Technology Management Curriculum DELIVERABLE NO 5.4 DATE WORK PACKAGE NO WP5 VERSION NO. 0,9 ELECTRONIC FILE CODE CONTRACT NO IST-2001-37592 Establishment of the Virtual Centre of Excellence for IST RTD in Estonia (eVikings II) A Project of the 5th Framework Programme Information Society Technologies (IST) Programme 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 3 Preliminary list of courses ................................................................................................................. 6 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................................... 8 APPENDIX I – Programmes related more or less to the technology management .......................... 8 APPENDIX II – COURSES ........................................................................................................... 12 APPENDIX 3 Subject specifications .............................................................................................. 17 3 1 Introduction The objective of the WP5 is To introduce a master level curriculum in Management of Technology on the basis of best practice and modern pedagogic approach in the field and in active co-operation with industry in order to respond on industry’s needs in innovation “engines”. .... To reach the objective the description of the work has been introduced as it seemed the best at that time. Meanwhile the situation has changed and it is necessary to take that into account. There is a proverb: “There are a lot of ways to skin a cat”, but anyway you will get the skinned cat. So, it is necessary to select the way most suitable for everybody. It has been discussed a lot about the programme objectives and concept but all the discussions have been finished with quite fuzzy result. But the time is pressing. While introducing any new curriculum it is worth to bear in mind the following issues: concept of the curricula, content, specification, lecturers, applicants and most relevant, and resources. What kind of limitations to the creation of new curriculum exists? Curriculum has to match the Estonian legislation and particular university’s regulations. There is no time or resources to introduce the whole programme as e-based at once. There is no chance to get the state order for the specialisation, so, the self financed study places have to be declared. There is a problem with instructors having expertise in the field. Possible master's study network Master's studies Joint study Special study Technology Management Ind. Eng. & Management Manufacturing Strategy Compilation of ordered study programme or courses Continuing education Programme should be as cheap as possible, hence, 4 the new curriculum will be of modular with highly integrated structure (as shown in the figure above). Therefore, manufacturing strategy and technology management will be introduced as modules of specialization to the existing curriculum – Industrial Engineering and Management. Modular curriculum architecture and the selection of curriculum platforms could follow the concept of reusability allowing development of customized curricula (principle of product family design). In such way the potential benefit will be gained from organized reuse of course material elements and course presentations. The gallery of pictures and bank of case studies will be of good support for such an approach. By designing the new curriculum the objective of particular curriculum has to be stated. The content of the curriculum will be completed to support the stated objective. Significant role in the new curriculum will play the using of different pedagogic scenarios. As most applicants to this curriculum in Estonia are working during the day, the e-learning approach is needed to be devloped. It is obvious, that to prepare e-courses in their real sense takes a lot of time and resources. Therefore different scenarios could be used depending on particular situation. 1. Usual lectures with e-learning materials support. 2. Complete lecture materials on CDs for those not being able to be on lectures nor have opportunity for Internet connection. 3. Full e-learning course. 4. Customer tailored courses for continuing education What should the graduate know? The graduate should know the learning objectives introduced in the table 1. What should graduate do? The graduate should to Compose the roadmap in the field the company is interested in; Plan R&D programs; Know how to write the applications for the fund-rising, Organize teamwork in the interdisciplinary fields; Manage with product and process development activities. Hence, main objectives of the programme are: To assure the participants, who posses significant professional experience and technological transfer within or between organisations and to create and direct strategic alliances both domestically and internationally. Managers of technology must plan R&D programs, projects inspire and develop the skills of professionals; and integrate the marketing, engineering, financial and production functions of the organisation. Leaders of technology require a unique combination of abilities and skills those cross-traditional and professional boundaries. To give opportunity to organize team works consisting of the students representing different cultural background and experience. To give opportunity during seminars, field trips to meet leading staff of corporation engaged in technology management. 5 In order to reach the objectives stated above the curriculum should cover the following fields (Table 1): Table 1 Curriculum Knowledge Fields Technology management curriculum Learning objectives Knowledge field A Supporting knowledge in the field of economics Knowledge field B Business operation and competitive strategy Course A1 Course A2 … Course Ak Course B1 Course B2 … Course Bm Knowledge field C Technology politics and technology management Course C1 Course C2 … Course Cn Knowledge field D Enterprise and product modelling and simulation, development of extended products, new technologies Course D1 Course D2 … Course Do Enables the student to understand the role of finances and related activities in business chain Expose the student to modern thinking in productivity and competitiveness. Train student in business operation decisions Provides the student with a perspective on the experience needed to assume a role in management in a technology based organizations. Train the student in modelling and simulation and its applications. Make students familiar with the concept of extended products and extended enterprise. Forster the student to understand meaning the new technology and its role in business. Appendix I contains the possible programmes related to WP5 and Appendix II consists of the list of possible programmes. Some examples of the content of existing programmes in Technology Management Master of Technology Management (AUA, Ireland) The courses on offer in this new programme from Ireland are listed below. Information Systems and Software Management Innovation and Technology Transfer Leadership, Change & Innovation Management Managing Technology Projects Marketing Technology Products Organising for Effective Innovation Process Modelling and Redesign Product Design & Development Quality for Technology Management Science, Technology & Society Strategic Business & Operations Management Strategic Business & Technology Management Technology Finance & Capital World Class Manufacturing 6 This programme directly addresses elements of computer science and digital business and various ‘vertical’ topics such as quality management and project management. The programme also includes a general over of science and technology through its course ‘Science, Technology and Society’. Finally, innovation appears very strongly throughout a number of the courses listed. Master of Technology Management (NTNU, Norway) The final programme to be profiled in this paper comes from Norway. A comprehensive list of courses available on this programme is illustrated below. Basic Course in Business Economics Corporate Entrepreneurship eCommerce Economics and Management of Technology Implementing Product and Process Innovation, Innovation and Knowledge Management Introduction to eCommerce Introduction to Managing the Innovation Process Investment and Cost Analysis Management Information Systems Production Management Project Management Scope Consideration for Business Development Strategic Management for Technology Managers Strategy and Industrial Marketing Technology Management Technology Management for General Managers Transport Systems and Supply Chain Management There appears to be a strong bias again towards Business Operations and Competitive Strategy. The topics of Project and Quality management and Innovation also overtly appear in the programme. An interesting feature of this course is that topics in eCommerce appear separately in their own courses. 2 Preliminary list of courses While responding to the objectives of the programme as well as possible resources preliminary list of courses is developed, taking into account existing university regulations. Course CP General studies 5,0 CP TMK8300 Business Ethics TTO3250 Intellectual Property Law 2 Knowledge field Source* A A IEM HAAB02 A TATM02 2,5 TMO1050 Organizational behavior 3 7,5 Basic studies 9,5 CP 7 MJJV.07.032 Fundraising Process A ETM B ETM A IEM A A HAKB02 C TATM02 C TARM02 C ETM C ETM C IEM B B IEM IEM A B C C IEM IEM TABB02 ETM B MS D IEM D IEM B IEM C TM C ETM C IEM 2 MJJV.07.031 Internationalization of Business TMK8290 Fundamentals of Business Administration Investment and Cost Analysis TMM3770 Business Communication and Negotiations TMK1030 Research and Development Management 3 3 2 2,5 3 15,5 Core studies 18 CP TMK1010 Innovation Management 3 MJJV.07.037 Application of the Technology Strategy 2 MJJV.07.038 Technology and Innovation Polices 2 MES8610 Information Systems of Production Management 3 MPT8440 Quality Management 3 TMV8250 Organization of Small and Medium Business 3 TMM8790 Industrial Marketing 4 TMK8280 International Business 3 TMK0010 Operations Management 3 FKKM.04.040Technology Transfer and Technological Expertise 2 D07 Strategy 3 28 Special studies 22,5 CP MES8600 Concurrent Product Development 3 MET8130 Manufacturing Planning and Control 3 TMT8800 Productivity Management 2 Global Perspectives in Technology Management 3 FKKM.04.039 Modern Key Technologies MET8110 Production Engineering 2 2 8 (Management) Modeling and Simulation IDU0010 Data Warehouse, ERP and CRM Systems IDU0040 Strategic Management and Development of Information Systems 2 D D TATM02 C IABM02 D IAEM02 D MS D MATM02 D MS 3,5 3 IED0060 Micro- and Nanoelectronics 4 A04 Development of Extended Products (GEM) MET0080 Knowledge Based Manufacturing Systems F02 Information Systems for IMS 3 3 3 39,5 * legend: IEM – Industrial Engineering and Management (TTU), ETM – Entrepreneurship and Technology Management (TU), MS – Manufacturing Strategy (TTU), MATM02 – Product and Process Development (TTU), TATM02 – Juhtimine ja Turundus (TTU), HAAB02- Haldusjuhtimine (TTU), TARM02 – Ärirahandus ja arvestus (TTU), TATM02 – Juhtimine ja Turundus (TTU), IABM02 – Äriinfotehnoloogia (TTU), IAEM02 – Elektroonika (TTU), HAKB02 – Halduskorraldus (TTU), TABB02 - Ärindus (TTU) 3 Conclusions Technology managers today must have a good understanding of engineering and thus there is a need to develop a technology management programme that will combine economics, engineering and management. We have described a curriculum of technology management developed following the examples from several European universities, their expertise and experience. As the next step this curriculum will be presented to different departments of TUT and the IT College in order to receive feedback on interest in the programme and on the goodwill to contribute to its implementation. The curriculum will also be remitted to the councils of the Faculties of Ecomonics and Information Technology of TUT for review. 9 APPENDIX I – Programmes related to technology management Programme URL Masters Course in Integrated Management Systems Masters Course in Manufacturing Engineering and Management Management of Technology certificate program Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) in Technology and Operations Management PhD in Operations and Decision Technologies Master of Science in Decisions, Operations, and Technology Management Doctoral Degree in Decisions, Operations, and Technology Management Executive Master's in Technology Management Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management Master of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Masters of Science in Engineering Management Industrial engineering Innovation, technology and industrial management Master of Technology Management Master of Industrial Engineering Master of Science in Engineering and Management MIT's Leaders for Manufacturing (LFM) Program Master of Engineering Management x.htm M.S. program in Management of Technology criptions%202002.htm Master of Technology Management MSC in Engineering Policy and Management of Technology Master of Technology Management MASTER OF SCIENCE IN INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING #msie Master of Science in Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering 10 Master of Science in Industrial Engineering Master in Manufacturing Management MSc in Manufacturing Management Master of Science Program in Manufacturing and Innovation Masters in Microelectronics Technology and Manufacturing Management Masters of Science in industrial engineering Master of Business Management of Manufacturing Master of Science in Industrial Engineering Master of Science of IE with specialization in Global Manufacturing Leadership Master of Science of IE Master of Engineering Management MASTER OF SCIENCE IN INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Master's of Science in Industrial Engineering Master of Science in Industrial Engineering M.S. in industrial engineering Master of Science (M.S.) and a Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) M.S. in Industrial Engineering Master?s in Industrial Engineering (M.I.E.) Master of Science in Industrial Engineering (M.S.I.E.) Master of Science in Industrial Engineering sp MSc in Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Management/Manufacturing Management Master of Science program in Industrial Economics and Technology Management Master of science in Industrial Engineering M.S and M.Eng in Industrial Engineering MANUFACTURING STRATEGIES MSc in Electronic Business Management MSc in Information Technology 11 for Manufacture MSc in International Technology MSc in Quality and Reliability Manufacturing and Management Information Systems Master of Industrial Engineering 12 4 APPENDIX II – COURSES Course Product Design & Development Product Engineering Computer Aided Design Product Management Product/Process Design & Development Management of Risk Implementing Product and Process Innovation Human Factors and Ergonomics Operations planning and control eCommerce Introduction to eCommerce Transport Systems and Supply Chain Management Scheduling Models Logistics and Supply Chain Management Vendor/Customer Relations Prod. Planning, Scheduling and Inventory Control Production scheduling Warehousing Systems Transportation and Supply Chain Systems Deterministic Optimization Probabilistic Models and Their Applications Programme Master of Technology Management Masters in Industrial Engineering MSc (Manufacturing Systems Engineering) Ms. Management of Technology M.S. in Manufacturing Management & Leadership MEngSc Manufacturing Plan Master of Technology Management Masters in Industrial Engineering Master of Industrial Engineering Master of Technology Management Master of Technology Management Master of Technology Management MSc. in Industrial Engineering Master of Management and Manufacturing Master of Manufacturing Technology & Operations Master's in Integrated Manufacturing Systems Engineering MS in Industrial Engineering MSc. in Industrial Engineering MSc. in Industrial Engineering MSc. in Industrial Engineering MSc. in Industrial Engineering MSC in Engineering Policy and Management of Industrial Ecology and Environmetal Policy Technology Business policy Master of Industrial Engineering Finance Master of Industrial Engineering HR management Master of Industrial Engineering Management Accounting Master of Industrial Engineering Marketing Master of Industrial Engineering Operations strategy Master of Industrial Engineering Organisational psychology Master of Industrial Engineering Innovation and Technology Transfer Master of Technology Management Leadership, Change & Innovation Management Master of Technology Management Managing Technology Projects Master of Technology Management Marketing Technology Products Master of Technology Management Organising for Effective Innovation Master of Technology Management Strategic Business & Operations Management Master of Technology Management Strategic Business & Technology Management Master of Technology Management Technology Finance & Capital Master of Technology Management Basic Course in Business Economics Master of Technology Management Corporate Entrepreneurship Master of Technology Management Economics and Management of Technology Master of Technology Management Investment and Cost Analysis Master of Technology Management Production Management Master of Technology Management Scope Consideration for Business Development Master of Technology Management Strategic Management for Technology Managers Master of Technology Management 13 Strategy and Industrial Marketing Business Law e-Commerce Strategies Infrastructure Asset Management Managing Agile Organisations Managing People Marketing for Managers Operations Management Strategic Management of Business & Technology Strategic Resource Management Economics of Growth and Innovation Microeconomics Operations Management and Modeling Organizational Change Dynamic Strategic Planning Engineering Economic Analysis Economic Decisions in Engineering Knowledge-Based Systems Production Management Analysis Financial and Managerial Accounting Marketing Management Operations Management Organizational Processes Capital Investment Economic Analysis Managerial Finance: Theory and Application Production management Industrial economics Industrial Relations I + II Negotiations Organizational Change Training Human Factors in Engineering Technology & Conflict Management Marketing Analysis and Planning Enterprise Integration Competitive Analysis in Strategic Management Manufacturing Strategy Engineering Economic Analysis Finance for Manufacturing (Finance III) Advanced Manufacturing Accounting Strategic Cost Management Economic Decisions in Engineering Economic Analysis and Decision Making Engineering Economy Master of Technology Management Master of Engineering Management Master of Engineering Management Master of Engineering Management Master of Engineering Management Master of Engineering Management Master of Engineering Management Master of Engineering Management Master of Engineering Management Master of Engineering Management MSC in Engineering Policy and Management of Technology MSC in Engineering Policy and Management of Technology MSC in Engineering Policy and Management of Technology MSC in Engineering Policy and Management of Technology Master of Engineering in Logistics MSc. in Industrial Engineering MSc. in Industrial Engineering MSc. in Industrial Engineering MSc. in Industrial Engineering MSc. in Engineering and Management MSc. in Engineering and Management MSc. in Engineering and Management MSc. in Engineering and Management Master's in Integrated Manufacturing Systems Engineering Master's in Integrated Manufacturing Systems Engineering MS in Industrial Engineering MS in Industrial Engineering Masters in Manufacturing & Technology Masters in Manufacturing & Technology Masters in Manufacturing & Technology Masters in Manufacturing & Technology Masters in Manufacturing & Technology Masters in Manufacturing & Technology Masters in Manufacturing & Technology Masters in Manufacturing & Technology Masters in Manufacturing & Technology Masters in Manufacturing & Technology Masters in Manufacturing & Technology Masters in Manufacturing & Technology Masters in Manufacturing & Technology Masters in Manufacturing & Technology Masters in Manufacturing & Technology Masters in Industrial Engineering MSc. in Industrial Engineering 14 Accounting Analysis II Ms. Management of Technology Engineering Management I Ms. Management of Technology Engineering Management II Ms. Management of Technology Engineering Economy II Ms. Management of Technology Business Financial Management Ms. Management of Technology Technology Development and Deployment Ms. Management of Technology Operations management Master of Industrial Engineering Plant operations management Master of Industrial Engineering Management of Manufacturing Systems Master of Engineering Management Advanced Decision Theory MSc. in Industrial Engineering Process Management and Quality Leaders for Manufacturing Program Technology applications Master of Industrial Engineering World Class Manufacturing Master of Technology Management Advanced Manufacturing Technology Msc Manufacturing Management Automation Systems & Assembly Methodologies Msc Manufacturing Management Electronics Manufacturing: New manufacturing technology in its business context Msc Manufacturing Management Management and Control of Manufacture Msc Manufacturing Management Advanced Manufacturing Technology Msc Engineering Design and Manufacture Nontraditional Manufacturing Processes Msc in Manufacturing Systems Engineering Systems for Factory Information and Control Msc in Manufacturing Systems Engineering MSc. in Manufacturing Management and Operations Automation Topics for Management Mgmt. MSc. in Manufacturing Management and Operations Elements of CIM for Management Mgmt. Job Design MSc. in Industrial Engineering Safety Engineering MSc. in Industrial Engineering Manufacturing Process Engineering MSc. in Industrial Engineering Precision Manufacturing Systems MSc. in Industrial Engineering Industrial Robotics and Flexible Assembly MSc. in Industrial Engineering Computer-Aided Manufacturing I MSc. in Industrial Engineering Advanced Topics in Manufacturing Engineering MSc. in Industrial Engineering Computer-Aided Manufacturing II MSc. in Industrial Engineering Flexible Manufacturing Systems Design and Control MSc. in Industrial Engineering Production Management Control MSc. in Industrial Engineering Factory Physics I, II Master of Management and Manufacturing MSc. in Manufacturing Management and Operations Process Analysis Mgmt. Design and Evaluation of Material Handling Systems MSc. in Industrial Engineering Manufacturing Systems M.S. in Manufacturing Management & Leadership Master's in Integrated Manufacturing Systems Mechanical Design for Automated Assembly Engineering Master's in Integrated Manufacturing Systems Mechatronic Design Engineering Process Engineering Masters in Industrial Engineering CIM System Design Masters in Industrial Engineering Systems Analysis and Optimization Masters in Industrial Engineering Manufacturing Systems MSc. in Industrial Engineering Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Manufacturing and Production Systems Laser Metrology MSc.(Eng) Advanced Manufacturing Systems and 15 Factory Automation Integrated Manufacturing Systems Manufacturing facility (systems) design Operations analysis and optimisation Technology strategy Human Factors in Engineering Automatic Manufacturing Systems Design and Control of Production and Manufacturing Systems Advanced Facilities Design Systems Optimization and Analysis for Manufacturing Automated Systems Engineering Management of Technology System and Project Management System modelling Systems analysis and simulation Process Modelling and Redesign Advanced Simulation Design and Analysis Theory of Modelling and Simulation Cognitive Engineering of Interactive Software Human Aspects in Computing Computer and Communications Methods for Production Control Network Simulation Languages Advances in Information Technology Technology MEngSc Manufacturing Plan Honours MEngSC Mechanical Engineering Msc in Industrial Design and Manufacturing Master of Industrial Engineering Master of Industrial Engineering MSc. in Industrial Engineering MSc. in Industrial Engineering MSc. in Industrial Engineering MSc. in Industrial Engineering Leaders for Manufacturing Program Masters in Industrial Engineering Ms. Management of Technology MSc. in Engineering and Management Master of Industrial Engineering Master of Industrial Engineering Master of Technology Management MSc. in Industrial Engineering MSc. in Industrial Engineering MSc. in Industrial Engineering MSc. in Industrial Engineering MSc. in Industrial Engineering MSc. in Industrial Engineering Master of Manufacturing Technology & Operations Master's in Integrated Manufacturing Systems Software Engineering Engineering Master's in Integrated Manufacturing Systems Database Management Engineering Industrial information systems MS in Industrial Engineering Manufacturing information systems MS in Industrial Engineering Decision Support and Expert Systems Masters in Manufacturing & Technology IT for E-commerce Masters in Manufacturing & Technology Knowledge-Based Systems Masters in Manufacturing & Technology Management of Knowledge and Technology Ms. Management of Technology Information and Decision Systems Concepts Ms. Management of Technology Science, Technology & Society Master of Technology Management Engineering Statistics Master of Industrial Engineering Project management Master of Industrial Engineering Quality management Master of Industrial Engineering Quality for Technology Management Master of Technology Management Innovation and Knowledge Management Master of Technology Management Introduction to Managing the Innovation Process Master of Technology Management Project Management Master of Technology Management Technology Management Master of Technology Management Technology Management for General Managers Master of Technology Management Advanced Statistics and Quality Improvement Master Progamme in Manufacturing Engineering Global Project Coordination Msc in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Engineering Risk Management Master of Engineering Management 16 Management of Innovation & Technical Change Master of Engineering Management Organisation for Quality Improvement Master of Engineering Management Project Management Master of Engineering Management MSC in Engineering Policy and Management of Decision Analysis Technology MSC in Engineering Policy and Management of Innovation and Knowledge Management Technology Project Management and Organizational Integrated Product Development Master's Program Quality control and management MS in Industrial Engineering Project Management Masters in Manufacturing & Technology Tools for TQM (Total Quality Management) Masters in Manufacturing & Technology Quality Control Masters in Manufacturing & Technology Quality Planning, Analysis, and Management Ms. Management of Technology Topics in Quality Control Ms. Management of Technology 17 5 APPENDIX 3 Subject specifications The development of extended products Title: A04 Course No. Course Description: Describe and discuss the development of extended products 1. Briefly describe the life cycle of an extended product.2. Discuss the initial phases of the life cycle: requirement phase, specification phase, realization phase3. Detail the phases mentioned above according to the main steps and the resulting tasks4. Propose techniques, methods and tools that can be used to fulfil the tasks5. let the students try some of the methods/ techniques/ tools. The main goal of this course is to provide the framework related development of Extended Product, by describing the phases that compose this process. Furthermore, the management of critical aspects such as complexity and integration is introduced. D Knowledge Area: Course Type: 3 Number of Credits: Course Requirements: Recommended Reading: Books Journals Web links Managing New Product and Process Development, Clark, K.B., Wheelwright, S.C., The Free Press, New York, 1993, Product Development Performance, Clark, K.B., Fujimoto, T., Harvard Business School Press, Cambridge, 1991, Design to cost, Michaels, J.V., John Wiley & Sons, 1989. A Multi-Project Management Framework for New Product Development?, De Maio, A., Verganti, R., Corso, M., European Journal of Operational Research, 1994, ?The R&D/Production Interface: A Case Study of New Product Commercialization, Ginn, M.E., Rubenstein, A.H., Journal of Product Management, 1986 International Journal of Product Innovation Management International Journal of R&D Management 18 Title: Strategy D07 Course No. Course Description: The Strategy Course explores the fundamental issues of strategy facing managers of firms operating internationally. It recognises that managers operate in an environment that is both dynamic and uncertain. The subject teaches managers how to acquire an indepth understanding of their firm's strategic position and to formulate appropriate responses to ensure sustainable competitive advantage. It explores the manner in which firms generate unique competencies and capabilities that lead to competitive advantage, including the importance of knowledge and learning. Students will be exposed to conceptual frameworks that analyse the character of the industries and markets in which firms operate, and shown how these external influences impact on performance. Strategic decisions involving vertical integration, diversification and ecommerce will be considered, as will the relationship between the firms structure and strategy B Knowledge Area: Course Type: 3 Number of Credits: Course Requirements: Recommended Reading: Books Main Text Strategic Management and Business Policy by Wheelen and Hunger, 8th edition (2002), Prentice Hall Supporting texts Belasco, J., Teaching the Elephant to Dance, Penguin, (1990) Carlzon, Jan, Moments of Truth, Harper & Rowe, (1987) Hill C. W. L., Jones R. J., Strategic Management, Houghton Mifflin, (5th ed), 2001 Iacocca, L., Iacocca : An Autobiography, Bantam Books, (1984) Ohmae Kenichi, The Mind of the Strategist, Penguin Books, (1982) Peters, T., Thriving on Chaos, Pan Books, London, 19 (1989) Sloan, Alfred P., My Years With General Motors, Doubleday & Co., (1964) Thompson, A.A. & Strickland, A.J., Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases (12 ed), 2001. Journals Web links Other 20 Information Systems for IMS Title: F02 Course No. Course Description: This course is to provide students with a deep working knowledge of technical fundamentals: concept, design methodology of manufacturing information system and implementation of intelligent manufacturing information system. This course also aims to train student who will be responsible for managing, developing and improving enterprise wise (or factory wise or lower level) manufacturing information systems. This course address issues of how to use available information intelligently: How to use systems (e.g. MES, ERP, SCM) to make decision intelligently; how to integrate heterogeneous manufacturing information system; how to design information system to use human and software intelligence in decision-making. D Knowledge Area: Course Type: 3 Number of Credits: Course Requirements: Recommended Reading: Books Journals Web links Other 21 Ainekood Eestikeelne nimetus Ingliskeelne nimetus Maht ECTS Kontrollivormid Annotatsioon (eesti keel) Annotation (inglise keel) FKKM.04.039 Võtmetehnoloogiad tänapäeval Modern Key Tehcnologies 2 AP 3 Arvestus Kursuse eemärk on anda üldine ülevaade mitmete tehnoloogiate arengust suunates põhirõhku arenenud ja esilekerkinud tehnoloogiatele ning samuti vaadeldakse erinevaid perspektiive uute tehnoloogiate sisseviimisel ettevõtetes ja ühiskonnas. Peamine tähelepanu suunatakse esilekerkinud tehnoloogiate arengule, mille alusel hinnata järgneva aastakümne kõige tõenäolisemate võtmetehnoloogiate mõju ühiskonnale. Käsitletavad tehnoloogiad hõlmavad järgmisi sektoreid: informatsioonija kommunikatsioonitehnoloogiad, täppisteadused, bio- ja geenitehnoloogia, arenenud materjalid ja nendega seotud tehnoloogiad, keskkonna- ja puhastustehnoloogiad, energia- ja transporditehnoloogiad. Iga sektorit analüüsitakse Euroopa (Eesti) tugevate ja nõrkade külgede alusel ja kirjeldatakse tehnoloogiate kasutamise majanduslikke tagajärgi. 22 Ainekood Eestikeelne nimetus Ingliskeelne nimetus Maht ECTS Kontrollivormid Annotatsioon (eesti keel) Annotation (inglise keel) FKKM.04.040 Tehnoloogia ülekanne, tehnoloogiline ekspertiis Technology Transfer, Technological Expertise 2 AP 3 Arvestus Kursuse eesmärk on anda ülevaade peamistest meetoditest ja tehnikatest tehnoloogia ülekande puhul ning tehnoloogia ülekande hindamisest. Tutvustatakse praktilisi näiteid edukatest tehnoloogia ülekannete projektidest. 23 õppeaine kood IDU0010 õppeaine nimetus Andmeaidad, ERP- ja CRM-süsteemid ek. õppeaine nimetus Data Warehouse, ERP and CRM Systems ik. õppeaine nimetus Sistemõ analiza dannõh, resursov i klientov predprijatija vk. nädalatunnid 4.0 loeng 2.0 praktikum 0.0 harjutus 2.0 (seminar) ainepunktid 3.5 kontrollivorm E semester S Kliendihaldussüsteemi CRM mõiste. Kliendihaldussüsteemide liigitus. Kliendihaldussüsteem kui ettevõtte ressursside halduse osa. Kliendihaldussüsteemide arhitektuur. Näiteid kliendihaldussüsteemidest ja nende loomise metoodika. Andmeaida süsteemide kasutamine kliendihalduses. Andmehõive andmeaida süsteemides - OLAP. OLAP määrang ja käsitlus erinevates SQL andmebaasides. annotatsioon MSSQL OLAP teenused. Andmete teisenduse vahendid. MS transformatsiooniservise kasutamine. Ettevõtte ressursside plaanimine - ERPsüsteemid, ERP-süsteemide liigitus. ERP-süsteem kui ettevõtte infosüsteemi osa. ERP-süsteemide arhitektuur. Näited ERP-süsteemidest ja nende loomise metoodika (SAP, BAAN). õppekirjandus T. Mikli Sissejuhatus infosüsteemidesse, TTÜ kirjastus, 2001 eeldusaine1 eeldusaine2 õppejõud dots. E. Õunapuu esitamiskuupäev 09.19.2001 ainet õpetavad struktuuriüksused: kood nimetus kinnitaja kinnitamise kp IDU infosüsteemide õppetool Enn Õunapuu 09.24.2001 24 õppeaine kood IDU0040 õppeaine nimetus Infosüsteemi strateegiline juhtimine ja arendamine ek. õppeaine nimetus Strategic Management and Development of Information systems ik. õppeaine nimetus Strategit¹eskoe upravlenije i razvitije informazionnõh sistem vk. nädalatunnid 4.0 loeng 2.0 praktikum 0.0 harjutus 2.0 (seminar) ainepunktid 3.5 kontrollivorm E semester S Firma infosüsteemi strateegiline arendamine tellija ning arendusfirma koostöös. Tellija-täitja suhe arendustöös. Firma ärimudeli ja infosüsteemi arhitektuuri seostest. Strateegilise arendamise põhivaated: ärivaade, arhitektuurivaade, arendusvaade. annotatsioon Terviksüsteemi sisuline tükeldus: pädevusala allsüsteemid, funktsionaalsed allsüsteemid, registriallsüsteemid. Äriarhitektuur, süsteemiarhitektuur. Infosüsteemi tervikarendamise plaanimine ja juhtimine: arendusstrateegiad ja -kavad, -riskid, probleemid, -organisatsioon. Firma IS/IT funktsioon, selle juhtimine. õppekirjandus T. Mikli Sissejuhatus infosüsteemidesse,1998 eeldusaine1 eeldusaine2 õppejõud lektor M.Roost esitamiskuupäev 09.19.2001 ainet õpetavad struktuuriüksused: kood nimetus kinnitaja kinnitamise kp IDU infosüsteemide õppetool Enn Õunapuu 09.24.2001 25 õppeaine kood IED0060 õppeaine nimetus Mikro- ja nanoelektroonika ek. õppeaine nimetus Micro- and Nanoelectronics ik. õppeaine nimetus Mikro- i nanoelektronika vk. nädalatunnid 5.0 loeng 2.0 praktikum 1.0 harjutus 2.0 (seminar) ainepunktid 4.0 kontrollivorm E semester K Mikroelektroonika kui tänapäevase ühiskonna infrastruktuur. Suured arendustööde programmid. Mikrotehnoloogiate füüsikalised piirid. Tehnoloogiaaparatuuri, disaini, testi- ja diagnostikavahendite piiratus. Mikrosüsteemid ja meditsiin. annotatsioon Mikroelektroonika areng ja turutendentsid. Nanotehnoloogia võimalused ja rakendused. Tehnoloogiaaparatuur ja materjalid. Molekulaarne manipulatsioon ja struktuuride süntees. Nanokomponendid ja -süsteemid. Perspektiivid ja maksumus. õppekirjandus eeldusaine1 YFR0011 eeldusaine2 YFR0012 õppejõud prof. T. Rang, prof. E. Velmre, ass. R. Kurel esitamiskuupäev 09.14.2001 ainet õpetavad struktuuriüksused: kood nimetus kinnitaja kinnitamise kp IED elektroonikadisaini õppetool Aiki Putting 09.26.2001 26 õppeaine kood MES8600 õppeaine nimetus Samaaegne tootearendus ek. õppeaine nimetus Concurrent Product Development ik. õppeaine nimetus Odnobvremjonnoje usover¹entvovanie produktsii vk. nädalatunnid 3.0 loeng 2.0 praktikum 0.0 harjutus 1.0 (seminar) ainepunktid 3.0 kontrollivorm E semester S Product development (PD) contents and goals in modern industrial environment. Different schemes of PD. Typical mistakes in building up a product development process. Creation of the innovation culture in an enterprise. Product planning process. Mission, goals and PD politics in a modern enterprise. Product and annotatsioon production lifetimes. Timing of the investments. Market analysis and market strategy of an enterprise. Product pricing, a metavalue approach. Product life-cycle cost. PD project and its management. Paradigm of product developer profile. Engineering design models and tools. Design for X. Quality and sustainability dimension in PD. Evaluation of the results and risks in PD. 1. Ulrich,K.T. and Eppinger, S.D., Product Design and Development, McGraw-Hill, õppekirjandus 1995,p.289. 2. Reedik, V., Concurrent Product Development, Course materials TTU, 2001, p.132. eeldusaine1 eeldusaine2 õppejõud prof. L. Roosimölder, emeriitprof. V. Reedik esitamiskuupäev 10.19.2001 ainet õpetavad struktuuriüksused: kood nimetus kinnitaja kinnitamise kp MES tootearenduse õppetool Vello Reedik 10.19.2001 27 õppeaine kood MES8610 õppeaine nimetus Tootmise juhtimise infosüsteemid ek. õppeaine nimetus Information Systems of Production Management ik. õppeaine nimetus Informatsionnõje sistemõ upravlenija proizvodstvom vk. nädalatunnid 3.0 loeng 2.0 praktikum 0.0 harjutus 1.0 (seminar) ainepunktid 3.0 kontrollivorm E semester K Introduction to business processes data modelling and databases. Types of information systems and applications for decision-making. Internal efficiency and effectiveness. IT and competitive strategy. Ethics and personal integrity. Computer annotatsioon hardware, software and programming. Telecommunications and networks. Knowledge-based systems. Information system planning and development. Security and control. õppekirjandus Lectures Notes eeldusaine1 eeldusaine2 õppejõud A. Saks esitamiskuupäev 03.03.1999 ainet õpetavad struktuuriüksused: kood nimetus kinnitaja kinnitamise kp MES tootearenduse õppetool . . 01.29.2002 28 õppeaine kood MET0070 õppeaine nimetus Tootmise modelleerimine ja simulatsioon ek. õppeaine nimetus Modelling and Simulation of Production Processes ik. õppeaine nimetus Modelirovanije i simuljatsija proizvodstva vk. nädalatunnid 3.0 loeng 2.0 praktikum 0.0 harjutus 1.0 (seminar) ainepunktid 3.0 kontrollivorm E semester S Sissejuhatus süsteemide simuleerimisse: simulatsiooni olemus, näited; süsteemide klassifikatsioon; mudelid ja nende klassifikatsioon; simulatsiooni kasutusvaldkonnad; simulatsiooni eesmärk; näited. Tootmisprotsess kui simulatsiooni valdkond. Probleemi püstitus, andmete kogumine ja analüüs, mudeli loome, mudeli testimine ja kinnitamine, projekti vormistamine. Sisendandmete annotatsioon kogumine ja formaliseerimine. Juhuslike arvude genereerimine. Diskreetsete sündmuspõhiste süsteemide simulatsioon. Simulatsiooni tarkvara: tarkvara liigitus, simulatsiooni keeled (GPSS, Siman V, FORTRAN, MODSIM jne), simulatsiooni süsteemid (Arena, Witness jne). Praktiline osa: tabelitel põhineva simulatsiooni ülesanded; arvutipõhise simulatsiooni ülesanded. Kelton, W. David, Randall P. Sadowski, Deborah A. Sadowski. Simulation with ARENA WCB/McGraw-Hill, 1998. Banks, Jery, John S. Carson II, Barry L. Nelson. õppekirjandus Discrete-Event System Simulation 2nd edition. Pretice Hall, 1998, ISBN 0-13217449-9 eeldusaine1 eeldusaine2 õppejõud A.Saks esitamiskuupäev 09.24.2001 ainet õpetavad struktuuriüksused: kood nimetus kinnitaja kinnitamise kp MET tootmistehnika õppetool Jüri Papstel 09.24.2001 29 õppeaine kood MET0080 õppeaine nimetus Teadmuspõhised süsteemid masinaehituses ek. õppeaine nimetus Knowledge-based Manufacturing Systems ik. õppeaine nimetus Intelligentnõje sistemõ v mashinostrojenij vk. nädalatunnid 3.0 loeng 2.0 praktikum 0.0 harjutus 1.0 (seminar) ainepunktid 3.0 kontrollivorm E semester S Sissejuhatus. Teadmuste esitamine ja teadmuste genereerimise süsteemid (reeglitel põhinevad süsteemid, semantilised võrgud, freimid, predikaatarvutus). Integreeritud järelduste süsteemid. Teadmuspõhised protsessi plaanimise süsteemid. annotatsioon Teadmuspõhine töötlemisprotsessi plaanimine. Teadmuspõhine kontrolloperatsioonide plaanimine. Teadmuspõhine koosteoperatsioonide plaanimine. Järgmise põlvkonna intelligentsed töötlemissüsteemid. Kursust loetakse ka inglise keeles. P. Gu, D. H. Norrie Intelligent Manufacturing Planning Chapman&Hall, 1995 õppekirjandus Cihan H. Dagli, Artificial Neural Networks for Intelligent Manufacturing, Chapman&Hall, 1995 eeldusaine1 eeldusaine2 õppejõud prof. J. Papstel, A.Saks esitamiskuupäev 09.10.2001 ainet õpetavad struktuuriüksused: kood nimetus kinnitaja kinnitamise kp MET tootmistehnika õppetool Jüri Papstel 10.09.2001 30 õppeaine kood MET8110 õppeaine nimetus Tootmistehnika ek. õppeaine nimetus Production Engineering ik. õppeaine nimetus Proisvodstvennaja tehnika vk. nädalatunnid 3.5 loeng 2.5 praktikum 0.0 harjutus 1.0 (seminar) ainepunktid 3.0 kontrollivorm E semester K Definition of integrated production. Production systems. Production subsystems. annotatsioon Basis of production systems design. Integrated design systems. Imitational modelling of product manufacturing. Analysis of the company's effectiveness. 1.William D. Engelke How to integrate CAD/CAM Systems, Management and Technology, Marcel Dekker Inc. New York, Basel,1988 Browne J., Harken J., õppekirjandus Shrivan J. Production Management 2.Systems. A CIM perspective. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc. 1993, 294 p 3.Lecturer Notes eeldusaine1 eeldusaine2 õppejõud dots. J. Riives esitamiskuupäev 11.30.2001 ainet õpetavad struktuuriüksused: kood nimetus kinnitaja kinnitamise kp MET tootmistehnika õppetool Jüri Papstel 12.03.2001 31 õppeaine kood MET8130 õppeaine nimetus Tootmise plaanimine ja juhtimine ek. õppeaine nimetus Manufacturing Planning and Control ik. õppeaine nimetus Planirovanije i upravlenije proizvodstvom vk. nädalatunnid 3.0 loeng 2.0 praktikum 0.0 harjutus 1.0 (seminar) ainepunktid 3.0 kontrollivorm E semester K Introduction, production planning, resource planning, demand management, forecasting, master production scheduling, final assembly scheduling, two-level master schedules, distribution requirements planning (DRP), capacity theory, roughcut capacity planning, independent demand inventory management, material annotatsioon requirements planning (MRP), capacity requirements planning (CRP), manufacturing resource planning (MRP II), production activity control, scheduling, bottleneck scheduling, theory of constraints (OPT) just-in-time/Kanban, hybrid systems, computer based MPCS, integrated MPC-systems. Ainet loetakse nii eesti kui ka inglise keeles Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman. Factory Physics. Foundation of Manufacturing Management. Irwin McGraw-Hill. Boston. 1996. 668 pp. 2. Paul õppekirjandus Higgins, Patrick Le Roy, Liam Tierney. Manufacturing Planning and Control. Chapman&Hall, London. 1996. 235 pp. eeldusaine1 eeldusaine2 õppejõud prof. J. Papstel, prof. R. Küttner, teadur M. Nafthal esitamiskuupäev 09.17.2001 ainet õpetavad struktuuriüksused: kood nimetus kinnitaja kinnitamise kp MET tootmistehnika õppetool Jüri Papstel 09.28.2001 32 Ainekood Eestikeelne nimetus Ingliskeelne nimetus Maht ECTS Kontrollivormid Annotatsioon (eesti keel) Annotation (inglise keel) MJJV.07.031 Ettevõtte rahvusvahelistumine Internationalisation of Business 3 AP 4,5 Eksam Kursuse eesmärgiks on pakkuda tudengitele baasteadmisi rahvusvahelistest ettevõtetest ja ülevaadet erinevatest kultuurilistest aspektidest, ajades rahvusvahelist äri. Sissejuhatav osa keskendub erinevatele kultuurilistele aspektidele. Kursuse põhiline osa on suunatud praktiliste teadmiste omandamisele, kuidas aetakse rahvusvahelist äri globaalsel turul. Arutatakse läbi ja hinnatakse Case-study-sid erinevate regioonide kohta. Kasutatav kirjandus: materjaliga varustatakse kursuse käigus. To provide a basic understanding of international business and an overview of different cultural aspects in doing international business. The introductory part will focus on the different cultural aspects. The central issue of the course will be directed towards providing the attendants a practical understanding on how international business is done in the global world. Case studies from different regions will be discussed and evaluated in a pro-active way. 33 Ainekood Eestikeelne nimetus Ingliskeelne nimetus Maht ECTS Kontrollivormid Annotatsioon (eesti keel) Annotation (inglise keel) MJJV.07.032 Rahastamise protsess: grandid / subsiidiumid erarahastamisel, seemnekapital Fundraising Process: Grants / Subsidies to Private Funding, seed Capital for Start-ups 2 AP 3 Eksam Kursuse eesmärgiks on anda detailne ülevaade ja praktilisi ülesandeid erinevate ettevõtte rahastamise mehhanismide kohta. Sissejuhatav osa keskendub rahastamise protsessile (grandid, subsiidiumid) ja kursuse teises pooles tutvustatakse erarahastamist. Kursuse põhiprobleemiks on järgmised teemad: seemnekapital, start-up ja venture kapital. Tundides analüüsitakse ka case-study-sid. Kasutatav kirjandus: materjaliga varustatakse kursuse käigus. To give a detailed overview and practical exercise of various fundraising mechanisms available for an entrepreneur. The introductory part will focus on the fundraising process from grants to subsidies and at last an introduction to private funding. The central issue of the course will be on the topics seed-, start-up- and venture capital. Case studies will be included in the lectures. Reading list: material to be provided. 34 Ainekood Eestikeelne nimetus Ingliskeelne nimetus Maht ECTS Kontrollivormid Annotatsioon (eesti keel) Annotation (inglise keel) MJJV.07.037 Tehnoloogiastrateegia rakendamine ettevõttes Application of Technology Strategy Methods in Business 2 AP 3 Arvestus Tehnoloogiastrateegia roll ettevõttes on anda süstemaatiline alus ressursside ja kompetentside arendamise ja rakendamise planeerimisele pikaajalise konkurentsivõime tagamise eesmärgil. Käesoleva loengukursuse raames käsitletakse tehnoloogiastrateegia rakendamisega seotud teoreetilisi ja praktilisi aspekte. Eesmärgiks on a) anda teadmisi ettevõtte tehnoloogiastrateegia protsessi, selle meetodite ning äristrateegiaga ühildamise põhimõtete ja meetodite kohta; b) arendada tehnoloogiastrateegia meetodite rakendamisega seotud oskusteavet. 35 Ainekood Eestikeelne nimetus Ingliskeelne nimetus Maht ECTS Kontrollivormid Annotatsioon (eesti keel) Annotation (inglise keel) MJJV.07.038 Tehnoloogia- ja innovatsioonipoliitikad Technology and Innovation Polices 2 AP 3 Eksam Kursuse eesmärk on anda ülevaade tehnoloogiapoliitikatest ja innovatsioonipoliitikatest Eestis, Skandinaaviamaades ja Euroopa Liidus. Analüüsitakse, kuidas teadus ja tehnoloogia ning tööstus ja ühiskond on vastastikku mõjutatud ning kuidas kasutada tehnoloogia arengud ja innovatsiooni majanduslike ja ühiskondlike eesmärkide saavutamiseks. Kurus käsitleb tehnoloogiapoliitika ajalugu ja arengut Eestis, Skandinaaviamaades ja teistes Euroopa riikides (riikidevaheline võrdlevanalüüs). Kursuse teemadeks on ka Euroopa Liidu innovatsioonija tehnoloogiapoliitika rakendamisel tekkivate probleemide ja instrumentide kirjeldamine, Raamistikprogrammide struktuuri ja arengu käsitlemine ning tehnoloogia- ja innovatsioonipoliitikate rakendamine Eestis ja Euroopa Liidus. Vaatluse alla võetakse Eesti Uurimis- ja Arendustöö Strateegia 2002-2006 peamised punktid. The objective of the course is to give an overview of technology and innovation polices in Estonia, in Scandinavian countries and in EU, how does science and technology interact with industry and society and how these developments can be used for economic and societal goals. The course covers history and development of the technology policy in Estonia, in Scandinavian countries and in Europe via a comparative approach. Topics of the course include the descriptions of problems and instruments of implementation of European Union research and technology policy, the structure and development of the Framework Programmes, technology and innovation policy making in Estonia and in the EU. The main features of the Estonian Research and Development Strategy 2002-2006 are described. The course belongs to the core courses of the technology policy module. 36 õppeaine kood MPT8440 õppeaine nimetus Kvaliteedijuhtimine ek. õppeaine nimetus Quality management ik. õppeaine nimetus Upravlenije kat¹estvom vk. nädalatunnid 2.0 loeng 2.0 praktikum 0.0 harjutus 0.0 (seminar) ainepunktid 3.0 kontrollivorm E semester S Quality and competitive edge. Quality system. Standards: ISO 9000 family, QS9000 e.a. Quality manual. System development. Quality audit. Quality in design. QFD, robustness, failure analysis, dependability. Quality in production. SPC, capability, annotatsioon CAQ. TQM and management style. Kaizen. Quality gurus. Problem solving tools. Policy deployment. Performance measurement. Quality costs, profitability. Quality awards. Self-assessment. Benchmarking. Motivation. Management of change. Quality in services. Quality in education. Home/course work/paper will be included. õppekirjandus Lecturer Notes eeldusaine1 eeldusaine2 õppejõud prof. A.Kiitam esitamiskuupäev 03.03.1999 ainet õpetavad struktuuriüksused: kood nimetus kinnitaja kinnitamise kp MHT kvaliteeditehnika õppetool . . 01.29.2002 37 õppeaine kood TMK0010 õppeaine nimetus Operatsioonijuhtimine ek. õppeaine nimetus Operations Management ik. õppeaine nimetus Upravlenie operatsiami vk. nädalatunnid 6.0 loeng 3.0 praktikum 0.0 harjutus 3.0 (seminar) ainepunktid 3.0 kontrollivorm E semester K2 Juhti abistavad otsustamistehnikad ja nende praktiline kasutamine: otsustusteooria, operatsioonianalüüs, prognoosimine. Strateegilised otsused: tootestrateegia, annotatsioon tootmisprotsessi strateegia, asukoha strateegia. Taktikalised otsused: toodangu planeerimine, varude juhtimine, materjalivajaduse planeerimine, projektijuhtimine Kabral,H.-E. Tootmis- ja teenindusoperatsioonide juhtimine. Tallinn, 1998. õppekirjandus Vonderembse,M., White,G Operations Management. Concepts, Methods and Strategies. 3rd ed. West Publishing Co., 1996 eeldusaine1 eeldusaine2 õppejõud dots. H.-E.Kabral esitamiskuupäev 09.17.2001 ainet õpetavad struktuuriüksused: kood nimetus kinnitaja kinnitamise kp TMK tootmis- ja teeninduskorralduse õppetool Maksim Saat 09.18.2001 38 õppeaine kood TMK1010 õppeaine nimetus Innovatsiooni juhtimine ek. õppeaine nimetus Innovation Management ik. õppeaine nimetus Upravlenie innovatsijami vk. nädalatunnid 6.0 loeng 3.0 praktikum 0.0 harjutus 3.0 (seminar) ainepunktid 3.0 kontrollivorm E semester K1 Innovatsioonide juhtimine - põhimõisted ja makromajanduslik tähtsus. Innovatsiooni juhtimine ettevõttes: organisatsiooni ja innovatsiooni teooriad, organisatsioonilised struktuurid ja innovatsioon, üksikisiku roll innovatsiooniprotsessis, innovatiivse ümbruse kujundamine. Toote strateegia ja uue toote väljaarendamine: innovaatiline potentsiaal, benchmarking, majanduslike ja annotatsioon tehnoloogiliste tugevuste kombineerimine. Uue toote väljaarendamine ja väljaarendamise meeskonna juhtimine. Tehnoloogia juhtimine: teadus- ja arendustööde juhtimine, innovaatiliste projektide hindamine ja valik, projektide rahastamine, tehnosiire. Strateegilised liidud ja intellektuaalne omand. Eetilised otsustused innovatsioonimajanduses. Trott,P. Innovation Management and New Product Development. London, 1998. õppekirjandus Siimon,I.-J., Lumiste,R.,Lumiste,R. Tooteinnovatsioon ja innovatsioonisüsteemid. Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2000 eeldusaine1 eeldusaine2 õppejõud prof. M. Saat esitamiskuupäev 09.10.2001 ainet õpetavad struktuuriüksused: kood nimetus kinnitaja kinnitamise kp TMK tootmis- ja teeninduskorralduse õppetool Maksim Saat 09.27.2001 39 õppeaine kood TMK1030 õppeaine Arendus- ja uurimistööde juhtimine nimetus ek. õppeaine Research and Development Management nimetus ik. õppeaine Upravlenie nautsno-issledovatelskimi rabotami nimetus vk. nädalatunnid 6.0 loeng 3.0 praktikum 0.0 harjutus 3.0 (seminar) ainepunktid 3.0 kontrollivorm E semester S1 Arendus- ja uurimistööde tähtsus ettevõtte jaoks. Arendus- ja uurimistööde korraldamine: organisatsioonilised vormid; projektide valik ja juhtimine; kommunikatsioon teadusorganisatsioonis. Benchmarking ja tehnoloogia seire. Uurimis- ja arendustööde plaanimine: plaanimise protsess, strateegia väljatöötamine, annotatsioon eesmärkjuhtimine. Kuluarvestus ja eelarvestamine, projektide finantseerimine. Projektide valik. Projektide realiseerimise ajaline planeerimine ja controlling. Projektide insenerikontrolli süsteem. Aruandlus, selle perioodilisus. Hälvete ja tõrgete analüüs. Arendus- ja uurimistööde tulemuste interpreteerimine. Booth,W.C.,Colomb,G.G.,Williams,J.M. The Craft of Research The University of õppekirjandus Chicago Press, 1995. Trott,P. Innovation Management and New Product Development.London 1998. eeldusaine1 eeldusaine2 õppejõud dots. H.-E.Kabral esitamiskuupäev 09.10.2001 ainet õpetavad struktuuriüksused: kood nimetus kinnitaja kinnitamise kp TMK tootmis- ja teeninduskorralduse õppetool Maksim Saat 09.27.2001 40 õppeaine kood TMK8280 õppeaine nimetus Rahvusvaheline ettevõtlus ek. õppeaine nimetus International Business ik. õppeaine nimetus Me¾dunarodnoje predprinimatelstvo vk. nädalatunnid 3.0 loeng 2.0 praktikum 0.0 harjutus 1.0 (seminar) ainepunktid 3.0 kontrollivorm E semester S Main definitions. Global production, import and export strategies, strategic alliances. Evaluation and selection of countries. Trade policies: barriers to international trade, promotion of international trade, countervailing duties, annotatsioon antidumping regulation, Super 301. International co-operation (incl. GATT, WTO, EU a. o.). International Production Management (incl. International logistics, international service operations and the role of Government in international trade). õppekirjandus Lecturer Notes eeldusaine1 eeldusaine2 õppejõud prof. M. Saat esitamiskuupäev 03.03.1999 ainet õpetavad struktuuriüksused: kood nimetus kinnitaja kinnitamise kp TMK tootmis- ja teeninduskorralduse õppetool . . 01.29.2002 41 õppeaine kood TMK8290 õppeaine nimetus Äritegevuse alused ek. õppeaine nimetus Fundamentals of Business Administration ik. õppeaine nimetus Osnovõ predprinimatelstva vk. nädalatunnid 3.0 loeng 2.0 praktikum 0.0 harjutus 1.0 (seminar) ainepunktid 3.0 kontrollivorm E semester S Political, economical and legal environment facing business. Production and purchasing. Corporate finance. Fundamentals of management: strategies, annotatsioon controlling, personnel management, organisation, international business. Fundamentals of accounting. Remuneration and profit sharing. õppekirjandus Lecturer Notes eeldusaine1 eeldusaine2 õppejõud prof. M.Saat esitamiskuupäev 03.03.1999 ainet õpetavad struktuuriüksused: kood nimetus kinnitaja kinnitamise kp TMK tootmis- ja teeninduskorralduse õppetool . . 01.29.2002 42 õppeaine kood TMK8300 õppeaine nimetus Ärieetika ek. õppeaine nimetus Business Ethics ik. õppeaine nimetus Delovaja etika vk. nädalatunnid 1.0 loeng 1.0 praktikum 0.0 harjutus (seminar) 0.0 ainepunktid 2.0 kontrollivorm A semester S annotatsioon Main definitions. Settlement of Business Ethics conflict. Corporate ethics. Labour and personnel management ethics. Consumer protection. Advertising. Environment. õppekirjandus Lecturer Notes eeldusaine1 eeldusaine2 õppejõud dots. M. Meel esitamiskuupäev 03.03.1999 ainet õpetavad struktuuriüksused: kood nimetus kinnitaja kinnitamise kp TMK tootmis- ja teeninduskorralduse õppetool . . 01.29.2002 43 õppeaine kood TMM3770 õppeaine nimetus Ärisuhtlus ja äriläbirääkimised ek. õppeaine nimetus Business Communication and Negotiations ik. õppeaine nimetus Delovoje obstsenije i peregovorõ vk. nädalatunnid 6.0 loeng 3.0 praktikum 2.0 harjutus 1.0 (seminar) ainepunktid 2.5 kontrollivorm E semester S2 Suhtlemine organisatsioonis, ärisõnumite plaanimine, koostamine. Erinevate ärikirjade, -memode, -aruannete koostamine. Suuline suhtlemine: kuulamine, intervjueerimine, koosolekute läbiviimine, kõnede ettevalmistamine, visuaalsed annotatsioon vahendid. Äriläbirääkimiste koht organisatsiooni tegevuses. Läbirääkimiste eesmärgid ja arendus. Juht kui läbirääkija; läbirääkimisteks valmistamine, taktika arendamine, lepingud; läbirääkimiste protsessi põhipunktid. Kasutatakse teste, situatsioonianalüüse ja videotreeningmeetodit. õppekirjandus Chandler,Frances G.Fundamentals of Business Communication. IRWIN,1995.Ron Ludlow,F.Panton.The Essence of Effective Communication,Prentice-Hall,1995 eeldusaine1 eeldusaine2 õppejõud lektor A.Leppiman esitamiskuupäev 05.10.1997 ainet õpetavad struktuuriüksused: kood nimetus kinnitaja kinnitamise kp TMM turunduse õppetool . . 05.24.2001 44 õppeaine kood TMM3770 õppeaine nimetus Ärisuhtlus ja äriläbirääkimised ek. õppeaine nimetus Business Communication and Negotiations ik. õppeaine nimetus Delovoje obstsenije i peregovorõ vk. nädalatunnid 6.0 loeng 3.0 praktikum 2.0 harjutus 1.0 (seminar) ainepunktid 2.5 kontrollivorm E semester S2 Suhtlemine organisatsioonis, ärisõnumite plaanimine, koostamine. Erinevate ärikirjade, -memode, -aruannete koostamine. Suuline suhtlemine: kuulamine, intervjueerimine, koosolekute läbiviimine, kõnede ettevalmistamine, visuaalsed annotatsioon vahendid. Äriläbirääkimiste koht organisatsiooni tegevuses. Läbirääkimiste eesmärgid ja arendus. Juht kui läbirääkija; läbirääkimisteks valmistamine, taktika arendamine, lepingud; läbirääkimiste protsessi põhipunktid. Kasutatakse teste, situatsioonianalüüse ja videotreeningmeetodit. õppekirjandus Chandler,Frances G.Fundamentals of Business Communication. IRWIN,1995.Ron Ludlow,F.Panton.The Essence of Effective Communication,Prentice-Hall,1995 eeldusaine1 eeldusaine2 õppejõud lektor A.Leppiman esitamiskuupäev 05.10.1997 ainet õpetavad struktuuriüksused: kood nimetus kinnitaja kinnitamise kp TMM turunduse õppetool . . 05.24.2001 45 õppeaine kood TMO1050 õppeaine nimetus Organisatsioonikäitumine ek. õppeaine nimetus Organizational Behavior ik. õppeaine nimetus Organizatsjonnoje povedenije vk. nädalatunnid 6.0 loeng 3.0 praktikum 0.0 harjutus 3.0 (seminar) ainepunktid 3.0 kontrollivorm E semester K2 Organisatsiooni ja juhtimise psühholoogilised ja sotsioloogilised aspektid. Teoreetilised käsitlussuunad ja juhtimispraktika. Indiviidi taju, hoiakud ja käitumine. Indiviidi loovus, loovustehnikad. Motiveerimise olemus ja teoreetilised alused ning nende praktilise rakendamise võimalused. Stress, tööga rahulolu. Konfliktid, nende annotatsioon ennetamine ja lahendamine. Grupid organisatsioonis, grupi tunnused, grupiomadused ja grupidünaamika. Liider ja eestvedamine, eestvedamise teooriad ja stiilid. Meeskonna juhtimise põhimõtted. Organisatsioonikultuur, koostisosad, mõju. Innovaatiline organisatsioon ja organisatsioonikultuur. õppekirjandus Vadi, M. Organisatsioonikäitumine. Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2001. Vadi, M. Grupid organisatsioonis. Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2001. eeldusaine1 eeldusaine2 õppejõud ass. E. Valmra esitamiskuupäev 08.27.2001 ainet õpetavad struktuuriüksused: kood nimetus kinnitaja kinnitamise kp TMO organisatsiooni ja juhtimise õppetool Jaak Leimann 09.28.2001 46 õppeaine kood TMT8800 õppeaine nimetus Tootlikkuse juhtimine ek. õppeaine nimetus Productivity management ik. õppeaine nimetus Upravlenije proizvoditelnostju vk. nädalatunnid 2.0 loeng 1.0 praktikum 0.0 harjutus 1.0 (seminar) ainepunktid 2.0 kontrollivorm E semester S Productivity definitions and basic concepts. The role and importance of productivity. Productivity management cycle. Productivity management at international, national and industrial levels. Productivity management in companies (organisations). Different methods of productivity evaluation and analysis. annotatsioon Productivity external and internal factors. Different methods of productivity forecasting and planning. Productivity improvement methods (techniques). Productivity improvement programmes: elements, organisational approaches and major variations. Productivity promotion and improvement strategies. õppekirjandus Lecturer Notes eeldusaine1 eeldusaine2 õppejõud dots. E. Kalle, prof. J. Papstel esitamiskuupäev 03.03.1999 ainet õpetavad struktuuriüksused: kood nimetus kinnitaja kinnitamise kp TMT töökeskkonna- ja ohutuse õppetool . . 01.29.2002 47 õppeaine kood TMV8250 õppeaine nimetus Väike- ja keskmise ettevõtluse organiseerimine ek. õppeaine nimetus Organisation of Small and Medium Business ik. õppeaine nimetus Organizatsija melkovoi srednevo predprinimatelstva vk. nädalatunnid 3.0 loeng 2.0 praktikum 0.0 harjutus 1.0 (seminar) ainepunktid 3.0 kontrollivorm E semester K Definition of the small and medium business. Urgent problems and peculiarities of the small and medium business. The main factors of the development of the small annotatsioon and medium enterprises. Organisation of the small and medium enterprise. Production and marketing management. Personnel management. Economic, legal, technological aspects of the organisation of small and medium business. õppekirjandus Lecturer Notes eeldusaine1 eeldusaine2 õppejõud prof. J.Teder esitamiskuupäev 03.03.1999 ainet õpetavad struktuuriüksused: kood nimetus kinnitaja kinnitamise kp TMV väikeettevõtluse õppetool . . 01.29.2002 48 õppeaine kood TTO3250 õppeaine nimetus Intellektuaalse omandi õigus ek. õppeaine nimetus Intellectual Property Law ik. õppeaine nimetus Ohrana intellektualnoi sobstvennosti vk. nädalatunnid 6.0 loeng 4.0 praktikum 0.0 harjutus 2.0 (seminar) ainepunktid 2.5 kontrollivorm E semester K1 Intellektuaalse omandi mõiste, objektid ja õiguskaitse. Tööstusomand maailma majanduselus (leiutiste õiguskaitse, tööstusdisainlahenduste õiguskaitse, kasulike mudelite õiguskaitse, kauba- ja teenindusmärkide õiguskaitse). Rahvusvaheline koostöö intellektuaalse ja tööstusomandi õiguskaitse valdkonnas. Tehnoloogia annotatsioon rahvusvaheline üleandmine (litsentsilepingu objekt, struktuur ja juriidiline iseloom, tehnoloogia üleandmise vormid). Tarkvara õiguskaitse (tarkvara ja autoriõigus, tarkvara ja väliskaubandussuhted). Autoriõiguse küsimused rahvusvahelistes suhetes, autoriõiguse subjektid ja objektid. õppekirjandus Kukrus.A. Tööstusomandi õiguskaitse. Tallinn, Mats, 1995. 304 lk. eeldusaine1 TTO3080 eeldusaine2 õppejõud prof. A. Kukrus esitamiskuupäev 04.10.1997 ainet õpetavad struktuuriüksused: kood nimetus kinnitaja kinnitamise kp TTO majandusõiguse õppetool . . 05.24.2001