LAS POSITAS COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE DECEMBER 12, 2007 2:30 P.M., ROOM 804 AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER: LaVaughn Hart, Chair 2007-2009 2. REVIEW AND VOTE STUDENT SERVICES PSYCHOLOGY-COUNSELING PSCN X [8] New Course (Theories and Concepts of Group Process, 3 units; 3 hours)— shared. LPC GE, CSU Transferable; CSU GE; UC Transferable; IGETC PSCN 3 (Introduction to Counseling Theory and Skills, 3 units; 3 lecture)—Revision; Catalog Description Change; Title Change. LPC GE, CSU Transferable, CSU GE, UC Transferable, IGETC—TABLED PENDING DISCUSSION SOCIAL SCIENCES AND WELLNESS EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT ECD Degree (New AA: Early Childhood Development)--APPROVED ECD Certificate (New Certificate: 32 required)--APPROVED ECD Degree (New AA: Early Intervention Assistant II)--APPROVED ECD Certificate (New Certificate: 32 required)--APPROVED ECD 40 Course Revision: (Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning, 3 units; 3 hours)—Advisory; no change in articulation/transfer--APPROVED ECD 50 Course Revision: (Early Childhood Principles and Practices, 3 units; 3 hours)—Revision: no change in articulation/transfer--APPROVED ECD 51 Course Revision: (Prenatal to Early Childhood Development, 3 units; 3 hours)—IGETC Request (Approved: LPC GE; CSU Transferable; CSU GE; UC Transferable)--APPROVED ECD 53 Course Revision: (Child Health, Safety and Nutrition, 3 units; 3 hours)— Revision; New Title; New Catalog Description; Increase of units from 1 to 3; Distance Education Request; CSU Transferable request--APPROVED ECD 60 Course Revision: (Introduction to the Young Child With Exceptional Needs, 3 units; 3 hours); Prerequisite: ECD 51. No change in articulation/transfer--APPROVED ECD 62 Course Revision: (Child, Family, and Community, 3 units; 3 lecture); Revision; no change in articulation/transfer--APPROVED ECD 63 Course Revision (Early Childhood Curriculum, 4 units; 4 lecture or 3 lecture and 3 laboratory: Revision; Prerequisite: ECD 50 and ECD 51. No change in articulation/transfer--APPROVED ECD 67 Course Revision: (Infant and Toddler Development and Caregiving, 3 units; 3 hours)—Revision; Prerequisite change from ECD 50 and 51 TO ECD 51; No change in articulation/transfer--APPROVED ECD 69 (Child Study Through Observation, 3 units; 3 lecture) Revision; Chabot Course adoption at LPC; Prerequisite: Early Childhood Development 51. Distance Education. Catalog/Course Description Change; Title Change.—APPROVED (WITHOUT LABORATORY HOUR) ECD 79 (Teaching in a Diverse Society, 3 units; 3 hours) Revision; LPC GE; CSU Transferable; CSU GE--APPRVOED ECD 90 (Supervised Experience, 4 units; 2 lecture, 6 laboratory)—Revision: Prerequisite Change from ECD 55 and ECD 63 TO ECD 63; No change in articulation/transfer-APPROVED LPC Curriculum Committee, December 12, 2007 Page 2 ECD XX [91] (Adaptive Curriculum for Children with Exceptional Needs, 3 units; 2 lecture, 3 laboratory)—New; Prerequisites ECD 60 and ECD 90; CSU transferable-APPROVED HISTORY HIST 14 (History and American Cultures of California, 3 units; 3 hours)—Rubric Shared, Course not shared; CSU GE; Distance Education Request—APPROVED (ALSO LPC GE) PSYCHOLOGY PSYCHOLOGY AA Degree revision: reduction in units in major--APPROVED MATHEMATICS, SCIENCE, PUBLIC SAFETY GEOGRAPHY GEOG 22 (Advanced GIS Applications, 3 units; 3 hours) New; Prerequisite: Geography 15. CSU Transferable--APPROVED ALLIED HEALTH/SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY HLTH XX [52] (Orientation to Health Care, 2 units; 2 lecture)—New; LPC GE, CSU Transfer, CSU GE—APPROVED (LPC GE TABLED PENDING GE DISCUSSION) HLTH 55 [renumber from suggested 52] (Basic Medical Terminology for Allied Health, 3 units; 3 lecture) New; CSU Transferable.--APPROVED SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY AS DEGREE: New--APPROVED SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT: 42 units—New-APPROVED SURG 50 (Basic and Biomedical Sciences for Surgical Technology, 5 units; 4 lecture, 3 laboratory) New: Prerequisites: ANAT 1 and MATH 65 (both completed with a grade of “C” or higher) and HLTH 52 (which may be taken concurrently); Advisory: Strongly recommended: Eligibility for English 1A.--APPROVED SURG 51 (Surgical Patient Care Concepts, 12 units; 6 lecture, 18 laboratory) New; Prerequisite: SURG 50. CSU Transferable.--APPROVED SURG 52 (Surgical Specialties, 6 units; 6 lecture) New; Prerequisite: Surgical Technology 51. Corequisite: SURG 53. APPROVED SURG 53 (Clinical Practice for Surgical Technology, 8 units; 32 clinical hours per week) New; Prerequisite: SURG 51.Corequisite: SURG 52. CSU Transfer. APPROVED VITICULTURE AND WINERY TECHNOLOGY VWT 33 (Summer Viticulture Operations, 3 units; 2 lecture, 3 laboratory) New; CSU Transferable. APPROVED BUSINESS, COMPUTING AND APPLIED TECHNOLOGY APPRENTICESHIPS APPRENTICESHIP CONSTRUCTION CARPENTRY AS DEGREE: New APPROVED APPRENTICESHIP CONSTRUCTION CARPENTRY CERTIFICATE: New APPROVED APPRENTICESHIP MILLWRIGHTS AS DEGREE: New APPROVED APPRENTICESHIP MILLWRIGHTS CERTIFICATE: New APPROVED APPRENTICESHIP PILEDRIVING AS DEGREE: New APPROVED APPRENTICESHIP PILEDRIVING CERTIFICATE: New APPROVED AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY AS DEGREE: Revision APPROVED AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY CERTIFICATE COMPLETION CALIFORNIA SMOG PROGRAM: New (10 units) APPROVED AUTO 55 (Automotive Service, 3.5 units; 2.5 lecture, 3 laboratory) LPC GE TABLED PENDING GE DISCUSSION BUSINESS BUSINESS AS DEGREE: Revision TABLED PENDING GE DISCUSSION BUSN X (76.1?) (Preventing Sexual Harassment: Guidelines for Creating a Harassment-Free Workplace, 1 unit; 1 lecture) New (formerly 9952); Advisory: Strongly recommended: Eligibility for English 1A; Distance Education revalidation. CSU Transferable. APPROVED LPC Curriculum Committee, December 12, 2007 Page 3 BUSN X2 (76.2?) (Leaves of Absence: Avoiding Absence and Attendance Pitfalls, 1 unit; 1 lecture) New (formerly 9953); Advisory: Strongly recommended: Eligibility for English 1A. Distance Education. CSU Transferable. APPROVED BUSN X3 (76.3?)(Recruiting, Interviewing and Selecting Employees, 1 unit; 1 hour) New (formerly 9954); Advisory: Strongly recommended: Eligibility for English 1A. Distance Education. CSU Transferable. APPROVED BUSN X4 (76.4?)(Team Building, 0.5 units; 9 total lecture) New (formerly 9955). Distance Education. CSU Transferable. APPROVED BUSN X5 (76.5?)(Dealing with Difficult People, 0.5 units, 9 total lecture) New (formerly 9956); Distance Education. CSU Transferable. APPROVED BUSN X6 (76.6?) (Successful Performance Appraisals, 0.5 units; 9 total lecture) New (formerly 9957); Distance Education. CSU Transferable. APPROVED BUSN XXXX (77?) (Financial and Insurance Procedures for Medical Offices, 3 units; 3 hours) New. CSU Transferable. APPROVED COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS CIS XX (77)(Medical Office Procedures, 3 units; 2 lecture, 3 laboratory) New; Advisory: Strongly recommended: CIS 8 and CIS 88A. CSU Transferable. APPROVED CIS XX (78) (Intro to Game Programming Concepts; 3 units; 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory) New (formerly CIS 9991). Distance Education, CSU Transferable. UC Transfer. XLst with CS XX (78?). APPROVED COMPUTER SCIENCE CS XX (78) Intro to Game Programming Concepts; 3 units; 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory) New (formerly CS 49.50). Distance Education, CSU Transferable. UC Transfer XLst with CIS XX (78) APPROVED COMPUTER NETWORKING TECHNOLOGY CNT NETWORK AND SECURITY AS DEGREE REVISION: Add new “tracks” (modules) CNT CERTIFICATE COMPUTER DESKTOP OS SECURITY: New, 14-15 units CNT CERTIFICATE EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: New, 14-15 units CNT CERTIFICATE TCP-IP NETWORK ANALYSIS: New, 15 units CNT (72) XX1 (CCNA Bootcamp Certification Prep, 3 units; 3 lecture, 1 laboratory) New; Advisory: Strongly Recommended: CNT62A and CNT62B. Distance Education. No articulation requested. CNT (73.1) XX2 (VoIP: Cisco and Asterisk IP Phones — 4 units; 3 lecture; 3 laboratory) New; Advisory: Strongly recommended: Computer Information Systems 50. 3 hours lecture; 3 hours laboratory. Distance Education. CSU Transferable. CNT (73.2) XX3 –WhiteHat Hacker Penetration Testing—4 units; 3 lecture; 3 hours laboratory (TBA) New; Advisory: Strongly Recommended: One or more of CNT67, CNT69, CNT62A, CNT57, or CNT55 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher) or the equivalent industry experience. Distance Education. LPC GE; CSU Transfer. CNT (73.3) XX4 (Podcasting, Video and Radio Streaming, 3 units, 2.5 hours lecture; 1.5 hour laboratory) New; Advisory: Strongly recommended: Computer Information Systems 50. Distance Education. CSU Transferable. CNT (73.4) XX5 (VMWare, Microsoft & Zen virtual Machines — 4 units; 3 lecture, 3 laboratory) New; Advisory: Strongly recommended: Computer Information Systems 50. Distance Education. CSU Transferable. CNT (73.5) XX6 (Wireshark, TCP/IP Analysis and Network Troubleshooting, 4 units; 3 lecture, 3 laboratory) New: Advisory: Strongly recommended: Computer Information Systems 50. Distance Education. CSU Transferable. CNT (73.6) XX7 (Intro to Linux/UNIX, Linux+, 4 units; 3 lecture, 3 laboratory) New: Advisory: Strongly recommended Computer Information Systems 50. Distance Education. CSU Transferable. CNT (73.7) XX8 (Smart Home Technology DHTI+, 4 units; 3 lecture, 3 laboratory) New; Advisory: Strongly recommended Computer Information Systems 50. Distance Education. CSU Transferable. CNT (73.8) 67 (WIFI, Wireless, HotSpot Networks and Security CWNA, 3 units; 2.5 lecture, 1.5 laboratory) Revision; Advisory: Strongly recommended: Computer Information LPC Curriculum Committee, December 12, 2007 Page 4 Systems 50, Computer Networking Technology 55, or similar hands-on experience. Distance Education. LPC GE; CSU Transferable. WELDING TECHNOLOGY WELD 61A (Beginning Arc, Flux-Core Welding, and Blueprint Reading Theory, 1 unit; 1 lecture) Revision; Corequisite: Welding Technology 61AL or Welding Technology 61BL. No change in articulation/transfer. WELD 61AL (Beginning Arc and Flux-Core Welding Skills, 2 units; 5 laboratory) Revision; Corequisite: Welding Technology 61A or Welding Technology 61B. No change in articulation/transfer. WELD 61B (Advanced Stick, Flux-Core Welding and Blueprint Reading Theory, 1 unit; 1 lecture) Revision; Prerequisite: Welding Technology 61A. Corequisite: Welding Technology 61AL or Welding Technology 61BL. No change in articulation/transfer. WELD 61BL (Advanced TIG and MIG Welding Skills, 2 units; 5 laboratory) Revision; Prerequisite: WELD 61AL; Corequisite: Welding Technology 61A or Welding Technology 61B. No change in articulation/transfer. WELD 62A (Beginning TIG and MIG Welding, and Blueprint Reading Theory, 1 unit; 1 lecture) Revision: Corequisite: Welding Technology 62AL or Welding Technology 62BL. No change in articulation/transfer. WELD 62BL (Advanced TIG and MIG Welding Skills, 2 units; 5 laboratory) Revision; Prerequisite; WELD 62AL; Corequisite: Welding Technology 62A or Welding Technology 62B. No change in articulation/transfer. WELD 63 (Welding Layout and Fitting, 2 units; 1 lecture, 3 laboratory) Revision; Prerequisite: WELD 62BL. No change in articulation/transfer. Shared course; may need new number (or rubric) because prerequisites are different. WELD 66 (Welding Inspection and Testing, 2 units; 1 lecture; 3 laboratory) Revision; Prerequisite: Welding Technology 62BL. No change in articulation/transfer. Shared course; may need new number (or rubric) because prerequisites are different. WELD 67A (Welding Skills Laboratory, 2 units; 6 laboratory) Revision. Prerequisite: WELD 61AL or experience in the metals industry. No change in articulation/transfer. WELD 67B (Advanced Welding Skills Laboratory, 2 units; 6 laboratory) Revision. Prerequisite: WELD 67A or previous welding experience. No change in articulation/transfer. WELD 68 (Certification Preparation, 2 units; 6 laboratory) Revision; Prerequisite: Welding experience. No change in articulation/transfer. WELD 69A (Fabrication and Installing Piping Systems, 3 units; 1 lecture, 6 laboratory) Revision; Catalog Description Change (will need new number or rubric); Prerequisite: Welding Technology 61BL or Welding Technology 62BL or equivalent. No change in articulation/transfer. WELD 69B (Advanced Pipe Welding, 3 units; 1 lecture, 6 laboratory) Revision; Catalog Description Change. Prerequisite: Welding Technology 69A (Shared course, description new for LPC; will require new number or rubric). No change in articulation/transfer. WELD 70 (Introduction to Welding, 2 units; 1 lecture, 3 laboratory) Revision; No change in articulation/transfer. WELD (72) X5 (Welding for the Arts, 2 units; 1 lecture, 5 laboratory) New (cf. WELD 71); LPC GE; CSU Transferable. ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS HUMANITIES HUMN 7 (Contemporary Humanities, 3 units; 3 hours). Revision; no change in articulation/transfer. MASS COMMUNICATION MSCM 31 (Introduction to Media, 3 units; 3 hours) Revision; Advisory: Strongly Recommended: Eligibility for English 1A or 52A. LPC GE, CSU Transferable, CSU GE, UC Transferable, IGETC MSCM (34) XX (Magazine Editing and Production, 3-5 units; 2 lecture, 3-9 laboratory) New; Advisory: Strongly Recommended: Eligibility for English 1A. CSU Transferable. MSCM (36) XXX (Intermediate Radio Production, 1-2 units; 3-6 laboratory) New; Prerequisite: MSCM 32. CSU Transferable. LPC Curriculum Committee, December 12, 2007 Page 5 MSCM (38) XXXX (Introduction to Video Journalism, 3 units; 1 lecture, 6 laboratory) New; CSU Transferable. MUSIC MUSIC AA DEGREE: Revision (add new courses as electives) 4. 5. 6. 7. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT –Dr. Jones GOOD OF THE ORDER ADJOURNMENT NEXT MEETING: February 13, 2008; 2:30 p.m.