National Integrity Strategy (NIS) Work Plan of BPC (Target Achievement Up to November-2015) Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation Approved by date: Indicator Activities Time frame Baseline No. (as of December 2014) (1) Hold Ethics Committee Meeting. Quarterly 1 (2) Formation of Ethics Committee in the subordinate office (3) Arrange the stakeholder meeting. June 2016 05 Half yearly 0 Quarterly 1 (1) Hold awareness meeting. - (1) Training for NIS in the fields of Hotel Management. (2) Training for NIS in the fields of Tourism Management. - two year one year Target No. Achievement 1. Institutional Arrangement 6 wW‡m¤^i-2014 n‡Z b‡f¤^i-2015 ch©šÍ cÖavb Kvh©vjq 4wU mfv Kiv n‡q‡Q (cÖwZ wZb gvm AšÍi wn‡m‡e)| 42 evcK Gi 24wU evwYwR¨K BDwb‡U KwgwU MVbc~e©K gwbUwis Kiv n‡”Q| 24-2-2015 ZvwiL †óK †nvìvi‡`i wb‡q 1wU mfv Kiv n‡q‡Q| Av‡iv 1wU mfvi Av‡qvRb cÖwµqvaxb Av‡Q| 2. Awareness raising 6 G ch©šÍ m‡PZbZv g~jK 12wU mfv †mwgbvi Kiv n‡q‡Q| 3 3. Reforms of Rules and Regulations/Ordinances ms¯’vi mvsMVwbK KvVv‡gvwU gš¿Yvj‡q cÖwµqvaxb _vKvq G welqwU AvcvZZ ¯’wMZ Av‡Q| 4. Capacity Development 72 72 RvbyqvwiÕ2014 †_‡K wW‡m¤^iÕ2015 ch©šÍ 72 Rb Gi cÖwkÿY Pj‡Q| 25 25 RvbyqvwiÕ2014 †_‡K wW‡m¤^iÕ2014 ch©šÍ 18 Rb RvbyqvwiÕ2015 †_‡K wW‡m¤^iÕ2015 ch©šÍ 19 Rb Pjgvb ‡gvU= 37 Rb 1 Unit Unit/ Person in charge Time/year April’15 GM Admin Nos. Unit in Charge Nos. GM Admin Nos. GM Admin - GM Admin Number of Trainees Number of Trainees Principal NHTTI Principal NHTTI (3) Training for NIS in the field of Professional Chef Course. one year 60 60 RvbyqvwiÕ2014 ch©šÍ 60 Rb RvbyqvwiÕ2015 ch©šÍ 62 Rb †_‡K wW‡m¤^iÕ2014 †_‡K wW‡m¤^iÕ2015 Number of Trainees Principal NHTTI Achievement Unit Unit/ Person in charge 26-10-2014 n‡Z 26-2-2015 ch©šÍ 64 Rb 22-2-2015 n‡Z 26-6-2015 ch©šÍ 63 Rb 28-6-2015 n‡Z 29-10-2015 ch©šÍ 61 Rb 25-10-2015 n‡Z 14-01-2016 ch©šÍ 65 Rb †gvU= 253 Rb 26-10-2014 n‡Z 26-2-2015 ch©šÍ 22 Rb 22-2-2015 n‡Z 26-6-2015 ch©šÍ 34 Rb 28-6-2015 n‡Z 29-10-2015 ch©šÍ 30 Rb 25-10-2015 n‡Z 14-01-2016 ch©šÍ 33 Rb †gvU= 119 Rb 26-10-2014 n‡Z 26-2-2015 ch©šÍ 42 Rb 22-2-2015 n‡Z 26-6-2015 ch©šÍ 21 Rb 28-6-2015 n‡Z 29-10-2015 ch©šÍ 42 Rb 25-10-2015 n‡Z 14-01-2016 ch©šÍ 36 Rb †gvU= 141 Rb 26-10-2014 n‡Z 26-2-2015 ch©šÍ 40+41=81 Rb 22-2-2015 n‡Z 26-6-2015 ch©šÍ 41+40=81 Rb 28-6-2015 n‡Z 29-10-2015 ch©šÍ 81 Rb 25-10-2015 n‡Z 14-01-2016 ch©šÍ 80 Rb †gvU= 323 Rb 26-10-2014 n‡Z 26-2-2015 ch©šÍ 22 Rb 22-2-2015 n‡Z 26-6-2015 ch©šÍ 23 Rb 28-6-2015 n‡Z 29-10-2015 ch©šÍ 21 Rb 25-10-2015 n‡Z 14-01-2016 ch©šÍ 24 Rb Number of Trainees Principal NHTTI Number of Trainees Principal NHTTI Number of Trainees Principal NHTTI Number of Trainees Principal NHTTI Number of Trainees Principal NHTTI ‡gvU= 122 Rb Indicator Activities Time frame Baseline No. (as of December 2014) 80 Target No. (4) Training for NIS in the fields of Food & Beverage Service. four and half month 160 (5) Training for NIS in the fields of Bakery & Pastry four and half month 50 100 (6) Training for NIS in the fields of Front Office & Secretarial Operations. four and half month 30 60 (7) Training for NIS in the fields of Food & Beverage Production . four and half month 30 60 (8) Training for NIS in the fields of Housekeeping & Laundry. . four and half month 25 50 2 (9) Training for NIS in the fields of Tour guide & Travel Agency. four and half month 30 60 (10) Training for NIS in the fields of on the Job training for BPC Officers & Staff. Half yearly 117 300 †gvU= 90 Rb 26-10-2014 n‡Z 26-2-2015 ch©šÍ 25+19=44 Rb 22-2-2015 n‡Z 26-6-2015 ch©šÍ 28 Rb 28-6-2015 n‡Z 29-10-2015 ch©šÍ 29 Rb 25-10-2015 n‡Z 14-01-2016 ch©šÍ 26 Rb †gvU= 127 Rb b‡f¤^i-2015 ch©šÍ 210 Rb-‡K cÖwkÿY †`qv n‡q‡Q| Number of Officer & Staff Principal NHTTI Number of Officer & Staff Director (Planning) Unit Unit/ Person in charge Indicator Activities (1) Integrity award for good practices. (2) Introduction of performance evaluation including integrity element. Time frame Baseline No. (as of December 2014) June 2016 0 June 2016 - Target No. 5. Rewards for officers & Staff 10 cyi¯‹vi cÖ`v‡bi j‡ÿ¨ bxwZgvjv cÖYxZ n‡q‡Q| - welqwU cÖwµqvaxb Av‡Q| 6. Service Up-Gradation 42 online Booking Gi welq evc‡Ki Automation cÖK‡íi gva¨‡g ev¯Íevqbvaxb Av‡Q| 01 G welqwU A‡Uv‡gkb cÖK‡íi gva¨‡g ev¯ÍevqYvaxb Av‡Q| 1. Introduction of Online Motel Booking. 2. Introduction of Online Admission. September 2015 September 2015 0 3. Introduction of Credit Card (e-payment). 4. Introduction of Privilege Card. September 2015 April 2015 17 42 0 1000 5. Provide LAN & WAN Connectivity 6. Web-site, Facebook Updated September 2015 June 2016 0 21 0 Continuation Up-dated 0 Achievement ms¯’vi Pjgvb 24wU BDwb‡Ui g‡a¨ 24wU BDwb‡UB †µwWU KvW© Pvjy Kiv n‡q‡Q| 1200 Rb‡K wcÖwf‡jR KvW© weZiY Kiv n‡q‡Q| Pvwn`v †cÖwÿ‡Z Av‡iv 1200 KvW© weZi‡Yi cÖwµqvaxb Av‡Q| 16wU BDwb‡U A‡Uv‡gkb Kiv n‡q‡Q| cÖwZw`b Avc‡WU Kiv n‡”Q| 3 Nos. - Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Unit - GM Admin GM Admin Director (Admin) Principal NHTTI Director (Com.) Director (Com.) Director (Admin) IT Department 7. E-Procurement June 2016 0 8. Introduce Citizen Charter June 2016 0 Nomination & Publication of GRS focal Point March 2015 Done B‡Zvg‡a¨ m¤úbœ n‡q‡Q Ges cixÿg~jK cwiPvjbv Kiv n‡”Q Done wmwU‡Rb PvU©vi ‰Zix K‡i `„k¨gvb ¯’v‡b jvMv‡bv n‡q‡Q| 7. Transparency & Accountability (GRS) evc‡K (GRS) ‡dvKvj c‡q›U g‡bvbqb †`qv n‡q‡Q 100% 100% % - - GM Admin % GM Admin % GM Admin Ges Awf‡hv‡Mi wel‡q wbqwgZ cÖwZ‡e`b gš¿Yvj‡q †cÖiY Kiv n‡”Q| Disposal of complaints June 2016 0 100% Informing the complainant about the result June 2016 0 100% Time frame June 2016 Baseline No. (as of December 2014) 0 June 2016 June 2016 AwZw_‡`i wbKU †_‡K cÖvß Awf‡hvMmg~n h_vh_ ¸iæZ¡ w`‡q wb®úwË Kiv nq| Awf‡hvMKvix‡K B-‡gBj, GmGgGm I †Uwj‡dvb Gi gva¨‡g `ªæZ mg‡qi g‡a¨ wb®úwËi welqwU Rvbv‡bv nq| IT Department Director (admin) Indicator Activities Uploading the report of GRS on the website Introduction of online GRS System Introduction of Internal GRS one desk service Target No. Achievement Unit Unit/ Person in charge 100% Avc‡jvW Kiv n‡”Q| % GM Admin 0 100% I‡qe mvB‡U GRS System Pvjy Kiv n‡q‡Q| % GM Admin 0 06 Nos. GM Admin Nos. GM Admin Nos. Com. Unit Nos. GM Admin GM 1) BPC Head Office Level Meeting. 2) Unit level meeting Quarterly 1 Quarterly - “Daittoprapto Karmakarta”. nomination Publication of information. March 2015 - June 2016 24 Kvh©µg Pjgvb i‡q‡Q| 8. Formation of Innovation Team wW‡m¤^iÕ2014 ‡_‡K b‡f¤^iÕ2015 ch©šÍ 6 cÖavb Kvh©vj‡q 4wU wgwUs Kiv n‡q‡Q| b‡f¤^iÕ2015 ch©šÍ 24 wU BDwb‡U mfv Kiv n‡q‡Q| 9. Right to Information 1( achieved) ï×vPvi Gi `vwqZ¡ cÖvß Kg©KZ©v †dvKvj c‡q›U gnv-e¨e¯’vcK (cÖkvmb)-‡K Kiv Av‡Q| 2wU eªwkDi bZzb fv‡e g~`ªY Kiv n‡q‡Q 02 6 4 Nos. (wWwRUvj †dqvi Dcj‡ÿ¨ cÖavb Kvh©vjq n‡Z 1wU I GbGBPwUwUAvB n‡Z 1wU eªwkDi ˆZix Kiv n‡q‡Q)| RvwZi RbK e½eÜzi Rxewb wb‡q evsjv I Bs‡iwR(5,000+5,000)=10,000 eªwkDi g~`ªY Kiv n‡q‡Q Brochure, Leaflet, Map, Report etc. 06 Short Film, Long Film (Documentary Film) Disposal of application for information. Report to the Ministry. Internal Audit of BPC along with the Commercial Unit to maintain NIS. Activities Arrange meeting for disposal of the audit objection through bipartite & tripartite meeting. Placement of Budget estimate to MOCAT for the NIS work plan implementation. 1. Internet facility with WiFi connectivity. June 2016 0 March 2015 0 June, 2016 3 Time frame June, 2016 Baseline No. (as of December 2014) 1 June, 2016 - September 2015 250 02 Admin 1wU Documentary Film, 1wU Long Film I 1wU Short Film ‰Zix Kiv Av‡Q| Nos. GM Admin G ai‡bi Z_¨ cvIqv †M‡j wba©vwiZ mg‡qi g‡a¨ wb®úwË Kiv nq (100%)| 01 Z_¨ cÖ`v‡bi Av‡e`b cÖvwß mv‡c‡ÿ cÖwZ‡e`b †cÖiY Kiv n‡e| 10. Internal Audit & Budget 10 b‡f¤^iÕ2015 ch©šÍ 8wU BDwb‡U Af¨šÍixY wbixÿv Kvh©µg m¤úbœ Kiv n‡q‡Q (GbGBPwUwUAvB, †nv‡Uj AeKvk, mwPevjh Gw·wKDwUf K¨v‡d‡Uwiqv, iscyi, ivRkvnx, Rq †i‡¯Íviuv, LvMovQwo I †ebv‡cvj)| Indicator Nos. GM Admin GM Admin 100% Target No. Nos. Nos. Audit Department Unit/ Person in charge Achievement Unit 3wU wØ-cÿxq Ges 1wU wÎ-cÿxq mfv Kiv n‡q‡Q| Nos. Audit Department evc‡Ki ivR¯^ ev‡R‡U G ai‡Yi LvZ †bB| Z‡e cÖkvmb wefvM †_‡K ï×vPv‡ii wel‡q e¨q wbe©v‡ni Rb¨ ¯§viK bs00. ZvwiL: 16/3/2015 Gi gva¨‡g 10 (`k) jÿ UvKv Aby‡gv`b †P‡q cÎ †cÖiY Kiv n‡q‡Q| 11. E-governance 400 evcK, cÖavb Kvh©vjq I 21wU evwYwR¨K BDwb‡U wi-fi Kv‡bKkb †`qv n‡q‡Q †nv‡Uj ˆkevj, †nv‡Uj cÖevj, †nv‡Uj Dcj, wWGdI PUªMÖvg, wWGdI XvKv, GbGBPwUwUAvB, ‡gv‡Uj w`bvRcyi, ‡gv‡Uj ivRkvnx, ‡gv‡Uj TK. Accounts & Finance Department Number of Officer & Staff IT Department 6 10 Lac 5 (1) Online response system : i. Online Room Booking. ii. Online Admission. (2) E-payment. September 2015 September 2015 September 2015 0 42 0 01 14 42 (3) Online complaint. September 2015 0 0 (4) E-procurement. June 2016 0 100% (5) Service portal. September 2015 0 100% iscyi, †nv‡Uj LvMovQwo, cïi gsjv, †nv‡Uj AeKvk, msm` wfAvBwc K¨v‡d‡Uwiqv, Rq †i‡¯Íviuv, †gv‡Uj wm‡jU, Gw·wKDwUf K¨v‡d‡Uwiqv mwPevjq, nwj‡W Kg‡cø· iv½vgvwU, †gv‡Uj †ebv‡cvj, †gv‡Uj e¸ov, nwj‡W †nvgm KzqvKvUv, ‡bUs †UKbvd| Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix msL¨v 600 R‡bi AwaK| B‡Zvg‡a¨ m¤úbœ n‡q‡Q Ges cixÿg~jK cwiPvjbv Kiv n‡”Q B‡Zvg‡a¨ m¤úbœ n‡q‡Q Ges cixÿg~jK cwiPvjbv Kiv n‡”Q B‡Zvg‡a¨ mKj BDwb‡U B-‡c‡g›U e¨e¯’v wn‡m‡e †µwWU KvW© cÖ_v Pvjy Kiv n‡q‡Q| A2i cÖKí KZ©„K wbgv©YK…Z Website Gi g‡a¨ Online Complain Box ‰Zix K‡i Awf‡hvM MÖnY I wb®úwË Kiv n‡”Q| B‡Zvg‡a¨ m¤úbœ n‡q‡Q Ges cixÿg~jK cwiPvjbv Kiv n‡”Q B‡Zvg‡a¨ m¤úbœ n‡q‡Q Ges cixÿg~jK cwiPvjbv Kiv n‡”Q Number of Unit Number of Unit IT Department Principal NHTTI Number of Unit IT Department 100% IT Department 90% Principal NHTTI IT Department 90% Indicator Activities (6) Video Conference (7) GRS (online deposit) Long pending complaint. Time frame June 2016 Baseline No. (as of December 2014) 0 Target No. 100% January 2015 0 100% June, 2016 - - Unit/ Person in charge Achievement Unit cÖavb Kvh©vj‡qi AvBwU kvLv †_‡K G wel‡q 6-11-2014 ZvwiL Bb‡dv miKvwi cÖK‡í cÎ †cÖiY Kiv nq| welqwU Bb‡dv miKvwi cÖK‡í cÖwµqvaxb Av‡Q| G welqwU A‡Uv‡gkb cÖK‡íi gva¨‡g ev¯ÍevqYvaxb Av‡Q| 75% IT Department 100% GM Admin - - `xN© †gqv`x †Kvb Awf‡hvM †bB| 6 Monitoring the implementation of work plan. Formulate a monitoring report. Quarterly - 6 12. Monitoring cÖwZ wZb gvm AšÍi wbqwgZ mfv Kiv n‡”Q| Quarterly - 6 gwbUwis cÖwZ‡e`b ‡cÖiY Kiv n‡”Q| Time frame Number Number/Year GM Admin GM Admin Indicator Activities Submit the report to Ministry Quarterly Baseline No. (as of December 2014) - Up-gradation of the work plan. Quarterly - Target No. Achievement Unit 6 gwbUwis cÖwZ‡e`b cÖYqb Kiv n‡”Q| Number/Year - Upgrade cÖwZ‡e`b †cÖiY Kiv n‡”Q| Number/Year Unit/ Person in charge GM Admin GM Admin 13. Specific Activities Provide tourism information ; Identify & popularize new tourist areas ; Participate in national and international tourist fairs at home and abroad ; Provide service to attract investors to invest in the tourism sector ; Create business & employment ; Provide duty free goods at the international airports in Bangladesh ; Conduct package tours for the tourists: 14. Challenges and Problems Attitude of the People Lack of awareness Realization of benefits Clear Job description in the organization. Distribution of work load (Logical) Adaptation with the changes Lack of information/ knowledge. Indicator Activities Time frame Baseline No. (as of December 2014) Target No. Achievement 7 Unit Unit/ Person in charge Right people to the right place No provision of oath system to uphold the morality & integrity. 15. NIS Recommendations Ensure Continuous monitoring Sufficient Funding. Organize Training & Workshop. Develop standard guideline. Adequate Manpower. 8