Which Wisdom Operates in Your Life? James 3:13-18 Preached by Lou Going at WACC – June 10, 2001 We now move to the next section in this epistle. Here James describes the nature of Christian humility. Faith produces a life of humility. But what does humility look like? First the source of true humility is heavenly wisdom, such humility entails a repentant submission to God, 4:1-10; does away with a judgmental attitude, 4:11-12; puts off presumption, 4:13-17; and destroys covetousness, 5:1-6. True humility is marked by a life of gentleness and peace making. These are also marks of true heavenly wisdom. The result of such wisdom is a harvest of righteousness. The word wisdom is used by James to describe two ways of living. There are two kinds of wisdom. There are two opposite ways of doing business, if you will. There are two contrary methods of handling one's life and conduct. One form of wisdom is marked by a noble manner of life coupled by works done in gentleness. The other is marked by a disordered manner of life coupled with a host of evil deeds. One is fueled by purity and peace. The other is energized by jealousy and selfish ambition. One path of wisdom originates in heaven. The other is born in hell. But both are characterized as wisdom. This is so because wisdom is used by James as a handle for the values, beliefs and worldview one embraces that directs the entire course of ones' life. The word that James uses in verse 13 that is translated conversation (KJV), behavior, (NASB), and life, (NIV), really means the particular manner of life a person lives. It encompasses not only behavior, but values, goal, attitudes, likes, dislikes, etc. The manner of life you lived as an unbeliever is not the same manner of life you are now to live as a follower of Jesus Christ. Your former manner of life, you are now called to put off (Ephesians 4:22) because you were redeemed by the precious blood of Christ from that manner of life which you inherited from your fathers and which is empty (1 Peter 2:18). The wisdom by which you live will come to expression in the manner of life you live. It will also shape your manner of life. Now let me say that if you live by earthly wisdom you may indeed succeed in your goals and objectives. There is a certain appeal and power to earthly wisdom. But your goals and objectives will not be the same as God's. You may think they are but if your life is marked by attitudes of harsh zeal and selfish ambition with the fruit of disorder and evil deeds, then your goals can not be godly and the wisdom by which you pursue those objectives comes not from Him. Manifest Fruit, Heart-Fruit Source Now I want to unpack this text in a very particular way. It is a very good probe of your heart and life. There are three levels to each of the kinds of wisdom that James mentions. First the outward layer is what I like to call the manifest-fruit. This fruit is symptomatic. Now manifest-fruit is more than outward acts for sure. However, such fruit is something that can be observed through behavior. The second layer consists in the attitudes or heart-fruit. This is much more difficult to see. It is really the governing disposition of the heart or the inner life. The deepest level is the source, which takes us into the realm of the spiritual and supernatural. All three levels have a shaping affect on your particular manner of life. The first two have reinforcing effects on each other, heart-fruit produces manifest-fruit and manifest-fruit strengthens the heart-fruit. Okay enough with the cerebral lets get specific. 1 The Manifest Fruit of Earthly Wisdom The manifest fruit of earthly wisdom James describes as disorder and every evil deed. The word disorder is the noun form of the adjective James used to describe the double-minded person and double speaking. Is there a great deal of chaos and tumult in your life, specifically inside of you and in your relationships? Is that turmoil also coupled by sinful deeds? More particularly, is your manner of life largely marked by disorder and continued disobedience? Another way of describing this fruit is to jump ahead and outline the rest of this section. Are you often in conflict with others? Are you constantly critical of others? Are you presumptuous about your goals and plans? Do you covet the successes of others? God used this text to help me see (it was the help a mule gets when hit in the head by a board), how much of my life and ministry was really powered by earthly wisdom. There was much disorder and confusion within me and I was often in conflict with someone. Or if not open conflict I was avoiding people who did not agree with me. I kept retooling my agenda and I was blind to how my goals and objectives were really not God's because they seemed so spiritual: a growing church, a successful ministry, etc. All the time, however the fruit of earthly wisdom was being produced, which really confirmed that though I thought that I was on God's path, I was really on my own path. The Heart-Fruit of Earthly Wisdom If you find your manner of life is marked by such fruit (symptoms), then your heart-fruit (or the set of your heart) is that of jealousy and selfish ambition. Your operating wisdom is basically selfcentered, self-promoting and self-directed. The jealousy that James mentioned is literally bitter zeal. This jealousy is the zeal you show to protect and guard what you perceive as your rights or goals. It is further marked by bitterness toward those who don't agree with your goals. You have a particular agenda for which you are zealous/jealous and those who don't agree with you are just wrong. Such zeal (or jealousy for your own way) is attached to selfish ambition. It is ambition that leads to strife and conflict. This ambition is the pursuit and protection of what you want and what you are convinced you have a right to have. It may be marked by hard work, long hours, and determination but in the end it is the heart-set of ungodly wisdom. Again there is a strong appeal to this kind of wisdom. It gets things done. It can run corporations, as well as churches. Yet James warns that it is ungodly wisdom. It is an ungodly way to live and to carry on your life, ministry and business. The Source of Earthly Wisdom The source of this wisdom is described by the use of three adjectives that are set forth in descending order of severity. First it is earthly. This is used in contrast with what is heavenly. It points to what is limited and weak. It stands for what appears to be natural and filled with common sense. It has no appreciation for the values and perspective that God has revealed in Scripture as to how we are to live and relate to one another. Next it is unspiritual. It is void of any influence and control of the Holy Spirit. Finally it is demonic. The ultimate source is revealed. Jesus told the Pharisees that their attitude of hostility toward him was derived from their father the devil. Such wisdom does more than mimic the wisdom of demons, it is a reflection of their controlling influence and tempting power over the manner of life of one who lives by such wisdom. 2 The Manifest Fruit of Heavenly Wisdom The manifest fruit of godly wisdom is peace and good works, works of mercy and compassion and works of righteousness and justice. Such peace is contrasted with the disorder that is the manifest fruit of earthly wisdom. This peace is not only peace of heart and mind it is the peace that comes into relationships. It is this peace that is valued by heavenly wisdom. Further the manifest fruit of heavenly wisdom is the good harvest of righteousness that peacemakers sow. Such peace is also filled with mercy and compassion for those who are in need. The Heart-Fruit of Heavenly Wisdom The heart-fruit of this kind of wisdom is pure, then peaceable, gentle, obedient, impartial, and genuine. These characteristics point to a governing heart-disposition that is the complete opposite of jealousy and selfish ambition. We need to define each of these terms. But before we do, the general thrust of the text is that heavenly wisdom has heaven's agenda in view and values God's way of doing business. Therefore, there is no need to be jealous and ambitious. There is no need to be in conflict with those who disagree with you. There is no need to fight to get and then to protect your own way. The overall concern of heavenly wisdom is to see the fruit of righteousness sown in peace. It means that you want to see God's kingdom established in the hearts and lives of others. You want God's will done in the church and God's hold tightened in relationships. The way to sow for such fruit is in peace. Peter, put away your sword! God's business is not carried out by fighting, arguing, yelling, putting your enemy in his/her place, or by stealth and scheming. Rather the heart-fruit that will best bring righteousness to fruition is marked by purity, gentleness, obedience, mercy, impartiality, and sincerity. Purity. This James states is the chief characteristic of true wisdom. This purity suggests that one shares in a main characteristic of God, in that he follows God's moral directives with unmixed motives. Pure here is the opposite of crooked or unjust. To be pure means that one serves God alone. This means that your goals and objectives are God's and that His way to achieve them are also yours. Peaceable. Means that you value peace. This is not the Nelson Chamberlain peace and any price. Rather, you put a premium on seeing chaotic and tumultuous situations corrected and enmity and strive replaced with repentance and forgiveness. Gentle. Means that you are non-combative. You are not combative or defensive even when being provoked. This is also closely connected with the word used in verse 13 Meekness. It doesn't mean weakness, but rather you are concerned to treat people with care. You are not careless with people, even those who oppose you. Opponents as well as the fallen you approach with care and in a gentle manner. Obedient. Peter Davids states that this word really is better translated as compliant. It means that you are easily persuaded and trusting. This does not indicate a person without conviction who agrees with everyone and sways with the wind (James 1:5-8). Rather it suggests a person who gladly submits to true teaching and listens carefully to the other instead of attacking him. 3 Impartial (Unwavering). This marks one who is not given to party spirit. "the person of true wisdom is nonpartisan...instead he is pure and absolutely sincere in his opinions and actions." (Davids). Genuine. Literally this means without hypocrisy. This word is applied to both love and faith. You are to love without hypocrisy and your faith is to be sincere. You will not pretend or play act to influence people. These are the heart-fruit of true wisdom. These heart-sets will lead to a manner of life that is noble and focused on making peace. The product will be the increase and spread of God's kingdom power in situations, and in people's lives. This is the harvest of righteousness that James mentions. Not only must you want what God wants but you must pursue it His way. True wisdom embraces both God's agenda and God's "manner of doing business." But where does this true wisdom come from? It is heavenly but it is provided for you through Jesus Christ. He is your wisdom. Apart from trusting Jesus you will not know this wisdom. It comes as you fear the Lord. Proverbs teaches that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. But to fear the Lord entails an awareness and conviction that you have offended him and need his mercy. Only then will you rightly fear him. But it is here that the fear of the Lord brings you to him as a needy sinner seeking mercy and grace. Then your heart his made ready for the Gospel. In the Gospel Christ is presented to you and he is the true wisdom of God. NKJ 1 Corinthians 1:24 but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. Only a heart that is both trusting in Christ and submissive to Christ will know this kind of wisdom. This is James’ list of the fruit of the Spirit. It is only as you turn from your way and trust in Jesus Christ will you find such fruit of wisdom rising from within your life. James calls you to examine your heart and life. He says two things to you. First if you are wise and understanding then you need to do more that say you are. You need to show it by a manner of life that that is attractively marked by goodness and meekness in your relationships with others. If your manner of life is dominated by jealousy over your rights and selfish ambition to promote and protect what you want, then do not be proud or deny the truth. I think that James is pointing to those professing Christians who truly think that they are basically okay. They are not so much boasting over their jealousy and selfish ambition. Actually they do not see these things operating in their lives. They do not because they are proud and blind. So James takes us to the mirror of God’s Word again and holds it before our lives. Show the reality of your relationship with Christ who is God’s wisdom by the manner of life you live ---and this is what it will look like! This is what it will produce ---a harvest of righteousness. If the mirror shows another kind of wisdom operating in your life do not let your blindness and pride persist…now is the time to be ruthlessly honest with yourself before the Lord. As we will see the only way to change is to be honest and humble before the Lord. He is ready to give grace to all who humble themselves before Him and seek his mighty aid. 4