Spanish 4 – Midterm 2007


Spanish 4 – Midterm 2011

If you are unable to attend the exam period for ANY reason – you must contact the teacher

BEFORE the exam. Failure to do so can result in an “F”. Any unexcused absences will result in a ZERO with no chance of make-up.

The midterm will cover: Conexiones , chapters Preliminar, 1, 2 & 3-1 and Destinos , episodes 1-11.

The structure and point distribution of the exam are as follows:

I. Listening 20 points

II. Reading Comprehension

III. Grammar

IV. Vocabulary

V. “Destinos”

30 points

70 points

50 points

30 points

VI. Writing (1 page essay double spaced) 30 points

VII. Speaking 20 points

Total 250 points

Study Tips:

Listening (20 pts): this section will be multiple choice. Study the vocabulary listed below:

Chapter 1 TB- pp. 13, 31 (Vocab. Handouts for Chap 1-1 & 1-2)

Chapter 2

Chapetr 3

TB- pp. 49, 67 (Vocab. Handouts for Chap 2-1 & 2-2)

TB- p. 89 (Vocab. Handout for Chap 3-1)

Reading Comprehension (30 pts): this section will be multiple choice. Study the vocabulary as listed above, and the homework assignments you have done in your workbook.

For extra reading comprehension practice do the following exercises in the workbook:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Act # 1-15 & 1-16

Act # 2-16 & 2-17

Act # 3-17 & 3-18

PW- pp.47, 48

PW- pp.69 & 70

PW- pp. 93, 94

Grammar(70 pts): This section will be multiple choice. Review the homework assignments you have done in your workbook & all worksheets gender of nouns present tense of regular verbs

PW- pp. 1-3

(including the use of definite & indefinite articles)

PW- pp. 9-12 present tense of stem-changing verbs PW- pp 13-17 present tense or irregular verbs PW- 18-19 perfect and imperfect progressive ir a + infinitive acabar de + infinitive tener que + infinitive

PW- pp20-22

PW- p. 23

PW- p. 24

Handouts (

For the present tense, the progressives & the infinitive constructions you will have to choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

Ejemplo: Yo estoy para el examen. a. estudiar b. estudiando c. estudio

Durante el almuerzo hablando con el profesor. a. estar

La profe acaba de b. estábamos c. estando los exámenes. c. corrige a. corregir b. corrigiendo

Nosotros que estudiar más. a. tener b. teniendo c. tenemos preterite vs imperfect ser vs estar vs haber future vs Future perfect a. past participle b. future perfect

TB- pp. 34-35, 38

TB- pp. 55-57

TB- pp. 60-64

TB- pp. 146-147

TB- pp. 174 175 subjunctive vs indicative vs infinitive TB- pp. 71, 73, 93 subj. with impersonal expressions TB- pp 93-96

Vocabulary(50 pts): this section will be multiple choice. Study the vocabulary as listed above, and the homework assignments you have done in your workbook & all worksheets.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3 pp. 13, 31 (Vocab. Handouts for Chap 1-1 & 1-2) pp. 49, 67 (Vocab. Handouts for Chap 2-1 & 2-2)

TB- p. 89 (Vocab. Handout for Chap 3-1)

Destinos(30 pts):: study the notes you took in class (Episodes 1 -11). If you have missed any episodes, be sure to view them.

You may also want to see Review Episodes: Episode 6 and Episode 11. You can view the episodes at:

Escribir (30 pts): you will have to write and essay using one of the following tensens or combination of them: the following tenses: preterit & imperfect; future & future perfect, present subjunctive. Use the prompts bellow to practice speaking and writing.

Practice these at

(exercises 10, 11, 12, 22, 23).

Speaking(20 pts): you will be asked to relate an event in the past, using preterite and imperfect tenses or to talk about the future and give advice or opinions using the present subjunctive.

You may take a few minutes to jot down key words you would like to use but you CANNOT write down any complete sentences or conjugated verbs.

The speaking portion of the exam will be in the Lab on Thursday January 6 th in room # 20 49, and the essay writing will be on Wednesday January 5 th in room #1052.

That day you will be instructed to choose ONE topic/question to answer. For the past tense; you will need to use the preterit tense and the imperfect tense at least 5 times . For the Subjunctive tense, you will need to use this tense at least 5 times . For the Future Tense you will need to use the Future and the Future

Perfect at least 5 times.

There must be a total of 8 complete sentences in Spanish. Your answer must be logical, but the information does not have to be exact. You will be graded on your ability to respond, not on your recall of details.

The following are examples (the actual questions will be different but about the same topics)

Why was the computer the most important invention of the 20 th century?

 Who was Raquel Rodríguez and why did she go to Spain?

What should / can we do in order to improve the environment and prevent global warming?

What kind of inventions will be useful / produced in the future?

Your speaking will be graded using the ACTFL rubric provided at the end.

Additional Websites

Use this site to access the review exercises for each chapter & practice various listening activities.

Use this site for various grammar drills and review exercises:

Review grammar topics on





Piensa que fuiste un testigo (witness) de un evento importante (o trágico) en la historia y estás siendo entrevistado por un periodista. Decide que evento vas a describir (Cuando los Medias Rojas ganaron la serie mundial después de más de 80 años; El huracán Catrina devastó Nueva Orleáns; La ceremonia de apertura de los Juegos Olímpicos de Beijing; El comienzo del segundo milenio (la media noche de 1999); etc.) Escribe algunas palabras de vocabulario y verbos en el INFINITIVO que te pueden ayudar a contar lo que ocurrió, haz un esquema (out-line) de lo que vas a contar pero NO ESCRIBAS ORACIONES COMPLETAS. Recuerda que debes usar el pretérito y al imperfecto. Piensa lo que vas a decir, luego graba la narración.






Piensa que fuiste un testigo (witness) de un evento importante (o trágico) en la historia y estás siendo entrevistado por un periodista. Decide que evento vas a describir (Cuando los Medias Rojas ganaron la serie mundial después de más de 80 años; El huracán Catrina devastó Nueva Orleáns; La ceremonia de apertura de los Juegos Olímpicos de Beijing; El comienzo del segundo milenio (la media noche de 1999); etc.) Escribe algunas palabras de vocabulario y verbos en el INFINITIVO que te pueden ayudar a contar lo que ocurrió, haz un esquema (out-line) de lo que vas a contar pero NO ESCRIBAS ORACIONES COMPLETAS. Recuerda que debes usar el pretérito y al imperfecto. Piensa lo que vas a decir, luego graba la narración.






Estás hablando con un grupo de amigos sobre los problemas del medio ambiente. Usando el futuro y el futuro perfecto habla de lo que va a ocurrir en el futuro si no cuidamos nuestro medio ambiente. Escribe algunas palabras de vocabulario y algunos verbos en el INFINITIVO que te puedan ayudar a explicar lo que va a ocurrir, haz un esquema (out-line) de lo que vas a contar pero NO ESCRIBAS ORACIONES COMPLETAS. Recuerda que debes usar el futuro y el futuro perfecto. Piensa lo que vas a decir, luego graba la narración.





Estás hablando con un grupo de amigos sobre los problemas del medio ambiente. Usando el futuro y el futuro perfecto habla de lo que va a ocurrir en el futuro si no cuidamos nuestro medio ambiente. Escribe algunas palabras de vocabulario y algunos verbos en el INFINITIVO que te puedan ayudar a explicar lo que va a ocurrir, haz un esquema (out-line) de lo que vas a contar pero NO ESCRIBAS ORACIONES COMPLETAS. Recuerda que debes usar el futuro y el futuro perfecto. Piensa lo que vas a decir, luego graba la narración.





Eres un miebro de una comisión que planea la reconstrucción de una país que logró la paz después de un conflicto. Habla acerca de varias actividades que propones para ayudar a la gente. Escribe algunas palabras de vocabulario y verbos en el INFINITIVO que te pueden ayudar a expresarte, haz un esquema (out-line) de lo que vas a contar pero NO ESCRIBAS ORACIONES COMPLETAS. Recuerda que debes usar el subjuntivo. Piensa lo que vas a decir, luego graba la narración.





Imagina que eres el líder de una organización que defiende los derechos humanos. Describe la situación de un país (real o imaginario) en cuanto a la violación de los derechos humanos, puedes hablar de la discriminación de la mujer, el trabajo infantil, los presos de conciencia, etc. Luego debes proponer soluciones para ese problem.

Escribe algunas palabras de vocabulario y verbos en el INFINITIVO que te pueden ayudar, haz un esquema

(out-line) de lo que vas a contar pero NO ESCRIBAS ORACIONES COMPLETAS. Recuerda que debes usar subjuntivo. Piensa lo que vas a decir, luego graba la narración.


¡Buena suerte!

Language Function

Language tasks the student is able to handle in a consistent, comfortable, sustained, and spontaneous manner

4 Exceeds Expectations

Language expands toward narration and description that includes connectedness, cohesiveness, and different time frames

Mostly connected sentences and some paragraph-like discourse.

Presentational Mode Rubric Intermediate Learner

3 Meets Expectations

Creates with language; ability to express own meaning expands in quantity and quality.

2 Meets Expectations


Creates with language, able to express own meaning in a basic way.

1 Does Not Meet 0 Does Not Demonstrate


Mostly memorized language with some attempts to create.

All memorized language with no attempts to create.

Strings of sentences; some connected sentence-level discourse

(with cohesive devices), some may be complex (multi-clause) sentences

Simple sentences and some strings of sentences.

Simple sentences and memorized phrases.

Fewer than half of required sentences, utterances are disjointed, incomplete thoughts.

Text Type

Quantity and organization of language discourse (continuum: word - phrase - sentence - connected sentences - paragraph


Depth of presentation and attention to audience



Who can understand this person’s message? How sympathetic must the listener/reader be? Does it need to be the teacher or could a native speaker understand the message? How independent of the teaching situation is the presentation?

Language Control

Accuracy, form, degree of fluency

Provides continuity to a presentation.

Makes choices of a phrase, image, or content to maintain the attention of the audience.

Vocabulary provides information and limited explanation.

Although there may be some confusion about the message, generally understood by those unaccustomed to the speaking/writing of language learners.

Most accurate with connected discourse in present time.

Accuracy decreases when narrating and describing in time frames other than present.

Provides continuity to a presentation.

Begins to make choices of a phrase, image, or content to maintain the attention of the audience.

Vocabulary is sufficient to provide information and limited explanation.

Generally understood by those unaccustomed to the speaking/writing of language learners.

Provides continuity to a presentation.

Begins to make choices of a phrase, image, or content to maintain the attention of the audience.

Vocabulary is sufficient to provide information and limited explanation.

Generally understood by those accustomed to the speaking/writing of language learners.

Most accurate with connected sentence-level discourse in present time.

Accuracy decreases as language becomes more complex.

Most accurate when producing simple sentences in present time.

Accuracy decreases as language becomes more complex.

Focuses on successful task completion.

Uses gestures or visuals to maintain audience’s attention and/or interest as appropriate to purpose.

Vocabulary conveys basic information.

Understood with occasional straining by those accustomed to the speaking/writing of language learners.

Incomprehensible by those accustomed to the speaking/writing of language learners.

Mostly accurate use of memorized language and/or, phrases.

Accuracy decreases when creating, when trying to express own meaning.

Unfocused on task completion.

Does not use gestures or visuals to maintain audience’s attention or interest.

Inadequate vocabulary to convey basic information

Mostly inaccurate use of memorized language and/or phrases.

Accuracy is less than 50 percent, even though memorized phrases are used.
