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(You’ll join them soon, I fear) — Space is made from the things we loved and lost | a.h steebucks Follow Unfollow poetry crewlostcapworthysteviecapgalbarneswilsondvoydophreusfabstan2015trinitynetmy poetryah.doc 225 notes Reblog The entire world weighs down on your shoulders and causes you to stagger Atlas isn’t proud and neither are the gods You were supposed to be strong; the best of the best — Our golden boy crumbles before our eyes | a.h steebucks Follow Unfollow my poetrylostcap2015trinitynetpoetry crewmythologyah.doc 161 notes Reblog We deserve so much; you and i After all we’ve been through the world has to owe us something But I can’t own the sun and you can’t own the moon And we’ll never close the space between us — a.h steebucks Follow Unfollow poetry crewstuckylostcapmy poetryah.doc 140 notes Reblog Waves of light shimmer through his golden hair And you can’t help but to think that He is gorgeous You trace your fingers down the curve of his cheek and watch the shiver that passes through him Eyelashes flick open to make way for the seas that captured you that first time Parted lips release a sighed word and swallow you whole — From the love of a sinner to a god | a.h steebucks Follow Unfollow poetry crewlostcap2015trinitynetfabstanstuckyhmmm possibly evenpatrochilles??maybe? I haven't read the book yet but it seems like itbarneswilsonfightmebarnesexpressingangerthroughthepianoawesomest person in this houseimpossiblefandomsthewannabesteveidk who to even tag in stuff anymoremy poetryah.doc 104 notes Reblog She licks hungrily, the sea, tasting for another sunburnt kiss from the beach Curling fingers tight through sandy hair Caressing the rosy cheeks of her lover Oh, but she doesn’t know that she’s causing a flood — The sweetest kind of love can end tragically | a.h steebucks Follow Unfollow lostcappoetry crewyou all inspire me so muchmy poetryah.doc 73 notes Reblog I need to stop writing lies, but that would mean losing you — Forgive me father for I have sinned | a.h steebucks Follow Unfollow you were my most convincing liemy poetrylostcapah.doc 59 notes Reblog Tumblr mobile in a nutshell steebucks Follow Unfollow ffsit's not even the wifi bc every other app works just fineah.doc 23 notes Reblog Watching The Force Awakens again!!! steebucks Follow Unfollow expressingangerthrroughthepianostar warsah.docso excited AHHH! 1 note Reblog I’ll use my face for an icon I guess steebucks Follow Unfollow 2015trinitynetmy faceah.doc 20 notes Reblog Who belongs in the heart of the sun The one who was swallowed by the greed of the sea The one willing to burn for love, only to drown instead — Some fires just don’t last | a.h steebucks Follow Unfollow my poetrylostcappoetry crewicarusah.doc 11 notes Reblog I just saw something beautiful The force it hit me with was like that of an ocean wave crashing into the sand The realization like discovering a secret of the universe As dazzling as the sun glittering over the water on a summer day I loved it You were laughing and it was the most beautiful thing that I had ever seen — a.h steebucks Follow Unfollow my poetryah.doc 11 notes Reblog Tagged by the incredible nerd @impossiblefandoms Rules: Answer in a new post and tag 20 followers that you would like to get to know better. (I’m sorry this is so long, i had to put it under a cut) Keep reading steebucks Follow Unfollow tag gameah.doc 4 notes Reblog Hey! So I’m Ahnika, a 14 year year old punk who is a total nerd. Marvel, music, and memes are my life. I love TØP, and only recently started listening to Halsey and Melanie (she/her) steebucks Follow Unfollow 2015trinitynetI still need to find an icon so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ah.doc 8 notes Reblog “You can’t eat all that!!!” steebucks Follow Unfollow ah.doc 8 notes Reblog tagged by: @cooledbean rule: tag 20 people you’d like to get to know better name: ahnika nickname: bucky star sign: aries gender: female height: 5’6” sexual orientation: not quite as completely straight as you might think??? favorite color: hmm different shades of blue that I don’t know the name of time rn: 9:12 pm average hours of sleep: well 10-12 hrs rn since it’s winter break last thing I googled: jakku, always taking pics number of blankets I sleep with: 4 favorite fictional character: I have far too many children to pick a fave favorite famous people: chris evans and sebastian stan favorite books: Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe what I’m wearing at the moment: pants and this huge ass sweater I’ll tag: @fabstan, @ophreus, @poereyfinns, @impossiblefandoms @awesomest-person-in-thishouse, @spnfandomqueen, @strmpilct, @widowsbitch, @actvalgoddess, @quiclsilver, @agentofstucky, @imightbeobsessed, @dvoyd, @stuccky, @teambuckytbh, @stucky-sexual, @cuddlystevebucky, @buckanan, @virgilinasgard, @ticklish-bucky steebucks Follow Unfollow tag gameah.doc 6 notes Reblog 2 steebucks Follow Unfollow 2015trinitynetaestheticcloudsdrivingah.docI forgot to post these 3 notes Reblog Today’s the day to confess your undying love for me steebucks Follow Unfollow valentines day2015trinitynetah.doc 3 notes Reblog lotr marathon rn tbh steebucks Follow Unfollow lotrah.doc 6 notes Reblog Sighs leave your lips while fingers graze your hips — a.h steebucks Follow Unfollow was forsakenwinchestermy poetrylostcapah.doc 6 notes Reblog © Tumblr, Inc. 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