Weather Services Outline and References by Olli Surface Weather Data Collection: AWOS: Automated Weather Observing System (Older System: Around since 1979) ASOS: Automated Surface Observing System (Newer System: Since 1991) Manual: Meteorologists manually collecting Weather Data Types: AWOS-A and AWOS 1 through 3 (AIM 7-1-12 and Table 7-1-1) Service Levels: A though D (AIM 7-1-12 and Tables 7-1-2, 7-1-7, 7-1-8) The above systems and procedures are being used to produce the following 2 products: 1. Weather Reports = Weather Observations (weather as it happens) ATIS: Automated Terminal Information Service (continuous recording of airport information essential for safe flight operations) (AIM 4-1-13) METAR: Meteorological Aviation Report (Mostly known as “Hourly Routine Aviation Report”) (AIM 7-1-31 and 7-1-32) 2. Weather Forecasts = Weather Predictions (weather as expected) TAF: Terminal Aerodrome Forecast. They are produced with METARs. Two consecutive METARs >30 min. <60min. apart. (AIM 7-1-31 and 7-1-32) Other Types of Weather Observations Upper Air Data Collection: Weather data collected by pilots submitting PIREPS (Pilot Reports (AIM 7-1-21)) and by using Weather Balloons equipped with radiosonde transmitters that transmit temperatures, wind, humidity etc. back to the ground. Radar Weather Observation: Surface based radar can detect areas of precipitation and is displayed on radar weather reports (SDs) and Radar Summary Reports (AIM 7-1-13) Low-Level Wind Shear Alert System (LLWAS): (AIM 4-3-7 and 7-1-25 and 7-1-27) En Route or In Flight Weather Reports and Forecasts: EFAS: En Route Flight Advisory Service. a.k.a. “Flight Watch” on 122.0 Mhz > 5,000 AGL < 17,500 MSL provided by FSS (AIM 7-1-5) PIREP: Pilot Reports – UA/UUA: Upper Air/Urgent Upper Air. Flight Watch is the central focal point for Pireps (AIM 7-1-21) T-WEB: Transcribed Weather Broadcast. Continuous recordings of weather conditions along approx. 200 flight routes (AIM 7-1-9) HIWAS: Hazardous Inflight Weather Advisory Service – for e.g. Inflight Aviation Weather Advisories like plus others: (AIM 7-1-10 (b)) o AIRMETs: (WAs) Airmen’s Meteorological Information Valid: 6 hours (AIM 7-1-6 (c)) o SIGMETs: (WSs) Significant Meteorological Information Valid: 4 hours (AIM 7-1-6 (d)) o CONVECTIVE SIGMETs: (WSTs) Convective Significant Meteorological Information Valid: 2 hours (AIM 7-1-6 (f)) CWA: Center Weather Advisories: Weather Warning for existing or imminent weather hazards on all frequencies but 121.5 Mhz. (emergency) provided by the ARTCC (Air Route Traffic Control Center) (AIM 7-1-6 (h) and 7-1-10) METARs (AIM 7-1-31 and 7-1-32) Plus ATIS AWOS ASOS TAFs (AIM 7-1-31 and 7-1-32) Weather within 5 SM of airport If TAF not available use FA Products for your Preflight Planning Weather Information Sources: For a Preflight Briefing: 1.Standard 2.Abbreviated 3.Outlook (AIM 7-1-4) call 1-800-WX-BRIEF TIBS = Telephone Information Briefing Service and PATWAS = Pilot’s automated telephone weather answering service is available before you talk to a briefer (AIM 7-1-8) and (AIM 7-1-2 and 7-1-3) FAA Certified primary weather product. FAA Certified primary weather product FAA Certified primary weather product Printed Text Products: Reports and Forecasts Graphic Weather Products: Weather Charts ref. (AC-0045E) METAR: Meteorological Aviation Report Weather Depiction (Outlook VFR/IFR every 3hours) PIREP: Pilot Reports (AIM 7-1-21) Satellite Pictures (just nice pictures) ;-) TAF: Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (AIM 7-1-31 and 7-1-32) (4xday/24hours) FA: Aviation Area Forecast (AC-0045E page 4-17) (3xday/12/6outlook) Surface Analysis Chart (Pressure Sys.Fronts every 3hours) SD: Radar Weather Report (AIM 7-1-13) (H+35) ____________used to produce Radar Summary Chart (Precipitation location H+35) FD: Winds & Temperatures Aloft (AC-0045E page 4-35) (2xday/12hours) ____ used to produce Winds & Temperatures Aloft WW: Severe Weather Watch Bulletins: As needed. Disseminated through all available media (AIM 7-1-6 (g)) AWW: Sever Weather Watch Alert Message: Preliminary message announcing a WW (AIM 7-1-6 (g) and 7-1-10) AC: Convective Outlook: Severe thunderstorm prediction (AC-0045E page 4-41) __used to produce WH: Hurricane Advisory: for hurricanes 300 ml of shore threatening a coastline (AC-0045E page 4-40) (hourly, except SPECI if needed) _________used to produce (2xday/12hours) Low Level Significant Weather Prognostic (4xday) Convective Outlook Chart (day1 5xday) AIRMET: (WA) Airmen’s Meteorological Information Valid: 6 hr. (AIM 7-1-6 (c)) Sierra=IFR/Mountain obsc. Tango= mod. Turbulence. Zulu= mod. Freezing. LLWS, Sfc.Winds >30kts. SIGMET: (WS) Significant Meteorological Information Valid: 4 hr. Severe to Extreme Turbulence. Severe Icing. Sand-and Dust Storms, Volcanic Ash causing IFR CONVECTIVE SIGMET: (WST) Convective Significant Meteorological Information Valid: 2 hr. Severe TS, Tornadoes, Embedded TS, SQ-lines, Hail >3/4 in. Sfc.Winds & Gusts>50kts. Severe Icing, Sev.- Extreme Turb. is implied w. conv. Sig., convective LLWS