minutes - Jefferson College

Learning Resources Supervisors’ Meeting
February 6, 2007
The Learning Resources supervisors met on Tuesday, February 6, 2007, at 3:00 p.m. in Betty
Linneman’s office. Those in attendance: Linda Bigelow, Tommie Collins, Kathy Henson, Betty
Linneman, Allan Wamsley and Amy McKenna-Jones (secretary).
Linda Bigelow updated supervisors on the following items:
New Arnold Facility
Linda reported that the furniture bid for the new facility has been finalized and will be presented
to the Board next week. Construction is moving along nicely. Kathy Henson asked about room
availability now that schedules are nearing completion. Linda said nearly every time slot in
every room is filled in the evenings. Kathy suggested partnering with the Arnold Rec Center for
space to offer some Continuing Education courses, specifically dance classes which are very
popular in CE.
Linda introduced Betty Linneman as the new Learning Center director. An ad has been taken
out for the new JC-North director’s position. The College will advertise for a new JC-Arnold
Student Services Specialist, and they plan to have that person on board by April. Chris Lile will
still work at Arnold two days a week and will be stationed on the third floor where much of the
student traffic will be found. The library completed interviews yesterday for the circulation
assistant position.
2007 Annual Fund Campaign
Linda encouraged those present at today’s meeting to contribute to the 2007 Annual Fund
Campaign and asked that they encourage their staff to do the same. Linda said every dollar
makes a difference. She will send out a memo to staff encouraging participation.
First Year Experience Class
First Year Experience classes will begin this fall. Anyone with a Master’s degree is eligible to
teach. Linda said her staff are welcome to teach, however, they must use comp time or vacation
days to teach during daytime hours.
MOBap Printing
Missouri Baptist will pay a fee to Jefferson College to help cover printing costs in the computer
labs. This arrangement is similar to our agreement with UMSL. Amber Henry from Missouri
Baptist has asked for guidelines to distribute to their students to make them aware of the policies
in place. Allan will build these guidelines based on the information posted on the library
computers and also add that printing should be limited to one copy per item and not copies for
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each student in the class. Printing should be used for academic purposes only. Linda also said
they need to add information on printing 6 slides per page on PowerPoint presentations.
Institutional Committees – Minutes
Computer services is working to add a section on STARS where minutes from all standing
institutional committee meetings will be posted. At this point, they are discussing where to place
it on the STARS page.
Annual performance evaluations need to be completed in April. Linda reminded staff to make
notes on goal achievement.
Departmental Reports
Distance Learning
Amy McKenna-Jones reported as of February 6 our distance learning enrollment totaled 928
students in 32 courses (41 sections). Last spring enrollment totaled 882 in 32 courses (39
sections). This summer we will be adding several new courses – ECE 102 (Intro to Early
Childhood Education) and EDU 201 (Technology for Teachers). The latter course will replace
Computers for Teachers. We will also add an intersession section of Personal Health. In the fall
there are several proposed new courses including CRJ 130 (Intro to Corrections), CRJ 224
(Police Administration), and SOC 210 (Alcohol, Drugs & Society). We will also add a third
section of Jazz Appreciation.
IS/Academic Computing
Allan Wamsley said new computers have arrived and a couple of labs, including TC 107 and TC
111, have been installed. The foreign language lab will be updated at the end of the month. We
will be donating the old equipment to a non-profit group. ATS Metal Fabrication will receive 5
machines, and machines from TC 107 and TC 111 are being reallocated to CEB 139. TC 317 is
receiving updated systems and software. SMART classroom requests are still coming in. Allan
is working on installation in TC 317 (ECE) and CEB 110 (Auto Tech). The “barn” would like to
have a SMART board installed and there has also been a request for FH 201. At the close of the
summer semester, Allan’s team will pull some of the equipment from JCA and move it to our
main campus. Work continues on the network. Allan said they can now monitor bandwidth and
pinpoint where traffic is coming from. This will help them identify misuse and help to maintain
proper performance. They are still having problems at JCNW, and Allan said the solution would
be to provide more bandwidth. The computer specifications for new JCA have been sent to
purchasing, and AV bid specifications will follow soon.
Learning Center
Betty Linneman said she has hired several new people. Mary Buckey will now work Tuesdays
and Thursdays at JCA. Jim Anderson will be working Monday evenings, and Dan Sullivan will
be working Wednesday evenings at JCA. Karen Spencer will be replacing Harold Hagan in the
Learning Center in Hillsboro. Mr. Hagan will continue to work for the College in advising.
Stephen Abrams has been hired as a professional tutor and JCA Learning Center substitute.
Betty is still looking for someone to fill one more JCA Learning Center instructor position.
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There are 221 students currently enrolled in Learning Center courses compared to 196 last
spring. In January there were 106 ACT Center tests administered making it a record breaking
month. The College GED policy has changed to require students to pay the $20 testing fee at the
time their testing appointment is made. Judy Brake has asked that the CLEP fee policy follow
suit. This is being done to cut down on people who make appointments but then fail to pay or
show up for their appointment. Betty said she went to Jefferson City for her GED Chief
Examiner training, and Bill Poteet, the Missouri Director of GED, complimented our program.
The Professional Tutoring schedule is posted on bulletin boards throughout campus and can be
found online. Dianne Obrecht said the professional tutoring program at JCA is taking off. Linda
Bigelow said Mindy Selsor’s office is working on a combined schedule to include professional
tutoring as well as writing and math lab services.
No report.
Northwest Facility
Tommie Collins reported that the number of students attending JCNW is up almost 13% (414
students total) and enrollments are up almost 10% (690 enrollments). Tommie said they
conducted a student survey to find out what days, times, and classes students would like to see
offered at JCNW. The majority prefer evening courses; morning classes (8:00 a.m.–
12:40 p.m.) ranked second. In addition, 61% want to meet just once a week and 36% wanted to
have weekend courses. The largest number of students were majoring in business, education,
and health professions. In regard to weekend courses, Linda suggested that Tommie stay with
Saturday morning classes. She also said the growth areas for the College are in the off-campus
sites and distance learning. Schedules for intersession/summer classes look good, and Tommie
said they got all the classes they requested. There were a few conflicts with the fall schedule that
Sally and Lynn were working out. JCNW did schedule a science course, Survey of Physical
Science, with a lab. On February 12 Deb Shores will be offering a Test Taking Strategies
workshop. Tommie is working with Student Development to sponsor some kind of activity for
students at JCNW, and she is also working on arranging a financial aid workshop. Tommie had
advisor training with Kathy Johnston and will sit with Chris Lile tomorrow for more training
time. Last, Tommie reported that she joined the High Ridge Rotary and Fenton Chamber of
Kathy Henson reported that the office specialist training for JCA and JCNW has been very
helpful. In regard to the new GED payment policy announced by Betty, Kathy suggested
reminding people that they have the option of paying their fee at JCA or JCNW. Students and
staff are getting excited about the opening of the new Arnold location. Kathy said we are 2,000
hours ahead of this time last year in GED classes. In 2006 there were 8,461 dropouts reported to
the Literacy Hotline in Missouri. Of that number, 1,341 enrolled in an AEL program. The
number of reported dropouts is actually low because high schools do not report on a regular
basis. The state department has formed a committee to discuss what can be done to improve the
dropout reporting method.
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Cultural Diversity Luncheon
Linda said there will be a Cultural Diversity Luncheon on Saturday, February 24, from 11:002:00. Linda said it is open to everyone.
JCPL Library Cards
Linda will be sending a memo to JCA and JCNW faculty with information about the Educator’s
Card from the Jefferson County Public Library. The card is good for one year and is available to
all faculty teaching at JCA or JCNW. Linda has forwarded a copy of the faculty lists to the
public libraries in those districts.
Saturday Hours
All Jefferson College locations will be open on June 2 from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. and on August 18
from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Next Meeting Date
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 6, at 3:00 p.m. in Betty’s office.
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