Preparation of Papers in Two-Column Format

Session T1A
A Service Learning Program for CSE Students
Gregory Madey, Curt Freeland, Paul Brenner
University of Notre Dame, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Abstract - We describe a service-learning program within
the CSE department at the University of Notre Dame.
Started in 1997 as the first affiliate of the Purdue EPICS
program, this service-learning program involves volunteer
faculty-mentored teams of students applying engineering
skills in local, national, and international consulting
projects for various community, educational, and not-forprofit organizations. Student-led teams, functioning as
small engineering consulting firms, participate in
identifying and selecting potential consulting engagements
followed by the delivery of solutions to those clients. We
describe 1) our unique adaptation of the EPICS model 2)
supporting resources, and 3) a review of computer science
centric education in multidisciplinary service engineering
The practical considerations of real world
project management, client interaction, and liability are
discussed in correlation with recent service projects
undertaken by the students.
Advice for interested
educational institutions for developing their own
engineering service learning program is presented.
Index Terms – Active-Collaborative Learning, Experiential
Learning, Computer Science and Engineering, EPICS, MultiDisciplinary, Project Management, Service-Learning,
A service-learning program in the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering (CSE) at the University of Notre
Dame is described. The program started in Fall 1997 as the
first university affiliate of the Purdue EPICS program
(Engineering Projects in Community Service) [1-6].
Service learning is an educational philosophy in which
students learn through active engagement with the community.
This concept of learning is not new; it was described by
Dewey, an early proponent of learning by reflecting on one’s
experiences [7]. Kolb extended Dewey’s ideas on experiential
learning with a learning model known as the Kolb Learning
Cycle [8], comprised of four stages: concrete experience,
reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and
planning. The first three stages (and occasionally the fourth)
are often formally included in service-learning programs (i.e.,
concrete experience, followed by a structured reflection
process, that then leads to learning by abstract
conceptualization) [9-11].
EPICS at Notre Dame, was originally centralized within
the dean’s office of the College of Engineering. Faculty from
several engineering departments volunteered, on a teaching
overload, to mentor EPICS teams, with the greatest and most
consistent level of activity existing in the CSE and Civil
Engineering departments. After several years, the college
decided to decentralize the program, since the bulk of the
activity was in a few departments. The rest of this paper will
focus on the service-learning program in CSE, but we note
that most of the teams include some students from other
engineering departments. In 2005, 4 CSE faculty (2 regular
faculty and 2 graduate student instructors) mentored EPICS
teams, summing to about 35 students/semester.
The primary technical skills used by students include 1)
database design and programming, 2) network design and
analysis, 3) design and implementation of web-based
information systems, 4) computer system configuration and
support, 5) computer-assisted design (CAD), and 6) general
principles of engineering design. Skills needed on these
projects go beyond those learned in traditional classes and are
often acquired through student-led tutorials. Clients include
environmental agencies (e.g., water quality databases), service
agencies (e.g., homelessness, regional autism center, substance
abuse, women’s shelters, and low cost housing agencies), notfor-profit corporations (employment for the handicapped,
computer recycling for the needy), and schools. In addition to
both 1) learning the importance of giving back to society, and
2) learning and applying practical engineering consulting
skills, the students are 3) learning skills that may serve them in
a global economy where distributed, self-managing
engineering teams must deal with diverse cultures and
extremes of technology adoption. In addition, some of the
projects have spurned interest in entrepreneurship as users and
observers convince the students that their solution may be a
marketable product or service.
I. Program Organization
In order to provide maximum flexibility, the Notre Dame
College of Engineering has adopted a decentralized
administration structure for the engineering service project
courses. Each department is given the opportunity to design
and instruct the service-based courses with a simple format for
the issue of academic credit. While coordination of credit was
simple in a college-based program, the decentralized strategy
has led to some minor interdepartmental coordination
regarding the application of the course credit toward the
degree for a non-CSE student. Students have also chosen to
take the course beyond their degree requirements, as they have
a strong interest in either community service, or the project
A typical participating CSE student registers for 1 credit
hour per semester starting in their sophomore year, and may
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October 19 – 22, 2005, Indianapolis, IN
35th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference
Session T1A
combine 3 of these academic credits for application toward
one engineering elective course and another 3 credit hours
toward a CSE elective. The extension of the student’s
involvement over multiple sequential semesters provides
essential project continuity and team memory within the
project teams and their client contacts. The students benefit
from increased flexibility with respect to their academic
course load. One of the goals of the program is to get students
involved, and to keep them involved throughout their
academic career. Last semester seniors are often disallowed
from joining teams for the first time, as a single semester of
participation often does not give the student enough time to
come up to speed to become productive contributors to the
The structure and instruction of individual projects is the
primary responsibility of the instructor, and oversight is
performed by the departments and college at respectively
increasing levels of abstraction. CSE EPICS teams consist of 5
to 25 students. Each team is organized as though it were an
engineering consulting firm. The students are responsible for
identifying, selecting, and delivering on their “consulting
engagements.” For the larger teams, several client projects
may be served in parallel with team members moving between
projects to meet work demand and while some projects have
slow periods. Each sub-team that services a particular client
has their own project meetings, work sessions, and visits to the
client. The entire team meets weekly, providing status reports,
plans, presenting problems, new consulting opportunities, and
technology tutorials. These “all-hands” meetings enable
students on the sub-teams to stay abreast of the status of the
other projects should they be needed to move over to meet
work demands on other projects. A larger team, working on
several service-learning projects, may be organized as shown
in Figure 1. The faculty mentor may be assisted by 1) a
student coordinator facilitating inter-team activities and 2) a
student media-manager responsible for documentation, project
web sites and posters.
Individual students are typically expected to keep a
semester journal of activities and reflections on those
activities. An end of semester report documenting 1) their
contribution to the project, 2) their personal learning
experiences, and 3) a formal reflection on their service
experience is generated by each student. This final report,
including the formal reflection, contributes to the learning of
their service-learning experience [8-10, 12].
evaluation factors include: work as meeting-manager,
technical contribution, task contribution, leadership,
teamwork, tutorials and presentations, and an overall
evaluation and ranking. In most cases, the public-service
agency partner will be asked for their input on student
performance. Because the students often work closely with
the agency contact personnel, these individuals often have
insights into the student's activities that are overlooked by the
team faculty advisor.
S erviceLearning
Student M ediaM anager
Team Leader 1
(Project 1)
Team Leader 2
(Project 2)
Faculty M entor
Team Leader 3
(Project 3)
III. University and College Resources Supporting ServiceLearning Projects
The University of Notre Dame has social service at the center
of its foundation. For example, in a section of its mission
statement, the University of Notre Dame states: “ … the
University seeks to cultivate in its students not only an
appreciation for the great achievements of human beings but
also a disciplined sensibility to the poverty, injustice, and
oppression that burden the lives of so many. The aim is to
create a sense of human solidarity and concern for the
common good that will bear fruit as learning becomes service
to justice.” [13] Reflecting this component of the university
mission, over 80 percent of the student body performs some
type of social service during their undergraduate studies [14].
An organization serving the entire campus, The Center for
Social Concerns, is the “service and community-based
learning center of the University. [It] invites students, faculty,
staff and alumni to think critically about today’s complex
II. Grading
social realities and about their responsibilities within them.
The Center does this in collaboration with academic
Since the students register for credit (typically 1 credit hour
departments throughout the University as it sends students out
per semester) a grade must be determined and assigned to each
into various service and experiential learning placements.”
student. Much of the work is done independently by the
[15] This campus resource, the Center for Social Concerns,
students, so the faculty mentors generally treat the EPICS
supports, promotes and publicizes service-learning
courses as they would an independent study course, and
opportunities on campus, including the CSE EPICS projects.
primarily assign grades to the team based on outcomes.
Staff at the Center assist faculty mentors and student team
Individual grades are derived from the team grade, peer- and
leaders with identifying agencies that may have technology
self-evaluation, feedback from the client, evaluation by the
needs and thus be a candidate service-learning site for the CSE
student team leaders, and evaluation by the faculty mentor of
EPICS teams. The Center also provides transportation for trips
student’s participation (when directly observed). Peer
to service sites. As the University actively promotes student
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October 19 – 22, 2005, Indianapolis, IN
35th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference
Session T1A
service there is also significant infrastructure in place to aid
instructors with administrative questions such as policy, safety
and liability. The College of Engineering has an “open
learning center” with computers, tools, workbenches, and
meeting areas for project teams to meet and work. The CSE
department provides an EPICS workroom within a laboratory,
with computer workstations and servers, software, manuals,
and a work area.
Essential to the success and academic suitability of an
engineering service project is a firm basis in engineering
Although students can join projects
administered by engineering departments other than their own
to broaden their technical education, every attempt is made to
make sure that the projects are tailored to the expertise of the
instructor and academic field of his or her own department.
Weekly project design meetings are supplemented with both
student and instructor led tutorials such as an overview of the
web programming methodologies (e.g., PHP, XML,
Cascading Style Sheets) used on a project, or the cost efficient
design of an e-technology solution.
Within the authors’ department of Computer Science and
Engineering, recent projects have ranged from designing web
based databases for hydrological test data, to computational
infrastructure consultations, to the design of mobile computer
training facilities for deployment in impoverished
international communities.
One of the EPICS faculty members has mentored teams
that have ranged in size from 10 to 25 students. Projects have
included a distributed database system for the Homelessness
Prevention Network (a joint project with a Purdue EPICS
team), Habitat for Humanity of St. Joseph County (databases
for tracking inventory, tools, and donors), toys redesign for
handicapped community members (for the Logan Center of St.
Joseph County), an IT Strategic Plan for the Montessori
Academy of Edison Lakes, a web-based information systems
for the Michiana Regional Autism Center, and a National
Habitat for Humanity survey and database system in
conjunction with several other EPICS university teams.
Another faculty member in the CSE department mentors
an EPICS team that is currently working on a hydrological
database to track the quality of the water of the Saint Joseph's
river as it flows through the communities of Elkhart, South
Bend, and Mishawaka Indiana.
The City of Elkhart's
Department of Water Works has been the primary “customer”
for this project. The students have worked closely with the
City of Elkhart to design, implement, and tune a database
application for the municipalities to collect, archive, and
analyze chemical and biological agents found in the river.
The initial database solution was presented to the
customers in 2003, and the students are currently completing a
redesign and re-implementation of the database in order to
meet the escalating needs of the partner agencies. The initial
version of the application made the assumption that all of the
chemical and biological agents would come from point
sources. New legislation, as well as agency interest in non-
point sources, has the students working on improvements to
the application. Current and future work planned for the
project includes the addition of interactive mapping and
visualization of the data, as well as the addition of code to
allow tracking chemical and biological entities that enter the
watershed via non point source sources.
A third EPICS team focuses on the design of mobile
computer training and Internet access facilities for third world
and disaster stricken communities. Team members work with
a client who is providing the computer assets and components
which will be packaged as a kit for retrofitting locally
procured buses. Shipment will be in tandem with food goods
already in route via another nonprofit organization with whom
we are partnering. The students are evaluating the cost and
practicality of varied “kit” designs. It is not difficult to see
how this project although computer technology centered
requires substantial multidisciplinary support. We discuss this
briefly in the following section.
Many of the engineering service projects are focused on
engineering design as opposed to engineering research and
development. As engineers we soon learn that successful
designs must integrate with the environment within which
they will operate. To provide this integration, however,
engineers must be able to identify environmental factors that
would often fall within the academic bounds of other
engineering disciplines.
The mobile computer-training facility design provides a
good case study. Traditional mechanical engineering skills are
required with respect to anchoring the workstations, isolating
vibrations, and cooling the training space.
electrical engineering skills are in need to evaluate the power
consumption requirements and estimate the generator and
conduit costs. In addition, students are performing all of the
geometrical coordination and drawings via AutoCAD, a skill
subset for technical draftsman and designers.
Our nonprofit client does not have the budget to hire
additional consultants at this stage in the design phase.
Fortunately this multidisciplinary project team includes
mechanical and electrical engineering students. The instructor
has the ability to consult with other faculty with discipline
specific expertise, and in this particular case the team’s faculty
mentor choose to advise this project team because of his
multidisciplinary industry experience and his licensure as a
Professional Engineer.
However, even the perfect mix of advisor expertise and
student’s academic experience does not permit a full
production ready design. These practical limitations are
discussed in the general case in a later section titled Practical
Responses to Liability.
One of the additional benefits to engineering service projects
is the opportunity for students to experience dynamic project
management challenges with respect to an engineering design.
Although in a purely academic exercise, an instructor can
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October 19 – 22, 2005, Indianapolis, IN
35th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference
Session T1A
simulate “surprise” client requests or budget limitations, a
simulation does not replace having a real client email or call
your team leader and change their design goals due to budget
fluctuations, just when the team believed they were nearly
complete with the design. During a recent design presentation,
students on one of the teams were surprised by recent security
changes on the client's systems. The students had planned to
deploy a binary installer on the client systems to install their
project code. The head of the client's information technology
group pointed out that this was not an option. The students
had to re-design the application to rely on off-site servers
before the final project code could be delivered to the
In addition to the experience of dynamic adaptations, the
student team leaders also get the opportunity to manage their
team’s progress, work schedule, and individual talents and
personalities. Team leaders are expected to prepare for their
succession, should they be ready to graduate or complete the
EPICS program (3 semesters is a natural breakpoint associated
with satisfying a technical or CSE elective.),
As an instructor it is important to make sure that the needs and
behavior of the client do not obstruct or distract from the goal
to provide the students with discipline specific engineering
skills, i.e., the learning in service-learning should not be
secondary to the service aspect. Therefore the instructor must
be ready to step in and re-center the relationship with the
clients. Although most clients are grateful for the engineering
services we are providing, it is human nature to occasionally
disregard the professionalism and time investment of
consultants that you do not have to pay for. Of course in
fairness, the clients may at times feel that the student teams
are less responsive due to the fact that they are working for
free and producing results on par with a one credit hour
Another challenge is associated with the fact that many
social service agencies (the majority of the service-learning
clients) have very low-tech needs. Old donated computers
running Windows 95 (in 2005) are often the norm in some of
these organizations. Also, the computer literacy of the staff at
the service agencies is often limited. On one hand, it is easy
for even a sophomore computer science major to contribute
assistance to the agency, but on the other hand, the lower
technical complexity of the project may raise questions among
peer faculty about why credit is being earned and what
learning is actually taking place. The service component, the
service-learning concepts, the educational theories under
pinning service-learning, the principles of Computer Scientists
for Social Responsibility, the digital divide, and the mission of
the University of Notre Dame help with these concerns.
destroying all original intents to better our community but
opening the door for large financial losses in litigation.
As instructors and educators we pay chief attention to
these additional concerns which result from engineering in the
“real world” as opposed to purely academic exercises. It is
important that both the project teams and the clients
understand that the work and final products presented by the
team may only be taken as design estimates and the client
retains full responsibility if he or she was to take steps to
implement a design without consultation from a licensed
engineer or insured consultation firm.
Under these auspices our teams and instructors provide
services such as database design without any license or
regarding computational
infrastructure are for the client’s utilization for initial planning
and estimation purposes not for purchasing and
Similarly calculations of computer
workstation power requirements used to size the mobile
training center’s generator are for cost estimation and
feasibility analysis only.
Because all of the Notre Dame EPICS projects are
encapsulated within the standard for-credit course structure,
the students, instructors, and the university receive risk
coverage provided by the university’s in-place insurance
policies. On a few projects (e.g., those that involve AC
rewiring on appliances for the handicapped), the university’s
Office of Risk Management is available to provide training,
inspections, and additional liability waivers for both the
students and the community agency.
The EPICS program at Notre Dame started as the first affiliate
of the EPICS program at Purdue University. As such, the
early EPICS program at Notre Dame was strongly patterned
after the program at Purdue. Key features included centralized
coordination of all EPICS courses in the college of
engineering, projects often embedded in 3 credit hour courses,
efforts to include existing capstone design courses in EPICS,
and exploratory participation from most engineering
departments. Due to dissimilarities in the curriculum, sizes
of the respective universities and colleges of engineering, and
pre-existing service programs, the program at Notre Dame
evolved with a different character from the program at Purdue.
Research in the area of organizational studies [16, 17]
suggests 1) that programs that grow and prosper in one
institution often cannot be easily transplanted into another
organization, and 2) the when new ideas, such as the EPICS
service learning program, are introduced into other
institutions, they will be adapted and modified in ways that are
relevant in the new institution. Differences in institutional
culture and governance, differences in the student body, and
differences in the character of the institution all can influence
the nature of a successful service-learning program. Some
such differences that make the Notre Dame and Purdue
experiments with service learning different include size, role
of engineering education in the institution, and pre-existence
of service-learning opportunities at the institution. At Purdue,
Despite one’s best intentions to perform a voluntary selfless
service in support of their community, there are significant
and important practical concerns with respect to liability. An
errant calculation could cause material loss or injury not only
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October 19 – 22, 2005, Indianapolis, IN
35th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference
Session T1A
engineering education is a primary focus within a large state
land-grant school, while at Notre Dame engineering is taught
in one of the smaller colleges of a private mid-sized university
where liberal arts education is a primary focus. This has
implications for the potential of achieving a critical mass
needed for a new service learning initiative to catch on and
sustain itself; the pool of engineering faculty and students is
much larger at Purdue permitting a critical mass of servicelearning engineering faculty and students to emerge in more
departments at the university. On the other hand, the EPICS
program began at Notre Dame with a smaller pool of
engineering faculty and students to draw on and with many
pre-existing service and service-learning programs in place.
Thus EPICS at Notre Dame had to complete for student and
faculty participation with pre-existing more established
service-learning programs. This may partly explain the
focused character (primarily in the CSE program) at Notre
While the EPICS teams at Purdue, especially those
originating in the ECE and ME departments, generate physical
artifacts, this has generally not been the course followed by
the EPICS program at the University of Notre Dame, where
the critical mass of participating faculty as emerged in the
CSE department. The projects taken on by the EPICS teams
within the CSE department tend to be software-oriented
solutions. The students produce computer software, webbased information systems, or database applications in lieu of
physical artifacts.
Another major difference between the program at Purdue,
and the program at Notre Dame is the extent of support the
programs receive from their respective institutions. At
Purdue, the EPICS program has grown from support by a
single department, to college-level support, and now to
university-wide support. At Purdue, the president of the
university is a strong and vocal supporter of the program.
Faculty are given teaching credit for their participation, and
junior faculty have cited their participation in the program as
proof of community involvement in documentation for
promotion and award submissions. At Notre Dame, faculty
participation is a voluntary teaching overload, and is not
encouraged for junior faculty.
Other institutions need to look at service-learning
programs such as EPICS, and contemplate how these offerings
could be institutionalized at their location. The programs
should be allowed to start small, and grow naturally to a
sustainable level. Attempts to artificially grow the program,
or push it onto unwilling students, faculty, and administrators
may doom the program to failure.
Some recent CSE service-projects at Notre Dame follow.
Heritage Foundation Database – This database allows
room scheduling, invoicing, generation of liability forms,
room setup information, room confirmation, and recurring
schedules. Tasks accomplished include implementation of a
web interface, and network accessible such that multiple users
have concurrent access.
Center For the Homeless Volunteer Database – This
group created a database to track and log volunteer hours at
the Center for the Homeless. The input comes from a barcode
reader and touch screen monitor placed in the lobby of the
St. Joseph River Project – This EPICS group works on
the creation of a web-based data entry system to serve as a
mechanism for the storage and retrieval of measurements and
readings used to monitor the changing water quality of the St.
Joseph River as it flows through these three cities on its way
to Lake Michigan.
Homelessness Prevention Network – Primary task was
to establish a database of information that will be shared by
the customer agencies: The Life Treatment Center, The Hope
Rescue Mission, and the Center for the Homeless. By sharing
information, the client agencies can more quickly and
conveniently develop a common and coordinated plan to help
individuals to see more clearly the causative factors in their
lives (or life styles) and to deal with them with courage, and
with assistance from the agencies who serve them.
National Habitat for Humanity Project – Students are
contributing web-based reporting software for a Habitat for
Humanity-National database project. The project will develop
tools for the Habitat organization to track donors, and other
information related to the mission of Habitat. This is a
collaborative project with EPICS students from Purdue and
the University of Wisconsin. The Notre Dame EPICS team is
using Crystal Reports to generate the web-based reports.
Toys Group – This project involves the redesign and
adaptation of toys and other electrical powered items for use
by the therapists at the Logan Center. With the modified
items, the therapists will be able to work more effectively with
the mentally and physically challenged youth.
St. Margaret's House, Women's and Children's Center
– This is an architectural design project for open unused space
at the center. Project uses AutoCAD design tool and
developed cost estimate and material lists. Additional software
support projects are anticipated.
Logan Industries – This project includes design tasks for
the Logan Industries packaging and assembly facility (nonprofit work opportunities for the handicapped). Additional
software support projects anticipated.
Computers for All / Feed the Children – Students are
generating designs and specifications for a computer training
bus modification kit to be sent to Sri Lanka for tsunami aid.
Autism Center of Michiana – Students are designing
and developing an interactive website and web-based
information system providing resources for parents of autistic
children. The web-based information system serves as an
informational tool, both locally and nationally, and a search
vehicle to identify the population of individuals (estimated to
number about 2000) with autism in the Michiana region –
North Central Indiana and Southwest Michigan.
Montessori Academy Project – This project provided
analysis and design of the school’s strategic technology plan.
As part of the requirements and analysis activity, students
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October 19 – 22, 2005, Indianapolis, IN
35th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference
Session T1A
Engineering Education and 2nd ASEE International Colloquium on
Engineering Education, Nashville, TN, 2003.
provided technology support for computers, software, and
This paper describes service-learning courses based in a CSE
department. The character of the program is influenced by its
association with the Purdue EPICS program (over 8 years at
the time of this report), the concerns for social justice
promulgated in the mission of the Notre Dame, existing
service programs, the size and role of engineering education at
the institution, and the fact that a critical mass of participating
faculty and students emerged in CSE.
The students develop skills in 1) project management, 2)
customer relationship management, 3) database design and
programming, 4) network design and analysis, 5) design and
implementation of web-based information systems, 6)
computer system configuration and support, 7) computerassisted design (CAD), and 8) general principles of
engineering design. Many of the skills needed on their projects
go beyond the scope of traditional classes and are often
acquired through student-led tutorials. Clients include
environmental agencies, service agencies, not-for-profit
corporations and schools. Students learn the importance of
giving back to society, learn and apply practical engineering
consulting skills, and learn skills that may serve them in a
global economy.
The challenges of implementing such a CSE servicelearning program include: 1) adapting the models described in
the literature (e.g., the Purdue EPICS program, the Notre
Dame experience) to the local organization, 2) generating a
critical mass and momentum of participating faculty mentors
and students, 3) acquiring supporting resources (e.g.,
identification of partner agencies, computing workstations and
servers, meeting and work spaces, supporting software), 4)
managing the community partners’ expectations, 5) managing
the legal and liability risks, and 6) measuring, documenting
and communicating the student learning in the servicelearning projects that is taking place to peer faculty and
This work was sponsored in part by an NSF Agreement No
501-1374-3, subcontract grant number EEC-9903195, and the
Corporation for National Service – Learn and Serve Higher
Education Program under grant number 642-0837-5,
subcontract grant number 005339-001.
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D. Kolb, Experiential Learning: Experience as he Source of Learning
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EPICS Model of Service Learning," presented at Proceedings of the
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Exposition, Salt Lake, UT, 2004.
[11] E. Tsang, "Use Assessment to Develop Service-Learning Reflection
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[12] C. Traynor, and McKenna, M., "Service Learning Models Connecting
Computer Science to the Community," in Inroads - The SIGCSE
Bulletin, vol. 35, 2003, pp. 43-46.
[13] "Mission Statement," University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, 2004.
[14] J. W. Brandenbereger, and Trozzolo, T. A., "An Ethic of Service and
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[15] "Center
IN, University of Notre Dame,
[16] B. Morel, and Ramanujam, R., "Through the Looking Glass of
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(AAHE), 2000, pp. 59-74.
E. J. Coyle, Jamieson, L. H., and Oakes, W. C., "Creation and
Evaluation of the National Engineering Projects in Community Service
(EPICS) Program," presented at 6th WFEO World Congress on
0-7803-9077-6/05/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE
October 19 – 22, 2005, Indianapolis, IN
35th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference