NVIDIA Foundation

NVIDIA Foundation
Grant Guidelines and Application
As part of its commitment to the community, NVIDIA provides cash grants to nonprofit organizations that
are engaged in programs making a strong impact in our local communities.
Organizations must have a current tax-deductible status from the Internal Revenue Service under Section
501(c)(3), or comparable status (for international charities only).
Areas of Focus for NVIDIA Foundation grants:
Education: Programs that promote learning and advancement in technology, science and math,
for children in grades K-12. Programs that help underprivileged or developmentally-challenged
children gain access to better education.
Community/Social Services: Programs that provide basic needs and help underserved
audiences. Program examples include: Shelter, food, clothing for children and families; Career
education for underserved persons (writing skills, resume development); Supporting children and
adults with developmental disabilities in the classroom and at home; Protection and humane
treatment of animals; other related programs that benefit our local communities.
Digital Arts: Educational programs that utilize digital arts in teaching or promote the creation of
digital art work; Art museum/galleries that tie in an element of education in digital arts; Programs
that teach children how to create digital art.
Environment: Projects targeted towards environmental education and preservation, such as:
awareness initiatives for adults and children, tree planting programs, protection of land, oceans
and animals threatened by environmental causes, and related programs.
Please note: donations must be invested in programs and projects with measurable objectives. No more
than 20% of an NVIDIA Foundation grant can be applied towards administrative costs.
NVIDIA Foundation does not provide funding for:
 Individuals
 Organizations/events with a religious affiliation
 Organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, sexual
orientation, veteran or disability statuses
 Political organizations/events
 Private foundations
 Public or private schools or programs at those schools
 Sports teams/events
 Capital campaigns
 For environmental programs: we will not provide funding to carbon offsetting or green tag
Grant application deadlines: Submit your application between August 15 and October 1. Funding
decisions will be finalized by November 15.
General Guidelines:
 You may only apply once in a 12 month period if your program is funded.
Grants range from $500 to $5,000.
Grants are for one year—no multi-year commitments.
NVIDIA Foundation
Grant Guidelines and Application
In addition to answering the questions below, please include with your email:
 A copy of your organization’s annual budget for the current year
A copy of the program budget, including how NVIDIA Foundation funds will be used
The most recent audited financial report. Include your most recently completed fiscal year’s actual
revenue and expenses (un-audited) if they are not included in the most recent audit. If your
organization does not have an audit, include your Statement of Activities (Revenue and
Expenses) and your Statement of Financial Position (Assets and Liabilities).
A copy of your organization’s non-discrimination policy.
Organization Name and Address:
Organization Website Address:
Contact Name and Title:
Contact Telephone Number:
Contact Email Address:
Year Organization Founded:
Tax ID Number:
Organization Mission Statement:
List the audience(s) served by your organization:
Please briefly answer the questions below. It is not necessary to provide lengthy answers for each
question. For this document, limit your total submission to no more than six pages, including the 2
previous pages. Incomplete submissions, specifically those that do not clearly outline program
deliverables or success metrics, will not be considered.
1. Name of program, project or event. Describe the need, problem or opportunity to be
2. Amount of funding requested.
3. Tell us about the team/person that will execute this program.
4. Number of people served by this program.
5. How will you measure the success of this program? How successful have you been in the
past with this program?
6. Were you referred by an NVIDIA Corporation employee? If so, please tell us his/her name.
7. List any NVIDIA Corporation employees who volunteer with your organization, and their
position, if an officer or board member.
8. Will you be collaborating with other organizations or agencies on this program? Who are your
collaborators, and how will this be accomplished?
9. Will you pursue additional funding for this program? If so, from which companies/agencies?
Please note that we will require a brief report on your project, approximately 2 – 6 months after the
program ends, depending upon the time frame of the program.
If you have any questions during this process, please don’t hesitate to contact
Thank you for your application.