AMERICAN HISTORY TO 1877 TERMS Pangaea Continental Drift Greater Antilles Trade winds Ciboney Arawak Caribs Mayans Incas and Cuzco Mound builders and Cahokia Caddoans Puebloans Guanahani Marco Polo Cheng Ho Vasco da Gama Azores Madeiras Cape Verdes Prince Henry the Navigator Dias, Bartolomeu Cristobal Colon Cipangu Ferdinand of Aragon Isabella of Castille Martin Alonzo Pinzon Hernán de Cortéz Pánfilo de Narváez Tenochtitlan Francisco Pizarro Smallpox Influenza Measles Treaty of Tordisillas Estremadura Herminandes Partidas Repartimiento Hacendados Moriscos and conversos Casa de Contratacíon Requerimento Reconquista Bartolomé de Las Casas Moctezuma Encomienda Repartimiento Charles I of Spain (HRE Charles V) Audiencia Visitadores Oidores Ferdinand Magellan Juan Ponce de Leon Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca Hernando de Soto Francisco Vasquez de Coronado Nahuatl Franciscans, Dominicans, Augustinians Giovanni Cabotto Giovanni da Verrazano Jacques Cartier Phillip II of Spain Martin Luther Ullrich Zwingli Joint Stock Companies Elizabeth I of England Sir Francis Drake Sir Humphrey Gilbert Sir Walter Raleigh Roanoke Island Sir Richard Hakluyt James I of England Royal Council for Virginia John Smith Powhatan Pocahontas John Rolfe House of Burgesses Mary of England William Brewster William Bradford John Robinson Mayflower Compact Squanto Plymouth Company Massachusetts Bay Company Puritan Commonwealth John Winthrop Samuel de Champlain Henry Hudson James, Duke of York Peter Stuyvesant Peter Minuit George Calvert Toleration Act of 1649 George Fox Society of Friends Concessions Agreement of 1677 Headrights Quitrent Indentured servants Royal African Company Bacon’s Rebellion Sir William Berkeley Nathaniel Bacon Fall Line James Oglethorpe Dominion of New England Edmund Andrus Silence Dogood Triangle Trade John Peter Zenger Lords of Trade Mercantilism Navigation Acts The Great Awakening George Whitefield Deism The Junto Philosophes Treaty of Utrecht French and Indian War General Edward Braddock Fort Duquesne William Pitt James Wolfe Lord Jeffrey Amherst General Louis Joseph de Montcalm Peace of Paris Proclamation of 1763 George Grenville Sugar Act Stamp Act Sons of Liberty Quartering Act Declaratory Act Townshend Tariffs Circular Letter Boston Massacre Tea Act Crisis Coercive Acts Boston Port Act Administration of Justice Act Massachusetts Government Act Quebec Act First Continental Congress General Thomas Gage Second Continental Congress Battle of Bunker Hill General William Howe Olive Branch Petition Commodore Ezek Hopkins Hessians Thomas Paine Common Sense General Richard Montgomery Fort Ticonderoga Gentleman Johnny Burgoyne Anthony St. Leger Philip Schuyler Benedict Arnold Horatio Gates Marquis de Lafayette Francis Marion Jose de Galvez Lord Cornwallis Nathaniel Greene Major Patrick Ferguson Banastre Tarleton Hannah’s Cowpens Guilford Court House Yorktown François de Grasse The Peace of Paris of 1783 Lord Rockingham John Dickinson James Madison Articles of Confederation Robert Morris Lord Dunsmore Land Ordinances of 1785 Ordinance of 1787 Governor James Bowdoin Shays’s Rebellion Annapolis Conference of 1786 Great Compromise Three Fifths Compromise Bill of Rights Federalist Papers Hamilton’s Three Reports Citizen Genet Philip Freneau John Fenno National Gazette Gazette of the United States XYZ Affair Alien and Sedition Acts Kentucky and Virginia Resolves Aaron Burr Gabriel Stephen Decatur Marbury v. Madison Martin v. Hunter’s lessee McCulloch v. Maryland Toussaint l’Ouverture William Clark Merriweather Lewis General James Wilkinson Embargo Act of 1807 John C. Calhoun Henry Clay Tecumseh Tenskatawa Tippecanoe Creek William Henry Harrison William Eustis Oliver Hazard Perry Sir George Cockburn Jean Lafitte General Sir Edward Pakenham Rush Bagot Agreement of 1817 Transcontinental Treaty of 1821 Era of Good Feelings Monroe Doctrine Daniel Webster War Hawks Thomas Hart Benton Missouri Compromise William Crawford The Corrupt Bargain National Republicans Democratic Republicans Panic of 1819 Samuel Slater John Fitch Francis Cabot Lowell Waltham System The National Road John Stevens Robert R. Livingston Robert Fulton The Clermont DeWitt Clinton Gibbons v. Ogden Kitchen Cabinet Nicholas Biddle Roger B. Taney Trail of Tears Nullification Tariff Law of 1832 Exposition and Protest of 1828 Specie Circular of 1836 Panic of 1837 Charles Grandison Finney Alexis de Toqueville William Lloyd Garrison Manifest Destiny Webster Ashburton Treaty of 1842 Fort Laramie Treaty John Sutter National Colonization Law Sam Houston John C. Fremont Treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo The Wilmot Proviso Popular Sovereignty Deseret The Compromise of 1850 Stephen A. Douglas Fugitive Slave Act Harriet Beecher Stowe Ostend Manifesto Treaty of Wanghsia Treaty of Tientsin Commodore Matthew Perry Treaty of Kanagawa of 1854 Gadsden Purchase Kansas Nebraska Act John Brown Charles Sumner Preston Brooks Dred Scott Lecompton Constitution John C. Breckinridge John Bell John J. Crittendon Crittendon Compromise Anaconda Plan First Bull Run Forts Henry and Donelson Shiloh Peninsular Campaign Antietam Emancipation Proclamation Republican war program Vicksburg Sherman’s March Freedmen’s Bureau Proclamation of Amnesty of 1863 Wade-Davis Bill John Wilkes Booth Amnesty of 1865 Black Codes Joint Committee on Reconstruction Thaddeus Stevens Civil Rights Act of 1866 14th Amendment Military Reconstruction Act Command of the Army Act Tenure of Office Act 15th Amendment Union League Scalawags Carpetbaggers Ku Klux Klan Public Credit Act Refunding Act Credit Mobilier Scandal Compromise of 1877 Jim Crow Laws