Training Provider Users Guide

Texas’ WIA Eligible Training Providers
Training Provider Users Guide
Release 4 - Version 1.0
February 2011
Texas’ WIA Eligible Training Providers
Training Provider Users Guide
Table of Contents
Training Provider Users Guide………………………………………………………………………..
Key Features for Providers…………………………………………………………………………….
Public Access Section
Accessing the Automated System……………………………………………………………………
Public Access Navigation Options……………………………………………………………………
Information & Help Features………………………………………………………………………….
Provider’s Secured Access Section
Accessing the Provider’s Secured Access Section…………………………………………….
Provider Navigation Options…………………………………………………………………………..
Application Notes………………………………………………………………………………………….
Information & Help Features………………………………………………………………………….
Deleting a Training Location Record……………………………………………………………….
Deleting ‘Saved’ Initial Eligibility Applications......................... ........................
Withdrawing an Application..………………………………………………………………………….
Performance & Reporting
WIA ETPS Performance Report............................................... ......................
February 2011
ETPS Users Guide – Release 4 - Version 1.0
Texas’ WIA Eligible Training Providers
Training Provider Users Guide
Section 1: Overview
The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) provides the framework for a unique national
workforce preparation and employment system designed to meet the needs of the nation’s
businesses and job seekers and those who want to further their careers.
A primary goal of WIA is ensuring participant access to a variety of quality training
programs. Local Workforce Development Boards (Boards) have the primary responsibility for
working directly with training providers to facilitate timely submission of complete,
acceptable applications.
Training providers (TP) are required to apply through Local Workforce Development
Board(s) (Board) for the area(s) of the state in which they wish to provide training services.
The automated WIA Eligible Training Provider System (ETPS) was developed to facilitate the
application submission and review process.
Programs/courses that are Board-approved and certified by the Texas Workforce
Commission (TWC) are posted on Texas’ Statewide List of Certified Training Providers. In
addition to the required use for WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker programs, the listing may
also be used by the other major workforce programs administered by the Boards, including:
WIA Older Youth (19-21) and Out-of-School Youth,
Food Stamp Employment and Training,
Welfare-to-Work, and
Trade Adjustment Assistance.
Training Provider Users Guide
The purpose of this guide is to provide training providers with general information and procedures
for accessing and using the automated system. Providers are given an overview of the public
access and secured provider sections of the automated system, including general information
 Information & Help Features
 Access & Navigation Options
 Performance & Reporting Exceptions
This guide is not intended to provide training providers with all policies and procedures related to
the certification of training programs but is intended as a guide for using the automated system.
Providers are encouraged to review the information provided via ‘Certification Process’ section of
the public view, or the ‘Info’ navigation option on the secured viewed for detailed information on
policies and procedures as well as contact information for each Board.
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Key Features for Providers
Key features of the automated system include:
 Numerous information and ‘help’ features, including:
 Messages and ‘Release Notes’ display on the public and/or secured access Home Page(s).
 Descriptive, instructional language on applicable web pages.
 Links to ‘Tips & Terms’ for definitions and/or instructions.
 Links to detailed application instructions.
 Red asterisks (*) display to indicate required entry fields.
 Option to submit Initial Eligibility Applications to one or more Boards simultaneously.
 Option to use a previously saved application as a template for a new Initial Eligibility
 Option to delete Training Location records with no associated program applications or only
Initial Eligibility Applications with a current status of ‘Deleted by Provider’.
 Option to delete Initial Eligibility Applications with a current status of ‘Saved by Provider’.
 Online submission of application Change Requests for Board and TWC review.
 Instant access to current status for all applications and detailed status history for all submitted
 Able to change/update many ‘Provider Profile’ items across all application records.
 Email notifications of key application status changes.
 Able to communicate directly with Board via a submitted application through application
 Option for Community Colleges and Universities to create a single program application for
multiple training locations.
For inquiries about using the automated system contact:
 Email:
 Phone: 866-256-6333 (Toll-free)
512-936-0669 (Local/Austin)
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Section 2: Public Access Section
Accessing the Automated System
To access the system, enter the web address This web address accesses the
public sector of the system.
Recommended Internet Browsers:
Microsoft Internet Explorer, Version 5.5 or higher
Netscape, Version 6.1 or higher
Public Access Navigation Options
From the public access section of the automated system, by selecting – ETPS Home, navigation
options include:
 Statewide List – Access Texas’ Statewide List of Certified Training Providers to:
 Search by provider location, provider and/or area of study,
 Sort and narrow your search results, and
 Review and/or print high-level program information or two-page ‘Program Detail’ about
currently certified programs/courses.
 Certification Process – Access helpful information about Eligible Training Provider (ETP)
policies and procedures, including:
 ‘Requesting Logon Access’,
 ‘Applying for Certification’,
 ‘Provider Accountability’,
 ‘Local Workforce Development Board Information’,
 ‘Commission Rules’, and
 ‘Workforce Development Letters’.
 Logon – Access the Logon screen for authorized provider, Board and TWC users.
 PAS Directory – Search the list of all providers with an approved Provider Assurance
Statement (PAS) on file with the Commission.
 Related Links – Links to related Internet sites with information for the general public,
training providers, Board and Commission staff.
Information & Help Features
‘Help’ features included in the public access section include:
 Functional Instructions – Descriptive, instructional language on applicable web pages.
 Tips & Terms – Clickable, underlined terms that link to helpful ‘Tips & Terms’. Individuals
researching information regarding currently certified training programs/courses can readily
obtain helpful definitions when reviewing the ‘Search Results’ and ‘Program Detail’ pages
accessed via the Statewide List of Certified Training Providers search and sort features.
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Section 3: Provider’s Secured Access Section
Accessing the Provider’s Secured Access Section
Provider Assurance Statement. To be considered for inclusion on Texas’ Statewide List of
Certified Training Providers and to access the automated system, training providers must have a
signed, approved Provider Assurance Statement (PAS) on file with the Commission. Submission of
the PAS authorizes the Commission to accept and use information submitted via the automated
system. The PAS applies to any/all applications for initial eligibility determination that are
submitted to any/all Boards. Boards may require additional assurances as part of their local
application requirements.
 Where do I find the PAS form and where do I send it?
The PAS form can be accessed from two locations in the public access section of the
automated system:
 ‘Certification Process’ – Requesting Logon Access section link
 ‘Logon’
The PAS must be completed via the automated system, with a printed and signed copy
forwarded to the Commission address provided on the form.
 How do I know if a PAS form has been approved for my institution, organization,
or entity?
To determine if an approved PAS form is on file with the Commission, access the ‘PAS
Directory’ option in the public access section.
Logon Access. After approval of the PAS, authorized provider users enter the secured section
via the ‘Logon’ option found in the public section of the site. Using their selected User ID and
Password, authorized provider users can access all provider navigation options as well as the
application records on file for the organization(s) for which they have logon privileges. They
cannot access any Board or TWC navigation options.
 Who should have access to my User ID and Password?
Authorized users should not share their User ID/Password with other individuals. The
automated system is designed to track the history of all transactions, identifying
entries/changes by date, time and user.
 Need to cancel a User ID and Password?
Contact the designated Administrative Contact to request cancellation of access to the system.
Contact information is posted:
 ‘PAS Directory’ (public view) – for providers with an approved Provider Assurance
Statement on file.
 ‘Provider Profile’ (secured view).
 Want more information about logon access?
Click underlined terms on the ‘Logon’ screen to access Tips & Terms about the User ID and
Password, including information about changing your Password.
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Provider Navigation Options
After successfully logging on to the secured provider section, the Training Provider Home
page will be displayed. Navigation options available to training providers include:
 Home – Return to the Training Provider Home page. Users with access to more than one
ETPS provider account make their provider selection from this page. Based upon their
selection, records display only for the applicable Provider ID.
 My Profile – Review and modify your personal account profile.
 Create Initial – Create a new Initial Eligibility Application or use a previously submitted
application as a template.
 Update/Complete –
- Update specific application items or complete and submit a previously saved application.
- Delete Initial Eligibility Applications with a current status of ‘Saved by Provider’.
- Submit Change Requests for Board and TWC review.
 Review Status – Access the detailed status history, including the Board’s Status Notes, for
any application.
 Withdraw – Withdraw an Initial Eligibility Application.
 Enter or update general provider and training location information.
 Delete selected Training Location records.
Reports - Access the Report List to select and generate standard reports.
Statewide List –
 Access Texas’ Statewide List of Certified Training Providers without leaving the secured access
 Navigation options include Home, Search, Results, Program Detail 1, Program Detail 2 and
User Admin – The TP Users option allows users with the appropriate administrative privileges
 View a list of current Training Provider users and applicants.
 Access user administrative options to process account requests, edit accounts and set
permissions, lock/unlock accounts and remove system user privileges.
Info – ‘Info’ options open a separate browser window:
 Certification Process – Obtain helpful information about ETP policies and procedures
without leaving the secured access view.
 Board Contacts – Directory with contact information for Texas’ 28 Boards.
 Tips & Terms – Review the complete ‘Tips & Terms’ file without leaving the secured access
 Appeal Instructions – Access general information about filing an appeal with a Board or the
Logoff - Exit the secured access view and return to Logon page.
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Application Notes
The in-application Notes feature is available to authorized provider, Board and TWC users. Notes
entered by authorized users will display within the application, not on the Application Status
History page.
For each note, the system will display the name and type (e.g., TP, Board, TWC) of the user
saving the note as well as the date and time saved. Provider users can view all TP and Board
Only the most recently saved note can be edited or deleted. These features are available only to
the user who saved the note.
Tip: Regularly check applications that are in review by a Board and use the notes feature to
clarify outstanding issues.
Information & Help Features
Many ‘help’ features are included in the automated system design:
 Messages and ‘Release Notes’ – On the Training Provider Home page, view ‘Urgent
Messages’, ‘Informational Messages’ and ‘Release Notes’ about newly-implemented
 Required Fields Denoted – Red asterisks (*) display to indicate required entry fields.
 Tips & Terms – Throughout all public and secured access sections of the site, users can click
underlined terms to access helpful ‘Tips & Terms’.
 Application Instructions – Detailed instructions for completing Initial Eligibility Applications
can be accessed via:
 ‘Certification Process’ – ‘Applying for Certification’ link, or
 Clickable links from all application sections
 System-Generated Messages –
 Provide notice of system-related requirements, such as submission of PAS Renewal
 Prompt correction of entry and navigation errors, and
 Request user confirmation of key system functions, such as application submission or
 Error Report – After clicking the application ‘Submit’ button, providers will receive an ‘Error
Report’ if any application items are incomplete or incorrect. Providers can link to the
applicable application section(s) to make appropriate changes before reattempting
Key Consideration: For many application fields, the automated system can edit for
completeness, but not for correctness. Carefully review all fields before submitting new or
updated information!
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Information & Help Features cont’d
Best tips!
 Always consider saving entries before exiting ‘entry’ pages, including those accessed via:
 Provider Profile
 Create Initial
 Update/Complete
 Always pay attention to error and confirmation messages to decrease chances of error or
mistaken action such as withdrawing an application record.
For additional help, contact the Help Desk at:
 Email:
 Phone: 866-256-6333 (Toll-free)
512-936-0669 (Local/Austin)
Deleting a Training Location Record
Providers may delete a Training Location record if there are no associated program
applications or only Initial Eligibility Application(s) with a current status of ‘Deleted by
Provider’. To delete a record, click 'Provider Profile' on the navigation bar. From the
‘Training Location-Physical Address’ section of the page, click the appropriate address to
access the location record. After reviewing the record, click the Delete button. Users will
be prompted to confirm deletion requests.
NOTE: The Delete button will display on the ‘Modify a Training Location’ page only if the
record has no associated applications or only Initial Eligibility Applications with a current
status of ‘Deleted by Provider’.
Careful! Deleted Training Location records cannot be retrieved.
Deleting 'Saved' Initial Eligibility Applications
Providers may delete one or more Initial Eligibility Application(s) with a current status of
'Saved by Provider'. To delete application(s), click ‘Application’ on the navigation bar, then
the ‘Update/Complete’ tab. Use the search option(s) to access the appropriate record(s),
then select the checkbox(es) by the appropriate Program Name(s). After reviewing the
selection(s), click the Delete button. Users will be prompted to confirm deletion requests.
NOTE: Checkboxes appear only by Initial Eligibility Applications with a current status of
‘Saved by Provider’. If the search does not include records that meet these criteria, the
Delete button and checkboxes will not be displayed.
Careful! Be sure to select the correct application record! Consider:
 Deleted applications cannot be retrieved for submittal.
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Withdrawing an Application
Providers may withdraw an application from the certification review process or may
withdraw an application that is currently certified and posted on the Statewide List of
Certified Training Providers. Initial Eligibility Applications may be withdrawn at any time
after submittal to the Board(s).
To withdraw an application, click ‘Application’ on the navigation bar, then the ‘Withdraw’
tab. Use the search option(s) to access the appropriate application record. Users will be
prompted to confirm withdrawal requests.
Careful! Be sure to select the correct application record! Consider:
 Applications for the same program that were submitted to more than one Board – check
the Board name.
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Section 4: Performance & Reporting
This section contains information regarding the TWIST ‘WIA ETPS Performance Report’ for a
given program.
For detailed instructions on application completion and submission requirements, refer to
‘Initial Eligibility Application Instructions’. This document can be accessed via:
 ‘Certification Process’ – ‘Applying for Certification’ link, or
 Clickable links from all application sections.
Note! The zeroes entered for performance reporting exceptions will not be posted on Texas’
Statewide List of Certified Training Providers. Applicable fields will be blank and clarifying
information will be provided in the ‘Performance Reporting’ disclaimers.
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