Spring 2015 Angelina College Health Careers Division RNSG 2130 General Syllabus I. BASIC COURSE INFORMATION A. Course Description: RNSG 2130 -- Professional Nursing Review and Licensure Preparation. (Capstone Course). One hour credit. Review of concepts required for licensure examination and entry into the practice of professional nursing. Includes application of National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) test plan, assessment of knowledge deficits, and remediation. Sixteen (16˚) classroom hours. Prerequisites: RNSG 1343, 1412, 2460. Co-requisite: none. Special fee required. B. Intended Audience: Sophomore working toward educational requirements for Associate of Applied Science in Nursing. C. Instructor: Name Nancy Rice Alysa Bass Ellen Duke Janet King Office Location HC 213 HC 212 HC 210 HC 215 Phone Number 936-633-5277 936-633-5273 936-633-5271 936-633-3222 Email Address nrice@angelina.edu abass@angelina.edu eduke@angelina.edu jking@angelina.edu Office Hours: See office posting Phone: Instructors may also be reached through the main Health Careers I telephone number at 936-6335265. If the instructor is not available, please leave a message with Kay Gibbs, the Program Secretary, and she will relay the message to the instructor. II. INTENDED STUDENT OUTCOMES: A. Core Competencies – (Basic Intellectual Competencies) 1. Critical Thinking Skills (CT) – to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information. 2. Communication Skills (COM) – to include effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and visual communication. 3. Empirical and Quantitative Skills (EQS) – to include the manipulation and analysis of numerical data or observe facts resulting in informed conclusions. 4. Teamwork (TW) – to include the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal. 5. Personal Responsibility (PR) – to include the ability to connect choices, actions and consequences to ethical decision-making. 6. Social Responsibility (SR) – to include intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage in regional, national, and global communities. B. Course Objectives for all sections – 1. Demonstrate the use of clinical reasoning, nursing process and evidence based practice outcomes as a basis for decision making (PLO#1) (DEC 1 & 2). 2. Exhibits behaviors that reflect commitment to the growth and development of the role and function of nursing consistent with state and national regulations and with ethical and professional standards; aspires to improve the discipline of nursing and its contribution to society; and values self-assessment and the need for lifelong learning (PLO#2) (DEC 1 & 4). 3. Accepts responsibility for the quality of nursing care and provides safe, compassionate nursing care using a systematic process of assessment, analysis, planning, intervention, and evaluation that focuses on the needs and preferences of patients and their families (PLO#3) (DEC 2 & 3). 05/05/2014 JK 4. Promotes safety in the patient and family environment by: following scope and standards of nursing practice, practicing within the parameters of individual knowledge, skills and abilities; identifying and reporting actual and potential unsafe practices and implementing measures to prevent harm (PLO#4) (DEC 2). 5. Provides patient centered care by collaborating, coordinating and/or facilitating comprehensive care with an interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary healthcare team to determine and implement best practices for the patients and their families (PLO#5) (DEC 1,2,3). D. Course Objectives as determined by the instructor – Developmental Stages and Transitions 1. Discuss the assessment findings patients throughout the lifespan. 2. Identify risk factors associated with patients throughout the lifespan. 3. Plan nursing therapies specific to patients throughout the lifespan. 4. Discuss medications for patients throughout the lifespan. 5. Discuss teaching plans for patients throughout the lifespan. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention 6. Outline health promotion strategies across the life span. 7. Discuss the relationship between lifestyle choices and health promotion/disease prevention. 8. Discuss the importance of health screenings. 9. Discuss the recommended immunization schedule for children and adults. 10. Discuss the components of a physical examination. Mental Health Concepts 11. Discuss therapeutic communication techniques. 12. Outline the principles of nurse-client relationship. 13. Plan therapies related to grief and loss and end of life care. 14. Discuss religious and cultural issues surrounding end of life care. 15. Review coping and defense mechanisms seen in client care. 16. Outline stress management techniques. Psychosocial Alterations 17. Discuss the assessment findings related to psychosocial integrity 18. Analyze communication related to psychosocial integrity. 19. Identify risk factors associated with related to psychosocial integrity. 20. Discuss common treatment modalities for patients with psychosocial disorders. 21. Plan nursing therapies related to patients with psychosocial disorders. 22. Discuss teaching plans for patients with psychosocial disorders. Management of Care 23. Describe nurse management roles. 24. Analyze ethical and legal responsibilities of the nurse. 25. Discuss client rights, advanced directives, confidentiality and informed consent. 26. Discuss prioritizing and delegating in the nursing role. Safety and Infection Control 27. Outline potential risks found in the acute care setting. 28. Discuss infection control principles. 29. Discuss legal and ethical use of restraints. 30. Discuss nursing roles in the event of disasters. Basic Care and Comfort 31. Discuss the basic human needs: hygiene, elimination, rest, comfort, nutrition and mobility. 32. Outline nursing responsibilities relating to alternative and complimentary therapies. 33. Discuss the assessment findings with highlighted physiologic health problems. 34. Describe nursing therapies associated with highlighted physiologic health problems. 35. Discuss teaching plans relating to highlighted physiologic health problems. 05/05/2014 JK Pharmacology and Intravenous Therapy 36. Describe the guidelines and nursing responsibilities related to administering medications. 37. Review formulas for calculating medication dosages and intravenous flow rates. 38. Discuss selected pharmacological agents with emphasis on nursing interventions and client education. 39. Discuss nursing responsibilities related to intravenous therapy, total parenteral nutrition and blood product administration. Physiological Health Problems 40. Review nursing responsibilities relating to fluid and electrolyte imbalance. 41. Discuss hemodynamic monitoring. 42. Outline the nursing care of a client during a medical emergency. 43. Discuss various adult health conditions. 44. Review nursing responsibilities relating to high-risk maternity and newborn clients. 45. Discuss various pediatric disorders. III. ASSESSMENT MEASURES OF STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: A. Assessments for the Core Intellectual Competencies – 1. Critical Thinking Skills (CT) – Competency in critical thinking is assessed through student's ability to discuss patient case studies, identify patient care needs and complete written assignments. 2. Communication Skills (COM) Competency in speaking is assessed through oral contribution in small-group activities and interpersonal communication with patients, staff, instructors and peers. 3. Empirical and Quantitative Skills (EQS) – Competency in empirical and quantitative skills is assessed through administration of a dosage calculation exam prior to clinical. 4. Teamwork (TW) – Competency in teamwork is assessed through student's ability to participate in various group assignments. 5. Personal Responsibility (PR) –Competency in personal responsibility will be assessed through the student's completion of modules by the assigned due dates. 6. Social Responsibility (SR) – Competency in social responsibility will be assessed through the student's performance on computerized exam questions relating to cultural and global health issues. B. Assessments for Course Objectives for all sections – SCANS (Secretary of Labor‘s Commission of Achieving Necessary Skills): Students are expected to demonstrate basic competency in academic and workforce skills. The following competencies with evaluation are covered in RNSG 2331: SCANS Skills Foundation Skills Workplace Competencies Evaluation Saunders CAT Exam Computer assisted Instruction C. Assessments for the Course Objectives as determined by the instructor – Same as stated above. IV. INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES: A. Methodologies common to all sections Audio-visual aids Computer assisted instruction Group discussion Independent study Online instruction B. Methodologies determined by the instructor Not applicable for this course. V. COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND POLICIES: A. Required Textbooks, Materials, and Equipment – Silvestri: HESI/Saunders Online Review Course for the NCLEX-RN® Examination (16 weeks) Evolve/Elsevier (2014) HESI Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination, Ed. 4 05/05/2014 JK Silvestri, L. (2014) Saunders Comprehensive Review for NCLEX-RN Examination Recommended Textbooks, Materials, and Equipment – N/A for this course B. Assignments – Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) and Blackboard Resources: This is primarily an online course accessed through Evolve website. This is also a Blackboard enhanced course. Students will be expected to log on to Blackboard to receive calendars, course information and other materials. Please sign the Blackboard agreement and return it to the instructor by the end of the first class week. C. Course Policies – (This course conforms to the policies of Angelina College as stated in the Angelina College Nursing Program Student Handbook and the Angelina College Student Handbook.) Academic Assistance – If you have a disability (as cited in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990) that may affect your participation in this class, you should see Karen Bowser, Room 208 of the Student Center. At a post-secondary institution, you must self-identify as a person with a disability; Ms. Bowser will assist you with the necessary information to do so. Angelina College (AC) admits students without regard to race, color, religion, natural origin, sex, disability, or age. Inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies of AC should be directed to : Dr. Patricia McKenzie, Vice president and Dean of Instruction, 3500 South First , Lufkin, TX 75904, telephone is 936-633-5201. Attendance – See ACNP Student Handbook 2014-2015. Additional Policies – Progression Policy –A student must earn a minimum grade of “C” or “P” in all required courses in order to progress within the nursing program. All nursing courses must be taken in the appropriate sequence. Withdrawal and Dismissal –Students who wish to withdraw from the nursing program must do so with both the Nursing Program Coordinator and the Office of Admissions. If the student does not officially withdraw in the Office of Admission, an “F” will appear on the transcript for the course in progress at that time. Examinations –Students must be present and on time for HESI examinations which will be administered on-line in the computer lab. If you must be absent on the day of the HESI exam, you must notify Nursing Office immediately. Elsevier/Evolve – Silvestri: HESI/Saunders Online Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination is a computer enhanced program – All assignments are completed, submitted, and scored online. This course will help you improve your testing ability and counts for 50% of your RNSG 2130 grade. Therefore, is extremely important that you take your time and make the best possible score on each Module. VI. COURSE CONTENT: A. Required Content/ Topics – See content modules for Saunders Review course. VII. EVALUATION AND GRADING: A. Grading Criteria The course grade is based on Saunders Online NCLEX Review course module completion, and HESI RN Exit Exam. Methods of Evaluation: RNSG 2130 is the Angelina College Associate Degree Nursing Program Capstone Course. This means that all Specialty or Capstone tests must be completed per the CAP and Exit exam policy found in the AC Student Handbook in order to successfully complete RNSG 2130. In addition, this means that RSNG 2130 must be passed to complete the Angelina College Nursing program. 05/05/2014 JK Saunders Review Course Content Modules Ten (10) content modules and their associated exams must be completed prior to designated dates. Content module exam scores will be 50% of the course grade. Exams may only be taken one time for grading purposes. Assignments are due EVERY Monday by 0900 as stated on the course calendar. Late assignments; Ten (10) points will be deducted every day until day 7 and a zero (0) will then be awarded for that assignment. (Updated 12/11/2013) Saunders Comprehensive Exam The Saunders Comprehensive Exam will be used as a review exam only. HESI Exam Students with scores at or above the national average (Exit Exam currently 850) will be deemed successful and will continue on in the natural progression of the nursing program. The conversion score for the HESI Exam (first or second attempt if 850 not achieved) will be recorded as the grade for the exam and count as 50% of the course grade. Cost of any repeat exams is at the expense of the student. Students scoring below the national average (currently 850) on the initial (1st attempt) of the Exit Exam must complete the targeted remediation and repeat the HESI Exit Exam. The remediation plan for the Exit Exam is outlined below. 1) The student will meet with NPC or designee to identify areas of weakness and develop a personalized plan. 2) The student will participate in mandatory weekly preparation sessions scheduled by NPC or designee. 3) In addition to the session, the student will document additional hours as determined and required by the individual plan. If the student is unsuccessful on the 2nd HESI Exit Exam attempt (below 850), the student: 1.) must contract with the Nursing Program Coordinator agreeing to successfully complete the designated NCLEX-RN review course before receiving a grade in the course (RNSG 2130). 2.) will not receive a permit to practice as a GN (the affidavit will not be submitted to the BON) until the contract has been fulfilled. B. Grade Distribution: 10 Content Modules (Saunders) HESI Exit Exam C. 50% 50% Determination of Grade Grading Scale: A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C= 75-79 F = Below 75 If you fail RNSG 2130, you must contract with ADN Program Coordinator to repeat the course. VIII. SYLLABUS MODIFICATION: The instructor may modify the provisions of the syllabus to meet individual class needs by informing the class in advance as to the changes being made. 05/05/2014 JK HESI Exam Students with scores at or above the national average (Exit Exam currently 850) will be deemed successful and will continue on in the natural progression of the nursing program. The conversion score for the HESI Exam (first or second attempt if 850 not achieved) will be recorded as the grade for the exam and count as 50% of the course grade. Cost of any repeat exams is at the expense of the student. Students scoring below the national average (currently 850) on the initial (1st attempt) of the Exit Exam must complete the targeted remediation. The remediation plan for the Exit Exam is outlined below. 1.) The student will meet with NPC or designee to identify areas of weakness and develop a personalized plan. 2.) The student will participate in mandatory weekly preparation sessions scheduled by NPC or designee. 3.) In addition to the session, the student will document additional hours as determined and required by the individual plan. If the student is unsuccessful on the 2nd HESI Exit Exam attempt (below 850), the student: 4.) must contract with the Nursing Program Coordinator agreeing to successfully complete the designated NCLEX-RN review course before receiving a grade in the course (RNSG 2130). 5.) will not receive a permit to practice as a GN (the affidavit will not be submitted to the BON) until the contract has been fulfilled. I have read and fully understand the terms of the HESI Exit Exam. I have read and fully understand the importance of the Saunders Review Course Content Modules RNSG 2130. Student Name: ________________________________________________Date:______________ 05/05/2014 JK Updated: 12/1/2014 JK 05/05/2014 JK