SYG 2340
Sex Research: Methods and Problems
Case Studies
1. How is data gathered?
2. Is the small size large (macro) or small (micro)?
3. Advantages?
4. Disadvantages?
5. Despite rapists consuming more porn, why can’t we say for certain that watching
violent porn is likely to turn men into rapists
Survey Methods
1. How is data gathered?
2. What is a representative sample?
3. How could you obtain a representative sample?
4. Advantages?
5. Disadvantages?
Direct Observation Studies
1. How is data gathered?
2. Is the small size large (macro) or small (micro)?
3. Advantages?
4. Disadvantages? Could expenses (cost) be an issue?
5. What were the main findings of Masters and Johnson’s study concerning the
female orgasm? Why is this important?
The Experimental Method: Procedures
1. How is data gathered?
2. What is are independent and dependent variables?
3. Advantages?
4. Disadvantages?
5. What did one experiment find concerning rapists and arousal while listening to
violent descriptions of rape?
Technologies in Sex Research
1. What is CASI and what are the advantages to using it?
2. Describe the two varieties of CASI technology.
3. How does a penile strain gauge work?
4. What are the advantages when using an internet-based survey?
5. What are the disadvantages when using an internet-based survey?