Near optimum solutions and sensitivity analyses based structural optimization applied to truss structures under arbitrary constraints STRATIS KANARACHOS, DIMITRIOS KOULOCHERIS, HARRIS VRAZOPOULOS Mechanical Engineering Department National Technical University of Athens Polytechnioupolis Zografou, 15780 Athens GREECE Abstract: - This paper discusses a new structural optimization method and its application to the weight minimization of truss structures under arbitrary constraints. The method introduces a “min-max” principle for determining a near optimum solution for weight minimization under arbitrary constraints, using results obtained from the solution of weight optimization problems under a single behavioral constraint. The optimal solution can then be easily obtained using a sensitivity analysis based optimization, or even mathematical programming. Test cases, broadly used in the literature, are selected to illustrate the performance of the proposed methodology. Key-Words: - Structural optimization; Truss structures; Finite element method; Optimality criteria 1 Introduction The history of structural optimization goes back to the 1960s and is characterized by three methodological impacts: (i) the optimality criteria method, (ii) the non-linear mathematical programming techniques and (iii) the evolution strategy/genetic algorithms. The literature is too vast to be all acknowledged; however the basic ideas of Venkayya and Prager [1]-[2], Schmit [4] and of Rechneberg, Holland et all [5]-[7], should not be left unmentioned. With respect to the optimality criteria method, Prager [2] developed optimality criteria for such structures as beams and trusses subject to a single behavioral constraint. Venkayya [1] derived a strain energy criterion, also based on the principle of minimum potential energy. Many authors in the 1970s derived directly the optimality criteria, mainly for trusses subjected to static loading, using a Lagrangian approach where the optimality criteria become similar to the Kuhn-Tucker necessary conditions. The major difficulties arise in the presence of multiple constraints, as it is not an easy task to find whether a constraint is active and, if so, what the contribution of the constraint is to the overall requirement. In this context, several methods have been proposed, e.g. [3]. Later research [8-9] tries to establish robust iterative algorithms for stress- and displacement-constrained trusses on the basis of FSD, using numerical experiments [9]. However, other researchers use the evolution strategy/genetic algorithms, e.g. [1011], in order to solve similar structural optimization problems for multiple behavioral constraints. The basic argument for not using mathematical programming methods, or for applying evolution/genetic or other algorithms, is that it is not possible to construct an initial solution in the (convex) neighborhood of the global optimum. Thus, algorithms have to be developed to overcome local optima and to converge to the global one. In contradistinction to the above, the proposed method introduces a “min-max” principlefor determining near optimum solutions for weight minimization under arbitrary constraints. This is achieved using results obtained from the solution of weight optimization problems under a single behavioral constraint. The optimal solution can then be easily obtained applying a sensitivity analysis based optimization, or even mathematical programming techniques. Two test (benchmark) cases from the literature are used to illustrate the performance of the proposed methodology. 2 Problem formulation Let us consider a truss that consists of M nodes and N bars with cross-sectional areas: Ai, i=1,2,…,N. Normally, the design variables of real truss structures are, due to cost, assembly and production aspects, never equal to N. However for the purpose of this paper (mainly comparison with other authors) it will be assumed in the following, that all cross-sectional areas Ai compose the vector x of the optimization parameters: x [ A1 A2 ... AN ]T (1) The problem to be solved refers to the computation of the vector x achieving the minimum weight W of the truss W N A L (2) i i i 1 for given stress- and deflection-constraints (displacement-constrained trusses): i 0i 1 i N u i u 0i 1 i M (3) In equation (3), s0i and u0i denote the allowable stress and displacement upper limits, respectively. The behavioral constraints can be more generally formulated: i max( 0i , S ki ) 1 i N ui u 0 i 1 i M (4) 2 2 In eq. (4) the buckling critical loads Ski and the first eigenfrequency ω2 are added (Ω2 denotes the eigenfrequency lower limit of the structure). The static and dynamic behaviour of the structure is given by the FEM equations: K u f j 2 φT Mφ φT Κφ 0 (5) In equation (5), u denotes the displacement vector, K and M denote the stiffness and mass matrix, respectively, fj the j=1,2,…,J load cases, while ω2 the first eigenfrequency and φ the first eigenmode of the truss structure. The sensitivity analysis of (5) leads to the following equations: (K K ) (u u) f j ( ) φ [(Μ Μ) (Κ Κ )]φ 0 2 2 2 φ Μφ 2 φ Μφ φ Κφ 0 3.1 Computation of the near optimum solution For the computation of a near optimum solution, ~ x , let us assume that the following solutions are known: x (6) x , j (7) In equation (8), xσ,j denotes the weight minimal solution for the stress-constrained, xu,j for the displacement-constrained and xσB,j for the stresses/buckling-constrained structure, for each jth load case. Further in eq. (8), xω denotes the weight minimal solution for the eigenfrequencyconstrained structure. Then, the near optimum solutions ~ x are Neglecting higher order terms, (6) leads to: u K 1 K u optimization algorithm depends heavily on the properties of the starting (or initial) solution x0: If x0 is near the global minimum xopt, then any iterative algorithm or a parameter optimization method will be able to converge to xopt. On the contrary, if x0 is not near the global optimum xopt, then iterative algorithms or parameter optimization methods will face increased convergence difficulties. Therefore, emphasis is put in this paper in computing a starting solution ~ x near the global minimum xopt (“near optimum solution”). For the computation of a starting solution ~ x in the (convex) neighborhood of the global minimum xopt, a new “min-max” principle is introduced. The above principle utilizes results obtained from the solution of weight optimization problems under a single behavioral constraint. In other words, results obtained from the solution of stress-constrained, displacement-constrained and eigenfrequency-constrained weight optimization problems. For truss structures, the above results can be easily obtained using optimality criteria methods (e.g. [1]-[2]). Starting now from ~ x , the optimal solution xopt can be obtained using an appropriate mathematical optimization method, considering that the search area is, with the highest possible probability, convex. If a minimization of the number of FEM analyses is sought, we propose in this paper an optimization algorithm on the basis of the sensitivity analysis (7). This sensitivity analysis based algorithm does not need any additional FEM analyses. It defines a parameter optimization problem using only (7) and (4). 3 The Optimization algorithm It is well known, that the performance of any x u, j x B, j (8) computed according to the following procedure: 1. First, if the structure is subjected to J load cases, the near optimum solutions are computed using the following “min-max” principle (9): ~ xi max j ( xi , j ) ~ xiu max j ( xiu , j ) ~ x B max ( x sB, j ) i j ~ x ~ xu (9) ~ xi i xi x new ~ xB i In eq. (9), ~ x , ~x u and ~ xB denote the near optimum solutions for the stress-, displacementand stress/buckling-constrained structures. 2. Second, in a similar manner, the near optimum solutions for combined constraints are computed using the following “min-max” principle (10): ~ xiu max( xi , xiu ) ~ x u max( x , x u , x ) ~ x u ~ x Bu ~ xiBu max( xiB , xiu , xi ) ~ x Bu i i i i are applied simultaneously. The xi -values are defined by the user and correspond to the search area of the algorithm, while αk are the restricted ( 1 k 1 ) optimization parameters The obtained solution αk defines a new design vector (10) In eq. (10) ~ xu , ~ x u and ~ xBu denote the near optimum solutions for the combined stressdisplacement, stress-displacement-eigenfrequency and stress/buckling-displacement-eigenfrequency constraints. (13) leading to σ new , u new and new , obtained through analysis (5). Then a new iteration step (11)-(12) is performed, using ~ x x new , etc. The proposed solution methodology proves to be robust and effective. For the solution of (11)(12) the Nelder-Mead algorithm (FMINSEARCH of MATLAB) was used. 4 Numerical Implementation In this section, the efficiency of the proposed methodology is investigated by applying it to two test cases, the results of which are compared with results from the literature. The first example refers to three and the second to ten design variables (three- and ten-bar trusses). 4.1 Three-bar Truss 3.2 Optimization algorithm If now a near optimum solution ~ x is known, then the optimal solution x=xopt can be obtained using the sensitivity analysis equations (7) and defining the following optimization problem: W (~ xi i xi ) Minimum (11) under the constraints: A three-bar truss with Young’s modulus E=30,000 ksi, density ρ=0.1 lb/in3 and allowable strength σ0=20 ksi is shown in Fig. 1. The truss is subjected to two load cases: Px=-50 kip, Py=-100 kip (j=1) Px=+50 kip, Py=0 (j=2) The displacement constraints for the non-restrained node are given as u0=0.20 in and v0=0.05 in. In addition, at the non-restrained node a mass m=50 lb is attached and an additional constraint of ω2≥5 is imposed. i ( ~xi i xi ) i (~ xi ) Ν k ik max( 0i , S ki ) k 1 ui ( ~ x i i x i ) u i ( ~ xi ) N k uik u 0i (12) k 1 Ν 2 ( ~xi i xi ) 2 ( ~xi ) k ik2 2 k 1 The above sensitivity analysis based optimization problem refers to the minimization of the weight W (11) under the constraints (12), which Fig. 1: Three-bar truss. 4.1.1 Construction of ~x In the following, we proceed to the computation of near optimum solutions ~ x . We begin with the u ~ ~ x and x solutions for the two load cases j=1-2 according to (9) (Tables 1 and 2). A1 A2 A3 W Case 0.100 2.501 3.535 76.41 j=1, x 1.768 0.100 1.767 50.99 j=2, x 1.768 2.501 3.535 100.00 j=1-2, ~ x Table 1. ~ x for stress constraints. A1 A2 A3 W Case 0.114 3.575 1.817 63.06 j=1, x u 1.174 0.100 1.183 34.33 j=2, x u 1.174 3.575 1.817 78.05 j=1-2, ~x u Table 2. ~x u for displacement constraints. The above results are now used to compute the near optimum solution ~ xu for the combined stress and displacements constraints (eq. (10)) (Table 3). A1 1.768 1.174 1.768 1.103 A2 2.501 3.575 3.575 3.778 A3 3.535 1.817 3.535 3.301 W Case 100.00 j=1-2, ~x s 78.05 j=1-2, ~x u 110,74 j=1-2, ~ xu 100.07 j=1-2, xu σ1 σ2 σ3 u1 v1 ω2 j -2.73 15.91 18.64 -0.071 -0.053 1 15.46 3.19 -12.27 0.092 -0.011 4.84 2 Table 3. ~ x us and exact solution xus for stress and displacement constraints and properties of ~ xu . Further, using (10), the near optimum solution ~ x u for a more complicated case concerning stress, displacement and eigenfrequency constraints (Table 4) is computed. A1 3.908 1.178 3.908 3.063 A2 0.100 3.654 3.654 3.205 A3 3.908 3.535 3.908 4.951 W Case 76.92 j=1-2, x 103.18 j=1-2, ~ xu 147.07 j=1-2, ~ x u 145.39 j=1-2, x u j σ1 σ2 σ3 u1 v1 ω -1.25 15.59 16.84 -0.060 -0.052 1 9.05 0.01 -9.04 0.060 0 7.00 2 Table 4. ~ x u and exact solution x u for stress, displacement and eigenfrequency constraints and properties of ~ x u . 2 Finally, one may compute the near optimum solution ~ xuB for a displacement-constrained truss structure, considering stress/buckling constraints (Table 5). A1 1.090 0.272 1.090 0.793 A2 A3 W Case 1.894 6.526 126.65 j=1-2, xB 3.654 2.448 75.00 j=1-2, x u 3.654 6.526 144.24 j=1-2, ~ xuB 3.012 6.915 139.15 j=1-2, xuB Table 5. ~ xuB and exact solution xuB for stress, displacement and buckling constraints As it may be seen from Table 5, the stress/buckling constraint dominates and shifts the solution to another x-region (the stress limits are not any more constant!). This important constraint case, is not considered in the available literature (see chapter 4.1.2). 4.1.2 Comparison with the Literature The performance of the proposed optimization method (11)-(12) is compared with results available from the literature, presented in [9], dealing only with stress and displacement constraints (no buckling constraints). The results of the optimization algorithm (11)-(12) are shown in Table 6 ((*)Starting vector=[2 2 2], (**) Starting vector= ~ xu ). They are comparable to the other methods and are obtained with a lower number of reanalyses. Design A1 A2 A3 W Reana method lyses MFUD 1.088 3.841 3.265 99.97 24 FUD 1.574 3.336 4.706 122.18 10 SUMT 1.088 3.848 3.267 100.07 62 FD 1.092 3.855 3.250 99.95 47 OC 1.053 3.913 3.345 101.33 80 [9] 1.087 3.844 3.267 100.02 16 Present 1.103 3.778 3.301 100.07 5(*) paper 1.040 3.766 3.440 101.03 3(**) Table 6. Three-bar truss: comparison between present paper and other methods(s-u-constraints) Notation: MFUD (Modified Fully Utilized Design, FUD (Fully Utilized Design, SUMT (Sequence of Unconstrained Minimizations Technique, FD (Feasible Directions), OC (Optimality Criteria) 4.2 Ten-bar truss This is the well-known cantilever truss illustrated in Fig. 2. Each member’s area is treated as an independent design variable. Young’s modulus is E=107 psi, density ρ=0.1 lb/in3 and allowable strength σ0=25 ksi. The truss is subjected to one load case, P1=100 kip, as depicted in Fig. 3. The displacement constraints are given as u0=2.0 in and v0=2.0 in. Also: A4≥0.1 in, A6≥0.1 in and A9≥0.1 in. ~ σi umax σi umax xiu x i 1 23.48 -10.3 9.94 -25.0 2 14.10 -7.2 3.83 -25.0 3 2.08 23.5 2.08 25.0 4 0.10 -10.6 0.10 13.6 5 24.59 6.3 -2.01 6.01 25.0 -7.19 6 0.10 38.8 0.10 0.2 7 14.55 14.5 2.74 -25.0 8 9.05 22.7 8.60 25.0 9 0.10 15.1 0.10 -18.2 10 19.88 7.2 5.70 25.0 W 4.539 1,667 su ~ Table 8. Properties of the x and the x solutions. i Fig. 2: Ten-bar truss. The same procedure is repeated for the case of stress/buckling and displacement constraints (Table 9). As it can be seen, the xB solution is near to the global optimum xBu . Also in this case, the buckling constraints are dominating. Fig. 3: Load case for the ten-bar truss. ~ xB xBu xu x Bu A1 64.01 23.48 64.01 63.61 A2 39.89 14.10 39.89 40.37 A3 2.70 0.96 2.70 4.68 A5 7.60 24.59 24.59 23.12 A7 48.00 14.55 48.00 12.83 A8 22.63 9.05 22.63 15.65 A10 17.66 19.88 19.88 11.22 W 8,618 4,499 9,343 8,308 Table 9. ~ x Bu and exact solution xBu for stress, displacement and buckling constraints 4.2.1 Construction of ~x 4.2.2 Comparison with the Literature In the following, the computed near optimum solution ~ xu according to (10) and its properties are shown in Tables 7 and 8. As it can be seen, the ~ xu solution is very near to the global optimum xu . The performance of the proposed optimization method (11)-(12) is compared with results available from the literature, dealing only with only stress and displacement constraints (buckling constraints are not available). The results of the optimization algorithm (11)xu ). (12) are shown in Table 6 (Starting vector= ~ They are comparable to the other methods and are obtained with a lower number of reanalyses. ~ xu xu x xu A1 9.94 23.48 23.48 25.32 A2 3.83 14.10 14.10 14.57 A3 2.08 0.96 2.08 1.97 A5 6.01 24.59 24.59 23.12 A7 2.74 14.55 14.55 12.83 A8 8.60 9.05 9.05 12.35 A10 5.70 19.88 19.88 20.51 W 1,667 4,499 4,539 4,678 Table 7. ~ x su and exact solution xu for stress and displacement constraints. A1 A2 A3 A5 A7 A8 Schmit Harless 24.29 13.65 1.97 23.35 12.54 12.67 23.59 14.45 1.97 24.96 12.82 12.45 [4] [9] 23.53 14.37 1.97 25.29 12.83 12.39 23.79 14.18 1.97 25.55 12.90 12.40 Present Paper 24.25 14.13 1.99 23.91 12.81 12.59 A10 21.97 20.43 20.33 20.04 20.65 W 4,692 4,678 4,677 4,678 4,677 Itera 22 12 9 40 4 tions Table 6. Ten-bar truss: comparison between present paper and other methods for stress and displacement constraints. 5 Discussion-Conclusions Since Schmit, who applied first in 1960s mathematical optimization methods for the solution of structural optimization problems, the structural optimization research has been conducted toward two distinct methodologies: i) optimality type algorithms (including FSD, MFUD, etc.) and ii) evolution and genetic search algorithms. The basic reason for the development of these two methodologies apart from the mathematical optimization methods, is to overcome local minima, since it has been (generally) not easy to define or estimate a starting or initial solution “near” (within the convex area of) the global minimum. As it has been shown in this paper, the proposed “min-max” principle succeeds in computing near optimum solutions for arbitrary constraints. This is achieved using results from weight minimal truss structures subjected to a single behavioral constraint. These results can be easily obtained applying optimality criteria methods. In addition a mathematical optimization algorithm has been proposed, based on the sensitivity analyses of the current designs, capable of converging to the global minimum within a few iteration steps. The results of this investigation are very encouraging, so that future research is planned for other types of structures. Finally, it should be mentioned that the test cases used in this paper do not contain an excessive number of design variables, e.g. 100 and more (which would not have been a problem for the proposed solution methodology). The reason is that the number of design parameters in real truss structures remains relative small due to manufacturing, assembly, logistic and cost reasons, and is never equal to the number of the members of the truss structure. Therefore, most important for an algorithm is its ability to handle simultaneously arbitrary constraints than an excessive number of design variables. References: [1] V.B. Venkayya. Design of optimum structures. Computers and Structures 1 (1971) 265-309. [2] W. Prager, Conditions for structural optimality. Computers and Structures 2 (1972) 833-840-309. [3] R.J. Allwood, Y.S. Chung. Minimum weight design of trusses by an optimality criteria method. Int. J. Numer. Methods Engrg. 20 (1984) 697-713. [4] L.A. Schmit. 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