Assignment Reflection

Proposal Plan Assignment Reflection
Planning Process
This paper was our first group assignment to turn in. Three out of our four members met
at the library at the designated time. We discussed several topics for our group proposal.
Katy came to the meeting with a lot of information about pet overpopulation and other
pet facts. Since she had knowledge about the pet subject, we decided to propose a
solution to benefit the Lubbock Animal Shelter. We filled out the proposal idea
worksheet to better understand the proposal as a group. This planning took roughly an
hour and a half, so no sentences for the assignment were actually written at the library. I
volunteered myself to write this assignment before the next day.
Writing Process
I wrote this paper approximately three hours before it was due. Procrastination was not
the reason for writing the paper so late. I realized doing a group proposal would take lots
of sacrifice. I took home the proposal idea worksheet to aid my writing of the proposal
plan. This complete brainstorming made the assignment writing much easier than past
assignments. I also used Dr. Art’s example to serve as a guide for my design and
organization of the document. The writing process took only one and a half hours.
Editing Process
I edited the project myself in a short amount of time. I briefly read over the paper
looking for obvious spelling or grammatical mistakes. My group members all had class
on Monday morning, so I was the only group member who could edit.
Course Reflection
Even though this was a group project, I did all of the writing and editing for this project.
The grade we received on this paper was a 94. This was my first A in the class thus far,
so I was greatly encouraged. I finally had a piece of evidence that my writing was
improving during this course. Also, our proposal plan left not only a solution to the
problem raised but also a solution to how to effectively complete the final proposal
report. This made our group have a purpose to each part of the project that we
accomplished together.
This assignment also became another first for me. I completed the first group assignment
of my college career. When we were brainstorming, I felt the ease of having three heads
together instead of just one. I also felt the difficulty of not having each group member
show up for our meetings. Our proposal plan was essential to the success of our group.