Napoleon Play - Mrs Ellwanger

Defeat of Napoleon and the Congress of
A Fun and Exciting Play
Newscast One: April 20th 1814.
Faux News Anchor Bill O’Liely: Good
Morning! And a glorious morning this is! Today
is the 20th of April. And here is today’s breaking
news. As you know, last week, on April 14,
1814, the French Emperor, Napoleon
Bonaparte was finally defeated by an alliance
of Great Britain, Russia, Prussia, Austria and
Sweden and he renounced his throne, gave up
Do not regret my fate; if I have consented to
survive, it is to serve your glory.
I intend to write the history of the great
achievements we have performed together.
Adieu, my friends. Would I could press you all
to my heart. I embrace you all in the person of
your general. Come, General Petit, that I may
press you to my heart!
Bring me, the eagle that I may embrace it also!
Faux News Co-Anchor Nan Bolter: Yes, Bill.
It has been determined that Napoleon will be
exiled to the tiny island of Elba in the
Mediterranean. Generously, they won’t execute
him and have actually agreed to make him
Emperor of the 13,000 peasants who live on
Elba. That’s probably wise considering that
many commoner French still care a great deal
for him. Of course, the question is, Bill… will
he stay put once on Elba?
Bill O’Liely. Thanks, Nan. And that is of some
concern to the forces allied against him. Now,
yesterday, Napoleon gave a farewell speech to
his troops at Fontainebleu—on the outskirts of
Paris—before departing for Elba. Let’s play the
tape of a segment of that speech and see if we
can determine what he might be planning
based on this speech.
(switch to scene of Napoleon giving speech to
his troops).
Napoleon: I have sacrificed all of my interests
to those of the country.
I go, but you, my friends, will continue to serve
Her happiness was my only thought. It will still
be the object of my wishes.
Adieu, my children! Be always gallant and
Do not forget me.'
O’Liely: Well there we have it folks…An
interesting speech indeed…But also a very
controversial one. Let’s go to our man in the
field, Geraldo Rivera to get the people’s
reaction to this speech. Geraldo?
Geraldo Rivera: Thanks, Bill. I’m here with an
average Frenchman on the street. Sir, would
you please tell me, what do you think of
Napoleon Bonaparte’s speech yesterday?
Jacques the Average French guy: Well, you
know, Geraldo. Napoleon was a man of the
people. You could see it in the things he did for
the average Frenchman. He was really one of
Geraldo Rivera: Like what? He doesn’t seem
to me to be average…
Jacques: Well that’s because you are one of
them fancy pants intellectuals. You wouldn’t
understand. Listen to that speech! I mean, here
is this guy who says he really CARES about
France. Everything that he did was to serve
France. And I hear that he even DRESSED like
the average soldier, and not like one of those
fancy schmancy generals.
Jacques wife Fifi: Yes, dear and don’t forget
the Napoleonic Code.
Claude: The French government needs to
STOP this nonsense right now and simply put
a king… a member of the Bourbon family back
on the throne right now.
Jacques: Shut up woman. I’m gettin’ to that.
You know, Geraldo, all this talk of equality has
made the women-folk antsy. They need to shut
up and get back to the Kitchen.
Geraldo Rivera: So let me get this straight,
you want to BRING BACK a king? After a 25
year struggle you want to GO BACK to having
a KING??
Fifi: Well… see if YOU get any dinner tonight!
<storms away>
Claude: Geraldo, you really don’t know much,
do you? Napoleon has caused too much
chaos. And, frankly, the whole thing needs to
go away, NOW. Thomas Hobbes was right,
people can’t HANDLE their freedom. That is
why I support the return of the Bourbon
Monarchy. Louis XVI’s brother is ready to take
over. His name will be Louis XVIII. Let’s forget
the whole thing happened. I’m not alone in
believing this whole thing has been a disaster.
Check out world opinion. It’s not pretty.
Geraldo Rivera: Looks like you’ve got a wife
problem. Well, thank you for your time.
Jacques: Well, don’t you want to hear about
the Napoleonic Code?
Geraldo Rivera: Not really.
Jacques: Can I at least say hi to my Mom up
in Amiens?
Geraldo. No. Go away. Let’s see if we can get
another opinion. Oh, that looks like a High
Ranking French Nobleman over there. Excuse
me sir, what do you think of the departure of
Napoleon Bonaparte?
Claude the Noble: Well, Frankly, the guy was
a nobody.
Geraldo Rivera: Nobody? He was pretty
powerful for a nobody. Can you explain?
Claude: Well, here’s the deal. He was a
commoner. And he had an ego issue. I mean,
short as he was and all…He was 5’7! But he
had the ego and the hunger for power of a man
twice his size. I’m quite sure that one day
they’ll name some sort of Psychological
Disorder after him. You know, that disorder`
when a little man desires massive power and
ego boosts, so he bosses people around and
acts like a jerk…
Geraldo: You mean saying people have a
“Napoleon Complex” or something? Don’t be
ridiculous. Never happen. Anyway, what do
you think should be done about this situation?
Geraldo Rivera: Thank you for your time, Sir
Claude. Back to you Bill…
Bill O’Liely: Thanks Geraldo, and we’ll be
hearing from you again?
Geraldo Rivera: Yes, Bill. I’m off to Vienna,
Austria to cover what is being billed as the
BIGGEST meeting of European leaders in
hundreds of years. Representatives from all of
the countries that have been involved in these
wars with Napoleon are meeting to discuss a
peace plan.
Bill O’Liely: Ok, Geraldo, we’ll see you then.
For more on this, Napoleonic Code, the
peasant spoke of, let’s turn to my co-anchor
Nan Bolter. Nan?
Nan: Thank’s Bill. I spoke with Historian and
keeper of the Napoleon Series website. This is
what he said:
Historian: The Civil Code, or Napoleonic Code
as it is called, was put into law in 1804. It made
most of the basic rights gained during the
French Revolution - equality before the law,
freedom of religion and the abolition of
feudalism – into written law.
Nan: According to historians, this, along with
his contributions to building of public schools
and libraries, are among the positive
contributions made by Napoleon to the French.
Of course, there are PLENTY of negatives as
well, Bill?
Bill O’Liely: That’s right Nan. Folks, our
researchers have been working hard to
determine if Claude the noble was right… to
determine if anti-French/anti- Napoleon
sentiment is running high enough around
Europe to cause trouble for the French at this
peace conference.
Nan: Bill, we are receiving Breaking News. It
has just been announced, as predicted, that
signed officially ending this war. Also as
predicted, the early peace settlers have
decided to reinstate a member of the Bourbon
family to the throne of France. As Geraldo
reported, it appears that Louis XVI’s younger
brother will take the throne as Louis XVIII.
France will also have its pre-1792 borders reinstated. The rest of the details will be worked
out at this meeting in Vienna in September.
Bill O’Liely: That is good news, Nan. Peace
will once again descend upon Europe. But
what about Anger? How does the world feel
about the French? About Napoleon?
Tomorrow, we will examine these issues.
Questions on the previous: This is your homework! All answers can be found in the readings
we just did!
1. Which countries defeated Napoleon’s armies by 1814?
2. What is EXILE?
3. What claim did Napoleon make in his farewell speech to his troops?
4. What is a Napoleon Complex?
5. What is the Napoleonic Code?
6. What other positive things came out of Napoleon’s reign?
7. What did the First Treaty of Paris do?
Newscast 2: SEPTEMBER 1814.
Bill O’Liely:. Now on to our breaking news live
from Vienna, Austria where all of the most
important countries in Europe are meeting to
decide the fate of Europe now that French
Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte has been
Reporter Geraldo Rivera: Hello, I am
reporting from Vienna Austria on an event that
is coming to be known as the VIENNA
CONGRESS. All of the major powers of
Europe are here. The attendees have on major
goal: A GENERATION OF PEACE. It’s a very
exciting time. Let’s watch on the red carpet as
the dignitaries arrive. I’ll try to catch them as
they walk in. Oh here comes his majesty, the
Tsar of Russia. His name is ALEXANDER I. He
is a bit of an ego-maniac. Let’s see if we can
catch him. Sire?
Alexander I: (looks down his nose and acts
snooty). Hello, Geraldo. Make sure the camera
gets my good side, ok?
Geraldo: Uh, yeah sure. Now, your majesty. It
is highly unusual that you are here. Many of
the countries simply sent diplomats. Tell me,
why do you think it is important that you—the
Tsar of Russia himself—are here in person?
Alexander I: I need to make sure that my
greatness is known. I am, after all, the leader
of the largest empire in Europe. But, seriously I
have a few goals, and my underlings can’t
seem to get anything right, so I came here
Geraldo: Well, what are your goals, sir?
Alexander: Glad you asked. I have two main
goals. First, I believe that Poland rightfully
belongs to Russia. For this reason, I would like
for the peace settlement to give me control
over Poland. Second, I really think we need to
preserve the social order. Things have gotten
way out of control since these “French Ideas”
got people thinking about liberty and equality.
To do this, we need to get back to Christian
Principles. I believe strongly in this and
therefore, I would like to form a Holy Alliance
between our great Russia, and Austria and
Prussia. This alliance will emphasize “Justice
Charity and Peace.” If I get this, I’ll be happy.
Jacques the French commoner ( who
hitchhiked with Geraldo and yells from the
crowd): Peace and Charity my backside! The
goal of the Holy Alliance has nothing to do with
Christianity. It’s about crushing freedom!!
Alexander I: Shut up you little (beeeeeeep!
Censored!). You’d better not come to Russia,
or I’ll have you drawn and quartered!
Geraldo: Well, sir…uh….Thank you, sir…. For
talking to us… Best of luck.
Alexander: I don’t need luck you little troll, I
am the divinely appointed Tsar of the Russias.
(tosses nose up, struts away).
Geraldo: Talk about a self-involved egomaniacal wacko! What a jerk! Ok, here comes
another delegate. It looks to be Viscount
Robert Castlereagh, representing Great Britain.
Sir, if I may have a moment of your time?
Lord Castlereagh: What? Mmm…oh yes… of
course of course…. What can I do for you Ol’
Geraldo Rivera: Sir, Great Britain, despite the
loss of one of your best Admirals, Admiral
Horatio Nelson in the Battle of Trafalgar
against Napoleon and despite the trouble you
are having with the Americans, find yourselves
still with the most powerful Navy in the world.
What are your goals for this Congress?
Lord Castlereagh: Well, first let me remind
you. Geraldo, that Lord Admiral Nelson may
have died in the battle—but he DID win. And it
meant a tremendous advantage for Britain
because of it. But now, after long years of war
with Europe and with those pesky low class
Americans, England wants peace.
Geraldo Rivera: Why the sudden change of
heart? I mean, your troops set Washington DC
up in flames—practically had a weenie roast
right there on the White House lawn. Now you
want peace? Whatever for?
Lord Castlereagh: Frankly, it’s good for
business. I am here to propose what I am
Geraldo Rivera: Sir, with all due respect, what
are you going to do that for? We don’t need to
be sending symphony orchestras to France,
we need to be bringing peace. Surely you don’t
think by sending your best harpsichordist to
France, all your troubles would be solved?
Lord Castlereagh: What are you, some kind of
idiot? Oh, that’s right. You work for Faux News.
Of course you’re an idiot…No no, you
simpleton… a concert system is a type of
alliance. I figure we can have a quadruple
alliance, between England, Russia, Prussia
and Austria. We’ll agree to work together to
determine where conflicts are in Europe and
around the world. Then we can work together
to crush those conflicts.
Geraldo Rivera: So there are no violins
Could you please tell me, sir, you represent the
German Speaking Principality of Prussia, what
are your goals for this meeting?
Von Hardenberg: Well, my goals are simple. I
need to fix much of what Napoleon messed up
in the German states. I’m hoping to have the
beginnings of some sort of union of all these
countries. We’ll call it a Confederation.
Confederation of the Rhine.
Geraldo Rivera: I’m sorry… what do you mean
all these countries? I don’t follow you. What are
you talking about… all these countries?
Von Hardenberg: Well it’s all very simple.
There are many little countries, some only the
size of a city. Others, like my country, Prussia,
and like the country of Austria, are very big.
We all speak German. So it only makes sense
that we should work together as one country…
Dominated by Prussia, of course.
Geraldo Rivera: What? I don’t get it? What do
you mean many German speaking countries?
Von Hardenberg: Did your momma drop you
on your head when you were little? Ok, here:
Look at this map…
Lord Castlereagh: Oh bother. Weren’t you
listening, bloke? I use the term concert
because, much like an orchestra, the countries
will work in concert, together, to make sure
nothing but peace… at least a generation of
it… happens in Europe. No violins—only
violence, against those who dare disturb the
Geraldo Rivera: Is there anything else?
Lord Castlereagh: Well, I also don’t want the
Russians to gain too much power. (lowers
voice to a whisper) Frankly, I don’t trust them.
So I am hoping that I can prevent Russia from
gaining too much land. And, as a check on
Russia and Austria’s power, I’d like to see Italy
and Prussia strengthened.
Geraldo Rivera: Thanks for speaking with us
today. Oh look, here comes the Prussian
Prince, Karl August von Hardenberg. Excuse
me Herr Hardenberg. If I could have a moment
of your time. Geraldo Rivera, Faux News.
All of those countries, surrounded by France
and the Netherlands are German-speaking
countries. That’s my Prussia in white on the
right. Below, not on this map, but your viewers
can see it on the map on your screen, is the
other powerful German-speaking country,
Von Metternich: Oh, hello Geraldo. I watch
your show all the time.
Geraldo Rivera: Oh. I get it.
Geraldo Rivera: Oh it’s such an honor.
Von Hardenberg: It’s about time.
Von Metternich: No, not really, none of the
other channels come in, and the cable
company takes WEEKS to get a techie out.
Geraldo Rivera: Yeah, whatever. So what are
you proposing?
Von Hardenberg: Truth be known,(lowers
voice to a whisper)… I’m kind of afraid of
Klemens von Metternich of Austria. I will
probably give up our claims to Saxony if he
pressures me to. You can see that territory just
south of us. In exchange, however, I hope to
get the Rhineland. That’s the big white area
that borders France. Hopefully, I can keep my
eyes on France that way. And have a place to
station troops in case the French get out of
Control again.
Geraldo Rivera: Clever. Anything else?
Von Hardenberg: Nah, not really. Well, I hear
that weirdo Tsar Alexander is going to propose
some sort of Holy Alliance thing. I’ll probably
join. It might help to support my claims against
the Austrians. And also, Russia is RIGHT in
my backyard, and, frankly, there is nothing
scarier than half a million Russian peasants
spilling over your borders… don’t you agree?
Geraldo Rivera: um… sure…well…it was nice
talking to you… What a wimp!
Von Hardenberg: I heard that.
Geraldo Rivera: Yeah, whatcha going to do
about it?
Geraldo Rivera: oh. Folks this is a huge
honor. We are here with Prince Klemens von
Metternich of Aus—
Von Metternich: Actually, Geraldo. My full
name is Klemens Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar
Fürst von Metternich-Winneberg-Beilste.
Geraldo Rivera: Ok, that’s a mouthful I’m not
going to try to tackle. We DO only have an
hour-long newscast. Now, sir, can you tell me,
what are your goals for this Congress?
Von Metternich: well certainly. As you know, I
am the architect of this great meeting. My main
goal in this whole thing is to create a
BALANCE OF POWER in Europe. I don’t want
one country to become too powerful. I am
going to achieve this through several ways.
First, I’m going to make sure that territory is
EVENLY divided between the main powers. I
have to make sure that Prussia and Russia, in
particular, don’t grab too much power. I’m
intrigued by Lord Castlereagh’s idea of a
Concert System. I’m also interested in
Hardenberg’s German Confederation. But, of
course, I believe Austria should be the
dominant country.
Geraldo Rivera: Wow. Those are pretty lofty
goals you’ve got there. How are you going to
pull this off?
Von Hardenberg: um…nothing.
Geraldo Rivera: Yeah, I figured. Oh my
goodness! Arriving now in his carriage is the
VIENNA. This is the man who is really the key
person pulling all of this together. It is the man
who has been the Austrian foreign minister for
decades. Klemens von Metternich. Oh, I hope
he’ll stop and talk to us. Prince von Metternich!
Von Metternich: Diplomacy, my friend. If we
can support the conservative governments in
Europe and keep stability, we will all be
winners in the long run. And I think I can do
this… I’m one of the best diplomats the world
has ever seen. Don’t underestimate me bucko!
Geraldo Rivera: Oh, don’t worry sir, I won’t.
Um…thanks for watching my show.
Von Metternich: yeah. Like I have a choice.
Geraldo Rivera: Well, looks like that’s all the
big players in this—oh wait…Is that a FRENCH
delegate I see alighting from his carriage?
Sacre Bleu! It is! I believe that is Prince
Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand of France. Let’s
see if he’ll talk with us. Mssr. Talleyrand!
Talleyrand: Oui? Oh… you are Americain, no?
Zee stupid Americainz zey don’t zpeak ze
Francais. Vould you like me to zpeak in your
native language?
Geraldo Rivera: I’m sorry, Mssr. I don’t speak
your language. Would you mind speaking in
Talleyrand: (under breath). Fool. (Louder) Of
course I would not mind. What can I do for
Geraldo Rivera: Well, I didn’t expect to see
the loser of the wars represented at the peace
conference. Can you explain to me why you
are here?
Talleyrand: Well, the others realized that they
cannot possibly achieve real peace unless the
still-somewhat powerful France has a say in
the Congress of Vienna. So here I am. Of
course, I am not representing the liberal ideas
of the Revolution… no for sure! I represent the
restored Bourbon Monarchy. I represent Louis
Geraldo Rivera: What are your goals?
Talleyrand: Well, my primary goal is to make
sure France doesn’t get its backside handed to
it. And I am quite sure that I can use my
influence to prevent this from happening and
maybe even win some advantages for France.
Geraldo Rivera: And how are you going to do
Talleyrand: Now, if I told you that, the whole
world would see it on their televisions. My
secrets would be revealed and—
Geraldo Rivera: Actually, my show is on Faux
News Network, it’s the lowest rated program on
television. Pretty much nobody watches
us…unless…uh…his television is stuck on our
channel…and, heh, how often does that
Talleyrand: Oh you are THAT Geraldo Rivera.
Ha! I you’re ratings are so low I’m surprised
you are still on the air…I guess I can pretty
much tell you my whole plan. See, the way I
see it, the major powers are going to be
deadlocked. Great Britain and Austria have
goals in common. Russia and Prussia have
goals in common. This means there are two
sides, each with two votes for what will
happen. A deadlock! If I can use my tiny bit of
influence to break ties, and negotiate
compromises, I figure I can get what I need for
France out of this deal.
Geraldo Rivera: Brilliant. Well, good luck to
you sir. Bill, that’s all for now from the Red
Carpet in beautiful Vienna, Austria. This is
Geraldo Rivera, signing off.
Bill O’Liely: Excellent reporting. And don’t be
so hard on yourself. People watch us. My mom
watches us—
Nan Bolter: Actually, Bill I talked to your mom
last night. She prefers that Tucker Carlson guy
on MSNBC. Let’s recap what we’ve learne
Questions on Previous Readings:
1. What is the main goal of the Congress of Vienna?
2. What is the Concert System?
Newscast Three: March, 1815.
Bill O’Liely: We come to you with disturbing
news from France. Apparently, after ten
months in exile on the Island of Elba, Napoleon
has returned to France and seized power with
only a contingent of 1000 men. We hear that
Louis XVIII has fled France. The entire peace
process could be endangered. Nan?
Nan Bolter: Yes, Bill this is a disturbing turn of
events. The French people, apparently, were
NOT happy with the restored Bourbon
Monarch and have welcomed Napoleon with
open arms. In fact, a regiment of SOLDIERS
sent to stop him embraced him instead and
joined him. Let’s go out to Vienna, Austria
where our own Geraldo Rivera is covering the
Congress of Vienna delegates. Geraldo? How
are they reacting at the conference?
Geraldo Rivera: Nan, you are right. The
events in Paris are, indeed, having an impact
on the minds of the delegates here in Vienna.
The talk is that the allied countries are going to
send a strong fighting force to stop Napoleon
once and for all. And-Jacques the average Frenchman: Vive
Napoleon! I told you he was the man!!! Wooo!!!
Geraldo Rivera: I wouldn’t get too excited,
Jacques. All good things must come to an end.
And I have this report just in from my friend
over at PBS, there is quite an impressive
number of troops amassing on the French
border to bring this man down. Here are the
numbers: To the north Wellington has built an
army of about 106,000 men including British,
German and Dutch-Belgians. Collecting near
him is a Prussian army under Blucher of
128,000 men. A further 25,000 Prussians
under Kleist stand nearby. To the east an
Austrian of army of 210,000 is moving towards
the French frontier. 200,000 Russians are
marching to aid Napoleon's demise. Oh, here
comes Lord Castlereagh from Britain now…
Sir, may I have a word with you?
Lord Castlereagh: Yes. Yes, of course. But
make it quick.
Geraldo Rivera: What do you think of the
Allies’ chances against Napoleon?
Lord Castlereagh: I think they’re actually quite
good. The Duke of Wellington is a Brilliant
Military man. Wellington did quite well in the
past against Napoleon’s armies in Spain. He is
ready for anything Napoleon has to throw at
him. Our latest intelligence shows Napoleon
with an army of about 128,000 troops. We
have that with just the Prussians alone. So, I
am optimistic. It may take a while, but we WILL
defeat this devil.
Geraldo Rivera: Well, I wish you the best of
luck. Nan, Bill back to you….
Bill O’Liely: Excellent Reporting Geraldo. Now
let’s review…
Questions on previous readings:
1. What has happened in this segment?
2. How did the average French people react?
3. How did the delegates at the Congress of Vienna react?
Newscast 4: June 18, 1815.
Bill O’Liely: We come to you today with breaking news in a STUNNING victory in the War on
Terror—uh, I mean The War on Napoleon.
Nan Bolter: That’s right, Bill, the evil dictator Napoleon Bonaparte has FINALLY been defeated once
and for all. There is talk that he will be exiled once again, but this time to the tiny remote island from
H-E- double hockey stick called St. Helena.
Bill O’Liely: Nan, that is right. And let me tell you, this island is in the middle of NOWHERE. Let me
show you this map of the South Atlantic. See the arrow? That is the location of St. Helena.
Nan Bolter: Wow. You know, Bill, I don’t think I’d want to live if I was trapped on that Island.
Bill O’Liely: Oh you aren’t kidding Nan. Check out this map, made recently by an English mapmaker.
It shows the island in all of its desolate misery. It’s really just a windy desolate piece of volcanic rock.
Newscast 5 June 1815
Bill O’Liely: Now that the evil Napoleon has
been defeated once and for all, we can happily
report that an agreement has been reached
among the powers at the Congress of Vienna.
Nan Bolter: Yes, Bill, they are calling this the
VIENNA SETTLEMENT. And we go live to
Geraldo Rivera, who is waiting in Vienna for a
press conference to begin, Geraldo?
Geraldo Rivera: Nan, the delegates to the
Congress of Vienna are taking their seats now.
We expect the architect of the settlement,
Klemens von Metternich, to announce the
terms of the settlement. Here he comes now…
unstable, and allows for psychopaths like
Robespierre and Napoleon to come to power.
We feel if we can snuff out the “French Ideas”
there will be peace. Further, if France behaves
itself over the next few years, and they allow
their king to rule as he should, then we will
allow France into our alliance, calling it a
“Quintuple alliance”.
Lord Castlereagh?
Lord Castlereagh: In addition, we tried to
make Europe more stable, by putting territories
under various rulers’ control. For example,
Norway will now be joined with Sweden under
one ruler. We also determined that Switzerland
will become officially NEUTRAL.
Geraldo Rivera: Neutral? Can you explain?
Von Metternich: Good evening. We are here
today to make two announcements. First, we
are glad to say that the British General the
Duke of Wellington has, once and for all,
defeated that menace of Europe Napoleon at
(extended applause from the audience) As we
speak, Napoleon Bonaparte is on a ship on his
way to St. Helena where he will be forgotten to
history. (more applause from the audience) .
But even more important than that, we are here
to announce that on JUNE 8 the delegates
signed a peace agreement that we hope will
bring at least a generation of Peace to Wartorn Europe. (more applause). Now we will
explain our plan.
We have established what we will call the
CONCERT SYSTEM. This is made up of a
quadruple alliance (a four way alliance
between Russia, Prussia, Austria and Great
Britain) that agrees to meet periodically in
order to discuss how to keep the peace in
Europe. One of our primary goals is to crush
any more of these “French Ideas” before they
Lord Castlereagh: Of course, it means they
won’t take any sides in any conflicts. Herr
Hardenberg? Would you like to take the next
Hardenberg: My pleasure. We are also
announcing the creation of a Confederation of
German States. All of the German States will
join together in a loose confederation.
Geraldo Rivera: Confederation? What is that?
Hardenberg: Boy, Geraldo, you aren’t too
bright are you? Ok, a confederation is a group
of states, or in our case countries, bonded
together in an alliance. Each individual state is
autonomous within its borders. Meaning, it
makes its own laws and elects its own leaders.
But they then also elect members to represent
them in the Confederation and as a group they
decide how to deal with the outside world—in
trade, in war, in diplomacy etcetera.
Geraldo Rivera: Sir, could you please explain
to us what you mean when you say, “French
Geraldo Rivera: So basically, if it has to do
with laws on murder or something, the
individual country decides, but if it has to do
with whether or not to trade with France, the
Confederation decides?
Von Metternich: Certainly. “French Ideas” are
these ideas of the Enlightenment. Freedom of
Speech, religion, right to vote etc. We feel that
this makes Europe too dangerous and
Hardenberg: Exactly. Further, we’ve decided
that the President and Vice President of the
Confederation will always be Prussian and
Austrian. Since we are the largest German-
speaking countries, we naturally will have the
most power in the Confederation.
Tsar Alexander?
of nations that will watch and regulate
international trade, tolls on rivers and things
like that.
Alexander I: I am proud to announce that
according to this settlement, Finland will come
under the control of Mother Russia. In addition,
we are taking control over the newly formed
Kingdom of Poland. It will be our…uh…special
pet project. I am proud to announce the
formation of a Holy Alliance as well. This
alliance is between Russia, Austria and
Prussia, but other countries are welcome to
join, as long as they agree to support Christian
Principles across Europe. Mssr. Talleyrand?
Von Metternich: There are many little details
that we need not get into today. Let’s suffice it
to say that we have worked out a BALANCE
OF POWER so that all of the major countries
of Europe have an equal amount of land and
an equal amount of military power, and we
hope and pray that this will bring us the Peace
Europe so richly deserves. Thank you for your
time. (applause from the audience).
Talleyrand: As a whole, we have also decided
to restore to power all rulers/ruling families who
were in power BEFORE 1789. We think that
this is the most stable thing to do. In order to
prevent small disputes from flaring up into
larger disputes, we will also set up a committee
Geraldo Rivera: Well that’s about it from
Vienna, Bill. The Evil Napoleon has been
defeated. Peace and stability are brought back
to Europe. All is well in the world. Good night
from beautiful Vienna, Austria.
Bill O’Liely: Thanks for that report. Now let’s
recap the evening’s news:
Questions on previous readings:
1. List the main agreements of the Congress of Vienna here:
2. Where was Napoleon Defeated?
3. Where did they send him?
4. What are the “French Ideas”?
5. What is meant by a “Balance of Power”? How did they try to achieve this in Europe?
Newscast 6. May 21, 1821.
Nan Bolter: Hi everyone, I am Nan Bolter and we bring you breaking news from St. Helena. The
former French Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte—the man who wrought havoc all across Europe just six
years ago has died in Exile. We bring you live to St. Helena where our reporter Geraldo Rivera has
been at the bedside vigil. Geraldo?
Geraldo Rivera: Hi Nan (wipes a tear from his eye). It’s a sad, sad day for the world today as we
mark the passing of a hero with the death of Nap—
Nan Bolter: A HERO? Geraldo, just six years ago we were calling him the evil anti-Christ. What is
this sentiment you now express… a hero?
Geraldo Rivera: Nan, Nan. You gotta get with the times. I mean, Bonaparte was a legend. A man of
the people for France. His greatness is the stuff of legends. There are rumors going around that those
meanies the British actually slowly poisoned him by putting arsenic in his food. But that is one of
History’s great mysteries.
Bill O’Liely: Geraldo, Bill O’Liely here… are you trying to tell me that this MONSTER, is being
remembered as a HERO??
Geraldo Rivera: Well, yeah, Bill. Get with the program buddy! Napoleon has spent the last six years
of his life on this god-forsaken island trying to un-tarnish his image for the history books. And, I gotta
tell ya, Bill, he’s done quite a good job of it. He wrote his own autobiography—a real page-turner. I
read every single word of it…I gotta admit, I knew nothing about the man, then I read his book…and I
realized…the man is a HERO. A military genius and a hero!
Bill O’Liely: Geraldo, doesn’t it seem a bit shady to rely on the guy’s AUTOBIOGRAPHY to tell you
all about him? Don’t you think he might EMBELLISH the truth…just a little bit? You know…try to
make himself look better than he is?
Geraldo Rivera: Bill…buddy…why would he lie, man? WHY WOULD HE LIE?? The man is a hero.
He made France great—and the people of France know that…and appreciate it. They don’t like that
JERK Louis XVIII…look at the cartoons about him for pete’s sake…In fact, I predict that one day—
say, twenty or so years in the future--Napoleon’s remains will be dug up from this horrible Island
where he was unfairly exiled…he’ll be brought back to Paris with full military honors, placed in a giant
coffin worthy of a man of his greatness and placed in Invalides, the French military mausoleum where
ALL the most important French military and civilian leaders are interred.
Bill O’Liely: Yeah, right Geraldo. Never gonna happen. You just keep on dreamin’ there buddy.
Thanks for your reporting. Now onto related news, it has been reported by a British Tabloid that
Napoleon Bonaparte may indeed be the father of Honey Boo-Boo …
Let’s go live to Nan Bolter who is standing by--The END.