local cte directors' updates - Maryland State Department of Education

Restaurant Association of Maryland Education Foundation
6301 Hillside Court
Columbia, MD 21046
September 20, 2013
Arts, Media and Communication
On October 18, 2013, the MSDE Arts, Media and Communication Cluster Team is sponsoring a professional
development (PD) on developing Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) which will take place in Columbia,
Maryland in Howard County. Interactive Media Production and Graphic Communications-PrintED teachers
will be invited to attend. Additional information will be sent out shortly.
 For further information, please contact: Marquita Friday, CTE Lead Specialist at (410) 767-0183 or
email at mfriday@msde.state.md.us; or Rosemary Bitzel, Regional Coordinator, Career and Technology
Education at 410-767-0165 or email at rbitzel@msde.state.md.us; or Luke Rhine, Specialist Career and
Technology Education at 410-767-0177 or email at lrhine@msde.state.md.us.
Business, Management, and Finance
Business Education Supervisor’s Meeting: October 29, 2013 at MSDE from 9:30 am – 2:30 pm. Kathy
Oliver will be in attendance. MSDE is working in conjunction with Kara Lynch, Business Ed. Supervisor
at Baltimore County Public Schools to plan the meeting. Topics of discussion related to BMF will be
programs of study and teacher assessments, MOS testing/CLEP, PD through webinars and Student
Learning Objectives (SLO).
On October 18, 2013, the MSDE Business, Management and Finance Cluster team is sponsoring
professional development (PD) for Business Ed. Teachers. Topics will be on preparing students for the
CLEP exam. Registration information and additional details will be distributed by the end of September.
 For further information, please contact: Bridgette Sloan, CTE Lead Specialist at (410) 767-0556 or
email at: bsloan@msde.state.md.us
Construction and Development Career Cluster
The next Construction and Development (CD) Cluster state-wide professional development opportunity for
instructors is at Towson University (TU), Friday, October 18, 2013, 8 am-3:30 pm. Two training sections
will be offered to accommodate instructors delivering CD Cluster approved Programs’ of Study (POS). The
Construction, Design and Management (CDM) POS section will review TU Blackboard resources and
provide ongoing PD for Drafting and CADD instructors transitioning to the new POS.
The second section targets all Construction Careers instructors and will provide POS resources and updates
from NCCER, MCCEI and a variety of construction industry representatives.
 For further information, please contact: Pat Mikos, Program Manager, Student and Assessment Services
Branch, at (410) 767-0186 or via email at: pmikos@msde.state.md.us, or Charles Wallace, CTE
Specialist at (410) 767-8872 or via email at: cwallace@msde.state.md.us
Consumer Services, Hospitality and Tourism Career Cluster
Food and Beverage Management (ProStart)
All Schools with the Food and Beverage Management (ProStart) Program must submit to the Restaurant
Association of Maryland Education Foundation (RAMEF) documentation on the ProStart Standards and
School Profile. Schools that do not complete these forms will be removed from the RAMEF ProStart school
list and will subsequently be removed from MSDE’s List of Approved programs as a Food and Beverage
Management (ProStart) CTE program of study. Please work with your ProStart teachers to ensure that the
required paperwork is submitted in a timely manner. Questions regarding the documents can be directed to
Crystal Rivera, ProStart Coordinator at RAMEF. Crystal can be reached by phone at (410) 290-6800 x 1006
or via email at crystal@ramef.org.
Lodging Management Program
The American Hotel and Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI) has a new curriculum to replace the
Lodging Management Program. The new program is called the Hospitality and Tourism Management
Program. Although there is still a great emphasis on the lodging industry, the new program has been
expanded to include more information on the hospitality and tourism industry. The Consumer Services,
Hospitality and Tourism Cluster Team is working with representatives from AHLEI and the Maryland Hotel
and Lodging Association to draft a new proposal.
 For further information, please contact Marquita Friday, CTE Lead Specialist at (410) 767-0183 or via
email at mfriday@msde.state.md.us or Nina Roa, CTE Specialist at (410) 767-1904 or via email at
Environmental, Agricultural, and Natural Resources Systems Career Cluster
Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education (CASE)
 For instructors teaching the CASE Capstone Course in the Spring of 2014, professional development
will be held November 8-9, 2013 in Kent County. Registration information and additional details
will be distributed by the end of September.
 Another professional development will be held over the summer of 2014 for those instructors
teaching the course in the 2014-15 school-year.
 Please note if a CASE trained instructor leaves a school system, the curriculum is the property
of the school system, not the instructor. The curriculum is to be left at the school, but the
instructor may take their notes. If the new hire is not certified to teach the CASE courses offered at
the school, the school that paid for the CASE Professional Development may continue to offer the
CASE courses, that the previous instructor was certified to teach, for one year. After that the new
instructor must attend the CASE Institutes to become certified to teach the CASE courses offered at
the school. A memo form CASE stating this policy was previously been emailed, but will be resent.
Please keep it on file as reference.
Environmental Studies/Natural Resources
 Towson University is developing the curriculum for the new Environmental Studies/Natural
Resources Program of Study (POS). This POS is a four course sequence which includes the
following courses: Human Ecology and Environmental Problem Solving, Natural Resources
Management, Environmental Technologies and Techniques, and Environmental and Natural
Resources Research and Ethics. The curriculum for the first course, Human Ecology and
Environmental Problem Solving, will be developed during the 2013-2014 school year and ready for
schools to pilot the course during the 2014-2015 school year. The curriculum for all four courses
will be complete within three years. Included will be articulation/transcripted credits with Towson
University for program completers.
Professional development on the first course will be held July 21-25, 2014 at Towson University for
the first course.
MSDE is looking three to five pilot sites. If you have a site where the POS could be piloted or are
interested in learning more about the POS, please contact Kathy or Matt.
An updated praxis exam has been developed for Agriculture Educators. Passing scores are currently being
identified and additional information will be made available once those panels convene.
 For further information, please contact: Kathy McNerney, Lead Coordinator, CTE Systems Branch at
(410) 767-0185, or via email at kmcnerney@msde.state.md.us or Matt Koerner, CTE Accountability
Specialist, at 410-767-0172 or email at mkoerner@msde.state.md.us.
Health and Biosciences Career Cluster
The Health and Biosciences Cluster Team is planning a professional development meeting in
support of AHP at Stevenson University on October 8, 2013. Registration information will be
forthcoming. This meeting will be open to all AHP and Health Occupations instructors and their
supervisors. Please note that in order to participate in any future AHP professional development,
the CTE Leadership of the school system must submit the AHP Career and Technology Education
(CTE) Program of Study (POS) to the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) for
approval no later than January of 2014. To access and download the AHP MSDE CTE POS, visit:
 For further information, please contact: Lynne Gilli, Program Manager at (410) 767-0518 or
lgilli@msde.state.md.us or Nina Roa, Specialist, Career and Technology Education at (410) 767-1904 or
via email at nroa@msde.state.md.us or Chuck Wallace, Specialist, Career and Technology Education at
(410) 767-8872 cwallace@msde.state.md.us.
Human Resource Services Career Cluster
Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness
Frederick Community College (FCC) has been selected as the Program Affiliate for the Homeland Security
and Emergency Preparedness (HSEP) Program of Study. FCC’s Associate of Applied Sciences (AAS) in
Emergency Management is designated by the Maryland Higher Education Commission as a statewide
program. The Maryland Higher Education Commission designates certain community college programs as
statewide programs. Students may enroll in any of these programs at the same rates as in-county residents if
a particular program is not offered by the local community college or if the student cannot enroll due to an
enrollment limit. These programs are subject to change.
FCC’s extensive background in Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness makes it uniquely qualified
to serve as the Postsecondary Program Affiliate. The Emergency Management Degree Program has received
national “Quality Matters” full certification of both the Associate of Applied Science Degree and Certificate.
FCC’s Emergency Management Department holds a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, National Training and Education Department
to develop unique distance education courses to be delivered to senior public safety leaders nationwide. FCC
is a member of the Center for Homeland Defense and Security: University and Agency Partnership Initiative
through the Naval Post Graduate School. In addition, FCC has a Mid-Atlantic Center for Emergency
Management which is staffed with individuals experienced in emergency management services fields.
FCC’s Emergency Management Program is the only college nationwide under contract to award credit for
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Independent Study courses.
We look forward to working with FCC for updating the HSEP program of study courses/curriculum in all
three strands as well as participating in professional development institutes. Please have your Homeland
Security and Emergency Preparedness teachers hold the week of July 28, 2014 for the Homeland Security
and Emergency Preparedness Professional Development Institute which will be held at Frederick
Community College. More information will be shared as the institute agenda is finalized.
Statewide Professional Development – October 18, 2013, 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – The annual Maryland
Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Professional Development Conference will once again be
held at the State of Maryland Emergency Operations Center, 5401 Rue Saint Lo Drive, Reisterstown, MD
21136. This year’s conference entitled, “New Topics, Techniques and Technology in Teaching Homeland
Security and Emergency Preparedness” will feature panel discussions with college and university
educators, as well as top notch speakers addressing the latest hot topics in homeland security. The
conference provides HSEP educators and supervisors from around the state the opportunity to share
promising practices, make connections with practitioners and postsecondary partners, and gather information
to take back to their classrooms for enhancing the HSEP program of study.
Registration is online at: http://cmhsea2013.eventbrite.com or complete the attached form and mail or fax to
the address indicated. Registration fee of $35 covers all conference incidentals, and working lunch.
 For further information, please contact, Mike Beck, CTE Program Analyst, at (410) 767-0180, or via
email at: mbeck@msde.state.md.us or Jeanne-Marie S. Holly, Program Manager, CTE Systems at (410)
767-0182 or via email at: jmholly@msde.state.md.us
Information Technology Career Cluster
Computer Science - In partnership with the Computer Science Department at UMBC, the National
Computer Science Teachers Association (MSTA) and the University of Maryland – Baltimore County
(UMBC), MSDE has developed a new CTE program of study in Computer Science (CS). The first training
for twenty (20) CS teachers was held on August 8-9, 2013 at UMBC. Teachers reviewed the CS Blackboard
site and materials for the first two courses in the program:
 Foundations of Computer Science, and
 Computer Science Principles (AP).
The next session for these teachers and any other CS teachers interested in the new CS program of study is
on October 18, 2013 at UMBC Training Centers in Columbia, MD. Registration materials will be sent in
IT Networking (Cisco) – Cisco Academies have expanded to 58 active academies in Maryland. New
resources and updates to the Cisco courses (IT Essentials and CCNA Discovery) will be reviewed as part of
the Cisco Professional Development sessions coordinated in partnership with Towson University.
Registration materials will be sent in September.
IT/CS Resources – Additional resources and student competitive events are sponsored throughout the year
to increase participation in IT/CS programs and to encourage non-traditional participation. Announcements
regarding Cybersecurity events, CODE.org, and the Microsoft Academy will be included in all IT/CS
professional development and sent to current Business Education Supervisors and CTE Directors. Please
notify pat Mikos if you have additional contacts for IT/CS programs.
 For further information, please contact: Pat Mikos, Program Manager, Student and Assessment Services
Branch, at (410) 767-0186 or via email at: pmikos@msde.state.md.us or Matthew Koerner, CTE
Accountability Specialist at (410) 767-0172 or via email: mkoerner@msde.state.md.us
Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology Career Cluster
PLTW Updates:
 Did you know that you can find the following information under the "Help" section on myPLTW.org
o Instructions on how to complete the student rostering process and the template to use during
the upload process
o Please note: PLTW students must be rostered before teachers can enroll them into the LMS for
access. This includes middle school students.
o Resources describing how to utilize the PLTW Learning Management System (LMS),
including the LMS webinars
Autodesk Software is now accessible through the ARC Portal. Login credentials were emailed to
District Delegates. Please check spam for this message as it came directly from @Autodesk.com.
 For further information, please contact: Lynne Gilli, Career and Technology Education Program
Manager, at (410) 767-0518 or via email at lgilli@msde.state.md.us, or Luke Rhine at (410) 767-0177 or
via email at lrhine@msde.state.md.us.
Transportation Technology Career Cluster
Automotive Technology
As presented at previous CTE Directors meeting Maryland is moving forward with updates to the
Automotive Technology (AT) Program of Study (POS). The updates will align Maryland’s POS align
with the 2013 NATEF accreditation model. Maryland’s updated program will be called Maintenance
Light Repair Plus (MLR – Plus). It includes MLR standards from five of NATEF’s eight AT areas as
well as the Automotive Service Technology (AST) standards for three areas: Brakes, Electrical &
Electronic Systems, and Suspension & Steering. The curriculums for Brakes, Electrical & Electronic
Systems, Suspension & Steering, and HVAC have been completed. Professional Development has been
presented to Maryland instructors on the new curriculum over the past three summers. The final courses
will be completed during the 2013-2014 school year. To find out more about NATEF’s new
accreditation standards and process go to http://www.natef.org/Achieving-Accreditation/ProgramStandards.aspx.
Twenty-four instructors from fourteen counties attended CCBC’s Automotive Technology (AT)
Professional Development in July. The five-day session focused on the new Suspension and Steering,
HVAC curriculum, and featured daily industry updates. There are four AT units on CCBC’s Blackboard
site: Brakes, Electrical & Electronic Systems, Suspension & Steering, HVAC and Supplemental Tasks.
The remaining units, completing the MLR-Plus program, will be posted as they are written. Each
instructor has a log in to Blackboard and those that attended the summer PD also received a thumb drive
of the curriculum. Note: although each instructor received the thumb drive they should check
Blackboard for updates to the curriculum.
Please check with instructors to ensure they are using the new AT curriculum. The curriculum is aligned
with national standards for science, the Common Core, and NATEF. (If you would like to review the
curriculum, please contact the Cluster Team to receive a Blackboard password and log in.)
As a result of the summer PD three AT workgroups are being formed for FY14:
a group will update the Maryland AT Program of Study (POS) document based on the MLRPlus POS,
a group to pilot Snap-On’s new Meter Certification, and
a small group to plan the summer 2014 PD.
Instructors signed up for the first two groups in July and will receive invitations to the meetings. (Instructors
who did not attend the PD are welcome to join one of the groups. Please tell any interested instructor to
contact the Cluster Team.)
On August 30th each NATEF accredited program should have received an email, from the ASE Industry
Education Alliance, advising the instructor that an ASE Industry Education Alliance banner was being
shipped to the school. The company logos on the banner support the ASE Industry Education Alliance
initiatives as well as career and technical training excellence. The purpose of the banner is to help showcase
these well-known industry supporters to administration, students, parents, and visitors to the Automotive
Technology Program. Please display this banner proudly and thank the representatives of these companies
for their continued support. As additional industry supporters are identified, the banner will be updated and a
new version will be sent. If a school that is NATEF accredited has not received the banner, please contact
Wanda Bloomer at NATEF, wbloomer@natef.org, 703-669-6642.
Autobody/Collision Repair Technician
Three collision instructors, along with ten instructors from Pennsylvania, attended Penn College’s
Autobody/Collision Repair Professional Development in July. The three-day session focused on industry
updates and promising practices. NATEF has also revised the Collision Repair & Refinish Accreditation
Standards, see http://www.natef.org/Achieving-Accreditation/Program-Standards.aspx. A workgroup will be
forming in 2014 to align Maryland’s current POS with NATEF’s new standards.
Medium-Heavy Truck
NATEF will be reviewing and revising the standards for the Medium-Heavy Truck program in 2014. The
Advisory Council for the Medium-Heavy Truck POS agreed to wait until NATEF made their revisions
before making any major recommendations for the program.
 For further information, please contact: Kathy McNerney, Lead Coordinator at (410) 767-0185, or via
email at kmcnerney@msde.state.md.us, Mike Beck, CTE Program Analyst at mbeck@msde.state.md.us
or (410) 767-0180, or Nancy Hauswald CTE Regional Coordinator at nhauswald@msde.state.md.us or
Career Research and Development
We are pleased to announce that Stevenson University has been awarded a grant to be the Affiliate
University for the Career Research and Development (CRD) program of study. Representatives from the
university will convene a design team to develop project-based curriculum materials and create statewide
professional development opportunities for CRD teachers.
 For further information, please contact: Susan Oskin, CTE Specialist at (410)767-0635, or via email at
soskin@msde.state.md.us or Marquita Friday at (410) 767-0183 or via email at
mfriday@msde.state.md.us or Lynne Gilli, Instructional Branch Program Manager at (410)767-0518 or
via email at lgilli@msde.state.md.us .
Other Items of Interest
2014 CTE Month Public Awareness Campaign
MARK YOUR CALENDARS – FEBRUARY IS CTE MONTH! Celebrating the accomplishments of
our programs is a great way to promote CTE to the public and recruit students and the business community to
participate in our programs. The Division of Career and College Readiness is gearing up and making plans
to support your efforts to market and showcase CTE programs and accomplishments statewide. The
Association For Career and Technical Education (ACTE) is the national sponsor for this campaign and is
encouraging everyone to highlight the amazing accomplishments, achievements and contributions of career
and technical education students, alumni, professionals and partners with the theme “Celebrate CTE
ACTE is currently promoting a CTE Month Student Video PSA Contest that you can begin promoting to
students in your local school system. The contest will be launched October 1, 2013 and submissions will be
accepted through October 31, 2013. Finalists’ entries will be voted on via Facebook and social media from
November 11-15, 2013. The winning PSA videos will be announced and displayed during CareerTech
Vision 2013 and shared on ACTE’s website. For more information on ACTE’s 2014 CTE Month promotion,
go to www.acteonline.org/ctemonth.
Start planning your celebrations today and stay tuned for resources from MSDE to support your efforts.
For further information, please contact: Susan Oskin, CTE Specialist at (410)767-0635, or via email at
CTE/PLTW Counselors’ Conference
The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) will host the Career and Technology Education
(CTE)/Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Counselors’ Conference. This is the fourth consecutive year where
we have expanded the conference agenda to feature additional CTE programs of study that focus on STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
In addition to the PLTW Biomedical Sciences and Engineering programs, this year conference will feature:
Automotive Technology, Computer Science, Homeland Security and Manufacturing Engineering and
Technology. This is a wonderful opportunity for counselors to gain a better and broader perspective of CTE
in Maryland, which will help them better inform students and parents.
The CTE/PLTW Counselor’s Conference will be held on Thursday, November 21, 2013 at the Crowne Plaza
Hotel in Timonium, Maryland from 7:30 AM – 3:00 PM. Directions, a draft agenda, and the conference
registration will be sent under separate cover. There is a nonrefundable registration fee of $20.00 for the
 For further information, please contact Marquita Friday, CTE Lead Specialist at (410) 767-0183 or via
email at mfriday@msde.state.md.us or Nina Roa, CTE Specialist at (410) 767-1904 or via email at
CTE Library Project
For the 2013-2014 school-year, Caroline County Public Schools is implementing a Career and Technology
Education Marketing campaign in partnership with its public library systems. MSDE supports this initiative
with grant funds as well as staff to assist in the development of the campaign. Carroll, Howard, Calvert and
Worcester and Washington Counties have all implemented successful CTE/Library marketing campaigns
over the past several years.
 For further information, please contact Nina Roa at: nroa@mase.state.md.us or 410-767-1904.
Career and Technology Student Organizations (CTSO)
The Maryland State Department of Education’s (MSDE) Division of Career and College Readiness is
pleased to offer Career Technology Student Organization (CTSO) Advisor Training on September 19, 2013.
This one-day workshop will be held at the Crowne Plaza Baltimore North Hotel, 2004 Greenspring Drive,
Timonium, Maryland, from 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
The CTSO Advisor Training will focus on program alignment to CTSOs, successful chapter management,
preparing students for competition and strengthening business partnerships. Special sessions will be available
for new advisors.
 For further information, please contact Pat Mikos at: pmikos@msde.state.md.us or 410-767-0186.
Please note the dates for the following CTSO State and National Events:
DECA Board of Directors Meeting
DECA Fall Leadership
Hunt Valley Inn
FBLA Fall Leadership Conference
Maritime Institute
DECA State Career Development (CDC) Conference
3/13/14 – 3/14/14
FBLA Spring Leadership Conference
4/10/14 – 4/13/14
5/3/14 – 5/6/14
Atlanta, Georgia
FBLA National Leadership Conference
6/29/14 – 2/2/14
Nashville, TN
 For further information, please contact Bridgette Sloan at: bsloan@msde.state.md.us or 410-767-0556.
Financial Literacy Education
The Maryland State Educator Team is available for local professional development sessions during the
Spring of 2014 and Fall of 2014. Trainings are customizable for the school system and can range from halfday to full-day workshops for middle or high school financial literacy educators. There is no cost for the
school system to schedule training. If you are interested in scheduling a training session, please contact Luke
 For further information, please contact: Lynne Gilli, Program Manager, CTE Instructional Branch at
(410) 767-0518 or via email at lgilli@msde.state.md.us; or Marquita Friday, Lead Specialist, CTE
Instructional Branch at (410) 7670183 or via email at mfriday@msde.state.md.us; or Luke Rhine, CTE
Specialist at (410) 767-0177 or via email at lrhine@msde.state.md.us.
Technology Education
Online Office Hours to Support the Foundations of Technology Course will begin in September 2013. The
full schedule of online training is below. There is no cost to attend any of the online training sessions.
Instructions for attending each webinar can be found in the Engineering by Design online portal.
September 26, 2013
4:00 – 4:30 PM
Making the Curriculum Your Own
Jim Deitrich
October 24, 2013
4:00 – 4:30 PM
Mathematics Integration
Victoria Lee
November 20, 2013
4:00 – 4:30 PM
Vocabulary Integration
Alisa Gibson
December 19, 2013
4:00 – 4:30 PM
Design Challenge Administration
Mike Vigna
January 23, 2014
4:00 – 4:30 PM
Assessment / Data Review
Luke Rhine
February 20, 2014
4:00 – 4:30 PM
Making the Curriculum Your Own
Jim Deitrich
March 20, 2014
4:00 – 4:30 PM
Mathematics Integration
Victoria Lee
April 24, 2014
4:00 – 4:30 PM
Vocabulary Integration
Alisa Gibson
May 22, 2014
4:00 – 4:30 PM
Design Challenge Administration
Mike Vigna
June 5, 2014
4:00 – 4:30 PM
Assessment / Data Review
Luke Rhine
 For further information, please contact Luke Rhine, CTE Specialist at (410) 767-0177 or via email at
CTE Monitoring Schedule for the 2013 – 2014 and 2014-2015 School Years
Postsecondary CTE Contacts and Local School System CTE Directors are invited to participate in the CTE
Monitoring visits for the school systems and community colleges listed below. Please email Kathy
McNerney at kmcnerney@msde.state.md.us if you would like to participate on a monitoring team. The
following dates are scheduled for monitoring visits:
November 15, 2013
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Anne Arundel Community College
December 16, 2013
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Carroll County Public Schools
March 7, 2014
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Harford County Public Schools
Harford Community College
April 9, 2014
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Cecil County Public Schools
Cecil College
Monitoring visits are scheduled to visit a local school system and its corresponding community college on
the same day. It does not matter which entity is in the morning or which is in the afternoon.
Note: if your school system or community college is scheduled for a monitoring visit in 2014 – 2015, it is
recommended that you participate on a monitoring team visit in 2013-2014 so that you are familiar with the
Monitoring for School Year 2014 – 2015:
Caroline County Public Schools
Dorchester County Public Schools
Talbot County Public Schools
Chesapeake College
Garrett County Public Schools
Kent County Public Schools
Prince George’s County Public Schools and Prince George’s Community College
Dates for the CTE Local Directors Meetings for 2013 – 2014 School Year
Please note the following dates for the CTE Local Directors Meetings for the 2013 – 2014 School Year. You
have already received these dates so please be sure your calendar is marked.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics-Hagerstown Branch Campus
14516 Pennsylvania Avenue
Hagerstown, MD 21742
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Queen Anne’s County Board of Education
202 Chesterfield Avenue
Centerville, MD 21617
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Maryland State Department of Education*
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
* The CTE Awards of Excellence will immediately follow the CTE Directors Meeting.
Locally Developed Program of Study Submission Dates
The following are the submission dates for locally developed Programs of Study that are forwarded to the
CTE Program Review panel for program year 2013-2014. Due dates for submission to MSDE are as
November 1, 2013 for panel review on December 13, 2013
February 28, 2014 for panel review on April 11, 2014
For program year 2014 – 2015, the following dates apply:
August 1, 2014 for panel review on September12, 2014
October 31, 2014 for review on December 12, 2014
When submitting a locally developed program of study that is going to the review panel, please upload the
document in DocuShare and send an email to Jeanne-Marie S. Holly, Program Manager, CTE Systems
Branch at jmholly@msde.state.md.us This will ensure that the document is officially recorded and the
process for the review panel followed.
Note: Maryland Programs of Study may be submitted at any time.
DocuShare Procedures
Please follow the DocuShare procedures, listed below, for proper submission:
When uploading information to DocuShare, please follow these instructions.
1. Place the document in the appropriately named folder, i.e. Perkins Grant, Reserve Fund, Maryland
Programs of Study.
2. Please send an email to Jeanne-Marie S. Holly at jmholly@msde.state.md.us and copy your regional
coordinator, indicating which document has been uploaded.
MSDE cannot be responsible for retrieving information that has been submitted in the incorrect folder.
MSDE does not know the document has been uploaded unless notified. We have designated
Jeanne-Marie S. Holly as the central point of contact for all items uploaded to DocuShare. Following
this process will help to process your documents in a timely fashion. Thank you.
CTE Forms
When submitting documents to MSDE/DCCR, please be sure that you are using the current CTE forms. The
Assurances page changed a few years ago, as well as the Budget Form (C-125), Grant Change Request and
Amended Grant Form. In addition, the Proposal Cover Page has been updated several years ago to reflect
the new name of the Division – Career and College Readiness. We have noticed that several old forms are
still being used with funding sources that no longer exist. Please visit the following link to be sure you are
using the most current forms. Please inform your staff of this as well. Thank you.
Service Reduction Days for the 2013 – 2014 School Year
The State of Maryland reduces routine State operations for non-24/7 employees in accordance with
Executive Order 01.01.2011.08. The following service reduction day remains during the 2013 – 2014 school
November 27, 2013
December 24, 2013
December 31, 2013
May 23, 2014
The Maryland State Department of Education, as with all state agencies, will be closed. Please note that
CTE staff will not be available on these days.
CTE Local Directors Meeting Available via Conference Call
MSDE is making its meetings available as a conference call as well as face-to-face. If you are not able to be
present for the CTE Local Directors Meeting and wish to participate through a conference call, please let
Jeanne-Marie Holly know. Her e-mail is: jmholly@msde.state.md.us. She will then provide you with the
call in information.