Course Requirments and Procedures Temescal Canyon High School Mr. Sands Honors Human Anatomy and Physiology Textbooks: Holes Human Anatomy / Physiogy11th edition, David Shier, Jackie Butler, Ricki Lewis, 2007. Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology- 4th edition, John W. Hole Jr, 1992, and accompanying lab manuals. Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology - 3rd edition, Fredrick H. Martini, 1995, and accompanying lab manuals. Prerequisites: Completion of Environmental Science and Biology with a grade of C or better, completion of Algebra 1 with a grade of C or better. Chemistry is highly recommended. Course Descriptions: Human Anatomy and Physiology is a demanding laboratory course designed to promote understanding of the structure and function of the human body and its response to environmental stimuli. This course expands the biological principles covered in the Integrated Science, Biology, and Chemistry courses. It is especially programmed for those who intend to pursue careers in the rapidly expanding medical and health care related fields. Emphasis will be placed on the application of medical terminology and technology. Dissections, biochemical and biophysical laboratory exercises offer opportunities to develop those talents necessary to perform in the health care field. Open ended questioning in the area of bio-ethics will prepare the student for the psychological demands of health care related employment. Major student activities: Laboratory experiments Article Summaries Class Discussion Required materials for class 1. 2. 3. 4. Interactive Science Notebook pencil/ pen colored pencils calculator Oral/ small group presentations Group projects Research Projects Grading system: The following breakdown is an estimate of each assignment’s weight on the overall grade. Tests and quizzes Labs Homework projects 70% 20% 5% 5% The final grade will be based on the scale below. I do not give special extra credit for those who fall short so do not ask. A B C D F 90% 80% 70% 63% below 63% Participation This is a major part of this class and your final grade. Your participation grade is based on : 1. Attendance 2. Competion of all assignments 3. class discussion 4. group work Pass policy Each student has 2 restroom passes to be used throughout the semester. (So use them wisely) How to be successful in Mr. Sands’ class: 1. GIVE 100% EFFORT ON EVERYTHING YOU DO. 2. BE PREPARED AND ATTENTIVE IN CLASS. (assigned reading is mandatory so you can participate in classroom discussion) 3. USE CLASS TIME WISELY. 4. DON’T FALL BEHIND ON THE READING 5. ASK QUESTIONS!!!!!! Don’t be afraid to ask questions. I can assure you that half the class is wondering the same thing. Human Anatomy and Physiology “All Rights Reserved” Mr. Sands 1. Every student has the right to explore the fun and exciting world of anatomy in a pleasant environment. 2. Every student has the right to their opinion and there is an appropriate time and place for their expression. 3. No Student has the right to infringe upon any other student's rights. 4. Mr. Sands has the right to provide information and activities without distractions. In order to protect the rights of student and teacher, the following practices will be implemented: 1. Be on time: this is defined as in your seat and ready to work when the tardy bell finishes ringing. 2. Be prepared: Bring all necessary materials EVERY DAY including, but not limited to; textbook, paper, writing utensils, lab-book, homework assignments. 3. Be respectful: Talk at the appropriate times. Respect your fellow students as well as the teacher. Respect people's property: Do not touch things that don't belong to you. Return all borrowed property. (In other words, treat others as you wish to be treated.) 4. Follow Directions: the first time given. 5. Be a Participant: Take part in all in class activities. This includes labs, projects, and homework. A zero on any assignment is treated as “defiance of authority” and will be dealt with accordingly. WARNING* the infamous ZORRO has been known to roam the halls of the science building when he is not out saving the world from injustice. He has in the past, made his presence known in my classroom by leaving his mark (usually around the forehead or back of the neck region) on unsuspecting students who have fallen asleep in my class. I have tried to put a stop to this but he insists that sleeping in class is too great an injustice to be left alone. So ……………..consider yourself warned Consequences of inappropriate behaviors. First Offense Warning: One warning either verbal or written on the board. (Student will be requested to desist the behavior.) * Students have three free tardies each semester (use them wisely) Second offense Action: Table Duty or 30 min detention. Third offense Action: Detention 60 minutes,to be served before or after school at the detention center. Defiance of authority is an automatic 90 minute minimum detention. If detention not served, all day BIC will be assigned and points will be taken off their participation grade. *Repeat Offenses Action: Referral to the office. The penalties are at the discretion of the teacher. **If 2 hours of detention have been assigned, a referral will be sent and the parents will be notified. Behavioral Expectations: 1. All Electronic Devices are to be turned off and put away before entering class. If I see it I take it for 24 hours. 2. No plagiarism or Cheating 3. No food or drinks (except H 2O) in the classroom. 4. Inappropriate Language is not acceptable or tolerated. 5. Dress Code Policies are followed at all times. C l a s s r o o m P r o c e d u r e s 1. All students are to enter the classroom and begin copying down the days agenda in the table of contents section of their Interactive Science notebook. 2. “Kickoff” questions will be on the board to be answered within the first 5 minutes of class also. These questions will be a review of what was learned the day before and will be answered in the Kickoff section of the Interactive Science Notebook. 3. Proper headings must be on all assignments. It consists of name, date, group (if applicable). 1 point will be deducted for each missing item. No assignment will be accepted without a name and period. ** Assignments that are turned in digitally must still have proper heading**. 4. All homework assignments will be due at the beginning of class in the A.D.T. (Assignment Due Tray) unless instructed otherwise. 5. All returned assignments must be kept in the “Assignments” section of the Interactive Science Notebook until the end of the unit. 6.. Late Work: Late work is defined as work not turned in during the administrative period on the due date unless a "Late Homework Pass" is turned in with the assignment. NO LATE HOMEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT A CURRENT RENN CARD. ALL LATE PROJECTS DROP ONE LETTER GRADE FOR EACH DAY THEY ARE LATE. An approved absence is no excuse for a late project. Fascinates 7. Makeup Work will only be allowed with an excused absence. If a student is absent for and extended period of time, it is their responsibility to set up a makeup work schedule with Mr. Sands. 8. Labs and dissections are a major part of the course. No credit will be given unless the student demonstrates competency by passing the lab exams. 9. Assignments will include a variety of individual and group projects. A default on a group project affects all members. It is the group member’s responsibility to inform Mr. Sands if a member fails to complete their share of the assigned tasks. Mr. Sands reserves the right to take punitive measures against any group member who fails to complete their share of the group work. 10. Missing Assignments Completion of all assignments is required. No “A” will be earned if the person is missing an assignment. 11.Attendance and Tardy policies apply according to your student handbook. 12. The teacher dismisses the class, not the bell. The Interactive Science Notebook Materials 3-ring binder dividers notebook paper Organization 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th divider divider divider divider divider divider : : : : : : Table of Contents (daily agenda) Kickoff questions Notes Assignments Labs Clinical Apps * Notebooks will be checked for organization and completion of all assignments throughout the year* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read the above policies and procedures for Mr. Sands’ class and I understand and agree to abide by them. Student signature _____________________ Student name (print please) __________________ I have read the above policies and procedures for Mr. Sands’ class and I agree to help my student abide by them. Parent or guardian signature ______________________ I consent to having my student’s image on the class web page or class movies. _______________________________________________ . I do not consent to having my student’s image on the class web page or class movies