Revision of the Bachelor of Science in the Teaching of Mathematics

February 7, 2006
Robert Mrtek, Chair
Senate Committee on Educational Policy
Midge Grosch
Director, Programs and Academic Assessment
I am forwarding for review and action by the Senate Committee on Educational Policy
the attached Revision of the Bachelor of Science in the Teaching of Mathematics.
The proposal was approved by the faculty in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
on February 6, 2007.
G. Tunnicliff
A. Libgober
Title: Revision in the Bachelor of Science in the Teaching of Mathematics
Sponsor: Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
1. Currently, all students must take MATH 330. In the revised program, students will be
given the option of taking either MATH 330: Abstract Algebra I or MTHT 435: Abstract
2. MTHT 410 Advanced Euclidian Geometry I (3 hrs) will no longer be required for the
major and the course will be dropped. Math 215 Introduction to Advanced Mathematics
(3 hours) will instead be required and serve as the prerequisite to MTHT 411 Advanced
Euclidian Geometry II. Math 411 will be renamed Advanced Euclidian Geometry.
3. Move MTHT 400: Methods of Teaching Secondary Mathematics I and MTHT 401:
Methods of Teaching Secondary Mathematics II from major requirements to Additional
Courses for Teacher Certification.
4. Replace the selective course Stat 401: Introduction to Probability with Stat 381: Applied
Statistical Methods I. Students will be required to take either MTHT 420 Methods of
Structured Programming I or STAT 381.
5. Add one additional advanced course in MATH, MTHT, STAT or MCS.
6. The number of hours for the major will change from 39 to 36. The number of additional
hours for Teaching Certification will increase from 28 to 34. The net increase in required
credits is 3 hours, which will be taken from the electives required to complete the degree.
The total credit hours required for the degree remains unchanged at 120.
These changes will not affect other departments.
The changes in the BS program will deepen students’ understanding of mathematics and
therefore better prepare them for the classroom. Some changes will allow students more options
and therefore give them more flexibility in planning their courses.
1. Students will be given the option to take either MATH 330: Abstract Algebra I or MTHT
435: Abstract Algebra. While MTHT 435 is more directly aimed at future teachers, Math
330 provides the essential algebra background.
2. There is considerable overlap between Math 215: Introduction to Advanced Mathematics
and MthT 410: Advanced Euclidian Geometry I. They serve the same purpose of helping
students make the transition to abstract mathematics. Math 215 is offered more
frequently and will give students greater opportunity to meet program requirements. We
will no longer offer MthT 410 once the revision is approved, and will change the title of
MthT 411 to Advanced Euclidian Geometry (eliminating the “II”). We feel it would be
easier to track students if 410 is dropped rather than 411.
3. MthT 400: Methods of Teaching Secondary Mathematics I and 401: Methods of
Teaching Secondary Mathematics II should be moved to the professional requirements
section because the courses mainly prepare teachers for their professional obligations.
4. Stat 381: Applied Statistical Methods I is a more appropriate course for Mathematics
education majors. Stat 381 is a more general introduction to statistics which provides a
better overview for future high school teachers.
5. One additional advanced course should be added to the requirements since a survey of
other Illinois universities showed we require one less content course than most. The four
rubrics in the Mathematics department all offer courses that, depending on student
interests, may be useful for deepening their understanding of mathematics.
The only additional requirement is the extra content course. This is to give our students a better
background in mathematics. Some courses that were formerly listed as mathematics courses are
now listed as professional requirements to reflect that they contain a mixture of mathematics and
mathematics teaching methods.
Catalog Copy
B.S. in the Teaching of Mathematics
Degree Requirements—B.S. in the Teaching of Mathematics
To earn a Bachelor of Science in the Teaching of Mathematics
degree from UIC, students must complete University, college, and
department degree requirements. The Department of
Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science degree
requirements are outlined below. Students should consult the
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for additional degree
requirements and college academic policies.
BS in the Teaching of Mathematics
Degree Requirements
Major Requirements
Additional Requirements for Teacher Certification
General Education and Electives
To reach minimum total hours
Minimum Total Hours—BS in the Teaching
of Mathematics
B.S. in the Teaching of Mathematics
Degree Requirements
Major Requirements
Additional Requirements for Teacher Certification
General Education and Electives
To reach minimum total hours
Minimum Total Hours—B.S. in the Teaching
of Mathematics
General Education
See General Education and Writing-in-the-Discipline in College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences section for a list of courses to meet this
Major Requirements
MATH 180—Calculus Iab
MATH 181—Calculus IIa
MATH 210—Calculus IIIa
MATH 300—Writing for Mathematicsc
Major Requirements
One of the following courses:
MATH 310—Applied Linear Algebra (3)
MATH 320—Linear Algebra I (3)
MATH 330—Abstract Algebra I
MATH 180—Calculus Iab
MATH 181—Calculus IIa
MATH 210—Calculus IIIa
MATH 300—Writing for Mathematicsc
One of the following courses:
MATH 310—Applied Linear Algebra (3)
MATH 320—Linear Algebra I (3)
One of the following courses:
MATH 330—Abstract Algebra I (3)
MTHT 435—Abstract Algebra (3)
MTHT 400—Methods of Teaching Secondary Mathematics I
MTHT 401—Methods of Teaching Secondary Mathematics II
Delete 400 (Moved to Additional Requirements section)
Delete 401 (Moved to Additional Requirements section)
MTHT 410—Advanced Euclidean Geometry I
MTHT 411—Advanced Euclidean Geometry II
MTHT 430—Mathematical Analysis for Teachers I
MATH 215—Introduction to Advanced Mathematics
MTHT 411—Advanced Euclidean Geometry
MTHT 430—Mathematical Analysis for Teachers I
One of the following courses:
MTHT420—Methods of Structured Programming I (3)
STAT 401—Introduction to Probability (3)
One of the following courses:
MTHT420—Methods of Structured Programming I (3)
STAT 381—Applied Statistical Methods I (3)
Total Hours—Major Requirements
One additional elective course in MATH, MTHT or STAT
(Recommended: MATH 417, 425, 430, or 435)
Total Hours—Major Requirements
This course is approved for the Analyzing the Natural World general
education category.
MATH 180 fulfills the LAS quantitative reasoning requirement.
MATH 180 fulfills the LAS quantitative reasoning requirement.
MATH 300 fulfills the Writing-in-the-Discipline requirement.
MATH 300 fulfills the Writing-in-the-Discipline requirement.
This course is approved for the Analyzing the Natural World general
education category.
Additional Requirements for Teacher Certification
ED 200—Education Policy Foundations
ED 210—The Educative Process
ED 330—Curriculum, Instruction, and Evaluation
in the Secondary School
CIE 414—Middle and High School Literacy
SPED 410—Survey of Characteristics of Learners
with Disabilities
MTHT 438—Educational Practice with Seminar I
MTHT 439—Educational Practice with Seminar II
Total Hours—Additional Requirements for
Teacher Certification
Additional Requirements for Teacher Certification
Students in the Teacher Education in Mathematics curriculum
must have a GPA of at least 2.50/4.00 in all mathematics courses
(MATH, MCS, MTHT, or STAT) beginning with all calculus
(excluding MTHT 400 and 401) to be recommended for student
teaching (MTHT 438 and 439). The candidate must also maintain
a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50/4.00 and a minimum GPA of
3.00/4.00 in education courses.
ED 200—Education Policy Foundations
ED 210—The Educative Process
ED 330—Curriculum, Instruction, and Evaluation
in the Secondary School
CIE 414—Middle and High School Literacy
SPED 410—Survey of Characteristics of Learners
with Disabilities
MTHT 400-Methods of Teaching Secondary Mathematics I 3
MTHT 401-Methods of Teaching Secondary Mathematics II 3
MTHT 438—Educational Practice with Seminar I
MTHT 439—Educational Practice with Seminar II
Total Hours—Additional Requirements for
Teacher Certification
The teaching certificate is not automatically awarded upon
successful completion of certification and degree requirements.
Before the certificate is issued, the candidate must file an
application for the Illinois teaching certificate with the Council on
Teacher Education. The candidate must also pass a series of
examinations required by the Illinois State Board of Education.
The Basic Skills Test must be passed prior to applying for
candidacy with the Council on Teacher Education. The Content
Area Test must be passed before the candidate is allowed to
student teach. The Assessment of Professional Teaching must be
passed prior to certification. For information on application
procedures, contact the Council on Teacher Education located in
3015 EPASW. See Council on Teacher Education and Secondary
Education Program in the College of Education section of the
catalog. For detailed information concerning degree and state
teacher certification requirements, see the Program Guide for
Teacher Education in Mathematics, available from the secondary
education coordinator of the Office of Mathematics and Computer
Recommended Plan of Study—B.S. in the Teaching of
Recommended Plan of Study—B.S. in the Teaching of
To view a recommended plan of study for the Bachelor of Science
in the Teaching of Mathematics, please visit the LAS Web site at
Minority Impact Statement: This change will not impact minorities.
Budgetary and Staff Implications: Requiring Math 215 and phasing out MthT 410 will be a
more efficient use of department funds.
Library Resource Implications: None
Space Implications: None
Unit approval date: 10/1/06
Unit Contact: John Baldwin ( )
College approval dates: EPC—12/4/06
LAS Faculty2/6/07
Proposed effective date:
Fall 2007
Course Descriptions
215 Introduction to Advanced Mathematics, 3 hours. Introduction to methods of proofs used in
different fields in mathematics. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in MATH 181 and approval of the
330 Abstract Algebra I, 3 hours. Sets, properties of integers, groups, rings, fields. Prerequisite(s):
Grade of C or better in MATH 215.
400 Methods of Teaching Secondary Mathematics I, 3 OR 4 hours. Philosophies, issues, techniques,
and styles of teaching high school mathematics. Implications of psychological models. Mathematics in the
evolving curriculum. Preparation of lessons. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. To be taken in the
year prior to student teaching. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in MTHT 410, enrollment in B.S. or
M.S. in the Teaching of Mathematics program in Secondary Mathematics Education, and a 2.50 grade
point average in mathematics courses at the level of calculus or above.
401 Methods of Teaching Secondary Mathematics II, 3 OR 4 hours.Philosophies, issues, techniques
and styles of teaching high school mathematics. Preparation of diverse lessons. Supervised teaching
experience. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. To be taken in year prior to student teaching.
Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in MATH 210 and enrollment in the B.S. or M.S. in the Teaching of
Mathematics program in Secondary Mathematics Education; and a 2.50 grade point average in
mathematics courses at the level of calculus or above.
To be dropped: 410 Advanced Euclidean Geometry I, 3 OR 4 hours. A transformational approach to
the geometry of the Euclidean plane is developed through the use of specific activities. 3 undergraduate
hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in MATH 210.
Revised: 411 Advanced Euclidean Geometry, 3 OR 4 hours. Axioms for Euclidean geometry are
developed based upon reflections. Further concepts in Euclidean geometry which arise from these
axioms are explored. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in
MATH 215.
435 Abstract Algebra, 3 OR 4 hours. Sets, properties of integers, groups, rings, fields. 3 undergraduate
hours. 4 graduate hours. For students in the Master of Science in the Teaching of Mathematics program
only. Other students enroll in MATH 330. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in MATH 210 and
enrollment in the M.S. in the Teaching of Mathematics program.
381 Applied Statistical Methods I, 3 hours. Graphical and tabular representation of data; Introduction
to probability, random variables, sampling distributions, estimation, confidence intervals, and tests of
hypotheses. Includes SAS and SPSSX applications. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in MATH 210.
401 Introduction to Probability, 3 OR 4 hours. Probability spaces, random variables and their
distributions, conditional distribution and stochastic independence, special distributions, sampling
distributions, limit theorems. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or
better in MATH 210.