours. The actual variable overhead expenditure is compiled in IAF (Fac)-102. The expenditure under '01' and '02' Series of Work Order are allocated to the various jobs by changing predetermined percentages on 'Direct Labour. These percentages vary from Shop to Shop. The difference between the actual expenditure and those levied at predetermined percentages is called Unabsorbed Fixed and Variable Charges. If the actual are more than the amount levied, then there is under absorption. If the levied amount is more than the actual, then there is over absorption. These under/over absorption should not exceed (+) or (-) 5%. If so, the difference should be charged to the production by relying it overall the work orders in proportion to the value of Direct Labour. Variable Charges - Distribution of: The Variable Charges are to be estimated for each quarter of the year separately Shop wise and Work Order wise and thereafter aggregated for the year as a whole. As a result, budget figure for each quarter will be available against which actual should be compared and analyzed after estimating the Variable Charges of each Section, the percentage as decided by the Management and Accounts Officer are distributed/charged from one Service Section to another Service/Production Section. Accounting of Variable Overhead Expenses: Accounting of Variable Overhead Expenses involves two phases viz. (I) collection of actual variable expenditure for each Shop or Cost Centre monthly for each ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 110 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Costing Period and (ii) charging to each job executed during the Costing Period. After the collection of Variable Charges the amount thereof chargeable to Production i.e. the leviable amount is to be determined.(For this purpose, the items of expenditure, such as abnormal losses/profits on sale of surplus stores, losses relating to surplus stock, etc. are deducted from the actual Variable Charges). Budgetary Control of Variable Overhead: The expenditure on items of variable overheads of a Factory fluctuates from period to period not necessarily in direct proportion to the volume of production but largely so, and in sympathy with it. Methods of control have, therefore, to be instituted with a view to enabling the Management to judge that such expenditure is not proceeding at a rate unwarranted by the load of the factory. For this purpose, a comparison of the ratio of indirect labour to direct labour from month to month will be greatly helpful in as much as the fluctuation of indirect labour will be mainly due to the fluctuation of variable overheads (the fixed overheads remaining more or less undisturbed). Attempts should be made to locate the particular items of variable charges fluctuating abnormally i.e. not at par with the fluctuation of the load. This can be done by scrutiny of the variable overhead statements of the periods involved. Again comparison of the different elements of cost i.e. labour, material, variable overheads and fixed overheads through suitable graph charts for different periods will reveal the abnormal fluctuation in any particular class of cost not compatible with the other elements. Attempts to go deep into the primary documents should therefore be made in order to determine the reasons for abnormal fluctuations and to suggest to the Management the remedial measures thereof. In this connection instructions issued by PC of A (Fys) from time to time should be carefully followed (575A) War Insurance Charges: The maximum installed capacity of a Factory to meet the requirement of the Services in times of War is assessed on the basis of working 2 Shifts of 10 hours each per day for 25 days per month in the case of Batch Operation Plants and 3 Shifts of 8 hours per day for 22 days per month in case of Continuous Chemical Process Plants. This is the peak load of a factory. The normal capacity of a factory is based on the Datum load. Datum load is 45% /40% each of the items of production at peak load for general Engineering factories/process factories. Thus under the normal circumstances the ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 111 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ fixed overheads incurred will be for the war requirement whereas the capacity utilized will not (531) . Before the commencement of the accounting year therefore, the surplus of all the elements of fixed overheads which are being maintained at war requirement and which are over and above what will be required for the year’s production programme should be identified with reference to the installed capacity and the cost of these assessed separately. When the actual load is poor, say 60 per cent of full single shift load, although the fixed charges were expected to remain the same, only 60 per cent of the fixed charges would be recovered. The cost of balance 40% should be treated as war Insurance charges and deducted from the estimated fixed overhead charge’s of the factory for the year In the present scenario, the war insurance charges are not applied while calculating the fixed charges and the total capacity of a factory is utilized in production of the items manufactured. In the new system rate of levy of fixed and variable overheads (FOH &VOH) are worked out “per SMH” (Standard Man Hour) of deployment into direct production jobs (i.e. booked to Direct Series of Work Order). Hours of deployment of Day Workers into production job will also form part of SMH. In case of deployment of Contract Labour in production jobs (expenditure debitable to 805/11), hours of deployment of Contract Labour in production jobs also needs to be considered as SMH for determination of VOH & FOH rate per SMH for each production section. (532,533) Accounting and levy of Fixed Overhead Expenses: The Direct Labour Hour (Production Man Hour or Standard Man Hour) for the ensuing year will be estimated on the basis of production programme. The fixed charges comprise of certain item of expenditure which is directly accounted for under ‘01’ series through primary document such as indirect material booked through Demand Note/Return Note, indirect labour booked through Day Work Cards/Allocation sheets. However certain elements of fixed charges are not booked through primary documents such as Pay and Allowances, Depreciation, losses, profits etc.. In order that these latter charges may also be compiled under the relevant work orders, certain adjustments through allocation sheet are required to be made every month. The intention is that the total figures booked under 01 series, (whether the expenditure incurred is booked initially in the primary cost Accounting Record or in the primary financial accounting records) should represent the total of the fixed charges for the factory concerned e.g. expenditure on work order 01/00026/00 ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 112 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Services for OFB will be charged to this work order directly through these records and no other document will be prepared. Pay and Allowances of Clerical and other Staff, NGOs, Officers etc (i) Pay and Allowances of Clerical and other Staff, NGOs, Officers etc(ii) Central Administration (Fys) and Central Administration (Accounts) These amounts communicated annually by the Principal Controller of Accounts (Factories) should be debited through the allocation sheet at the rate of 1/12th month, subject to readjustment of revision of estimate. The Annual Accounts Section of the Office of the PC of A (Fys) works out the figures on the following basis: Expenditure on the OFB Directorate including Addl. DGOF (OEF) HQrs [Addl. DGOF (HVF) HQrs] is classified as (a) Effective Charges representing pay and allowances and other miscellaneous charges and (b) Non-effective Charges Superannuation charges and Government contribution to Provident Fund. The total of (a) and (b) is then distributed over factories on the basis of direct labour incurred by each factory and intimated to the Accounts Offices for adjustment through allocation sheets. Expenditure on the PC of A (Fys), Main Office (excluding that of Railway Section) less 12.5% to cover expenditure incurred on audit and accounts work of allied inspectorates, R&D Establishment is apportioned first between (i) accounts and (ii) internal check (44 % and 56 % respectively). The cost of EDP Section attached to the main office is then added with the Accounts cost. The total of both (i) accounts and (ii) internal check is then distributed over factories on the basis of Pay and Allowances of the Branch Accounts Offices and intimated to Accounts offices for adjustment through allocation sheets. Incidental and Miscellaneous Expenses: All expenditure on Incidental and Miscellaneous charges will be booked to the fixed charges . Superannuation charges should be calculated based on the rates/percentage for various categories intimated from time to time. The amount of superannuation charges debitable to the overheads of the factories during a year on account or pensionable establishments employed in the factories and in the Accounts Offices should be worked out separately and allocated monthly. Superannuation charges are to be calculated for temporary personnel who are eligible for pension (i.e. IEs, N.I.Es, N.G.Os & G.Os) monthly, with reference to the posts actually held from time to time. Government matching contribution towards of New Pension Scheme to be booked in fixed charges. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 113 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ The expenditure on maintenance of industrial and office buildings provided exclusively for the Technical Development Establishment which are situated in the factory are booked in the books of the M.E.S. The maintenance expenditure of buildings which are partly used by factory and partly by the Technical Development Establishment are booked in the books of the factories. Maintenance work of all buildings, whether partly or fully used by the Technical Development Establishment, will be carried out from the factory budget. Full maintenance charges for building used exclusively and pro-rata charges for building used partly by the Technical Development Establishment will be debited against the M.E.S. by the Accounts Officer. Training Expenses incurred other than by OFIL (Ordnance Factories Institute of Learning) but by the Factory itself to be collected by the Branch AO concerned and to be reflected against appropriate work order in Indirect Expenditure Statement. Such expenditure where necessary to be distributed amongst the beneficiary factories as per percentages intimated by the PCA(Fys), Kolkata. Miscellaneous Indirect Service for other Factories and formations. In the case of two or more factories having common Estate the Accounts Office of the factory incurring the expenditure apportions the charges on suitable basis to other factories and formation. While the total expenditure is booked to the appropriate indirect work order, credit is taken against this order. The total cost of medical establishment will be compiled viz. Estate dispensary and Hospital (including Hygiene Cell) etc. in the factory to which Medical Establishment is attached. Proportionate cost will be compiled and the amount will be intimated to the Accounts Office of the other factory on whose behalf the expenditure is incurred. All adjustments should be carried out through allocation sheets. OFB has created/setup twelve autonomous ODCs by restructuring the existing Research and Development (R&D) setup. For the purpose of accumulation of expenditure and accounting as per code heads allotted by PCA (Fys) Accounts Section, each ODC and each R&D Project will be treated/reckoned as separate cost centre. OFB issues extracts authorizing factories to undertake R&D project for development based on the proposals of ODC. On receipt of Extract for ODC the concerned Factory prepares separate estimate for each R&D project undertaken by ODC. The expenditure incurred against each R&D project undertaken by ODC will be booked to work order 01/00057/00 by the Local Accounts Office of the factory to which ODC is attached. Total expenditure booked to Work Order 01/00057/00 during a month will be relieved by contra crediting to Work Order 01/20141/00. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 114 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Basis of Allocation of charges which cannot be definitely allocated to any particular section There are certain items of fixed charges which cannot be definitely allocated to any particular section, but which are common to the factory. The total expenditure for each such item of the factory should be allocated to the sections on some predetermined basis which should be approved by the G.M. of the factory. Some items of this type are mentioned below and against each is shown, the basis which may be adopted to allocate it to the various sections/cost centres. The list is not exhaustive and it is also probable that local conditions may warrant the use of an alternative basis which would give a more equitable allocation of the charges even for the items included therein. In such cases, the local Accounts Officer should arrive at a suitable basis in consultation with the management. Basis Number of workmen in each section Description Conservancy, road lighting and maintenance Estate Revenue & expenditure Miscellaneous in direct services for other factories/ formations Number of employees in Unclaimed Wages lapsed Accident prevention Rates, rents each section & Taxes, recovered from occupants of factory quarters. On the basis of Direct Departmental experiments Manufacture, up keep of Labour in section. samples etc. Factory School. In proportion to the Capital value of Maintenance of Buildings, Roads etc Buildings On the basis of the salaries of staff in Superannuation Charges each section ‘Direct’ Labour Pay of clerks etc. Gazetted Officers and NGOs Peons, orderlies and messengers After the posting of the fixed charges section/cost Centre wise, a step-ladder will be prepared for allocating the charges of services sections to production sections. The percentages or factors of allocation to each productive shop will be fixed, in consultation with the Management of the factory and should represent fairly the relations between the value of the service rendered by service section and production activities of the factory. Ascertainment of the actual fixed charges The Sectional Fixed charges (SFC) statement is generated from data of labour, material and transfer voucher abstracts, sectional variable charges statements and component abstracts. The sectional fixed charges statement shows the monthly expenditure incurred under ‘01’ series work orders for the shop concerned, whether in the shop itself or in other shops. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 115 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ The difference between the chargeable fixed charges and the actual levied amount should be shown- as under/over absorbed fixed charges provided the same does not exceed ±5% of the chargeable amount. If it or the difference exceeds 5%, the difference will be charged to production by re-levying the difference over all the work orders in proportion to the value of direct labour. SEMI STATEMENT – PRICING At the end of each financial year, the actual Stock will be taken by the Factory of the unused materials and part finished works of all running warrants. Full list is made showing the stage of manufacture against each item, quantity of materials drawn against warrant but found either in part finished conditions or unused. The Statement will also show `the Extract Number, Work Order Number & Warrant Number. The Semi Statement will be verified with reference to Manufacture and Material Warrants, Warrant Registers, Cost Cards and Production Ledger Cards as to establish the correctness of the quantity shown therein and the discrepancies found in the Semi Statements would be sorted out jointly by the Accounts representative with the Factory Management within 15th April. The evaluation of Work in Progress should be completed by the end of April. When no article have been found completed in a particular Warrant, the whole expenditure appeared in the relevant Cost Card will represent the amount of Work in Progress of the Warrant. The Semi Statement will show the amount incurred against such Warrant and need not to be valued separately. The total value of the Semi manufacture under each Work Order and Warrant will be posted in an Abstract and will be credited in the relevant Cost Card under each element of Cost. A Master Summary will also be prepared showing the value of the Work in Progress under each element of cost Work Order wise. Total value of the Semi Statement for all the Warrants against each Work Order will represent the value of Work in Progress of that particular series of Work Order. Thus the total value of Semi as on 31st March will be credited to the Work in Progress Account by debiting The ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 116 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Balance Account and thereby exhibiting the balance as "Assets" in the “Statement of Assets & Liabilities” of the Factory. In the following year, this asset will represent Work in Progress as on 1st. April of the year. CHECK EXERCISED BY THE ACCOUNTS OFFICE 1. Costing Section: Scrutiny with reference to Warrant Register to ensure that all incomplete Warrants have been included 2. Material Section: Verify with reference to the posting in the relevant Material Warrants that the quantities of Material shown are correct and the Materials were priced at the same rate in which corresponding Demand/Return Notes on bulk drawal were priced. 3. Labour Section: Verify with reference to the posting in the relevant Manufacturing Warrants that the operation shown as performed are correct and pricing of these operations are at correct rates. 4. Costing Section: Final scrutiny with reference to the Cost Cards and Production Ledger Cards and will levy DA and Overheads percentages for preparation of Abstract of Semi in respect of each Work Order and Warrant for working out the Cost of Production. COST CARD - OPENING AND CLOSING Cost Card by Warrants will be maintained manually in the local Accounts Office in prescribed Proforma. For this purpose Cost Card will be opened immediately a Warrant is issued. Particulars regarding Extract No., Quantity ordered, Work Order/Warrant No., Nomenclature of the item to be manufactured and element wise Estimated Cost will be filled in. Opening of the Cost Card will be authorised by the Section Officer. In the case of Warrants which are carried forward from the previous year, opening value of the semi under the different element of cost as well as the estimated cost of items will be filled in. POSTING IN THE COST CARD Posting in the Cost Card will be done by the Auditor concerned of Costing Section from the following monthly Abstracts received from EDP Centre: ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 117 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________      Material Abstract Labour Abstract Overheads Abstract Transfer Voucher Abstract Component Abstract Closing of Cost Card When Warrants will be declared Costing Section from the following monthly Abstracts received from EDP Centre:      Material Abstract Labour Abstract Overheads Abstract Transfer Voucher Abstract Component Abstract Closing of Cost Card When Warrants will be declared completed, a list showing the names of Warrants along with completed Shop copies will be received in Accounts Office. Costing Section will called for the Accounts copies both Manufacturing as well as Material Warrants duly filled in from Labour and Material Sections respectively and paired with the completed Shop copies and tagged up with the relevant Cost Card for taking necessary action to close them. To ascertain the actual Cost of Product as well as unit element of Cost and Unit cost of product it is very much essential to close a Cost Card. Moreover, any variation in element of cost should be critically analysed while closing a Cost Card so that the same could be taken into the notice of Factory Management to take remedial action for future production of the article. In the case of Warrants running from the previous year it should be ensured that the Cost Card has been debited with opening semi, if any. Replacement warrant and Warrants for Tools & Gauges manufacture on the parent Work Order with sub numbers will similarly be annexed with respective Cost Card and all enclosed to the Cost Card for the parent Work Order. It should be ensured that the details of all ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 118 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ expenditure recorded against a Warrant should be available when a Warrant is finally closed, no matter how long a Warrant has been running. The original Cost Card of the past year/years in regard to a warrant closed in the current year should be available. The class of cost wise expenditure debited to the Work Order during a year by section and month separately and the class of cost wise value of the opening semi, if any, will be cross totaled and reconciled. The total figures under each element of cost appearing in the Cost Cards for replacement and tool and gauge warrant will be brought forward and debited separately to the cost card for the parent work order. All the debits viz. The opening semi expenditure during the year, cost of replacement, tool and gauges charges by class of cost will be crosstotaled and reconciled. It is also to be determined whether any avoidable rejection has occurred in the warrant. The amount of avoidable rejection will be calculated and deducted from the expenditure recorded in the Cost Card. This amount will be excluded from Production Account of the Factory. Comparison of Actual Cost and Estimated Cost The element wise actual cost of a product may vary from its estimated cost. If the variation is more than (+/-) 10%, the reasons for variation should be done critically. Generally variation may occur due to following reasons: Variation in Labour Cost Due to  Change in DA%  Rejections  Replacement  Performance of more or less operations  Wrong preparation of Piece Work Cards  Wrong pricing of Piece Work Cards  Deployment of other Trade/Grade of Labour as well as Day Worker instead of Piece worker  Changes in method of manufacture  Wrong posting in Cost Card  Wrong assessment of Semi ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 119 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________  Use of NRRs Variation in Material Cost Due to  Rejection and Replacement  Change in Average Ledger Rates  Wrong preparation of Demand/Return Notes  Wrong pricing of Demand/Return Notes  Wrong pricing/posting of Transfer Vouchers  Wrong assessment of Semi  Costly materials drawn  In lieu material drawn  Material drawn through NRMs Variation in Overheads Cost Due to ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· Variation in labour cost as explained above Variation of percentages of overheads Wrong posting in Cost Card Wrong assessment of Semi Analysis of Expenditure and Elements of Cost The expenditure incurred in manufacture is classified under three main categories viz. (a) Wages paid to Industrial Workers (b) Materials And (c) Other Expenses In relation to Product Costs, the expenditure falling under the above three categories are further classified as DIRECT and INDIRECT expenditure. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 120 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ For the purpose of Costing, Wages are analyzed into DIRECT LABOUR Cost and INDIRECT LABOUR Cost Similarly, Materials are analyzed into DIRECT MATERIAL Cost and INDIRECT MATERIAL Cost. Other Expenses, the bulk of which represents Salaries paid to Supervisory Staff and Administrative Personnel fall under the category of INDIRECT Expenditure Indirect Labour, Indirect Material and other Indirect Expenses together constitute the Overhead Expenditure of the Factory. While the Direct Labour Expenditure and Direct Material Expenditure incurred in the manufacture of each product can be measured accurately and charged direct to each, job, the Overhead Expenditure representing the cost of various production and administrative services incidental to Production can not be charged directly to each job such expenditure being common to all production activity is apportioned to the cost of each job as equitable as possible following certain well recognized cost accounting principles By means of the above type of analysis, the cost of each article manufactured in the Factory is compiled under three elements of Cost viz. (i) Direct Labour, (ii) Direct Material and (iii) Overheads. Abnormal Resection in Manufacture For the purpose of ensuring effective cost control and cost comparison, the cost of any abnormal rejection in manufacture is treated as an item not chargeable to the normal cost of production of an article and is, therefore, shown as a separate item in the Production Account The regularization of abnormal rejection beyond maximum ceiling by loss statement should be related to a period which covers a reasonable volume of production. The period should normally be 3 months for short cycle products and 6 months for long cycled ones. The cost of rejection upto the maximum percentage as authorized in the standard estimate will be included in the cost of production and that beyond the maximum percentage provided in the estimate shall be excluded from production account and regularized as loss, cases of avoidable rejections have been broadly categorized into three types as follows :- ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 121 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ (a) Where an item involved manufacture of various components and assembly and the estimates provide different percentage of allowance for rejection for different components and one manufacture warrant is issued to cover complete production of batch, avoidable losses should be determined component wise, and the total amount for the warrant regularized on one loss statement. (b) Production consists of Casting or Forging and Machining thereof and the estimates provide for rejection allowance at casting/forging stage and the machining stage. In cases where independent warrants for casting/forging and machining are being issued, the losses will be dealt with independently without linking the warrants viz. casting/forging losses will be separate and the machining losses will be separate and will be regularized if they exceed the allowable percentage in such cases. In case only one warrant is issued, the case for loss will arise only if the overall rejection exceeds the allowance percentage for the quantity processed in a batch e.g. if the overall allowable rejection percentage is 16 at casting stage and 12 at machining stage, there will be a case for regularization only if the rejection exceed 28% of the quantity processed in a batch. (c) Production of a component is planned stage wise, there being a separate warrant for each stage. In such cases not only the various warrants for a particular stage but all stages for a particular component shall be combined for practical convenience. Where production is in big quantities, 6 months may be considered as period for grouping and reckoning the loss, but if the production is small, loss shall be determined for the year as a whole. The Ordnance Factory Board will decide the period of grouping. (d) There will generally be a large number of warrants, at the end of each financial year, where only a part of the quantity ordered on the warrant is completed. For the purpose of production accounts, the cost of completed quantity of each such warrant will be worked out by including the cost of actual rejections upto the quantity at the maximum prescribed percentage of unavoidable rejections, if any, merged with the work in progress (un-finished semi) and carried over to the next year. On such part completed warrants, regularization action, if any, will be progressed separately. (f) For purpose of regularization of losses on adhoc orders for which no estimate exist, the normal rule as provided for in F.R. Part I will be followed. If the loss is categorized as unavoidable, the certificate of unavoidability of rejection loss in manufacture under Rule 169 FR Part I will however be issued by O.F.B. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 122 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ (g) All avoidable rejection losses requiring regularization will be categorized as store losses. The consolidated figure of such losses formally written off should be reflected in the Appropriation Account for the year. (h) Each case of loss due to rejection beyond unavoidable rejection percentage will be examined on its merit and categorized as due to theft, fraud or neglect or not due to theft, fraud or neglect in accordance with the procedure laid down in Rule 162 FR Part I. (i) The delegation of financial powers for regularization of abnormal losses as prescribed vide part (ii) above should be viewed as supplementary to the financial powers of various authorities, as prescribed in Rule 162 FR Pt. I and wherever the value of the avoidable loss to be written off by such competent authority irrespective of the actual percentage of rejections. 679A. Calculation of rejection percentage in production process and assessment of percentage and value of rejection (Production Loss Statement) is detailed below: i)The process means the quantity processed for manufacture of product irrespective of ordered quantity. The total process quantity is ordered quantity plus normal rejection plus abnormal rejection (if any). (ii) As per OFB Circular No. 278/SRB/OSW /P(c)/99 dated 03-03-1999, it was clearly mentioned that shop is authorized to draw only upto quantity of finished item for which warrant is issued. If any rejection occurs during the production process, the required quantity of material to replenish such rejected quantity can be drawn on the basis of a certificate obtained from quality control section. iii)To avoid confusion only processed quantity is considered in the present guideline. A. Rejection losses not due to theft, fraud or neglect 1. General Manager: Upto an additional 50 % of unavoidable rejection percentage catered in the standard estimates subject to: a. Rs.10 lakhs where there is no negligence. b. Rs.2 lakhs where there is negligence. 2. DDG/ Operative Division: Upto an additional 75 % of unavoidable rejection percentage catered in the standard estimates subject to: a. Rs. 25 lakhs where there is no negligence. bRs. 10 lakhs where there is negligence. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 123 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ 3. Ordnance Factory Board: Upto an additional 100 % of unavoidable rejection percentage catered in the standard estimates subject to: a. Rs.50 lakhs where there is no negligence. b. Rs.20 lakhs where there is negligence. All the above with the concurrence of LAO. All other cases will require the sanction of the Govt. of India. CLASSIFICATION OF CAPITAL Capital Assets in a factory are classified under three main heads: i) Building ii) Machinery iii) Other items The items falling under Building are; (a) Industrial Building i.e. Building within the four walls of the FY whether used for Production or Non-production purposes any factory sections (except offices) outside factory walls. (b) Non-industrial Building i.e. office outside the Fy. Perimeter wall, Hospitals/ M. I. Room, Staff Club etc., and (c) Residential Buildings Machinery Machinery (including air-cooling plants), Steam lunch barges, Locomotives, Railway Wagon, Station Wagon, Motor lorries, Weighing machine, Sewing machines, Furnaces Other items Other items are water or gas lines, openly visible lines filter units (filter plant for water supplies) incinerators, railway lines and railway sidings (if installed and or maintained by Fys), Tube wells, Remington Accounting Machines etc., Lands, and Roads. Drains, Telephones ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 124 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Chimneys, Electrical installation, Leveling site, Jetties, Steel furniture & fitting, Computer etc BLOCK REGISTER The Accounts of Capital Assets in the Fys are maintained in two Block Registers on IAF (FAC) 77 by Accounts offices, One for Building items and other for Machinery items. Block Register shows: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) The original purchase value. 1st. Year Depreciation Opening balance of the Book Value of the Capital Assets. Addition during the year. Reduction during the year, including Annual Depreciation The closing depreciated book value at the end of the year. Accounting of Machinery/items The value of machinery items purchase from funds provided under Capital will be directly booked against the appropriate minor head for capital and to facilitate this relevant vouchers (which will be assigned numbers in the ‘M’’ series) etc. will be endorsed accordingly by the executive. In cases where this is not possible, they will be compiled to the head for stores, taken to stock and subsequently transferred to ‘capital’ Head by contra minus debit to the appropriate head and draws on demand notes on “Capital Work Orders’ under 04 series. They are subsequently taken on the block register on the authority of Capital Services Voucher numbered in ‘M’ series. In respect of machinery items which are financed from the Renewals Reserve fund, necessary debits will be adjusted by the PCA (Fys) against Capital Head. These are not passed through stock but are taken in Block Registers through ‘M’ series vouchers. The relevant receipt voucher should be duly linked with the disbursement voucher through the medium of a linking register. The register is maintained in two parts: Part I of the register will be maintained in the following proforma: - ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 125 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Sl. Bill No. Nomenclature Amount Rt. Value Different No. disbursement of stores Vr. between Vr. No. etc. No. Col. & 4&6 Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 No. & date of adjustment Vr 8 In part II of the register, linking of the Receipt Vouchers with the corresponding debits/payment is made. Register will maintain in the following proforma and submitted to the A.O. in the 10th of each month Sl. Rt. Nomenclature Amount Bill No. Value Different No Vr. of stores disbursement between No. Vr. No. etc. Col. & 4&6 Date No. & date of adjustment Vr While pricing the ‘M’ series Voucher customs duty at tariff rate will be included if debits have not been received. Suitable linking registers should be maintained for ensuring that the debits are properly linked and that details are called for in respect of outstanding items. Article borne in the inventory lists of shops, when required to be shows in the block registers will be transferred, direct on regular voucher bearing issue vouchers in the inventory series and receipt number in Capital, series Pricing of ‘M’ Series Vouchers Machines, etc. purchased locally are valued at purchase cost plus freight and/or other charges incurred. Machines etc. obtained from England will be priced by the local Accounts Office with reference to the Invoices and Bills of Entries for customs duty or extracts there from furnished to should be ensured that the monthly total as per schedule of Capital Series Vouchers agrees with the month’s total in the linking register them monthly by the Stores Section of the Main Office. For this purpose, ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 126 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ the sterling value in the invoices will be converted at the average rate of exchange. In regard to purchases from foreign sources, pricing should be done with reference to the various contracts, letters of credit issued, debit intimation received etc. The average rate of exchange of the currencies should be adopted for converting into rupee value. Adjustment of the cost of Departmental Works The labour charges incurred in connection with Capital Works carried out departmentally will in the first instance be charged to the detailed head ‘Pay and Allowances of Staff’ in the financial accounts and subsequently debited to the relevant detailed head under ‘Capital’ by minus debit to ‘Pay and Allowance of Staff’. Similarly overhead charges and value of materials drawn for such Capital works will be debited to “Capital by operating the deduct ‘Revenue Head’. The adjustment should be carried out monthly from the figures booked in the labour material and overhead abstracts for the previous month, after proper scrutiny. For this purpose, a Punching Medium for transferring these amounts from Revenue Head of Capital Head will be made out. Block Register The accounts of Capital Assets in the factories are maintained in two Block Registers on IAF (Fac) 77 by Accounts Office. One for Building items and the other for Machinery items. While the Block Register for Machineries will show only the Book Value of the Machinery, a complete record of accounts of the Building items of the factory will be maintained showing the depreciated value of the Buildings at the yearend. Block Register for Machineries will continue to show only the Book Value as it should remain in perpetuity whereas Block Register for Building and other items etc. will show: (i) The original purchase value (ii) First year’s depreciation charges (iii) Opening balance of the book value of Capital Assets other than Plant & Machineries (depreciated book value in the case of depreciable items) (iv) Additions during the year. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 127 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ (v) Reduction during the year (including the annual depreciation) and (vi) The closing depreciated book value at the end of the year. ‘ In the new computerized system and milieu the Block register is prepared and maintained through package. The program will be run in the month of April every year i.e. after closure of the financial year. After closing the Annual Capital Account a printout of Block register generated through package will be taken and kept for record as a Block Register. Important areas of Concern Issues to Army, Navy and AF and other departments are made by debiting the issue codes of Army, Navy and AF etc by Contra -Credit to Fy. Code head. Separate codes have been provided for identifying the nature of stores issued both on the Fy and Army side. It is observed that Br. AOs are not correctly debiting/crediting the appropriate issue code though such mistakes are on the decline. Most care must be exercised while preparing PMs for issue transactions to avoid any mistakes since the amount compiled in such PMs are in crores and any error is viewed seriously. The detailed codes are given in the CS No. 41/98 issued to classification handbook, Defence Services. COST COMPILATION The cost of each article manufactured in the factory is compiled under three elements of cost (i) (ii) (i) Direct Labour Direct Material Overheads Orders for production are placed on the shops in the shape of manufacture and material warrant in the shape of batch or quantity. The warrant along with the standard estimates forms the main instrument for control over utilisation of labour and material on an individual job or batch. This also forms the basis for compilation of cost. Warrant is the authority for utilisation of labour and drawal of materials. Expenditure incurred under the elements of cost viz. Labour, material, variable overheads and fixed overheads are collected warrant____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 128 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ wise. Cost Cards by warrants will be maintained in the Local Accounts Office. Cost Cards will be opened immediately a warrant is issued. Particulars regarding Extract Number, Quantity ordered Work Order / Warrant Number, nomenclature of material and estimated cost under different elements of cost will be filled in. Postings are made on the Cost Cards warrant-wise from Labour, Material and Transfer Voucher Abstracts and Component Abstracts wherever applicable. Accounting of Labour Charges The primary cost accounting documents used for the collection of labour expenditure by jobs and various indirect work orders are as mentioned below: (i) (ii) (ii) (iii) Piece Work Card Day Work Card Allocation Sheet Labour Punching Media Piece Work Cards PW cards are prepared on completion of production and certified as accepted by shops for claiming payment. The PW Cards show: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Ticket No of Piece worker or gang piece work No. The W.O. and Wt. No. Description of work performed Quantity accepted Operation hours admissible The PW cards are initially priced on average hourly rate of the Fy and the difference between Actual Wages paid and card value is levied through DOP and increment percentage. Day work Cards ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 129 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ For Day Workers who are paid by attendance the Shops prepare. DW Cards showing T. No. of workers, W.O., Warrant and time spent on job. Normally one card is prepared for each week. For workers who are continuously engaged on the same job throughout the month, the shops prepare a monthly allocation sheet instead of DW cards. Labour Punching Media For booking payment pertaining to leave pay holiday pay, Overtime Bonus, Dearness and other allowances in Cost Accounts the AO prepares Labour PM showing Section Code No., WO No and total amount. All these PM relate to indirect work orders only. A file containing piece work card and Day work and Labour PM is generated by the wage roll package which is used as an input by the Costing Package to generate Labour Abstract, SVC, and SFC. Accounting of Material Primary Documents: - Demand Notes, Return Notes, Receipt Vouchers, Issue Vouchers and Transfer Vouchers. The stores authorized for drawal as per material abstract are drawn on Demand Note and any excess stores returned through Return Notes. The Demand and Return Notes of a month after validation and pricing are posted in PSL and a file containing DN/RN generated by Inventory package. This file is used as an input for generating material abstract using the costing package. The material abstract is a tabulation in which the expenditure incurred against each WO and Wt. is shown Demand/Return Note-wise and also the net total against each WO/Wt. The net expenditure for each warrant is posted in Cost Card pertaining to concerned warrant. Overhead Expenses Overhead expenditure may be defined as expenditure, which are not directly related to production but are expended for providing various facilities and services incidental to production. These are indirect expenditure and comprised of expenditure on account of indirect material, indirect labour and other charges. Since such cost cannot be directly allocated to production these are apportioned on a fixed percentage. As such, at the beginning of the financial year sub-budget committee fixes VOH and FOH leviable for ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 130 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ each section. This percentage is levied on direct labour while generating Labour Abstract. Closing of Cost Cards The list of warrants completed during a month is received by the costing section and necessary action is taken to close the Cost Cards. The unit cost of production will be worked out under each element of cost. At the close of the financial year the total cost so arrived under different series of work order constitute the total cost of production for the factory. This cost is compared with the estimates separately provided for each W.O. (element-wise) and the variation beyond 10% under each element is suitable explained. Apart from this cost arrived at as per cost compilation is compared with Financial Compilation and reconciled as per procedure laid down in Chapter-X of O.M. Pt - VI Vol. II. PRODUCTION ACCOUNT Production Account – (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) is a ledger account compiled by Branch Accounts Officer(s) and consolidated by PCA (Fys), Kolkata. Figures under Debit and Credit items are compiled by taking into account the various transactions of revenue expenditure and revenue receipts affecting cost of production of articles produced during a financial year. Is debited with the value of opening unfinished semi (WIP), direct labour, Direct Stores and Overhead Charges. Is credited with certain relief to Overhead charges viz. Rent, Rates, Electricity and Water Charges recoverable, Unclaimed Wages lapsed, Sale proceeds of machinery, closing value of unfinished semi (WIP), Cost of avoidable rejection (KOP) and Cost of Production. Note: (i) (ii) Certain transactions which are not revenue in nature viz. Book Value of Discarded Assets, Sale proceeds of machineries etc. are also accounted under Production A/c but impact of which are finally kept out of production. Certain profit and losses not generated out of the production process viz. Profit/Loss on Sale of Surplus, Obsolete Stores; ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 131 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Stockpile items etc. are also initially accounted under Overhead element of Production A/c but kept finally out of Production Cost. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 132 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Documents/ Information required for Compilation of Production Account – Sl No 1 Name of document Un finished Shop Semi Statements showing Work Order, Warrant-wise details of shown for the quantities lying as unfinished condition as on 31St March. 2 Inspection Notes/ Production Vouchers (P. Vr) 3 Production Estimates 4 Shop copy and Accounts copy of Warrants (both Material and Manufacture). 5 Cost Abstracts viz. Labour with Overhead Abstract Material Abstract T.V. Abstract (including Foundry/ Process T.V. or allocations Master Cost Card Tabulation (M.C.C.) 6 Manufacturing A/c- Statement "B" 7 Priced Store Account (PSA) - 8 Cash Compilation (CC02) Remarks Semi Statements are prepared by Fy and priced by LAO after reconciling with the relevant cost and PL Card. Semi value are to be worked out series-wise and Labour payment and material element-wise. Prepared and submitted by Fy. Accounted through Production Ledger (P.L.) Card by LAO. COP is worked out on the quantities passed in inspection. Value of Avoidable Rejection is calculated taking into account rejection quantities appeared in P.L. Card (duly reconciled with concerned warrant) and deducting the permissible quantity as per NR% provided in the ESTT/ warrant. Prepared by Fy and priced by LAO taking into account the updated rates. Wts. Are floated by Fy transactions is posted both by Fy & LAO. After completion, Shop copies of completed Wts are received from Fy. By LAO. Posting into the Cost Card and P.L. Card are required to be verified with the postings made in Wts. Cost Abstracts are generated in EDP by LAO based on the primary documents received from Fy. (Viz. PW/DW Card, Material Demand/Return Notes Transfer Vrs. etc.) and some documents generated by LAO viz. (Labour Cost Punching Mediums, Overhead Allocations, Foundry/Process T.V./Allocation) etc. Compiled by LAO monthly showing Rent, Rates, Electricity and Water Charges etc. recoverable, recovered etc. Compiled by LAO monthly summarizing the receipt and issue transaction of material category (PSA Code) wise took place during the month. One summary is also prepared showing value of Opening Stock of material, value of total receipts and issues of material and value of closing stock of material as on the closing day of the month. Compiled by PCA (Fys), Kolkata showing Fin. Code wise Expenditure/Receipt. A statement showing major (important) items appearing under Dr/Cr. entries visa-a-vies source of receipt of input data item-wise are shown in Annexure - A enclosed. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 133 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ PRODUCTION ACCOUNT ANNEXURE– ‘A’ Debit Item Sl. N. 1 Particulars Work-in- Progress 1.4. 2 Direct Labour 3 Direct Stores 4 Overhead Charges (A) Supervision Charges As on Source of Figure Remarks Should be equal to the value of work-in-progress on 31st March shown against Cr.item 3 of Previous year's Production Account (Closing balance of previous year to be brought forward as opening WIP) Total value of labour expenditure (other than expenditure of 01 & 02 series) appeared in Labour and T.V. Abstracts pertaining to the year of account. Figure should also agree with the opening value of WIP shown in work-in-progress A/c of Principal Ledger. Total Figure should agree with the Total direct material expenditure shown in Debit side of work-in-progress A/c of Principal Ledger. value of Material costs booked under Direct series (i.e. other than 01 and 02 series) as tabulated in the summary of Material and T.V. Abstract for the year. Total expenditure incurred on account of Pay & Allowances etc. in respect of employees and officers (other than IEs) and booked under class of cost 14 against `01' series work order. Figure should agree with the total Direct Labour expenditure shown in the Debit side of work-in progress A/c of Principal Ledger. Figure should agree with the supervision charges shown in the debit side of Overhead expenses A/c of Principal Ledger. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 134 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ (B) Transportation Charges (C) Miscellaneous Charges (a)Contingent Charges Total expenditure appeared in CCO-2 under Financial code808/02 (amount should also be booked under CostW.O.01/00030/00). This figure should normally agree with that shown against W.O. 01/00037/00 Incidental & Misc. Exp. (less amount charged direct). (b) Cost of DGOF (i) Effective Charges (ii) Non-effective Charges Figure intimated by the PCA (Fys) and appeared under cost W.O. 01/00027/00 (c) DAD Charges (i) Accounts (ii) Internal Check Figures should agree with the Share intimated by PCA (Fys), Kolkata on account of Central Administration (Accounts) plus Expenditure of Local Accounts Office (percentage of distribution Set accounts of Internal check is 80% & 20%) As worked out by LAO in superannuation charges Register adopting the rates intimated by PCA (Fys) Kolkata. (d) Superannuation Charges Figure should agree with the transportation charges shown is Debit side of Overhead Expenses A/c of Principal Ledger Figure should agree with the relevant item appeared under Dr. side of O.H. Exp. A/c in P.L. -Do Figure should agree with the amount shown against W.O. 01/00028/00 (Central Administration (Fys)) and01/00029/00 (Fy. Account Office. Figure should agree with the amount booked under cost W.O. 01/00013/00 ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 135 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ (f) Indirect Summarized net figure of This figure should agree with the Labour Labour expenditure total labour Expenditure appeared appeared against '01' and in IE Statt. '02' series in Labour Abstract and T.V. Abstract (i.e. Dr. - Cr. W.O.) (g) Indirect Summarized net value of This figure should also agree with Stores Material expenditure the total amount appeared under appeared against '01'& '02' Material Column of IE Statt. series work order in Material Abstract & T. V. (i.e. Dr. - Cr. W.O.) Note: -Total of Indirect and Direct Stores should agree with Cr. item 1(a) & 1(b) of Store A/c. (D) Depreciation Charges (a) Depreciation (b) Book Value of Discarded Assets As worked out and calculated by LAO in the Capital Block Register (Sum of depreciation amount of all capital assets other than land). Depreciation to be worked out adopting Straight Line Method. Figure should agree with the amount booked under cost W.O. 01/00018/00 for other items01/00019/00 for Building01/00034/00 for Machinery01/10034/00 Figure should agree with the amount appeared under cost W.0.01/00050/00 Sum of book value lying in Capital Block Register in respect of items sold/discarded as on the date of sale transaction. Note - Amount shown against 4(D) (a) & 4(D)(b) should agree with the amount appeared under cost W.O. No. 01/00050/00 ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 136 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ (F) Losses: Amount appeared in PSA Amount should agree with losses (a) Surplus Against PSA Issue code Stores 76 - do -77 (b) Obsolete -do- 78 & 79 Stores (c) Waste & -do- 70 to 74 Scrap -do- 68 to 69 (d) Loss of Stores on Charges (e)Others losses on Stores (H) OverAmount of FOH levied Amount should agree with the absorbed FOH (based on pre-determined summary of IE statement (01 percentages) in series) excess of leviable FOH [ i.e. incurred FOH (Dr. Cr. W.O.) less KOP less watt insurance charges if any] (I) OverAmount of VOH levied Amount should agree with the absorbed VOH (based on predetermined summary of IE statement (02 percentages) in series). excess of leviable VOH [i.e. Incurred VOH (Dr. Cr W.O.) less KOP amount. Note: - Over/under absorption both for VOH and FOH must be within ± 5% limit. If actual exceeds 5% limit, course of Re-levy to be taken ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 137 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ CREDIT ITEMS Sl Particulars Sources of Figure No 1 Relief of Overhead Charges (a) Misc. Credit – (i) Rent Recoverable & Rates Amount compiled in Manufacturing A/c Statt. B. Amount should also be booked under Cost W.O. 01/00125/00 (ii) Elec. & Water Charges Amount compiled in Manufacturing recoverable A/c Statt. B. Amount should also be booked under Cost W.O. 02/00117/00 (iii) Unclaimed Wages AS intimated by Fy. Management Lapsed Amount to be booked under W.O. 01/00140/00 (iv) Sale proceeds of Amount worked out by AO with the Machinery entries of sale Reqr. Of Machinery items. Amount recovered should be compiled under Fin. Code 01/922/35 (deduct code). Amount should also be booked under 01/00151/00 (d) Profit on sale of Amount appeared in PSA against (i) Surplus Stores Rt. Code. (ii) Obsolete Stores PSA Rt code 21, 25, 119 PSA Rt. (iii) Waste and Scrap Code 22 PSA Rt. Code 23, 24 Amount of profit to be booked under W.O. 01/00131/00 (g) Care & Custody of Amount booked under Stock cost W.O. 01/00046/00 Remarks Figure should agree with Cr. item of OH Exp. A/c in) principal Ledger. -do- -do- -do- -do Fig. Should agree with concerned Cr. item of OR Exp. A/c in Principal Ledger ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 138 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ 2 3 4 5 6 7 Deptt. Stores utilized on Indirect work orders Sum of process and Foundry Materials booked under'01' and '02' series W.Os appeared against class of cost 22, 28 etc. Work-in-progress as on 31St March Fig. Should agree with the amount posted against Dr. item of Misc. charges A/c of Principal Ledger. Fig. Should agree with the closing WIP value shown in workin-progress A/c of principal ledger. Sum of WIP value worked by LAO for all the Cost Cards inclusive of process/Foundry WIP. Fig. Should agree with the sum total of semi Statt. Prepared by Fy and priced by LAO. Under absorbed fixed Excess of leviable FOH over levied Amount should be charges amount. agreed with the summary of IE Statt. (01 series). Under absorbed variable Excess of leviable VOH over levied Amount should agree charges amount. with the summary of IE Statt. (02 series) Cost of Production Sum of cost of production worked out by LAO for all the articles Amount should agree completed during the year. Figures with sum of Cr. Item should agree with total COP of all 2 to 6 of WIP A/c the Cost Cards. Amount (showing indentor Should agree with the grand total of wise cost of COP shown in 10A and 10B Statt. production). Showing cost of outturn. Cost of (KOP) Rejection Sum of cost of Avoidable Rejection worked out for all the warrants/Cost Cards involving excess rejection (i.e. in excess of normal rejection percentage) Fig. Should agree with the amount shown in Cr. side of WIP A/c or Dr. side of P&L A/c in principal ledger. Note - Cost of rejection (KOP) is required to be worked out by LAO on receipt of completed Wts. From Fy where quantity shown as rejected ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 139 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ (reconciled with P.L. card) exceeds normal rejection provided in Wt./Estt. An idea about Principal Ledger maintained in the Branch Accounts Office of Ordnance Factories Principal Ledger is maintained out side all financial accounts by the concerned Accounts Officers for the purpose of preparing the consolidated Manufacturing Accounts viz. Production Accounts, Finished Stock Accounts and Capital Accounts and arriving at the cost of Production of articles manufactured in the factory. The different heads in the principal ledger are so arranged as to provide information required for the compilation of the consolidated Manufacturing Account and also for effecting reconciliations of the figures compiled in Cost Accounts. The following heads of Accounts (Total 30) are at present maintained in the Principal Ledger: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Custom Duty A/c. Stores Cash Purchase A/c. Stores Supplied by other Factories A/c. Transportation Charges Account. Stores A/c. Sale of Stores (Surplus obsolete & Waste) A/c. Issue of Stores on Payment A/c. Wages A/c. Supervision Charges A/c. Misc. Charges A/c. Misc. Credit A/c. Overhead Exp. A/c. Work-in-Progress A/c. Rent, Rates, Water and Electricity charges Recoverable A/c. Payment Services A/c. Manufacture for Own Fy. Stock A/c. Services to other Fys.A/c. Services for Capital Asset A/c. Manufacture for the Army A/c. Profit and Loss A/c. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 140 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Capital Assets A/c. Proforma Capital Asset A/c. Capital Assets Stock Pile A/c. Cash Ledger A/c. Preliminary Exp. A/c. Deferred Revenue Exp. A/c. O/s Asset A/c. O/s Liabilities A/c. Capital Outlay A/c. Balance A/c. Posting into Principal Ledger are generally made month wise, For which transactions are first need to be journalized based on the data available from the following documents compiled monthly. i) Priced Store A/c (Showing For better appreciation copy of Issues and Receipts of PSA for 4/91 in r/o M & S. Fy Stores) and Journal Entries there of ii) Cash compilation (Showing Copy of Summary Sheet of 0002 Receipts and Expenditure for 4/91 in r/o M & S. Fy., and compiled) Journal Entries prepared iii) Cost tabulation iv) Manufacturing A/c -Statement A & B. Specimen posting of figure / data under Dr. and Cr. entries of various ledger accounts based on the Journal entries prepared. In addition to the postings made based on the monthly documents, some postings have also to be done annually in respect of transactions like Superannuation Charges (Cost debit), Cost of free ration etc. to D.S.C. Share of Central Administration charges both for Fy and Accounts, Cost of unpaid telegrams, Share of Cost of Ordnance Factory News etc. Information /data on such transactions can only be made available at the year-end. Principal Ledger is required to be closed annually. For which balances of each head of account (other than Balance A/c.) are struck at the year end and transferred directly or finally through Subsidiary account(s) to the Balance A/c. Dr. balances of Balance A/c. represent Assets while Credit balances exhibit liabilities of the Factory as on the closing day of the year and sum of all such Dr. entries should tally with sum of all the ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 141 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Cr. entries of Balance A/c. Such agreement of totals of Dr. and Cr. side of Balance A/c. proves the arithmetical accuracy of postings made into various heads of accounts of Principal Ledger. Reconciliation of Cost and Financial Accounts Vouchers, through which financial transaction takes place, are classified in accordance with the budget heads they pertain to and a consolidation of such financial compilations with details are sent monthly to each Branch Accounts Office. These transactions are journalized by Dr. or Cr. to Capital Outlay A/c. and posted in the Principal Ledger. On the other hand, expenditure on labour, Material and other charges compiled to Cost of Manufacture through Cost documents like D.W. and P.W. Cards. Demand/Return Notes, Allocation Sheets etc. are all posted in Principal Ledger to the debit credit of the respective Subsidiary accounts like Wages accounts, Store A/c, Supervision charges A/c. Misc. charges A/c. etc. to be finally transferred to the Work-in-Progress A/c. and there from to the Capital Outlay A/c. Thus figures from both ends are finally booked to Capital outlay A/c. and the fact that all expenditure which has appeared in financial compilation has been incorporated in Cost Accounts is automatically verged by Capital Outlay A/c. which balances to itself. Computerised Wage Packages 1. In 1997 it was decided that such Accounts Office in Factory Organisation should have own Computer center. Accounting function of the Accounts offices would be done using those computers. Accordingly three phase actions were taken up (i) Setting up EDP Centre at each branch Accounts Office (ii) In house development of three Accounting packages - Wage, Inventory, Costing (iii) In house development of manpower in computer. By 1998 the computer centers were set up and software packages were developed by the three Nodal team for implementation. The packages are at different stages of implementation in different offices. 2. Wage Package: - This package aimed at standardization in the process of calculation of wage of Industrial Employees working in Ordnance Factories within the framework of rules on the subject. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 142 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ 2.2 For implementation of package; the following master database are to be created at the beginning and subsequently are to be maintained. They are (i) IE Master (ii) Leave Master (iii) Deduction Master (iv) Code Master (v) Warrant Master. 2.2.1 IE Master: - This master contains personal information about each Industrial Employee, which has bearing in calculation of his entitlement. Some field like, home state, bank name, bank A/c no. are also provided to expand the scope of the package to audit of LTC bills; payment by Cheque etc. The main source of creation of this master is the service book of individual employee. In case Factory management has already created Personal Information System in magnetic media; data from that source may be captured in the IE Master database format. The same should be audited 100% with reference to Service book before implementation of the package. Few cardinal fields which need special attentions are DOB (date of birth), IE - Type (1 for on strength; 0 for out of strength) Fund-AC No (Fund Account Number) CGEGIS.Dt (date of entry to CGEGIS), Prs-Scl-cd (Present Scale Code). Basic-Pay, Spl-Pay, Per-Pay, DNI (Date of next increment) Ph-handcd (Physical handicap Code), HRA-Adv (HRA admissibility), R/A-Adm (Risk allowance admissibility) 2.2.2 Code Master (codefl.dbf) This master is created by the package development team where every aspect like, scale, grade, trade, educational qualification, state, town, Factory, penalty type, earning code, deduction, penalty ground etc., have been codified. Further maintenance scope has been left with the implementation centers to suit their local requirements. This master is used by the program in each of its validation stages. 2.2.3 Leave Master: - This master is to capture the balance of leave by direct data entry from the leave balance register maintained by Factory. Subsequent maintenance of this master will be done through the package. The initial figures entered into the master are subject to 100% audit by Internal Audit while audit of service book. Status of audit is also to be captured. 2.2.4 Warrant Master: - This master is created by transfer of data from costing package. The intention was that wage package can even run on stand alone PC. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 143 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ 2.2.5 Deduction Master: - This master is designed to capture details of advances paid to IE and subsequent recoveries thereafter. This master may take the place of maintenance of demand register both for long term & short term advances. The master may be created by transfer of data from Factory management (as prior to computerization recoveries were made by Factory Management). Correctness of the entries may be verified with reference to Demand register maintained by Accounts Office. 2.3 The following are the transaction files created by Accounts Office every month on the basis of source documents received as shown. (A) (i) Prom-dbf (ii) Penal.dbf (iii) Smp.dbf (iv) Rdtout.dbf (v) Fojoin.dbf - Factory order issued during the month. (B) PIC.dbf - Periodical Increment Certificate. (C) AttFy.dbf - Monthly Acquitance Roll. (D) Cardtrans.dbf - OPW / GPW Card. (E) Gangdtts.dbf - Gang transfer memo of Section. (F) Levtms.dbf - Leave Factory Order (G) Syatt.dbf - SARS. 2.4 Other than IPW / GPW Card details other informations are received in Accounts office in hard copy. As such IPW / GPW Card details can be captured by transfer of data from Factory computer but other informations are to be captured by direct data entry. 2.5 The activity in the EDP Centre for calculation of wage may be divided into three parts. (i) Pre-payment week activity (ii) Payment week activity (iii) Post payment week activity 2.5.1 (a) Prepayment Week Activity:- During this period the transaction data base needed for maintenance of Master as mentioned in A & F of para 2.3 are created and validated. Corresponding Master are updated with the validated transaction. 2.5.2 (b) Payment Week Activity: - On the first day of the month the changed status of personal Information System in comparison to last month’s status is generated and handed over to manual group for checking and authentication. Once this is audited the entitlement audit is complete and processing of rate of each element of wage is started. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 144 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ During this period transaction details as mentioned in B.C.D.E.G of para 2.3 are captured, validated and processed. Outputs generated during this period are profit statement. Profit summary, pay slip, pay bill, earning summary, recovery summary 2.5.3 (c) Post Payment Week Activity: - During this week transaction details for SARS & Cost PM are captured, validated and processed. Different master like, Demand Master, History Master are updated during this period. Outputs generated during this period are recovery schedule, supplementary payment bills (not related to current wage period), and generation of different MIS. 2.6 Validation Checks are provided in two different stages. In the data entry screen validation checks are provided for each field and in case of any invalid entry the cursor is not allowed to proceed with out proper validation; the reason for invalidation are also displayed in the screen. Batch validation programs are also provided in the package to validate data, which is captured by transfer of data from other computer. 2.6.1 Nature of validations is of two types (i) by exact matching (ii) by range matching. When the exact valid value of any field can be predicated as per manual the nature of validation checks provided is exact matching. As for example in the data entry screen of PIC, the values in each field can be exactly predicted hence validated with the corresponding value in the IE Master. Same is the case of validation of PW Card with warrant. There are cases where the exact value is not known like, OT hour, OTB hour, NSA hour, NSB hours etc. In those cases a logical range check has been provided. The purpose of the range check in the validation is to avoid skip of key during data entry. In those cases the accuracy in the input can only be ensured by 100% auditing of check Iist.The check list of Factory orders, attendance, supplementary attendance, cards, and deduction will fall under this category. The package does not allow to process record unless the file is made free from error. 2.7 The main objectives of the package are (i) to be make accurate payment is IEs with least possible time (ii) to furnish necessary management information regarding payment (iii) to create necessary database of payment for further (iv) to standardize the whole work. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 145 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ 2.8 After implementation of the package the time for processing of data has been reduced and in many factories the data of date of payment to IEs have been advanced. Many non standard practices have been removed. After implementation of the package the Accounts Offices now have necessary tools to control the amount of requisition to GMs. 2.9 In the manual system many control audit was not feasible because of shortage of manpower. As machine has now taken care of the major strain of calculation the available manpower can now be directed towards management audit i.e. necessity audit or adequacy audit. As the package is now standardized necessary system audit package can be developed. 2.10.1 DO’s: i) After creation of master the same to be 100% audited with reference to authenticated hard copy e.g. Service Book in case of IE Master. ii) After creation of transaction file the same to be validated and checklist printed and reconciled. iii) EDP should process data in transaction file only after the same is authenticated as correct Audit Section. iv) Change PIS output to be printed each month and 100°6 audited with reference to Factory Orders. v) Before authorization of payment it is to be ensured that hours shown in the earning summary tallies with the checklist total as amended; change pay output exhibits the same information as is generated by change PIS. 2.10.2 Don’ts: i) Correction in master by directly using it. ii) Make shortcut by avoiding validation loops to save time. Limitation: - Wage package so developed has the following Shortcomings - No provision has been made for calculation of productivity link bonus. No provision has been made for fixation of pay and calculation of arrear. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 146 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ No provision has been made for calculation of pay on more than one rate of pay or more than one entitlement which takes place due to promotion in the middle of month or occupation / vacation of quarter in the middle of the month. Inventory Package The package was developed with an aim to provide reliable, accurate and timely information on material available in the factory. This standardized package will become the most effective tool for material management and will be the guiding tool for Finance representative in the TPC. The Inventory Package is divided into number of module (a) Supply Order module (b) Inter Factory Demand module ( c) Priced store ledger module (d) Assets and Liabilities module. The modules are not totally independent. For implementation of the package, the following master databases are to be created at the beginning and are to be subsequently maintained. They are (1) Itemmast.dbf (Stock item master file) (2) SOMaster.dbf (Supply Order master) (3) Vendmast.dbf (Vendor Master) (4) SDMaster.dbf (Security deposit master) (5) LiabMast.dbf (Outstanding liability file for Store transactions) (6) Assetmas.dbf (Outstanding Store Asset master) (7) IFD Mast.dbf (Inter Factory Demand Master (8) IFDRate.dbf (IFD rate master) (9) Codemast.dbf (Details Codes) Itemmast.dbf: - This master is maintained item code wise. All informations available in the priced store cum provisioning ledger are also available here except the details of transactions. This master on a cut off date to be created by transfer of data from Factory computer to avoid duplicate data entry. The balances, average ledger rates, last transaction data. Bin page line numbers are to 100 % audited with reference to manually maintained PSL before actual switch over. In the manual system MCO division of the factory were making the initial entries in the PSL sheet before entering into the folder. In the present set up Factory EDP is opening new record in the Item master on the basis of information furnished by MCO division. As no print out of such transactions are available in Accounts Office; the only way to ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 147 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ maintain the master is to collect data from the Factory on the new folios opened during a month and append the same in the Master. S.O.Master.dbf: - This master is maintained for capturing supply order details. The master may be initially created by transfer of data from factory master. The same to be 100% audited with reference to supply orders maintained by Accounts Office. For subsequent maintenance of the master the new S.O.details may be captured from Factory database and after necessary audit validation with reference to hard copy of SO received in Accounts office may be appended in the master. Any revision in the existing S.O. may, however, be carried out by using the screen of the package. Vendmast.dbf: - This master is maintained to codify information about the vendors. This master may be created by transfer of data from factory management. Its subsequent maintenance may be carried out by using screen of the package. SDMaster.dbf: - This master contains all no information about the scrutiny deposits held by the Accounts Office. The master can be created by data entry from security deposit register maintained by Accounts Office. Subsequent maintenance can also be done by direct data entry. Liabmast.dbf: - This master contains details of outstanding liabilities. Master can be created by data entry from the Liability register maintained by Accounts Office. Subsequent maintenance however can be done using program. Assetmas.dbf: - This master contains details of outstanding assets. The Master can be created by data entry from the Asset register maintained manually. Every month the details of bills passed are to capture. IFDmast.dbf: - This master contains details of the IFDs placed by the Factory on other factories. This master can be created by data entry from the IFD register maintenance manually. IFDrate.dbf: - This master contains details of rates of IFD items on the basis of which receipt vouchers of the factory are to be priced. This master is created on the basis of OFB rate list. The transaction files IFDRTVr.dbf, Rtvrfl.dbf, files IFDRTVr.dbf, Rlvrfl.dbf. Ofrfl.dbf, dnrnfl.dbf, issvrfl.dbf, nominal dbf, are created ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 148 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ every month by transfer of data from Fy. Management. The data so received are to be validated by using validation programs in the module. The outputs are subject to 100% audit with reference to hard copy of documents before processing in the package. The receipt vouchers when received in the EDP Section are validated and priced using S.O.module (IFD module for items of Inter Factory demand). Demand notes and issue vouchers are validated and priced using priced store ledger module. At the end of the month PSL and PSA are generated with various important management reports dike Slow moving Non-moving report, obsolete scrap waste report, unpriced receipt voucher listing report, store in transit report. Bills of contractors as and when passed are also entered in the Asset master and by using Asset & Liability linking module the outstanding assets and liabilities report, balance sheet etc., are generated. Nature of validation provided are validation with exact clause in Item Code, Unit of Quantity, PSA Code, S.O.Number, SO date, SO serial number, IFD number, IFD date, Bin quality BPLN. The package allows to process data from a file containing error records only the error results are not processed. The main objective of the package is to correct accounting of stores with minimum lead-time and standardise the principal of accounting. After implementation of the package the lead-time for preparation of PSA has been reduced Branch Accounts Offices are in a better position to render management information. Still there is a lead-time of 15 to 45 days in reflection of documents in the Accounts. Factory Management is very critical on this issue. The proposal for updation of PSL once in a week is under consideration. This will enable to reduce the lead-time. Linking of assets with liabilities can not be 100°x6 implemented as (i) details of very old outstanding assets and liabilities are not available (ii) MIS number is not available in case of advance payment (iii) In case of Spl. Payment Adjustment bills are not prepared by the Factory Management. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 149 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ SUMMARY l. Extract is a authority to undertake work by the General Manager. It is issued by the DGOF. There are five classes of Extracts viz. Class- I for issues to Army; Class- II for Payment Services; Class- III for Inter Factory Demand; Class- IV for Manufacture of Stock and Class- V for Capital Works. 2. Warrant is a authority for the Shop to undertake manufacture. A warrant is in two parts. One for booking of labour known as Manufacturing Warrant and other is for drawal of material for the manufacture, which is called as Material Warrant. Warrant shows Work Order No., Warrant No, Quantity to be manufactured, Section/Sections who will undertake manufacture, Nomenclature of article to be manufactured and date of issue of the Warrant. Life of a warrant is 6 months and may be extended by the GM for up to one year only. 3. Work Order bears 9 digits. First two digit denotes for whom the service to be rendered, next five digit indicate the nomenclature of the subject store to be manufactured and last two digit shows Code No of the Section who will undertake the job. The series of Work Order start from “O1” to “96”. Both “01” & “02” series denote Indirect Expenses whereas rest of all series pertains to different Direct Series of Work. 4. Standard Estimate is prepared for the articles of repetitive nature are required to be manufactured with proper time and motion study to assess the estimated labour man hour for each operation with trade/grade wise of Industrial employees for the job and also actual quantity of each kind of raw material required to be utilized to complete the manufacture. Rejection percentages are also provided in the standard estimate. The pricing is being done by Accounts Office on the receipt of the Estimate. The estimates are being re-priced half yearly. 5. As and when Warrants pertaining to Direct Series are received Accounts Office on verification opens two Cards viz. Cost Card and Production Ledger Card for the item to be manufactured against the Warrant. All the information in the cages of the top of both Cost Card & PL Card is being filled by the Accounts Office. Actual expenditure on the warrant as and when incurred is being posted to ascertain the cost of the product and analysis of variances, if any for information and ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 150 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ corrective action for future production by the Factory management. Expenditure incurred through monthly Labour Abstract is posted as a cost of direct labour under class of cost 11. Similarly, Material cost are posted under class of 20, 21 & 22 [PPL items, Material drawn through Demand Notes and Red Demand Notes respectively] through monthly Material Abstract and Component Abstract, as the case may be. Both the levied cost in respect of Variable Charges and Fixed Charges are posted in the specified cages from monthly Labour Abstract. 6. Semi are two types. One is known as Unfinished Semi [Work-inProgress] and other is called Finished Semi [Article completed and inspected but not issued to the indentor as on 31t March of the year]. Cost of Unfinished Semi are those where the article has manufactured but awaited inspection or unused material already drawn or partly used labour and material on the Shop floor lying as on 31" March of the year. So, the ascertainment of cost of semi is required to arrive out the actual cost of production during the year against a particular Work Order and Warrant also. 7. Normal rejection percentages has been allowed in the standard estimate as well as in the respective warrant also. If the rejected quantity is beyond the permissible quantity on manufacture it is called as abnormal rejection and the cost of abnormal rejection is required to assess for determine the actual cost of production of the article. The cost of abnormal rejection will be treated as "Store Loss" and will be regularized accordingly. 8. When the Warrant will be completed the actual cost under each element will be ascertain by cross totaling the Card and it will be compared with reference to each element of cost as priced / re-priced in its standard estimate for analyzing the variances. Variances up to 10% are permissible. 9. Overhead Cost: It is a class of cost, which cannot be directly charged to a product. These type of cost is incurred either by the respective manufacturing shops directly or by the other maintenance sections in the shape of service render. Few examples are Supervision, Security, Welfare, Power, Steam, Water, Cost of lubricant, Cotton waste, sundry shop etc. etc. Overhead Charges are two types viz. Variable Overhead and Fixed Overhead. Cost of variable overhead are those which vary ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 151 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ with the sympathy of the load of the Factory but not in direct proportion whereas Fixed Overheads does not vary with the sympathy of the load of Factory but mainly remains constant. 10. Ordnance Factories in the country have been established to undertake manufacture of Arms and Ammunitions for the Armed Forces to meet the War requirement. During the peace time full capacity of installed Plant & machineries and man power may not required to be utilized for achieving the targeted production. Thus, the cost of excess capacity of plant & machinery and man powers in the peace time is called as "War Insurance Cost" and deducted from the estimated Fixed Overheads likely to be incurred during that period while fixing the budgeted FOH% of a year. 11. Central Budget Committee meeting is convened to fix the overheads percentages for the Production Sections to arrive out the budgeted VOH% and FOH% required to be levied for the Production Section during a year. Sections of a Factory can be Production, Service/Maintenance and also mixed in nature. So, a Step Ladder System is used for departmental allocation of overhead expenses and distribution of expenses of both Service and mixed sections to Production Section. 12. Principal Ledger is maintained in addition to Financial Accounts by the Accounts Office for the purpose of preparation of consolidated Manufacturing Accounts viz. Production Account, Finished Account and Capital Account and to arrive at the Cost of Production of article manufactured during a year by the Factory. The different heads in the Principal Ledger are so arranged as to provide information required for the compilation of consolidated Manufacturing Account and also reconciliation of the figures compiled in Cost Account. Posting in the Ledger is being done monthly from PSA, H Form 9, H Form 10, 0002 etc. Certain expenditure is also being posted in the respective head of Account annually. The Principal Ledger is required to be closed annually. 13. Production Account: This account is debited with value of opening unfinished semi (WIP) as on 1' April of the year, Direct Labour, Direct, Direct Material and Overhead Charges and the account is credited with Relief to Overhead, Unclaimed Wages lapsed, Sale Proceeds, Closing ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 152 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ value of Unfinished Semi (WIP) as on 31t March of the year, Cost of Avoidable Rejection (Kept out of Production) and Cost of Production. 14. Finished Stock Account: This Account is debited with value of opening Finished semi as on l' April of the year, Cost of Production during the year and credited with Cost of issues made during the year and Closing Finished Semi as on 31" March of the year. 15. Capital Assets are classified under Building, Machinery and Other items. There are taken on charge on Block Register under "B" series Receipt Vouchers for buildings and "M" series for machineries items. These assets are depreciated from year to year. Life of a building has been fixed as 60 years. Annual depreciation is calculated under this formula Yearly Depreciation of an Assets = (Original Value MINUS Residual Value) / No of life of the Assets. The cost of the depreciation is charged to Production as overhead expenses of the Factory. ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 153 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ SELFASSESSMENT QUIZ There are I5 Questions carrying equal marks. One mark will also be deducted for each wrong answer. Total 30 Marks (Tick the appropriate Box, you have selected as a correct answer. Once ticking need not to be scored out or any new answer is not permissible, as a fresh ticking for seems to be right answer) Q1. How many types of Extract are used in Ordnance Factories? A One Q2. B GM of the Factory E Three C DGOF D E Comdt.COD, HQ, Eastern Jabalpur Command B Class-I C Class-III D Class-IV E Class-II Warrant is a codified list. Haw many digits it contains? A Five Q5. D Five Which Class of Extract will be issue for manufacturing of Wooden Box to Permanent Employees of Ordnance Factory on payment? A Class-V Q4. C Two Extract for manufacture of 50 Nos of L 70 Machine Gun to COD, Jabalpur is issued by: A PCA (Fs), Kolkata Q3. B Four B One C Three D Two E Four Which series of Work Order will be allotted by the GM, Vehicle Fy., Jabalpur to undertake manufacture of "Stallon" vehicle as demanded by GM, Gun Carriage Fy., Jabalpur? A 90 B 70 C 82 D 40 E 02 ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 154 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Q6. Which item does not provide in the Standard Estimate: A B C D Quantity of raw Required hours Ledger Folio 10% rejection material for Trade/Grade No. of the allowed in the required wise in each material man hour operation Q7. Re-pricing of Standard Estimate is done: A Monthly Q8. B Fortnightly D Half-yearly A Cost Card is opened for the warrant received in Accounts Office for the following series of Work Order. Which answer is not correct? A 90 Q9. C Quarterly B 89 C 04 D 02 E 40 Expenditure is posted on the respective cages of the Cost Card from the following Tabulation given in A, B, C D & E. If you disagree please chose your answer. A Material Abstract B SVC C Transfer Voucher Abstract D Labour Abstract E Component Abstract Q10. From the following data which amount represent the levied Fixed Overhead of the Product: Direct Labour Direct Material VOH FOH Rs.5, 000/Rs.15, 000/Rs.10, 000/300% ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 155 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ A 5,000/- B 10,000/- C 15,000/- D 20,000/- Q11. From the following data which one represents abnormal rejected quantity? Quantity ordered 100 Nos. Quantity manufactured 110 Nos. Quantity rejected 15 Nos. Quantity accepted 95 Nos. Rejection percentage allowed: 10 A 5 B 10 C 15 D 20 Q12. From the following data select the correct answer for the Unit Cost of Production of an article manufactured in an Ordnance Factory. Quantity Accepted Basic Labour Direct Labour Direct Material VOH % FOH % Scrap Returned A Rs. 129.50 200 Nos. Rs. 1,000 Rs. 1,500 Rs. 20,000 200 100 Rs. 500 B Rs. 130.00 C Rs. 128.50 D Rs. 127.50 Q13. Whole posting in the Principal Ledger which item of expenditure does not appear in the Financial Account of the Factory? A Pay & Allowances of Industrial Employees B Superannuation Charges C Transportation Charges incurred D Store purchase ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 156 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ Q14. Which item of expenditure does not show in the Debit Side of "Production Account" of the Factory? A B C D E F G Direct Transportation Work in Direct Cost of Superannu- Over Labour Charges Progress Stores Rejection ation Absorbed as on l" (KOP) Charges VOH April Q15. Which item of expenditure does not show in the Credit Side of "Finished Stock Account" of the Factory? A Issues to Army B Finished Semi as on31" March C D Cost of Issues to Production other Sister Fys. E Issues to MES F Issues to Navy ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 157 ____________________________________________________________________ COST AND FACTORY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM _____________________________________________________________ ANSWERS TO QUIZ Question Correct Question Correct No Answer No Answer 1 D 9 B 2 C 10 C 3 E 11 A 4 A 12 D 5 B 13 B 6 D 14 E 7 D 15 C 8 D ASSESS YOURSELF Score less than 15 marks: Need to revisit Chapter again Score between 15 to 20 marks: Well done! Score 20 (Plus) +: Wow! You are genius 270109mchm ____________________________________________________________________ RTC-KOLKATA 21.00 158