February 7, 2007 newsletter

Educator Licensing
Please share this information with appropriate district personnel and feel free to
contact Daniel Bittman at 651-582-8807 or at daniel.bittman@state.mn.us with
suggestions, questions or requested topics for future emails.
This newsletter contains information regarding the following:
Online Applications for First-time Applicants
Online Renewal
Deadline Extension for STAR, Discrepancy, and Highly Qualified
Licensure via Portfolio
Portfolio Profile
Special Renewal Requirement for Certain Speech-Language
Pathologist Licenses Expiring on July 1, 2007
Praxis Tests
Educator Licensing successfully implemented the online system on January 25,
2007. Individuals seeking teacher, administrator or related services licensure for
the first time may now apply online. Individuals applying for a first-time license
will now complete the application online and submit the $88.00 processing fee by
credit card (Visa or Mastercard). To begin the application review process,
individuals will send in the copy of the electronic application confirmation with the
supporting materials. The online application process will include a check-off list
to help applicants determine the materials needed to support the application.
Please call the Educator Licensing office at 651-582-8691 if you have questions.
The online renewal system is a quick and east way to renew! Teachers can
review their continuing education clock hour record, renew their teaching license
and check the status of their submitted renewal form. To enter the site, a file
folder number and the first six digits of the serial number from the most
recently issued Minnesota license is required. The serial number is located in
the middle of the license. At this time, the online process is only available to
those teachers issued a five year continuing license. This process is not
currently available for teachers who hold an administrative license or any
individual holding a related service field including school nurse, school social
worker or the speech pathologist license. However, plans to include certain
administrative licenses are expected to be implemented in the near future.
The STAR team members at the Department of Education are monitoring
districts’ progress in completing STAR, Discrepancy and HQ data. As of January
30, 2007, there are a number of districts who have not completed all three
reports. The deadline has been extended to February 15, 2007. We would
appreciate it if you would check with your district STAR Coordinator to ensure
that all three reports have been completed. The data submitted in these three
reports will be published in the School Report Cards and will be used to fulfill
mandatory reporting requests at federal and state levels.
If you have questions regarding this request, please ask your district STAR
Coordinator to contact the STAR Hotline via email at mde.star@state.mn.us or
Over one hundred individuals seeking a Minnesota teaching license have
obtained full licensure through Licensure via Portfolio. Individuals have
completed the requirements for licensure by demonstrating competencies in the
required standards to obtain an initial license, expand an existing license and/or
add a field to an existing license.
The Minnesota Department of Education Educator Licensing and Teacher
Quality Division and the Minnesota Board of Teaching will be providing Licensure
via Portfolio workshops for individuals interested in learning more about
Licensure via Portfolio.
Upcoming Licensure via Portfolio Workshops:
January 31, 2007, Bertha-Hewitt High School, from 9:00 to Noon.
February 15, 2007, at the Department of Education, Room CC16.
March 8, 2007, Little Falls High School, from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.
March 29, 2007, at the Department of Education, Room CC16.
Registration materials are available at:
e_Via_Portfolio/index.html or contact Jan Keller at 651-582-8383 or
PORTFOLIO PROFILE: Laura Medwetz, Special Education Teacher
Laura added Learning Disabilities to her teaching license.
Portfolio Development Can Enhance Professional Growth
The thought of developing a portfolio may seem overwhelming. Teachers already
have a lot on their plates. I can honestly tell you that developing a portfolio is a
time-consuming project. In fact, I’m sure I put at least 100 hours of work into the
task. But I can also tell you that the process can be a rewarding opportunity for
professional growth. If you are wondering if licensure via portfolio is the route for
you, I’d encourage you to consider the following questions…
Do you have a clear understanding of the competencies needed in this field
of licensure? In order to complete your portfolio, you need to understand “what
it takes” to practice in this particular licensure area. Just as we consider the
concepts, skills and applications of learning for students in our classrooms (in
regard to a particular subject area), you need to approach this professional
licensure area from the lens of a learner. Your first step is to print off the
standards and competencies provided by MDE and then read through each one
to evaluate if you really understand what is required in each of these
subcategories. Each competency listed is very specific. If you don’t understand
the detail embedded in the standard consider finding a resource such as a
colleague, university advisor, or MDE staff to assist you with developing a clearer
Do you have a lot of experience in this field of licensure? For each one of
the standards and competency areas you will need to retrieve evidence. If you
have been teaching for many years, lesson plans, unit development, professional
reports and committee work becomes pretty typical day-to-day business. Well
now you’ll need to go back to your files, dust things off and start a collection to
begin your portfolio work. Evidence comes in many forms, such as actual
university transcripts and course descriptions, letters of support from colleagues,
copies of lesson plans or resources you have developed. Be careful to attend to
each specific competency area appropriately. Are you asked to show evidence of
your theoretical knowledge base or actual teaching practice? Be able to identify
the difference between the two when choosing useable artifacts or evidence.
Are you a reflective practitioner? The process of developing a portfolio can be
a rewarding and fulfilling experience. You will spend many hours reviewing and
reflecting on your practice and contributions to the lives of the students and
families that you serve. At times you will be in awe of your work. At other times
you will identify areas for future growth and development. It is this type of work
that can fuel one’s passion and create the landscape for continuing professional
If you answered yes to these questions…then I’d encourage you to “go for it.” It
sounds like a portfolio project is the match for you. As you fill your portfolio,
fulfillment in your work and professional life will follow.
In 1994, the Minnesota Board of Teaching license requirements for speechlanguage pathologists were changed to require new applicants for this Minnesota
education license to hold a master’s degree in this field. At the same time,
speech-language pathologists who were previously licensed with a bachelor’s
degree only in this field were given until June 30, 2007, to either complete a
master’s degree or provide transcript evidence of an additional 24 quarter or 16
semester credits in speech-language pathology or related special education
instruction and services.
Licenses issued after 1994 to previously licensed bachelor’s degree only speechlanguage pathologists, who held bachelor’s degrees only at the time of initial
licensure, included the additional credit requirement as a renewal condition on
their license. As we approach the June 30, 2007, deadline for meeting this
requirement, the following points may be helpful for individuals who have this
renewal condition on their license:
If the individual later earned a master’s degree and did not submit a
transcript showing the master’s degree and date awarded, the additional
credit renewal requirement has remained on licenses issued to them, and
the current license expires on June 30, 2007. These individuals need to
submit a transcript showing the master’s degree and date awarded with
their usual renewal application in 2007. Please do NOT submit transcripts
alone, without the completed renewal application form and $57 check for
the processing fee.
Individuals who have completed an assortment of college credits intended
to be applied to this requirement may want to request a pre-submission
verification that all the credits completed can be counted toward this
requirement. Transcripts may be faxed to the attention of Jodie Witte at
651-582-8809 or the information provided to Jodie in a e-mail to
Jodie.Witte@state.mn.us for a review. In an e-mail message, be sure to
include the name and number of the course, the university at which the
course was completed, the number of credits and whether the credits are
quarter or semester. Be sure to include your contact information and your
file folder number. Only speech-language pathology or related special
education instruction and services courses may be used for this
requirement. If the content of the course is not clearly identified in the title
of the course, a course description may be requested before acceptance
can be determined. When the completed renewal application form is
submitted to Educator Licensing, official transcripts for the courses must
be included with the renewal application and fee. Please do NOT submit
transcripts alone, without the completed renewal application form and $57
check for the processing fee.
If the individual has not completed the additional 24 quarter or 16
semester credits, the license cannot be renewed until the individual can
provide the transcripts for these credits. If the license cannot be renewed
in 2007, the license remains in the licensing database in “inactive” status,
and, at some point in the future, when all 24 or 16 credits have been
completed, the license may be renewed at that time by the usual renewal
application and fee and submission of the official transcripts. Please do
NOT submit transcripts alone, without the completed renewal application
form and $57 check for the processing fee.
Speech-language pathologist licenses renewed within the last four years
could be issued only to June 30, 2007. Although this current license was
not issued for the full five years, the license has the usual continuing
education renewal requirement. If the 2007 renewal application is
submitted without the usual continuing education requirements met and
only the additional credit transcripts are included, the new license issued
in 2007 will be issued to June 30 of the year that is five years from the
date of the previous renewal. If the 2007 renewal application is submitted
with the usual continuing education requirements met and verified by the
local continuing education committee and additional credit transcripts
included, the license issued in 2007 will be issued for the full five years to
June 30, 2012.
Questions regarding this requirement and related renewal a procedures may be
address to Jodie Witte at 651-582-8867 or Jodie.Witte@state.mn.us .
All applicants for a first-time Minnesota teaching license must complete the
required teacher licensure tests and achieve the Board of Teaching adopted
score. Test registration Bulletins are available at college and university teacher
education offices or by contacting Educational Testing Service at
www.ets.org/teachingandlearning/index.htm or by calling 609-771-7395. The
remaining test dates for 2006-07 are listed below.
Test Date
Registration Deadline
Please encourage teachers to register early to meet the testing conditions listed
on their Minnesota teaching license as applicants have been turned away during
the spring and summer sessions due to the volume of registrations.